Why do children and adults love fairy tales. Consultation for parents "Why it is necessary to read fairy tales to children

The role of fairy tales in the development of children is very great. Why? Let's think. Who among us does not like fairy tales? Of course everyone loves them. A fairy tale is something kind, cozy and interesting, something that brings us back to childhood. Every writer considers it his duty to write at least one short story where good triumphs over evil, and love triumphs over sadness and misfortune. Fairy tales will always be in fashion, they will be filmed and remade in a new way, only one thing will remain unchanged - their role in the development and formation of the child's personality.

Why is fairy tales so important for children's development?

All parents understand the role of fairy tales in a child's life, but do they read them to their children? Play these small cautionary tales both interesting and educational. For a long time, smart professors and psychologists have proven that they develop fantasy, memory, thinking and, of course, speech, moreover, correct and beautiful speech, which is why the role of fairy tales in raising children is so great. It is through fairy tales that any kid first encounters such concepts as "good" and "evil", realizing that he wins in the end.

Boring conversations and moralizing of parents are not interesting for the child, but the same thing in a "fabulous" form will allow him to look at it from the other side. But modern mothers and fathers often do not find time to read fairy tales, not realizing that this clearly will not benefit the child, will not allow him to develop and understand the world around him to the fullest. At the same time, everyone always talks about the role of fairy tales in the development of children with a smart look.

The role of fairy tales in the development of children cannot be overestimated. On their basis, the guys learn to imagine and understand the characters, worry and rejoice for them, learn new and incomprehensible words that enrich their speech, making it lively, vivid and emotional. There is no doubt that those children who began to read fairy tales early, whether they understood the meaning or not, began to speak earlier, competently shaping their speech. The foundations of behavior and communication are also laid down while reading and listening to fairy tales.

A fairy tale is very important not only for the development of speech or thinking, it helps to relieve stress or a psychological problem that even the smallest children have. They are capable of destroying the child's psyche, disrupting its formation. How do fairy tales solve such problems?

For this, whole theatrical performances and role-playing games, it's not for nothing that it is so popular among children puppet show, and in kindergartens and schools there are real drama clubs and theater studios. You need to pay attention to what characters your actor chooses, whether he is happy with the happy ending of the fairy tale, and with whom he associates himself and those around him.

Choosing the “right” fairy tale for your child

Nowadays, parents take the choice of books for their children very seriously, sometimes even too much, because many contemporary authors create such works. What questions do parents ask when choosing a fairy tale?

  1. How to choose fairy tales so that they correspond to the age and development of the child?
  2. Why do kids love animal stories more?
  3. Do fairy tales help solve any child's problems?
  4. Are all fairy tales "equally useful"?
  5. What is the role of fairy tales in the development of children?
  6. At what age can you start reading books with fairy tales with an intricate plot?

Of course, each parent may have their own questions regarding the choice of books and fairy tales for the child, because all children are individual, whatever you say. The answers to all these questions can be found by understanding how a baby develops at a certain age. The role of fairy tales in the development of the baby is great regardless of this factor.

The mother begins to talk with the child from the first days of his life. In the first year after birth, the baby perceives well lullabies, nursery rhymes, small poems, babble, in general, everything that helps him develop, move and learn everything around him. After a year, the child is able to understand and remember the simple actions of the heroes and their names (names). From a year to 3 years old, kids love fairy tales about animals, because it is still difficult for them to perceive the intricate relationships of adults and their world. The role of fairy tales in the upbringing of children at this stage is especially important.

A fairy tale never gives direct instructions, which no child likes, it only provides images that help to learn about the dangers of the world. Toddlers imitate their favorite fairy tale characters, taking their role upon themselves. By the age of 5, our little dreamers are able to come up with and compose in their minds the whole plot of a fairy tale read to him, and right now fairy tales will be of interest to any child.

It is already possible to read “serious” fairy tales or fairy tales for girls and boys, but be careful, the child should not have fears or misconceptions about the world. Modern fairy tales sin with too vivid images of various robots, transformers, non-existent objects and other “god knows what” characters.

Older kids love interesting tales that will develop intellectual ability affecting his personality. At this age, the guys already understand where is reality and where is fantasy, and they can think of something on their own. At the end of the fairy tale, it is necessary to discuss what has been read with the child, to find out if everything is clear to him, therefore, the relationship between parents and children comes to the fore here.

The role of fairy tales in the life of a child

In order for the role of a fairy tale in a child’s life to be really high, you need to buy books where there are fairy tales with an open plot, because you can come up with your own storylines, think of the ending, interesting to parents and their children. So you can adjust the development of the child, increase confidence in their abilities and their future. It is important that the fairy tale has a meaning that is understandable for the child and that it helps him find a way out of difficult situations and problems.

Reading fairy tales is important and necessary! Old people play an important role good tales in the lives of their little readers. You can not only read them, but also come up with your own stories, finding out what is interesting to the child. This is how children develop, learn the world and we, parents, are getting closer to our children!

1) Fairy tales are good helpers for adults! They can suggest how to act in a similar situation in life.
The plots of many fairy tales are saturated with optimism - we miss this so much in life!

2) A fairy tale is a wonderful simulator for fantasy, both the reader and the author.
More than once it happened that the ideas of fairy tales were subsequently embodied in life.

3) A fairy tale is an opportunity to talk with a child who lives in each of us.
This child wants to be loved. Childhood trauma comes out with tears.
Tales for adults - good way help yourself, talk to yourself, help forgive many things.

4) We know what kindness is, how to behave worthily, but in real life we forget about values, about decency - a fairy tale, as a reflection of our conscience.
A fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral norms!
Awakening the forgotten feelings and experiences of childhood, fairy tales make life brighter!

5) To understand the world of a child, you need to remember yourself as a child - a fairy tale helps.

6) In our tough time, when we are inexorably stale, a fairy tale is simply necessary. It encodes important laws of life, thanks to which it is possible to maintain spiritual health.

7) A fairy tale can give rest to the soul and heart, help to recover from the bustle of life.

8) Fairy tales help to find confirmation of their own life observations. Adults sometimes need a fairy tale even more than children.

9) Fairy tales are like a reminder to yourself about important things that you dreamed about, and then forgot. What for? To move on for your guiding star. To not give up when the going gets tough.

10)Rereading a fairy tale, you are charged with energy and you can perform new feats! And then you can certainly be where you always wanted to be!


Your "10 reasons" speak of great observation and originality of the author's mental abilities: to think, reflect and draw such deep conclusions is not given to everyone.
You have come up with an ingenious treatise-study called "What is a FAIRY TALE?"
I absolutely agree with all the conclusions you made.
Well, after the words that "a fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral norms" - I would put at least ten exclamation marks or highlight these words in capital letters. There is holy truth in these words, and it seems to me that it is with these words that you need to start the 4th paragraph of your research, and then give it that brief transcript with which you began this paragraph.
Thank you for such a necessary, pleasant and unexpected gift to readers. Probably, he will make many "adults" think.

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In addition, fairy tales wonderfully establish a bond between a child and his parents. What could be nicer and more pleasant for a child than spending an evening with a mother who reads a fairy tale to him? And if the mother will also explain the actions of the heroes, share her opinion or find out the opinion of the child, then in addition to having a good time, this will also bring great benefits.

In essence, fairy tales are simple and understandable, especially folk tales, since they have been developed for centuries, passed from mouth to mouth. At the heart of all fairy tales is the confrontation between good and evil, stupidity and intelligence, beauty and ugliness, and therefore fairy tales are an ideal example for the first steps in our lives. Fairy tales are filled with allusions and repetitions, they are mythological - this is one of the reasons why children love fairy tales. For example, the fairy tale "Kotigoroshko" is about a boy who defeated the Serpent Gorynych. But in the world literature there are many such fairy tales. Russian, Ukrainian, French - they are all based on myths that are many, many years old. In childhood, a child is drawn to something familiar and understandable - this is their way of self-preservation, because they are so vulnerable at this age.

Fairy tales are very beautiful and there is magic in them. On the one hand, they are clear and simple, and on the other hand, there is always a miracle in them. As if there is no pain and evil, and if there is, then it is weak and easy to defeat. Starting to listen to fairy tales, children open the door to magical land where magic lives and where animals can speak. It is easy to believe in this, it can be easily realized by playing, it is pleasant to live with it.

In his head, the child endows objects, toys, animals, plants with living human characters, because it is important for him that all his fears and joys be expressed and personified. Dangers and some problems in a child are usually associated with dragons or monsters, which the brave fairy-tale heroes must definitely win. Thus, a children's fairy tale, after being read by the child himself or his parents, has a beneficial psychological effect - it frees from negative emotions and various experiences.

Each reading is, in fact, a session of psychotherapeutic assistance to a child, since the “adult” world is fraught with many dangers and the child is often afraid of them. Despite the fact that parents take care of the child, the baby still faces something new and incomprehensible every day, and this does not always end with a feeling of joy and delight. Sometimes experienced fear and stress requires a way out, and a fairy tale, in this sense, plays one of the key roles. A fairy tale can teach a kid to overcome difficulties, defeat enemies, not be afraid of dangers and hope for the best.

Although the text of the tale is simple, it is always very informative, as far as images are concerned. The child can develop the ability to dream, and the imagination becomes richer. Due to the young age, the child has some limitations that may prevent him from experiencing some emotions, however, in a fairy-tale reality, everything can be easily experienced by dreaming and fantasizing. Children love fairy tales, because a fairy tale for a child is a reality in which he does not feel like a defenseless little child, there he is a person, growing and developing.

What do we read to kids? Fairy tales. What do grandmothers tell their grandchildren? Fairy tales. What performances do children like the most? Fabulous. What heroes accompany in childhood? From fairy tales!

Why are fairy tales so important and necessary? Tell the experts of the publishing house "Clever".

1. A fairy tale is the most understandable way for a child to find out what life is and how to “handle” it.

2. It is in the fairy tale that the relationship between people and life situations- love, friendship, deceit, joy, sadness ...

3. Fairy-tale images are very unambiguous - good, bad, kind, evil, greedy, generous, smart, stupid. No "halftones" incomprehensible to the baby.

4. In fairy tales, good always wins. And this is necessary for the child in order not to be afraid. When you are sure that good will win, you boldly go forward!

5. In a fairy tale, good deeds rule - diligence, intelligence, generosity. It’s easy for a child to understand how to be in order for everything to work out.

6. There are many repetitions in fairy tales. The gingerbread man equally “left” everyone in turn, the turnip was pulled, gradually increasing the “team” (a mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, etc.), animals knocked on Teremok in the same way and entered (someone in a little house lives?). Children love repetition. Firstly, repetition helps them remember the story, and secondly, children like to learn something they already know - this speaks of the stability and predictability that so calm the kids.

7. A child who believes in fairy tales believes in good things, and this helps him smile at the world and not be afraid.

8. In fairy tales - the wisdom of the ages, which is so lacking in the modern slightly "material" world.

What will the girl learn from fairy tales?

You need to be kind and hardworking, like Nastenka from Morozko. You need to be able to take care, help others, wish people happiness. Because lazy people and envious evil girls at the end of a fairy tale always get what they deserve.

You need to be grateful. Like a girl from the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", who thanked the apple tree for apples, the stove for pies. Modern children are used to getting everything at once. And in fairy tales, nothing is given just like that, and you need to be able to say “thank you”.

The groom needs to check. Will the prince be able to pass all the difficult tests for the sake of the princess? (This, of course, is not for kids, but useful wisdom will still be deposited in the head).

What will the boy learn from fairy tales?

You have to be noble. Help the weak, take care. The prince who helps the pike, gives his lunch and saves someone, in the end will definitely receive mutual help in the trials.

Do not be afraid of difficulties. In all fairy tales, men without hesitation go on trips, in search or are tested. A man is not afraid, a man is ready to overcome difficulties, take risks, even the one that first lay on the stove. It is these qualities that will help the boy feel like a man in the future.

Just as the fairy tale teaches girls to test grooms, the fairy tale teaches boys to test brides. Will he be able to bake a loaf, will he be able to tidy up the house, will he be able to sew a dress? A woman should be economic and smart. That's what the story teaches.

Some advice for parents

Read a fairy tale with your child for at least 10-15 minutes every day and not necessarily before bedtime. Let reading fairy tales become your tradition.

After reading, be sure to ask questions: what conclusions did the child make, what moment did he like, and what did not.

Try to turn the fairy tale into a game. This set will help you easily. "Theater on the table" from the publishing house "Clever" ". It's not just books, it's a whole box with which the world of fairy tales comes to life. There is a stage, and backstage, and figures of heroes, and fairy tales themselves. Read them with your child, and then arrange a real theater on the table.

Invite your child to draw their favorite characters from fairy tales as he imagines them. This exercise develops imagination, helps to learn to think outside the box and creatively.