Animal heroes in Russian folk tales. Folk tales about animals: list and names

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    1. Goal of the work

All people from the very early childhood love fairy tales. Thanks to fairy tales, we get a unique opportunity to plunge into the magical world. Getting to know magical world fairy tales, we cultivate in ourselves a love for the word and an interest in reading.

Do we believe in the reality of fairy tales? And we believe, and we do not believe, but for some reason we really want to believe in a fabulous miracle in reality, in magic in Everyday life. What is a fairy tale and when did it appear? These questions interested me, and I decided to explore fairy tales:

1. get acquainted with the history of folk tales; 2. analyze fairy tales about animals; 3. to identify the main character traits of the characters of fairy tales about animals.

1.2. Research objectives

my tasks research work are to:

1. study fairy tales about animals; 2. identify the characteristics of the character of fabulous animals; 3. compare animal character traits with human character traits; 4. reveal the influence of reading fairy tales on the formation of a child's personality5. make a presentation "The main character traits of heroes in fairy tales about animals"

object studies are folk tales about animals; subject research - distinctive features character of the characters in these stories.

    Introduction. What is a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is an entertaining story about extraordinary events. Tales were created by the people, therefore they are called - Russian folk. They arose in ancient times, when people did not yet know how to write and were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

All fairy tales are divided into: magical, domestic and fairy tales about animals. special meaning fairy tales about animals. Their heroes are animals, birds and fish, but very similar in character to people. The main task of such fairy tales is to ridicule bad character traits, negative actions and evoke compassion for the weak, offended. For fairy tales about animals, the idea is important that the revived nature is able to act independently, animals and plants have the right to their own life.

The sly Fox, the evil and stupid Wolf, the cowardly Hare, the proud Rooster, the good-natured Bear and other animals and birds act in animal tales. Tales about animals, as a rule, are moralizing and instructive. The favorite hero of such fairy tales - the cunning and deceiver (fox) - is necessarily opposed to a positive character (bear, hare).

3. The main part. The main characters of fairy tales about animals and features of their character

3.1. Main character- Fox.

The favorite hero of fairy tales about animals is the fox. She is quirky and very cunning, often ready for the most incredible fiction. The fox thinks only of its own benefit. The fox is vindictive and vindictive. She revels in revenge, feels complete superiority over the gullible and stupid wolf. How much resourcefulness and how much vindictive feeling in her! Stupidity and gullibility are as endless as cunning and calculation. The people gave her different names: Lisa Patrikeevna, Gossip Fox, Cheat. Fairy tales: "Chox-sister and wolf", "Cat, rooster, and fox", "Fox and hare", "Bear and fox", "Kolobok", "Fox and crane".

3.2. The main character is Wolf.

Another hero that the fox often encounters is the wolf. This is the exact opposite of the image of the fox. In fairy tales, the wolf is stupid, it is easy to deceive him. There seems to be no such trouble, no matter what this unlucky, eternally beaten beast got into. The image of a wolf in fairy tales is always hungry and lonely. He always finds himself in a ridiculous, ridiculous position. Fairy tales: “Old bread and salt is forgotten”, “Wolf and goat”, “Stupid wolf”, “Insatiable wolf”, “Kolobok”.

3.3. Main character - Bear

Also one of the main characters in fairy tales about animals is a bear. The bear often gets into funny situations but never attacks anyone. The image of the bear, remaining as before the main figure of the forest kingdom, appears before us as a slow, gullible loser, often stupid and clumsy, clubfoot. He constantly boasts of his exorbitant strength, although he can not always use it properly. Fairy tales: “The Man and the Bear”, “Teremok”, “Masha and the Bear”, “The Wintering of Animals”, “The Bear and the Dog”, “The Bear is a Linden Leg”.

3.4. The main character is a hare.

The hare in Russian folk tales represents a good hero. In some fairy tales, this is a victim, a weak and helpless hero who is afraid of everything. In others, he appears as a clever trickster who, despite fear, is capable of brave deeds. Fairy tales: "Zaikin's hut", "Hares and frogs".

    Questionnaire "Russian folk tales about animals in our life" among students in grades 3-5

I conducted a survey "Russian folk tales about animals in our lives":

among classmates (students of grade 3),

among 5th grade students.

25 people took part in the survey. Of these, 21 people answered that they like to read Russian folk tales about animals.

Name your favorite fairytale heroes

Which of them do you consider a positive hero?

Who is the bad guy?

What do animal stories teach?

kindness and wisdom

Honesty and justice


Friendship and loyalty

    Research results

After analyzing the questionnaire data, I concluded that almost all children know and love Russian folk tales about animals and their main characters. Children are more likely to choose positive characters that have a positive impact on the child's behavior. I also learned that reading Russian folk tales about animals has a positive effect on the formation of a child's personality.


In fairy tales about animals, the victory of positive heroes over negative ones, the victory of good over evil, is necessarily won. Each animal has its own character, its own distinctive features, but they all personify a person and the features of his warehouse.

List of used literature

1. Afanasiev A.N. "Folk Russian fairy tales", M., 2010.

2. Anikin V.P. Russian folktale. M., 1984.

3. Vedernikova N.M. Russian folktale. M., 1975.

4. Russian folk tales / processed by M. Bulatov, I. Karnaukhova - M .: 2014

The fox in Russian folk tales has become the personification of an evil mind. She is beautiful, seductive, eloquent, can easily pretend to be defenseless and weak, manipulating others for her own benefit. To achieve what she wants, the red-haired beast is ready to use all her trump cards - deceit, deceit, fraud, seduction. In fairy tales, the fox acts as a negative character who, trying to outwit the positive hero, becomes a victim himself, paying for his meanness and hypocrisy.

Fox in Russian folk tales

Why is a fox credited with a sharp mind and resourcefulness?

The cunning fox, as a character in fairy tales, appeared as a result of observations of this animal by the common people. Basically, these are the stories of hunters who personally saw the tricks of the red cheat. More than once she pretended to be dead in order to catch game. As a prisoner, she behaves similarly in order to lower the hunter's guard and escape. It can fall when a weapon is fired, as if wounded, but when it is thrown to the rest of the prey, it will slip away at any convenient moment. Even with serious injuries, the foxes managed to get out of the bag and escape back into the forest. Since she is not endowed with special powers, she has to resort to cunning in order to survive.

And they often hunt for her, either because of her beautiful fur, or because of her robbery activities. She herself is a good hunter - dexterous, cunning, silent. Its victims are hares, grasshoppers, mice, butterflies, fish, Maybug, young roe deer, as well as poultry and eggs hatched by it. Due to the fact that she often climbs chicken coops, the owners of poultry did not like her. That is why, among the people, the fox acquired the image of a clever villain-thief.

Fox nicknames in fairy tales

In fairy tales, the fox is depicted as a real beauty because of her luxurious red fur coat. And, despite the negativity of the character, they are often affectionately called “Gossip” or “Sister”. Similar family ties she has with another anti-hero of fairy tales - the wolf and other animals, whom she can fool anyway. There is another premise for this nickname - crafty female image which was met by the people. A cunning and sharp-tongued gossip or a neighbor who was in every village, able to sweeten the interlocutor and achieve her own selfish goals.

In one of the Russian fairy tales, the fox is even given a name - Patrikeevna. But it is not in honor of a woman, but in honor of the governor of Novgorod, Prince Patrikey Narimantovich. He became famous among the people as a cunning and unscrupulous ruler, manipulating people and profiting in a dishonest way.

The image of a fox from folk tales

In each of the tales, specific features of the fox are highlighted. Rarely is she the victim. Basically it is a skillful deceiver and swindler:

  • "Fox and Crane" displays duplicity - outward benevolence and hospitality, hiding indifference to other people's needs and calculation;
  • "Sister Fox and the Wolf" shows the adventurism of the villainess, her penchant for mischief and ridicule, hypocrisy even with her fellows;
  • "Fox - Confessor"- the image of the red-haired heroine personifies deceit and vindictiveness;
  • "Cockerel is a golden comb" And "Kolobok"- the heroine deceives naive good-natured characters for the sake of her own selfish goals;
  • "Fox with a rock"- reveals the image of a swindler fox, greedy and dishonorable;
  • "The Fox and the Grouse" shows the main features of the character - flattery and deceit, hypocrisy;
  • "Snow Maiden and Fox"- one of the few fairy tales where the animal character is positive. Here she shows kindness and altruism, helping Snegurushka.

The people in fairy tales showed a negative attitude not to the animal itself, but to the qualities that it symbolizes.

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Text content of presentation slides:
PRESENTATION "ANIMALS - HEROES OF FAIRY TALE" Compiled by: teacher primary school Belkina Zh.O.OGBOU "Center for Education for Children with Special Educational Needs in Smolensk" Purpose: to learn more from fairy tales about "our smaller brothers"; cultivate love and careful attitude to animals. Tasks: pick up fairy tales about animals; conduct a conversation with question-answer elements (for better assimilation of the material). Today our conversation will be about fairy tales, where only animals, animals and people will be heroes. There are folk tales that do not have an author, they were invented by people themselves and passed on from generation to generation, and fairy tales that have an author or authors. I think that many of these fairy tales are familiar to you. Not a single Russian folk tale can do without an animal character. They represent the world of people in their own way. Showing the superiority of strong heroes over weak heroes, kindness, friendship and resourcefulness. In fairy tales, where the main characters are animals, the role of a person fades into the background. And most of the time it's not there at all. Each of the animal character displays the character inherent in a certain type of person. Suppose a coward is always in the form of a hare, and a fair person is a cat. In folk tales, the first place is given to kind characters. The cat is a playful person. Acts as a robber, and sometimes a thief. At the same time, he has a cunning mind and kindness. "Puss in Boots" (Ch. Perrot). The main character of the story is a cat. The owner loved his cat, did not offend him. But the owner was very poor. Then the cat decided to help his master become rich. Wits and mind - helped the cat in his cunning business. The owner married the princess and became rich. If he treats animals well, then they are ready to repay the owner with kindness. The rooster always has two images. The first is a weak, frivolous and self-confident hero of a fairy tale. His disobedience and violation of prohibitions leads to trouble. A striking example is the fairy tale "Cockerel - a golden comb." Where the fox steals him, and his friends go to rescue him. The second image is a sage, adviser, helper to friends. He is fearless and positive hero. This can be seen in such folk tales as "The Fox and the Hare and the Rooster". In the fairy tale "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster", a story about how the fox drove the bunny out of his hut and he had to live on the street. The bear, the bull could not help the hare drive the fox out of the hut. But a rooster came to the rescue, he managed to return his home to the bunny. In this tale, we see that animals help someone who is in trouble. Hare, very weak, but at the same time a cunning animal. In his image, we see undisguised cowardice. But despite this, he always comes out of difficult situation thanks to dexterity and ingenuity. For example, the hare hero helps in saving the crow from angry dogs in "Hare - brag." The mouse is a hard worker and kindness in one image. Despite her height, she is capable of being a savior. So she helps the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip". Everyone probably knows the fairy tale "Turnip". As a big turnip grew, everyone tried to pull it out: an old man, a grandmother, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat, And then they asked for a mouse. As the fairy tale says: “a baby for a turnip, a grandmother for a baby, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a bug for a granddaughter, a cat for a bug and a mouse for a cat and a turnip.” The tale is that any business can be done if you do it all together. In addition to these animals, you can meet in fairy tales: a bear, a dog, a donkey, a horse, geese, fish, a wolf. A bear in the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" - Let's guys remember this fairy tale together. The wolf in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" Who remembers the content of this fairy tale? The fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" (authors the Brothers Grimm). What animals are the characters in this story? (Donkey, rooster, cat, dog). Probably everyone knows the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". What animals did the bun meet when it rolled along the road? (fox, bear, wolf, hare). And who ate the bun? (fox) Guess the tale: Who - who lives in the little house? Who - who lives in the low? Guess the tale: -Grandma, why do you have such big hands? Guess the tale: - What do you want, old man? Guess the tale: - Who ate from my cup? Guess the tale: Guys! Let's live in peace! Guess the tale: - Do not listen to the fox, do not look out the window, we will go even further, we will not hear your voice! Guess the tale: - And now remember, my dear, firmly remember the most important thing. You must be home at twelve o'clock sharp. At midnight, your new dress will turn into an old and poor one. Horses will become mice again... Guess the tale: You are eating a sandwich incorrectly! You hold it with the sausage to the top, but you need to put the sausage on the tongue. Then it tastes better. Guess the tale: -There are rumors that you can turn into any kind of animal, for example, a lion or an elephant. Guess the tale: - Here's what, sons, take an arrow, go out into the open field and shoot: where the arrows fall, there is your fate. Animal tales are the most ancient tales. In fairy tales, animals talk, people understand the language of animals. Animals have their own names: the cat-Kotofey Ivanovich, the fox-Lizaveta Ivanovna, the bear-Mikhailo Ivanovich. There are kind animals in fairy tales that help other animals and people in difficult times. There are evil ones who, on the contrary, offend the weak. Animals, like people, there are good ones and there are bad ones. The attitude of people towards animals in fairy tales, as well as in life, is also different. Some people treat animals well, take pity on them, take care of them, while others do not like animals, hurt animals. How do you guys feel about animals? How should we human beings treat animals? (Care, do not offend).

Attached files

Animals in fairy tales are certain human types: a cunning fox, a kind and defenseless hare, a strong but stupid bear. The relationship between these characters is human relations, a person as such in this world is “superfluous”, and people, as a rule, do not appear in such fairy tales.

On the other hand, animals that behave like humans (talk, make decisions, give advice, etc.) often appear in fairy tales about humans. They seem to become intermediaries between two fabulous "universes" - the world of animals and the world of people. Most often, either a horse or a wolf acts as such an “intermediary”. In fairy tales entirely devoted to animals, the wolf appears much more often than the horse.

It is noteworthy that the interpretation of the image of the wolf in Russian fairy tales practically does not differ from its embodiment in the folklore of other peoples, which indicates the antiquity of the plots associated with it. Therefore, speaking about the image of a wolf in Russian fairy tales, one cannot close oneself within the limits of Russian folklore proper.

The wolf as a negative character

In fairy tales about animals, the wolf most often appears as an aggressive, dangerous creature - a real robber who should be feared. One of the most famous examples of this kind is the fairy tale "Wolf and", known not only in the Russian tradition. Meeting with such a character does not bode well even for a person. It is no coincidence that in the story about Little Red Riding Hood, also taken by Charles Perrault from European folklore, it is the wolf that becomes the enemy of the main character.

If the wolf can be defeated, then this is done not by force, but by cunning. Most often this is done by the fox, to which this quality is traditionally attributed. Thus, it is argued that it is impossible to defeat force by force, aggression by aggression.

This perception of the wolf is not surprising. Fear of these animals arose long before the advent of cattle breeding, for which they became "enemies No. 1". There was nothing irrational in this guard: the wolf is a predator, quite capable of biting a person.

The fear was exacerbated by the nocturnal lifestyle of the wolves. The night has always scared people. In the dark, vision does not work well - the main human "supplier of information", a person becomes defenseless. Nocturnal animals, well oriented in an alien and dangerous environment for humans, have never inspired confidence in people. This was especially true of dangerous predators, which at night had an advantage over humans.

The demonization of the wolf was aggravated by the binary opposition "friend or foe". Before the advent of animal husbandry, any animal was, from the point of view of man, “alien”. But if the deer, for example, was to a certain extent "one's own" because it can be eaten, then the wolf was not a source of food. Ancient people did not know that they were the orderlies of the forest, and they did not immediately guess that the wolf cub can be tamed, raised and used for hunting. No practical use they did not see from the wolves, so the wolves in their eyes were absolutely alien to the human world. Alien means enemy.

But, paradoxically, the wolf does not always appear in fairy tales. negative character. And even such plots familiar from childhood as "The Wolf and the Kids" and "Little Red Riding Hood" are not as unambiguous as they might seem.

The duality of the wolf

If in fairy tales about animals the image of a wolf is more or less unambiguous - a cruel, but not endowed with intelligence robber, then in fairy tales about people, the wolf often acts as a magical helper. It is about such a fabulous wolf that A.S. Pushkin mentions in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila":

“In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,
And the brown wolf serves her faithfully.”

In the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf"It is the wolf who comes to the aid of the hero, and here he can no longer be called a negative character.

The duality of the folklore image of the wolf becomes even more obvious if we go beyond the tale itself and look at the image in a broader mythological context.

Noteworthy in this regard is the famous notebook of Novgorod Onfim, which opened the veil of secrecy over inner world child from medieval Rus'. The drawings in this notebook embody the usual boyish dreams of exploits and military glory. But one drawing is bewildering: a four-legged creature, in which a wolf is guessed, and next to it is the inscription - "I am a beast." If the boy identified himself with the werewolf, then this character was not negative in his eyes.

The Tale of Igor's Campaign mentions Vseslav, Prince of Polotsk, who "roamed like a wolf in the night." It is unlikely that this is a figurative literary expression: the chronicles mention that this prince “mother gave birth to sorcery”, and the author of the “Word ...” could well attribute werewolf to such a person.

A werewolf is a creature that belongs both to the world of people and the world of wildlife, which for ancient man identified with the other world. The wolf, as already mentioned, due to its special “alienity” to man, is the ideal expression of this world. It is his appearance that must be taken in order to become involved in the other world. Therefore, werewolf (originally a kind of magical practice) is associated with the appearance of a wolf.

So the wolf turns into an intermediary between the world of people and the other world. Such an intermediary is necessary for a person going to " other world for the rite of passage. Many fairy-tale motifs originate from this rite, including the motif of “difficult tasks”. In this light, the origin of the fabulous wolf-magic assistant becomes clear.

The story of a wolf swallowing the heroes of a fairy tale can also go back to the rite of passage. As you know, the kids swallowed by the wolf in the final safely return to their mother goat. And this is not at all a fake "happy ending" glued to a fairy tale so that children do not cry. Teenagers who went to realm of the dead” for the rite of passage, also in most cases happily returned to the village. Among many primitive peoples, ethnographers observed huts where a ritual took place, built in the form of an animal head. This animal, as it were, "swallowed" the initiates. Probably, similar customs existed among the Proto-Slavic peoples. A wolf swallowing and then releasing the heroes of a fairy tale is a distant echo of such customs.

The wolf in Russian fairy tales and in Russian folklore in general is a dual character, which cannot be unambiguously called either positive or negative. This duality is connected with the antiquity of the image, rooted in pagan times.

Quiz "Animals - heroes of fairy tales"

Fairy tale quiz for students elementary school

Serdobintseva Valentina Fedorovna, head of the library, MBOU secondary school No. 11, Novy Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Material Description: It's hard to imagine life without fairy tales. They are loved and read not only by children, but also by adults. In fairy tales, animals speak with a human voice and perform actions that are inherent in people. Everything is made fun of in fairy tales human vices and evil is always punished. I offer you a quiz for elementary school students on Russian folk tales about animals. The quiz can be used in the lessons literary reading, as well as in extracurricular activities. This material will be useful to the organizers extracurricular activities, teachers, librarians.
Target: To expand children's knowledge of fairy tales, to cultivate intolerance for the vices of people.
Tasks: To teach to understand the entertaining plots of fairy tales, to be able to draw conclusions. develop speech
and figurative thinking. Build a strong interest in reading.
Demo material:
Exhibition of books "In the land of fairy tales". Drawings of children on the theme of fairy tales. Recording of the song "Little Country": music by I. Nikolaev, lyrics by I. Reznik.
Event progress:
The song is being recorded.
Guys! Today we will talk about fairy tales. I think you all love fairy tales, you know them. See what wonderful fairy tale characters are in your drawings! How many fairy tales have you read? What do fairy tales teach? (Children's answers) That's right, fairy tales teach to be kind and fair, to hate villains, to despise cunning people. In fairy tales since ancient times there is an irreconcilable struggle between good and evil. A fairy tale is not just an invention - folk or author's. This is an entertaining story that tells about the incredible, but cautionary tale that happens to the characters.
In fairy tales about animals, animals not only speak with a human voice, but also act like people, think like people. Today we will remember fairy tales in which the heroes are animals.
The hero of fairy tales is a fox
1. What fairy tales do you know where stupidity, greed of a fox is ridiculed?
("The Fox and the Jug", "The Fox and the Crane", "The Fox and the Black Grouse")
2. In what fairy tale did the kind fox take her granddaughter home to her grandparents?
("Snow Maiden and the Fox")
3. What was the savior treated to?
(cottage cheese, milk, eggs and chicken for the road)
4. Which other animal offered Snegurushka to take her home?
(bear, wolf)
5. Who taught the wolf to catch fish with his tail in the hole?
(fox, "Fox-sister and wolf")
Fairy tale "The Fox and the Thrush"
1. Why was the thrush afraid of the fox?
(the fox threatened to eat the thrush and his babies)
2. What did the thrush feed the fox?
(pies and honey)
3. What was the man carrying on the way?
(beer in barrel)
4. How did the thrush get the fox drunk?
(the thrush annoyed the peasant, and he knocked a nail out of the barrel, and the beer poured onto the road)
5. What new desires did the fox have?
(she wanted the thrush to make her laugh and then frighten her)
6. How was the fox punished for his greed and stupidity?
(it was torn apart by dogs)
Fairy tale "The cat and the fox"
1. Why did the man take the cat to the forest?
(he was a big prankster)
2. What name did the cat introduce himself to the fox?
(Kotofey Ivanovich)
3. What did the wolf and the bear bring as a gift to Kotofey Ivanovich?
(wolf - ram, bear - bull)
4. Whom did they send on an errand to the fox and the cat?
5. Where did the wolf and the bear hide from the cat?
(the wolf is in the bushes, the bear is on the tree)
The hero of fairy tales is a bear
1. In what fairy tale did the man and the bear share the harvest?
("The Man and the Bear")
2. What did the man sow?
(turnip, rye)
3. In what fairy tale did the girl live in the bear's hut?
("Masha and the Bear")
4. Why did the ox, ram and rooster from the fairy tale "The Bear and the Rooster" run away into the forest?
(because the son asked his father to kill them)
5. Where did the bear keep honey in the fairy tale "The Bear and the Fox"?
(in the attic)
6. Who ate all the bear's honey?
Fairy tale "Bear and dog"
1. Why did the owner chase the dog away?
(he became old and stopped guarding the house)
2. Who fed the dog in the forest?
3. Who helped the dog get home?
4. How did the dog thank the bear?
(he brought him treats from the host's table)
5. Why did the bear have to run away from the guests?
(he began to sing loudly and scared everyone)
The hero of fairy tales is a hare
1. In what fairy tale did the hare save the crow?
("Hare - brag")
2. What did the hare boast about?
(with their whiskers, paws and teeth)
3. Why did the hares in the fairy tale "Hares and Frogs" decide to drown themselves in the lake?
(because they are tired of living in fear)
Fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"
1. In what fairy tale did the fox drive the hare out of his hut?
("The Fox and the Hare")
2. What kind of hut did the hare have, and which one did the fox have?
(for a hare - bast, for a fox - ice)
3. Which of the animals helped the hare drive out the fox?
(dog, bear, bull, rooster)
4. Who drove the fox out of someone else's hut?
The hero of fairy tales is a wolf
1. In what fairy tale did the wolf change his voice and swallow the goats?
("The Wolf and the Goat")
2. How did the wolf thank the crane for his salvation in the fairy tale "The Crane and the Wolf"?
(the wolf ate the crane)
3. Who did the wolf want to eat in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Sheep"?
(foal, rams, donkey)
4. In which fairy tale did the goat outwit all the wolves and run away home?
("Sly goat")
Fairy tale "Sheep, fox and wolf"
1. Why did the sheep run away from the owner?
(he accused her of all the pranks of the ram)
2. Who did the sheep meet on its way?
(fox, wolf)
3. How did the fox and the sheep get rid of the hungry wolf?
(the fox sent him into a trap)
Fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
1. What was the name of the king from the fairy tale?
2. How many sons did the king have?
(3 sons)
3. Who stole the golden apples in the king's garden?
4. What task did the king give his sons?
(find the Firebird)
5. Why did the wolf begin to serve Ivan Tsarevich?
(because he ate his horse)
6. Where did Ivan Tsarevich find the Firebird?
(in the castle of King Afron)
7. What did King Afron demand in return for the Firebird?
(bring him a golden-maned horse)
8. What service should have been rendered to King Kusman?
(to bring the daughter of the Tsar of Dalmat, Elena the Beautiful)
9. What did the Gray wolf turn into?
(golden-maned horse, Elena the Beautiful)
10. Who killed Ivan Tsarevich?
11. Who revived Ivan Tsarevich and how?
(The gray wolf sprinkled him with dead and living water)
Issues for discussion:
1. Who in fairy tales from forest dwellers:
A) the most cunning and why
(fox, deceived everyone)
B) the most evil
(wolf, ate everyone or threatened to eat)
B) the most cowardly
(hare, afraid of everyone)
D) the strongest
(bear, he is big, strong and was afraid of him)
2. Are there good wolf and fox in fairy tales, and brave hare? Give examples.
(Yes. "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", "Hare-bounce", "Snow Maiden and the Fox" and others)
3. All of you know the fairy tale "Turnip". Who helped pull out the turnip?
4. Do you think the mouse was the strongest? What is this tale about?
(The mouse is not the strongest, but if everyone gets to work together, everything will work out. And even the smallest
strength is not superfluous)
5. In fairy tales, heroes often get into trouble. Let's remember why this happens. And why
learn these stories:
A) wolf and goat
(The kids opened the doors to the wolf, and he swallowed them. You can’t open the doors of the house to strangers)
B) "The Fox and the Jug"
(The fox decided to drown the jug and drowned herself. Before doing something, you need to think carefully)
B) "Goat-dereza"
(The goat deceived the old man, offended the bunny and paid for it. You can’t deceive and offend the weak)
D) "Kolobok"
(Kolobok ran away from grandparents and the fox ate him. You can’t go far from
at home, it's dangerous)
D) "The Fox and the Crane"
(The fox regretted the treats for the crane, and he answered her the same. You can’t be greedy and do bad things)
Fairy tales teach us goodness and justice, instill a sense of optimism and joy. Read fairy tales, learn from the mistakes of others and try not to make your own. Pay attention to the exhibition of literature "In the land of fairy tales." How many interesting entertaining tales presented on it. Come to the library, we are waiting for you. Next time we'll talk about fairy tales.

List of used materials
1. Folk Russian fairy tales: From the collection of A.N. Afanasyev / Introduction. article by V. Anikin; ill. N.Kaminsky. - M.: Pravda, 1982.- 576s.: ill.
2. Russian folk tales / Comp., Enter. Art. and note. V.P. Anikina; Drawings by E. Korotkova, N. Kochergin, I. Kuznetsov, K. Kuznetsov, V. Milashevsky, B. Shakhov; Registration of B. Shkolnik.- I .: Det. lit., 1986.- 543 p.: ill.
3. My favorite songs (Electronic resource). - 2001, SIMAZ