That the positive characters are the negative characters. We draw positive and negative characters? Negative heroes of fairy tales

The topic of negative heroes has not yet been sufficiently studied, so we decided to fill this gap by studying negative characters films and books. They appear not only in fairy tales, but also in classical ones. Not a single work or film can do without negative heroes.

What should be a negative hero

Definitely describe the appearance and character traits of a negative character is quite difficult. But most often the negative hero is evil and unbalanced, and he is also often endowed with bad habits. For example, the negative character Wolf from the cartoon "Just you wait" rarely appears without a cigarette, and in action films the villains always use drugs. The appearance of the villains also leaves much to be desired, especially compared to the stately, fit goodies.

Note that sometimes in films for adults it is quite difficult to determine which of the characters is negative. At first glance, it seems that both evil and good characters behave in approximately the same way, and only additional attributes or signs help to understand who is who.

But when we talk about children's literature or cartoons, we always see a clear division, because they must not only understand where the villain is and where the good character is, but also see an example for themselves in positive heroes, and strive to become the same. That is why they are always endowed with kindness, they are obedient and study diligently.

The interaction of positive and negative characters

In most cases, there is a confrontation between the characters, which can be expressed openly or remain simply at the level of words and tension. A common motive is to create obstacles in the way of the hero to his goal, which is usually expressed in the form of saving the world or his comrade.

Also, the negative hero almost always loses in the end. There are, of course, a couple of works where the opposite is true, but they are very little known, and therefore do not deserve attention.

Negative characters in movies

Usually negative characters in films are easy to identify. Basically, they crave world domination or just want to destroy as many people as possible. Not necessarily it can be people, aliens, zombies and other mythical creatures can act as bad creatures. The good characters usually kill or arrest the bad ones, and everything ends in a happy ending.

However, everything is not always so simple, and if the content of the film is close to life, then it becomes almost impossible to clearly distinguish the boundaries, because each person carries traits both good and bad. And then it becomes clear that positive and negative characters exist only in our imagination.

Negative heroes on the example of "Undergrowth"

Each book necessarily contains the writer D.I. Fonvizina was no exception. On the example of the classics, one can well trace the actions of the characters and their characteristics.

The whole family is represented in the comedy. So, the landowner Prostakova and her brother Skotinin are the main negative characters. The undergrowth, who is also the son of Prostakova Mitrofan, completely adopted all the negative features of his mother.

If we talk about what qualities negative characters are endowed with, then we can list stupidity and unwillingness to learn, laziness, indifference to everything except money and the absence of any feelings, even relatives or sons. The only exception is Prostakova, because, although in a peculiar way, she loves her son with all her heart.

In comedy, positive and negative characters interact differently. The undergrowth Mitrofan, for example, longs to marry the virtuous Sophia. This does not bother his uncle, who himself plans to marry her and enjoy the girl's wealth. One gets the feeling that Skotinin is ready to do anything to fulfill his cherished dream- Raise pigs.

We can say that the heroes personify all the worst that is in the serfs. They are brightly opposed by positive characters who value education first of all, and not money. What is only Prostakova's indignation at the fact that Sophia can read. In the eyes of a woman, the girl is absolutely useless.

If we are talking about what the negative characters are, then the Undergrowth-Mitrofanushka in this regard is indicative.


Let's start with the fact that Mitrofanushka is far from being so small - he is already 16, and he is going to get married. The character is incredibly stupid, the teacher even compares him to a tree stump, saying that this person cannot be trained. However, he does not give up attempts, although the training is rather more for show.

Mitrofan is not at all used to doing anything, because there was always a mother or servants nearby, so he is very lazy. Moreover, he, like his mother, is ready to go to cruelty for the sake of gain.

At the end of the work, the protagonist is sent to serve in the army. One can only hope that at least there he can learn something.

Negative heroes of fairy tales

The perception of negative characters in fairy tales can be considered indicative, because children must clearly understand whether a character is good in front of us. That is why in fairy tales and fables the qualities are especially exaggerated. So, for example, Baba Yaga, the main villain of folk legends, often craves to eat the main character, the child.

If we talk about appearance, then from here you can also immediately see what kind of character we have in front of us. The negative heroes of fairy tales live in the forest, they are old and look scary, for example, Koschey or Leshy. These creatures are ready to intrigue people even for no reason, just to play a dirty trick.

The positive and negative heroes of the fables also have a bright affiliation, and it is the latter that the authors especially often ridicule. And this is not surprising, because the most common plot is when the villain tries to do dirty tricks, but he himself falls into it. it The best way Teach kids not to deliberately try to hurt someone.

The unwillingness to do anything is also shown by the Dragonfly from Krylov's fable. So, she does not even think about the future, frivolously relaxing all summer. The ant is opposed to her, he is hardworking and thrifty.

Baba Yaga

Without a doubt, Baba Yaga is the most evil and frequent character in children's fairy tales. She lives alone in the forest, but sometimes a black cat or birds live with her.

Usually the villainess tries to drag the child to her to make him work, or simply tries to eat him. However, she is not averse to tasting adults, because in fairy tales Baba Yaga often tries to eat heroes.

This negative character appears to be old, crooked, wrinkled and with a bone leg, which also reflects spiritual qualities.

However, do not forget that not in all fairy tales Baba Yaga is an absolute evil. Sometimes she acts as an assistant, giving the heroes the necessary items or advice, however, for this they must defeat Yaga.

All children love to read books and watch cartoons. Often they copy the behavior of their favorite characters: they dress up as them on holidays, memorize their signature phrases, portray them during games. It's absolutely normal childish behavior. But what if the child's favorites are not positive, but negative characters? Is there any danger in this? And should parents worry about their child's strange hobby?

Why do you like negative characters?

No matter what anyone says, in many films and cartoons, negative characters are portrayed as either incredibly charming or very smart. This is precisely the reason for the popularity of negative characters among children.

Remember, for example, the Wolf from "Well, you wait!", the cat Tom from "Tom and Jerry" or the charming chieftain from "The Bremen Town Musicians".

If everything is clear with positive characters from the very beginning of the cartoon, film or book, then the negative ones are revealed gradually as the story progresses. They change, appear before the viewer or reader from completely different angles, and in general turn out to be more multifaceted than their good opposites.

In many children's fairy tales and cartoons, the main meaning of the work is revealed precisely by observing the life of a negative hero, who eventually becomes kind, gets rid of his negative qualities, realizes his mistakes or suffers a well-deserved defeat, that is, he learns to become better, and thus thus, teaches to become better than others.

As for children, kids under three years old do not yet understand what they see on the screen, but they are happy to watch negative characters, who in most children's cartoons are drawn brighter and more expressively than others. Naturally, there is no talk of any sympathy for certain personal qualities of the characters here, the children just like how unusual they look.

Older children (5-8 years old) sympathize with negative characters and sometimes even unconsciously find in their situation something similar to their life (for example, problems in communicating with peers, envy, greed and unwillingness to give their toys to other children). At the same time, they seem to get used to the image of the hero and learn to realize their mistakes. Therefore, such a hobby can to some extent be called even a positive experience.

If your child likes negative characters more than positive ones, you should not immediately get scared and drag your child to a psychologist. For starters, it’s best to just talk frankly with him. Ask the child why he likes this or that hero, how he himself evaluates his character, actions, behavior, whether he understands that this hero is bad and behaves incorrectly. Together with the baby, analyze the situations shown in cartoons and films, and if your child understands where in the work and where is evil, sees the shortcomings of the villain, then most likely there is nothing to fear.

If you understand that the child misjudges the behavior of the hero - pities him, justifies or even believes that he is right, then point out his shortcomings yourself, analyze the negative consequences, the punishment that the negative hero received at the end. Maybe the child simply did not understand the meaning of some act of the hero or misinterpreted his words, and now, together with you, he found out what they really meant, and revised his point of view?

If the child admitted that he recognized himself in the behavior of the negative character, do not rush to scold him for wrong actions! Calmly let the child understand that the realization of one's wrong is main step to self-improvement.

Help your child, and at the same time his favorite hero, to understand yourself, your own emotions and actions, and together you will definitely find a way out of this situation.

It is worth contacting a psychologist only when the child openly sympathizes with the most bad deeds hero and admires those of his actions, which, according to generally accepted moral standards, can in no way be considered positive. Of particular danger are situations when a child, after watching adult films, begins to sympathize with murderers and other criminals. The desire to imitate such characters can lead to disastrous consequences. In this case, most likely, one cannot do without the help of a psychologist: only a specialist can figure out why the child is attracted, what psychological trauma caused this and how to deal with them.

Do not forget that parents should be careful when choosing cartoons for children. Through the plots on the screen, kids get to know the world, and it depends only on you how this world will be - good or evil.

Julia Shershakova

In 1782 he finished work on his best work - the comedy "Undergrowth" - D. I. Fonvizin.

Written in accordance with the traditions of classicism, it nevertheless became innovative for its time. This was also manifested in the problems (the author makes you think about the issues of education, government, social and family relations), and in the image of heroes. Despite the fact that in the comedy "Undergrowth" positive and negative characters are clearly distinguished, the attitude of the reader (or viewer) towards them is not always unambiguous. Let's try to figure out why?

Classical traditions in the work

Let's start with the fact that Fonvizin's comedy notes the unity of time (day) and place (Prostakov's estate), love triangle and the presence of a resonator, speaking surnames. The main characters are grouped around Starodum and Prostakova, the secondary ones are adjacent to one or the other. This is how groups are formed: a young uneducated nobleman Mitrofanushka - he is a minor - positive and negative heroes, distinguished by moral convictions, attitude towards others, speech, etc.

“I scold, then I fight ...”

The phrase uttered by Prostakova fully characterizes the characters that cause a negative assessment. The powerful (up to a certain point) owner of the estate is the main negative character.

"Undergrowth" is a parody of what happened in many noble families who were not distinguished by intelligence and literacy, but who had money and power. Mrs. Prostakova reigns supreme over the whole house - even her weak-willed husband is afraid of her. "Swindler", "dummy", "mug", "swindler" and so on. - this is her usual appeal to others. She calls only her son “darling” and makes it clear that she does everything for his happiness. Prostakova is an uneducated and vicious person who perfectly feels the situation. She knows who is not worth a damn, and who should smile, please.

As the action develops in the comedy "Undergrowth", positive and negative characters are characterized with different parties. So, we learn the life story of Prostakova from her communication with Starodum. She inherited all hers from equally ignorant parents. In turn, she instilled them in her beloved Mitrofanushka.

Not much different from Skotinin's sister. Fonvizin almost completely deprived this hero of his human appearance. And the surname sounds like not human, and the only hobby that turns into passion is pigs, and the lexicon is appropriate. And when it comes to marriage, the native nephew, who also wants to grab the rich inheritance of the bride, turns into a rival for him.

Mitrofanushka is a negative hero

Undergrowth - that was the name in Russia of a young minor nobleman who had not yet entered the service. It is at this age that Mitrofanushka is - "like a mother." He is as illiterate, rude, two-faced, cunning as Prostakova. In addition, he is lazy, contemptuous of all sciences and teachers, but at the same time fully mastered the laws of immorality, deceit, and the ability to please. He already fully felt the taste of the power that the position gave him. Even Mitrofanushka treats his father as an insignificant person, as evidenced by his "dream". However, it can be noted that the undergrowth will go further than its mother. In this regard, the behavior of the hero in the final scene becomes indicative, when he rather rudely pushes her away with the words: “Yes, get rid of it, mother, how it was imposed ...”. By the way, it was after Fonvizin's comedy that the word "undergrowth" acquired a generalizing meaning with a negative assessment.

Antipodes of the Prostakovs - positive heroes

"Undergrowth" is distinguished by a clearly marked author's assessment historical events end of the XIII century. The image of Starodum plays a significant role in this. This is a sixty-year-old husband who at one time amassed a small fortune by his own labor, working in Siberia. Then he fought, after the resignation he served at court. As a fair person and who has seen a lot, he gives a not entirely personal characterization of officials, public relations. Special attention Starodum paid attention to the need to serve the Fatherland, emphasized the role of education. It is no coincidence that many of his statements, for example, "Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man ..." - immediately became aphorisms.

There were others goodies- "Undergrowth" in this respect strictly corresponds to traditions. This is the Moscow official Pravdin (he came to expose malice), the niece and heiress of Starodum Sofya, who for a long time experienced harassment in the house of Prostakova, a young officer who dreamed of devoting his life to the Fatherland, Milon. Their statements and actions further expose the vices of people like the Prostakovs and Skotinin. They have practically no flaws, so they can be called

Thus, in the comedy "Undergrowth" are positive and play a strictly defined role. The former expose evil and cruelty, and their speeches affirm the principles of a just social order. The second embody the most common human vices: ignorance, despotism, selfishness, confidence in one's own superiority, etc.

Author's innovation

Despite all the traditions, the comedy had a number of differences from its predecessors. A commitment to realism is something new that Fonvizin introduced into the play. "Undergrowth", whose characters are shown brightly and multifaceted, is distinguished by the desire for typification. What happened in the Prostakov family is viewed through the prism of the social structure and makes us think about such issues as serfdom in the state, the importance of education. As a result we are talking already about the violation of the trinity as one of the requirements of classicism.

It also becomes unexpected that in the finale the reader sympathizes with the cruel Prostakova, who has become a victim of her own malevolence. Against this background, the words of Starodum sound even more eloquent: “Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a person at any time,” which do not lose their relevance today.

In Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" all the characters, main and secondary, can be divided into two groups: a group of positive characters and negative ones. Such a division is characteristic of all classicism.

First, it is better to consider the negative characters, since there are much more of them in the play.

Mitrofan Terentievich Prostakov - main character comedy. His name has become a household name for a stupid, arrogant sissy and ignoramuses. A poorly educated and lazy undergrowth, completely dependent on his mother. Very spoiled, gluttonous, beloved by his mother, at the age of fifteen he does not distinguish a noun from an adjective, instead of studying he wants to get married as soon as possible:

"I don't want to study, I want to get married."

Mrs. Prostakova- cruel, greedy, mercenary landowner. Her greed reaches the point that she completely robs her peasants. Prostakova's ideal is spiritual stagnation, which does not interfere with bribes to amass wealth. Its whole character is explained by patriarchal traditions and orders. The main thing, in her opinion, in life is money, she teaches this to her son:

"I found the money, don't share it with anyone. Take everything for yourself, Mitrofanushka. Don't study this stupid science."

Mr. Prostakov- Prostakova's husband, Mitrofan's father. He indulges his wife in everything, stupid and spineless deadhead, cowardly and downtrodden. He does not have his own opinion.

Taras Skotinin- Prostakova's brother, landowner, retired officer. Wants to marry Sophia because of her inheritance. He loves pigs very much. Like his sister, he did not study as a child, did not read a single book.

Vralman- a former coachman, a cunning and vile liar. He deceives the Prostakovs, posing as a teacher.

Kuteikin- illiterate teacher Mitrofanushka. Cowardly, ignorant, incapable of teaching anything.

Negative characters are characterized by a complete denial of any education, science, moral principles and honor, but, fortunately, there are positive characters in the play.

Sofia- a wise, beautiful and smart girl, an orphan. Kind and appreciates the good in others. Respects his uncle Starodum.

Starodum- an elderly retired officer. A very wise, generous man. Understands people, first of all evaluates the soul and character of a person. For him, moral principles, honor, justice and truth are important. Protects his beloved niece Sophia.

Milon- an officer, beloved in Sophia. A kind, modest, brave, courageous and enlightened person. For him, justice and honesty are also important in people.

Tsyfirkin- a bad teacher with good spiritual qualities. Hardworking and honest. He is very poor, but kind and intelligent. He once served in the army for twenty years.

Trishka- a peasant of the Prostakov family. A lively and courageous guy, he is not afraid to enter into an argument with Prostakova.

Although the play is dominated by the number of negative characters, the author shows the readers that they are getting what they deserve. Prostakova collapses, her son rudely pushes her away, Sophia with her inheritance did not go to anyone.

Positive hero

Positive hero

literary character embodying moral values the author, the one on whose side the sympathies of the author are and, according to his plan, the sympathies of the reader should be. The positive hero is the bearer of the aesthetic ideal, his behavior, views are, to one degree or another, a model for the readers of this work. The image of a positive hero has educational value. To enhance the impact on the reader, a positive hero is often set off by a negative hero - the bearer of an anti-ideal.
A clear division into positive and negative characters dominated the literature classicism. In the 19th and 20th centuries, in literature realism, this division was complicated by the fact that positive characters began to acquire negative traits, and negative characters began to acquire positive traits, thereby the authors achieved credibility in the depiction of characters. For example, in the comedy A.S. Griboyedov"Woe from Wit" Chatsky is certainly a positive character, but at the same time he is ridiculous, too critical in his assessments. Famusov, on the contrary, is a negative hero, but he has many positive traits- a caring father, a patriot, etc. An attempt to portray a positive hero, devoid of negative traits, was undertaken by F. M. Dostoevsky in The Idiot. Prince Myshkin is devoid of any greed, pride, malice, etc., but at the same time he is a person who has just recovered from a serious mental illness. Such an image of a positive hero is unique in Russian. literature. Works are possible in which there are no positive characters at all - such are the “Inspector General” and “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol. According to the author's intention, the positive hero of these works is laughter, and the characters presented on the stage or in the novel are a "combined city" or "combined country", the image of all the vices that existed in the then Russian. society.
The positive hero changes along with the change in the ideals of society. main feature The folklore-mythological positive hero was strength, valor, courage (Prometheus, Hercules, Ilya Muromets, Siegfried, etc.). In ancient literature, a positive hero was distinguished by courage in resisting fate and the ability to come to terms with his fate and fulfill his duty (for example, Antigone). In the Middle Ages, the positive hero is associated primarily with chivalrous prowess and vassal fidelity (“ Song of Roland"). In the era Renaissance the humanist hero, embodying a high idea of ​​human vocation, a kind of universal human positive hero (Don Quixote), became a positive hero. The positive hero of the Enlightenment is a rational, reasonable person (Robinson Crusoe). Literature of the 19th and 20th centuries tries to get away from evaluativeness, not singling out any of the characters as positive, but considering them as complex and unique psychological types.
In classical Russian In literature, a positive hero is, first of all, a person expressing the characteristics of a national. character (Tatyana Larina in "Eugene Onegin" and Petrusha Grinev in " Captain's daughter» A. S. Pushkin, merchant Kalashnikov in "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov ..." M. Yu. Lermontov, Taras Bulba in "Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol, peasants in the poems of N. A. Nekrasov etc.). In Soviet literature, the same principle was observed - a positive hero is necessarily popular, but, in addition, he follows the principles of the Soviet state (Pelageya in M. Gorky, young guards in the "Young Guard" A. A. Fadeeva).
A positive hero is not the only, but very effective means of affirming the ideals and views of the author: the reader sympathizes with such a hero and seeks to imitate him.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

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