The meaning of the word "tribe". Reasons for the emergence of tribes

Wed (fruit) in a broad sense: a kind of animal. All tribes of the earth. The human race, all people. | Knee, generation, genus, offspring. The Pozharsky tribe died out and died out. | offspring. | People, language, the totality of local natives. He is English, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Knee, generation, genus, breed, offspring, race. Leave to the tribe. .. Wed. people... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. tribe, generation, generation, pore ... Synonym dictionary

TRIBE, meni, pl. mena, myon, menam, cf. 1. Ethnic and social community of people connected by tribal relations, territory, culture, language and self-name. primitive tribes. Union of tribes. Nomadic tribes. 2. trans. People, nationality (in 2 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Plemyash, a, om; many nephews, her (colloquial to nephew) ... Russian word stress

tribe- tribe, genus tribe (wrong tribe); pl. tribes, tribes tribes... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

TRIBE, type of social organization. Initially, the union of 2 exogamous genera, then phratries. The tribe is characterized by a territorial, linguistic and cultural community, endogamy, at a later stage a developed political and military organization, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

Type of ethnic community and social organization of primitive society. Characteristic: consanguinity between its members, division into clans and phratries, common territory, some elements of the economy, self-consciousness and self-name, customs and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Ethnic type. community and social organization of pre-class society. Distinguish. trait P. the existence of consanguinity. connections between its members, division into genera and phratries. Other signs of P.: the presence of tribes. territory, defined economical… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

English tribe; German Stamm. The type of ethnosocial community, characterized by collective property, a common language, a specific social. organization (tribal assembly, leader, council, etc.), tribal customs, cults. Antinazi.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology

TRIBE- TRIBE, type of ethnos and social organization of pre-class society. The difference is primarily internal. structure, usually a clear division into exogamous genera and phratries, and in general endogamy. Dr. signs of P.: the presence of a tribal territory, determined. economical… … Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Tribe of Darkness, Clive Barker. 1993 edition. The safety is good. The author's collection includes novels and stories: "Hellraisers", "Tribe of Darkness", "Fear", "Scapegoats" and ...
  • Tribe, David Alexandrovich Vatiashvili. This book talks about the once warring two tribes, which eventually became a single tribe. It speaks of the betrayal of a son who wanted to borrow ...

And find ways out of the crisis.

The concept of a tribe

1.2. Tribe is - THE FIRST unit of humanity, representing a flock of terrestrial hominids who have chosen a special path of becoming a predator - not through changing the body for the sake of the appearance of predatory devices, but through the creation of hunting tools.

1.3. The fact is that we have no criterion for determining the moment when a PACK of hominids became a TRIBE of people. It was the same unit of species in which hominids evolved into humans.

1.4. The only thing that can be said is that the species of hominids from which people descended managed to achieve a large number of their flocks, while the other species of ancient monkeys that embarked on the path of steppe development apparently failed to achieve a large number of individuals living in one parking lot. After all, it was the size of the pack that turned out to be a critical condition for the emergence of a system of division of labor, the depth of which caused synergy. Synergistic effect turned out to be so high that time was freed up for the processing of consumed items and food, which were now in abundance. But, nevertheless, the number was only a condition that allowed the emergence of a high degree of division of labor, since all members of the pack were included in the redistribution chains.

1.5. Now raw materials, in order to become an object of human consumption, could and had to go through the process of processing by labor, more often by the labor of several people, so that we can rightly call this system the word tribal economy. In addition, the appearance of redistribution stages in the process of people's consumption of natural resources allows us to say that people isolated their sphere of consumption from the environment as an artificial environment, where raw materials got only through the chain of labor division.

1.6. However, the economy itself, as a system of division of labor, only made it possible to improve the quality of consumed items. But people were lucky, because by inheritance from hominids they also got, under the influence of which quality improvement has become a competition, the fruits of which we are reaping today in the form of the material wealth of the modern world.

For example:

  • connection (synergism) of two or more pieces of radioactive material, when the critical mass is exceeded in total, they give an energy release that exceeds the radiation of the energy of a simple summation of individual pieces;
  • the knowledge and efforts of several people can be organized in such a way that they are mutually reinforcing;
  • profits after the merger of two companies may exceed the sum of the profits of these companies before the merger.

1.8. Stable supply of all vital products freed up time to improve the quality and ease of use of these products, which at the same time became consumer products of varying degrees of processing. An excess of food products as a kind of stock for a long time - made it possible for the heat treatment of food on fire. The improvement of labor tools began - not just a more or less suitable item found on the road, but more convenient for a narrow scope, as they were subjected to special processing. It began to take shape not only the subject set, now from objects, simply necessary to ensure life at the level of people, not hominids, but also arose the need for knowledge. There was no point in passing on multiple items to the next generation if the knowledge of how to use them and how to reproduce them (technologies) was not passed along with them.

1.9. Actually, the hominids also transmitted part personal skills to descendants, but people were much more serious, because if you do not pass on to the next generation not just knowledge, but knowledge accumulated by all previous generations of people, then the generation will die out, because it will not even be able to provide itself with the level of consumption of hominids, which is critical for the biological human body, which maintains the needs of the hominid body.

1.10. Hominids have remained the starting point of humans, since humans, when consumed at the level of hominids, can survive for a short time.

1.4. At the same time, one must understand that the remains of some hominids found in many parts of the world only testify to several waves of expansion by hominids of our planet, but they all died or were destroyed by the real ancestors of man during the last and final expansion launched by the Cro-Magnons about 200 thousand years ago. We cannot deny that tribal form of community was inherent only to the ancestors of modern man.

1.5. Some tribe analogues we can see in the way of life of great apes. If herbivorous massive gorillas do not need to exist in numerous groups in the jungle, rich in vegetation, then our closest relatives - chimpanzees - are forced to live in numerous groups, the complex hierarchy of which allows the leader to exercise control. Most likely, it is the groups of chimpanzees, which are omnivores due to the scarcity of the resources of their habitat, that show us how the evolutionary path of human communities began. After all, groups of chimpanzees are no longer a family, but rather a genus, if not - small tribe.

The emergence of tribes

2.1. The cooling of the climate of planet Earth began 36 million years ago at the end of the Eocene, which caused the change of tropical forests in North Africa by savannahs, forest-steppes, steppes, turning into tundras in a strip at the edge of a glacier in Europe. Monkeys, which the rich resources of the jungle allowed to obtain food in sufficient quantities by the traditional method of gathering, were on the verge of extinction, since the forest-steppe, with the method of obtaining food characteristic of animals, could not provide sufficient resources. The only rich resource of the steppes were large ungulates, inaccessible to small groups of primates, which made them live in more numerous groups, which we call TRIBE, whose members were relatives from the same KIND (FAMILY), who stopped the practice of budding.

2.2. The entire top, which can be titled - tribe briefly , I see as some HYPOTHESIS #1 , which I will try to confirm with the arguments of the following text.

2.3. Samo budding of families, clans and tribes- can be easily explained by the need for daily access to the natural complex, which provides the group with resources necessary for life, and which is objectively limited - i.e. has a border to which members of the group can approach during the day and return to the camp. Exceeding a certain limit in the number of members living together could lead to starvation of the group, therefore, in order to survive, the group had to divide, so that the spun off new group could survive by developing its own natural complex.

Tribe size

3.1. The number of tribes of the order of several hundred or about a thousand members - was the result of evolution, since only those genera (families) of great apes survived, which increased their numbers, which allowed them to increase the efficiency of hunting large animals. Moreover, in ancient times, to unite primitive people into any stable group (, CLAN, TRIBE), it is difficult to imagine any other reason than kinship - kinship - due to descent from a common ancestor or resulting from the conclusion of a marriage union.

3.2. On the other hand, the average tribe size could not be much more than a thousand members, as it is limited "from above" by the empirical law of a thousand (Parkinson's empirical laws), because social groups with a larger number simply lose control, not to mention the blurring of the kinship criterion.

3.3. Limiting the number of tribes number of 1000 members and below - was due not only to the laws of management, but also the ability of the ancestors of people to make hunting tools, which were a way to use the forces of Nature, which greatly increased the strength of an armed person compared to an unarmed one. Direction to improve weapons - was a way to increase consumption, since natural complex of tribes was limited daily availability factor, that is, was comparatively equal in all tribes in the era free lands.

3.4. The improvement of weapons allowed even a few tribes to survive or after a catastrophic decline in numbers, which explains the continued existence of backward tribes in the jungles of the Amazon basin.

3.5. If the number of hominid tribes directly depended on the richness of the natural complex, then a unit of humanity had a number determined by the action of multidirectional factors: - (1) the ability to hunt (evolutionarily pushing to increase in numbers) and (2) the improvement of weapons, allowing a smaller number to kill the object of hunting. After all, theoretically, a smaller number allowed an individual member of the tribe to receive a larger amount of benefits, as their relative share of the volume of the resource, assuming equal extraction from "equal" natural complexes. We can assume that people themselves determined the time of the need for "budding", focusing on the volume of consumption, the decrease of which served as an indicator.

Definition of TRIBE

4.1. Hypothesis 2: The term tribe we can apply for new units of humanity- a social group of people in which great apes entered anthropogenesis. Consider the meaning of the concept of tribe we can only as an abstract entity - TRIBAL MODEL, which should represent a set of certain characteristic features that could be found only among the earliest tribes, but for the most part restored by the method of historical reconstruction. Actually, tribe model- this is a construction that does not correspond to any group with a backward organization of society, which orthodox anthropologists present to us as an example of a tribe.

4.1. It's obvious that tribe of people there is only a legacy from the hominids, since this group lifestyle - human ancestors received 6 million years ago from primates who decided to survive in the harsh conditions of the steppes of North Africa and the tundra along the edge of the glacier in Europe. The need to live in numerous groups arose for the sake of being able to exercise group hunting method on large ungulates. Therefore, we can say - there is no fantastic reasons for the emergence of tribes- simply, in the steppes there was a rich resource in the form of large ungulates and, to obtain this resource - evolution of hominid communities went in the direction of increasing numbers, since only a very large group could kill a large animal.

4.2. The tribe is only the development of the family, how natural forms of organization of great apes, with which they entered into anthropogenesis. Of course, an increase number in the tribe for hominids, it happened only for the sake of increasing security and hunting for large animals, but for people, an unexpected result was the appearance among the members of the tribe that launched internal factory, which made it possible to increase consumption by processing affordable and non-valuable raw materials in the process of social labor into valuable consumer products. It's just that in a small group it is impossible to organize a sufficient one, allowing the production of a large assortment of products that have become necessary for the survival of people as their bodies change.

4.3. Life in the cool steppes, the transition to upright posture and deprivation of hair were impossible without people mastering the skills of making clothes and shoes. When we talk about human evolution, people did most of it as a selection of themselves due to the emergence of people's ability to produce new artificial products - for example. clothing before she loses her hair.

4.4. Under the pressure of evolution, people have come to live together in tribes as the best form of community that ensures survival. But this is an evolutionarily chosen natural direction to increase the number of a unit of proto-humanity, which was not only among people, it was people who managed to use for their unique direction of development as economic entities. Just for the sake of their own survival, the descendants of monkeys were able to overcome the conditions of scarce resources in only one way - not by searching for finished products in nature, which are either few or not there at all, but by artificial means. (in the sense - the opposite of natural) production in , the condition for the emergence of which was multiplicity tribes.

4.4. Exactly emergence of tribes in ancient times can be considered starting point for the emergence of modern man. Engels was right when he proposed the thesis: - labor made a man out of a monkey which we must tweak in the definition of this work - not everyone, but labor in the division of labor system between many people.

4.5. Such an explanation reasons for the emergence of the division of labor system as an inseparable person, who himself cannot be imagined living alone, but only as as part of a unit of humanity- leaves no chance for Rational Choice Theory. The ancestors of people had no alternative to uniting into tribes, except for extinction, but what appeared as a result of the joint economic activity of a large group of people was just a positive consequence, which, once earned, led to the modern material wealth of mankind.

3.2. In the context of my article - tribe concept- this is a large patriarchal family, which is closer to the Wikipedia concept of ethnos, but with a limited number of members in this social group, not exceeding several thousand people:

3.3. Wikipedia: Ethnos (Greek ἔθνος - people) - a historically established set of people united by common objective or subjective characteristics, in which various areas of ethnology (ethnography) include origin, a single language, culture, economy, territory of residence, self-consciousness, appearance, mentality and more.

3.4. Actually considering tribe concept accepted in orthodox anthropology, we are dealing with paradox when historians blinded by Eurocentrism insert everywhere word tribe when describing early historical events in Europe, while not even realizing that tribal standard in anthropology was created on the basis of observations of modern patriarchal groups of Negroids in Africa and Indians in America. Criticism of orthodox tribal theory will be lower, but unlikely to apply term tribe in relation to the social groups of the Indo-Europeans, who colonized Europe several tens of thousands of years ago. The trouble of historians ideas about the tribe how about static a formation that had not changed since the time of the hominids until the beginning of the process of the emergence of states, which in Europe was massively taking place already in the new era.

ethnic type. community and social organization report. society. Distinguish. feature of this type of ethnic. The community is served by the existence of blood relations between its members, the division into genera and phratries. Other signs of P. are: the presence of a tribal territory, a certain economic. a community of fellow tribesmen, expressed, for example, in collective hunting and customs of mutual assistance, a single tribal language, tribal self-consciousness and self-name, and among the tribes of the era of a developed tribal system, there is also tribal self-government, consisting of a tribal council, military. and civil leaders. This stage is characterized by the presence of tribal cults and holidays. According to the most generally accepted point of view, P. in its infancy arises simultaneously with the genus (according to another, a little later than it), since the exogamy of the latter implies the presence of permanent ties (household, cultural, ideological, and, above all, marriage) as between at least two tribal groups. P. usually exists before the transition to the class. society. The expansion of property is preceded by the development of property. stratification, the emergence of tribal nobility, an increase in the role of the military. leaders, the emergence of alliances of tribes. In surviving forms, P. can also be preserved in the class. society, intertwined with the slave owner., feud. and capitalist. relations (tribes of nomadic Arabs, Tuareg, Kurds, Afghans, etc.). Lit .: Engels F., The origin of the family, private property and the state, K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., Vol. 21; Morgan L. G., Ancient Society, trans. from English. L., 1934; Butinov N. A., On the primitive linguistic. continuity in Australia, SE, 1951, No 2; Kosven M. O., On the historical. the ratio of clan and tribe, ibid.; Formozov A. A., On time and history. conditions for the formation of a tribal organization, "CA", 1957, No l; Pershits A. I., Tribe, nationality and nation in Saudi Arabia, "SE", 1961, No 5; Tokarev S. A., The problem of ethnic types. communities, "VF", 1964, No 11. L. A. Feinberg. Moscow.

In today's world, where everyone lives on a schedule, working around the clock and on their cell phones, there are some groups of people who are focused on nature. The way of life of these tribes is no different from that which they led several centuries ago. Climate change and the development of industry have significantly reduced their numbers, but at the moment, these 10 tribes still exist.

Cayapo Indians

The Cayapo are a Brazilian tribe that live along the Xingu River in 44 separate villages linked by barely visible paths. They call themselves mebengokre, which means "people of the big water". Unfortunately, their "big water" will change drastically as the huge Belo Monte Dam is being built on the Xingu River. The 668 square kilometer reservoir will flood 388 square kilometers of forest, partially destroying the habitat of the Kayapo tribe. The Indians fought against the penetration of modern man for many centuries, fighting everyone from hunters and animal trappers to lumberjacks and rubber miners. They even successfully prevented the construction of the largest dam in 1989. Their population was once only 1,300, but has since grown to almost 8,000. The question today is how people will survive if their culture is threatened. Members of the Kayapo tribe are famous for their body painting, agriculture, and colorful headdresses. Modern technology is already infiltrating their lives - Kayapos drive motor boats, watch TV, or even harvest wood on Facebook.


Nestled in the Pakistani mountains, on the border with the Taliban-controlled region of Afghanistan, is the most unusual tribe of white, European-looking people known as the Kalash. Many Kalash have blond hair and blue eyes, a stark contrast to their darker-skinned neighbors. Not only do the Kalash tribe differ in physical characteristics, they have a very different culture from Muslims. They are polytheistic, have a unique folklore, produce wine (which is forbidden in Muslim culture), wear brightly colored clothes, and give a lot more freedom to women. They are a decidedly happy, peaceful people who love to dance and host numerous annual festivals. No one knows for sure how this light-skinned tribe came to be in remote Pakistan, but the Kalash claim they are the long-lost descendants of Alexander the Great's army. DNA test evidence shows that they had an infusion of European blood during the time of Alexander's conquests, so there is a possibility that their stories are true. For many years, the surrounding Muslims persecuted the Kalash and forced many to convert to Islam. Today, approximately 4,000-6,000 members of the tribe remain, mainly engaged in agriculture.

Cahuilla tribe

While southern California is most often associated with Hollywood, surfers and actors, the area is home to 9 Indian reservations inhabited by the ancient Cahuilla people. They have lived in the Coachella Valley for over 3,000 years and settled there when the prehistoric Lake Cahuilla still existed. Despite problems with disease, gold rushes, and persecution, this tribe managed to survive, although it dwindled to 3,000 people. They have lost much of their heritage, and the unique Cahuilla language is on the brink of extinction. This dialect is a mixture of Ute and Aztec languages, in which only 35 elderly people can speak. At present, the elders are trying hard to pass on their language, “bird songs” and other cultural characteristics to the younger generation. Like most of the indigenous peoples of North America, they faced the problem of assimilation into the wider community in an attempt to maintain their old traditions.

Tribe Spinifex

The Spinifex tribe, or Pila Nguru, are indigenous people living in the Great Desert of Victoria. They have lived in one of the harshest climates for life for at least 15,000 years. Even after the Europeans settled in Australia, this tribe was not affected, as they occupied a too dry, inhospitable environment. Everything changed in the 1950s, when the land of Spinifex, not suitable for agriculture, was chosen for nuclear testing. In 1953, the British and Australian governments detonated nuclear bombs in the home of the Spinifex, without any consent and after a short warning. Most Aboriginal people were displaced and did not return to their homeland until the late 1980s. Upon their return, they faced heavy opposition in their attempt to legally claim the area as their own. Interestingly, their beautiful artwork helped prove the Spinifex's deep connection to this land, after which they were recognized as indigenous in 1997. Their artwork has received massive recognition and has appeared in art exhibitions around the world. It is difficult to count how many members of the tribe exist at the moment, but one of their largest communities, known as Tjuntyuntyara, has approximately 180-220 people.


The Philippine island of Palawan is home to the Batak people, the most genetically diverse tribe on the planet. They are believed to be of a Negroid-Australoid race, distantly related to the people from whom we are all descended. This means that they are the descendants of one of the first groups that left Africa about 70,000 years ago and traveled from the Asian mainland to the Philippines about 20,000 years later. Typical of Negroids, Bataks are small in stature and have strange, unusual hair. Traditionally, women wear sarongs while men only cover their bodies with a loincloth and feathers or jewels. The whole commune works together to hunt and harvest, after which they have celebrations. In general, Bataks are a shy, peaceful people who prefer to hide deep in the jungle without confrontation with outsiders. Like other local tribes, disease, land grabs, and other modern invasions have devastated the Batak population. Currently, there are approximately 300-500 people. Ironically, among the biggest dangers to the tribe has been environmental protection. The Philippine government has banned logging in certain protected areas, and the Batak traditionally practice tree cutting. Without the ability to grow food efficiently, many suffer from malnutrition.


Andamanese are also classified as Negroid, but due to their extremely short stature (adult males are below 150 centimeters) they are commonly referred to as Pygmies. They inhabit the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Like the Batak, the Andamanese are one of the first groups to migrate out of Africa, and developed in isolation until the 18th century. Up until the 19th century, they didn't even know how to make a fire. The Andamanese are divided into separate tribes, each with their own culture and language. One group disappeared when its last member died at the age of 85 in 2010. Another group, the Sentinelese, resists outside contact so fiercely that even in today's technological world, very little is known about them. Those who have not integrated into the larger Indian culture still live like their ancestors. For example, they use a single type of weapon, a bow and arrow, to hunt pig, turtle, and fish. Men and women collect roots, tubers and honey together. Obviously, their lifestyle is working for them, as doctors rate the health and nutritional status of the Andamanese as "optimal". The biggest problems they have is the impact of Indian settlers and tourists who force them to leave the land, bring diseases and treat these people like animals in a safari park. Although the exact size of the tribe is not known, as some still live in isolation, there are approximately 400-500 Andamanese in existence.

Piraha Tribe

Although there are many small primitive tribes throughout Brazil and the Amazon, the Pirahã stands out because they have their own culture and language, unlike many other people on the planet. This tribe has some bizarre features. They do not have colors, numbers, past tenses, or subordinate clauses. While some might call this language simplistic, these features are the result of Pirahã values ​​that live only in the present moment. Also, because they live fully together, they have no need to ration and share property. A lot of unnecessary words are weeded out when you don't have any history, don't have to track anything, and only trust what you see. In general, Pirahã differ from Westerners in almost every way. They sincerely rejected all kinds of missionaries, like all modern technologies. They have no leader and do not need to exchange resources with other people or tribes. Even after hundreds of years of external contact, this group of 300 has remained largely unchanged since ancient times.

People of Takuu Atoll

The people of Takuu Atoll are Polynesian in origin, but are considered one of the isolated cultures, as they live in the Melanesia region instead of the Polynesian triangle. Takuu Atoll has a particularly distinct culture that some call the most traditionally Polynesian. This is because the Takuu tribe is extremely protective of their way of life and protected from suspicious strangers. They even enforced the ban on missionaries for 40 years. They still live in traditional thatched buildings. Unlike most of us, who spend most of our time at work, the Takuu dedicate 20-30 hours a week to singing and dancing. Surprisingly, they have over 1,000 songs that they repeat from memory. 400 members of the tribe are connected in one way or another, and they are controlled by one leader. Unfortunately, climate change could destroy the Takuu's way of life as the ocean will soon swallow their island. Rising sea levels have already polluted freshwater sources and flooded crops, and although the community has created dams, they are proving to be ineffective.

Spirit Tribe

The Dukha are the last group of nomadic herders of Mongolia with a history dating back to the Tang Dynasty. There are about 300 members of the tribe left, carefully guarding their cold homeland and believing in the sacred forest, where the ghosts of their ancestors live. Resources are scarce in this cold, mountainous region, so the Spirits rely on reindeer for milk, cheese, transportation, hunting, and tourism. However, due to the small size of the tribe, the Spirit's way of life is in jeopardy as the reindeer population is rapidly declining. There are many factors contributing to this decline, but the most important are over-hunting and predation. Making matters worse, the discovery of gold in northern Mongolia has brought a mining industry that is destroying local wildlife. With so many challenges, many young people are leaving their ancient roots behind and choosing to live in the city.

El Molo

The ancient El Molo tribe in Kenya is the smallest tribe in the country and also faces many threats. Due to the near-constant harassment of other groups, they have already isolated themselves on the remote shoreline of Lake Terkana, but still can't breathe easy. The tribe depends solely on fish and aquatic animals for survival and trade. Unfortunately, their lake evaporates 30 centimeters every year. This contributes to water pollution and a decrease in fish populations. Now it takes them a week to catch the same amount of fish they previously caught in a day. El Molo has to take risks and dive into crocodile-infested waters for the sake of the catch. There is fierce competition for fish and the El Molos are under threat of being invaded by warring neighboring tribes. On top of these environmental hazards, the tribe suffers cholera outbreaks every few years that wipe out most of the people. The average life expectancy of El Molo is only 30-45 years. There are approximately 200 of them, and anthropologists estimate that only 40 of them are "pure" El Molo.

meaning, word definition

TRIBE, -meni, pl. -mena, -men, -menam, cf. 1. Ethnic and social community of people connected by tribal relations, territory, culture, language and self-name. primitive tribes. Union of tribes. Nomadic tribes. 2. trans. People, nationality (in 2 meanings) (obsolete and high). 3. units; trans. People, generation of people (high). Young p. II adj. tribal, -th, -th (to 1 value). P. union. P. tongue. Tribal relationship. P. life.


  • Noun, inanimate, neuter


... the continent. It is full of mysteries, myths and legends that appear thanks to numerous tribes. Every nation, every tribe has its own unique traditions and customs, which, at times, can…

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