! There are rules for the behavior of adults on the playground

The playground is the same world of adults in miniature. It has its own rules, following which you will make your walks pleasant and calm.

It would seem that it is difficult to imagine a place more peaceful and calm than where mothers and children walk. Meanwhile, real wars of the Scarlet and White Roses are breaking out there. And all because we forget about the rules of conduct.

it Golden Rule. If advice is not asked, do not rush to voice your thoughts. And if asked, then do it as carefully as possible. Most often, we ask for advice only in order to get confirmation of what we ourselves think about this.

Treat unfamiliar children with tasty treats

The child may have an allergy, or the parents may not give sweets before the institute. You may not know this and, out of the kindness of your soul, offer the baby candy. Do not do that. Mom will have to take away and look bad against the background of a good aunt.

Read morals to children and parents

“You can’t be so greedy”, “you should give your toy”, “don’t walk in puddles” or “you need to teach your child to share” and the masterpiece “your child wants to sleep / eat, he is tired” - these are all best avoided.

No need to interfere with children's games

Children can learn a lot on their own if they are not interfered with. And playground- this is a great place to do it. Do not try to entertain the child every minute, he himself will find what and with whom to spend time on the playground. The exception is a clear injustice that the child is not able to solve for himself. If schoolchildren take the ball away from a five-year-old, it is worth intervening.

Build relationships with adults.

Conflicts on the playground are not only between children. If you become a participant in a discussion with other parents, then do everything possible so that it does not turn into a heated argument in front of the children.

Possible and necessary


Yes, this is such a simple thing to do. If you meet other parents at the playground, then it will be more interesting for you to be there yourself. At the same time, it is not necessary to be friends right away, if you do not feel the desire, maintaining friendly relations is quite enough.

Follow other kids

As soon as a child learns to walk, he immediately begins to run. And this means that bumps, bruises and other delights are almost inevitable even for the most attentive parents. On the playground, adults are literally in the same sandbox, so keep an eye on other children with one eye: help slide down a hill, climb a swing, get up after a fall, etc.

Share toys first

Children on the playground play together, here they learn to interact with each other, learn new games and activities. If you are new to the playground or, on the contrary, you see a mother with a child who have just started going to the playground, do not forget that in the sandbox all the toys are shared until the owner goes home.

Warn adults about possible troubles on the site

This is the principle of reciprocity. If you come first and notice that, for example, the swing is out of order, let the other parents know as well.

Respect the behavior patterns of all those present

Every parent has their own parenting principles. The child is “allowed” to fall and do not rush to pick it up, waiting for him to get up? Strictly scolded for a broken toddler toy? There is no need to lament in a theatrical whisper that some parents are exactly a cross between a viper, a cuckoo and a Nile alligator.

The time has come for us to be active. Of course, I have already been to the playground with my eldest daughter, but I decided to remember what rules of conduct exist on the playground, not without the help of the Internet, of course. Let's discuss together - what we agree with, what we don't, maybe we'll add something else!

At all playgrounds, the same rules are behind the scenes, adhering to which you can always avoid disputes with the parents of other children or your unnecessary doubts.

Too much expensive toys
Small children do not know how to hide their interest in the world around them out of decency. Toddlers are also unable to draw conclusions about the value of a toy or its value to its rightful owner. Adults should be aware of this.
When you bring your toys into the yard, you should be aware that they can be broken, including by other children. From this follows the rule not to take out toys, the breakage of which is highly undesirable.
Do not bring toys to the playground that may provoke "riots" among the little ones. Usually these are the toys that most children do not have or that are usually not taken with them on the street, but they represent big interest for little ones. For example, an electric car Dollhouse Or a cage with a hamster. Everyone wants to play such toys at once, but separately, and this is fertile ground for conflicts.
As for electric cars, parents, when purchasing such a toy, should understand that if you allow your baby to cut through a regular playground on such a treasure, it will be tantamount to as if you ordered sushi assorted in the subway at rush hour and ate it in front of your eyes. hungry passengers returning home.

"General" toys
Sandbox toys, by unspoken rules, are private property only outside of it. All scoop molds in the sandbox are common, and children only benefit from this.

Carriages for dolls, musical bicycles, rolling toys - any normal child will show interest and want to touch and play with such toys, including yours. So while your child is pushing someone else's toy stroller, it's okay for another child to explore your music bike.

It is also normal that small children often try to pull tempting little things out of other people's strollers, this should be taken into account and not put on public display, for example, Yubileynoye cookies are a cruel provocation, however.

Private property or greed?
Parents of young children should never force them to share what they do not want with others. The task of the mother in such situations is to act as a diplomat and show by example how to be able to negotiate. After all, even if you are not taken away, but only asked to borrow money, this does not mean at all that you should immediately give everything you have! So here - leave the "last word" for your baby, if we are talking about his personal toy.

It is impossible to take away (specifically - to pull out of hands) toys. We must try to explain this to the child. If your baby takes away a toy, stop him. Even if the child is older than yours, and he does not want to give away his thing, you should not appeal to his human qualities and ask to be allowed to play because your child is younger. If another child calmly shares with your baby, thank him and do not make comments to your child - the possession of someone else's toy in this case is considered agreed.

If a toy is torn from your child's hands, but he does not want to share, protect his interests. Just tell the child: "Aya-yay, this is our toy, don't take it away!" and either move away or switch the attention of the kids. If necessary, make a remark to someone else's child.

Dangerous objects in the hands of a child
In the hands of children on the playground there should not be heavy stones, pistols with bullets and sticks! This must be taken seriously and silence out of decency is inappropriate here. It is these objects in the hands of children that are the most common culprits of the most dangerous injuries. A heavy stone, pistol or stick in the hands of a child is equivalent in terms of danger to a carving knife. If someone's parents don't know this, take the liberty of explaining to them elementary rules safety - do not be afraid of such a conflict, so you will protect not only your child but also everyone else. Explain that hundreds of crippled children lie in this moment in hospitals precisely because the parents did not see the danger in these items in time. Or just leave this playground for the safety of your child.

Child throws sand
If your baby throws sand at other children after making a remark, this means that it is too early for him to play in the sand. After the second "salute" the child must be taken from the sandbox. To continue the experiment "understood, did not understand that it is impossible to throw sand" is the height of indecency, because. other children suffer. Irritation of the eyes and sand in the hair - no one has to endure it. You also have every right to ask to pick up such a baby from the sandbox.

Your child offended another
A common case - one kid pushes another out of curiosity or because of some kind of resentment. If your child is still too small, it's okay - be sure to apologize to the offended person and his parents and make a remark (without fanaticism) to your baby. If your child is more three years pay special attention to this - you can’t pretend that “this is how it should be, these are children,” again, the main thing in this situation is to apologize to someone else’s child and his parents and make a remark to your own.

Your child has been hurt by another
If the parents of the offender did not give him a timely remark, you should do this, because. It is your duty to protect your baby. The seriousness of the remark should be absolutely adequate to the threat posed by the child.

Your child has been reprimanded
Comments are fair and unfair. For example, if your child hit another, and for some reason you did not have time to make a remark, do not be surprised that someone else did it for you. You should not be offended by obviously fair remarks, on the contrary, for the baby this is an excellent worldly experience. Another thing is that the remarks are not to the point and the record holders in this regard are elderly people. Hearing that your child was remarked "do not drive pigeons!" or "don't hit the ball!" act according to your personal point of view on this matter, if necessary, enter into a dialogue, explaining that your child does not do anything reprehensible playing with pigeons or hitting a ball in the playground. This "dialogue", of course, is needed not by you personally, but by the child, in order to understand, using your example, exactly how one should defend one's legal freedom in a "civilized" and reasoned manner.

It’s funny to write about this, but it also happens that mothers don’t consider an overflowing diaper a reason to change their child’s clothes or leave the playground. If you notice that it’s time to change someone else’s baby, tell his mother in a friendly way about it, suddenly she has an allergy and her nose is stuffy

Run for the bush
Hiding in the bushes on an important matter should be thorough. For example, mothers of girls may be extremely dissatisfied with the demonstration of this intimate procedure by a boy who has moved 2 meters from the sandbox to a neighboring tree. Do not make allowances for age and try not to make your child the cause of sensitive questions from others.

Always remember that by allowing your child to touch someone else's dog, you are also responsible for the consequences. Even if the owner of the dog is a famous seer and swore that the animal would never bite anyone, nevertheless, no one and nothing can guarantee you this.

Small dogs can be found on the playground quite often. If you have just one and you take it with you to the yard, consider the fact that some children, as well as their parents, are afraid of dogs simply by definition. Therefore, before you let your even five-centimeter dog walk in the yard, you need to ask permission from other parents. And, of course, do not forget about hygiene and always clean up after your dog its waste products (in a disposable bag with one hand movement and into the nearest trash can).

Smoking is not permitted in the playground, regardless of the point of view of the smoker. Otherwise, you can either make a remark with a calm soul, or accept it in your address. If necessary, move away from the site to such a distance that no child becomes a passive smoker.

These are the unspoken rules that reign in our sandboxes. The playground is a great place where friends-toddlers and mothers-friends meet. We wish you only joyful associations with the yard for kids, many good friends and positive walks!

Stop looking at the world through the sides of the stroller, it's time for the baby to go out into the world! We know how to stand on our feet, my mother bought a beautiful suit, we can grab it quickly and imperceptibly - we need to move to the playground. But! If we go out into a “decent society”, then we need to prepare well, both for the baby and for the mother. After all, you will have to communicate with other little ones, fit in with all your “treasure”: shovels, buckets, molds in one sandbox, ride from the same slide. Therefore, it is necessary to disassemble a few rules about how to behave on the playground.

All toys are shared!

The child must learn to share his toys, give others away and ask when he wants to steal “that” shiny Mashka’s spatula. This is one of the most complicated rules, it is because of him that all sorts of conflicts occur. Of course, you can and should talk and explain to the baby that if we go to play with other kids, then we must definitely share our toys and then other kids will give you their toys. But how do you explain little man that you need to give your favorite toy to another ... What if he doesn’t return it ???

Here are some tips:

  1. Try not to take "especially favorite" toys, and even more expensive ones. It's too early to brag, but if they break it, it will be a pity. It is better to take, so to speak, "public" - shovels, buckets, molds, inexpensive cars, strollers for baby dolls, all kinds of wheelchairs.
  2. Before the walk, talk with your child again about giving toys to others, then you will have many friends. And explain that in any case, his toy will be returned to him.
  3. If a child does not want to give a toy, do not demonstratively take him away with tears from the playground, saying: “No one will be friends with such a greedy person like you!” No tragedy happened: he doesn’t want to give, and he doesn’t have to. Just explain to another kid that this is his favorite toy, offer something else from your “arsenal”. Or try to help the kids change. You give him this one, and he gives you some other one.
  4. If your baby took someone else's toy and did not ask. Two possible outcomes of the event:

- doesn't cry. Many mothers think that "well, okay, the owner of the toy was not upset, so everything is fine." But, as the saying goes, “lucky this time, might not be lucky next time.” Therefore, in any case, it is worth returning with the child and someone else's toy and asking the baby: “Can I take the toy?! The answer may be different, and the answer: "no" will not suit your child. But it is necessary to do this, since it is impossible to take other people's things without asking, and your little one must understand this;

- cries. We give the toy without any persuasion. Someone else's is someone else's, if the baby is against, then against. You can tell your child that you have favorite toys that you do not want to share. It's OK. We'll buy one later if you like it so much.

  1. If your baby took someone else's toy and does not want to give it back. Of course the most effective way is to say that soon we will buy you the same toy, don't worry. But sometimes parents are not able to buy the same. Then it is worth distracting the baby from this toy. “Oh, look, the kitty ran there, let’s go see it quickly ?!”, “Oh, look, what a beautiful bike or scooter, let’s go see it ?!”, “Let’s go to the store, buy delicious cookies” and so on. Persuasion, conversations and persuasion - these are the three main whales. No need to force, everything will end in tears. We are human beings to talk, not to swear and shout.
  2. How to take your toy from someone else's baby. If you have another similar toy, such as a shovel, then you can lend it to your baby until the next day. Kindness and generosity has never harmed anyone. Just check with his mom or dad where they will be walking tomorrow to pick up their toy. Ask for help from his parents, after all, this is their child, and they should try to find a way out of this situation. In the end, politely ask: “Please give back our toy, we will definitely come here tomorrow and let you play it again.”
  3. Your child has broken a toy. Of course, it is necessary to explain to the child that it is impossible to do this, to come up to apologize to the owner of the toy. Mom should approach the mother of a child whose toy was broken and offer to buy some or the same toy in exchange for a broken one.
  4. If someone else's child broke your child's toy. You must understand that you are on the playground, and children are children for that, that so far their actions are sloppy. And you must understand that everything will break, fall and deteriorate. Therefore, I repeat, do not take expensive toys with you. If mom offers you her other toy or money, then you decide for yourself whether to take them or not. But, in my opinion, I would not take it, for all the same reasons that are indicated above. If someone else's child broke your child's toy, the conversation is different. You can say that you can’t do this and just move away from this child and continue playing with other children. Explain to your little one what it is. bad thing if you are really sure that the toy was broken for evil. Reassure the baby, and promise that as you can, buy another and better one. But in no case do not shout at someone else's child and do not make comments to his mom and dad. Let them raise their own child.
  5. If you forgot to pick up your toy last time, and this time you found your toy in someone else's hands. Come up and politely ask, explaining the whole situation to the mother of the child, to return the toy to you. There is nothing terrible and impolite in this. We advise that it is advisable to mark toys for the sandbox with nail polish, so that later there will be no showdowns with children and mothers, where is whose spatula or mold.

And my child: fights, does everything on the sly, pushes, offends younger children. All children can do this while being among other babies. And this does not mean that you bad child and doesn't know how to behave. You have an absolutely normal child, and all children push each other, take away toys from each other, just everyone does it at their own time, at their age, from someone at two years old, from someone at three. This is the first thing you should, dear parents, remember. And do not yell at him or her and swear in public. Do not injure the child's psyche. Especially, three year old, although he understands everything, he still does most of his actions without deliberation.

Take him aside, squat down so that there is direct eye contact, and explain his behavior to him. “They can do the same to you, and you will be hurt and unpleasant, for every strength there can be another strength, if you do this, then you will have few friends, and friends are needed with them more fun and easier to live” and so on. Don't scare the child! Little children understand through fear. Communicate as much as possible, explain, put everything on the shelves, and only then, the children will eventually absorb all the information and will not do this. Do not expect that after a conversation, he will immediately stop pushing, shoving and offending other kids. This takes time. But every time, in a similar situation, explain to the child that he has now acted badly.

conflict between children. You shouldn't interfere. Children need to learn how to deal with conflict situations on their own. But! Sometimes it pays to intervene. When one child, for example, starts to fight hard. Be sure to protect your child. Feeling of security for little man very important. But you should not swear at someone else's child in the presence of his own mother. You can express your dissatisfaction only in a respectful and calm way to his mother. And yet, do not forget to control your child in order to prevent conflict.

Conflict between parents. May occur. We are all different, we are all different characters and with different life principles. But there is always a way out - leave, move away, do not get in. You will be right and you can use all protective measures if your child is threatened and this can harm his health. Then, as they say, all methods of protection will be used. In other cases, if you encounter an inappropriate reaction from someone's mom or dad, then it's best not to interfere, argue or react. The playground is not a place for showdowns and swearing. People will still understand who is right and who is wrong.

Some other rules worth mentioning.

Do not take your dog to the playground. Even if she is the most harmless and affectionate and loves children. Children can behave differently, and even hit the animal, and she can simply bite out of inertia.

If your baby falls asleep, do not take him to the playground and ask everyone around to be quieter. This is completely unacceptable. The playground is a place for fun, expanse and active games.

Do not treat other people's children with any, even the most benign food without the knowledge of their parents! You cannot know all the features and contraindications of the nutrition of other children.

Don't throw trash anywhere. This is a bad example for children who see and notice everything.

No alcohol or smoking in the playground. If you have made a decision to harm your health, this does not mean that you have to harm everyone around you, especially children!!!

No swearing or swearing.

Take your little ones to "sand parties" more often. Let the baby explore the world together with his girlfriends and friends. After all, it will be more fun and interesting for him to grow. And to you, dear parents, we can say that the playground is, of course, not a rest room for you, but nevertheless, carried away by riding a hill and making Easter cakes, your kids will give you a little rest and chat with other mothers. Good luck!

Know and follow the rules of conduct in the yard:

do not go anywhere without the permission of adults;

play only on the playground;

do not run outside the playground, look under your feet;

do not climb on roofs, trees, garages;

do not approach the open hatch of the well or stand on the hatch cover;

do not play on construction sites and landfills;

do not swing high on a swing;

be careful and do not go anywhere with strangers;

do not take any items and treats from strangers.

You should know that each animal has its own character, so even playing with animals can lead to injuries, scratches, bites. Most often, animals bite when they are frightened, angry or disturbed at the wrong time.

Therefore, you cannot:

approach an animal (even a well-known one) from behind and touch it if it does not see the child;

approach animals when they have babies;

tease animals, even if they are kind;

touch, stroke, pick up and play with unfamiliar animals (homeless).

If any animal has bitten, this must be reported to an adult.

Know who to contact for help if you get lost on the street.

To know that when walking in a park, square, on a playground, you can walk and run only along paths specially covered with fine sand and pebbles.

Know that you can throw garbage in a specially designated place (urn, container), and not nearby, not on the lawn; if the bin was not nearby, take the garbage with you, putting it in your pocket, backpack, bag.

Know that you can not take in your mouth and chew the first blade of grass that comes across.

Be aware of the dangers of visiting water bodies in different period years: you can not approach the water without adults; you can only swim with adults, for example with mom, dad or older brother or sister. You can not swim in unknown places. The bottom of a river or lake can be fraught with many dangers: a submerged snag that you can accidentally catch on, glass fragments, sharp tins that can cut mogi, cold springs and deep holes. In winter, rivers and lakes are covered with honey. It is dangerous to go out without an adult.

Know that "strangers" are those people whom the child does not know, does not recognize, even if they address him by name; the pleasant appearance of a stranger can be deceiving.

Have an idea of ​​how to behave if a "stranger" comes into the house, and the child is at home alone:

never open the door for anyone;

if they call for a long time, then go to the door, look through the peephole, ask: “Who is there?”; if a person turns out to be a stranger, then, without opening the door, find out what he needs and ask him to come in 15-20 minutes, say, for example, that dad is in the bathroom;

if the stranger does not leave, threatens - call 01, if there is no phone - shout, call for help.

Know how to answer phone calls when adults are not at home:

ask "Who's calling?";

say that the parents are busy (for example, mom is sleeping or in the bathroom);

ask to call back later.

Understand the dangerous situations of contact with strangers on the street and know the “law of four NOTs”:

never talk to strangers;

DO NOT get in a car with a stranger;

DO NOT accept treats and toys from strangers;

DO NOT walk outside alone when it is dark.

To know that in a situation of violent behavior on the part of a stranger (grabs the hand, picks up, drags into the car) it is necessary to: scream, run, tell adults about what happened.

Stop looking at the world through the sides of the stroller, it's time for the baby to go out into the world! We know how to stand on our feet, my mother bought a beautiful suit, we can grab it quickly and imperceptibly - we need to move to the playground. But! If we go out into a “decent society”, then we need to prepare well, both for the baby and for the mother. After all, you will have to communicate with other little ones, fit in with all your “treasure”: shovels, buckets, molds in one sandbox, ride from the same slide. Therefore, it is necessary to disassemble a few rules about how to behave on the playground.

All toys are shared!

The child must learn to share his toys, give others away and ask when he wants to steal “that” shiny Mashka’s spatula. This is one of the most difficult rules, it is because of it that all kinds of conflicts occur. Of course, you can and should talk and explain to the baby that if we go to play with other kids, then we must definitely share our toys and then other kids will give you their toys. But how do you explain to a little man that you need to give your favorite toy to another ...... What if he doesn’t return it ???

Here are some tips:

  1. Try not to take "especially favorite" toys, and even more expensive ones. It's too early to brag, but if they break it, it will be a pity. It is better to take, so to speak, "public" - shovels, buckets, molds, inexpensive cars, strollers for baby dolls, all kinds of wheelchairs.
  2. Before the walk, talk with your child again about giving toys to others, then you will have many friends. And explain that in any case, his toy will be returned to him.
  3. If a child does not want to give a toy, do not demonstratively take him away with tears from the playground, saying: “No one will be friends with such a greedy person like you!” No tragedy happened: he doesn’t want to give, and he doesn’t have to. Just explain to another kid that this is his favorite toy, offer something else from your “arsenal”. Or try to help the kids change. You give him this one, and he gives you some other one.
  4. If your baby took someone else's toy and did not ask. Two possible outcomes of the event:

- doesn't cry. Many mothers think that "well, okay, the owner of the toy was not upset, so everything is fine." But, as the saying goes, “lucky this time, might not be lucky next time.” Therefore, in any case, it is worth returning with the child and someone else's toy and asking the baby: “Can I take the toy?! The answer may be different, and the answer: "no" will not suit your child. But it is necessary to do this, since it is impossible to take other people's things without asking, and your little one must understand this;

- cries. We give the toy without any persuasion. Someone else's is someone else's, if the baby is against, then against. You can tell your child that you have favorite toys that you do not want to share. It's OK. We'll buy one later if you like it so much.

  1. If your baby took someone else's toy and does not want to give it back. Of course, the most effective way is to say that soon we will buy you the same toy, don't worry. But sometimes parents are not able to buy the same. Then it is worth distracting the baby from this toy. “Oh, look, the kitty ran there, let’s go see it quickly ?!”, “Oh, look, what a beautiful bike or scooter, let’s go see it ?!”, “Let’s go to the store, buy delicious cookies” and so on. Persuasion, conversations and persuasion - these are the three main whales. No need to force, everything will end in tears. We are human beings to talk, not to swear and shout.
  2. How to take your toy from someone else's baby. If you have another similar toy, such as a shovel, then you can lend it to your baby until the next day. Kindness and generosity has never harmed anyone. Just check with his mom or dad where they will be walking tomorrow to pick up their toy. Ask for help from his parents, after all, this is their child, and they should try to find a way out of this situation. In the end, politely ask: “Please give back our toy, we will definitely come here tomorrow and let you play it again.”
  3. Your child has broken a toy. Of course, it is necessary to explain to the child that it is impossible to do this, to come up to apologize to the owner of the toy. Mom should approach the mother of a child whose toy was broken and offer to buy some or the same toy in exchange for a broken one.
  4. If someone else's child broke your child's toy. You must understand that you are on the playground, and children are children for that, that so far their actions are sloppy. And you must understand that everything will break, fall and deteriorate. Therefore, I repeat, do not take expensive toys with you. If mom offers you her other toy or money, then you decide for yourself whether to take them or not. But, in my opinion, I would not take it, for all the same reasons that are indicated above. If someone else's child broke your child's toy, the conversation is different. You can say that you can’t do this and just move away from this child and continue playing with other children. Explain to your baby that this is a bad deed, if you are really sure that the toy was broken for evil. Reassure the baby, and promise that as you can, buy another and better one. But in no case do not shout at someone else's child and do not make comments to his mom and dad. Let them raise their own child.
  5. If you forgot to pick up your toy last time, and this time you found your toy in someone else's hands. Come up and politely ask, explaining the whole situation to the mother of the child, to return the toy to you. There is nothing terrible and impolite in this. We advise that it is advisable to mark toys for the sandbox with nail polish, so that later there will be no showdowns with children and mothers, where is whose spatula or mold.

And my child: fights, does everything on the sly, pushes, offends younger children. All children can do this while being among other babies. And this does not mean that you have a bad child and do not know how to behave. You have an absolutely normal child, and all children push each other, take away toys from each other, just everyone does it at their own time, at their age, from someone at two years old, from someone at three. This is the first thing you should, dear parents, remember. And do not yell at him or her and swear in public. Do not injure the child's psyche. Moreover, a three-year-old child, although he understands everything, still does most of his actions not deliberately.

Take him aside, squat down so that there is direct eye contact, and explain his behavior to him. “They can do the same to you, and you will be hurt and unpleasant, for every strength there can be another strength, if you do this, then you will have few friends, and friends are needed with them more fun and easier to live” and so on. Don't scare the child! Little children understand through fear. Communicate as much as possible, explain, put everything on the shelves, and only then, the children will eventually absorb all the information and will not do this. Do not expect that after a conversation, he will immediately stop pushing, shoving and offending other kids. This takes time. But every time, in a similar situation, explain to the child that he has now acted badly.

conflict between children. You shouldn't interfere. Children need to learn how to deal with conflict situations on their own. But! Sometimes it pays to intervene. When one child, for example, starts to fight hard. Be sure to protect your child. The feeling of security for a small person is very important. But you should not swear at someone else's child in the presence of his own mother. You can express your dissatisfaction only in a respectful and calm way to his mother. And yet, do not forget to control your child in order to prevent conflict.

Conflict between parents. May occur. We are all different, we are all with different characters and with different life principles. But there is always a way out - leave, move away, do not get in. You will be right and you can use all protective measures if your child is threatened and this can harm his health. Then, as they say, all methods of protection will be used. In other cases, if you encounter an inappropriate reaction from someone's mom or dad, then it's best not to interfere, argue or react. The playground is not a place for showdowns and swearing. People will still understand who is right and who is wrong.

Some other rules worth mentioning.

Do not take your dog to the playground. Even if she is the most harmless and affectionate and loves children. Children can behave differently, and even hit the animal, and she can simply bite out of inertia.

If your baby falls asleep, do not take him to the playground and ask everyone around to be quieter. This is completely unacceptable. The playground is a place for fun, expanse and active games.

Do not treat other people's children with any, even the most benign food without the knowledge of their parents! You cannot know all the features and contraindications of the nutrition of other children.

Don't throw trash anywhere. This is a bad example for children who see and notice everything.

No alcohol or smoking in the playground. If you have made a decision to harm your health, this does not mean that you have to harm everyone around you, especially children!!!

No swearing or swearing.

Take your little ones to "sand parties" more often. Let the baby explore the world together with his girlfriends and friends. After all, it will be more fun and interesting for him to grow. And to you, dear parents, we can say that the playground is, of course, not a rest room for you, but nevertheless, carried away by riding a hill and making Easter cakes, your kids will give you a little rest and chat with other mothers. Good luck!