Zhilin and Kostylin are two different fates.  Zhilin and Kostylin different characters different fates

Competitive lesson in literature

(5 cells)

on this topic

“Zhilin and Kostylin are two different characters,

two different fates

Lesson Objectives:

Tutorials: comprehension of the content of the story by L.N. Tolstoy " Prisoner of the Caucasus»; the ability to highlight the main problems raised by the author in the work; systematization of knowledge according to the story, according to the system of images of the story;

Developing: to involve children in independent research and creative activity; develop the skill of analysis artwork, logical thinking, monologue speech of students and their vocabulary;

Educators: to educate a spiritual and moral person who knows how to sympathize;

Communicative: teaching the culture of speech communication and etiquette.

Epigraph of the lesson:

Die yourself, but save a comrade.

A. Suvorov

Lesson equipment: small information complex (computer, multimedia projector, interactive board), presentation “The system of images in the story of L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, video, “Song of a friend” by V. Vysotsky, exposition of illustrations of students, printed tests.

Lesson forms: Work creative groups, work in pairs, collective.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

- Hello guys. Let's smile at each other and let's get started!

2. Teacher's word: statement of the problem, message of the topic and form of the lesson.

(The lesson is accompanied by a slide show on the computer)

(1-2) Caucasus. His theme, his image, his landscape has an exceptional place in Russian cultural tradition. In Russian poetry - in the first place. Wider - in the Russian poetic consciousness: still! Sacred names for everyone - Pushkin, Lermontov, Leo Tolstoy ... Their life and work are inextricably linked with the Caucasus.

Like the sweet song of my homeland,

I love the Caucasus

young lieutenant M. Yu. Lermontov confessed.

Remembering the Caucasus, Tolstoy said: ... (3-7)

3. Conversation on the text. (8-9)

Suggested to answer next questions:

Who are these prisoners?

How did Zhilin get captured?

Who is to blame for his capture?

What was each of the heroes thinking about in captivity?

Why does Zhilin write a letter home, so that it does not reach?

4. Verification homework: letters from Zhilin and Kostylin home.

1) Analysis of letters.

2) Selection best writing, which most accurately characterizes one or the hero.

What meaning does the writer put in their names?

(Answer - 10- th slide):

Zhilin: he is wiry, managed to survive, take root, get used to someone else's and

a life alien to him. Kostylin: as if on crutches, props.

Why did the first escape fail? Who is to blame?

(listening to Vysotsky's song "Song of a Friend") (10)

V. Vysotsky. Song about a friend.

If a friend turned up suddenly,

Not a friend, not an enemy, but...

If you don't understand right away,

Is he good or bad,

Pull the guy into the mountains, take a chance,

Don't leave him alone.

Let him be in touch with you in one -

There you will understand who it is.

If a guy is in the mountains - not ah,

If you immediately become limp - and down,

Step stepped on the glacier - and wilted,

Stumbled - and in a cry,

So, next to you is a stranger,

You do not scold him - drive:

They don’t take them up here either,

They don't sing about them.

5. Work on illustrations.

Choose quotes that match one or another illustration

(work on slides). (11)

We did not accidentally remember these episodes

Let's arrange them in the right order and write them down in the form of a story plan. (12)

6. Testing by images.

Let's check the knowledge of the text:

Work in pairs. Tasks have a test form (mutual verification).


1. What made Zhilin leave the Caucasus?

A) letter from mother

B) brother's telegram;

C) summoning superiors.

2. The horse near Zhilin was ...

A) bay;

B) thoroughbred;

B) hunting.

3. Zhilin ...

A) small in stature, but daring;

B) tall, brave, lanky;

C) a cowardly, miserable man.

4. Zhilin had weapons ...

A) a gun

B) checker;

B) a pistol.

5. When Zhilin was captured, he was placed ...

A) in the barn

B) in a hole

B) to jail.

6. What did Zhilin want most in the barn?

Is there;

B) drink

C) free your hands.

7. How much did Zhilin ask for a ransom from the Tatars?

A) 500 rubles;

B) 1000 rubles;

C) 3000 rubles.

8. What did he do in captivity?

A) tried to find contact with the Tatars;

B) did needlework and tried to find an escape route;

C) sewed clothes.

9. What did Zhilin do and put on the roof?

A) a whistle

B) a jug;

B) a doll.

10. What was the fame about Zhilin among the Tatars?

A) that he is a master;

b) that he is a sorcerer

C) that he is a Muslim.

11. What did Zhilin do at night in the barn?

A) slept

B) did needlework;

C) digging a tunnel.

12. How did Zhilin find out the way to the Russians?

A) asked Dina;

B) climbed the mountain and looked;

C) calculated on the map.


1. Kostylin ...

A) thin, tall man;

B) overweight, fat, all red;

C) medium height, medium build.

2. Kostylin had ...

A) a gun

B) a pistol

B) automatic.

3. What did Kostylin do when he saw the Tatars?

a) started shooting

B) was waiting for Zhilin;

C) rode to the fortress.

4. How much did Kostylin ask for a ransom for himself in a letter home?

A) 1000 coins;

B) 3000 coins;

C) 5000 coins.

5. What did Kostylin do in the shed of the Tatars?

A) counted the days when the letter would arrive, and slept;

B) made an escape plan;

C) dug a tunnel under the barn.

6. Who during the escape Kostylin was afraid in the forest?

A) deer

B) a bear

B) a boar.

7. Why did Kostylin fall behind Zhilin during the escape?

A) was too lazy to go;

B) suffocated from fast walking;

B) rubbed his feet.

8. Why did the Tatar who drove the cows find out about the fugitives?

A) Kostylin whistled;

B) Kostylin screamed;

C) Kostylin fired.

9. What happened to the Kostylin pit?

a) he got sick

B) he got brave;

C) slept for days.

10. What did Kostylin do when Zhilin offered to run for the second time?

A) refused

B) agreed

C) issued a plan to the Tatars.

11. How long after Zhilin's escape was Kostylin brought?

A) in a week

B) in a month;

B) six months later.

12. How did Kostylin free himself from the Tatars?

A) he was liberated by the Cossacks;

B) fled

B) made a ransom.

7. Comparative characteristics heroes. Work in creative groups.

Now that we have comprehended the content of the story, identified the main problems, it's time to sum up the first results.

What kind of heroes appeared before us?

Working with a table of synonyms: make a description of phrases (in writing).


kind (thinks of mother, pities her); hopes for himself, contemplates an escape; active person;

managed to take root in the village (he is Zhilin!); hardworking, cannot sit idle, master;

helps everyone, even his enemies - the Tatars; he is interested in other people, he loves children;

magnanimous (forgave Kostylin for abandoning him in battle).


a weak person, does not rely on himself, waits for help from his mother; very lazy;

capable of betrayal (left Zhilin); limp, discouraged;

does not understand other people, thinks only of himself.

8. Work on illustrations of students. Self-esteem.

Whose portrait conveys the real image of the heroes of L.N. Tolstoy?

9. A short break in the lesson for a warm-up.


Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

They clapped their hands.

Twisted, turned

And everyone sat down at the desks.

We close our eyes tightly

We count to five together.

We open, we blink

And we start working.

10. Drawing up a conclusion on the lesson.

It's time to draw conclusions:

1) The following questions are asked:

Why was Zhilin's second escape from captivity successful? (13)

Zhilin became his own, enjoyed some freedom, was able to scout the way home, liked Dina, who helped him.

2) Dictionary work according to the articles of the etymological dictionary. (13) What, in your opinion, is the meaning of the word "one's own" to determine the position of Zhilin?

How was the fate of Kostylin?

Who is the Caucasian prisoner?

Video clip: the opinion of two high school students about the Caucasian captive.

One believes that the prisoner is Zhilin, the other Kostylin. Which of them is right? (14)

11. Final word teachers.

L.N. Tolstoy shows that people may not understand and even hate each other, but they have the opportunity to understand each other, although this requires some effort.

Kostylin is not only in Tatar captivity, but also in captivity of his weakness, his egoism, and he does not get out of this captivity. Zhilin managed to survive, take root in a hostile environment, as he managed to win over even his enemies; he solved his problems himself, without shifting them onto the shoulders of others; how strong he was, "wiry" was not. Zhilin managed to escape from captivity, and Kostylin remained not only and not so much in Tatar captivity, but in captivity of his weakness, his selfishness.

L.N. Tolstoy shows how helpless, how physically weak Kostylin turns out to be, how he only hopes for a ransom that his mother will send. Kostylin is in double captivity, as we said above. Writer drawing this image, as if saying that, without getting out of the internal captivity, it is impossible to get out of the external captivity.

Zhilin, on the contrary, does not count on his mother, does not want to shift his difficulties onto her shoulders. He is included in the life of the Tatars, the aul, he is constantly doing something, he knows how to win over even his enemies - he is strong in spirit. It is this idea, first of all, that the author wants to convey to us.

12. Homework:

(15) write an essay "Who would I go on reconnaissance with?".

13. The final moment of the lesson. Reflection.

Thanks for the lesson guys. Lesson over, goodbye. And finally, I want to invite you to evaluate the lesson. What feelings did he evoke in you? Choose one of the sheets of the seven-color flower and, leaving the class, please attach it to the board.

I.Articulation warm-up

II. Zhilin and Kostylin - two different characters, two different fates
Let's start the work with clarifying the impressions of the story.
- Did you enjoy reading the story? What episodes caused sadness, sympathy, joy? What episodes would you like to re-read?
- Which of the characters aroused respect, which - hostility?
- Why is the story called "Prisoner of the Caucasus", and not "Prisoners of the Caucasus", because there were two prisoners?
The story is called "Prisoner of the Caucasus", and not "Prisoners of the Caucasus", because the writer pays the main attention to the story about Zhilin. Zhilin and Kostylin are the heroes of the story, but only Zhilin can be called a true hero.

Drafting comparison table
Talking about Zhilin and Kostylin, we begin teaching children comparative analysis. The formation of the ability to conduct a comparative description of the characters in the future will depend on the quality of work in this lesson, so we will devote Special attention compiling a comparative table. First, let's discuss the meaning of the names of the characters.
Progress: Students take turns reading the story. Finding definitions or facts that characterize the characters from one side or the other, the students, at the suggestion of the teacher, stop reading and write out a quote, character trait or act of the hero in the table. The spreadsheet will be completed at home.

Table option

Quality Zhilin Kostylin
The meaning of the surname Veins - blood vessels, tendons. wiry - lean, muscular, with protruding veins Crutch - a stick with a cross-beam placed under the arm, which serves as a support when walking for lame people or those who have sore legs
Appearance “But Zhilin, at least not great in stature, but he was daring” “And Kostylin is a heavy, fat man, all red, and the sweat is pouring from him”
forethought “- We must go to the mountain to look, otherwise, perhaps, they will jump out from behind the mountain and you won’t see it.” “Zhilin fed her in advance” (dog)
Attitude towards the horse “The horse near Zhilin was a hunting horse (he paid a hundred rubles for it in the herd as a foal and rode it himself) ...” “... Mother, take it out, don’t catch it with your foot ...” “The whip fries the horse from that side, then from the other”
Courage - cowardice “- ... I won’t give myself up alive ...” “- ... It’s worse to be shy with them” “And Kostylin, instead of waiting, only saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress.” "But Kostylin became timid." “Kostylin fell down with fear”
behavior in captivity “Zhilin wrote a letter, but he wrote it wrong on the letter, so that it didn’t come through. He himself thinks: “I will leave.” “And he himself is looking out for everything, trying to find out how he can escape. He walks around the aul, whistles, otherwise he sits, doing some needlework - either he sculpts dolls from clay, or weaves wickerwork from twigs. And Zhilin was a master of all needlework. “Kostylin wrote home again, kept waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. For whole days he sits in the barn and counts the days when the letter will arrive; or sleeping"
The opinion of the Tatars about the prisoners "Dzhigit" "Smirny"
observation, curiosity “Zhilin began to understand a little in their language.” “Zhilin got up, dug out a bigger crack, began to look”
Endurance, courage "Jumping from pebble to pebble and looking at the stars" "Kostylin keeps lagging behind and groans"
Loyalty, devotion “... it’s not good to leave a comrade” Kostylin left Zhilin in trouble and rode away on a horse

Finish compiling the table.
Prepare an oral essay on the topic "Zhilin and Kostylin".

Zhilin and Tatars. Zhilin and Dina. The writer's thought about the friendship of different peoples as a natural law human life. Pictures of nature in the story

I.Checking homework
After the articulation warm-up, the students tell how they finished compiling the table.
We listen oral compositions one or two students.
We summarize the results of the work by comparing two heroes: the writer opposes Zhilin's activity, stamina and humanity to Kostylin's weakness and passivity. Courage and endurance helped him to run to his own, overcoming all obstacles.
The main idea of ​​the story is to show that you can not give up even in the most difficult circumstances, you need to stubbornly achieve your goal.

II. Zhilin and Tatars. Zhilin and Dina. The writer's thought about the friendship of different peoples as a natural law of human life
- How is the life of the village shown: through the eyes of Kostylin or through the eyes of Zhilin? Why?
We invite students to find descriptions of the life of the village in the text, read and retell these descriptions close to the text.
The Tatar village presented itself to Zhilin in the morning peaceful, calm. People wake up, everyone is busy with their own business, women bring water, boys play around. Zhilin counted ten houses and a Tatar church with a turret (that is, a mosque with a minaret).
When Zhilin entered the house, he saw that the walls were smoothly plastered with clay, the room was good. Expensive carpets hang on the walls, weapons in silver are on the carpets. The stove is small, and the floor is earthen, clean. The front corner is covered with felts, there are carpets on them, down pillows on the carpets. Tatars sit here and eat.
Zhilin watched how the Tatars dressed - both men and women, noticed that they were very fond of silver. In the house I noticed that they are the first, they leave big shoes at the threshold, and in other, inner shoes they sit on carpets. Zhilin also noticed how they wash their hands and pray after eating. Servants are not allowed on carpets with pillows. The women only serve the food, but do not sit with the men.
Let's draw the children's attention to the description of the funeral of the Tatar, to the details that tell about worship and about the life of women in the village.
Why did the old woman break Dinah's first doll?
Muslim tradition forbids portraying people. Besides, the old woman was probably angry with the Russian.
- How did the Tatars treat Zhilin? Why did Abdul-Murat fall in love with Zhilin?
The Tatars treated Zhilin with respect for the fact that he did not allow himself to be intimidated when they demanded a ransom from him, and for the fact that he knew how to do a lot. Abdul the owner said that he fell in love with Zhilin. The red Tatar and the old man who lived under the mountain hated all Russians, and Zhilin too.
- Tell us about the relationship between Dina and Zhilin. Why did Dina help Zhilin?
Zhilin was grateful to Dina for her help. Dina helped Zhilin, brought him food, because Zhilin showed kindness to her, made her a doll, then a second one. After a thunderstorm, he made a toy for children - a wheel with dolls. Describing the friendship between a girl and a captured Russian officer, Tolstoy wants to say that the feeling of enmity is not innate. Chechen children treat Russians with innocent curiosity, not hostility. And Zhilin is fighting with adult Chechens who attacked him, but not with children. With respect and gratitude, he refers to the courage and kindness of Dina. If the father had found out that Dina was helping Zhilin, he would have severely punished her.
The author wants to say that enmity between peoples is meaningless, that the friendship of people is the norm of human communication, and confirms this with the example of friendship between Zhilin and Dina.

III. Pictures of nature in a story
Expressive reading
Note that there are no long descriptions in the story: the pictures of nature are short and capacious.
Let's read the description of the mountains that Zhilin saw, sitting on the top of the mountain (chapter four), from the words: "I persuaded the little one, let's go" - to the words: "And so he thinks that this is the Russian fortress."
What is special about this description?
Note that there are very few adjectives. The landscape is shown as if in action.
- Where else in the story do we see the image of nature, as if actively accompanying human actions?
We read expressively an episode from chapter six from the words: “Zhilin crossed himself, grabbed the lock on the block with his hand ...” - to the words: “You can only hear, the river murmurs below.”
We will strive to ensure that the text of the story is heard in the classroom in the reading of the students. The story of Zhilin's second escape must be read in its entirety.

Write out rare obsolete words and expressions, explain them. (We will divide the class into four or five groups and invite each group to work with the text of one of the chapters.)

Brevity and expressiveness of the language of the story. Story, plot, composition, idea of ​​the work

Speech development lesson

I. Brevity and expressiveness of the language of the story
This work has already been started in the previous lesson. Let's draw the students' attention to the short sentences with which the story is written. Brevity and at the same time depth are the main advantages of the story.

Vocabulary work (in groups)
Each group of schoolchildren who worked with rare, obscure words and expressions from the chapters of the story discusses with each other the words that the students wrote out at home. It is very important to work on explaining the meaning of words by selecting synonyms and referring to explanatory dictionaries. The group will designate one or two representatives who will prepare to answer on its behalf. Then we listen to the students' answer about the meaning of rare words.
Attention requires a significant number of words and expressions. Let us remember that what seems natural and understandable to us, adults, can cause significant difficulties for children. At the same time, not knowing the meaning of even one word in a sentence (especially if it is a key word) often makes the whole sentence incomprehensible to children.

Chapter first
straightened vacation- took a vacation.
Escorted soldiers- soldiers who accompanied a group of people; security.
The sun has already passed in the afternoon- passed noon.
I will attack the Tatars- suddenly meeting the Tatars.
hunting horse- a horse that does not need to be urged, which easily understands what needs to be done.
Took him to the edge- the horse, along with the rider, easily climbed a steep mountain.
Whip roasts- lashes hard.
He began to shorten- began to pull the reins to stop the horse.
The horse has run wild- the horse rushes, cannot stop.
fluttered- shuddered.
Nogaets - Nogais- people in Russia, speak the language of the Turkic group.

Chapter Two
Raspoyaskoy- no belt.
Beshmet- men's and women's oar clothes, worn under a caftan, chekmen, Circassian among the peoples Central Asia, Caucasus, Siberia.
snoring wet- the muzzle is wet.
Sheathed with lace. Galloon- a dense ribbon or braid, often with a silver or gold thread.
Saffiano shoes. Morocco- thin, soft, usually brightly colored skin, made from the skins of goats or sheep.
Red trim on sleeves- sleeves trimmed with red (galoon, braid, ribbon).
Monisto from Russian fifty dollars- a necklace of Russian coins of 50 kopecks (at that time fifty kopecks were silver).
Their church, with a turret- a mosque with a minaret.
Pure as current. Current- platform for threshing; it is always clean at the current, because grain is collected here and the chaff is swept aside.
Felt- dense thick material made of felted wool.
Cow butter dissolved in a cup- cow's butter (butter) lies, melted, in a cup.
Pelvis- wooden round or oblong dishes, here - for washing hands.
The gun is cut off- the gun misfired, i.e., did not fire due to a malfunction of the weapon or cartridge.

Chapter Three
Three arshins. Arshin- a measure of length equal to 71.12 cm; three arshins - 2.13 m.
Approved them- firmly, steadily put, attached.
Snores and turns away (old man)- begins to breathe indignantly, so that a sound similar to snoring arises, and turns away so as not to look at a person of a different faith.
Get behind the stone- hide behind a stone, clinging to it.

Chapter Four
Under the armpits and under the patches- under the armpits and behind the legs under the bends of the knees.
Zarobel- experienced timidity, frightened.

Chapter Five
Sheep farting in the couch- a sheep coughs convulsively in a zakuta, i.e., in a barn for small livestock.
Vysozhary began to descend. Vysozhary, or Stozhary, or the Pleiades - an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus; in summer time Stozhary in the first half of the night are high in the sky, and in the second half of the night they gradually descend to the horizon.
Picked up. Malt- a product that is prepared from grain germinated in moisture and heat, then dried and coarsely ground; here brine- became wet (sweaty), as if loose (weak muscles), lethargic.

Chapter six
Stone east- the stone is sharp.
I'll lie down in the forest, front- I'll hide in the forest, wait out the day, wait for darkness.

Let's summarize: the brevity of the language of the story makes it understandable and fascinating, the use of old folk words makes the story expressive and memorable.

II. Story, plot, composition, story idea
In the textbook (p. 278) definitions are given: idea, plot, story, episode. Definition composition can be looked up in a dictionary us. 309 textbook. We will work with them based on what children know about storytelling from Russian lessons. Let's write the definitions in a notebook.

Plot is the chain of events that take place in a story.

What is the plot of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?

A story is a short narrative work that is united by one plot and consists of several episodes.

Which of the works read in the 5th grade can we call stories?
Composition is a phenomenon that is familiar to children at the level of presentation.
Composition - the construction of a work, the arrangement of parts, episodes and images in a significant temporal sequence.
Let us say that such a sequence is never random.
The composition of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is based on its plot. Highlight in the work exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement and epilogue.
exposition and epilogue Tolstoy's are swift, fit in one or two phrases.
tie- receiving a letter from the mother. The action develops rapidly and leads to climax- Zhilin's second escape.
denouement- Zhilin manages to run to his own.
(Often the concept of composition narrative work is given in the Russian language lessons, so we do not write here in detail about the structural elements of the composition of a narrative work.)
Let's talk about the 7th question (p. 278 of the textbook):
- What did the writer take from the memoirs of officer F.F. Thornau, which is the author's fiction? What ideas, thoughts, feelings does the author of the story want to convey to the reader?
Tolstoy took from his memoirs the idea of ​​the friendship of a captive officer with a Tatar girl who came running to visit him and brought him food. F. F. Thornau says that he fed the dog that guarded him. He drew figures and carved wood in such a way that even the Circassians asked him to carve sticks for them. These facts, slightly modified, were used by Tolstoy. From his life, he took the memories of how the Chechens were chasing him and almost took him prisoner.
The writer used the author's fiction. He came up with the idea that there were two prisoners, and thought up the story of the first and second escapes. The author wants to evoke in readers a sense of pride in the Russian officer who was captured while fighting with enemies, behaved with dignity in captivity and managed to escape.

Idea - the main idea works.

The idea of ​​the story is that perseverance and courage always win. The writer condemns the enmity between peoples, considers it senseless.

Prepare a written answer to the question: what, in your opinion, is the idea of ​​L. N. Tolstoy's story "The Prisoner of the Caucasus"?


give the concept of comparison;

learn to compare literary heroes;

to bring up responsibility for their actions, the desire to find their place in life;

develop logical thinking, speech.



A lesson in the development of speech in literature.

Zhilin and Kostylin are two different characters, two different destinies. Comparative characteristics of heroes.

Goals: give the concept of comparison;

Learn to compare literary heroes;

To cultivate responsibility for one's actions, the desire to find one's place in life;

Develop logical thinking, speech.


  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson.
  3. Conversation on the theory of literature.
  • What is a comparison?

COMPARISON - comparison of one object or phenomenon with another.

  • We will compare two literary heroes - Zhilin and Kostylin.
  1. Analytical discussion on the topic of the lesson.
  • Why is the story called "Prisoner of the Caucasus", although it has two main characters who were captured?
  • We will be able to answer this question more fully at the end of the lesson.
  • How did Zhilin and Kostylin behave during the attack of the Tatars?
  • Let's expressively read the episode "Redemption" ch.2 p. by roles. 211-212.
  • Why is Kostylin the Tatars call meek?
  • From Chapter 3, write out the verbs related to Zhilin and Kostylin separately.

Zhilin: looks out, elicits, runs, walks, whistles, needlework, blinded, made, dismantled, laid out, etc.

Kostylin: wrote, waited, missed, sits, counts, sleeps.

  • What character can be attributed to the concept of ACTION?
  • Which of the characters can be said to be inactive?
  1. Retelling of the episode Failed Escape.
  • Tell us about how the characters tried to escape for the first time.
  • How does this characterize each of the characters?
  • Why did the second escape succeed?
  1. Working with illustrations.
  • Consider the illustration on page 224 by the artist A. Itkin.
  • What episodes did the artist illustrate? Why?
  • How does the picture show the differences in the behavior of the characters?
  • Carefully consider the illustration on page 227 by the artist M. Rodionov.
  • What feelings did the artist put into the illustration? Do they match the feelings of the author? What about yours?
  1. Vocabulary work.
  • The names of the heroes are, as it were, in a pair and even rhyme: Zhilin - Kostylin. Let's see what the words from which they are formed mean.

Students who have received homework are performing. They talk about the meaning of the words ZHILA and CRUTCH.

  • So the author, with the help of the names of the characters, gives us an additional characteristic and expresses his attitude towards them.
  1. Summary of the lesson.

In the same conditions, the characters manifest themselves in different ways.

This type of behavior can be observed in an extreme situation, and in Everyday life. The fate of a person depends on the character.

  • Why is the story called "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?
  1. Homework.

Tell about the character and behavior of Zhilin and Kostylin.

Plan your story.

Lesson type: a lesson to consolidate the material covered.

Lesson Objectives:


1. Cognitive: 1) Talk about how to prepare for an essay based on the material covered in previous lessons. 2) Show the differences in the characters of the heroes of the story by L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

2. Developing: 1)Skill building comparative analysis and the ability to put them into practice.

General subjects:

1) Develop critical thinking, the ability to compare characters;

2) To cultivate attention to the word and characteristics of the characters against the background of the development of the plot in the process of reading.


1) Textbook-reader (“Literature. Grade 5. At 2 hours Part 2” / V.Ya Korovina, M., 2010);

2) Lesson planning in literature: Grade 5. To the textbook by V.Ya Korovina "Literature: Grade 5". Eremina O.A., M., 2009.

During the classes:

1. Organizing time:

W:Today, in the lesson, we will prepare for a home essay on the topic “Zhilin and Kostylin - two different characters, two different destinies” based on L. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, which we read together in the last lesson. Your homework was to prepare a retelling and answer questions about the text.

2. Conversation on:

W:How do the names of the two main characters in L. Tolstoy's story speak about their characters?

D:Zhilin in explanatory dictionary from "vein" - a strong end of the muscles, sinewy, two-stranded - strong, elastic. Kostylin from "crutch" - a stick for the lame, powerless. Surnames indicate the difference in the characters of the heroes.

W:Through whose eyes do we see pictures of the village and the life of the highlanders, and why?

D:Through the eyes of Zhilin, he was interested in everything, since from the first minute of being in captivity, he thought about escaping. Kostylin was still lying.

W:Is it fair to say about Zhilin that he is a “dzhigit”, and about Kostylin “meek”?

D:Zhilin is brave, he argues with the Tatars, bargains with them, sets his own conditions for them. Kostylin agrees to everything: to give a ransom of 5 thousand, to live in a barn ...

W:Why did people from other villages start coming to Zhilin?

D:He was mistaken for a doctor, he was considered a jack of all trades.

W:Choose from the text the verbs that characterize the behavior of Zhilin and Kostylin.

D:Zhilin: walks, looks out, needleworks, digs. Kostylin: writes, waits, misses, sleeps.

W:What can be found interesting in the life of Zhilin and Kostylin?

D:Zhilin communicates with the locals, observes their customs, keeps looking out for his fortress. Kostylin is not interested in anything, he is only waiting for me to send a ransom for him.

W:What conclusion can we draw from the comparison of the two heroes?

D:Zhilin does not sit idly by, trying to escape, Kostylin does not even think about escaping, hoping for the help of his relatives.

3. Expressive reading of chapter 5.

4. Workshop - work in pairs:

W:From the chapter, choose verbal descriptions of the actions of both heroes.

D:Zhilin (1) - He dug up a hole, notices by the stars, examines, crawled to the road, carries Kostylin on himself.

Kostylin (2) - He caught a stone with his foot, Complains, whines, is afraid of everything, grunts, groans, lags behind.

W:Why did Kostylin turn out to be not Zhilin's assistant, but his burden? Did you expect this in advance, how will the two heroes behave when escaping?

D:Kostylin is weak, he has no willpower, no patience. How the heroes would behave during the escape was clear from their behavior in captivity.

W:List the qualities of each character.

D:Zhilin: courageous, resourceful, persistent, active. Kostylin: indecisive, cowardly, selfish.

W:Let's draw conclusions: Why do the characters behave differently in the same situations?

D:It depends on their characters.

W:Tell us about the friendship between Dina and Zhilin. What did Tolstoy mean by this?

D:Chechen children are curious about Russians, not hostile. The feeling of enmity is not innate. Zhilin respects Dina's courage and kindness. The author wants to say that enmity between peoples is meaningless, the friendship of people is the norm of human communication.

5. Compilation of a comparative table.





“But Zhilin, at least not great in stature, but he was daring.”

“And Kostylin is a heavy, fat man, all red, and the sweat is pouring from him.”

Attitude towards the horse

"Mother, take it out, do not hook it with your foot."

“The whip fries the horse from one side, then from the other.”

behavior in captivity

"Thinks:" I'm leaving. And he tries everything himself, looks out for how to escape. He walks around the aul whistling, otherwise he sits, doing some needlework.

“Kostylin wrote home again, kept waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. For whole days he sits in the barn and counts the days when the letter will arrive; or sleeping."

The attitude of the Tatars to the captives