Jokes about sissies. Mommy's boy (2 photos)

There is every reason to believe that this suits him perfectly, and he is not going to change anything at all. Problem " mother's sons"- in their emotional immaturity. They can successfully make a career, but often do not dare to be responsible ... I was one hundred percent sure that I would never marry Slavik. Well, I don’t like " mother's sons"! What" mama's sons"- not always spineless bores, and can give the impression of quite successful and self-confident people, I was completely convinced ...

Lord, what is it: a man is under 30, and he through the word - "mother" and "mother"! Such a cry of the soul was once heard in my office. And this soul had its home in the rather solid body of my patient, a strong plump woman of about 25, blond, chubby and ruddy, a young mother and wife with two years of experience, Vicky M. This woman had unbreakable health before marriage and equally indestructible peace of mind. And only what hurt her could bring her out of this balance ...

No woman wants to have a sissy with her as a husband or lover. But, alas, these sons are quite common. Men, do you want to know if this vile worm is sharpening you too? By the way, it will not be difficult for a smart woman to test her beloved by offering him our test.

Points "a", you obedient son. Your life is unthinkable without your mother, and her life without you. This, of course, is commendable, but just don’t be offended if you are called too often “ mother's son". You are a man, more independence and independence will not hurt you. If you are a supporter of the answers “b”, you are a completely mature person, you cut the umbilical cord in time, maintaining an even warm relationship with your mother ...

Jokes about blondes

Her? - Not for my sister, but I would very much like to see that stork. jokes, about drug addicts The guy bought weed, came home, smoked, did not hook. Wow, he thinks... son. - Why? - That's why, son that the most reliable way to cure Windows is FORMAT C. Santa Claus, already good, comes on the next call: - What would you like, dear boy, as a gift? The child, without saying a word, charges Santa Claus with his fist in the face. - Boy, why? - And this is for last year! Herault jokes ...


Joke girl to guy

Birth... A midwife delivers triplets to her young husband: - Do you like it? - Like it! Are you going to take everyone? - Yeah, I will! - Well then - hold these, and I'll take out the rest! Joke about children - Honey, how many children do we have? - Two. Why are there six people in the room? - Friends came to our kids. - Well, how can I distinguish mine from strangers now? - I am our...


Jokes from Krupnik...

... "not" love ", but" fuck ". *** - I stopped loving blowjob .. - What's wrong? - Yes, during it all sorts of garbage gets into my head ... jokes from Krupnik 3 - I love her so much, I'm ready for anything for her! So get married, fool! - On whom? On vodka... registration *** Bengal anal candles - let hemorrhoids become a holiday! *** I always wanted to know what they do in Bab Tisk church. jokes from Krupnik 3 A gentleman will never offer a lady vodka if she already agrees. *** - Cholera take you! I...

Talk about this now and then flashes on the Internet: they say that the profession of “mother” should be legalized and women should be paid a salary. So, they say, and demographic situation let's fix it, and in general - the children surrounded by attention will grow up smart and happy ... The idea gives rise to many counter questions: if motherhood becomes a profession, will the corresponding universities be opened for training in a specialty? And will fathers be able to get the same profession, because they also want to stay at home and not go to the office?

Beautiful fairy tale

The parties cannot reconcile: some do not understand when wiping children's snot and knowing Luntik's biography began to be considered work, others beat their chests with their fists, assuring that sitting with a child is the most important mission modern woman. There was even a whole sect of fanatical mothers who turned the dull routine of parental leave into an exciting life show. The Internet is full of their bright accounts: here mommy goes to a beauty salon, here she has fun playing with a baby, but she hugs with the same obscenely happy daddy ... On the net, such women were called “ovulyashki” and “yagmothers”.

If a couple of years ago, childbirth was a natural physiological process, and today "yagmothers" almost equated them with a feat. Now pregnant women are proudly photographed naked, and after giving birth, they do not hesitate to breastfeed their babies in public places.

Flaunting your motherhood has become the norm, says psychologist Svetlana Khaustova. - After all, for women whose life revolves around the kitchen and the nursery, this is the only way to feel their importance. Yes, they have devoted their entire lives to children, they no longer have the same passionate sex as before, the social circle has narrowed down to three neighbors on the playground, and the husband is constantly at work. This is what they came up with beautiful fairy tale, posting dozens daily beautiful photos in social networks and suggesting to others that this is exactly how the life of every woman should be. Looking at enthusiastic mothers and their colorful posts on Instagram, an ordinary woman feels inferior. Indeed, in her reality, motherhood is dirty hair, mountains of unwashed linen, constant lack of sleep. How do all these well-groomed women from the pictures manage to find time for trips to beauty salons and the gym?

"Yazhmat" - a woman with a child, behaving defiantly and not respecting others. Often uses the child as an excuse not to stand in line, does not want to calm the baby in public places, neglects the rules of behavior, stating: "I'm a mother, they are children ..."

"Turn into mediocre losers"

The desire to give your children the best and protect them from life's problems has given rise to another trend. American comedian George Carlin, winner of four Grammy awards, called it child worship. It was he who first raised the topic of fanatical admiration for children and called it one of the reasons for the appearance of mama's sons in society, who are absolutely not adapted to life.

“Just because you love kids doesn't make you special,” Carlin said. - And the world should not revolve around your offspring. I know a lot of bigoted parents won't like this, but someone has to tell you this: your kids are overrated and overrated. This is an unhealthy bias. You need to know that not all children grow up to be successful, obedient and promising, no matter how much you would like. There are only a few talents and geniuses, and most of the kids will turn into mediocre losers, even if you torture them music school and Chinese lessons. Some of them will not want to work and will sit on their parent's neck until they are thirty years old. So why all the fuss about motherhood?”

In the world of princesses and unicorns

In Russia, the writer Denis Dragunsky, who at one time became the prototype of the hero of the famous "Deniska's stories", agreed with Karlin. In this growing trend of parental admiration for babies, he saw signs of infantilization and the coming social catastrophe. Caressed, deprived of the opportunity to build up "social muscles", children, according to Dragunsky, will not be able to survive as a class.

The current generation is not allowed to fill themselves with bumps, walk in the yard in the evenings and jump through the rubber band from their underpants, they are surrounded by hyper-custody and ultra-modern gadgets. As soon as the child does not get in touch for a couple of hours, the parents will immediately begin to sound the alarm. Today it is hard to imagine that once a child could easily disappear for three or four hours, playing with friends, and no one raised a panic, because there were no mobile phones.

Thirty years ago, playing outdoors with peers was the best reward for a child. Today, to the offer to go for a walk, he replies: “What to do there?” Instead of climbing garages and trees, they dance, ride horses, sing in choirs, win quantum physics olympiads, take part in football competitions - all to satisfy their parents' ambitions.

Children grown up in the world of princesses and unicorns are often unable to adequately perceive reality and experience problems with creating a family - many child psychologists talk about this. And if at first the responsibility for children is happiness, then soon it becomes a real burden for parents. Plus, moms who voluntarily sacrifice themselves to little men, these ass kissers and champions in changing diapers on buses, years later will probably beat their chests with the words: “I devoted all my youth to you!” - and most likely will regret it.

In fact, fanatical mothers who give themselves entirely to children themselves need love, and sometimes the help of a psychologist, says Anatoly Bystrov, an expert on family and marriage. - And their attempts to bind the child to themselves are caused by a deep sense of loneliness and anxiety. They are always afraid that something will happen to the baby. The mother's feelings tend to be passed on to the children, and, strange as it may seem, they don't feel secure at all. That is why overprotection is rather harmful. And every mother needs to find the line that separates hyper-custody and the usual care for offspring.


Revolt instead of love

According to psychologist Olga Romaniv, mothers who do not allow a child to live independently, watch his every step and even read his personal correspondence in the hope of protecting him from “bad influence”, most often cause not manifestations of reciprocal love in their offspring, but provoke a rebellion.

IN transitional age children react to lies, excessive attention, aggression or disapproval of their actions in the same way: they perceive everything with hostility, Romaniv explains. - The child needs his own personal space, and not the glass dome under which his mother placed him. He needs to break his knees, get wet in the rain, climb fences. So he learns the world, drawing conclusions from events and learning lessons.

What can be recommended? Love your child, take care of him, know how to be kind and strict, but all this should be in moderation. Remember: you cannot live life for a child, he must choose his own path and walk along it himself, and not holding your hand. Show children the right direction, give advice, but do not lecture or try to manipulate. Then, having matured, they will thank you and will return love and care to you a hundredfold.

The latest events in America were inspired by when police officers kill blacks without trial or investigation.

Being in New York, decided to go to the Statue of Liberty, which, as you know, is located on the island. I took the subway to the southern tip of Manhattan and went to buy a ticket on a ship that takes tourists to the statue. I did not have time to go to the box office, as sellers surrounded me with hands, who sold tickets even a little cheaper than at the box office. They do it legally and everyone has a badge with a name, a seal and what the hell knows what, certifying that they are official dealers. Well, it seems that a man of short stature came up first, in appearance - a typical mafioso from the movie The Godfather, only without an impudent mug - everything is civilized and polite - and I decided to buy from him. He offered a ticket at a good price, I was about to buy it, and then I witnessed a scene during which I had the feeling that I was in a movie. A large black man approached the "mafia" with ... a pistol in a holster on his side (not a rare occurrence in New York, and there was a patrol car nearby, and the police in the USA you know how they treat blacks, so those with the police are goodies and sissies). And on the neck of the Negril hangs the same badge, like selling tickets. Negril throws out a stream of abuse at the "mafia", in which "mazafaka" was repeated through the word and was the most affectionate epithet. The point was that they kind of agreed not to underestimate prices, and the "mafia" sold me cheaper. In short, the passions are almost Shakespearean, the mafiosi are also violently indignant. And then a cop separates from the patrol car, in my opinion he even spits on the asphalt and slowly walks up to us in a rolled up position. I feel that now there will be a circus, a pancake turned out to be so. Approaching us, the cop asked briefly, through his teeth: "What?". After these words, the negro, whose face is scary to look at, suddenly shrank and froze in silence. The Italian began to make excuses. The negro was also mumbling something. And then the cop said the catchphrase (had seen enough films, but they are all there in America on Hollywood films brought up, but if someone told me, I would not have believed in my life that a policeman could say such a thing).

He said, referring to the Negro and the Italian: "And you bitches, get a hotel room." In response, they, in my opinion, were ready to follow the instructions, if only the cop would leave them alone. And when he turned around and slowly walked back to the patrol car - this couple rushed in different directions.

And I was left with a ticket in one hand and with the money that I had prepared to pay for it in the other.