Russian artists. Popov Andrey Andreevich

P opov Andrey Andreevich - gun commander of the 597th artillery regiment (159th rifle Vitebsk Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Division, 5th Army, 3rd Belorussian Front), senior sergeant.

Born on October 4, 1914 in the village of Khobotets-Vasilyevskoye, now Pervomaisky District, Tambov Region, into a peasant family. Russian. Primary education. After the formation of the collective farm, since 1930 he worked on the collective farm. In September 1935 he was sent to courses for tractor drivers. From May 1936 he worked as a tractor driver at the Starokozmodemyanovsk machine and tractor station, from 1938 as an assistant foreman on the Kirov collective farm in the village of Staroe Kozmodemyanovskoye.

He was drafted into the army in June 1941. In the active army - since 1941. He fought on the Western, Northwestern, Kalinin, again the Northwestern, again the Western, 3rd Belorussian fronts.

He especially distinguished himself during the Kaunas offensive operation on the territory of the Shakiai region of Lithuania.

When repelling counterattacks of large forces of enemy tanks and infantry for the period from August 5 to August 17, 1944, with the fire of his gun, he inflicted great damage on equipment and manpower to the enemy - destroyed 7 tanks, 5 machine-gun points, an anti-tank gun, 2 vehicles, up to 170 soldiers and officers .

At order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945 for the courage and heroism shown during the liberation of Lithuania, Popov Andrey Andreevich He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War participated in the Soviet-Japanese war (August 9 - September 2, 1945).

In the spring of 1946, foreman A.A. Popov was demobilized and returned to his native village. He worked on the collective farm as a machine operator, assistant foreman, and foreman of agricultural machines. Since 1971 - retired, but continued to work.

A street in the village of Khobotets-Vasilevskoye is named after the Hero.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (03/24/1945), Patriotic War 1st degree (03/11/1985), Red Star (10/2/1944), Glory 3rd degree (02/16/1945), medals, including "For Courage" ( 2.08.1944).

Red Army soldier A.A. Popov began to fight on Western front. Served as an artillery loader. Participated in the battle of Smolensk, in August 1941 he was wounded. After being cured, he returned to his unit, participated in the defense of Moscow and the counteroffensive near Moscow, for which he was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Moscow".

From January 1942 he fought on the North-Western Front in the artillery battalion of the newly formed 20th Infantry Brigade*.

As part of the 3rd shock army, he participated in the Toropetsko-Kholmsk offensive operation (January 9 - February 6, 1942), during which the 3rd shock army from the area east of Lake Seliger advanced in a southwestern direction and on January 21 surrounded the city of Kholm, bypassing the Demyansk grouping of the 16th army of the enemy from the south. The 20th Infantry Brigade operated on the right flank of the army.

From January 22 to April 1942, he participated in the 34th Army of the Kalinin, and from March of the North-Western Front in the Demyansk offensive operation to encircle and block the Demyansk group; from May to August 1942, as part of the 53rd Army, he participated in battles with this group.

From late August to mid-November 1942, the 20th Rifle Brigade, which suffered heavy losses, was being replenished and re-formed. Later, until February 1943, the goal as part of the 27th and 11th armies continued to wage stubborn battles with the Demyansk group.

As part of the 11th Army, A.A. Popov participated in the second Demyansk (February 15 - 28, 1943) and Starorusskaya (March 4 - 19, 1943) offensive operations - components of the Polar Star operation, during which the troops of the North Western Front tried to eliminate the encircled Demyansk group and liberate the city Staraya Russa now Novgorod region.

In May 1943, the 20th Rifle Brigade was withdrawn from the fighting. By July 1943, on the basis of the 20th and 132nd rifle brigades, the 159th rifle division of the 3rd formation was formed, which was sent to the Western Front. A.A. Popov, who by this time had graduated from the courses of junior commanders and received the rank of sergeant, was appointed gun commander in the 597th artillery regiment of the division.

On the Western Front, as part of the 68th Army, he participated in the Smolensk strategic operation - the Yelninsko-Dorogobuzh (August 28 - September 6, 1943) and Smolensk-Roslavl (September 15 - October 2, 1943) offensive operations.

From November 1943 until the end of the war, the 159th Rifle Division was part of the 5th Army.

In its composition on the Western Front, A.A. Popov participated in the Orsha (October 12 - December 2, 1943) and Vitebsk (February 3 - March 13, 1944) offensive operations.

On the 3rd Belorussian Front, he participated as a gunner, and then as a crew commander of a 45-mm gun in the Belorussian strategic operation "Bagration" - the Vitebsk-Orsha offensive operation (June 23 - 28, 1944), during which, with the participation of the 159th rifle divisions liberated the city of Vitebsk, Minsk (June 29 - July 4, 1944), Vilnius (July 5 - 20, 1944) and Kaunas (July 28 - August 28, 1944) offensive operations.

During the Vitebsk-Orsha operation, the commander of the gun, senior sergeant A.A. Popov, near the village of Murashki, Lioznensky district, Vitebsk region, on June 23, 1944, when breaking through the enemy defenses with his direct fire gun, destroyed 2 light machine guns and 1 anti-tank gun. In the Vilnius operation on July 19, 1944, on the western bank of the Neman River, he destroyed a machine-gun point, dispersed and partially destroyed up to an infantry platoon, this contributed to the advancement of rifle units.

Awarded with the medal "For Courage".

In the Kaunas operation, when breaking through the enemy defenses in the Taurakemi area on July 29, 1944, under heavy enemy artillery fire, senior sergeant A.A. Popov, being on direct fire, suppressed 1 anti-tank gun, destroyed 2 light and 1 heavy machine guns. Advancing in the combat formations of the infantry, he skillfully directed the fire of the gun, supporting the infantry. He destroyed 3 heavy and 2 light machine guns, up to 25 enemy soldiers, which contributed to the success of the advancing units. Awarded with the Order Red Star.

For special distinction in the Kaunas operation, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

From the award sheet for conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

During the offensive battles against the Nazi invaders from August 5 to August 17, 1944, comrade. Popov showed courage and heroism.

On August 5, 1944, in the area of ​​the village of Zhegle, the Germans counterattacked up to 15 tanks against our advancing infantry. Tov. Popov met the approaching tanks with the fire of his gun and destroyed 3 of them. The counterattack was repulsed.

On August 7, 1944, near the village of Karnishki, the Germans launched a counterattack with a force of up to 20 tanks and up to an infantry company. Tov. Popov entered into an unequal battle and destroyed 4 tanks (including 3 Tigers) with direct fire. Counterattack with the support of well-aimed fire of the guns of comrade. Popova was repulsed again.

On August 16, 1944, the enemy launched a counterattack with large infantry forces. Tov. Popov unleashed accurate fire from his gun on the enemy and shot up to 100 German soldiers with direct fire, destroyed 2 machine guns, 2 vehicles and 1 anti-tank gun. Counterattack in the Ashmonishki area with the support of the guns of Comrade. Popova was successfully repulsed.

On August 17, 1944, when reaching the state border near the village of Bajoraytse, he destroyed 3 heavy machine guns with direct fire, suppressed the fire of a mortar battery and shot up to 70 enemy soldiers, which contributed to our rifle units successfully approaching the border.

For heroism, courage and courage shown in the battles for the Motherland, he is worthy of a government award - the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union".

Commander of the 597th Artillery Regiment Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Lieutenant Colonel Osipov

Later, on the 3rd Belorussian Front, A.A. Popov participated from October 16 to October 23, 1944 in the territory of East Prussia (now the Kaliningrad Region) in the Gumbinnen offensive operation; in 1945 he participated in the East Prussian strategic operation - Insterburg-Koenigsberg (January 13 - 27, 1945) and Zemland (April 13 - 20, 1945) offensive operations.

Popov Andrei Andreevich (1832-1896)

Having received the first lessons in drawing and color rendering in the family, Andrei Andreevich Popov, a native of Tula, was brought to St. Petersburg in 1846 and given to the Academy of Arts, where he was a student of M.N. Vorobiev and B.P. Villevalde.

Young artist quite successfully mastered the fine arts, receiving silver and gold medals for depicting, mainly, scenes from folk life. Per thesis A. Popov gets a big gold medal and the opportunity to go on a trip abroad at the expense of the Academy. By this time, he had repeatedly become a participant in academic exhibitions, and his works "Return from the city", "Portrait of the children of the city of Yazykov", "Demyanova's ear" introduced the audience to the growing master genre painting. During a postponed business trip abroad (1860-1862), the artist works intensively and exhibits for the judgment of colleagues and spectators the canvases: Praying Mantis, The Artist's Workshop. Foreign trip A.A. Popova took place in Paris (1863-1865) and Rome (1865-1867).

Upon his return to Russia, the name of the artist was heard by professionals and amateurs alike. Collectors are interested in his paintings. However, since the beginning of the 1870s, the name of the artist has been mentioned less and less even among connoisseurs. visual arts, and since 1873, paintings by A.A. Popova finally disappear from exhibitions. By this time, the Association of Travelers is beginning to gain strength. art exhibitions. Unfortunately, the paths of the original genre painter A.A. Popov and this association did not intersect.

Popov Andrey Andreevich(1832–1896) is a well-known Russian genre painter.
Andrei Andreevich Popov became a landmark figure for the Russian painting XIX century. Having received an excellent education from his own father, the young talent, fueled by universal recognition, gradually grew into a great master painter.

Andrei Andreevich Popov was born in 1832 in Tula in the family of a little-known provincial artist. Under the guidance of his father, a provincial painter, he received initial artistic training. In 1846 he entered the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, where his teachers were first M. Vorobiev, and later B. Villevalde.
From the very beginning of his already adult creative way, Andrey Popov showed great promise as an artist. With his lively and interesting manner of depicting images, the artist won great sympathy among painters and art historians, both professionals and ordinary amateurs. He took an active part in academic exhibitions, where he presented his work. a wide range connoisseurs - painters.

Popov enjoyed the support of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. His painting Demyanov's Ear (based on the plot of Krylov's fable) at the academic exhibition of 1857 made a great impression on the public with the characteristic and expressiveness of the depicted faces and with its sound comicality. She delivered a small gold medal to the artist. At the same time, he exhibited paintings: "Return from the city" and "Portrait of the children of Mr. Yazykov."

In 1860, the best of all Popov's works appeared: "Tea Warehouse at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair." This painting became the apogee of the artist's creative path, raising him to the peak of his artistic career. This painting brought the artist a large gold medal and the title of " cool artist I degree", after which Andrey Andreevich Popov went on a trip in 1863, having provided his paintings "Praying Mantis" and "Artist's Workshop" to the academic exhibition of 1861.

Popov spent the term of his foreign retirement in Paris and Rome, from where he returned to St. Petersburg in 1867 and brought back a painting painted there: "Festivities on Monte Piño." This was his last work, not without merit, but incomparably weaker than his first paintings. Upon his return to Russia, the name of the artist was heard by professionals and amateurs. Collectors were keenly interested in his paintings. However, since the beginning of the 1870s, the name of the artist was mentioned less and less even among connoisseurs of fine art, and since 1873, paintings by A.A. Popova finally disappear from exhibitions.
In general, the brilliant hopes that Popov gave at the beginning of his career did not come true: due to his illness and the resulting decline in energy, he worked weaker and weaker, and in the end he almost completely stopped painting.

Unfortunately, Andrei Andreevich Popov did not leave a great creative legacy. Having an extraordinary view of things, everyday situations, and life in general, the artist could create much more, however, fate, extremely unfavorable to the artist, prevented the implementation of all his bold plans ...
Andrei Andreevich Popov died on June 24, 1896 at the age of 64 in his native Tula, where he was buried.

Andrei Andreevich Popov entered the history of Russian painting as bright representative genre painting XIX century. This genre is located at the junction of several pictorial trends and is a kind of symbiosis of portrait, still life and landscape. In the center of the genre picture is always the interaction of characters with each other. The background for a genre painting can be ordinary city life with its everyday chores or people on vacation.
Several of the artist's works adorn the exposition of the Russian Museum, a number of the artist's paintings are in private collections.

According to materials: Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of World Art - Vilnius, UAB "Bestiary", 2008 Informational portal“Russian Painting from A to Z”, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (1890-1907), 82 vols. and 4 additional tt. - M.: Terra, 2001. - 40 726 pages, A.A. Polovtsev Russian biographical dictionary(1896-1918) in 25 volumes. St. Petersburg: Imperial Russian Historical Society, 1912 ,P. N. Petrov, “Collection of materials for the history of the Imperial. Academy of Arts for 100 years of its existence, St. Petersburg. 1866, vol. III, pp. 336, 350, 355, 386, 439, 447. N. P. Sobko. Dictionary of Russian Artists, Vol. III, no. I. S.-Pb. 1899 Savinov A. N. N. P. Petrov // Russian art. Essays on the life and work of artists of the second half of XIX century / edited by A. I. Leonov - M .: Art Publishing House, 1962. - T. 1. - S. 53. - 692 p.

In accordance with Article 1282 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the works of this author have passed into the public domain

genre painter (1832-96). Having received initial artistic training in Tula, under the guidance of his father, an insignificant provincial painter, he was appointed to the students of the Academy of Arts. Here his teachers were first V. Vorobieva, and then B. Villevalde. P. enjoyed the support of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. His painting "Demyanov's Ear" (based on the plot of Krylov's fable) at the academic exhibition of 1857 made a great impression on the public with the characteristic and expressiveness of the depicted faces and with its sound comicality. She delivered a small gold medal to the artist. Simultaneously with her paintings were exhibited: "Return from the city" and a portrait of the children of the city of Yazykov. In 1860, the best of all the works of P. appeared: "The warehouse of tea at the Nizhny Novgorod fair", for which the Academy awarded him the title of class artist of the 1st degree and a large gold medal; after that, P. went on a trip in 1863, before delivering to the academic exhibition in 1861 paintings: "Prayers" and "Artist's Studio". P. spent the term of his foreign retirement in Paris and Rome, from where he returned to St. Petersburg. in 1867 and brought back a painting painted there: "Festivities on Monte Piño". This was his last work, not devoid of merit, but incomparably weaker than his first paintings. In general, the brilliant hopes that P. gave at the beginning of his career did not materialize: due to his illness and the decline in energy that depended on it, he worked weaker and weaker, and in the end he almost completely quit painting.

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  • - Russian Soviet actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR. In 1936-40 he studied at the studio at the Central Theater of the Red Army, since 1940 he was an actor, in 1963-73 he was the chief director of this theater. Since 1974, the actor of the Moscow Art Theater ...

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  • - Yakut Soviet writer. Member of the CPSU since 1964. In 1941 he graduated from the Yakut Pedagogical Institute. Published since 1937...

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  • - political figure. In 1924-25 secretary of the Central Committee of the party. Since 1930, Chairman of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, People's Commissar of the RCT of the USSR and Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Since 1931 People's Commissar of Railways. From 1935 secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU ...
  • - - Russian shipbuilder, admiral. In the 60-90s. led the design and construction of armored ships ...

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  • - Russian actor and director, People's Artist of the USSR. Son of A. D. Popov. Actor since 1939, in 1963-73 main director Central Theater Soviet army, since 1974 at the Moscow Art Theater ...

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"Popov Andrey Andreevich" in books

VLASOV Andrey Andreevich

From the book Officer Corps of the Army Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov 1944-1945 author Alexandrov Kirill Mikhailovich

VLASOV Andrey Andreevich Lieutenant General of the Red Army Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of the Conservative Army Born on September 1, 1901 in the village of Lomakino, Pokrovskaya volost, Sergachevsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province. Russian. From peasants. He graduated from a rural school and the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary. Since 1916

Andrey Popov

From my book real life author Tabakov Oleg Pavlovich

Andrei Popov In the next picture of Nikita Mikhalkov - “A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov” (again, not marked by compatriots), I had to work with many wonderful artists, one of whom was Andrei Alekseevich Popov. Mikhalkov invited him to

Andrey Popov

From the book Without an epilogue author Plyatt Rostislav Yanovich

Andrey Popov It's strange... And Andrey Alekseevich and I both belonged to the number of actors who worked a lot both in cinema, and on radio, and on television, but never met at work. Maybe for our directors we were, as they say, the same paint - I don’t know. And on

ANDREEV Andrei Andreevich


ANDREEV Andrei Andreevich (10/18/1895 - 12/05/1971). Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks from 02/04/1932 to 10/16/1952 Candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks from 07/23/1926 to 12/21/1930 Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee from 04/03/1922 to 04/11/1928 and from 03/22/1939 to 03/18/1946 Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) - VKP (b) from 02/03/1924 to 12/18/1925 and from 02/28/1935 to 03/18 .1946

GROMYKO Andrey Andreevich

From the book Most closed people. From Lenin to Gorbachev: Encyclopedia of Biographies author Zenkovich Nikolai Alexandrovich

GROMYKO Andrei Andreevich (07/05/1909 - 07/02/1989). Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 27.04.1973 to 30.09.1988. Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1956 - 1989. Candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1952 - 1956. Member of the CPSU since 1931 Born in the village of Starye Gromyki, Gomel district, Mogilev province (now Vetka district

Andrey Popov. A worthy son of a worthy father

From the book of Memories "Meetings on Sinful Earth" author Aleshin Samuil Iosifovich

Andrey Popov. worthy son worthy father It is usually said that nature rests in the children of gifted parents. But exceptions are not so rare. One of our most talented directors, Alexei Dmitrievich Popov, had a son, Andrei, an actor. Here he belonged to

Andrey Popov Amazing Encounters

author Belskaya G. P.

Andrey Popov Surprising Encounters The study of partisan actions during the Patriotic War of 1812 is complicated by one significant circumstance - the lack of information from the opposing side. This makes it difficult to verify the testimony of partisan commanders,

Fedotov Andrey Andreevich

From the book Soviet aces. Essays on Soviet pilots author Bodrikhin Nikolay Georgievich

Fedotov Andrei Andreevich Born on October 16, 1914 in the village of Nizhniye Sergi, Perm Province. He graduated from 10 classes, in 1935 - Sverdlovsk construction technical school. He worked at a metallurgical plant. In 1938, Fetodov was released in the first category by the Orenburg military school.

Amazing encounters Andrey Popov

From the book Patriotic War of 1812. Unknown and little known facts author Team of authors

Amazing Encounters Andrey Popov The study of partisan actions during the Patriotic War of 1812 is complicated by one significant circumstance - the lack of information from the opposing side. This makes it difficult to verify the testimony of partisan commanders,

Chapter 70

From the author's book

Chapter 70 At the beginning of the 20th century, many residents of Rzhev were adherents of ancient piety. There were two Old Believer churches in the city. To this day, only the bell tower has survived from one, Trinity.

Andreev Andrey Andreevich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(AN) author TSB

Popov Andrey Alexandrovich


Popov Andrey Alekseevich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PO) of the author TSB

Popov Leonid Andreevich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PO) of the author TSB


From the book Small Bedeker on NF author Prashkevich Gennady Martovich

ANDREY ANDREEVICH In July 1992, Voznesensky flew to Novosibirsk. Tanya Bogdanova found sponsors. I don’t know how much they allocated, but Voznesensky flew in. Once in Akademgorodok, the party authorities canceled his poetry concert, now he wanted to fill that long-standing

10/13/1832 - ??.??.1896 (≈63 years old)
186 years since birth
≈122 years from death

Sources of information:
St. Petersburg province through the eyes of artists: (from the collection of philocartist S.I. Semenova). - St. Petersburg: B. i., 1995. - S. 25.
Murashova N. V. Noble estates of the St. Petersburg province. Southern Ladoga: Kirovsky and Volkhov regions / N. V. Murashova, L. P. Myslina. - St. Petersburg: Alaborg, 2009. - S. 208, 216.
Murashova, N. V. Sto noble estates Petersburg province: ist. ref. / Nonna Murashova. - St. Petersburg. : Choice, 2005. - S. 347.
Samoilova I. Through the prism of artistic vision [Electronic resource / I. Samoilova // Staraya Ladoga. – Access mode: WWW.URL: - 13.12.2011.

Genre painter and portrait painter. In 1846 - 1858 studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Popov enjoyed the support of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. His painting Demyanov's Ear (based on the plot of Krylov's fable) at an academic exhibition in 1857 made a great impression on the public. In 1860, the best of all Popov's works appeared: "Tea Warehouse at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair", for which the Academy awarded him the title of class artist of the 1st degree and a large gold medal. Travels in the 1860s. Popov spent the term of his foreign retirement in Paris and Rome.

He stayed at the Uspenskoye estate (Staraya Ladoga, Volkhovsky district) with A. R. Tomilov, where he painted the painting “Birch Alley in Uspensky” (1852). Author of the painting "Folk Scene at the Fair in Staraya Ladoga" (1853).