Analysis of the painting by Benois Versailles 1907. The artist, critic, art historian Alexander Benois and his graphic work "The King's Walk

Until recently, a technical inspection of a car was mandatory for almost all drivers. But now a fine for the lack of technical inspection is not issued in all cases. At the same time, a change in the requirements of the legislation by no means means that control over technical condition car is cancelled. Any driver, as before, must monitor the health of his car, otherwise other problems await him. This applies, first of all, to the execution of the OSAGO policy.

To answer the question of how long it is possible to drive with an overdue technical inspection, it should be taken into account that a driver who neglects to check the health of his car will sooner or later still receive a fine for not having an OSAGO policy. After all, without a technical inspection, the driver will not be able to issue insurance.

Until 2012, when inspecting the condition of the car, a special coupon was issued, now a diagnostic card is issued instead of it, the information of which is also entered into the electronic database. To inspect the car, its owner must contact the technical control point, which can be selected on the official website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA).

The inspection must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • driver's passport - a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • driver's license;
  • certificate of state registration of the car.

The technical control point has the right to refuse to provide a car inspection service if its owner has not provided one of the specified documents, as well as if the license plates of the car do not correspond to the registration documents.

It is not necessary to undergo a technical inspection every year to issue a diagnostic card. For example, new cars need to be checked only three years after the start of operation. Annual technical inspection is required only for cars older than 7 years. Vehicles with a mileage of 3 to 7 years can be inspected every two years.

Who can be fined

As of 2019, the absence of a diagnostic card is the basis for issuing a fine only for drivers (owners) of the following vehicles:

  • Taxi;
  • trucks with a total mass of more than 3.5 tons;
  • cars used for driving lessons;
  • buses and minibuses with a capacity of 8 passengers;
  • special modes of transport equipped with light and sound special signals.

For owners of other cars, the presence of a diagnostic card is mandatory only when applying for an OSAGO insurance policy. But since this type of auto insurance is mandatory, the driver still cannot avoid a fine, because without a diagnostic card the OSAGO policy will not be issued to him.

The amount of penalties

For drivers of taxis, passenger and freight vehicles, the fine for driving without technical inspection in 2019 is 5,000 rubles. In addition, the violator loses his driver's license for 3 months.

A car driver who does not have a diagnostic card and, accordingly, an OSAGO policy, will be fined 800 rubles for the lack of insurance.

Why inspection is relevant today

Can I drive without a vehicle inspection if I have insurance? In itself, such a formulation of the question is contradictory, since without the provision of a diagnostic card confirming the fact of passing the technical inspection, it is impossible to issue an OSAGO. However, some insurance companies in pursuit of customers turn a blind eye to the driver's lack of necessary documentation.

Given that the traffic police inspector does not check the presence of a diagnostic card, then theoretically it is possible to drive without a passed technical inspection. But that would be against the law.

If a citizen is interested in the question, what is the punishment for driving without technical inspection and insurance, then the answer to it is unequivocal: it is 800 rubles. In addition to this, the driver of a taxi, passenger bus or truck will have to say goodbye to the rights for three months and pay a fine of 5,000 rubles for a failed technical inspection.

Payment order

. The application will need to be accompanied by a receipt for payment of the penalty.

Another option for notifying the traffic police about a problem with paying a fine is to file an appeal through the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In many situations, this method of informing is more effective and faster than a written statement.

Until the beginning of 2012, a fine for technical inspection threatened all motorists who did not pass MOT on time and operated their car without a valid diagnostic card. Driving without a technical inspection can adversely affect road safety and put not only the driver at risk, but also other road users. Who should pay the fine for driving without a vehicle inspection in 2019? How much is the late inspection fee? What reform in the field of maintenance is the government preparing and what awaits drivers in 2019-2020?

What is a technical inspection and who is required to pass it?

The definition of technical inspection is given in Article 1 of the Federal Law "On the Technical Inspection of Vehicles" No. 170 of 07/01/2011. According to the legislative act, this is an examination of the car, its parts and equipment for serviceability and compliance with safety requirements. Such checks are necessary to make sure that the selected vehicle can be operated, can be allowed to participate in road traffic and in order not to get a fine for a failed inspection. Article 15 of the said law indicates for which vehicles technical inspection is required:

  • Taxis, buses, passenger trucks, vehicles carrying dangerous goods - every six months;
  • Cars, trucks up to 3.5 tons, trailers and semi-trailers, motor vehicles, if all types of vehicles are older than 7 years - every year;
  • Trucks over 3.5 tons, training cars, cars with special signals (ambulances, firemen, etc.) of any age - every year;
  • Cars, trucks up to 3.5 tons, trailers and semi-trailers, motor vehicles, if from 3 to 7 years have passed from the year of their release - every 2 years.

Maintenance is carried out by operators who have received state accreditation in accordance with the provisions of the current federal law. The owner of the vehicle can independently choose any organization and specialist who will carry out the check. This procedure is paid and the price may vary depending on the region and the organization itself. But pricing is also regulated from the state side thanks to the Methodology for calculating the cost, approved by Order of the Federal Tariff Service No. 642-a dated 10/18/2011.

Can you drive without a vehicle inspection?

The only opportunity not to undergo MOT is for motorists who own a new vehicle. From the moment of its release should not pass 3 years. Lack of inspection will not be the reason for bringing to administrative responsibility. This rule, specified in the same article 15 of the law, does not apply to public transport(and taxis), trucks with a mass of more than 3.5 tons, emergency vehicles, as well as vehicles that are used to transport dangerous goods.

MOT is necessary not only to allow the car to participate in road traffic, but also to obtain a mandatory “autocitizenship”. Without a diagnostic card, which is a document confirming the passing of a technical inspection, no insurance company has the right to conclude an insurance contract (does not apply to cases of issuing insurance for a period of not more than 20 days for transporting a car to the place of registration). Without these two documents, driving a car is prohibited - stopping such a driver by a traffic police officer will result in the detention of the vehicle and a fine for lack of insurance and technical inspection.

maintenance fee

In 2011, control over car maintenance was transferred from the traffic police to insurance companies, and from that moment on, inspectors lost the right to purposefully check the availability of diagnostic cards from drivers and issue fines to private individuals. Despite this, fines for technical inspection in 2019 exist for taxis, cars designed to transport passengers, special equipment, etc. Punishment is assigned in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. A fine for the lack of technical inspection will cost the owner of the car a minimum cost - 500-800 rubles.

In August 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation submitted to the Parliament a package of documents aimed at a large-scale reform of the logistics sector. In December of the same year, the State Duma in the first reading adopted a bill according to which the owner of the car will be fined 2,000 rubles for the lack of maintenance. Traffic cameras will record the violation, and the diagnostic cards themselves will become electronic. A new fine for the lack of technical inspection can be issued only 1 time per day.

After the transfer of control over maintenance to insurance companies, the illegal practice of buying false documents confirming the passage of maintenance has appeared. The new bill provides for sanctions for organizations that have issued such fakes - the punishment is not only administrative, but also criminal. If the operator does not have accreditation, he will have to pay a fine of 300,000 rubles. If the organization was accredited, but issued a diagnostic card for a car that did not even come to MOT, penalty can amount to 10,000 rubles for an employee, and in case of a repeated violation - 500,000 rubles for an organization. The bill is being finalized for the second reading and will be considered by deputies in the spring of 2019. If it is accepted, then every driver who does not have a valid MOT will have to pay a fine for not having a diagnostic card.

Today, in 2018, there are more and more rumors among motorists about the cancellation of the technical inspection. But can such information be trusted? In fact, the technical inspection rules that have been in force since the beginning of 2012 and were subsequently changed have not been canceled. As before, they continue to work in 2018. Cars must undergo a technical inspection, and motorists are obliged to carry a vehicle coupon and a diagnostic card with them.

But! There was an exception for owners of passenger cars and trucks (up to 3.5 tons), as well as motorcycles, semi-trailers and trailers. They can not be afraid of fines for ignoring TO and the absence of a ticket. If you believe the law, then the traffic police officer will not even ask if there are documents confirming the inspection with him or not. As for the specialized categories of cars (taxi, buses, cars with more than eight seats and others), everything remains unchanged for them, as before.

What do the rules say?

Let's remember the position Russian Federation regarding the time and rules of technical inspection. So, the “preferential” type of transport, which we mentioned a little higher, during the first 3 years, you can not drive for technical inspection. If the car is from 3 to 7 years old, then MOT must be done every 2 years. Further, upon reaching the age of 7 - annually. As for the rest of the "special" transport, it should be checked every 6 months.

And what about fines?

In this regard, a logical question arises: “Is it necessary to be afraid of fines for the absence of a coupon or diagnostic card?”. Again, drivers of cars with a capacity of up to 8 seats, trucks (up to 3.5 tons with a carrying capacity) and motorcycles have nothing to fear. In the absence of supporting documents on the passage of the vehicle, the inspector cannot punish them with a fine.

As for the other category - taxi drivers, bus drivers or special equipment, everything remains unchanged here. Law enforcement officers on the road can stop the transport and demand from the driver documents confirming the inspection. If not, then punishment is inevitable. At the same time, the fine for driving without a technical inspection will be 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of up to three months.

And who should pay if the driver is not the owner, but, for example, a driver with a power of attorney? In such a situation, a fine is imposed on the person who is driving a taxi, truck, bus or specialized transport. In turn, the owner (if he was not driving) is not required to pay.

What about insurance?

It would seem that the existing changes should please motorists, but not everything is so smooth. You will still need to pass a technical inspection:

– firstly, after going through this procedure, you will be able to find out the real state of your equipment and, if necessary, make repairs;

- secondly, without a document on the passage of the vehicle, it will not be possible to issue an OSAGO. Not even quite like that. Of course, you can get insurance, but you won’t be able to receive payments in the event of an accident.

If you ignore the inspection and do not receive an OSAGO insurance policy, then when you stop, the traffic police inspector has the right to impose a fine of 800 rubles. And mind you, not because of inspection, but for a reason.


Thus, technical inspection in 2018 is still necessary, as before. The only thing is that driving without a supporting document and a diagnostic card for a certain category of motorists does not threaten with a fine. Otherwise, nothing has changed. Good luck on the roads and safe driving.

1906 State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.
Paper on cardboard, gouache, watercolor, bronze paint, silver paint, graphite pencil, pen, brush 48 x 62

AT The King's Walk picture Alexander Benois takes the viewer to the brilliant park of Versailles from the time of Louis XIV.

On the background autumn landscape the artist depicts the solemn procession of the monarch with his courtiers. Plane modeling of marching figures seems to turn them into ghosts of a bygone era. Among the court retinue, it is difficult to find Louis XIV himself. The Sun King is not important to the artist. Benois is much more concerned about the atmosphere of the era, the breath of the Versailles park from the time of its crowned owner.

The author of the canvas Walk of the king Alexander Nikolaevich Benois is one of the organizers and ideological inspirer of the artistic association World of Art. He was a theorist and critic of art. Peru Benois owns research on the history of both domestic and Western European art. His multifaceted talent manifested itself in book graphics and scenography.

The picturesque works of Benois are mainly devoted to two topics: France during the time of Louis XIV "The Sun King" and Petersburg XVIII - early XIX century (see "

The cycle of drawings by Alexandre Benois, dedicated to the walks of King Louis the Sun, his old age, as well as autumn and winter in the park of Versailles, is perhaps one of the most memorable - both sad and beautiful - in the artist's work.

A. Benois. "The King's Last Walks". 1896-1898 (there are later drawings)

"Versailles. Louis XIV feeds the fish

Description of the old age of Louis XIV from here:
"... The king became sad and gloomy. According to Madame de Maintenon, he became "the most inconsolable person in all of France." Louis began to violate the laws of etiquette established by himself.
AT last years life, he acquired all the habits befitting an old man: he got up late, ate in bed, reclining received ministers and secretaries of state (Louis XIV dealt with the affairs of the kingdom until last days of his life), and then sat for hours in a large armchair, placing a velvet pillow under his back. In vain, the doctors repeated to their sovereign that the lack of bodily movements bored him and drowsiness and was a harbinger of imminent death.
The king could no longer resist the onset of decrepitude, and his age was approaching eighty.
Everything he agreed to was limited to trips through the gardens of Versailles in a small controlled carriage.

"Versailles. By the pool of Ceres"

I also put here other drawings by Benois, in which the king does not appear, but there is simply Versailles.
"Flora's Pool at Versailles"

From the article "Versailles in the work of Benois"

Alexandre Benois first visited Versailles in his youth, back in the 1890s.
Since then, he has remained obsessed with the poetics of the ancient royal palace, the “divine Versailles,” as he calls it. "I returned from there drugged, almost sick from strong impressions."

From a confession to his nephew Eugene Lansere: “I am intoxicated with this place, it is some kind of impossible illness, a criminal passion, a strange love.”

"King Louis XIV in an armchair"

Throughout his life, the artist will create more than six hundred oil paintings, engravings, pastels, gouaches and watercolors dedicated to Versailles.
When Benoit was 86 years old, he complained of poor health only from the point of view that it did not allow him to "walk around the paradise in which he once lived."

And this is a real lifetime portrait of the old Louis the Sun, drawn by A. Benois. Only not by our artist, but by Antoine Benoist (1632-1717), who worked at court. He was not a relative of our Benois, and not even a namesake (another spelling), but I am sure that such a clever person as Alexander knew about him and perhaps felt some kind of spiritual kinship thanks to the magic of the name.

"King's Walk"

"The source of inspiration for the artist is not the royal splendor of the castle and parks, but rather "unsteady, sad memories of the kings who still roam here." It looks like some kind of almost mystical illusion ("I sometimes reach a state close to hallucinations") .
For Benois, those shadows that silently glide through the park of Versailles are more like memories than fantasies. According to his own statement, images of events that once happened here flash before his eyes. He "sees" the very creator of this magnificence, King Louis XIV, surrounded by his retinue. Moreover, he sees him already terribly old and sick, which surprisingly accurately reflects the former reality.

"Versailles. Orangery"

"Versailles. Garden of Trianon"

From an article by a French researcher (there is an interesting angle in general):

"The images of The Last Walks of Louis XIV are certainly inspired, and sometimes even borrowed from the texts and engravings of the time of the" Sun King ".
However, such a view - the approach of an erudite and connoisseur - is by no means fraught with either dryness or pedantry and does not force the artist to engage in lifeless historical reconstructions. Indifferent to so dear to my heart Montesquieu “to the complaints of stones dreaming of decaying into oblivion, Benois did not capture either the dilapidation of the palace or the desolation of the park, which, of course, he still found. He prefers flights of fantasy to historical accuracy - and at the same time, his fantasies are historically accurate. The artist's themes are the passage of time, the "romantic" intrusion of nature into the classic park of Le Nôtre; he is occupied - and amused - by the contrast between the sophistication of the park scenery, in which "every line, every statue, the smallest vase" reminds "of the divinity of monarchical power, the greatness of the sun king, the inviolability of the foundations" - and the grotesque figure of the king himself: a hunched old man in a gurney pushed by a footman in livery."

"At Curtius"

"Allegory of the river"

"A few years later, Benoit will draw an equally irreverent verbal portrait Louis XIV: "a gnarled old man with pendulous cheeks, bad teeth and a face eaten away by smallpox."
The king in Benois' Walks is a lonely old man, abandoned by the courtiers and clinging to his confessor in anticipation imminent death. But he appears rather not as a tragic hero, but as a staff character, an extra, whose almost ephemeral, ghostly presence emphasizes the inviolability of the scenery and the stage from which the once great actor leaves, “having uncomplainingly endured the burden of this monstrous comedy.”

"The king walked in any weather ... (Saint-Simon)"

“At the same time, Benoit seems to forget that Louis XIV was the main customer of the Versailles performance and was not at all mistaken about the role that he appointed himself to play. XIV was an excellent actor, and he deserved the applause of history. Louis XVI was only one of the "grandchildren of a great actor" who got on stage - and therefore it is very natural that he was driven away by the audience, and the play, which had recently had a huge success, also failed. ".

"Allegory of the river"

"King" (not yet in the chair)

"A Walk in the Garden of Versailles"

"Pond at Versailles"

"Fantasy on the Versailles theme"

Anatoly Lunacharsky, the future Soviet "Minister of Culture", swore at the cycle when he saw the drawings at an exhibition in 1907:
... the worst thing is that Mr. Benois, following the example of many, chose a special specialty for himself. Now it is very common among painters and young poets to find and defend their original individuality, choosing some kind of plot, sometimes ridiculously narrow and deliberate. Mr. Benoit fell in love with the Versailles park. A thousand and one studies of the Versailles park, and all more or less well done. And yet I want to say: "Strike once, strike twice, but it is impossible to insensibility." For Mr. Benois caused in the public a kind of special psychic stupor: Versailles ceased to function. "How good!" - says the audience and widely, widely yawns.