Gaft Parkinson's disease treatment. Valentin Gaft has cancer: The actor comes to his senses after emergency heart surgery

cult actor film "Garage" and the theater "Sovremennik" Valentin Gaft suffers from a severe disease of the nervous system - Parkinson's disease. He was diagnosed with the disease several years ago. Due to the fact that she does not stop progressing, Gaft had to give up performing on stage and filming a movie. Iosif Kobzon recently commented on the health status of Oleg Tabakov and Valentin Gaft. The singer believes that they get very sick and die.

After suffering a heart attack, Valentin Gaft began to suffer from Parkinson's disease. Visitors to performances with his participation immediately noticed stiffness in Gaft's movements and a lack of coordination. Doctors believe that due to the illness, Gaft's health condition worsened, as a result of which nervous system summed up the legend of Russian cinema. During the Song of the Year festival, Iosif Kobzon told reporters that Valentin Gaft was now suffering from a terrible disease.

In April last year, Valentin Gaft was suspected of having Parkinson's disease. Previously, the actor noted only heart problems and memory impairment. He suffered a heart attack, after which he recovered for a long time. His only daughter Olga committed suicide. Gaft's close friends believe that this is what caused the man's illness. Only the scene helped the actor cope with the tragedy. During performances, he could hide his real feelings behind a mask. But physical health let Valentin Gaft down.

He did not even wait to be discharged after suffering a heart attack. The actor immediately went back on stage. A cardiologist believes that Parkinson's disease is caused by changes in the brain due to a heart attack. As a result, memory impairment and impaired coordination of movements.

Despite the fact that then Gaft refused a full course of rehabilitation, now he is turning to traditional healers. It is possible that the actor trusts alternative medicine more. By the way, Valentin Gaft is already 75 years old, which means that it is now difficult for him to fight a serious illness due to his age. Fans are afraid that they may soon lose the actor.

Valentin Gaft believes that his illness is old age and he does not want to spend last days his life in a hospital bed. The actor strives for new experiences and undertakings. Until recently, he played ten performances a month, was ashamed even to ask for a vacation and assured that he had to work until he fell down.

The cause of Parkinson's disease is neurodegeneration. For some unknown reason, dopamine-producing brain cells die. Medicine does not know very many factors that increase the risk of getting sick: contact with solvents, herbicides, pesticides, repeated traumatic brain injuries.

To date, there is no effective remedy that could help save a person from Parkinson's disease. Elderly people in particular feel the consequences of the disease on themselves, since against the background of old age, memory and coordination of movements are already deteriorating.

At People's Artist The RSFSR has health problems, so the performance “As long as space exists” with his participation was decided to be postponed to July. This news came as a surprise to his fans. More recently, Valentin Gaft traveled to Georgia, where he had creative evening.

82-year-old Valentin Gaft was supposed to take the stage of Sovremennik on May 28, but the production of As long as space exists with the participation of the actor was unexpectedly postponed to July 8. The theater explained the changes in the schedule by the artist's illness and apologized to the audience for the inconvenience caused. For those who do not fit the new date, they offered to return tickets to the box office within a few days.

The journalists hurried to contact Valentin Iosifovich to find out how he was feeling. The actor confirmed that he was unwell, so the performance was postponed. However, the artist hastened to reassure fans.

“The information is true. I don’t feel well, but not to such an extent that I don’t play, I don’t play, it’s just purely physical, it has nothing to do with any terrible diseases. It's okay, it happens. There is no need to panic. There is a cold, there are all sorts of things,” Valentin Iosifovich explained to correspondents.

More recently, Gaft felt good and even went on tour to another country. On May 18, the famous artist visited Georgia, where he had a creative evening planned. The fan meeting with the actor took place at the Free Theater in Tbilisi.

The audience watched fragments of films with the participation of Valentin Iosifovich (both popular and less well-known), listened to fragments from his books, and also got acquainted with numerous epigrams dedicated to the star's colleagues in the shop.

However, on the air of the program "The Stars Came Together" Gaft unexpectedly appeared before the audience in wheelchair. Friends of the People's Artist of the RSFSR said that he was suffering from Parkinson's disease. Valentin Iosifovich himself tries not to complain about health problems.

“I don’t feel well, but I still ask you to invite me to new projects. Sometimes they call, and then they refuse. Like, I'm falling apart before my eyes. And I live by this, I want to work, ”said the actor.

Gaft's acquaintances noted that the work makes him forget about all the difficulties. “Sometimes we take him to the stage, he can hardly move, he feels terrible. And then he enters the stage, and health problems seem to pass by a miracle, ”shared one of the star’s friends.

In a recent interview, Valentin Gaft noted that he plans to return to the stage in the summer. While the actor has not come to his senses, a couple of performances with his participation will be canceled.