Why dream of the death of a loved one who is alive. Consider the exciting question - why dream of the death of a loved one in a dream, according to the dream book? If they are family members

Many are sure that the death of a loved one in a dream is a negative omen that promises something bad. In fact, the opposite is true, since, according to numerous dream books, in most cases such a dream has positive interpretation. To decipher the dream you see, you need to consider maximum amount interpretations.

Why dream of the death of a loved one?

In most cases, such a dream, on the contrary, means that a loved one will live a long time. A dream in which a loved one passed away far from you portends a fast one, but a salary increase prophesies a dream where the death was imperceptible. It is best to put aside all unimportant things and devote all your energy to career development. Let's figure out why the death of loved ones who tried to escape is dreamed of, but the dreamer could not help them. A similar plot means that, most likely, he is in real life failed to fulfill an important promise. The dream interpretation gives a recommendation that you need to finish all your business and pay off your debts.

Seeing the death of a loved one and feeling heartache at the same time means that significant changes will soon occur that relate to personal life. A night vision in which a loved one died, losing a lot of blood, prophesies the occurrence of minor family troubles. Another such dream may mean that a person needs the help of a dreamer. Let's find out what it means if you dream of the death of a loved one, which was unnatural, this is an indication that the dreamer is not sufficiently open to other people. If the death of a loved one was due to the fault of the dreamer, then he got numerous advice and he wants to live his life. A dream in which a loved one passed away in torment, personifies the presence of remorse. Seeing a loved one die quickly is a good sign, indicating that all problems will be resolved soon.

Why dream of the death of a close relative?

The death of parents in a dream portends a reality large sum money, for example, it can be a gift, an inheritance, or a win. The dream book hints that the perfect time has come to try your luck by buying lottery ticket. We will find out why the death of a close relative is dreaming of, namely a sister or brother, so such a dream indicates a problem in a relationship. Analyze your recent actions, perhaps you offended a dear person without wanting it.

One of the dream books indicates that the death of a relative in a dream symbolizes the fact that in real life his influence will decrease significantly, you may very rarely contact. If the grandmother was dying, then we should expect a serious turning point, and the changes will affect not only the dreamer, but the whole family. The night vision in which the husband died can be taken as a recommendation that it is better to take a closer look at your spouse, because he is hiding something. If all parents died in a dream, this is an indication that this moment the dreamer is in a difficult financial situation.

Why dream of the death of a close friend?

Such a dream in most cases is of a warning nature, since it indicates the presence of health problems. The dream interpretation recommends not to miss even frivolous deviations from the norm. Even the death of a friend can promise unpleasant news, and they should be attributed to them as calmly as possible. The death of a friend in a dream represents the presence of fatigue and due to accumulated cases and lack of time.

Dream: You are shocked and saddened to learn of the death of the person you love with all your heart. This is often one of your parents or someone who has always loved and supported you unconditionally. Although this loss has devastated you, you are making great efforts to make sure that everyone around you recognizes the incredible qualities that your loved one embodied during his lifetime. You wake up feeling deep sadness, but with joy and relief you understand that your loved one is alive and well.

The meaning of the dream "Death of a loved one in a dream"

The death of a loved one in your dream often symbolizes the end of a certain path in life and the beginning of a new one. This is not at all a prophetic dream about the impending death of a loved one. When you dream about someone else, it usually represents a characteristic personal quality of yourself. If this person is kind and caring in everyday life, you reflect on your ability to be kind and caring. If he often demonstrates responsibility and capacity, then you care about these qualities in yourself. In a dream, the death of a loved one indicates that it is this particular quality in yourself that is somehow transformed.
This transformation is often the result important changes in your real life when you have to leave old habits and learn new approaches. In such a dream, you often stand near the grave, as the dream encourages you to respectfully bury your past so that you can move forward into a new future. If in a dream you are in a hospital, this usually means that you may be unhealthy dependent on a loved one and you need to become more responsible and rely more on yourself in real life. The joy of knowing that your loved one is alive emphasizes that your relationship with him is being reborn and renewed, and this will help you establish an even stronger connection with him.

Your actions after a dream

Such a dream confirms that you have reached the end of a certain period of activity in your life and a whole new area opportunities. By letting go of the past, you are free to step into a new future. Although many tend to think similar dream a harbinger of true death, it almost never happens. Instead of worrying about possible death, you should think about the new opportunities that are opening up for you and how you can use them to enrich and expand your life.

Prerequisites for the dream "Death of a loved one in a dream"

One of the first fears that we experience in childhood is the fear of separation from our parents, who take care of us, providing us with comfort and safety. Parents leave and then come back, but while they are gone, we can feel a lot of anxiety. The more independent we become, the less we depend on our parents and loved ones. But, getting into situations of uncertainty, we always hope that they will appear again and everything will be in order again. Although death is often thought of as an absolute end, it is actually a natural ending that leads to new beginnings.

Probably for their longevity. What do you think? However, in order not to let us better look into different dream books.

loved ones. Interpretation according to Miller

The American psychologist Gustav Miller does not please us with particularly cheerful explanations of such visions. He claims that the death of a loved one or a well-known person, seen in a dream, is a harbinger of imminent troubles and sorrows. The scientist writes that if you dream of the death of a loved one, you will find continuous disappointments, and if the death of a friend, expect sad news.

Comments by Gustav Miller

The scientist expresses his small comments to some interpretations. In particular, he gives a psychological explanation of why a loved one. The fact is that some "deadly" visions mislead both their interpreters and the dreamers themselves. Any thinking person constantly fills his own aura with continuous subjectivism: emotions, thoughts and images, which subsequently manifest themselves in the form of not always pleasant dreams. Certain actions and thoughts are capable of replacing real images with fictitious ones, completely displacing them. When such a person falls asleep, he often sees these images as dying or already dead, mistaking them for his relatives, friends or enemies.

This mechanism can provoke dreams with their own fatal outcome. Do not be afraid! In fact, this is not some kind of prophecy!

This is a common warning that in real life you are vulnerable, you are badly influenced, you can do something stupid or succumb to demonic thoughts!

Why dream of the death of loved ones according to the dream book of Morpheus

  1. If a friend or relative you dreamed about is struggling in death throes, then beware: the dream warns you of some unworthy law-abiding citizen actions or thoughts on the part of this person.
  2. Seeing the death of your enemies in a dream - to success! You will finally defeat your rivals, be able to overcome the evil forces that have crept into your soul.

Why dream of the death of loved ones according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A dream in which a loved one dies, almost always close to a nightmare. The next morning, the dreamer often wakes up broken and unhappy, even if the person who died in a dream is alive and well.

A person is overcome by bad forebodings and a sense of impending doom. However, such a terrible event as death often has a favorable meaning in reality.

Let's try to figure out why the death of a loved one is dreaming.

In general, death in a dream portends a long and prosperous life., release from problems and debts.

Patients after such dreams successfully recover and return to normal life.

Sometimes the dreamer should take a closer look at his life - perhaps it's time for a change.

For woman

If a young girl dreams that one of her loved ones is dying, asking for help, and the dreamer could not save him, then such a dream speaks of forgotten requests and promises.

It is worth remembering what was shelved and, finally, take up these matters.

Learn about the death of an older relative- to his long and happy life. Such a dream also personifies the fear of losing loved ones due to their age.

See close friend dying- to nice meeting and frivolous hobbies that will not harm anyone. If at the time of sleep a friend is sick in reality, then the dream prophesies him a speedy recovery.

If the dreamer's fiance falls into some kind of catastrophe and dies- in reality, the girl has trifling grievances against her boyfriend, which, nevertheless, interfere with the development of relations.

The dreamer must find the strength to adequately explain to her young man the essence of the problem.

If a married woman dreams that she received news of the death of a loved one, but she herself was not present at the same time, then this is a very favorable sign.

He foreshadows the imminent advance in career ladder or unexpected pay raises.

However, do not rely only on fate - dreams speak only of a favorable moment in life, which must be used wisely rather than sit back.

For some time, other problems should, if possible, be relegated to the background, and deal directly with a career. Learn more detailed explanation what the death of a loved one is dreaming of, you can in this video.

For a man

For a guy to see his lover die- a symbol of reverent and mutual love for her. We should expect pleasant romantic gifts and confessions.

If in reality a young man does not have a couple, but in a dream she appears and dies, then a warm attachment to a new acquaintance will soon come. The union will be successful.

If a dying person tried to say something, but the dreamer could not make out the words, then he most likely does not listen to the advice and requests of loved ones.

Such a selfish model of behavior offends others, it seems to them that the dreamer does not put them in anything. This is fraught with consequences.

For a married man to see in a dream the death of a familiar person, especially a relative, and experiencing sadness at the same time - to great joy.

It will be connected with the appearance of a new family member - her child, nephew or grandson. Perhaps someone is preparing to present a surprise in this way.

If a man is single, a dream about the death of loved ones indicates that that a woman in love with him is very close by. She literally flashes before her eyes, but the dreamer does not notice her.

It is worth taking a closer look at the surrounding representatives of the fair sex.

For a child

Why dream of the death of a loved one for young children? For a child's sleep, such a plot rarely seems like a nightmare., because it only signals the presence of jealousy for the "dying".

Parents in this case should pay attention to whether the child believes that his brother or sister is loved more than him.

This does not at all mean a desire to get rid of a relative. but the normal behavior of an immature person. Adults should evaluate themselves from the outside - do they infringe on one of the children?

And if one of the parents dies in a dream, then in reality he allows himself to be manipulated with the help of whims and resentments.

Dreams are joyful and those that portend sad events. Some dreams recur regularly.

Every dream is worth interpreting. Why dream of the death of a loved one? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of the death of a loved one - the main interpretation

Death in a dream does not always portend death in reality. You should not panic and expect unpleasant events, if you saw such a tragic event in a dream, most likely everything will turn out exactly in your life, but vice versa.

What to pay attention to Special attention if you dreamed about the death of a loved one?

Did he die a natural death;

Who became the culprit of his death;

Whether one relative died in his sleep, or several;

What emotions accompanied your dream.

If you woke up confused and very anxious, then you should carefully listen to your emotions - there may be a lot of truth in them and in fact you may be worried about the health of your loved one. If you woke up in a good mood and very joyful, then you foresee the positive changes that await you in the near future.

If you dream that your relative is saying something in a dream - such a dream means that you really should talk to him in reality. He may have important information for you. If in a dream you can hardly make out what it is about, such a dream means that you pay little attention to your loved ones. You give little importance to their words and actions. More busy with themselves. Soon this can lead to significant disagreements with relatives and even scandals.

If you dream that a deceased relative left a suicide note, and it is addressed specifically to you, you will receive important news that will radically change your life. You may even have to change your place of residence and social circle. If you dream that a relative is calling to him before his death, significant obligations will be placed on you, you will not be able to avoid responsibility for any slightest mistake in the performance of work, so you should be very attentive to every assignment that you are entrusted with.

If you doubt your abilities and doubt whether you can personally fulfill this assignment, you should not initially agree to it. It is better to transfer the work to another, and do not waste your time.

It is worth noting that a dream in which your close relative dies somewhere far away from you promises you a quick promotion and an improvement in your financial situation. After such a dream, the dream book advises you not to get involved in solving other important issues, but to throw all your strength into solving issues related to work and earnings. If you listen - you will get the maximum profit in a fairly short time.

If you dream that a relative died in your arms - such a dream means that you are waiting for colossal changes in your personal life. You will soon receive a lot of new acquaintances and a lot of interesting offers from the opposite sex. The dream book advises to consider all options. Perhaps, among the potential chosen ones, you will find exactly the one that will fully satisfy all your requests for the second half.

If you dream that you are trying to save a person close to you from death, but this does not work out - such a dream means that you will play a big role in solving his pressing problems, you may even have to take responsibility for his actions.

If you dream that your relative died in the war - such a dream means that you will have to become a participant in some kind of clarification of the relationship of people completely strangers to you. The dream book advises not to take their discontent and whims personally. It will be better if you move away from other people's problems and take care of the development of your life.

If you dream that your parents have died, you will soon receive a huge amount of money. It is better to think in advance what you will spend it on. Money can be a gift or an unexpected bonus. The dream book also indicates that it is from this period that a white streak will begin in your life. You can also win the lottery, or beat someone in a money dispute.

Why dream of the death of a loved one according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the death of a loved one is dreamed of as a harbinger of significant changes in personal life. You may soon receive not only a marriage proposal, but also the news that a replenishment will happen in the family.

If a lonely girl dreams that her mother has died - such a dream means that she will soon receive an offer to enter into a new and very profitable relationship. If a single man dreams that he is dying best friend- he will start a relationship with his former passion again.

If a pregnant girl dreams that her husband is dying, such a dream promises them happiness in their personal lives and the happy birth of their first child. Do not panic, even if after sleep you experience some anxiety and heaviness. These are just unjustified fears. In fact, nothing unpleasant will happen to you in the near future.

If you dream that your relative has become a hostage of an accident - such a dream means that you will randomly meet the person who will share everything with you. later life. If you dream that one of the children died in a dream - such a dream means that those relationships that have just begun will develop into a serious relationship.

If you dream that a person close to you suddenly came to life in a dream - such a dream means that soon you will have trouble in relationships and constant showdowns with your soulmate. The reason for this will be unspoken grievances and anxieties.

Why dream of the death of a loved one according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says why the death of a loved one is dreamed of. Such a dream often means significant health problems that will attack you. Illnesses can begin with a significant malaise, and develop into a significant ailment. It is important to remember the warning of the dream book and seek qualified help in time.

If you dream that your mother fell ill and died, you should not trust the people around you so much. You are likely to become a victim of their deception, while not only your moral character will suffer, but also your financial situation.

If you dream that in the middle of the night a loved one knocked on your house, and it was in your house that death overtook him - someone has long and sincerely wished you grief. It is worthwhile to figure out who it could be and take all measures in order to avoid negative consequences.

If you have secrets, they can miraculously become public. If at work you are not clean-handed, it's time to stop fraud and think about your reputation. It can be irrevocably damaged. If you dream that someone from your work has died and this person was close to you - such a dream means that significant changes will soon take place at work, and they will give you the opportunity to improve your financial condition.

Why dream of the death of a loved one in other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the death of your parents promises you material well-being and stability. The death of a beloved promises you trouble and trouble at work, but they will be temporary.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the death of your brother or sister in a dream means that you are a very callous person in reality, you are little interested in the problems of others. If you dream that a loved one lost a lot of blood and died from this - such a dream means that you will expect conflicts in the family in order to avoid them - try not to accept anyone's point of view, but be guided only by common sense.

In any case, it is very unpleasant to see the death of a loved one in a dream. This can cause panic and apathy. But it is worth remembering that most dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of positive changes. If you want to make sure that everything is really all right with your loved one, dream books advise you to visit a relative in the near future. Perhaps you really did not spend enough time on it.