Italian proverbs with translation. Italian proverbs and sayings with translation and pronunciation

    Good afternoon dear friends. I wish you all a great Monday and the soonest warm days, and to pass the time, read a short story dedicated to Italian and Russian proverbs.
    I know that among you there are connoisseurs and connoisseurs of the Italian language, so proverbs will be of interest to everyone.

    I really like the Italian language, because it is similar to Russian in many ways: it is just as rich and beautiful. Russian has a very large number of borrowings from Italian, sometimes absolutely amazing words come across, for example “walled up”, muro in Italian means a wall. But proverbs are very different, even if they have the same meaning.

    In Italy, the use of proverbs is not as popular as in Russia, but I have chosen for you a few of the most famous.

    So, let's begin?
    1. Abbondanza di bene non nuoce.
    Translation: good abundance does not hurt.
    Russian proverb: You can't spoil porridge with butter.

    2. Bue vecchio, solco diritto.
    Translation: the ox is old, the furrow is straight.
    Russian proverb: An old horse will not spoil the furrow.

    3. Cade anche un cavallo che ha quattro gambe.
    Translation: even a horse that has four legs falls.
    Russian proverb: even an old woman gets a hole.

    4. Chi asino nasse, asino muore.
    Translation: who was born a donkey, a donkey and will die
    Russian proverb: Who was born a wolf, he will not be a fox.

    5. Chi va a Roma, perde la poltrona.
    Translation: whoever goes to Rome loses his seat in his chair.
    Russian proverb: the priest got up, she lost her place.

    6. Dimmi con chi va, e ti diro' chi sei.
    Translation: Tell me who you're going with and I'll tell you who you are.
    Russian proverb: tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

    7.La notte porta consiglio.
    Translation: night brings advice.
    Russian proverb: morning is wiser than evening.

    8. L'occasione fa l'uomo ladro.
    Translation: Opportunity makes a man a thief.
    Russian proverb: do not put badly, do not lead the thief into sin.

    9. Nessuno nasce maestro.
    Translation: no one is born a master
    Russian proverb: learn from mistakes.

    10.Non svegliare il cane che dorme.
    Translation: don't wake a sleeping dog.
    Russian proverb: do not wake famously while it sleeps.

    And a few more exactly the same as ours.

    1.A caval donato, non si guarda in bocca.
    They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

    2. Batti il ​​ferro finche e' caldo.
    Strike while the iron is hot.

    3. Anche I muri hanno orecchie.
    Even the walls have ears.

    4. Sfortunato nel gioco, fortunato in amore.
    Unlucky in cards, lucky in love.

    5. L'abito non fa il monaco.
    Not every monk wears a klobuk.

    Write if you liked the proverbs and want to continue. This week I am leaving home, but interesting stories from the rubric “traveling with Svetlana” are waiting for you, we visited one of the most beautiful places Sardinia - Capo Caccia cliff. And, literally today, they made a dangerous climb into the mountains in search of an ancient nuraghe. Don't miss out on new releases.
    I wish you all a wonderful mood and send you sunny greetings.

As you know, proverbs and sayings are a reflection of how this or that people sees the surrounding reality, how it breathes and lives, a storehouse of folk wisdom, the experience of many dozens of generations. So let's look at some masterpieces of Italian ingenuity:

1) Altezza e "mezza bellezza- High growth is already almost beauty.
What can I say, the average height of Italians is lower than, say, Russians, so tall fellows and stately girls are very, very valuable here.

2) Chi beve birra campa cent "anni- Who drinks beer, lives up to a hundred years.
Men, this is for you, now you will justify yourself to your wives, quoting Italian folk wisdom to them. Preferably, in the original language, for the best effect)))

3) Non basta avere i soldi, bisogna anche saperli spendere- It is not enough just to have money, you must also be able to spend it.
With taste, that is. Note to new Russians and others like them.

4) D "agosto moglie mia non ti conosco- In August, dear wife, I do not recognize you.
The proverb has ancient roots and contains valuable advice for men: do not overwork on the marriage bed during the hottest time of the year. Believe the ancients, they know better!

5) Chi dorme non piglia pesci- He who sleeps does not catch fish.
Everything is clear here: a fisherman cannot oversleep a bite!

6)Chi va a Roma, perde la poltrona- If you go to Rome, you will lose your chair.
Chi va a Milano, perde il divano- If you go to Milan, you will lose your sofa.
Just don’t think that our furniture is being stolen here, it’s the Italians who warn that not all changes are for the better, and that once you start moving from your familiar place, returning, you can find it already occupied. A holy place is never empty, so to speak)))

7) Gli ospiti sono come il pesce, dopo tre giorni puzzano- Guests that fish - stink after 3 days!
This is what you need and honor to know. And it looks like such a hospitable nation)))

8) I parenti sono come le scarpe, piu" sono stretti e piu" fanno male- Relatives are like shoes - the closer, the more painful.
In Italian, stretti means both "close" (relatives) and "tight" (shoes).

9) Il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi- The devil makes pots, but not lids
This means that any lie will sooner or later be revealed.

10) Meglio un morto in casa che un marchigiano alla porta- Better a dead man at home than a resident of the Marche at the door
Meglio un morto in casa che un pisano all "uscio- Better a dead man at home than a Pisan at the door
Yeah, that's how they love their neighbors from the surrounding villages in Italy. This all comes from the Middle Ages, when cities competed / fought among themselves for the title of the very best ...

11) Un buon vino, un buon uomo e una bella donna dura poco- Good wine, a kind man and a beautiful woman do not last forever.
Very pessimistic, but true. Especially in this combination.

12) Peccato di pantalone trova presto la soluzione, peccato di gonna fa arrabbiar la Madonna- A sin of a man can be quickly resolved, a sin of a woman angers the Madonna.
They mean that a man can go to the side, but women - no, no ?! Somehow it doesn't work well! Not fair! Where is Madonna looking??!!

13) Trenta dì conta novembre con april, giugno e settembre, di ventotto ce n "è uno, tutti gli altri ne han trentuno. - In November, April, June and September - 30 days, one month, in which 28 days, and in the rest - 31!
This should be learned by those who all the time - like me - forget how many days are in a month.)))

14) Vecchiaia con pazienza prolunga l "esistenza- Slow old age is the key to longevity.
There are many centenarians in Italy - and for good reason: everyone here con calma(leisurely)!

15)La vita è come un albero di natale, c "è sempre qualcuno che rompe le palle.- Life is like a decorated Christmas tree, there is always someone who breaks the balls.
Again, a play on words rompere le palle in Italian is both "break balls" and "wind nerves" (literally: break ... sorry ... eggs)

Someday next time I will write about Italian curses, but for now I wish you that your life does not resemble a Christmas tree in any way))))

How can you find out how the people of Italy live? What does he love and what does he condemn, what is he interested in and what does he care about? What do Italians and Slavs have in common? And most importantly, how to find out all this without visiting Italy in person? Actually the answer is simple! There is nothing better that reflects the mentality of the country than local Italian proverbs, sayings and popular expressions.

If you look at popular Italian proverbs, you will notice that there is a lot in common between Italians and Russians. And all why? Yes, because our countries are not alien to the feeling of love and hatred, diligence and laziness, friendship and betrayal. So, in Italian proverbs there are analogues of our sayings:

There are a lot of such Italian sayings, but no less proverbs that characteristic only of Italians. Below we give original Italian proverbs and sayings translated into Russian.

From these Italian proverbs and sayings, it can be seen that the inhabitants of Italy are hardworking and optimistic people who honor the value of the family.

Italian proverbs and sayings about food

One of the first associations upon hearing the word Italy is delicious food. Indeed, the Italians are spoiled gastronomically. Only here you can find so many types of dishes with cheese, meat, delicious pastries, sweets, and, of course, pizza. That is why Italian proverbs and sayings reflect the love of food.

Italian proverbs and sayings about love and family

Looking back at history, one can see that Italians know how to love. Their love is pure and sensual. They are loyal family men and great parents. In Italian proverbs and sayings, special attention is paid to the choice of a wife, since a woman plays a very important role in a family. So it was before. Now, of course, progress has made its own adjustments, but, nevertheless, the family for Italians has always stood, stands and will stand in the first place. This is reflected in local proverbs and sayings.

Italian proverbs and sayings about work, rich and poor

Italians are very hardworking people. They were never ashamed to work with their hands, therefore, in their folklore, laziness, the stupidity of the rich is ridiculed and condemned, and, accordingly, diligence and diligence are approved and encouraged.

Italian proverbs and sayings dedicated to people and animals

Italians have a special attitude to the fauna of our planet. They have long noticed characteristics in the habits and character of certain animals. In their proverbs and sayings, the inhabitants of Italy often compare or contrast people and our smaller brothers. Here are some of the most popular examples.

Italian proverbs and sayings with translation and pronunciation

Anno nuovo, vita nuova.(anno nuvo, vita nuva)
New year, new life. / New Year new life.

A caval donato non si guarda in bocca.(a caval donato non si guarda in bocka)
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. / They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

Ad ogni uccello il suo nido e bello.(hell nyi uchillo il suo nido e billo)
Every bird has a good nest for it. / Every sandpiper praises his swamp.

A goccia a goccia, si scava la roccia.(a gochcha a gochcha, si skava la roccha)
Drop by drop, this rock is digging. / Drop by drop will pass through the rock. (Water wears away the stone.)

Aiutati che Dio t'aiuta.(yutachi ke dio melt)
Help yourself, then God will help you. / A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Al contadino non far sapere quanto è buono il cacio con le pere.(al contadino non far sapère cuanto e butno il cacho con le pierre)
Don't let this peasant know how good this cheese is with these pears. / Don't let the peasant know how good the cheese with pears is.

A chi non beve birra, Dio neghi anche l'acqua.(a ki non bève birra, dio negi anke lakua)
(Those) who do not drink beer, God also refuses this water. / The one who does not drink beer, God can deprive of water. (a call to live for today and enjoy what you have.)

Al povero mancano tante cose, all'avaro tutte.(al pòvero mancano tante kòze, al avaro tutte)
This poor man lacks many things, this greedy one lacks everything. / The poor man lacks many things, the greedy lacks everything.

A buon intenditore poche parole.(a bòn intenditòre pòke paròle)
A good connoisseur - small words (required). / A wise man understands perfectly.

Accade più in un'ora che in cent'anni.(akkade pyu in un trake incentanni)
Happens more in 1 hour than in 100 years. / Sometimes more happens in an hour than in a hundred years.

Accade spesso quello che non ci si aspetta.(akkade spisso cuello ke non chi si aspitta)
Often the unexpected happens. / It often happens that you don’t expect anything.

Accade facilmente che una nuvola nasconda il sole.(akkade facilminte ke una nuvola naskònda il sòle)
It happens easily that one cloud hides this sun / Sometimes it happens that even one cloud covers the sun.

Accade quello che Dio vuole.(akkade quillo ke dio vuhle)
What happens is what God wants. / What happens is what God wants.

Assai bene balla, a cui fortuna suona.(assai bene balla, and kui fortune suna)
So well dances (one) to whom luck plays. / He dances well, to whom fortune plays along.

Amare e non essere amato e tempo perso.(amare e non issere amato e timpo pierso)
To love and not to be loved is time wasted. / To love and not be loved is just a waste of time.

Altro e correre, altro e arrivare.(Altro e currere, Altro e arrivare)
Another is to run, another is to run. / It's one thing to run, it's another to run.

Amicizia che cessa, non fu mai vera.(amichicia ke chèssa, non fu mai vèra)
A friendship that ends was never real. / A friendship that comes to an end was never real.

Amicizia e vino se non son vecchi non valgono un quattrino.(amichicia e wine se non son vecchi non valgono un cuattrino)
Friendship and wine, if you don't have old ones, are not worth a penny. / Friendship and wine, until they grow old, are not worth a penny.

Accada quello che deve e vada il mondo a rotoli.(akkada kuillo ke deve e vada il mundo artoli)
Let what should happen, and let this world go upside down. / Let it be what will be, and let the whole world fly upside down.

Allora si conosce il bene, quando si perde.(altra si konshe il bene, kuando si pirde)
Then this good is known when it is lost. / What we have - we do not store, having lost - we cry.

Amore vecchio non invecchia.(amòre vekkyo non invekkya)
Old love never gets old. / Old love does not rust.

Anche il diavolo fu prima angelo.(Anke il devilo fu prima angelo)
Also this devil was first an angel. / And the devil was once an angel.

Bacco, tobacco e Venere riducon l'uomo in cenere.(bakko, tobakko e venere ridukon l "umo in chenere)
Bacchus, tobacco and Venus turn this man to ashes. / Wine, tobacco and women will not lead to good.

Bevi l'acqua come il bue, e il vino come il re.(bevi lakua kòme il bue, e il wine kòme il re)
Drink this water like this bull and drink this wine like this king. / Drink water like a bull, and wine like a king.

Baci di bocca spesso cuor non tocca.(bachi di bokka spisso kutr non tkka)
Kissing the mouth often does not touch the heart. / On the lips of honey, and in the heart of ice.

Bella in vista, dentro e trista.(Bella in vista, dèntro e trista)
Beautiful on the outside, sad on the inside. / Outside beauty, but sadness in the soul.

Bellezza senza bontà è come vino svanito.(bellizza sinza bonta e come wine calls)
Beauty without kindness is like stale wine. / Beauty without kindness is like spent wine.

Bellezza senza bontà è come casa senza uscio, nave senza vento, fonte senz'acqua.(bellizza sinza bonta e kòme kaza sinza uscho, nave sinza vinto, fente sentsakua)
Beauty without kindness is like a house without a door, a ship without wind, a spring without water. / Beauty without kindness is like a house without a door, a ship without wind, a spring without water.

Bellezza per un giorno e bontà per sempre.(bellizza per un jòrno e bonta per simpre)
Beauty is for 1 day, but kindness is forever. / Beauty is fleeting, but kindness is eternal.

Beni di fortuna passano come la luna.(beni di fortune passano kòme la luna)
Good fortune passes like this moon. / Acquired without labor for the future does not go.

Bocca baciata non perde ventura, anzi si rinnova come fa la luna.(bukka bachata non pirde ventura, anci si rinnva kòme fa la luna)
The kissed mouth does not lose its passion, on the contrary, it is renewed, like this moon. / From a kiss, the lips do not fade.

Burlando si dice il vero.(burlando si diche il viro)
Jokingly, they say it's true. / Every joke has a bit of truth.

Cacio and sano; se vien di scarsa mano.(kacho e sano; se vien di scarsa mano)
Cheese is useful; if it comes from a miserly hand. / Cheese is good if you take a little (everything is good in moderation).

Calunniare, calunniare che a tirare dell'acqua al muro, sempre se n'attacca.(kalunnyare, kalunnyare ke a tirare del akua al muro, simpre se nattakka)
To slander, to slander - how to throw some water into this wall, it always attaches (remains) to it. / The slander that coal will not burn, it will stain it.

Campa cavallo, che l'erba cresce.(kampa cavallo, ke lrba krishshe)
Feed the horse while this grass grows. / The horse will die while the grass grows.

Cane che abbaia non morde.(kane ke abbaya non mòrde)
A dog that barks does not bite. / A dog that barks will not bite.

Cane non mangia cane.(kane non manja kane)
The dog does not eat the dog. / The dog does not eat the dog.

C'è chi mangia senza lavorare e chi lavora senza mangiare.(che ki manja sintsa lavorare e ki lavra sintsa manjare)
There is(one) who eats without working, and who works without eating. / Sometimes he eats who does not work, and who works does not eat.

Che colpa ha il gatto se il padrone è matto.(ke kòlpa a gatto se il padrne e matto)
What guilt does this cat have if this owner is crazy. / Don't blame the cat that its owner is crazy.

Che nessuno faccia il passo più lungo della gamba.(que nessuno faccia il passo pyu lungo della gamba)
Let no one take this step longer than this leg. / You can not take a step more than the length of the leg allows.

Chi ama me, ama il mio cane.(ki ama me, ama il myo kane)
Who loves me loves this dog of mine. / Whoever loves me loves my dog ​​too.

Chi bene incomincia è a metà dell'opera.(ki bene incomincha e a metà dellopera)
Whoever starts well, is halfway there. / A good start- half the job.

Chi beve birra campa cent'anni.(ki bive birra campa centanni)
Who drinks beer lives 100 years. / Who drinks beer lives up to a hundred years.

Chi cammina diritto campa afflitto.(Ki cummina diritto campa afflitto)
Who walks straight (does his duty), lives sadly. / Those who act honestly live in sorrow.

Chi cerca - trova.(ki cherka - tròva)
Who seeks - finds. / He who seeks will find.

Chi cerca - trova e chi domanda intende.(ki cherka - tròva e ki domanda intènde)
Who seeks - finds, and who asks - understands. / Who seeks, he will find, who asks, he will understand.

Chi crede che il denaro gli faccia tutto finisce a fare tutto per il denaro.(ki crède que il denaro le faccia tutto finishe a fare tutto per il denaro)
Whoever believes that this money will do everything for him ends up doing everything for this money. / Who thinks that money will give him everything, in the end he will do everything for money.

Chi dorme non piglia pesci.(ki dòrme non pilla pèshi)
Who sleeps, not enough fish. / Who slept, he did not catch the fish.

Chi la dura la vince.(ki la dura la vince)
Whoever takes it out wins it. / He who is stubborn will win.

Chi dice Siena, dice Palio.(ki diche Siena, diche Palio)
Who says "Siena" says "Palio". / Who said Siena, said Palio.
(The traditional Palio horse race is held in the city of Siena.)

Chi fa da se, fa per tre.(ki fa da se, fa per tre)
Who does it himself, does it for three. / Who works for himself, works for three.

Chi ha mamma non pianga.(ki a mamma non pyanga)
Who has a mother, let him not cry. / There is nothing to grieve about if there is a mother.

Chi ha tempo non aspetti tempo.(ki a tempo non aspetti tempo)
Whoever has time, let him not wait for time. / He who has time does not wait.

Chi ha i denti non ha il pane e chi ha il pane non ha i denti.(ki a and dintin nona il pane e ki ail pane nona and dinti)
Whoever has these teeth does not have this bread, and whoever has this bread does not have these teeth. / Whoever has teeth has no bread, and whoever has bread has no teeth.

Chi ha la lingua va in Sardegna.(ki a la lingua va in sardene)
Who has this language, goes to Sardinia. / Having a language will reach Sardinia (Language will bring to Kyiv).

Chi lingua ha a Roma va.(ki lingua à a ròma wa)
Whoever has a language goes to Rome. / Whoever has a language will reach Rome.

Chi la fa l'aspetti.(ki la fa laspetti)
Whoever makes it, let her wait. / Expect what you do (you reap what you sow).

Chi lascia la strada vecchia per la nuova sa quel che lascia, ma non sa quel che trova.(ki lashya la strada vikkya perla nutva sa kuil ke lashya, manon sa kuil ke trava)
Whoever leaves this old path for this new one knows what he leaves, but does not know what he finds. / Leaving the old streets, you know what you're losing, but you don't know what you'll find.

Chi ha paura di ogni foglia non va nel bosco.(ki a paura di ny fòlja non vanel bòsko)
Whoever is afraid of every leaf does not go to this forest. / Be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.

Chi la sera i pasti gli ha fatti, sta a gli altri a lavar i piatti.(ki la sira and pasti li a fatti, sta a li altri a lavar and pyatti)
Whoever made these dishes this evening, leaves them to these others to wash these dishes. / If one cooks, the others do the dishes.

Chi misura se stesso, misura tutto il mondo.(ki mizura se stèsso, mizura tutto il mòndo)
Whoever counts himself counts the whole world. / Who knows himself, knows the whole world

Chi mangia solo crepa solo.(ki manja slo krepa slo)
Who eats alone, breathes alone. / He who eats alone will die alone.

Chi nasce asino non può morire cavallo.(ki our azino non put morire cavallo)
Who is born as a donkey cannot die as a horse. / He who was born a donkey will not die a horse.

Chi non lavora, non mangia.(ki non lavra, non manja)
Who does not work, does not eat. / Who does not work shall not eat.

Chi non spende non vende.(ki non spènde non vende)
He who does not spend does not sell. / If you don't spend, you won't sell.

Chi parla in faccia non e traditore.(ki parla in faccia non e traditòre)
Who speaks in person, (he) is not a traitor. / Who speaks in person is not a traitor.

Chi pò, non vò; chi vò, non pò; chi sà, non fà; chi fà, non sà; e così, male il mondo và.(ki po, non vo; ki vo, non po; ki sa, non fa; ki fa, non sa; e cozi", male il mundova)
Who can, does not want; who wants, can not; who knows, does not; who does, does not know; And so, badly this world goes. / Who can - does not want, who wants - cannot, who knows how to do - will not do, who will do - does not know how - such is the course of life.

Chi davvero aiutar vuole, abbia fatti, non parole.(ki davviro ayutar vuhle, abbya fatti, non parle)
Who really wants to help, let him have deeds, not words. / Who really wants to help, let him do the deed, and not chatter.

Chi sa acquistare e non custodire puo ire a morire.(ki sa akuistare e non kustodire puto ire a morire)
Who knows how to acquire, and not save, can go to die. / Who knows how to mine, but does not know how to save, it is just right for him to lie down in the grave.

Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta.(ki simina vinto raccole tempèsta)
He who sows the wind gathers the storm. / He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.

Chi si e scottato con la minestra calda, soffia sulla fredda.(ki si es scottato con la minister kalda, suffia sulla fredda)
Whoever burns himself with this hot soup blows on this cold one. / Whoever burns himself with hot soup blows on the cold one.

Chi tace acconsente.(ki tache acconsente)
Who is silent, (he) agrees. / Who is silent, he agrees. (Silent means consent.)

Chi tante male azioni fa, una grossa ne aspetta.(ki tante male ats "yoni fa, una gròssa not aspitta)
Whoever commits many evil deeds, one great (evil) awaits him / The one who does many evil things will receive a greater evil in return.

Chi tardi arriva, male alloggia.(ki tardi arriva, male allòja)
Those who arrive late are badly located. / Who comes later, finds the worst housing. (To the latecomer - bones.)

Chi troppo vuole, nulla stringe.(ki tròppo vòle, nulla stringje)
Who wants a lot, squeezes nothing. / Who wants a lot, gets nothing.

Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro.(ki tròva un amiko, tròva un testro)
Who finds one friend finds one treasure. / Who found a friend, found a treasure.

Chi compra il superfluo, venderà il necessario.(ki compra il superfluo, vendera il nechessario)
Whoever buys this superfluous will sell this necessary. / Whoever buys the excess will sell the necessary.

Chi va all'acqua si bagna, chi va al cavallo cade.(ki wa alakua si bagna, ki wa al kavallo kade)
Whoever goes under this water, (he) gets wet, whoever rides this horse, (he) falls. / If you fall into the water, you will be wet; if you sit on a horse, you will fall.

Chi va con lo zoppo impara a zoppicare.(ki wa kon lo joppo impara a joppikare)
Whoever walks with this lame, (he) learns to lame. / He who walks beside the lame will learn to limp.

Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano.(ki wa piano, wa sano e wa lontano)
Who goes slowly, goes sensibly and goes far. / Whoever walks slowly will reach far and safely. (The slower you go, the further you will be).

Chi vivra, vedra.(ki vivra, buckets)
Who will live, (he) will see / Let's wait - we'll see.

Chi vive nel passato, muore disperato.(ki vive nel passato, mutre disperato)
Who lives in this past, (he) dies in despair. / He who lives in the past will die of despair.

Chi vuole va e chi non vuole comanda.(ki vòle wa e ki non vòle team)
Whoever wants - goes, and who does not want - commands. / Whoever wants - will go, who does not want - will order.

Chi vuol dell'acqua chiara vada alla fonte.(ki wutl delaqua chiara vada alla fònte)
Whoever wants some pure water, (he) goes to this source. / Behind clean water you have to go to the spring.

Chi t'accarezza più di quel che suole, o ti ha ingannato o ingannar ti vuole.(ki takkarizza drink di quil que sutle, o ti a ingannato o inganarti voule)
Who caresses you more than he usually does, or deceived you, or wants to deceive you. / If someone is more affectionate with you than usual, it means that he has deceived you or is about to deceive you.

Chi non sa adulare, non sa regnare.(ki non sa adulare, non sa renyare)
Who does not know how to flatter - does not know how to rule. / He who does not know how to flatter, he does not know how to rule.

Chi teme acqua e vento non si metta in mare.(ki time akua e vinto non si mitta in mare)
Whoever fears water and wind, (he) does not venture into the sea. / To be afraid of water is not to be a sailor.

Dove son carogne son corvi.(dòve son caròne son kòrvi)
Where there is carrion, there are crows. / It would be a swamp, but there are devils.

Dai nemici mi guardo io, dagli amici mi guardi Iddio.(give nemichi mi guardo io, dalli amichi mi guardi iddio)
From(from) these enemies I look at me (myself), from (from) these friends let God look at me (himself). / I myself will protect myself from enemies, and God protect me from friends.

Dio ci salvi dal povero arricchito e dal ricco impoverito.(dio chi salvi dal pvero arricquito e dal ricco impoverito)
God, save us from this poor man who has become rich and from this rich man who has become impoverished. / God forbid the poor from enrichment, and the rich from ruin.

Dare a Cesare quel che è di Cesare, dare a Dio quel che è di Dio.(dare a chezare quil ke e di chezare, dare a dio quile ke edidio)
Give to Caesar(Caesar) what is Caesar (Caesar), give God what is God. / Caesar is Caesar's, the God of God.

Del male non fare e paura non avere.(del male non fare e paura non avire)
Not to do some evil and not to have fear. / Do no evil and you will not know fear.

Due paradisi non si godono mai.(due paradisi non si gòdono mai)
2 heavens are never enjoyed. / You can't enjoy two Paradises.

Del senno di poi son piene le fosse.(del cinno di poy son piene le fòsse)
These pits are full of this late mind. / The graves are full of wisdom.

Davanti l'abisso, e dietro i denti di un lupo.(daanti labisso, e ditro and dinti di un lupo)
Ahead - this abyss, and behind - these teeth of one wolf. / Ahead of the abyss, and behind - the wolf's mouth.

Dove l'accidia attecchisce ogni cosa deperisce.(dòwe lachchidia attakkishe òny kòza deperishe)
Where this boredom takes root, every thing languishes. / To which negligence clings, everything perishes.

Detto, fatto.(dètto, fatto)
No sooner said than done.

Dopo il cattivo vien il buono.(dòpo il cattivo vin il butno)
After this bad comes this good. / There is no evil without good.

È meglio un fringuello in tasca che un tordo in frasca.(e milieu un fringuello in tasca ke un tòrdo in frasca)
It's better to have one chaffinch in your pocket than one thrush on a branch. / Better a chaffinch in your pocket than a thrush on a branch. (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.)

È la gaia pioggerella a far crescer l'erba bella.(e la gaya piegerella a far krescher lèrba bella)
There is this cheerful rain, (which makes) this beautiful grass grow. / Beautiful grass grows from the cheerful rain.

È meglio un uovo oggi di una gallina domani.(e milieu un utvo tji di una gallina domani)
It is better to eat one egg today than one chicken tomorrow. / Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow

I meglio morire sazio che digiuno.(e milieu morire sacio ke dijuno)
It is better to die full than hungry. / Better to die full than hungry.

Errore riconosciuto conduce alla verita.(erròre rikonoshuto konduche alla verita)
Error recognized leads to this truth. / Admitted error leads to truth.

Fatty maschi, parole femmine.(fatty masks, parle fimmine)
Men's deeds, women's words. / Men's affairs, women's words.

Fredo di mano, caldo di cuore.(freddo di mano, kaldo di coutre)
Cold on the hand, hot on the heart. / Cold hands, hot heart.

Fortuna I forti aiuta ed I timidi rifiuta.(fortune and forty ayuta ed and timidi rifyuta)
Luck helps the strong, but rejects the timid. / Fortune loves the strong and rejects the timid.

Fin alla bara sempre se n'impara.(fin alla bara simpre sen n "impara)
Until this coffin, he always learns this. / Live and learn.

Fare d'ogni erba un fascio.(fare danyi irba un fashcho)
Make one bunch of each (any) herb. / Put everything together.

Fra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare.(fra il dire e il fare che di midzo il mare)
Between this "say" and this "do" there is this sea in the middle. / Between what is said and what is done lies the ocean.

Fatto trenta, facciamo trentuno.(fatto trènta, facciamo trentuno)
Done 30, let's make 31. / Made thirty, let's make thirty-one.

Fatti i fatti tuoi, ca campi cent'anni (fatti and kazzi tuti, kakampi centanni)
Do to you (yourself) these things are yours, then you will live 100 years. / Mind your own business and live to be a hundred years old.

Fare e disfare e il peggior lavorare.(fare e disfare e il pejiyor lavorare)
Making and destroying is the worst "work". / There is no worse job than doing and redoing.

Fare un buco nell'acqua.(fare un buko nelakua)
Make one hole in this water. / It's like drilling a hole in water.

Gallina vecchia fa buon brodo.(gallina vicchia fa bòn bròdo)
The old chicken makes good broth. / Old chicken makes good broth . (The old horse does not spoil the furrow.)

Grande è la forza dell'abitudine.(grande e la forza del abitudine)
Great is this force of this habit. / Great force of habit.

Guardati da aceto di vin dolce.(Guardati da acchito di vin dòlce)
Watch you (yourself) (be careful) with sweet wine vinegar. / IN still water devils are found.

Gettare via l'acqua sporca col bambino dentro.(jettare via laqua sprca col bambino dintro)
Throw away this dirty water with this child inside. / Throw out the baby with the water.

Gli amici degli amici sono amici nostri.(lie amichi degli amichi sòno amichi nòstri)
These friends of these friends are our friends. / Friends of our friends are our friends.

In casa sua ciascuno e re.(in caza sua chascuno er re)
Everyone has a king in his house. / Everyone in his house is a king.

I modi fanno l'uomo.(and maybe fanno lumo)
These manners make this person. / Manners make people.

Il primo amore non si scorda mai.(il primo amòre non si skòrda mai)
This first love is never forgotten. / First love is never forgotten.

Il denaro è una chiave che apre tutte le porte.(il denaro e una chiave ke apre tutte le pòrte)
This money is one key that opens all these doors. / Money is the key to all doors.

Il denaro e fatto per essere speso.(il denaro e fatto per essere spisso)
This money is made to be spent. / Money is made to spend.

I panni sporchi si lavano in casa(o famiglia). (and panni sprky si lavano in kaza (oh surname)
These dirty rags are washed in the house(or family). / Do not take out the dirt from the hut.

Il buon giorno si vede dal mattino.(il buon girno si vède dal mattino)
This good day is seen from this morning. / A good day is visible in the morning.

Il bugiardo vuole buona memoria.(il bujardo wuòla buòna memòria)
This liar wants (must have) a good memory. / Lies have short legs.

Il tempo e denaro.(il tempo e denaro)
This is the time to eat money. / Time is money.

Il lupo perde il pelo, ma non il vizio.(il lupo perde il pèlo, ma non il vizio)
This wolf loses this hair, but not this vice. / The wolf loses its hair, but not vices.

In un mondo di ciechi un orbo e re.(in un mòndo di chiki un òrbo er re)
In one world of the blind, one one-eyed man is the king. / In the world of the blind, the one-eyed one is the king. (There is fish in the absence of water and cancer.)

Il bue si stima per le corna, l'uomo per la parola.(il bue system perle kòrna, l "umo perla parla)
This bull is respected for these horns, this man for this word. / A bull is judged by its horns, but a man by his words.

I fanciulli trovano il tutto nel nulla, gli uomini il nulla nel tutto.(and fanciulli tròvano il tutto nel nulla, li uòmini il nulla nel tutto)
These children find it all in this nothing, these people are nothing in this everything. / Children will find everything in nothing, adults will find nothing in everything.

Il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi.(il devillo fa le pintole manon and carbon paper)
This devil makes these pots, but not these lids. / You can’t hide an awl in a bag. (lit. The devil makes pots, but not lids.)

Il pesce puzza dalla testa.(or write puzza dalla testa)
This fish stinks from this head. / The fish rots from the head.

L'abito non fa il monaco.(labito non fa il mònaco)
This garment does not make this monk. / Clothes won't make you a monk.

L'abuso delle ricchezze e' peggiore della mancanza di esse.(labuso delle ricchizze e peggiore della mancanza di esse)
This excess of these riches is worse than this lack of them. / It is better not to have wealth than to abuse it.

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate.(lashyate nye speranza, howl kintrate)
Abandon all hope, you who enter. / Abandon hope, ye who enter here.

L'acqua del mare non lava.(lacua del mare non lava)
This water does not wash this sea. / There is a lot of water in the sea, but you won’t get drunk.

L'acqua lava e il sole asciuga.(lakua lava e il sòle ashug)
This water washes and this sun dries. / Water will wash, the sun will dry.

L'acqua va al mare.(lakua va al mare)
This water goes to this sea. / Money - to money.(Like attracts like.)

L'acqua cheta vermini mena.(lakua kita vermini mina)
This calm water leads worms. / Worms start in stagnant water.

L'acqua scava la roccia.(lakua skava la ròcha)
This water is digging this rock. / Water wears away stone.

L'acqua fa marcire i pali.(lakua fa marchire and pali)
This water causes the posts to rot. / The water of the mill breaks.

L'acqua corre alla borrana.(lakua krre alla borrana)
This water runs to this borage. / Everything in the world goes on as usual.

L'acqua ma non tempesta.(lakua ma non tempèsta)
This water, but not a storm. / Everything is good in moderation.

Le acque s'intorpidano.(le acue syntorpidano)
These waters are cloudy. / There was a smell of gunpowder.

L'amore è cieco.(lamore e chico)
This love is blind. / Love is blind.

L'apparenza inganna.(lapparintsa inganna)
This appearance is deceiving. / Appearances are deceptive.

L'appetito vien mangiando.(lappetito vien manjando)
This appetite comes by eating. / Appetite comes with eating.

La botte da del vino che ha.(la bette da del vino que a)
This barrel gives off this wine that it has. / You can't jump above your head.

La bellezza ha una verita tutta sua.(la bellezza a una verita tutta sua)
This beauty has one truth, all of its own. / Beauty has its own truth.

La bugia ha le gambe corte.(la bugia a le gambe kòrte)
This lie has these legs short. / Lies have short legs.

La disgrazia non arriva mai sola.(la disgracia non arriva mai sòla)
This misfortune never comes alone. / Trouble never comes alone.

L'erba cattiva non muore mai.(lèrba kattiva non muòre mai)
This grass is bad (weedy) never dies. / Bad grass never wilts.

Le false speranze alimentano il dolore.(le false speranze alimintano il doltre)
These false hopes feed this pain. / False hopes feed suffering.

La famiglia e la patria del cuore.(la famiglia e la patria del curre)
This family is this homeland of this heart. / Family and homeland are in the heart.

La fortuna aiuta gli audaci.(la fortune ayuta li oudachi)
This luck helps those brave ones. / Fortune favors the brave.

La gatta frettolosa ha fatto i gattini ciechi.(la gatta frettolza a fatto and gattini chiki)
This cat hasty made these kittens blind. / A hurried cat gave birth to blind kittens.

La gente in case di vetro non dovrebbe gettare le pietre.(la dzhente in kaze di vitro non dovrebbe jettare le pietre)
These people shouldn't be throwing these stones at glass houses. / Don't spit in the well, you'll have to drink more water.

La madre degli idioti e sempre incinta.(la madre degli goitti e simpre incinta)
This mother of these idiots is always pregnant. / The mother of idiots is always pregnant.

La morte mi troverà vivo.(la mòrte mi trovera vivo)
This death will find me alive. / Death will find me alive.

La notte porta il consiglio.(la nòtte pòrta il consiglio)
This night carries this advice. / The morning is wiser than the evening.

Le ore del mattino hanno l'oro in bocca.(le tre del mattino anno loro in bocka)
This morning's clock has this gold in its mouth. / The morning is wiser than the evening.

L'occhio del padrone ingrassa il cavallo.(lòcchio del padròne ingrassa il cavallo)
This eye of this master feeds this horse. / Under the master's supervision, the horse gets fat.

L'ozio e il padre dei vizi.(lòzio e il padre dei vizi)
This idleness is the father of these vices. / Laziness is the mother of all vices.

La parola è d'argento, il silenzio è d'oro.(la partla e dargento, il silincio e dro)
This word is silver, this silence is golden. / Word is silver, silence is gold.

La roba va, l'abitudine resta.(la ròba wa, labitudine rèsta)
These things go away, this habit remains. / Things go, habit remains.

La speranza e l'ultima a morire.(la speranza e ultima a morire)
This hope is this last one to die. / Hope dies last.

La speranza è una buona colazione, ma una pessima cena.(la speranza e una buòna kolats "yone, ma una pessima china)
This hope is one good breakfast but one worst dinner. / Hope is good for breakfast, but bad for dinner.

L'unione fa la forza.(lunyone fa la forza)
This union makes this strength. / There is strength in unity. (Many hands - work is easier.)

L'uomo è cacciatore, la donna è pescatrice.(l "umo e kachchatre, la danna e pescatrice)
This man is a hunter, this woman is a fisherman. / The man is a hunter, and the woman is a fisherman.

L'uomo propone - ma Dio dispone.(l "umo propone - ma dio display)
This man proposes - but God disposes. / Man proposes, but God disposes.

Lontano dagli occhi, lontano dal cuore.(lontano dal'i tkki, lontano dal kutre)
Far from these eyes, far from this heart. / Out of sight, out of mind.

Lupo non mangia lupo.(lupo non manja lupo)
The wolf does not eat the wolf. / Wolves do not eat wolves (a crow does not peck out a crow's eye).

La via del vizio conduce al precipizio.(la via del vizio conduce al precipizio)
This path of this vice leads to this cliff. / The vicious path leads to the abyss.

La vita è come un albero di natale, c'è sempre qualcuno che rompe le palle.(lavita e kòme un albero di natale, che simpre qualcuno ke ròmpe le palle)
This life is like one Christmas tree, there is always someone who breaks these balls(shakes head). / Life is like a Christmas tree - there will always be someone who will break the balls.

Mal non fare, paura non avere.(mal non fare, paura non avere)
Don't do bad things, don't be afraid. / As it comes around, it will respond.

Meglio poco che niente.(milyo pòko ke ninte)
Little is better than nothing.

Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani.(miljo un uvo tji ke un gallina domani)
One egg today is better than one chicken tomorrow.
Mai lasciare il certo per l'incerto.(mai lashyare il cèrto per linchèrto)
Never leave this guaranteed for the sake of this unguaranteed.
/ Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow.

Meglio tardi che mai.(miljo tardi ke mai)
Better late than never.

Molto fumo e poco arrosto.(mòlto fumo e pòko arròsto)
Lots of smoke and little fried food. / Many words and few deeds.

Moglie e buoi dei paesi tuoi.(mòle e buty dey paisi tuy)
Wife and bulls - from these places of yours. / Do not take a wife and a bull from afar.

Meglio vivere un giorno da leone, che cento anni da pecora.(milyo vivere un jorno da letne, que cento anni da pikora)
Better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep. / It is better to live one day like a lion than a hundred years like a sheep.

Meglio essere testa di alice che coda di tonno.(milieu essere testa di alice ke kòda di tònno)
Better to be the head of an anchovy than the tail of a tuna.

Meglio essere il primo in provincia che il secondo a Roma.(mille essere il primo in provincha ke il secòndo a ròma)
Better to be that first in the province than that second in Rome. / Better to be first in the province than second in Rome.

Mangia quello che piace a te, vesti come piace agli altri.(manja quillo ke piache ah te, visti kòme pyache alli altri)
Eat what you like, wear what those others like. / Eat what you like, wear what others like.

Mettere il carro davanti ai buoi.(mittere il carro davanti ai buti)
Put this cart ahead of these bulls. / Put the cart before the oxen.

Male e bene a fine viene.(male e bene a fine vine)
Good and bad come to an end. / Good and bad will come to an end.

Meglio pane con amore che gallina con dolore.(milio pane con amre ke gallina con dolre)
Better bread with love than chicken with pain. / Better bread with love than a feast with longing.

Nessun posto bello come casa propria.(nessun pòsto billo kòme kaza pòpria)
No place is as good as owning a home. / Houses and walls help.

Niente uccide piu della calunnia.(nènte ucchide pyu della calunnia)
Nothing kills more than this slander. / Nothing kills like a lie.

Non e tutt'oro quel che luccica.(non e "tuttòro kuèl ke luchchika)
All that glitters is not all gold. / Not all that glitters is gold.

Non tutto è oro che riluce.(non tutto e ro que riluche)
Not everything is gold that glitters. / Not all that glitters is gold.

Non c'e fumo senza fuoco.(non che fumo shinza fuko)
There is no smoke without fire here. / There is no smoke without fire.

Non c'è due senza tre.(non che duet sènza tre)
There is no 2 here without 3. / God loves a trinity.

Non si sa mai.(non si sa mai)
Never known. / You never know.

Nel pollaio non c'è pace se canta la gallina e il gallo tace.(nel polllayo non che pache se canta la gallina e il gallo tache)
There is no peace in this chicken coop if this hen sings and this rooster is silent. / There is no peace in the chicken coop where the rooster is silent and the hen cries.

Non è bello ciò che è bello ma è bello ciò che piace.(non e" bèllo cho ke e bèllo ma cho ke pjache)
It is not beautiful what is beautiful, but what is beautiful is what you like. / Not what is beautiful is beautiful, but what one likes.

Nacque per nulla chi vive sol per se.(nakue per nulla ki vive sol per se)
Born for nothing (one) who lives only for himself. / Who lives for himself, was born in vain.

Non bisogna fidarsi dell'acqua morta.(non biña fidarsi delaqua mòrta)
You don't have to trust this dead water. / There are devils in still waters.

Nella guerra d'amor chi fugge vince.(nella guerra damòr ki fuje vince)
In this war of love, whoever runs away wins. / In a love war, the one who leaves wins.

Ogni regola ha un' eccezione.(òni regola a unechchetz "yone)
Each rule has one exception. / Every rule has exceptions.

Fire cosa ha un limite.(ny kòza a un limite)
Every thing has one limit. / Everything has a limit.

Ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio.(Our medals ail suo rovishcho)
Each medal has this reverse side. / Each medal has two sides.

Ogni bel gioco dura poco.(they are white jòko fool pòko)
Every good game lasts a short time. / Good little by little.

Oggi a me, domani a te.(òji a me, domani a te)
Today for me, tomorrow for you. / You to me, I to you.

Occhio che non vede, cuore che non duole.(Kkyo ke non vide, kure ke non dule)
The eye that does not see, the heart that does not hurt. / The eyes do not see, the heart does not hurt. (Out of sight, out of mind)

Ogni consiglio lascia e prendi, solo il tuo non lasciarlo mai.(Your consiglio lashya e prindi, slo il tuo non lashyarlo mai)
Leave and take every advice, only this one is yours - never leave it. / Accept or reject someone else's advice, but never deviate from your own.

Ogni principio e duro.(Your principio e duro)
Every principle is solid. / Any undertaking is difficult.

Patti chiari, amicizia lunga.(patti kyari, amicicia lunga)
Treaties are clear, friendships are long. / Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart. Calculation does not spoil friendship.

Presto e bene raro avviene.(presto e bene raro avvyene)
Soon and well rarely happens. / The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

Promettere mari e monti.(promittere mari e mònti)
Promise seas and mountains.

Paesi che vai, usanze che trovi.(paèzi ke wai, uzánze ke tròvi)
The countries you go to, the customs you find. / In the countries where you come, act according to the customs that you find.

Per ogni uccello il proprio nido e bello.(per nyi uchillo il preprio nido e billo)
For each bird, this own nest is excellent. / Every sandpiper praises his swamp.

Prima i denti, poi i parenti.(prima and dènty, sing and parènty)
First these teeth, then these relatives. / Own shirt closer to the body.

Prendere due piccioni con una fava.(prindere due picchini con una fava)
Take 2 doves with 1 bean. / Get two doves from one bean (kill two birds with one stone).

Più facile a dirsi che a farsi.(I drink facile a dirsi ke a farsi)
It is easier to name than to do. / Easier said than done.

Presto accade quello di qui dobbiamo poi pentirci lentamente.(presto accade cuello di cuy dobbiamo sing pentirchi lentmentè)
Soon what happens(we) must then regret for a long time. / Quickly something happens that we later regret for a long time.

Quando il gatto non c'è, i topi ballano.(kuando il gatto non che, and tòpi ballano)
When this cat is not here, these mice dance. / When the cat is away, the mice dance.

Quella destinata per te, nessuno la prendera.(quilla destinata perte, nessuno la prendera)
The one meant for you, no one will take it. / What is destined for you, no one will take.

Quel che non ammazza, ingrassa.(kuel ke non ammazza, ingrassa)
What doesn't kill, feeds. / What does not kill, feeds.

Questo mondo è fatto a scale, chi le scende e chi le sale.(quisto mundo e fatto a rock, ki le shinde e ki le sale)
This world is made by a ladder, who goes down it, and who goes up it. / The world is a ladder, on which some go up and others go down.

Quali gli abiti, tali gli onori.(kuali li abiti, tali li ònori)
What are these clothes, such are these honors. / What are the clothes, such are the honors.

Quando l'accidia entra in una casa le travi cadono da sè.(kuando lachchidia intra in una kaza le travi kadono da se)
When this laziness enters one house, these beams fall down by themselves. / As negligence enters the house, the beams themselves fall from the ceiling.

Quando l'acqua tocca il collo, tutti imparano a nuotare.(kuando lakua tkka il kòllo, tutti imparono a nuotare)
When this water touches this neck, everyone learns to swim. / As you begin to sink, so you learn to swim.

Ride bene chi ride l'ultimo.(ride bène ki ride lultimo)
Laughing well(one) who laughs this last. / The one who laughs last laughs best.

Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera.(ròsso di sera, bel timpo si spèra)
Red in the evening - hopes for good weather. / Red sky in the evening for good weather.

Roma non fu fatta in un giorno.(ròma non fu fatta in un jòrno)
Rome was not made in 1 day. / Rome was not built in one day. (Moscow was not built immediately.)

Roba del comune, roba di nessuno.(Ròba del Comune, Ròba di Nessuno)
The things of this community are the things of nobody. / What belongs to everyone does not belong to anyone.

Rispetti, dispetti e sospetti guastano il mondo.(rispitti, dispitti e sospetti guastano il mundo)
Respect, resentment and suspicion spoil this world. / Reverence, resentment and suspicion spoil the world.

Sfortunato al gioco, fortunato in amore.(sfortunato al joco, fortunato in amòre)
Unlucky in this game, lucky in love. / Unlucky in the game, lucky in love.

Si mangia per vivere, non si vive per mangiare.(si manja per wivere, non si vive per manjare)
Eat to live, not live to eat. / They eat to live, not live to eat.

Sanità e libertà valgon più d'una città.(sanita e liberta valgon pyu duna chitta)
Health and freedom cost more than one city. / Health and freedom are more precious than gold.

Se non è vero, è ben trovato.(se non e viro, e ben trovato)
If (this) is not present, there is well found. / If it's not true, then it's good.

Se si disperdono spine, non camminare scalzi.(se si disperdono spine, non camminare scalzi)
If spikes are scattered, do not walk barefoot. / Having scattered thorns, do not go barefoot.

Se son rose, fioriranno.(se son ròze, fioriranno)
If (they) have roses, they will bloom. / If they are roses, they will bloom.

Sbaglio non paga debito.(sbalyo non paga debito)
Mistake does not pay the debt. / A mistake is not a crime.

Strada buona non fu mai lunga.(strada bòna non fu mai lunga)
The path has never been long. / The right path is never long.

Tutto è bene quel che finisce bene.(tutto e bène kuèl ke finishe bène)
All is well that ends well. / All is well that ends well.

Tale l'abate, tali i monaci.(tale labate, thali and mònachi)
Such is this abbot - such are these monks / What is the priest, such is the parish.

Tentar non nuoce.(tentar non nuòche)
It doesn't hurt to try. / Trying won't hurt. (Trying isn't torture)

Tutte le strade portano a Roma.(tutte le strade pòrtano a Ròma)
All these roads lead to Rome. / All roads lead to Rome.

Tra moglie e marito non mettere il dito.(tra mòlie e marito non mettere il dito)
Do not put this finger between wife and husband. / Do not put your finger between husband and wife.

Tempo, marito e figli vengono come li pigli.(tempo, marito e figli vengono kòme li pili)
Weather, husband and children come (happen), like these graspings (accepted as they are). / The weather, husbands and sons are what they seem.

Tempo al tempo.(tempo al tempo)
Time for this time. / Everything has its time.

Tutto quello che ho lo porto con me.(tutto kuello ke o lo pòrto con me)
Everything I have, I carry with me. / I carry everything with me.

Tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino.(tanto wa la gatta al lardo que chi lashya lo zampino)
This cat goes to this fat so much that it leaves this paw here. / Often a cat, having coveted fat, loses a paw.

Tutti siamo figli di Adamo ed Eva.(tutti siamo figli di adamo ed eva)
All (we) are children of Adam and Eve. / We are all children of Adam and Eve.

Tirare l'acqua al proprio mulino.(tirare lakua al preprio mulino)
Pull (pour) this water on this own mill. / Pour water on your mill.

Tempo e denaro.(tempo e denaro)
Time is money. / Time is money.

Una mela al giorno leva il dottore di torno.(una mila al jorno leva il dottòre di tòrno)
1 apple that day cleans this doctor nearby. / One apple a day and the doctor is out the door.

Una volta un ladro semper un ladro.(una volta un ladro simpre un ladro)
1 time one thief - always one thief. / Once you steal, you will always do it.

Uno chi fa il letto deve trovarsi in esso.(uno ki fa il letto deve trovarsi in esso)
One who makes this bed must be in it. / Whoever makes the bed sleeps in it.

Un bel gioco dura poco.(un bil joko fool pòko)
One good game doesn't last long. / Good game short.

Una mano lava l'altra(e tutt'e due lavano il viso). (una mano lava laltra)
One hand washes this other. / The hand washes the hand.

Un uomo vale tanti uomini quante lingue sa.(un umo vale tanti umini kuante lingue sa)
One person is worth as many people as he knows languages. / A person is worth as much as he knows languages.

Una buona mamma vale cento maestre.(una butna mamma vale cinto maistre)
1 good mom is worth 100 teachers. / A good mother is worth hundreds of teachers.

Un padre campa cento figli ma cento figli non campano un padre.(un padre campa cinto figli macinto figli non campano un padre)
1 father supports 100 children, but 100 children do not support 1 father. / One father will feed a hundred sons, but a hundred sons will not feed one father.

Una parola è troppa e due sono poche.(una parla e troppa e due sòno pòke)
1 word is a lot, and 2 is small. / One word is too much, two words is too little.

Un lavoro fatto bene è un lavoro fatto bene la prima volta.(un lavro fatto bene e un lavro fatto bene la prima vlta)
One job done well, there's one job done well this first time. / A job is done well if it is done well the first time.

Un bell'abito è una lettera di raccomandazione.(un bel abito e un litera di rakkomandats "yone)
One beautiful outfit is one letter of recommendation. / Beautiful clothes that a letter of recommendation.

Volevi la bicicletta - pedala.(volèvi la bichiklètta - pedal)
I wanted this bike - pedal. / He took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty.

Vendere la pelle dell'orso prima di averlo ammazzato.(vindere la pille del trso prima di avirlo ammazzato)
Sell ​​this skin of this bear before(than) kill him. / Share the skin of an unkilled bear.

Vai con i zoppi e impara a zoppicare.(wai kon i dzoppi e impara a dzoppikare)
Go with these lame and learn how to lame. / If you go with the lame, you yourself will be lame.

Vento, tempo, donne e fortuna - prima voltano e poi tornano, come la luna.(vinto, tempo, dònne e fortune - prima vòltano e sing turnnano, kòme la luna)
Wind, weather, women and luck - first turn away, and then return, like this moon. / Wind, weather, women and luck: first they turn away and then return like the moon.

Vedi Napoli, e poi muori!(see napoli, oh sing mudri)
You see Naples, and then die! / See Naples and die!

Vai in piazza e chiedi consiglio; vai a casa e fai come ti pare.(way in piazza e chiedi consiglio; wai a kaza e fay kòme ti pare)
Go to the square and ask for advice; go home and do as you please. / Go to the square and ask for advice, come back home and do as you planned.

Zero via zero fa zero.(dzèro via dzèro fa dzèro)
0 away (-) 0 makes 0. / Nothing comes out of nothing.

Zucchero non guastò mai vivanda.(zucchero non guastò mai vivanda)
Sugar has never spoiled food. / You can't spoil porridge with butter.