Good start. Newborn care in the first months. Baby bath rules. transient lactose intolerance

How to care for a baby in the first month of life? This question contains a dozen other relevant and daily tasks: how to bathe, clean your ears, cut your nails, wash, change a diaper, walk, put to bed, feed, etc. And it is also important for mom to ask herself a question: how to find time for sleep and rest?

All recommendations for caring for a newborn in the first days, the mother will receive from the district pediatrician, who must visit the baby after discharge from the hospital. Then every week during the first month of life a nurse should come home. You can ask her all the disturbing questions about hygiene and feeding. It is better to choose one doctor and nurse that you trust as much as possible. The more advisers, including the wise life experiences grandmothers, the more doubts an inexperienced mother may have.

How to swaddle

For many mothers, this question is no longer relevant. Indeed, from the first days of life, the baby can be dressed in bodysuits and slips. In what cases is it still necessary? If the child was born weak and. Sometimes swaddling helps the baby to calm down faster and fall asleep. Opinions “scares himself with pens”, “legs will be crooked” can be classified as myths. You should not swaddle a baby, relying on these prejudices. If the baby was born with impaired muscle tone of the arms and legs, swaddling is contraindicated for him. You need to give him as much freedom of movement as possible. There are two ways to swaddle: tight and loose. With tight, straightened arms and legs are swaddled, a “soldier” is obtained from the crumbs. With free swaddling, the handles remain open, and the legs are loosely wrapped in a swaddle and move freely.

How to choose and how often to change a diaper

How to comb

Even if the baby cannot boast of thick hair, it is necessary to comb the hairs. To do this, you need to purchase a soft brush. Combing stimulates blood circulation and hair growth.

How to eliminate seborrheic crusts on the head

They occur in every second child and are not a skin disease. Their reason is the excessive work of the sebaceous glands and the insufficient function of the sweat glands. They disappear with age. You can get rid of them with special shampoo or mechanically: before bathing, lubricate the head of the crumbs with oil, put on a cap and hold it for about an hour. After bathing, comb out the crusts with a comb. They may reappear. You can not rip off these formations in a dry form.

How to care for an umbilical cord

Within the first month of life should heal. Some people do it faster, some slower. You need to treat the umbilical wound every day. How to do it? It is necessary to drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the wound, which will soak the crusts. With an ear stick, you need to carefully remove the crusts, while not tearing off what does not come off easily. Then, with another ear stick, treat the wound with brilliant green.

How to walk

Care baby suggests not only hygiene procedures, but also sleep, feeding, . In the summer, you can walk right after discharge from the hospital. The duration of the walk can be an hour or more. But if the child was born in, then the first walk should be short, and the air temperature outside should not be lower than -10 ° C. Many mothers, sharing their own experiences, recommend “walking” on the balcony for the first week. A newborn can be put in a removable cradle from a stroller or in a carrying bag. You can also go for walks in a sling.

How to put to sleep

About feeding: 4 important questions

Feeding a newborn deserves a separate discussion, detailed, and at some points even controversial. What to pay attention to?

  1. What means ? When the baby is hungry. Arises next question Q: How do you know if a child is hungry? If the baby released the nipple at will (“fell off” from the breast), then he will get hungry in at least 2 hours. And if the baby wakes up after 15 minutes and behaves restlessly, then this does not mean that he wants to eat. Perhaps he is thirsty, he is hot, he is disturbed by colic.
  2. What is free feeding? This means that the mother feeds the baby on demand, but maintains an interval of about 2 hours. This approach will provide maximum comfort for both mother and child. The baby should not perceive the breast as a pacifier.
  3. Should I wake up a newborn for feeding? In the first month of life, the baby will sleep most of the day. If he is actively sucking and gaining weight normally, you do not need to specifically wake him up for feedings. It is recommended to do this when the child was born weak, underweight. Weight gain is extremely important for him.
  4. How to feed artificial mixtures? Adapted mixtures for newborns must be chosen correctly - on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Properly store after opening - in a dry and cool place, no more than three weeks. Properly cook - use high-quality water, maintain the desired volume, consistency and temperature. The mixture is digested more slowly than breast milk, so an artificial baby can be fed every 3 hours.

Care in the first month of a child's life is the "baptism of fire" of mothers and fathers, practical and life initiation into parenthood. Daily hygiene procedures are not beautiful pictures in glossy magazines for moms. Leaving is weekdays, sleepless nights, frenzied fatigue, sometimes nerves and confusion. Yes, everything happens. Not everything can work right away. Do not despair and reproach yourself. Stay confident, be flexible with your care methods, and be loyal to yourself.


Published: 4-05-2015, 14:07 , Category:

The appearance of a child in the house is a big responsibility, especially if it is the first. Since many do not have experience in caring for a baby, and everything should be done correctly so as not to harm the little creature in any way, we will consider the main points of caring for a newborn in the first month of life and the items necessary to carry out activities related to body hygiene.

Things for a newborn day at 1 month of life

Even before the baby is born, parents should prepare a basic wardrobe for him. you need bodysuits, diapers, sliders, hats, socks and other things that are sold in the department for the little ones. It is necessary to choose products only from natural fibers, colors special significance does not, although many prefer light shades.

Before use, all items should be washed with a special children's hypoallergenic powder, and this linen should be washed separately from an adult (this rule is valid for at least 1 year of life) and ironed at a high temperature.

Hygiene items for a newborn

A baby that has just been born needs special care, so moms should get the necessary hygiene products in advance (always look at the expiration date!).

Without fail, you will need:

  • 3 thermometers (to measure the temperature of the child's body, bathing water and indoor air),
  • several pipettes,
  • ear sticks with limiter,
  • children's manicure scissors,
  • warmer,
  • separate cup for boiled water,
  • soap dish,
  • baby shampoo and baby soap,
  • bath tub,
  • diapers,
  • sterile gauze pads.

First First Aid Kit

It is impossible to give the crumbs any medicines without the appointment of a specialist, however, it is necessary to prepare a first-aid kit with some mandatory components even before his birth. Here should be:
  • 1-2% alcohol solution of brilliant green, necessary for processing umbilical wound;
  • 5% iodine tincture,
  • 5% solution of potassium permanganate,
  • 2% boric acid solution,
It is necessary to store all this on a separate shelf, located in the immediate vicinity of the changing table, so that mommy, without moving and leaving the baby unattended, can reach the desired item. All items must be sterile and placed in a special basket or box covered with a clean, ironed cotton napkin.

Washing a newborn

is a question that every second mother asks herself. First, you should immediately remember that wet wipes are not suitable for this procedure. Rather, they can be used, but only in extreme cases, for example, when you are visiting somewhere, the water is turned off on the road or in the house. In all other situations, mothers need to wash their babies after each diaper change. This will avoid the occurrence of diaper rash and irritation.

Wash off the remnants of feces and urine with a cotton swab soaked in warm boiled water (only the first month it needs to be boiled, then you can use ordinary tap water). After that, the skin is blotted dry with a cotton towel and powder is used (optional). Then put on a diaper (change it at least every 4 hours).

Facial hygiene

The nasal openings and external auditory canals are cleaned with cotton flagella dipped in vaseline oil. To remove the crusts that sometimes form in the baby's nose, first, warmed vaseline oil is instilled into each nostril, and after 15 minutes the nose is cleaned with a cotton flagellum.

Bathing a newborn

- a responsible procedure that requires compliance with the following rules:
  • the first bathing is carried out on the second or third day after discharge from the hospital;
  • the water temperature should be 38 degrees;
  • the temperature in the room where everything happens is 24-25 degrees;
  • hands, legs and genitals are cleaned with soap, and the hairs are washed with shampoo (make sure that hygiene products do not get into the eyes of the baby);
  • the duration of the first procedure is 3-5 minutes;
  • after water procedures the baby is wrapped in a soft terry towel;
  • the whole body is blotted dry with a towel, put on pajamas.

Walking with a newborn

Outdoor activities are essential for all children. And it doesn’t matter if they were born or! The main thing to understand is that in the cold season the duration of the festivities is much less than in summer. You can start walking in the summer from the second week, in the winter - from the third, provided that there is no wind outside.

Massage for newborns

It is necessary to start from the second week of the baby's life. In the first 7 days, his movements should be limited so that the bones get stronger and the high probability of injury passes. The first massaging movements are more like stroking the limbs and the body. Later, you can begin exercises such as flexion and extension of the feet, abduction and bringing to the starting position of the arms and legs.

Caring for a newly born baby is a big responsibility, so if you have any questions, you should consult a pediatrician so as not to harm the baby. Have read: 4492 once

The birth of a baby is the most joyful event for any family, but it is also the beginning of a new life filled with worries and troubles. The very first month is considered very difficult for inexperienced parents, because they still do not know and do not know how much. In order to properly care for the baby, you should listen to the opinion of qualified pediatricians, read contemporary literature and consult with more experienced comrades.

At 1 month, the development of the baby occurs at an accelerated pace, the circulatory system is actively rebuilt, the digestive and respiratory systems are being improved. Certain changes are also waiting for the physique of the crumbs - by the second month of life, the head will become more proportional to the body, the nails on the arms and legs will get a little stronger, the fluff on the body will disappear, and the auricles will become denser.

As for weight, in the first week of life, the baby will lose about 10% of the body weight available at the time of birth, this is due to the hard work of all organs of the body, which are actively adapting to new conditions. Over time, the baby will gain the grams due to him, which the mother should contribute to by timely and regular breastfeeding.

1 month is marked by such features of motor skills as the first conscious movements of the hands - the baby can first pull you by the jacket, grab your nose with a pen, or squeeze your finger tightly. The first attempts to raise the head also begin - this can be observed in the position on the tummy. The task of parents in 1st month The life of the baby is considered constant control over him, since he still does not know how to roll over and rise on his own. Periodically, the crumbs need to be laid out on the tummy to unload the back muscles and train the abdominals.

The development of visual perception and hearing is manifested after the first month, but you can train these skills starting from the first day. Show your baby colorful cubes and rattles, at first the baby may not show much interest in them, but soon he will independently reach for the subject of interest to him.

Almost the entire 1 month of a baby's life passes in a dream, the initial days the baby sleeps most of the day, waking up only for meals. It is most convenient for the baby to sleep in the frog position - the legs are bent at the knees and slightly apart to the side, the arms are also raised above the head with the palms up.

Normal for this period is the child's sleep for about 20 hours a day, however, overly active babies can stay awake for a little more time, there is nothing to worry about if the baby does not cry or scream. If the baby is very upset during the awakening period and feeding does not correct the problems, something may be bothering the baby. The cause of crying may be intestinal colic, which arise due to the still unstable work digestive system, or maybe it’s just uncomfortable for him to lie down - the diaper is too tight, the diaper is wet, etc.

Soon, mom will be able to distinguish between certain stages of a child’s sleep, which will help adjust her schedule to a little whim:

  • deep sleep - the baby is completely relaxed, breathing slowly and evenly. Now the baby is difficult to wake up, he does not respond to extraneous sounds, so you will not disturb him with light rustles and movement around the room;
  • shallow sleep - characterized by not quite even, intermittent breathing, the baby's eyeballs move under the eyelids, and the limbs may twitch a little. Now the child can wake up from noise and extra sounds, so if there is no need to wake the baby, try not to make noise once again;
  • drowsiness - the initial stage of falling asleep, usually the baby begins to doze off during feeding - the eyes are half closed, breathing evens out, the body heats up, and the movements of the handles become softer and slower.

Remembering the behavior of the baby in certain phases of sleep, the mother gets the opportunity to plan her time and do the necessary things while the baby is sleeping.

At 1 month, the child is not yet able to fully distinguish between faces and voices, but he smells his mother, so the approach of a loved one to the crib can cause increased activity of the newborn. During this period, there is an active development of all types of memory, so the baby on a subconscious level accurately guesses his relatives.

To date, there are many options for the correct swaddling of newborns, which one to choose is up to you. Most pediatricians recommend not to swaddle a baby too tight at 1 month, as the constraint of movement has a negative effect on the development of the limbs. The first clothes of the child in the delivery room will be a set of undershirts and sliders, if the baby was born in the cold season, then the outfit will be complemented by a long linen diaper wrapped around the top. Subsequently, you can swaddle the baby, but be sure not to transfer the arms and legs.

In most cases, swaddling is carried out only in 1 month of life. After, when the baby begins to spend more time outside of sleep, he will begin to protest against the tissues that restrict movement. Now there are a large number of vests and sliders that can perfectly replace ordinary diapers, modern clothes for newborns are equipped with buttons, buttons, zippers, which allows you to change clothes for babies without much effort and time.

When choosing clothes for the baby, be based on the temperature of the air, as excessive wrapping will lead to prickly heat, and insufficient clothing can cause freezing and subsequent colds. At a room temperature of 24-26 degrees, a light undershirt with sliders and a bungee overalls are enough, which, if necessary, can be easily removed. When going out, pick up clothes so that you can take off the excess. In the cold season, stop at an envelope made of natural fur, for example, sheepskin, and under it you should not wear too warm clothes, choose a light blouse and a warm diaper, combined with insulated sliders and socks. Putting a lot of things on a child under a warm envelope, you can get significant overheating of the body, which will cause prickly heat.

At 1 month of life, it is very important to stabilize and adjust the feeding regimen of the child, since the development of the baby directly depends on the amount of nutrients entering the body.

The first days after childbirth, colostrum is produced in the breast - the so-called harbinger of milk, such light nutrition is quite enough for a fragile body, but after 3-4 days the breast becomes firmer, since full-fledged milk appears in it. At this stage, it is important to help the baby develop firm breasts, because often the strength of the newborn is not enough to suck out the nutrition. You can grind the seals yourself, or you can.

There are situations (this is especially true for nulliparous women) when at 1 month the mother’s milk is not enough to fully feed the baby, in this case it is necessary to take measures to increase lactation as soon as possible.

  • First, it should be as often as possible, because in the matter of working out breast milk demand creates supply, i.e. the more often the baby sucks out the available liquid, the more it appears next time.
  • Secondly, improper application not only complicates the process of nutrition, but also interferes with the full activation of the lactation period. If the baby only grasps the nipple, he cannot suck out enough milk, moreover, this method of capture causes a lot of anxiety and pain to the mother. Help the baby - correct the chest, direct the nipple into the mouth so that the baby captures the entire areola, monitor the position of the baby's body, the head should be at shoulder level, and the neck should not be curved in any way, since it will be difficult for the child to swallow.
  • Thirdly, to increase the amount of breast milk, special herbal teas for pregnant. Such funds not only stimulate the production of milk, but also help prevent.

After feeding the child, he should definitely be held in a “column”, that is, vertically, pressing his tummy to himself. This is done so that the baby can burp the rest of the milk, freeing the stomach from excess air that is swallowed during feeding. If this is not done, the child may spit up during sleep, which will, at best, wake up, and at worst, cause breathing difficulties.

During the time spent in the maternity ward, and this is 3-5 days, the umbilical wound in the newborn does not have time to heal completely, so care should be continued at home. Pediatricians recommend treating the wound with the usual solution of brilliant green every day at the same time. Continue the procedure until it dries completely and the crusts fall off, with proper care the wound heals up to 2 weeks of life.

Umbilical wound treatment algorithm

  • After morning bath procedures, it is necessary to moisten the wound with hydrogen peroxide to clean it of germs and dirt. After blotting with a clean cotton swab to dry it. The final step will be the treatment with brilliant green, 1 drop is enough (a large amount of the product can cause the skin to dry out, which will cause pain).
  • Before putting on a diaper, you need to wait for the brilliant green to dry. The best option would be to use special diapers for newborns - they have a recess for the navel, so that foreign surfaces do not touch the wound.
  • In the evening, the child should definitely be bathed, even if the wound has not yet fully healed. The water temperature should be within 37 degrees, and to accelerate healing, chamomile decoctions or potassium permanganate infusion can be added to the water. When choosing herbal infusions, it is easiest to use pharmacy bags with dry collections, they are easy to use and have an affordable price.
  • After bath procedures, the treatment of the wound should be repeated, since from hot water it may loosen up a bit.

If you follow all the recommendations exactly for 1-2 weeks after birth, the 1st month will not bring you unexpected surprises. The umbilical wound does not cause much concern to the baby, the main thing is to prevent its contamination and ensure speedy healing. But negligent attitude to the care of the baby can cause the development of infection and lead to serious consequences for the health of the crumbs.

The first month of a newborn's life is, of course, the most difficult for young parents, but it passes very quickly and leaves behind the brightest and most beautiful memories, because these are the first 30 days with the dearest little man. Try to give your child at 1 month as much attention and affection as possible, he will definitely answer you the same when he grows up a little.

Caring for a newborn in the first month of life is a process that requires a lot of effort and attention. Proper processing of the umbilical cord, folds, feeding, regurgitation, bathing - the head is spinning. This article will help to put all anxieties aside, because it will teach you how to properly care for your baby, and the first month of your baby's life will be remembered as the brightest and most joyful moment of life, and not full of tears and stress.

Why daily care is so important

The skin of a child is incredibly delicate, so a violation of the rules of hygiene can lead to diaper rash, rash, inflammation and irritation, and the umbilical wound is a gateway for bacteria, and its treatment must be taken with special responsibility.

Before returning home from the maternity hospital, the young mother received a number of valuable instructions from mothers, grandmothers, mother-in-law: “But in our time ...”, “We did this, and everyone grew up ...”, “There were no such expensive means before: laundry soap, potassium permanganate into the water, and everyone is alive ... ”, etc. Familiar situation?

For yourself, you immediately need to remember that “that time” has passed.

Your child was born in modern world, which has its own rules, studies and recommendations of doctors.

Grandmothers need to explain this right away, it’s even better to watch with them, or read about caring for a newborn with Dr. Komarovsky. This is a very popular TV presenter, pediatrician, doctor of the highest category, writing books and articles about children's health, methods of caring for them. Methods are accessible, understandable and modern.

In support of our article, Dr. Komarovsky will talk about some of the features of the newborn in this video:

Necessary hygiene items

Newborn care begins in the hospital, so a certain arsenal of tools will come in handy there.

3 packages are collected in the maternity ward:

  • things for mommy (robe, slippers, hygiene products);
  • (holiday outfits for a solemn day);

They take only two bags with them, the third is brought by relatives on the appointed day.

7 accessories that are sure to come in handy in the hospital:

  1. diapers (see which ones are best to choose);
  2. wet wipes (children's, not defiant);
  3. baby cream (the most common Bepanten);
  4. cotton buds
  5. disks;
  6. baby soap;
  7. special scissors;
Do not forget about the mandatory care products (diapers, cotton swabs and cotton pads)

We take diapers in a small package (2-5 kg). Don't buy in bulk at once.. They may not work or cause an allergic reaction.

Baby cream will help moisturize the skin, lubricate the rashes, and it will come in handy for mommy, as it helps to heal the nipples after feeding the baby.

In the early days, do not use soap for washing, it is better to use warm water., but detergent should be with you just in case.

Nursing care for newborns consists of the treatment of the umbilical wound, the peephole and the issuance of clean diapers. This is a standard set of services in a state maternity hospital.

It is necessary to start caring for a newborn on the first day. It consists of cleansing wrinkles, washing, wiping the face with a cotton pad. The eyes must not be touched.

Procedures that a mother must carry out in the hospital

  1. At least 2 times a day, wipe each crease of the crumbs to prevent diaper rash. After wetting a towel in warm water, or using a damp cloth. Red spots can be slightly smeared with cream.
Cotton buds should have a wide cotton head
  1. Using a cotton pad, treat the skin behind the ears; in newborn babies, these are problem areas.
  2. Change diapers as often as possible and wash your baby so as not to cause skin irritation.
  3. You can’t touch your eyes, the nurse wipes them with a special lotion to prevent infection.

10 essential components of a baby first aid kit

  1. remedies for temperature (for example, Nurofen);
  2. with a supply of nozzles (for example, Otrivin Baby);
  3. saline solution for washing the nose (Aquamaris, Aqualor);
  4. green;
  5. hydrogen peroxide;
  6. Smecta;
  7. tube from gaziki (rules for using a tube);
  8. Vaseline oil;
  9. remedy for colic;

More detailed information about the first aid kit for newborns can be obtained.

Young mothers are in no hurry to leave the hospital, fearing the responsibility that will fall on their shoulders at home. But in vain, there is nothing terrible and difficult in caring for a newborn, even when it happens at home, without the control of doctors.

Deneko Andrey Viktorovich, Kropotkin, pediatrician, Korenovsk children's polyclinic

While bathing a child, herbal decoctions (string, chamomile) should not be added to the water. They can cause allergies.

Herbs are now being sprayed and not so useful. Better to use special means, designed specifically for baby's skin (for example, Weleda). It will cost more, but will not provoke a rash.

On the very first day after discharge from the hospital, you can teach your baby to water procedures - this important point in newborn care. For many families, this is a whole ritual with the participation of all relatives.

What should be the care of a baby when discharged from the hospital, a neonatologist will tell and show in this video using the example of one mother:

3 steps to prepare for your first swim

When bathing, do not allow water to get into the baby's eyes and ears
  1. Until the baby's navel comes off, it is best to bathe in boiled water cooled to 36-37 ° C.
  2. It should not be added in the first days of water procedures. And in no case is a solution of potassium permanganate, as our grandmothers and mothers did. It dries out the skin very much. Only pure water.
  3. The first dipping into the water should be done in a diaper, so as not to scare the little one.

After water procedures, it is necessary with the help of hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.

You need to bathe a child every day - this is prevention, and accustoming to healthy lifestyle life from the cradle. Gradually reduce the water temperature by 1 degree, but not lower than 33 degrees. This hardening is very beneficial for the immune system..

Evening bathing is not the whole care of a newborn in the first month of life. Mom should immediately set a schedule and stick to it as much as possible.

Of course, you cannot force the baby to sleep at the time when the parents want it, but a regular sequence of procedures will gradually help the child fall asleep and eat at a certain time.

Time Action
1 6:00-6:15 hygiene procedures. The morning of the baby should begin with washing. For each part of the body a new disc and for each eye too. Comb the hairs with a special soft comb.
2 6:30 -7:00
3 7:00-7:30 Games. You can rattle with a toy, or just put the little one on a developmental rug.
4 7:30 -9:00
5 9:00-9:30 meal
6 9:30-10:00 Preparation for the walk
7 10:00-11:00 Walk
8 11:00-12:30 Second dream
9 12:30-13:00 Feeding
10 13:00-13:30 Free time in bed. Can be turned on.
11 13:30-15:00 third dream
12 15:00-15:30 Feeding
13 15:30-16:00 Preparation for the walk
14 16:00-18:00 Walk in the open air with sleep. Very useful when a newborn falls asleep in a stroller outside. Mom can read or talk on the phone at this time.
15 18:00-18:30 Feeding
16 18:30-19:00 Free time, games
17 19:00-19:30 Preparation, bathing
18 19:30-20:00 Evening treatments
19 20:00 Sleep feeding

This is exemplary mode day, everything is very individual and depends on the child.

Do not be afraid of your baby, feel free to take him by the legs when changing diapers
  1. Remove the dirty diaper, clean the skin of secretions with a napkin.
  2. Wash the baby.
  3. Pat dry with a soft towel and leave to dry naturally.
  4. Treat the skin with baby cream, if necessary.
  5. Lay the baby on the back, grab the legs with one hand, use the other to put the diaper under the back, with the Velcro side. We lower the legs, fasten the lower and upper sides.
  6. A diaper change should take place every 3-4 hours, but also depends on pollution. If at the end of time it is dry and clean, then there is no need to replace it. It is enough to take air baths.

Dressing for the weather

After the change, you need to dress the baby. Do this depending on the weather.

You can’t wrap it up too much, a prickly heat will appear, which is not so easy to get rid of. Now pediatricians recommend only in the first days after birth. And after discharge, put on sliders and vests.

If it is a hot season, then a cap, panties and a light vest are suitable for a walk.. In winter, the child should be wrapped in a warm blanket before going outside.

Standard set of clothes in the first month of life:

  • sliders;
  • blouses;
  • undershirts;
  • bonnets;
  • lightweight knitwear.

There are invaluable benefits in practical advice mothers who, through their experience, can share with you tips for caring for newborns. This video is dedicated to step-by-step care:

Massage and light gymnastics should also be included in the mandatory care of a newborn in the first month of his life.

These procedures are light stroking, pinching, bringing and spreading the arms and legs.. It relaxes, builds contact between mother and child and is very beneficial for muscle tone.

After leaving the maternity hospital, a patronage nurse should come within 2 days. She will review and make recommendations.

In newborn care, do not miss the moment when the baby wants to sleep

It is better to make a list of questions in advance. When the baby is one month old, it is necessary to visit the pediatrician for the first time.

When the care of the newborn is carried out correctly, observed, mommy controls, then nothing should bother the baby and he falls asleep without problems. indicates problems.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Belly (soft or hard). Give medicine if necessary.
  2. Filling diaper.
  3. Skin, the appearance of diaper rash can disturb the baby.

At this age, babies fall asleep during the last feeding.

Kapitonova Natalya Vladimirovna, Krasnodar, pediatrician, Children's Polyclinic No. 13

In summer, during intense heat, during the daytime, it is better to refuse a diaper.

If this is not possible, take the child air baths as often as possible. Despite the fact that modern diapers are breathable, they create a vapor effect and cause diaper rash.

Caring for children born prematurely

If the child weighs less than 2 kg, he must be dressed warmer in 2 layers of clothing. If the baby weighs more than 2 kg, then the same as his peers.

Bathing should be carried out only 1-2 weeks after discharge from the hospital. Feeding such children should be frequent, up to 10 times a day.

Premature newborns require special care and regular examination by the local pediatrician. If you have any question, do not be shy to call him again, or call.

Caring for a premature boy and a premature girl differs only in the way of washing.

The appearance of a child in the family is not only a joyful, but also a troublesome event in the life of young parents. There are many questions about how to properly care for a newborn in the first month of his life. Baby hygiene includes daily washing and treatment of the umbilical wound, proper washing and bathing.

The content of the article:

Daily care of a newborn in the first month of life: a list of procedures

Daily hygiene little man carried out after he wakes up. In order for washing to take place without whims, pediatricians recommend performing it after the second feeding.

As a rule, the first feeding is carried out after a night's sleep, the duration of which is about 6-8 hours. The second feeding - 3-3.5 hours after the first.

Daily hygiene procedures include:

  • washing eyes, face, ears, folds;
  • nose cleaning;
  • treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • washing away.

In order to carry out morning hygiene, you will need:

  • warm boiled water;
  • cotton pads;
  • cotton wool;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • means for washing children or baby soap;
  • powder or baby cream;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • salicylic acid;
  • cotton buds;
  • hairbrush.

washing baby

Washing a newborn baby is done with warm boiled water using cotton pads.

A cotton pad urinates in water, squeezed out, after which you can start washing.

Hygiene procedures begin with washing the eyes. To do this, with a cotton pad, washing movements are made from the corner of the eye inward. A separate disk is taken for each eye.

After that, they begin to wash the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin of the child. The next cotton pad wash the auricles and places behind the ears.

  • armpits;
  • elbow bends;
  • interdigital spaces;
  • palm.

How to clean the nose of a newborn?

The nose of a child during the period of caring for a newborn in the first month of life is cleaned daily with cotton flagella dipped in vaseline oil.

In order to make a flagellum, you need to twist a small amount of cotton wool in a spiral. The thin end of the tourniquet is dipped in oil and inserted into the child's nostril, after which rotational movements is extracted from it.

A separate flagellum is made for each nostril.

Treatment of the umbilical wound in a newborn

In order to treat the umbilical wound, you will need:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • salicylic acid;
  • cotton buds.

The navel is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate in the maternity hospital. Further, pediatricians do not recommend its use.

The algorithm for treating an umbilical wound in a newborn is as follows:

  • A cotton swab is dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • The navel is gently washed with a rotational movement.
  • The wound is dried with a dry cotton swab.
  • The second stick is dipped in salicylic acid.
  • Further, all actions are repeated.

The umbilical wound is cared for until it is completely healed 3 times a day. Usually the procedure is performed within the first 30-40 days.

Composition of a first aid kit for a newborn

Full care for a newborn in the first month of his life is impossible without a well-stocked first aid kit. should be assembled in advance and include:

  • hydrogen peroxide - used to treat the navel and to stop bleeding from wounds;
  • salicylic acid - in addition to treating the umbilical wound, it can be used when prickly heat appears, since it has a drying effect;
  • potassium permanganate in the form of a powder or solution - necessary for bathing until the navel heals;
  • Zelenka - used to treat abrasions;
  • cotton wool;
  • cotton pads;
  • cotton buds;
  • body thermometer;
  • thermometer for water;
  • antipyretic in the form of rectal suppositories based on paracetamol;
  • , fennel or dill seeds for infantile colic;
  • gel for soothing gums during teething;
  • baby powder;
  • baby cream;
  • wet wipes for children;
  • pipette;
  • chamomile and string grass - used when bathing a baby and has a calming effect;
  • baby soap;
  • diapers;
  • ointment Bepanten - is used for the appearance of diaper rash in children or as a wound healing agent.

Bathing a baby

In a newborn, thermoregulation is imperfect, so the child should be put on one layer warmer. Be sure to wear socks to keep your feet warm. In order to check if the baby is warm, you can feel the legs. If they are warm, then everything is fine. In addition, you can feel the crease in the neck area.

When can I start walking with a newborn on the street, how to do it right?

You can walk with a newborn on the street after the first visit to the doctor at home, if the pediatrician does not set other terms.

The first walk can be carried out not in a stroller, but in the arms of the mother. The time spent outside is up to 15 minutes for the first time. Depending on weather conditions, this time should be gradually increased to 2 hours. It is recommended to increase the time by 10-15 minutes daily.

In windy and rainy weather, it is better to refrain from walking so that the child does not get sick. When walking in the cold season, the child should be dressed warmly.

These are the basic rules for caring for a newborn in the first month of his life. Seemingly difficult at first, they will quickly become a habit and provide your child with the most comfortable first days of his long life.