Criteria for checking the exam in literature. Criteria for evaluating essays in literature

Evaluation of tasks 17.1-17.3 requiring writing a detailed reasoned answer in the genre of an essay with a volume of at least 200 words

Among the five criteria by which the essay is evaluated, the first criterion (substantive aspect) is the main one. If, when checking the work, the expert gives 0 points according to the first criterion, the task of part 2 is considered not completed and is not checked further. According to four other criteria (2, 3, 4, 5) in the "Protocol for checking answers to tasks" of form No. 2, 0 points are set.
The assessment for the first position of assessment of the task of part 2 is placed in column 7 of the protocol; for the second position - in column 8; on the third - in column 9; on the fourth - in column 10; on the fifth - in column 11. When evaluating the performance of the tasks of part 2, the volume of the written essay should be taken into account. Examinees are recommended to have at least 200 words. If the essay contains less than 150 words (all words, including service words, are included in the word count), then such work is considered unfulfilled and 0 points are assessed.
When the volume of the essay is from 150 to 200 words, the maximum number of errors for each point level does not change.

Criterion Points
1. The depth of disclosure of the theme of the essay and the persuasiveness of judgments
The examinee reveals the topic of the essay, based on author's position; formulates his point of view; convincingly substantiates his thesis; there are no factual errors or inaccuracies 3
The examinee reveals the topic of the essay, based on the author's position; formulates his point of view, but not all theses are convincingly substantiated and / or make one or two factual errors 2
The examinee reveals the topic of the essay superficially or one-sidedly, without relying on the author's position, and / or does not substantiate his theses, and / or makes three or four factual errors 1
The examinee does not disclose the topic of the essay and / or makes more than four factual errors 0
2. Level of proficiency in theoretical and literary concepts
The examinee uses theoretical and literary concepts to analyze the work, there are no errors or inaccuracies in the use of concepts 2
The examinee includes theoretical and literary concepts in the text of the essay, but does not use them to analyze the work and/or makes one mistake in their use 1
The examinee does not use literary-theoretical concepts or makes more than one error in their use 0
3. The validity of the involvement of the text of the work
The text of the work under consideration is drawn versatile and reasonably (citations with comments to them; brief retelling the content necessary to prove judgments; appeal to the micro-themes of the text and their interpretation; various kinds of references to what is depicted in the work, etc.) 3
The text is involved in a variety of ways, but not always justified, and / or there are separate cases of attracting the text out of direct connection with the thesis put forward 2
The text is involved only as a retelling of the depicted 1
The text is not involved, judgments are not substantiated by the text 0
4. Compositional integrity and consistency of presentation
The composition is characterized by compositional integrity, its parts are logically connected, there are no violations of sequence and unreasonable repetitions inside the semantic parts. 3
The composition is characterized by compositional integrity, its parts are logically interconnected, but within the semantic parts there are sequence violations and unreasonable repetitions. 2
A compositional idea can be traced in the essay, but there are violations of the compositional connection between the semantic parts, and / or the idea is repeated and does not develop 1
There is no compositional intent in the composition; gross violations of the sequence of parts of the statement were made, significantly complicating the understanding of the meaning of the essay 0
5. Following the rules of speech
There are no speech errors, or one speech error was made 3
Two or three speech errors were made 2
Four speech errors were made 1
The number of speech errors made makes it difficult to understand the meaning of the statement (5 or more speech errors were made) 0
Maximum score 14

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting the state final certification for educational programs secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014 No. 31205) “61. According to the results of the first and second checks, the experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the USE examination paper with a detailed answer ... 62. In case of a significant discrepancy in the points given by the two experts, a third check is assigned. A significant discrepancy in scores is determined in the assessment criteria for the corresponding academic subject. The expert who carries out the third check is provided with information about the scores given by the experts who previously checked the examination paper. 1. If the discrepancy is 2 or more points for any of the tasks 8, 9, 15, 16, then the third expert checks only those answers to the tasks (8, 9, 15, 16) that caused a discrepancy of 2 or more points. 2. If the difference between the scores of two experts is 2 or more points for any of the five criteria for Part 2 (17.1-17.3), then the third expert checks the answer only for those criteria for Part 2 that caused a difference in assessment of 2 or more points.

Surprisingly, in order to score high on the exam in literature, it is not enough just to be able to write well and have a huge number of books read in your luggage. No, this is certainly important and necessary, but we must remember that the final exam in the form of the Unified State Examination has a clear structure, and the inspectors have certain criteria by which they evaluate the work of eleventh graders. No matter how creative and original you are, if your work does not meet the basic requirements of the assignment, then, alas, you will not score 100 points. Therefore, in this article we will reveal all the secrets and give you helpful tips, listening to which, you can get a high result and enter the university of your dreams.

As already noted, graduates taking the exam in literature just need to know exactly how the USE in literature is assessed. In fact, everything is very simple and not as scary as it seems at first glance.

When completing 8 and 15 tasks that require a detailed answer of 5-10 sentences, you must give a direct and concise answer to the question. we have on the site. Try not to deviate from the topic, do not use lengthy reasoning, follow a simple scheme - thesis, evidence. Nothing super complicated is required of you, it is important to carefully read the excerpt from the cited work of art, analyze it and give a short but clear answer to the question, citing evidence from the text as an example. The criteria are:

  1. depth of judgment
  2. persuasiveness of arguments
  3. following the rules of speech.

In total, for 8 and 15 tasks, you can get 4 points for each (do not forget that the primary points you have scored are converted into a hundred-point system, and even 1 mistake you make can cost 4 test points, so be careful).

In questions 9 and 16, you are required to compare the proposed passage from a literary work with two other texts. you can look at the site. The most important thing here is a convincing justification why you think the examples from works of art you have given are suitable and in what exactly you find their similarities. Do not forget that you need to correctly indicate the titles of works and their authors. The criteria by which your answers will be judged:

  1. inclusion of the work in a literary context
  2. persuasiveness of arguments
  3. Since the exam is always a stressful situation for graduates, we advise you to think over examples of works under various subjects, it is more convenient to do this in a table. Divide it into specific topics, for example, war, unrequited love, etc. (you can take them from exemplary KIMs), and select texts in which these problems occur. So at X-hour it will be much easier for you, and you will be able to score the highest score for this task.

    And finally, the last task is to write a long essay on one of the three proposed topics. you can look at the website. Here you have to show:

    1. knowledge of literary text
    2. possession of literary terms
    3. literary outlook
    4. The examiner will evaluate:

      1. depth of understanding of the topic
      2. persuasiveness of the judgments cited as arguments
      3. level of theoretical and literary knowledge
      4. the validity of attracting the text of the work
      5. compositional integrity
      6. consistency of presentation
      7. following the rules of speech.

      The only advice we can give you when writing this essay is to prepare for it. You must know all the evaluation criteria and, following them, write a coherent work that will reflect the depth of your knowledge and the meaningfulness of your arguments.

      What do you need to know?

      Before you start preparing for the exam in literature, you should find out what the exam consists of, how much time is allotted for solving each task, what you need to read, and much more.

      Let's start in order:

      1. How long is the exam in Literature?

      Graduates are given 3 hours and 55 minutes. Believe me, this time is enough to complete and check all tasks. But, despite this, from year to year, many graduates lose precious points just because they simply do not have time to answer all the questions or rewrite the essay in a clean copy. Therefore, we strongly recommend that everyone who is preparing to take the exam in literature, practice writing KIM for the time that will be allotted for the exam. Record the time and objectively evaluate whether you have time to write, check and rewrite all the essays. If not, then try to reconsider your time commitment, it may be more convenient for you to start with the last task, and then return to the first part of the work. Determine which maximum amount minutes you can spend to answer a particular question and try not to exceed this limit.

      1. How many questions are on the exam?
      2. The exam in literature consists of two parts. Part 1 is divided into 2 blocks - in the first you are required to answer 7 questions that test your knowledge of literary theory, and 2 questions with a detailed answer of 5-10 sentences. The entire first block is devoted to the epic or dramatic genres of literature. Block 2 deals with lyrics and also consists of 7 questions on theory and 2 questions, when answering which you must write a "small essay".

        Part 2 consists of writing essays on one of the three proposed topics. Each topic relates to a certain era (1 topic - ancient Russian literature, literature of the 18th century or literature of the first half of the 19th century, 2nd topic - the second half of the 19th century and 3rd topic affects literary works written from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century). The essay must be at least 200 words.

        1. What to read?

        To pass the exam in literature, it is enough to read the entire list fiction compiled specifically for this exam, the so-called, which you can read on the site.

        But we must immediately warn you if during all school years If you haven’t read practically anything from the school curriculum, then it’s impossible to catch up in 1 year. But if you, on the contrary, have always been responsible for the list school literature then you don't have to read anything else.

        1. When will the results come?

        Both at the exam itself and on the official website of the exam, the deadlines for obtaining the results will be indicated. Don't worry, you won't be left in the dark. Try to remain calm, even if your results in literature are delayed (this happens), you have already done everything that was in your power. And don’t be afraid, inspectors are not animals, they just do their job, and if you work hard, then your work will be appreciated.

        How to prepare?

        See previous point. Indeed, it is simply useless to start preparing for the exam in literature, if you have not yet read most of the works. If everything is in order with the list of literature read, then it is worth turning to the theory of literature. In the first part there are as many as 14 questions regarding literary terms(genre and type of literature, the size of the poem, etc.). All these questions are absolutely simple, so it will be very disappointing to lose your points on them. And in order to prepare, you just need to look at the knowledge of which will be tested, understand and analyze them in detail, then you will never confuse iambic with trochaic.

        Well, there is only one way to prepare for tasks with a detailed answer - training. Write as much as you can more essays, try to comply with all requirements, carefully reread your work (it is very important to be able to notice your own mistakes), and, of course, it will be very good if there is a person who will check your literary achievements at least for the first time (I think your school teacher should not refuse such a request).

        How is the exam going?

        Just like any other exam. You come to the exam site, having left all the electronic devices at home before that (after all, you have been preparing hard all year, and you don’t need them, right?), go to a certain audience and wait for the exam to begin. When the X-hour comes, the observer once again announces in detail the rules for the event. Next, you start filling out the forms (take this seriously, do not forget to double-check whether you filled out everything correctly, otherwise it will be a shame if your last name is not on a brilliantly completed, hundred-point work).

        When all organizational issues run out, you will finally receive your KIM and be able to start its implementation. Read assignments very carefully! In a stressful situation, you can easily confuse Tolstoy with Dostoevsky, so re-read several times not only your answers, but also questions (even a well-written work on the problem little man in the work of Chekhov will not be counted if the question was about Gogol). 3 hours 55 minutes pass, you turn in all your completed forms and go home with peace of mind.

        How did you pass the exam in literature in 2017?

        Some statistics: in 2017, 43,548 graduates took the exam in literature, of which only 4.3% could not pass the threshold (minimum score) of 32 points. And 44% of those who passed the exam were able to score more than 61 points. So, dear graduates, not everything is so scary.

        Every eleventh-grader who takes literature once asked in desperation: “What is needed to pass the exam in literature?”. But you have no idea how simple the answer is - you need to prepare. There is no need to assume that if the exam requires you not to have a specific, only correct answer to a question, but a detailed answer in the form of an essay, then you can let the preparation process take its course and trust your intuition, and when writing essays, give free rein to your imagination and just speculate on a given topic. This approach will not lead you to success, you must clearly know what is required of you, your essays must comply with the “requested” format, and the knowledge of literature in your head must be clearly structured. Ideally, you need to have a good understanding of a particular historical context in order to better understand the themes of a particular author's work. You should also be able to confirm your thoughts with quotes (which you need to know by heart), and this is possible only under one condition - you need to start preparing for the exam in literature in advance! Then you will not have any problems, and even if you are a very emotional person (as everyone becomes at the time of passing the exam), you will be more calm and confident, and this is the key to an excellent result.

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Control measuring materials (KIM) in the literature of the unified state exam allow us to differentiate school graduates by the level of subject preparation for the purpose of state final certification and selection for admission to universities. The content of the examination paper is determined on the basis of the Federal component state standard general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1089 dated March 5, 2004). Some positions of this document were specified by supporting the mandatory minimums of the content of the basic general and secondary (complete) general education in literature, approved by orders of the Russian Ministry of Education No. 1236 dated 05/19/1998 and No. 56 of 06/30/1999 (the rationale is brought in an explanatory note to the codifier of elements of the detention and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general educational institutions for conducting in 2016 Unified state exam in literature).

Evaluation of tasks 9 (С2) and 16 (С4).
In 2013, the system for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks 9 (C2) and 16 (C4) was significantly improved, which was a logical continuation of the change in previous years, as well as the result of an analysis of the results of the USE in 2012. comparative analysis works (fragments). Corresponding changes were made to the KIM USE 2013 and differentiated for each score level. To avoid discrepancies when checking the contextual matching in these tasks, the requirements for the choice of contexts for matching and for the design of the answer, which are reflected in the notes before the criteria, were also clarified.

The changes introduced contributed to a clear differentiation of the answers of the examinees.
The results of the Unified State Examination of past years confirmed the feasibility of the changes made. There are no changes in the 2016 exam model.

1. general characteristics control measuring USE materials Literature 2016
2. Tasks with a detailed answer in the system of control measuring materials in the literature of 2016. The system for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer to the exam in literature
3. Methodological commentary on the criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer of a limited volume 8 (C1). 9 (C2), 15 (C3). 16 (С4)
3.1. Specificity of tasks 8 (С1) and 15 (С3)
3.2. Specificity of tasks 9 (С2) and 16 (С4)
3.3. Criteria and parameters for assessing the performance of task 8 (C1), 9 (C2), 15 (C3), 16 (C4)
4. Methodological commentary on the criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer 17.1-17.3 (С5.1-С5.3)
4.1. Criterion "The depth of disclosure of the theme of the essay and the persuasiveness of judgments"
4.2. Criterion "Level of proficiency in theoretical and literary concepts"
4.3. Criterion "Substantiation of the involvement of the text of the work"
4.4. Criterion "Compositional integrity and logical presentation"
4.5. Criterion "Following the norms of speech"
5. Types of errors (actual, logical, speech)
5.1. Factual Errors
5.2. Logic errors. Errors in argumentation, in the composition of the essay
5.3. Speech errors
6. Problems associated with the discrepancy between expert assessments when checking the performance of tasks with a detailed answer
7. Examples of using the system for evaluating the answers of examinees when checking tasks with a detailed answer
7.1. Examples of completing tasks with a detailed answer of a limited volume 8 (С1), 9 (С2), 15 (С3), 16 (С4)
7.2. Examples of completing the tasks of part 2 of the examination paper 17 (C5))
Appendix 1. Criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer
Appendix 2. Memo for an expert checking answers to tasks with a detailed answer 8, 9, 15, 16, 17.1-17.3
Appendix 3. References.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book USE 2016, Literature, Guidelines for assessing tasks, Zinin S.A., Novikova L.V., Belyaeva N.V., Gorokhovskaya L.N., Maryina O.B., Popova N.A. -, fast and free download.

  • USE 2015, Literature, Guidelines, Zinin S.A., Novikova L.V., Belyaeva N.V., Gorokhovskaya L.N., Maryina O.B., Popova N.A.
  • Literature, Guidelines for assessing the performance of USE tasks with a detailed answer, Zinin S.A., Barabanova M.A., Belyaeva N.V., Gorokhovskaya L.N., Novikova L.V., Popova N.A., 2019

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Criteria for evaluating final essays in grade 11 Grablina Nina Vasilievna - Honored Teacher, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Philology

FEDERAL SERVICE FOR SUPERVISION IN EDUCATION AND SCIENCE Guidelines for experts participating in the verification of the final essay (statement) (please Special attention us. 19 - 51, 75 -86) analysis of essays and typology of errors)

Instructions Choose only ONE of the essay topics suggested below, and then write an essay on this topic (recommended length is at least 350 words). Formulate your point of view and argue your position, building a discussion within the stated topic based on at least one work of domestic or world literature of your choice (the number of works involved is not as important as the depth of disclosure of the topic based on literary material). Consider the composition of the essay. Pay attention to speech design and compliance with literacy standards (it is allowed to use a spelling dictionary). Write your essay clearly and legibly. When evaluating an essay, first of all, compliance with the chosen topic and reasoned involvement of literary works is taken into account.

When grading, the volume of the essay is taken into account. The recommended number of words is 350. If the essay contains less than 300 words (all words, including service words, are included in the count), then “failure” is given for such work.

Attention! Drafts are not checked and entries in them are not taken into account!

To receive a “pass” rating, you must have a positive result according to three criteria (according to criteria No. 1 and No. 2 - without fail) and fulfill the following conditions: maintain the volume (essay - at least 300 words, presentation - at least 150 words) and write the work yourself.

Members (experts) of the commission educational organization check the final essays (statements) of the participants and evaluate them in accordance with the evaluation criteria approved Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science. Checking each essay (statement) is carried out once.

When essays are identified, the text of which coincides with each other by more than 50 percent, the members of the commission of the educational organization record this fact and report it to the relevant education authorities. For such compositions, a “failure” is given.

Algorithm for working on an essay Final essay in grade 11

Algorithm for working on an essay 1. Read the wording of the topic (about whom? about what?). 2. Highlight the key (main) word (about him!). 3. If the topic is formulated as a statement or concept, reformulate the topic into an interrogative sentence. 3. Introduction: “universal”: come up with an idea for the introduction (take into account the “ring” version of the connection between the introduction and the conclusion); “unique”: the key (main) word of the formulation must be “written” in one of the sentences of the introduction. 4. Logical link: helps a smooth transition in the reasoning from the introduction to the main part. 5. Main part: thesis, arguments (2–3) for proof (explanation, disclosure) keyword in the wording of the topic. Necessarily! Mention (inclusion) in the content of the main part of the keyword from the topic statement (2–3–4 times or an appropriate number of times). 6. Logical link: completion of the reasoning in the main part, a smooth transition to the conclusion. 7. Conclusion: the idea of ​​the introduction at the level of the conclusion (“ring” version of the connection between the introduction and the conclusion).

Criterion No. 1 "Relevance to the topic" This criterion aims to check the content of the essay. The graduate should discuss the proposed topic. " Fail" is put only if the essay does not correspond to the topic or it does not trace the specific purpose of the statement, that is, the communicative intent. In all other cases, "offset" is set.

Criterion No. 2 “Argumentation. Attraction of literary material ”This criterion aims at testing the ability to use literary material ( works of art, diaries, memoirs, journalism) to build a reasoning on the proposed topic and to argue their position. A graduate must build a reasoning, involving at least one work of domestic or world literature for argumentation. “Failure” is set on the condition that the essay was written without the involvement of literary material, or the content of the work is significantly distorted in it, or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a support for reasoning. In all other cases, "offset" is set.

Criterion No. 3 "Composition and logic of reasoning" This criterion aims to test the ability to logically build reasoning on the proposed topic. The graduate must argue the expressed thoughts, trying to maintain the ratio between the thesis and evidence. “Failure” is set on the condition that gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of what was said or there is no thesis and evidence part. In all other cases, "offset" is set.

Criterion No. 4 "The quality of written speech" This criterion aims at checking the speech design of the text of the essay. A graduate must accurately express thoughts using a variety of vocabulary and various grammatical structures, if necessary, it is appropriate to use terms, avoid speech clichés. “Failure” is set on the condition that the poor quality of speech, including speech errors, makes it difficult to understand the meaning of the essay. In all other cases, "offset" is set.

Criterion No. 5 "Literacy" This criterion allows you to assess the literacy of a graduate. " Fail" is put if the grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors made in the essay make it difficult to read and understand the text (more than 5 errors per 100 words in total).

Additional points A ten-point scoring system is used to evaluate final essays for admission to universities that have decided to consider the results of the essay as additional individual achievements of applicants. At the request of the applicant, the university requests an essay from the database and evaluates it independently (it is possible to get up to 10 additional points for the unified state exam).

Mistakes in composition Distinguishing types of errors


Errors in composition Factual errors can be divided into gross and non-crude. If the examinee claims that the author of the poem "Mtsyri" is Nekrasov, or calls Olga Ilyinskaya Irina, these are gross factual errors. If, instead of “Princess Mary”, the graduate wrote “Princess Mary” or the name of the Pushkin hero Herman instead of Hermann, then this error can be assessed by the expert as a factual inaccuracy or typo and not taken into account when evaluating the work.

Errors in writing Factual errors are a kind of non-linguistic errors, consisting in the fact that the speaker or writer cites facts that contradict reality, for example: “Here is Pushkin, a famous Russian poet, where he just did not emigrate!”, “Bazarov is the hero of Tolstoy’s story of the same name”, “Lensky returned to his estate from England”. Mistakes can consist not only in a complete distortion (substitution) of a fact, but also in its exaggeration or understatement, for example: "To be honest, there are only one percent of Russians in Russia now."



No. Type of error Examples 1 Use of a word in an unusual meaning We were shocked by the excellent acting of the actors. The thought develops on the continuation of the entire text. Olga Larina is the prototype of Tatyana. 2 Indistinguishability of the shades of meaning introduced into the word by the prefix and suffix, confusion of paronyms My attitude to this problem has not changed. Effective measures have been taken. The author encourages careful handling of books. 3 Indistinguishability of synonymous words In the final sentence, the author uses gradation. 4 The use of words of a different stylistic coloring, the use of stamps The author, addressing this problem, is trying to direct people into a slightly different track. Every morning Tatyana Larina began with the fact that she welcomed the flora and fauna. As the cubs grew, Troekurov came up with more and more new jokes. Classification of speech errors

Classification of speech errors Inappropriate use of emotionally colored words and phraseological units Astafiev now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications. This novel is a glaring achievement of the writer. The author asks: "Who is to blame?" Unjustified use of colloquial words Such people always manage to fool others. Officials suck up to the auditor. Violation of lexical compatibility The author increases the impression. The author uses artistic features (instead of means). Young people do not raise their horizons. The use of superfluous words, including pleonasm The author conveys the beauty of the landscape to us with the help of artistic techniques. A young man, very handsome.


Grammatical errors - violation of agreement; violation of management; violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate; violation of the way of expressing the predicate; errors in the construction of sentences with homogeneous members;

Grammar errors errors in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover; errors in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover; building errors complex sentence; mixing direct and indirect speech; omissions of necessary words; violation of the boundaries of the proposal; destruction of phraseological turnover; erroneous word formations; errors in the formation of forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs

№ p / p Type of error Examples 1 Erroneous word formation Hard-working, mock, inward. Searching for the meaning of life. Tyranny. 2 Erroneous formation of the form of the noun Many miracles of technology, there is not enough time. Ticket with reserved seat. New creams. 3 Erroneous formation of the form of the adjective More interesting, looks more beautiful. 4 Erroneous formation of the form of the numeral With five hundred rubles. Both sisters. 5 Erroneous formation of the form of the pronoun Their pathos, their children

6 Erroneous formation of the form of the verb They travel, they want, writing about the life of nature. All five girls died. Troekurov played with the cubs. Drive faster. 7 Mismatch I know a group of guys who are seriously into jazz. 8 Violation of control The author narrates readers. He returned from vacation from Ukraine. After graduating from high school, he entered the university. 9 Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate The majority objected to such an assessment of his work. Who came? 10 Violation of the way of expressing the predicate in separate constructions He wrote a book that is epic. Everyone was happy, happy and cheerful.

11 Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members The country loved and was proud of the poet. In the essay, I “wanted to talk about the meaning of sports and why I love it. Finally, not only a school, but also a hospital was built. and to appreciate and respect my friends, which I read as a child. It seemed to the man that it was a dream. 15 A mixture of direct and indirect speech The author said that I did not agree with the opinion of the reviewer. Savelich asked Grinev, did he recognize the ataman?

9 The use of near or close words with the same root (tautology) This story tells about real events. Characteristic character… 10 Unjustified repetition of the word The hero of the story does not think about his act. The hero does not even understand the full depth of what he did. An example of such a case is an accident that once happened to my friend. 11 Distortion of the composition of a phraseological unit Everyone was here: both old and small. Pavel Petrovich is a nobleman from brain to bone. With creaking hearts, the fists left the Gremyachiy Log.


Unsuccessful introduction The text begins with a sentence containing an indication of the previous context, which is absent in the text itself, for example: “This episode is described with particular force in the novel ...” The presence of demonstrative word forms in these sentences refers to the previous text, so the sentences themselves cannot serve as the beginning of an essay.

Logical errors in the middle part 1 . In one sentence, relatively distant thoughts come together, for example: Big, passionate love she showed to her son Mitrofanushka and fulfilled all his whims. She mocked the serfs in every possible way, as a mother she took care of his upbringing and education. 2. There is no consistency in thoughts, the order of sentences is violated, which leads to incoherence, for example: From Mitrofanushka Prostakova raised an ignorant brute. The comedy "Undergrowth" has great importance Nowadays. In Prostakov's comedy is a negative type. Or: In his work "Undergrowth" Fonvizin shows the landowner Prostakova, her brother Skotinin and serfs. Prostakova is a domineering and cruel landowner. Her estate has been taken over.

3 . Different types of sentences were used, which leads to difficulty in understanding the meaning, for example: The general rise of the area above sea level determines the severity and harshness of the climate. Cold, snowy winters followed by hot summers. Spring is short with a quick transition to summer. Correct option: The general rise of the area above sea level determines the severity and harshness of the climate. Cold, little snowy winters give way to a short spring, quickly turning into a hot summer. 4. The examinee does not distinguish between cause and effect, part and whole, related phenomena and other relationships, for example: Since Oblomov is a lazy person, he had Zakhar - his servant.

Unsuccessful conclusion The conclusion is duplicated: So, Prostakova passionately and passionately loves her son, but harms him with her love. Thus, Prostakova, with her blind love, brings up laziness, licentiousness and heartlessness in Mitrofanushka.

Spelling errors "Norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities in the Russian language." Spelling errors are divided into gross and rough. Among the spelling errors, it is necessary to single out non-rough ones, that is, they are not essential for the characterization of literacy. When counting errors, two non-rough ones are counted as one. Non-rough errors include 1) in exceptions to the rules; 2) in writing a capital letter in compound proper names; 3) in cases of separate and continuous writing, not with adjectives and participles acting as a predicate (not happy, not obliged); 4) in writing and and s after prefixes; 5) in difficult cases of discrimination, not and neither (Wherever he turned! Wherever he turned, no one could give him an answer. Nobody else ...; none other than ...; nothing else ...; none other than ..., etc.).

When evaluating an essay, the following errors are corrected, but the following errors are not taken into account: 1. In word wrapping. 2. Letters e / e after consonants in foreign words (racket, plein air) and after vowels in proper names (Marietta). 3. In the names associated with religion: M (m) aslenitsa, R (r) identity, B (b) og. 4. With the figurative use of proper names (Oblomovs and Oblomovs). 5. In proper names of non-Russian origin; spelling of surnames with the first parts don, van, sept ... (don Pedro and Don Quixote). 6. Compound nouns without a connecting vowel (mostly borrowings), not regulated by the rules and not included in the minimum dictionary (lend-lease, kebab, know-how, papier-mâché, tumbleweed, walk-city paperweight, but beef stroganoff, head waiter, sedan chair, price list). 7. For rules that are not included in school curriculum(for example, the rule for the continuous / separate writing of adverbial units / adverbs with a prefix / preposition, for example: spill, scold behind the eyes, match, on the run, installments, backward, outlandish, touch, catch up, put on the ass (cf. the current spelling recklessly, in all directions).

It is also necessary to take into account the repeatability and uniformity of errors. If the mistake is repeated in the same word or in the root of words with the same root, then it is considered as one mistake.

Graphic errors A separate category is graphic errors, that is, various typographical errors caused by the inattention of the writer or the haste of writing. For example, incorrect spellings that distort the sound image of the word (rapote instead of work, memla instead of earth). These errors are associated with graphics, that is, the means of writing a given language, fixing the relationship between letters in writing and sounds. oral speech. In addition to letters, graphic means include various methods of abbreviating words, using spaces between words, various underlining and font selections. Single graphical errors are not taken into account when checking, but if there are more than 5 such errors per 100 words, then the work should be recognized as illiterate.

Punctuation errors In accordance with the "Norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities in the Russian language", the following punctuation errors are corrected, but not taken into account: 1) a dash in an incomplete sentence; 2) isolation of inconsistent definitions relating to common nouns; 3) commas with restrictive-excretory turns; 4) distinguishing between homonymous particles and interjections and, accordingly, not highlighting or highlighting them with commas; 5) in the transfer of the author's punctuation.

Non-rude errors include 1) in cases where one punctuation mark is replaced by another; 2) in the omission of one of the combined punctuation marks or in violation of their sequence. The rules for counting similar and repeated errors do not apply to punctuation.

Good luck with exams!!