Presentation on the topic ""Poverty is her vice" A. Ostrovsky - the names of the heroes"

Korshunov Afrikan Savich - a character in A. N. Ostrovsky's comedy "Poverty is not a vice", a wealthy manufacturer from Moscow, a friend of Gordey Karpych. The name of the hero speaks for itself. This is a businesslike merchant who, like a kite, is ready to capture not only his prey, but also someone else's. Once he ruined Lyubim Karpych, and now he made friends with his brother. African Savich is an old voluptuary. He likes to drink in company with his English director, and now with Gordey Karpych. He loves the environment of young girls and tries in every possible way to achieve their favor. He had already been married once, but ruined his wife with jealousy and all sorts of nit-picking. All this is unknown to Gordey Karpych, who wants to marry his only daughter to this old fox.

The cunning manufacturer promised to keep Lyubov Gordeevna in silks and furs, and promised to bring Tortsov himself into Moscow society. This is exactly what Gordey Karpych dreams of, who is tired of living in the provinces among "ignoramuses". Pelageya Yegorovna is against this marriage. She begs her husband not to give their daughter to this old voluptuary, but Gordey Karpych is adamant. Frightened Lyubov Gordeevna, Korshunov assures that being married to such an old man as he is quite profitable. After all, he doesn’t need much: he will shower her with money, and in return ask only for love. Fortunately, Tortsov's brother, Lyubim Karpych, intervened in this situation. He opened his brother's eyes to Korshunov's personality and asked the old cunning man to return his debt, and at the same time a huge ransom for his niece. Insulted, Korshunov left Tortsov's house and refused to marry Lyubov Gordeevna. Thus, the girl avoided an unwanted marriage.

After the funeral of his father, Gordey divided the inheritance according to a scheme convenient for himself - he left an institution that brings a stable income for himself, and gave the difference to his brother in cash and valuable bills. The inheritance regularly "worked" for Gordey, his capital multiplied many times, which caused him heightened sense pride. And Lyubim Karpych quickly squandered almost all his money, and those that remained with him were deceived by the manufacturer Korshunov. In order not to disappear from hunger, Lyubim was forced to earn extra money as a jester.

At the beginning of the story, the reader knows Gordey Karpych as a grumpy and demanding owner, who is annoyed by everyone and everything around him, from close people to guests of the house. It is common for him to lash out at the clerk Mitya with demands “above his head”, he endlessly scolds his brother and believes that he behaves unworthily and insultingly, he openly considers his wife Gordey to be a stupid ignoramus who does not deserve respect.

Having gone on a visit to Moscow, the hero fell ill with the desire to stay there forever. Now he is sure that his true place is in the highest circles and only in the capital. Everything that he no longer likes Russian, he wants to surround himself only with foreign and outlandish things. Gordey even had a corresponding friend - African Savich. Fabrikant firmly ingratiated himself with the hero, who did not suspect that it was this rich old man who had deceived his brother, and now set out to ruin him too.

Gordey Karpych had already promised to marry his only daughter to Korshunov, but, fortunately, Lyubim exposed the fraudster in time, and the wedding did not take place. After what happened, Gordey opens up to the reader from a new, unfamiliar side of a person who knows how to realize his mistakes, repent of his deeds and be grateful for the help provided. He reconciles with his brother who rescued him, and gives his daughter down the aisle with the one who she really loves.

Quotes by Gordey Tortsov

Yes, I will ask such a wedding that you have never seen: I will write musicians from Moscow, I will go alone in four carriages.

What tenderness in our poverty!

Why are you? Is this where you belong? A crow flew into the high mansions!

Oh, if I were poor, I would be a man. Poverty is not a vice.

You know a lot! Yes, there is nothing to collect from you! You yourself are stupid, and your father is not painfully smart ... a whole century with a greasy belly walks; You live as unenlightened fools, you will die as fools.

Speaking surnames in the work of N.V. Gogol

N.V. Gogol. In his dramas one can find surnames-nicknames: Derzhimorda, Fried eggs and Strawberries. Gogol masterfully plays with double surnames, which, by the way, belonged exclusively to noble people: Musins-Pushkins, Golenishchevs-Kutuzovs, Vorontsovs-Dashkovs, Muravyovs-Apostles.

The judge from the comedy "The Inspector General" also has a double surname - Lyapkin-Tyapkin, which hardly indicates the author's reverence for this hero.

As for the double surname of the mayor, about it in the book “Modern Russian Surnames”: “Skvoznik (according to Dahl) in the figurative meaning of “cunning rascal”, “experienced rogue”, in the literal sense - “draft”, “through wind”. Dmukhati in Ukrainian means "to blow". Double surname as an example of a high-born nobleman in this case turns out to be a double hint of a scam."

Continuing the formation of names literary characters With the help of foreign word-formation means, Gogol introduces Dr. Gibner into the comedy, in whose hospital, as you know, all the patients "recover like flies."

The surname of the imaginary auditor is also very rich in associations. There is something in it from the biting, glibness of the hero and from the phrase "whip over the edge", since Ivan Aleksandrovich is a master of unrestrained lies. Khlestakov, in addition, will not refuse to “lay behind the collar” - “to overlap”. He is not averse to dragging after Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna - “whipping”.

Emphasizing the similarity of the two "urban landowners", Gogol cunningly makes them full namesakes, and changes only one letter in their surnames (Bobchinsky, Dobchinsky). In Russian drama, such a technique was first used precisely in The Inspector General.

A lot of interesting things can also be found in Gogol's play "The Players", where the imaginary Krugel, Shvokhnev, Glov, Consolation and Psoy Stakhich Zamukhryshkin cheat the amateur swindler Ikharev. It's funny that Psoy Stakhich turns out to be Flor Semyonovich Murzafeykin, and Glov Sr. is actually Ivan Klymych Krynitsyn. However, who knows, maybe these names are also fictitious.

By the way, the surname Glov is very interesting because illegitimate children were called in a similar way in a noble environment. This is how the surname of the hero of the novel by V. Nabokov Pnin (from Repnin), Myantsev and Umyantsev (from Rumyantsev), Betskaya (from Trubetskaya) arose.

Summing up, we can state that in the work of N.V. Gogol's talking names received further development, became even more significant, began to acquire a parodic sound.

Speaking surnames in the work of A.N. Ostrovsky

From the point of view of the phenomenon of speaking names we are considering, a lot of new, wonderful material can be found in the plays of this great playwright. Let's touch only the most interesting moments of using this literary device in the most famous plays Ostrovsky.

For example, in the play "Thunderstorm" there are no random names and surnames. Quiet, weak-willed drunkard and Sissy Tikhon Kabanov fully justifies his name. The nickname of his "mother" - Kabaniha has long been rethought by readers as a name. No wonder the creator of "Thunderstorm" already in the poster presents this heroine in this way: "Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha), a rich merchant's wife, a widow." By the way, her old, almost sinister name, paired with Savel Prokofievich Diky, quite definitely speaks of their characters, lifestyle, and morals. Interestingly, in translation from Aramaic, the name Martha is translated as "lady."

The surname Dikoy also contains a lot of curious things. The fact is that the ending -oy in the corresponding words is now read as -y (-y). For example, Pushkin's "desert sower of freedom" (in the current pronunciation - "desert") means "lonely." So Wild is nothing but " wild man", simply" savage.

symbolic meaning have names and surnames in the play "Dowry". Larisa - translated from Greek - a seagull. The surname Knurov comes from the dialect word knur - boar, boar, wild boar. Paratov is etymologically connected with the adjective porous - lively, strong, hefty, zealous. Vozhevatov comes from the phrase "tough people", which means cheeky, shameless. In the name, patronymic and surname of Larisa's mother, Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova, everything turns out to be significant. Charites (from the Greek charis - grace, charm, beauty) were called gypsies from the choir, and every gypsy was called Ignat in Moscow. Hence the comparison of Larisa's house with a gypsy camp. The surname comes from the word ogudat - to deceive, seduce, inflate. Julius Kapitonovich Karandyshev, in contrast to the name and patronymic with the surname, already contains the image of this person in the grain. Julius - the name of the noble Roman emperor Caesar, Kapiton - from the Latin capitos - head, Karandyshev - from the word pencil - short, short, a man with exorbitant and unfounded claims. So psychologically polyphonic human characters emerge from the very first pages of the play.

Surprisingly interesting from the point of view of the study of the semantics of speaking names is the play "Hot Heart", in which there is a whole constellation of the most curious surnames, names and patronymics of the characters. Here, by the way, as V. Lakshin writes about this in the article “Ostrovsky’s Poetic Satire”: “Perhaps the brightest and most caustic in political sense comedy figure - Serapion Mardarevich Gradoboev. Well, Ostrovsky invented a name for him! Serapion is easily changed into “scorpion”, as the rude Matryona calls him, Mardariy sounds next to the dissonant word “muzzle”, and even Gradoboev is a surname filled to the brim with ironic semantics: not only crops beaten by hail, but also a battle imposed on the city " . By the way, Gradoboev is none other than the mayor of the city of Kalinov (remember "Thunderstorm", "Forest"), who is not very almondy with the townsfolk.

There is also a merchant Kuroslepov in the Hot Heart, who, either from drunkenness or from a hangover, suffers from something like night blindness: he does not see what is happening under his nose. By the way, his clerk, the favorite of Madame Kuroslepova, has a characteristic name - Narkis.

If you look through the works of A.N. Ostrovsky, you can find many characters with telling names. These are Samson Silych Bolshov, a wealthy merchant, and Lazar Elizarich Podkhalyuzin, his clerk (the play “Our people - we will settle”); Egor Dmitrievich Glumov from the drama "Enough Stupidity for Every Wise Man", who really mocks those around him; an actress of the provincial theater Negina from "Talents and Admirers" and a lover of delicate treatment, the merchant Velikatov.

In the play "The Forest" Ostrovsky persistently names the characters with names associated with the concepts of "happiness and misfortune", as well as with "paradise, arcadia". No wonder the name of the landowner Gurmyzhskaya is Raisa. Yes, and the root of the surname of Raisa Pavlovna leads to certain reflections. A.V. Superanskaya and A.V. Suslova write about this: “The name of Raisa Gurmyzhskaya, a wealthy landowner, in Russian is consonant with the word “paradise”. The clue to her last name can be found in another play by Ostrovsky - “The Snow Maiden” - In the words of Mizgir, who tells about the wonderful island of Gurmyz in the middle of the warm sea, where there are a lot of pearls, where there is heavenly life.

And about the stage names of the provincial actors Schastlivtsev and Neschastlivtsev, the same authors write as follows: consummate master names and surnames remains Ostrovsky. So, in the play "Forest" he shows the provincial actors Schastlivtsev and Neschastlivtsev. Yes, not just Schastlivtseva, but Arcadia (cf. Arcadia - the legendary happy country inhabited by shepherdesses and shepherds). Gennady Neschastlivtsev (Gennady - Greek noble) is a noble tragic actor. And their common fate seems especially tragic against the background of these names.

So, one of Ostrovsky's methods of forming surnames is metaphorization ( figurative meaning). So, the surname Berkutov (“Wolves and sheep”) and Korshunov (“Poverty is not a vice”) are formed from the names of birds of prey: the golden eagle is a strong mountain eagle, sharp-sighted, bloodthirsty; a kite is a weaker predator, capable of grabbing smaller prey. If the character with the surname Berkut is from the breed of "wolves" (which is emphasized by the title of the play) and "swallows" a large fortune, then Korshunov in the play dreams of stealing, like a chicken, from his father's house a weak, fragile creature (Lyubov Gordeevna).

Many of Ostrovsky's surnames are formed from common words (names of animals, birds, fish) with a pronounced negative meaning: they seem to characterize people according to the properties that are inherent in animals. Baranchevsky and Pereyarkov are stupid as sheep; Lisavsky is cunning, like a fox; Kukushkina is selfish and heartless, like a cuckoo...

Ostrovsky's surname may also indicate appearance people: Puzatov, Borodavkin, Pleshakov, Kurchaev, Belotelova; in the manner of behavior: Gnevyshev, Gromilov, Lyutov, Groznov; on lifestyle: Baklushin, Pogulyaev, Dosuzhaev; on the social and financial situation: Bolshov, Velikatov ... And the names Goltsov, Mykin, Tugina, Kruchinina indicate the difficult, full of need and deprivation, the life of their bearers.

Almost a third of all the surnames in the playwright’s works are of dialectal origin: Velikatov (“Talents and Admirers”) from Velaty, that is, “stately, prominent, important, swaggering, proud, polite, able to treat people, inspiring respect for himself”; Lynyaev (“Wolves and Sheep”) to shirk, that is, “shirk, evade business” ( Dictionary V.I.Dalya, Volume 2), Khlynov (“Hot Heart”) from Khlyn - “a swindler, thief, deceiver in buying and selling”, Zhadov (“Profitable Place”) from Zhadat - in ancient meaning: "to have a strong desire."

Ostrovsky’s plays are rich in funny surnames: Razlyulyaev (“Poverty is not a vice”), Malomalsky (“Don’t get into your sleigh”), Nedonoskov and Nedorostkov (“Jokers”) ...

As a “building material” for the formation of the names of the characters, Ostrovsky does not often, but uses distorted foreign words: Paratov (“Dowry”) from the French “parade” (does everything for show, likes to show off, splurge. In the theater A.N. Ostrovsky, the speaking names are so precise and significant that it is time to talk about the virtuoso, phenomenal mastery of this technique by the playwright.

Work with the epigraph of the lesson “You alone completed the building, which was based on the cornerstones of Fonvizin, Griboyedov, Gogol. But only after you, we Russians can proudly say: “We have our own Russian national theater. It should rightly be called "Ostrovsky's theatre". A.I. Goncharov

The father of the future playwright, a graduate of the Moscow Theological Seminary, served in the Moscow City Court. Mother from a family of the clergy, died in childbirth when Alexander was four years old. Younger brother statesman M. N. Ostrovsky. The childhood and youth of the writer passed in Zamoskvorechye. House-Museum of A.N. Ostrovsky in Zamoskvorechye

From childhood, he grew up in the environment of the merchant and bureaucratic Zamoskvorechie, because the life and life of the people of these social strata of Moscow were well known to him. Children's and youthful observations formed the basis of the plots of A. N. Ostrovsky's plays, and the impressions from everyday life received in his father's house helped to more accurately and vividly describe the life of the heroes of his plays. Interior of the house-museum of A.N. Ostrovsky in Moscow

Stages creative way A. N. Ostrovsky Early (1847 - 1851), the period of searching for ways and entering literature with the play “Own people - let's settle!” "Moskvityansky" (1852 - 1854), when the folk comedies "Do not sit in your sleigh", "Poverty is not a vice" are created. hangover", "Profitable place", "Dowry" "Thunderstorm" Post-reform (1861 - 1886) A.N. Ostrovsky (sitting on the far right) in the circle of employees of the Sovremennik magazine

What do the surnames say in the plays of A. N. Ostrovsky One of the methods of forming surnames in A. N. Ostrovsky is metaphorization. So, the surname Berkutov (“Wolves and sheep”) and Korshunov (“Poverty is not a vice”) are formed from the names of birds of prey: the golden eagle is a strong mountain eagle, sharp-sighted and bloodthirsty; a kite is a weaker predator, capable of grabbing smaller prey. If the character with the surname Berkutov is from the breed of "wolves" (which is emphasized by the title of the play) and "swallows" a large fortune, then Korshunov in the play dreams of stealing, like a chicken, from his father's house a weak, fragile creature (Lyubov Gordeevna).

Many of Ostrovsky's surnames are formed from common words (the names of animals, birds, fish) with a pronounced negative meaning: he, as it were, characterizes people according to the properties that are inherent in animals. Baranchevsky and Pereyarkov are stupid as sheep; Affectionate cunning, like a fox; Kukushkina is selfish and heartless, like a cuckoo.

The surname may indicate: the appearance of a person: Puzatov, Borodavkin, Pleshakov, Kurchaev, Belotelova; on the manner of behavior: Gnevashev, Gromilov, Lyutov, Groznov; on lifestyle: Baklushin, Pogulyaev, Dosuzhin; on the social and financial situation: Bolshov, Velikatov ... The names Maltsov, Tugina, Mykin, Kruchinina indicate the difficult life of their owners, full of hardships and needs.

The play "Poverty is not a vice" The play was conceived by the author on July 10, 1853, and started on August 22 of the same year. In the original version, the play was to be called "The Proud God Resists" and consisted of only 2 acts. By the end of 1853 "Poverty is no vice" was completed. On December 2, Ostrovsky, after the first public readings of the play in literary circles in Moscow, wrote to MP Pogodin: “The success of my last comedy exceeded not only my expectations, but even my dreams.” The comedy was first published in 1854 as a separate book.

Criticism about the comedy "Poverty is not a vice" None of the plays by A. N. Ostrovsky caused such heated and principled debate after its publication as "Poverty is not a vice". Representatives of democratic criticism entered into a sharp debate about it with the Slavophiles, who saw in this comedy, and above all in the image of Lyubim Tortsov, artistic expression their social ideals. A.N. Ostrovsky (second from left) in the circle of writers and critics of Moscow

In designing "Poverty is not a vice" for the stage of the Maly Theatre, the playwright, long before the end of the comedy, distributed its roles among the artists of this theater. Poverty is not a Vice at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg was first staged on September 9, 1854. On the stage of the Maly Theater, the comedy "Poverty is not a vice" was staged more often than other plays by Ostrovsky. The best forces of the “Ostrovsky house” participated in the performances of this play (including O. O. Sadovskaya - Pelageya Egorovna, M. N. Ermolova - Lyubov Gordeevna, etc.; one of its best performers, an artist of the Alexandrinsky Theater, toured in the role of Lyubim Tortsov Pavel Vasiliev). The play "Poverty is not a vice" enjoyed unchanging love on the stages of provincial theaters. This play from year to year occupied one of the very first places in the theater repertoires. Alexander Evstafievich Martynov - actor of the Maly Theater Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin Prov Mikhailovich Sadovsky - leading actor of the Maly Theater

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The presentation was prepared by the 9th grade student of the MBOU "Lyceum of the city of Otradnoe" Smirnova Roxana 2012

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A.N. Ostrovsky Poverty is not a vice Content of the play Analysis of the work Heroes of the play

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Ostrovsky was born on March 31, 1823 in the family of a graduate of the Theological Academy. My father became an official, my grandfather was a priest. In 1831, when he was not yet 9 years old, his mother died. In 1835, his father wrote to the Moscow gymnasium a letter of request for the admission of the young Ostrovsky to the gymnasium. He entered the 3rd grade immediately and studied with moderate success. Ostrovsky successfully worked with a music teacher, knew how to read notes, which helped him in later life. Everyone in his family loved to read, and this feeling was instilled in him from the very beginning. early childhood. Having gained access to his father's library, he became an avid reader. Most of all he loves to read Pushkin, Griboyedov. In the 40th year he graduated from the gymnasium and received the right to enter the university without exams.

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Reluctantly, Ostrovsky wrote an application for admission to the Imperial Moscow University in the law department. The first year he studied diligently and with enthusiasm, by the end of the second year he stopped attending classes. The university dean's office decides to keep him for a second course. But at this time he was already working in his theater. The theater itself inspired him. Ostrovsky believed that his life was in the theater. Almost all the money that fell from his father, he spent on theater tickets. In the 43rd year, he failed the exams at the university and was expelled. On September 19, 1843, he was enrolled in the Moscow conscientious court as a clerk. While in court, sorting out various cases, he wrote the first story "From the great to the ridiculous one step."

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And for the first time put a date at the end. In 1849, Ostrovsky's work "Our people - let's settle!" Was written. Then, despite the censorship, many plays and books by Ostrovsky were released. For Ostrovsky, writings are a way to truly depict the life of the people. Ostrovsky's plays "Thunderstorm", "Dowry", "Forest" are among his greatest works. Ostrovsky's play "Dowry", like other psychological dramas, non-standard describes the characters, inner world, the torment of heroes. In the biography of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, theatrical work occupies an honorable place. Together with the Artistic Circle, he significantly reformed and developed the Russian theater.

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Poverty is not a vice ”(original title“ God Resists the Proud ”) - a comedy in three acts by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Written in 1853. This is a hymn to the Russian merchants - it contains all the signs of patriarchal life: the strength of family foundations, children's trust in their parents, the inviolability of the customs that reign in this merchant environment, the integrity and clarity of the worldview, not overshadowed by any innovations. The premiere took place at the Maly Theater on January 25, 1854 with the active participation of Ostrovsky.

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Choice problems life path, the power of money, dependence on external circumstances Heroes overcome obstacles, perform actions, give arguments, defending their position, suffer temporary setbacks, but hope for the best. A weak hero becomes strong, self-sufficient.

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Gordey Karpych Tortsov, a wealthy merchant. Pelageya Egorovna, his wife. Lyubov Gordeevna, their daughter. We love Karpych Tortsov, his brother, squandered. African Savich Korshunov, manufacturer. Mitya, Tortsov's clerk. Yasha Guslin, Tortsov's nephew. Grisha Razlyulyaev, a young merchant, the son of a rich father. Anna Ivanovna, a young widow. Masha and Liza are friends of Lyubov Gordeevna. Egorushka, a boy, a distant relative of Tortsov. Arina, nurse of Lyubov Gordeevna.

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Volumetric, bright, spectacular plot of the entire upcoming action In the first act, the words of Lyubim Tortsov about his brother, important for the development of the action, are heard: “He, the fool, needs science”, “Well, yes, I’ll do a thing with him. For fools, wealth is evil!”, “And I’ll do a funny thing with my brother.” The conflict is planned. In a secret letter addressed to Mitya, and love affair: "And I love you. Lyubov Tortsova.

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The action is rapidly developing, involving new characters, all of whom play their part in the course of the drama and the development of the conflict. The atmosphere of a common young love, holiday and cheerful mess with songs and music is destroyed with the appearance of Gordey Karpych and Korshunov. The possibility of happiness for young heroes becomes illusory. "The son-in-law African Savich" is sure that he has no reason to worry, he orders the girls a "wedding" song. Lyubov Gordeevna is in alarm, her friends surround the excited girl.

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Drama conflict, clash actors ends. Despite the fact that the denouement logically follows from the development of the action, it still has an unexpected character: it is really a happy ending, because the development of the action was dramatic. The “thing” that Lyubim came up with helps the young couple out. This “thing” saves Gordey from the ruin that threatened him if he intermarried with Korshunov, dishonest in money matters. Thus, the denouement is directly related to the development of the action in the second act, it is the final moment in the development of conflict and intrigue.

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Mr. Ostrovsky's new comedy "Poverty is not a vice" was his new stage triumph and at the same time a signal of the most severe accusations that our author could ever bear. This comedy, which at one time served as the subject of such strong disputes, belongs to the number of insufficiently appreciated even by Mr. Ostrovsky's friends, even by those people who ... did not retreat a single step in their sympathy for his bright talent. Therefore, we invite all attentive and impartial judges to read it over again, at liberty, slowly and without being carried away by any preconceived views. In this work they will find undeniable shortcomings in construction, too abrupt and whimsical denouement, a certain poverty of comic situations, but these errors will be redeemed in abundance by striking, first-class beauties. ... At least of all his works, we find such poetry only in three, except for the comedy we named, that is, in the comedy "The Poor Bride", in the drama "Do Not Live As You Want" and in "The Pupil".

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In a multitude of scenes and details, poetry is poured, which we have indicated, healthy and strong poetry, from which it smells of Russia, in the very best sense this expression. It manifests itself in the relationship of Lyubim Tortsov to the poor boy who warmed him, in the soul-rending farewell of young lovers under the eyes of a weeping mother in a remote corner of the house, in the sweet and sympathetic face of the lively widow Anna Ivanovna, and finally in the capital scene of the whole work, which embraces the Christmas evening in Tortsov's house, settled down in the absence of a formidable owner. Yuletide evening in "Poverty is not a vice" seems to be before our eyes. Until now, remembering him, it is as if you are transported back to your childhood and that is why you feel sweet warmth in your heart. How sweet and friendly the old hostess, who herself once loved to dance and sang songs well, until her stern husband got into bars, and the old guests, looking so cheerfully at the singing girls, and the troublesome Anna Ivanovna, always cheerful and accommodating, and these girls with subservient songs, and a goat with a bear, and all these pure joys, tinged with fear that now everything will end and an unexpected catastrophe will come ...

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Let's put aside the routine arrogance that nestles in all of us, no matter how simple we may be, let's forget that until now we have seen only dirt and immorality in the images of merchant life, let's try to look at the participants in this Christmas conversation, as a Russian person should look at good Russian people, and then, perhaps, the veil that hides from us such a simple and so close to us poetry will fall from our eyes! We have already spoken briefly about the shortcomings of the comedy under consideration, and in view of the beauties with which they are redeemed, it is impossible to complain about them, but nevertheless we consider it our duty to point out one of the said shortcomings, for it flickers in several subsequent works of Mr. Ostrovsky and thereby forces us to assume in giving our author one fold from which he can and must free himself. The error, which in question, there is a cool and whimsical handling of the play's intrigue; an appeal, perhaps still of some significance in the theatre, but unpleasantly striking in reading. Gordey Karpych Tortsov, who had been busy with bad deeds and crafts for so long, had tormented his family for so many years, neglected his brother and rudely reproached Mitya for his poverty, as a result of a small scolding and requests, Lyubim suddenly turns to the good path, repents of his past, finally gives an unexpectedly prosperous turn the whole history of lovers.

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In another, even a very gifted writer, we could attribute such a sin to the poverty of dramatic considerations, but is it possible to think anything like that about the author of "The Poor Bride" and the comedy "Our people - let's settle down." There are merits, after which the shadow of doubt in the connoisseur is not allowed; there are successes after which the slightest word of condemnation must be weighed ten times and only then pronounced. Artistic error? But how can one accuse of a non-artistic work that writer, in whom, in the smallest works, eluding us in their volume and the volume of our article, the mind of a strong master and a number of unexpected stage considerations are everywhere visible? It would be more accurate to assume that the play that we are analyzing entered the stage and went to press too soon, without being read once again by the author. A little preparation for the denouement, a few preparatory phrases by Gordey Tortsov, a few explanatory traits of his character that were previously expressed, could smooth out all the roughness, which we are now involuntarily dwelling on. Such an easy task could have been performed by a newly talented playwright - with Mr. Ostrovsky, perhaps, the most said preparation would have been a series of well-aimed expressions and masterful details.

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Gordey Karpych Tortsov Pelageya Egorovna Tortsova Lyubov Gordeevna Mitya Lyubim Tortsov African Savich Korshunov Yasha Guslin Grisha Razlyulyaev

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The meaning of the surname Tortsov: "Torets" in the Efremova dictionary 1) A wooden bar, a log from the side of its cross section. 2) Transverse - short - side, edge of smth. 3) A short, usually hexagonal block of cross-cut logs for paving streets. 4) unfold Pavement from such bars. 5) A cross section of a log, beam, and also in general the transverse face of a beam, board, table, book (side, top or bottom cut of its sheets). 6) Jarg. Face The meaning of the name Gordey Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary: Pride is an overestimated feeling dignity, self-esteem, arrogance, excessively high opinion of oneself, awareness of one's superiority over others.

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Pelageya Egorovna is the wife of Gordey Tortsov. Her name has long been common in Russia, it is her main characteristic. Pelageya is an adherent of old Russian traditions, she does not understand and does not accept her husband's "kookies".