What is the theme of Golden Meadow Prishvin. Summary of a lesson on communicative activities in the senior group of the kindergarten “Golden Meadow” M

Olga Kulikova
Lesson notes on communication activities in senior group kindergarten“Golden Meadow” M. Prishvin.

Summary of a lesson on communicative activities in the senior group of kindergarten.

Subject « Golden Meadow» M. Prishvin.

Integration of educational regions: « Speech development» , "Social communication development» , "Cognitive Development", , "Physical development".


1) "Speech development": to develop in children the skills of planning a coherent, detailed statement;

intensify lexicon

enrich vocabulary (Fuck, fishing, in the heel) ;

develop the ability to compose common sentences;

consolidate the ability to formulate your own statements grammatically correctly;

develop coherent dialogic and monologue speech.

2) "Social communication development» : promote the development of social skills and skills: ability to work in group, listen to others, respect the opinions of peers, defend your own opinion;

develop the ability to evaluate and analyze speech each other's activities by giving reasoned answers;

develop voluntary attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking;

instill in children an interest in the natural environment

3)"Artistic and aesthetic development": looking at illustrations, listening to music.

4)"Physical development".physical minute, finger gymnastics

Methods and techniques::

- visual:examination of illustrations on slides, video

Verbal, reading, conversation,

Materials and equipmentPortrait of the writer M. Prishvina. Book M. Prishvina with a story« Golden Meadow» , video "How a dandelion blooms", slides with illustrations, paper flowers, book exhibition, cartoon "Dandelion thick cheeks"

Guys, we have a fabulous chest on our shelf.

Let's see what here:

ABOUT! flowers - dandelions

(bud, open yellow and ripe white)

Dandelion is one of the first to appear in spring, like a yellow sun. But dandelions are not always yellow and look like the sun. Time passes, and the yellow petals are replaced by white fluff. The white fluffs are seeds.


Do you want to see how a dandelion blooms?

(Video mp4 "How a dandelion blooms")

Guys, what needs to be done to prevent the flowers from wilting?

There's something else in the chest

There is a book in it

M. Prishvina« Golden Meadow» .

Today we are going to get acquainted with amazing person. M. Prishvin

He was in love with his Motherland, with its beauty, with forests and fields, rivers and lakes, with its birds and animals. Everything he wrote about was imbued with a great love for nature.

Take a look at his portrait (show). This is the writer Mikhail Prishvin.

Let's read the story « Golden Meadow» .

Will we be able to discover anything new?

Slides for the work


What can you say about this work?

Is this a fairy tale, story or poem?

Why do you think this is a story?

What is this story about?

Why is the story called « Golden Meadow» ?

What kind of fun did the brothers have with dandelions?

(Fuknu, fuknu means blow). - Let's try to fuk with the sound f-f-u-u

What discovery did the guys make?

What was the meadow like early in the morning? At noon? In the evening?


Do you want to watch the flowers open?

Then we approach our pond.

Place paper flowers in a bowl of water

(petals folded) The petals spread out in the water

Let's show a flower with our fingers

Finger game:

Our yellow flowers

Spread the petals.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Our yellow flowers

The petals close.

They shake their heads,

Quietly falling asleep

Why did the dandelion become an interesting flower for the children?

Let's stand up and imagine that we are flowers:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He moved, stretched,

Soared up and flew away

To our library groups I will put a book with M.'s story. Prishvina« Golden Meadow» , and you can look at the illustrations for the story or take it home to read with your parents.

And in conclusion

Watching a cartoon "Dandelion thick cheeks"

Publications on the topic:

Reading M. Prishvin’s story “The Golden Meadow” in the preparatory group of the kindergarten Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in preparatory group for children with special needs on the topic: “Reading a story by M. Prishvin.

Summary of an integrated lesson on M. Prishvin's story “The Golden Meadow” in the senior group Program content: Introduce children to the writer M. Prishvin and his story “Golden Meadow”. Expand and clarify children's knowledge about dandelion.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on visual arts in the first junior group of the kindergarten “Painted Spoons” Municipal preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 116 “Solnechny” in the Togliatti urban district.

Summary of educational activities on social and communicative activities in the senior group “May 9 - Victory Day” Types of children's activities: Cognitive, communicative, musical, motor, productive, reading fiction, gaming.

Notes on theatrical activities in the senior group of the kindergarten “Journey through Fairy Tales” Goals: To develop children's sustainable interest in theatrical activities. Develop in children creative imagination, imagination, initiative.

Summary of a lesson on legal education in the senior group of kindergarten “About rights while playing” Program content Give children a general idea of ​​their rights in an interesting and entertaining way. Develop the ability to analyze.

Spring, red spring...

Answers to page 72

Mikhail Prishvin
Golden Meadow

We lived in the village. PIn front of the window we had a meadow, all golden with many blooming dandelions. It was very beautiful. Everyone said: “Very beautiful! The meadow is golden.” One day I got up early to fish and noticed that the meadow was not golden, but green. When I returned home around noon, the meadow was again all golden. I began to observe. By evening the meadow turned green again. Then I went and found a dandelion, and it turned out that it had squeezed its petals, as if our fingers on the palm side were yellow; clenching them into a fist, we would close the yellow one. In the morning, when the sun rose, I saw the dandelions opening their palms, and this made the meadow turn golden again.
Since then, dandelion has become one of the most interesting colors, because he went to bed with us children, and got up with us.

1. What feeling does this story evoke? Mark the answer + or write your own.

+ Delight + astonishment + joy sadness

2 ∗ . Explain the expression.

Golden Meadow -meadow, all golden from many blooming dandelions.

3. Complete the sentence with words from the text.

Everyone said:"Very beautiful! Meadow - golden” .

4 ∗ . Complete task 3 in the textbook. Complete the table.

My brother and I always had fun with them when dandelions ripened. It used to be that we were going somewhere on our business, he was in front, I was at the heel.

“Seryozha!” - I’ll call him in a businesslike manner. He will look back, and I will blow a dandelion right in his face. For this, he begins to watch for me and, like a gape, he also makes a fuss. And so we picked these uninteresting flowers just for fun. But once I managed to make a discovery.

We lived in a village, in front of our window there was a meadow, all golden with many blooming dandelions. It was very beautiful. Everyone said: “Very beautiful! Golden meadow." One day I got up early to fish and noticed that the meadow was not golden, but green. When I returned home around noon, the meadow was again all golden. I began to observe. By evening the meadow turned green again. Then I went and found a dandelion, and it turned out that it had squeezed its petals, just as if our fingers on the palm side were yellow and, clenching it into a fist, we would close the yellow one. In the morning, when the sun rose, I saw the dandelions opening their palms and this made the meadow turn golden again.

Since then, dandelion has become one of the most interesting flowers for us, because dandelions went to bed with us children and got up with us.

Veselova Galina Svyatoslavovna
Job title: teacher primary classes
Educational institution: GBOU secondary school No. 521
Locality: Saint Petersburg
Name of material: methodological development lesson
Subject: M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow"
Publication date: 28.05.2018
Chapter: elementary education

Veselova Galina Svyatoslavovna,

primary school teacher GBOU secondary school No. 521,

Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

The topic of the lesson is “M. Prishvin “Golden Meadow”.

Lesson type: Lesson of reading and understanding the work.

UMK: “Perspective”.

Lesson objectives: create conditions for developing the skill of correct, conscious reading, activating students and involving them in

the process of analyzing a literary text, learning to determine the nature of the story, the opinion of the author.

Subject UUD:

Form the correct type of reading activity; develop the ability to divide text into parts, title parts; make up

plan; learn to find and use in speech the means of linguistic artistic expression used by the author in the work;

highlight the main idea of ​​the work.

Metasubject UUD:

-personal(self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation): to cultivate an attentive attitude towards the native

nature and language, culture of behavior in the process of group work, respect for each other; create positive educational






to express

own attitude towards the hero in the process of analyzing the text of the work;

educational(working with information, working with educational models, performing logical operations): develop the ability to build

speech statements, search for necessary information from various sources(text, illustrations, presentation); skill

formulate and solve problems;

-regulatory(management of one’s activities, control and correction, initiative and independence):

develop skills

formulate the goals of the lesson, the ability to work according to a plan, maintaining the educational task, develop the ability to perform self- and mutual testing

completed task;


speech activity, cooperation skills

develop oral speech children, enriching it with artistic words,

develop creative thinking, imagination; develop the ability to cooperate with classmates and teachers in solving educational problems,

formulate and defend your position.

Equipment: explanatory dictionaries, handouts, presentation, audio recording of M. Prishvin’s work, video “The Life of One


Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities



Hello guys. Check your readiness for the lesson,

get ready for active work.

Remember the rule.

Self-assessment of readiness for the lesson, check

availability of information sources, choice

effective way to organize

educational space, business spirit

for the upcoming work.

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Updating knowledge.

Subject message.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of the Russian

writer, who was a bit of a whiz as a child, and adults

did not always have the patience to answer his questions.

Therefore, having become a writer, in his works he did not

I only tried to answer children’s “whys,” but also taught

them to make independent discoveries. (Portrait


The letters of the writer's first and last names are mixed up.

Decipher: (Hint - key: FIFIF)


Mikhail Prishvin

What works of Prishvin do you know?

What did Mikhail Prishvin write about?

Open the "Contents" section of the textbook and find

the title of M. Prishvin's work, which we do not

Read the title of the work. (“Golden Meadow”)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Mikhail Prishvin “Golden Meadow”.

Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

Mikhail Prishvin

Answer the teacher's questions.

Students think about their answers

make assumptions:

Mikhail Prishvin “Golden Meadow”.

Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

Sh. Analysis of the text of the story

M Prishvin “Golden Meadow”.

Anticipation of reading.

How do you understand the expression

"Golden Meadow"? - What is he like?

What do you think this story will be about?

Answer the teacher's questions.

Strengthen the quality of an item, show your

attitude so that the reader can better

present the subject.

Why, why is the meadow golden?

Primary reading of the text.

Planning to work with


Open page 148, follow the textbook as he reads

Identification of primary perception.

What is the genre of the work?

Were the assumptions about the topic of the text confirmed?

How do you imagine a dandelion?

Suggest a plan for working with the text of the story:

3) Select questions based on the content of the text.

4) Formulate the main idea of ​​the story.

Follow the reading.

This is a story.

Yes, a story about a meadow.

Yes, from the many blooming dandelions.

Dandelion is a beautiful flower

yellow, similar to small

sun, silver, white,

translucent ball.

Thinking over a plan for working with the text

2) Break it into parts and title them.

3) Select questions based on content

4) Formulate the main idea




We begin to work according to plan.

Dynamic visual pause.

carry out the task according to plan.

Dividing text into parts.

Comprehensive analysis.

Work in groups.

Work in groups according to the plan you have drawn up,

points 1) – 3). (Memo on the table). Discuss how much

parts can be identified in this text? Where

does each part end? Come up with questions.

Choose your headings.

1 part

Commenting, vocabulary work as you read.

Where does part 1 end?

Who is the narrator? (boy) Name the heroes

works. Those. The narration is told from the perspective of the hero.

Who was the older brother? Why? (“...He’s ahead, I’m

To the heel")

How does it mean to “go toe to toe”? (Follow him, trail after trail. Look at that

you'll step on your toes.)

What kind of work could the boys have and what does it mean?

this word?

What does “dandelions are ripening” mean? Video “Life

one dandelion" 23 sec.

What is "fun"? (Game, entertainment). What

Was their entertainment? How do you understand “fuck him”

dandelion in the face." Are you familiar with this game?

dandelions? (Breathing exercises)

What does the narrator call dandelions? Why? What he

Repeat the rules of working in a group,

carry out the task according to plan.

Answer questions about content 1

Children find the meaning of this word in

explanatory dictionary.

Fishing - getting something;

hunting, catching animals, birds,

Seeds appear in place of the flower.


How can you title part 1?

For example, “Constant fun”, “Uninteresting flowers”

"Flowers for Fun"

Quote title “...these uninteresting flowers

They tore it down just for fun."


The hero's attitude towards

Flowers for


Uninteresting flowers

part 2

Questions after reading. Selective reading.

Where does part 2 end?

Why is the meadow “golden”? Prove it. Read it.

How did the villagers feel when they watched

meadow, blooming dandelions? Read it.

How did the boy feel?

What caused the surprise? (meadow changes). Confirm

words of the text.

When did the meadow change color?

What did the meadow look like in the evening?

Why does the meadow change its appearance? What's the explanation

What did the narrator find happening? Why does the meadow change

color? Read it.

Uninteresting flowers are simple,

ordinary, without any secret, without special

They offer options for the title of part 1,

fill out the table.

Answer the teacher's questions

confirming answers with words from the text.

Admiration, admiration, delight.

Surprise, curiosity.

What does the hero of the story call the petals of a flower?

What means of artistic expression

Physical education minute.

Dandelions are starting to grow. Start slow

get up.

Growing, growing - Standing up.

Wind started to blow,

Dandelions are swaying. Hands up, slight swaying.

Evening came,

Dandelions close up. Squat down, hands on head.

The sun came out

The dandelions woke up, slowly getting up again, hands

They shake their heads. They sway in place.

Enjoying the sun. They smile.

Why does the meadow change color?

Did the boy know about this before? According to him, he

How can I title part 2? On the board. "Small


Title of part 2 (discussion in groups, choice

better headline)

For example, "Little discovery"

"The Secret of Dandelions"

"The Secret of the Golden Meadow"


The hero's relationship to the flower

Flowers for

Uninteresting flowers

Palms, fingers on the palm.


Personification – “He clenched his petals,

it wouldn't matter if we had fingers with

the sides of the palm were yellow and clenched in

fist, we would close the yellow one,”

“dandelions open their palms.”


They offer options for the title of part 2,

fill out the table.




Surprise, interest,

curiosity, attention

How many parts are there in the text? What's missing from the structure?

text? (The final part, which contains

main idea of ​​the text).

Work in groups and come up with a final

part of this text from the character’s perspective.

Final part 3

Reading the final part invented by the children.

that in M. Prishvin’s story “The Golden Meadow” there is

final part. Listen.



confirmation main idea the entire text.

What do you think it consists of?

How can you title this part?

For example, “One of the most interesting colors”

"Flower of my childhood"

Complete the table.


The hero's relationship to the flower

Flowers for


Uninteresting flowers

Dandelions are not at all interesting flowers,

they have their own riddle, their own secret, you just need

see her, take a closer look.

They offer options for the title of part 3,

fill out the table.



Surprise, interest,

curiosity, attention

My flower


The most interesting flower

tender, touching

Educational solution




problematic issue

to the text.

What “discovery” did you make?

a writer for yourself? Can i

What is poetic about the story “The Golden Meadow”?

What qualities should a person have to

see the beauty of “ugly flowers”, make a discovery?

How do you imagine it?

Students think about their answers

make assumptions.

How do you understand these words of Paustovsky?

Would you like to know the biography of Mikhail Prishvin?

Students (3 people) tell

biography of M. Prishvin.

"If nature could feel

gratitude to a person for being

penetrated into her life and sang her praises, then before

all this gratitude would fall to the share of

Mikhail Prishvin,” said Konstantin


Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was born on 4

February 1873 on the family estate

Khrushchevo-Levshino near Yelets at one time

bought by his grandfather, a successful Yeletsk

merchant Dmitry Ivanovich Prishvin. IN

the family had seven children. Father of the future

writer Mikhail Dmitrievich Prishvin died

early, and the mother was involved in raising the children.

Since childhood, Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was

very inquisitive and often asked



people who had the patience to answer them.



you will understand!

I wanted

It means I had to grow. And he grew.

In 1882, M. M. Prishvin was sent to study at

elementary village school, in 1883 he was

transferred to first grade at Yeletskaya

classical gymnasium.

During the training the main event was


first grader,


comrades, and one September morning

they got on a boat and went to... Asia

seek happiness. They were caught and returned home








Polytechnic, then in 1900 he, having received

permission to travel to Germany, entered




Faculty of the University of Leipzig.

Returning to Russia, in 1902-1905

worked as an agronomist, then until

October Revolution correspondent in

newspapers “Russkie Vedomosti”, “Rech”, “Morning

Russia", "Day".

During the First World War, Mikhail

Prishvin went to the front as

orderly and war correspondent.

After the 1917 revolution he returned to

village. Here, working as a teacher, he

tells children about his travels,

nature, wild and domestic animals. Be

maybe children's stories were born from these stories

books so simple and interesting that,

Creative task.

Oh, do any of you know what the word “dandelion” means?


some folk names dandelion

air flower, oil flower, cow flower,

March bush, milky blossom, light, kulbaba, spurge,

empty, Jewish hat, tooth root, cotton grass, cannons,

puffer, milkman, milkbox, baldhead, popova

baldness, milker, yellow muzzles, flyers, milk eater, duvan, flyers,

milk, soldiers, milkweed, butter.

will you work

you will do



type of flower





This is such an extraordinary flower. It is also called

"elixir of life."

Repeat the rules for working in pairs.

Each pair receives a set of word cards -

names of dandelion.

Students choose dandelion names

related to his appearance, with availability

milky juice in stems and leaves, with

presence of unusual seeds and attached to

board into the corresponding table cell.

Reflection. Grade



What was the topic of the lesson?

What was the plan for working with the text of the story?

Have we completed all sections of the plan?

Continue the sentences:

“Today in class I...”

"Turns out……"

" I wanted…"



his educational activities and fix

the degree of their compliance.






Students carefully study all types


"Golden Meadow".

Get ready






"Golden Meadow".

Join a group and complete the project “Secrets

common dandelion"

homework, make choices and

write down in a diary.


Boykina M.V. Reading lessons. 3rd grade: a manual for teachers of general education. institutions / M. V. Boykina; Russian Academy of Sciences Sciences, Ross. acad.

education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - M.: Education, 2010. - 143 p. - (Academic school textbook). - (Perspective).