Who gives a cross for a boy's baptism? What do godparents give at christenings? Who should buy a cross for a child's baptism?

Baptism is the most important church rite in the life of every Orthodox person. During baptism, he dies with Christ to a sinful worldly life in order to be reborn with him by the Holy Spirit for eternal life. And throughout his entire life, his godparents will accompany him. They must instruct him in the faith, engage in his spiritual education, take care of him and warn him against mistakes. Therefore, an honorary invitation to become a child’s godfather imposes certain responsibilities on you, the fulfillment of which should be approached very responsibly. When the child’s parents have placed great trust in you and invited you to be godfather, the first thing you need to think about is a worthy gift for your little godson. Baptism is a church and ancient rite, therefore, unlike secular holidays, such as, for example, a birthday, when the hero of the day can be given any beautiful and useful thing, at christenings it is customary to give gifts in accordance with established traditions among the people.

If you are, so to speak, a “beginner godfather”, new to this business, and have not baptized anyone before, then our story about what godparents give for christenings will come in handy for you. Approach the issue of choosing gifts responsibly, buy them with all your heart and give them with all your heart. Let your godson be very young now and not be able to appreciate your gifts. He will quickly grow up, and the thing donated by you will be kept as a family heirloom, and will remind the matured godson of the first church sacrament in his life and of you, his caring godparents.

What does a godfather give at a christening?

The godfather always gives the most important attribute of the entire baptism ceremony - a pectoral cross. There are no clear rules about what material a cross should be made of. Now in fashion, so to speak, are gold, openwork crosses, decorated with stones and enamel. However, it is not at all necessary to buy such a cross, especially if this is difficult for you for obvious financial reasons.

The main value of the cross is not its monetary value. The cross, first of all, is a symbol of spirituality and faith in God, and not an ordinary piece of jewelry, as many people now perceive it. Therefore, from the point of view of the Church, a simple tin cross made by monks in an Orthodox monastery, or a sandalwood cross brought by pilgrims from a trip to the Holy Land, is much more valuable than any gold. A pectoral cross can also be made of bronze, amber or silver - the main thing is that it corresponds to the Orthodox canon and is consecrated in the church.

Most often in Rus' it is customary to wear an eight-pointed cross with the inscription “Save and Preserve” written on its back side. For a small child, it would be best to buy a silver cross and hang it on a strong natural twine, and not on a chain, which will rub the child’s delicate neck. And if you don’t want to be known as a miser and can afford it, in addition to a silver pectoral cross, give your godson some gold jewelry that will be useful to him when he grows up.

In addition to these gifts, the godfather traditionally pays for the baptismal ceremony and sets the festive table.

What does the godmother give at christening?

According to tradition, the godmother always gives one more item necessary for baptism - kryzhma. This unusual word in church refers to a piece of cloth in which a baptized baby is wrapped after being taken out of the font. Initially, it was a piece of bleached linen, which by now has turned into a large snow-white linen towel (in winter it can be terry cotton), decorated with white embroidery, hemstitching, jacquard braid with Christian symbols and lace. The most valuable kryzhma is the one that the godmother embroiders with her own hands and decorates with lace, crocheted with her own hands - they used to be called “valances”. But if your hands are not “sharpened” for needlework, do not be discouraged and buy ready-made kryzhma in a church shop or in a store. After baptism, kryzhma is under no circumstances washed; it is carefully stored and used to wipe the baby’s face if, God forbid, he gets sick. This, according to popular belief, should bring him a speedy healing from any illness.

The next thing the godmother buys for a christening is a special baptismal outfit, consisting of a white baptismal shirt that reaches the baby’s feet and a white lace cap, richly decorated with ribbons and pearl beads. The set may also include rompers and knitted openwork booties that match the overall style. The baptismal dress is usually made of cambric, decorated with embroidery, lace and hemstitching and then stored as a family heirloom.

This concludes our conversation about what godparents buy for christenings. All that remains is to mention such a cute little gift as a silver spoon, popularly called “for the first tooth.” It is often given by godparents or grandparents to the baby for baptism. Often the handle of such a baby spoon is decorated with a silver angel or a cute animal - a bunny or kitten. It is believed that in order for a baby to grow up healthy, teething easily, and always having a good appetite, he must be fed from this gifted spoon.

There are no strict rules and canons regarding who should buy a cross for baptism. This could be immediate family (parents or grandparents), close friends, or the clergyman himself. However, according to the established Orthodox tradition, the godmother buys the cross for girls, and the godfather buys crosses for boys. Compliance with this condition is by no means necessary, because the main thing is that the ceremony itself is carried out with a pure heart and awareness of its significance for the future life of the little man.

Which cross to choose for a child

In fact, it does not matter who should buy a cross for baptism, just as it is not so important what material it will be made of. Much more important is that the cross must be Orthodox. This means that the decoration meets certain requirements: for example, on the front side of Orthodox crosses a crucifix is ​​depicted, and on the back there is a prayer addressed to God, namely “Save and preserve.” But the main requirement is sanctification. If the cross was not bought in a church shop, then before baptism it is necessary to consecrate it (to do this, simply hand it over to the priest).

As for the material, a silver cross would be the best option for a baby. This metal has excellent antiseptic properties and can be used even by allergy sufferers. If you don’t know, just look at the eyelet of the product (a special ring through which a chain or cord is threaded). This is where the test is put, usually 925.

Particular attention should be paid to the shape of the product. Sharp corners and parts can injure a child’s delicate skin, so it is best to buy a product with rounded shapes, such as the production model.

Who should be present at baptism and is it worth buying a gold cross?

Parents, grandparents and other relatives, as well as friends, can attend the sacrament of baptism; The presence of godparents is mandatory. It is they, and not the parents, who receive the baby from the font after ablution.

Gold, like silver, does not cause allergic reactions, so products made from this metal are also in demand. If all conditions are met, such a cross will be a wonderful gift from a godfather or godmother. However, keep in mind that a thin chain is easy to break, so at first you should give preference to a cord made of cotton or linen fiber. The pectoral cross is worn constantly. It is believed that this is the only way he will protect the baby from all troubles and misfortunes.

Every parent wants him to grow up healthy and happy. While constantly taking care of the physical health of the baby and the timeliness of vaccinations, it is necessary to remember the importance of spiritual health, the immortal soul of the child. The christening of a boy or girl is the beginning of their spiritual journey.

The sacrament of baptism is a significant event in the life of a newborn and his parents. After all, thanks to this ritual, the little man receives God’s grace and gains a Guardian Angel for the rest of his life. Therefore, preparation for christening should not be done in a hurry; it should be done in advance - thoroughly and carefully. The article will discuss the christening of a boy and the rules for conducting this ceremony.

Who can be godparents?

This question is not idle. Godparents are not just people who will hold the baby at the font during the ritual, celebrate this event and forget about it. They should be considered as the spiritual leaders of the godson. And in life it may happen that something bad happens to the child’s father and mother, then godparents should be ready to fully replace them in the matter of upbringing.

That is why the choice of those who should baptize a boy or girl must be approached with great seriousness. It is best if these are close relatives or friends. But they must also be worthy of this choice.

Orthodox baptism does not allow the following as recipients:

  • atheists,
  • people who are not themselves baptized,
  • non-believers (Muslims, Buddhists, etc.),
  • members of various sects,
  • fortune tellers and psychics,
  • sinners in essence, which are alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.,
  • also, young people under 16 years of age, mentally ill people, monks and nuns cannot be godparents (their participation is not prohibited, but this is somehow not accepted),
  • bride and groom,
  • spouses (since those who are spiritually related cannot lead married life),
  • the child's parents themselves.

Conversation before baptism

What is needed for a boy's christening?

First of all, you should know who is buying a cross for a boy’s christening. And the godfather does this. He must buy a pectoral cross, which the child will not part with until the last days of his life, wearing it under his clothes.

For such a solemn ritual, special baptismal clothes for the boy are also necessary. What should a boy be baptized in? This could be a baptismal shirt or a special suit for a boy's baptism. Usually the baby's godmother buys clothes for christening. The outfit for this occasion should be pleasant and soft to the touch, that is, such that the hero of the occasion feels comfortable in it, then the child will not become capricious.

There is a very good tradition: if the child is not the first in the family, then he should be dressed in the baptismal attire in which his older brother or sister was baptized. Then the children will be friendly and sincerely attached to each other.

Boy's christening clothes, list:

  • For the sacrament of baptism it is necessary christening shirt- a universal outfit that is suitable for both a boy’s christening and a girl’s christening. Traditionally it is white. You can sew such a shirt yourself without any problems, but now there is a wide selection of clothes for this occasion with different designs and different styles. You just need to remember that the outfit in which boys (and girls) are baptized should be easy to take off and put on, be fairly loose, not pinch, not squeeze, not rub. Let it be better with a larger allowance. It’s worth paying attention to the fabric – no synthetics! The baby's body in clothes made of natural fabric will breathe freely.
  • Will not interfere socks or booties to match the main shirt (they are removed during the ritual).
  • The girl needs headscarf or cap. A boy is not required to cover his head in church.
  • Often tied to a child’s chest bib. From a purely practical point of view, this is a very important item: during the anointing of the baby with oil, it will not allow the baptismal robe to get dirty.
  • There is also such an important item that is needed for christenings, which is called kryzhma. This is a white, brand new diaper (or towel) in which the baby is wrapped after taking him out of the bath. This is perhaps the main attribute in baptism. Often in the corner it is embroidered with the memorable date of christening and the name of the new Christian. After the ritual, the kryzhma is not washed off for a year. It is believed that during the days of a child’s illness or during restless sleep, it can provide healing and calm if the patient is covered with it.

Boy's christening clothes (photo)

When is the best time to baptize a child?

Most often, parents decide this issue themselves. But if you listen to the recommendations of the Church, then it is better to do this as early as possible. This is justified by the fact that the rite of baptism cleanses a boy from original sin and includes him in the membership of the Church with the descent of God's grace on him.

Most often, they decide to baptize a baby after 40 days of age. In religion since the times of the Old Testament, 40 has been a significant number, but in our time it is more associated with female physiology due to the postpartum period. As for the baby himself, it is at this age that children are not yet afraid of strangers and will behave at such a crucial moment much calmer than older ones.

It is also worth remembering this point that children under three months of age are not afraid if they are dipped into water with their heads, since they still retain the reflexes of intrauterine development, which allow them to hold their breath.

On what days are babies baptized? This can be absolutely any day - a holiday or a weekend, fast or ordinary, which you agree in advance with the priest of the parish whose church you are visiting. After all, each temple has its own schedule. If for some reason a free day at the nearest temple does not suit you, you can contact another temple or even several.

It’s not bad if there is a separate room on the territory or in the temple building itself where baptism is carried out. It is specially adapted for such events, it is heated, and it is not visited by strangers.

If this is a fundamental question for you, then you can find out how many more children will be baptized on the day you choose. If it is crowded, you can arrange for baptism to take place on an individual basis.

It is permissible to carry out the ceremony at home, although this, of course, is much less solemn.

How is a boy's christening going?

The sacrament of baptism itself, of course, takes place exactly the same for both boys and girls, with all the necessary actions performed. There are only a few points where differences are observed.

  1. The baptism of a boy allows only the presence of a godfather, and there may not be a godmother, while for a girl it is the other way around. But this is not a categorical requirement: there can only be a godmother.
  2. The question often arises: when there is both a godfather and a godmother, who holds the boy at baptism? During the entire ceremony, before the baby is dipped into the font (or, which is also acceptable, before pouring blessed water over him), the godmother holds the baptized person, and after that the godfather takes him - receives him. That is why godparents are also called the old Slavic word “godparents”.
  3. At the end of the ceremony, the priest brings the boy into the altar - as evidence that he is the future head of the family, which is the home Church. And only men have the right to serve at the altar.
  4. And if a girl, like a woman in general in church, needs to cover her head, then a boy does not need a cap.

Godparents, who have learned the rules for baptizing a boy, should become a role model for the grown-up godson, constantly pray for him, teach him faith and the fight against evil. The godson, accordingly, should feel their interest in his spiritual world and concern for himself.

Rite of Baptism

The baptism of a child is the first significant event in a child’s life, which requires certain preparation from parents. There are many different signs and rules associated with this ritual. There are different traditions for a girl’s christening, which apply to both parents and godparents. In principle, all the rules are almost identical for both boys and girls.

Rules and signs for a girl's christening

Since ancient times, it has been believed that during this time a child receives invisible protection from Higher powers and his health improves. That is why weakened babies are allowed to be baptized while still in the maternity hospital.

Traditions and signs for a girl’s christening:

  1. After bathing, you should not wipe the water off the baby’s face; she must dry on her own.
  2. The clothes the child was wearing, as well as the towel used, cannot be washed. After the holy water has dried, these items must be stored as a talisman. It is believed that if a child is sick, a towel or clothes should be attached to him to speed up recovery.
  3. If the baby does not cry during the ceremony or sleeps, this is a good sign that indicates that the child will live a happy life.
  4. It is considered a bad omen if the previously planned date is postponed.
  5. Godparents cannot be people who do not believe in God.
  6. It is also considered a bad omen if several babies are baptized in one font at once.
  7. It is considered a sin if the godmother and father are in an affair. They cannot be blood relatives. It is also forbidden for a pregnant woman to be baptized, since it is believed that both her child and godson will be sick.

Many people are interested in who buys a cross for a girl’s christening. In general, regardless of whether the boy is baptized or girls, the future godfather should buy a cross. You cannot buy a cross made of gold, since this metal is considered impure. Another hot topic is what a godmother gives a girl at her christening. In addition to various gifts, the second mother has a responsible role - buying clothes for baptism and a towel in which to wrap the baby after bathing. It will also be interesting to know which icon to give to a girl for christening. You can purchase the face of the saint after whom the baby is named. You can also choose the image of the Virgin Mary. If a child is often sick, you can give an icon

According to a long-established tradition, the first pectoral cross for a baby’s baptism should be presented as a gift by the godparents. The second name for such a sacred attribute is a vest (that is, a thing that should always be on a Christian’s body). The same applies to festive clothes for baptism and a personal personalized icon with the name of the saint, which they plan to give to the baby at baptism.

In some cases, all these religious attributes are purchased by the parents themselves. The cross must first be consecrated in the church, although some jewelry stores offer customers products that have already been consecrated in advance.

Gift for newborn

The first vest for a child can be given to:

  1. The baby's parents themselves.
  2. God-parents.
  3. Grandparents, aunts and uncles.
  4. Other relatives.
  5. Family friends.

After christening in church, the pectoral cross should always be on the baby, but most often parents are afraid to put jewelry on a small child, since it can be unsafe, and he can accidentally damage or lose it.

Some adults believe that the baby should start wearing a cross from the first days after birth, because this way he can quickly get used to it and stop paying attention or trying to break the decoration. In this case, after the Sacrament, the cross is removed and left to lie until the child reaches a conscious age to wear such an attribute. In any case, the decision to leave the cross on the body, or hide it for a while, is made only by the baby’s parents.

The first children's vest

Children's body crosses are a separate category of products that are best suited for wearing on a child's body. Since the skin of a newborn is very delicate and thin, the jewelry must be of good quality. Typically, children's crosses have smooth, rounded edges so that the child does not accidentally get hurt when wearing them.

The main thing is the quality of the chain, cord or thread for wearing a children's pectoral cross. To prevent your baby from hurting himself or choking, you need to pay special attention to the circumference of the chain or lace. Traditionally, it should be approximately 2 times the circumference of the child’s neck. In addition, it must withstand a weight that is 2 times less than the body weight of its carrier.

The cross is lost or broken

Ideally, it is believed that a vest is an item that should accompany a person from birth to death. Such a sacred attribute cannot be given away, bought or sold. You need to baptize a child as early as possible, because he will gain reliable protection from filth and negative energy from the very first days of his life. But what to do if a newborn’s first pectoral cross accidentally breaks or gets lost during use?

There is no need to panic or worry about this. This phenomenon is a common situation for active children. You can simply purchase another cross, then consecrate it in the church and give it to the child. It is also possible to purchase a cross that has already been consecrated in advance. There are special baptism kits that contain everything necessary for the sacred Sacrament.

In addition, this solution is very practical and convenient in every sense - you don’t have to spend a long time selecting ritual items and buying them in different places. Immediately before baptism, it is recommended to go to the temple where the sacred ceremony will be held in order to personally communicate with the priest and learn all the nuances and subtleties of the great Sacrament. The clergyman will also advise which pectoral cross is best to choose for the baby, and will also tell you about the list of other attributes.

Material selection

What determines the price of crosses for children? First of all, of course, it depends on the type of material (most often it is silver and gold), as well as the weight of the product. For babies it is customary to buy silver or gold small crosses, with rounded edges that will not cause discomfort for the child when wearing. In the case of gold, of course, its fineness also matters. For example, a noble metal of 585 standard will cost much less than a cross of 980 standard. There are many types of gold - white, red, pink, yellow, blackened and even enameled.

The most popular materials for crosses are:

Of course, these nuances are a matter of taste and financial capabilities of the parents and godparents of the baby; this does not in any way affect the spiritual value of the first cross. Red gold is a very soft material that a child can easily damage. Thus, 585 standard is pure gold, which is alloyed with other non-precious materials to increase its strength and wear resistance. That's why high proof products It’s still better to give it to adults who will treat the jewelry with care and be able to preserve it for many years.

In addition, a cross for a newborn can be made of silver, preferably the highest, 925 standard, or even platinum. These materials are considered environmentally friendly, harmless to the delicate skin of the child and therefore will not have any negative impact on it. In some cases, crosses are made of semi-precious stones (for example, turquoise, amber, etc.). The most popular are gold crosses for the baptism of a child.

Product weight and stone decoration

Typically, the weight of a child's pectoral cross is a little less than one gram. This weight is considered optimal for a child to carry. The maximum size of this Christian attribute is up to 2 cm. Children's crosses are often devoid of unnecessary frills and elaborate patterns, so their prices are much lower than, for example, similar adult crosses. And also, you should not buy a pectoral cross for your child, generously sprinkled with inlay from precious or semi-precious stones.

This is done more for reasons of safety than economy - small children are very curious, they can accidentally remove stones, lose them or even swallow them. Although some parents They still buy crosses for children, encrusted with small diamonds. Of course, such jewelry is much more expensive than ordinary ones, their cost starts from 25 thousand rubles, while the cost of non-inlaid crosses starts from 2 thousand rubles per piece.

In the Orthodox Church it is believed that the material from which the vest is made is not so important, since it is simply a symbol of faith in Christ. Of course, you can choose a cross from another material, such as copper, steel or even ordinary wood. But do not forget that such products, unfortunately, have a shorter service life than noble metals, which will retain their attractive appearance for many years.

If we take into account the tradition that the first pectoral cross should remain with a person from the sacrament of baptism until death, then it is better to immediately opt for a high-quality and durable piece of jewelry. Precious materials do not cause skin irritations and allergies.

The cross may contain the following images:

  1. Image of the crucifixion.
  2. The inscription "Save and preserve."
  3. The abbreviation "I. N.Ts.I.”
  4. Other religious symbols and attributes.

On most vests there is the inscription “I. N.Ts.I”, which means “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”, as well as an inclined crossbar - as a symbol of the transition from the sinful, worldly, to the spiritual.

On Christian baptismal crosses there are 4 symbolic nails with which Jesus Christ was crucified, while on the Catholic version there are only 3. The figure of the crucifixion symbolizes the joy that the son of God has made the transition to a better, brighter life. Excessive naturalism and detail of the crucifixion is considered unacceptable in this case. In some cases, skulls can be seen at the feet of Christ - a symbol of death, the afterlife.

How to wear it correctly

It is best for a child to wear a pectoral cross under clothing, away from human eyes. Firstly, this will help the baby always have strong spiritual protection, which cannot be influenced by negative external factors. Secondly, this will protect it from thieves, gypsies and simply dishonest people who can steal, take away or force a child to deceive them into giving them expensive jewelry. Thirdly, wearing a cross in this way is much more practical - it will not be affected by direct sunlight, moisture, or air currents (this is especially true for silver, which tends to darken and turn green).

And during the game, the child will not be able to break the chain, lose or break his vest, or injure his neck area by getting caught on something. It is best to choose a lace or ribbon made from natural materials (natural fabric, leather) that will not cause an allergic reaction or irritation to the child’s delicate skin.

For aesthetic reasons, it is customary to buy a chain for a cross from the same material as the vest itself. For example, a gold cross will not look very attractive on an ordinary silver chain; it will indicate a complete lack of taste. For a child it is not necessary to buy an expensive massive chain; you can get by with a soft ribbon or cord.

Or simply put aside the chain given to the baby until he reaches a more conscious age, when he will be able to appreciate such a gift in order to wear it carefully and proudly. For boys it is better to choose a more massive, impressive decoration, while for girls it is better to choose a more elegant and small one.

Vests can be purchased not only in jewelry stores. Usually in large churches and temples there is a stand with jewelry paraphernalia that has already been previously consecrated. There are many online stores that allow you to purchase children's crosses a little cheaper than in regular stores.

Who buys a cross for a girl's christening? According to tradition, if a baby is baptized, then the first vest must be purchased for her. exactly the godmother. Who buys a cross for a boy's christening? It is believed that such a donor should be the godfather. However, this rule is now rarely observed, and in some cases, a vest for a baby can be purchased by grandparents, other relatives, or just friends of the parents.

But who makes such an important purchase must be agreed upon in advance, so that immediately before or during the Sacrament there will be no unpleasant surprises. The shape of the cross is also unimportant - it can have a 4, 6, or 8-pointed shape. The latter two are believed to have a particularly powerful level of protection from evil forces and the evil eye. It is important to remember that the vest is not only decorative, so it is desirable to have the inscriptions “save and preserve” on it, as well as an image of the crucifixion.

Consecrate in church

How much does it cost to consecrate a cross in a church? Most often, in temples there is no specific fixed fee that must be paid. Some people donate as much as they can financially allow. In other churches and temples there is still a price list for the provision of such services. The cost depends on the popularity of the temple among parishioners, its fame, as well as antiquity and history. In an ordinary church, the cost of consecrating a baptismal decoration starts from 200 rubles. In addition, in churches and temples you can easily purchase crosses that have already been consecrated in advance.

When choosing the first cross for a child’s christening, you should not save too much, because this thing should stay with him for life. There is no need to buy a very expensive piece of jewelry that your baby might lose or break. Instead of a chain, you can use a strong but soft lace or ribbon. The main condition when purchasing such jewelry is its obligatory consecration in a church or temple.