Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child All about 32 weeks

32 obstetric week is the 30th week from conception. The 3rd trimester of pregnancy continues, 8-10 weeks remain until the due date. By week 32, the main processes of development of the baby’s internal organs are completed, but he is not yet fully ready for birth. Mommy continues to rest on maternity leave, although her health can no longer be called easy, fatigue from her position and the kilograms she has gained is taking its toll.

32 weeks, how many months is this? At 32 obstetric weeks it continues (32 weeks = 7 months and 14 days).

Weight, height, fetal development at 32 weeks of gestation

The weight of a child at 32 weeks of pregnancy is about 1800 grams, and the length of the fetal body is about 42 centimeters. The baby is the size of a small pumpkin.

From the 32nd week of pregnancy, the fetus experiences active development and growth. Weight gain occurs due to fat and muscle tissue. Externally, the fetus is proportional and becomes similar to a newly born child, but still lags behind it in weight. But he has two more intrauterine months of life to gain weight. The skin becomes pink and smooth. The hair on the child’s head is visible, which, without losing its softness and sparseness, thickens.

Due to the tightness of the uterus, the fetus takes a forced position, namely the fetal position. The child's limbs are bent and crossed, and also brought towards the body itself. In general, the position of the fetus imitates the oval shape of the uterine cavity.

Also especially important in the position of the child is that he lowers his head down, which is the norm for a trouble-free birth in the future.

The 32nd obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of particularly important organs and systems of human life, such as the immune and neuroendocrine. The immune system is formed during this period, and the fetus begins to receive special protein structures - antibodies - from the mother.

They will protect it from the effects of external pathogenic factors and resist their antigenic nature. The work of all the main secretion glands is improved, which plays a vital role in the metabolic processes of the fetus.

Fetal development at the 32nd week of pregnancy By the 7th month, the baby’s heart has already formed, but so far there is an unclosed arterial duct, that is, the cavities of the left and right atria communicate with each other. It is interesting that starting from this period, the color of the child’s eyes is determined.

The pupils of the fetus dilate, and a normal type of sleep-wake pattern is established: after birth, the child sleeps with his eyes closed and is awake with his eyes open. At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the mother notices the movements of the fetus inside her abdomen, its knocking from the inside, stretching and even hiccups. In this regard, it is not at all difficult for a mother to understand what mood her baby is in at the moment.

Is childbirth dangerous at 32 weeks of pregnancy?

The 32nd week of pregnancy is the period of preparation of the baby for birth, the formation of organs and systems is completed, he takes a position convenient for leaving the womb. It is still too early to give birth, but sometimes the baby decides to be born at this time.

Premature birth always occurs suddenly, but at seven months the baby is no longer in danger. Babies born at 32 weeks are cared for in the department for premature babies without any particular difficulties, although in most cases their health is poor, and chronic diseases or physiological pathologies are not uncommon.

In addition to premature birth, there are other dangers in the 32nd century, since it is included in the fourth

Ultrasound at 32 weeks of pregnancy

At 32 weeks, women most often undergo a third scheduled ultrasound. The doctor evaluates the function of the placenta: the position of the fetus in the abdomen at 32 weeks of gestation, to which wall it is attached and at what distance in relation to the cervix, the thickness of the placenta and its structure.

These indicators can tell a lot about possible infections, inflammations, and complications during childbirth. The main task of ultrasound at this stage is to exclude malformations and assess the condition of the placenta - the degree of its maturity, the blood flow in it.

Any changes in the function of the placenta can lead to delayed development of the fetus, so early diagnosis of placental insufficiency allows timely treatment to be prescribed and the development of complications to be prevented.

Placental insufficiency entails a violation of the respiratory and transport functions of the placenta, as a result of which fetal hypoxia may develop. The larger the affected area of ​​the placenta, the more dangerous the situation is for the baby’s health.

In this case, the maternity hospital may induce premature birth or perform a caesarean section.

In addition, using an ultrasound at the 32nd week of pregnancy, the doctor clarifies the physical condition of the baby, evaluates its position (head, pelvic, etc.), and performs biometry (the size of the head, the circumference or average diameter of the tummy, the length of the femur are measured).

Ultrasound diagnostics helps the doctor identify the baby’s entanglement in the umbilical cord - an unpleasant but common pathology, the usual causes of which are:

  • weak physical activity of a pregnant woman;
  • very long umbilical cord;
  • lack of iron in the mother's body.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the umbilical cord is unlikely to unwind, but it does not particularly affect the baby’s well-being. This pathology cannot be treated, but medical supervision of the expectant mother is being strengthened.

If, as a result of entanglement with the umbilical cord, blood flow is disrupted, the child feels a lack of oxygen, the mother is prescribed special vitamins and dietary supplements

Feelings and condition of a woman at 32 weeks

The growth of the uterus continues, now it occupies a position above the navel by 13 cm. In the third trimester, you no longer gain weight so quickly. The optimal option is when a woman observes a weekly gain of no more than 300 grams.

At the end of the 7th month, a woman is not always accompanied by pleasant sensations. Doing household chores becomes difficult; a large belly limits and slows down movements. The body is changing more and more, sleep is disturbed, false contractions are disturbing. Each part of the body undergoes significant changes during this period. The uterus is constantly growing, pushing up the diaphragm and pushing against the stomach, causing you to experience bouts of heartburn and shortness of breath. Try sleeping with pillows around you and eating less but more often.

You may also experience pain in your lower back. If they appear for the first time, then you should notify your supervising doctor about this, since the reason may be the threat of premature birth. If we exclude this symptom, then we can probably blame the growing uterus and hormonal changes in the body for the pain.

In general, the uterus expands, the center of gravity shifts, the abdominal muscles stretch, posture becomes distorted and the back receives additional stress. Hormonal changes affect your joints and ligaments, particularly your pelvic bones and the spine itself. As a result, pain is caused by walking, standing/sitting, changing positions during sleep, getting up from a low chair/bath, and lifting things.

The skin of the abdomen becomes more and more tense; uneven stretching can provoke the appearance of stretch marks - stretch marks. To prevent this, use special cosmetics for expectant mothers: oils and creams that prevent skin tears. Lubricate problem areas in the recommended quantities - usually the chest, navel area, outer thigh, abdomen. Do massage exercises using a stiff brush. Such measures, if they do not remove existing stretch marks, will prevent the appearance of new ones.

Training or false contractions at 32 weeks

Training contractions are irregular, short-term and painless contractions that occur after the 32nd week of pregnancy (in some cases after the 20th week), which do not lead to labor and do not contribute to the contraction and dilatation of the cervix. They are also called false contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions.

During training contractions, a woman feels her abdominal muscles tense, as if they were turning to stone, and then this feeling goes away completely. Typically such a contraction lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. Women pregnant with their first child may confuse false contractions with real ones. The main purpose of training (false) contractions is to prepare for the birth of the uterus and cervix.

They may appear for the first time during 31-32 weeks of pregnancy. This is how many months, you already know. If we proceed from ordinary calculations, then seven and a half, and by obstetric standards a little less. Be that as it may, it is during this week that frequent uterine contractions appear, which are training and do not pose a threat to the life of the child. Pressure from the uterus on the bladder can cause uncontrolled urination. This may also cause minor pain, which can be relieved with the help of valerian and other sedatives.

The training contractions of the uterus will become increasingly stronger as the day of delivery approaches. This is a normal phenomenon, however, you need to know how to distinguish them from real contractions. The warning signs are usually not intense and go away if you move a little. Real contractions will only intensify from physical activity.

Possible risks and dangers at 32 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, there is a possibility of the following pregnancy complications:

  • Threat of premature birth. The likelihood of premature birth of a baby increases under the influence of the following factors: low placentation, premature maturation of the placenta, cervical pathologies, trauma and falls of the woman. The onset of labor may be signaled by beige or bloody discharge, nausea, and nagging pain in the uterine area. If a woman’s stomach becomes hard too often, this may also be a sign of increased tone and the threat of early labor, but this symptom in itself is not decisive. If such sensations occur, you should immediately seek medical help.
  • Oligohydramnios is a condition in which the volume of amniotic fluid is insufficient for normal fetal development. Normally, the AFI (amniotic fluid index) should be 79-263 mm. Moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy (AF is in the range from 67 mm to 91 mm) does not pose a great danger to the child, but with a severe deficiency of amniotic fluid (AF is less than 67 mm), fetal hypoxia is possible and, as a result, developmental delays occur.
  • Entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck. The likelihood of this pathology usually greatly frightens expectant mothers, but even if the doctor found signs of entanglement in the umbilical cord during an ultrasound scan, you should not worry too much, because the baby can untwist it in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound examination again after some time to assess the condition of the fetus.
  • At 32 weeks of pregnancy, as at any stage, you need to remember about proper balanced nutrition. While some women eat away the stress of the upcoming birth, others completely lose their appetite. At 32 weeks, the optimal ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins is still relevant. Seafood, lean meat, fruits, vegetables and lactic acid products are healthy. You should eat in small portions. Compliance with the drinking regime is essential.
  • Salt should be limited if you are prone to edema. Swelling can be both external and internal. External swelling can be suspected by clothing and rounding of the face. Swelling of the legs often occurs. The greatest danger is internal edema, which can be noticed by a sudden weight gain. In combination with urine protein and high blood pressure, there is a danger of developing gestosis.
  • Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the health of the mother and fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy. A significant amount of oxygen enters the bloodstream, which prevents hypoxia. Moderate physical activity and fresh air have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a woman, which during pregnancy is characterized by nervousness and tearfulness.
  • Intimate life at 32 weeks of pregnancy is not always prohibited. If the woman’s condition is satisfactory and there are no contraindications, intimate intimacy is useful. This is an excellent muscle workout before childbirth and a source of good mood. When installing a pessary, shortening the cervix, applying sutures and other pathologies that threaten premature birth, sexual activity is excluded.

Obstetric practice believes that the thirty-second week is included in the eighth month of pregnancy. At this stage, a new wave of important processes in the baby’s body begins, so a woman from 31 weeks should be extremely attentive to her feelings.

Fetal characteristics at 32 weeks

The baby is almost ready to be born. Outwardly, he is completely formed. But his indicators are still far from those with which he will be born. A child at 31–32 weeks weighs about 1700 g. The average height of babies during this period of maturation is 43–44 cm. Each baby is individual, so the indicators may differ in one direction or another by 5–7%.

What happens in his body:

  • maturation of the lungs (they “slam shut” again for a certain time to finally form);
  • formation of the immune system (immunoglobulins gradually entering the child’s body fill it with protective forces, which will be useful during childbirth and immediately after birth);
  • production of own antibodies;
  • accumulation of adipose tissue in the body of a small person, which performs a protective function;
  • disappearance of the original cannon;
  • strengthening the structure of hair, nails and bones;
  • cheek formation;
  • improvement of hormonal systems - endocrine glands.

The baby's nervous system is gradually strengthening. From the 31st week, the expectant mother feels that fetal movements become more noticeable, although they are not always present. Now a pregnant woman can understand when her baby is sleeping. Although there are several months left before giving birth, weeks 31-32 are the most pleasant. After all, the heaviness of the abdomen is not so noticeable, and interaction with the child and dialogue with him can already be established. The baby may actively react to loud sounds or voices of loved ones.

A routine ultrasound occurs at 31–34 weeks. By this time, the baby is usually already in the position necessary for childbirth. Even if he does not have time to roll over, the woman should not worry. This also happens and does not threaten the child’s life in any way. There is still time, although the larger the fetus, the more difficult it is for it to carry out such movements in the mother’s belly.

A fetus at 32 weeks of gestation can clearly show what gender it is. If you do a 3D ultrasound, parents can note their own features in the child. During the examination, it is important for the doctor to make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding without pathologies. Evaluated:

  • amount of amniotic fluid;
  • baby size;
  • the condition of the umbilical cord, in which three large vessels should be traced;
  • the condition of the placenta, detachments of which may indicate a threat to the mother and fetus (it is customary to estimate how many months this important structure looks).

Based on the results of the ultrasound, the doctor may decide on additional examination of the blood vessels. The blood flowing to the baby carries oxygen and nutrients. If there are any deviations, there is a risk not only of intrauterine delay. There may be neurological and health problems when the baby is born.

It is also preliminary assessed whether the woman will be able to give birth on her own. If not, the baby will be delivered by caesarean section.

In the eighth month, other planned types of examinations occur, which make it possible to determine the woman’s condition based on various indicators.

Well-being of the expectant mother

The diaphragm rises higher and higher due to the uterus. This brings unpleasant sensations in the form of heartburn and belching. In general, the woman's health should be good.

A pregnant woman at 31–32 weeks may notice:

  • significant increase in abdominal volume;
  • severe weight gain (if it exceeds normal, you should start adjusting your diet by removing excess carbohydrates);
  • the appearance of colostrum;
  • swelling of the legs in the afternoon;
  • lower back pain, which becomes a harbinger of future childbirth;
  • the appearance of spider veins on the arms and legs, which indicates a lack of vitamins (their restoration occurs very quickly with proper correction).

Little troubles 32 weeks

From 31 weeks, a woman’s gait becomes increasingly awkward. During all 9 months of pregnancy, changes occur in the pelvic bones in order to prepare for childbirth. The most active processes begin in the eighth month.

Among the unpleasant sensations may be nausea. At a later stage, it is undesirable, because it affects the child’s well-being. If a woman feels sick, her blood pressure rises and her internal organs contract. This can provoke premature birth. Nausea may be a result of heartburn. When an expectant mother eats foods that do not decompose well in an acidic environment, a feeling of heaviness arises.

Another unpleasant moment is the cramps that appear in the legs. This often occurs at night or during periods of rest. This symptom indicates a lack of vitamins in the body. Eating bananas every day can be a great solution. Only their quantity should not be large, so as not to provoke heartburn and excess weight gain.

Could there be discharge?

During the eighth month of pregnancy, a woman may have different vaginal discharge. If suddenly an infection gets into the body or dirt is brought in, then there may be a violent reaction in the form of thrush or other similar diseases. The discharge may become cheesy and gray-yellow. White, watery, transparent discharge indicates that amniotic fluid is leaking. A woman should:

  • calm down, because increased nervousness can provoke contractions;
  • call an ambulance or see a doctor;
  • take the necessary things in case of hospitalization.

The leakage of water can be stopped with medication or by providing the pregnant woman with complete rest. The main thing is not to delay contacting a doctor. Delay is dangerous for the woman and her fetus.

The 32nd week of pregnancy may be characterized by brownish discharge. This often occurs in those diagnosed with inferior placenta previa. Such discharge should be reported to your doctor immediately. An additional ultrasound may be ordered to make sure there is no placental abruption. If nothing threatens the life of the woman and the baby, the mother can carry the baby for the remaining couple of months. In this case, doctors will prescribe medications that will prevent bleeding from developing. They have little effect on the fetus, but are beneficial for preserving its life.

To respond to discharge in a timely manner, you can use special pads. They are able to detect leakage of amniotic fluid. After all, the feeling that there is some kind of discharge can create ordinary sweat during a hot period of time.

What about sex?

The eighth month is not a contraindication for sex. But intimacy should be infrequent so as not to provoke premature birth. Partners should choose a comfortable position so that the child inside does not experience discomfort. If the baby begins to thrash violently during intercourse, this may mean that he does not have enough oxygen. In such a situation, you need to stop caresses. The same should be done if blood appears. No matter how much it is, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

At 31–32 weeks, a woman undergoes another restructuring in her body. Attraction to your husband may decrease. The baby takes all her attention. Therefore, the spouse must treat receiving a refusal with understanding.

If the doctor has determined an inferior placenta previa on an ultrasound, no sexual intercourse can take place. A woman should maintain maximum peace. Then the baby will appear on time.

Premature birth

Another change in the body and enlargement of the fetus may cause the 32nd week of pregnancy (obstetric) to end. Modern technologies make it possible to deliver a baby or perform a caesarean section without compromising the health of mother and baby. Often, labor ahead of schedule is provoked by gestosis, which occurs against the background of high blood pressure. If the expectant mother regularly comes to see the doctor, she may not be afraid that she will miss the onset of this unpleasant phenomenon.

The thirty-second week is less favorable in its characteristics than the 31st. But terms in medical practice are arbitrary. All children develop differently. Obstetric practice knows cases when a child is born with normal respiratory function. Resuscitation measures will be practically unnecessary for such a premature baby.

In case of multiple pregnancy, it is also possible that crumbs will appear at 31–32 weeks. In general, no one knows exactly how long a child should be carried. Doctors focus on average terms. But with a load of several babies, birth often occurs earlier than the designated time. This phenomenon is common. Early birth or cesarean section, which occurs in the eighth month of pregnancy, is not the cause of subsequent lack of lactation.

If something unusual happens in the body that raises doubts, you should inform your doctor about it. It is important not to forget to do a movement test, which will show how the baby is feeling. The optimal time for the test will be determined by the doctor individually.

The long-awaited baby will be born in almost two months, but the woman can already think through his first wardrobe and start preparing things for the maternity hospital. It is better to find out in advance at the hospital how many there should be. And if nausea or heartburn torment the expectant mother, and her legs cramp at night, you need to remember that these are just preparations for a future meeting. For it to be bright and overflowing with happiness, you need to take care of yourself, enjoy your condition and enjoy life.

All women want to know more about what awaits them during childbirth and throughout pregnancy. Every week they get closer to the grand event. The 32nd week of pregnancy is a long-awaited meeting with the baby.

Week 32 has arrived. Expectant mothers feel even more tired. The first and strongest signs of the imminent birth of a child appear. Many mothers are bothered by unpleasant sensations. They worry not about themselves, but about the health of their unborn child. But don’t be nervous, because his health is not in danger.

32 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby during this period? As it develops, it grows. All pregnant women are interested in this and they ask doctors about it or look for information on the Internet.

The belly grows and the pregnant woman begins to become emotionally attached to the baby moving inside her. During this period, you need to protect yourself from stress. You need to rest more, watch light, positive films or read literature.

You should pay special attention to your diet. The fetus must receive all the vitamins necessary for the body. It is also worth leading a healthy lifestyle and being outdoors more often. But this must be remembered throughout pregnancy.

Fetal development at 32 weeks of gestation

The baby moves more actively at 32 weeks. A pregnant woman feels every movement well. According to women's calculations, 32 weeks is the 7th month of the period. Obstetricians define it as 8. The child develops, the bones become stronger and heavier, and fat accumulates under the skin. Cheeks appear on the face. The immune system is formed and protective antibodies are produced.

At the thirty-second week, the small creature living in the tummy can already distinguish between day and night. It pays attention not only to mother's voice, but also to other voices and noise. Obstetricians recommend talking more with the baby during this period. After all, after birth, he will recognize the voices of his parents. At 32-33 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development is no different. Unless there are some changes in weight. Every day the child grows and gains weight.

Weight and height

The weight of the fetus is approximately 1.7-2 kilograms, and its height is 40-43 cm. But this can only be accurately determined by ultrasound. Every week another 250 grams are added to the weight. Every day it becomes more and more difficult for the expectant mother to bear all this burden. After all, by the 8th month of pregnancy, women gain 10-12 kilograms.

This greatly complicates their movement; the tummy has almost reached its maximum size. The child at this stage looks like a real person, but is still very thin. Starting from week 32, subcutaneous fat will begin to actively accumulate.


Pregnant women begin to feel more intense movements of the baby. People around you can not only feel the movements by placing your hand on your stomach, but also see them. Many women are interested in how it looks and is so noticeable from the outside. That's why they watch videos on YouTube.

At week 32, the expectant mother should feel 12-15 movements per hour. Special attention should be paid to this. There are standards with which you can monitor the condition of the fetus. After observing your child's behavior for several days, you can determine what time he sleeps and when he is awake. Most often, the baby is active at night. During rest in pregnant women, blood circulation improves. This allows the fetus to actively move.

If you notice a lack of movement within 12 hours and this is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, you should consult a doctor. This indicates hypoxia. Lack of oxygen can have a negative impact on your baby's health.

To accurately determine the number of movements of the child, obstetricians use the Pearson test. Every day, starting at 9 am, you need to count the movements of the fetus. When there are ten of them, the test must note the time at which this happened. If before 9 pm the number of movements was less than 10 times, you should go to see a doctor.

Changes in a woman's body

Every day a woman carrying a child inside her has to face certain difficulties. Hormonal, physical and psychological changes occur throughout the entire period. Women become too vulnerable and irritable.

At the 8th month, the hormone relaxin is actively produced. It helps expand the pelvis and stimulates the growth of the mammary glands. Along with the expansion of the pelvis, women feel pain in the lower back and in the vaginal area. For all pregnant women, discomfort disappears at different times. Some experience relief within a couple of weeks, while others experience pain until delivery.

The nervous system is under tension, so it is important for the expectant mother to surround herself with comfort. Starting from 30-32 weeks, women dream of their future baby. But whether it is a positive or negative dream depends only on the pregnant woman. If her emotional state is in order, then she will not be haunted by nightmares. Therefore, before going to bed, you should stop watching TV and protect yourself from any information.

It is worth reconsidering your lifestyle and understanding what affects your emotional state the most. You should give up everything annoying and do something useful. It's best to take a walk with your loved one or take a relaxing bath before bed. But if nightmares continue to bother you, you need to consult a gynecologist about this. He will prescribe a sedative.


At 32 weeks, a pregnant woman's belly continues to grow. Many people notice itching and dry skin. For some mothers, the belly button begins to protrude. Stripes may also appear on the stomach and chest - stretch marks.

Doctors measure the girth of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus. The girth is approximately 90-95 centimeters. The height of the uterine fundus reaches 28-30 centimeters.

The size of the abdomen is already quite large and does not allow breathing, bending and moving freely. Even in a sitting or lying position, it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to take a comfortable position. During this period, you need to update your wardrobe and buy loose clothes that will not cause discomfort.


Throughout pregnancy, feelings of discomfort intensify with each week. If there were no changes in the first few months, then starting from the 5th month, it intensifies.

Lower back pain may appear at the beginning of pregnancy, but with each passing month they begin to worry more and more. An unpleasant feeling such as heartburn occurs. Due to the large size of the abdomen, organs are displaced and this provokes its appearance.

A dark vertical stripe should appear on the abdomen, which disappears after childbirth. The breasts swell greatly, the nipples and mammary glands are preparing for the imminent appearance of the child. Your kidneys may hurt.

Above is a list of sensations that every woman in labor will have to experience. But all this is nothing compared to the fact that in a few months another little man will be born, who will make his mother the happiest.

Discharge from the genitals

At this time, it is very important to constantly monitor the discharge. They may indicate that the cub is in danger. White, slightly transparent discharge with a sour odor is the norm. A change in color to green or gray, with the appearance of mucus and curd formations, indicates the development of an infectious disease.

A woman needs treatment, because the infection can enter the baby’s body in utero or during the birth canal. Bloody discharge may indicate placental abruption or placental previa.

Such symptoms are dangerous for the health of the mother and her child. Placental abruption is accompanied by external or internal bleeding. The following symptoms indicate this.

  • Abdominal pain and uterine hypertonicity occur. Patients experience dull, aching pain;
  • the fetal heartbeat is disrupted. It's going down, it's running out of air. If you do not seek help from a doctor in time, the baby may die; breathing becomes more frequent;
  • dizziness and anxiety appear; nausea and even vomiting may occur.

These symptoms are classic. But they manifest themselves in different ways.

If you detect unfamiliar discharge, you should consult a doctor and do not self-treat using traditional methods. They won't lead to anything good. Medicines should be prescribed by a gynecologist. If there is bleeding, you need to call an ambulance, do nothing and try to calm down. Worries and sudden movements will only worsen the problem.

Uterus size

Enlargement of the uterus occurs throughout the entire period. At week 32, the fundus of the uterus is located in the middle, between the navel and the xiphoid process. The standing height of the lower uterus should be 32 centimeters.

The size of the abdomen may be smaller than normal, this indicates insufficiency of amniotic fluid. Oligohydramnios occurs due to a hypertensive, infectious or inflammatory disease in the mother.

Low water intake during pregnancy at 32 weeks has a bad effect on the baby's weight. Doctors distinguish between moderate and severe. The first is not so dangerous for the fetus. If the fetus is in a transverse position, the size of the uterus may also not correspond to the norm.

This position does not allow for natural birth. The size of the uterus during multiple pregnancy is also not normal. If a woman is expecting twins, the amount of amniotic fluid increases.


Pregnant women and their spouses are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to have sex at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Sex is a great way to relax and feel the warmth of your partner. At the most intimate moment, the baby becomes quiet. It is positively influenced by rhythmic rocking and a hormonal surge.

Sex is very important for the human psyche. Therefore, you should not give up this pleasure during pregnancy. If the child’s health is not in danger, then it can be done.


During this period, mother should take care of her diet. The baby must receive enough healthy foods to be healthy. The expectant mother should stop eating sweets and starchy foods. You need to eat often, but in small portions; overeating will only cause discomfort.

You need to add to your diet:

  • dried fruits;
  • bread;
  • viardot (wheat germ oil);
  • green tea;
  • fresh juices;
  • meat (lamb, fish, chicken, beef);
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

What foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • candies;
  • cakes;
  • fatty cookies;
  • bakery products;
  • pork, veal meat;
  • fruits and vegetables that cause bloating.

Poor nutrition leads to excess weight. Therefore, eating food must be taken with particular seriousness.


At the current stage, pregnant women are prescribed a referral for an ultrasound. This is necessary in order to find out more about the development of the fetus, gender and what position the baby is in. Breech presentation of the fetus may occur at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, going to the doctor is mandatory.

The doctor also diagnoses the condition of the placenta, its maturity, thickness, listens to the heartbeat and determines whether pathologies or abnormalities are present. The abdominal circumference is also measured. If a boy or girl is lying incorrectly, the pregnant woman is prescribed special exercises that help the baby take the desired position.

Fetal anatomy screening is an important test. On the screen you can see the baby's head size, nose, eyes, mouth, ears and lips. The correct formation of internal organs is also determined.

Also at week 32, an ultrasound with Doppler is performed and the amniotic fluid index is measured. Each pregnant woman has different indicators. If earlier it was not possible to find out the gender of the child, then at this time the chances of finding out whether you are expecting a boy or a girl are quite high.

In addition to going to an ultrasound, the mother must have her urine tested to identify possible diseases. The interpretation and norm of ultrasound at 32 weeks of pregnancy is the same as at 12 and 20 weeks. It should be as shown in the table below.

BPR - 75-89 mm
LZ - 95-113 mm
Exhaust gas - 283-325 mm
Coolant - 258-314
Humerus and forearms - 52-62 mm, 45-53 mm, respectively.
Femur and tibia - 56-66 mm, 52-60 mm.

If your body temperature rises or if you experience abdominal pain, unusual discharge, increased blood pressure, or severe swelling, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will conduct a study and, if necessary, admit you to the hospital. To preserve the health of yourself and your child, it is important to follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Childbirth at 32 weeks of pregnancy

The upcoming birth can be determined using vaginal ultrasound. Before birth, the cervix is ​​2 cm, before birth the uterus is shortened to 1 cm. This ultrasound is usually prescribed for women whose pregnancy is complicated. For example, if there is a threat of premature birth.

Despite regular medical examination, labor may occur suddenly. In this case, you need to go to the maternity hospital. Below is a list of reasons why you need to urgently go to the hospital:

  • nagging pain in the abdomen;
  • unusual discharge;
  • sudden diarrhea;
  • contractions (you need to count how many contractions there were within an hour; if more than 5, then labor has begun).

When carrying a second child, you must go to the maternity hospital immediately. Repeated births take longer. There is no need to worry about the baby being born prematurely. At 32 weeks there is a huge chance that he will survive.

While carrying your third child, labor may occur completely unexpectedly. Women often write reviews on the Internet and talk about how they gave birth themselves. Women can learn a lot of useful information from them.

Alexandra is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about pregnancy, parenting and education, child care and child health.

The 32nd obstetric week of pregnancy is the last week of the seventh month.

How the body prepares for the upcoming birth, and whether the child is ready to be born.

32 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

Two months before birth, the fetus weighs 1500 g, his height - 40 mm. From this moment on, the parameters of the future baby may differ. The size of the baby is influenced by genetic predisposition and how the pregnancy proceeded.

Considering that all systems have already been formed, if for some reason the birth occurs this week, the baby will be able to survive.

What has formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

The baby's body is already completing its formation. The space in the uterus becomes less and less, this forces him to take a curled position and cross his arms and legs. The skin takes on a pink color, wrinkles are smoothed out.

The baby's eyes are already well open, he can blink and react to bright light. The pupils move from side to side.

Subcutaneous fat is deposited on the cheeks, the main purpose of which is to provide pressure in the facial muscles. This is necessary in order to establish breastfeeding immediately after birth.

Now a layer of special cells that secrete surfactant has appeared in the lungs. This substance will help the lungs expand after childbirth and take their first breath.

Protective sheaths appear around the nerve fibers. The speed of impulse transmission in the brain increases. This leads to the baby becoming capable of learning. His brain is capable of analysis and memory.

The child's body begins to produce its own insulin, which maintains blood sugar levels.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

This week, the third planned ultrasound is being carried out, the purpose of which is to measure the BPD of the fetal head, chest size, femur length and other indicators.

Doctors also evaluate the attachment and location of the placenta.

Video: Ultrasound 32 weeks

Fetal heart rate at 32 weeks

In medicine, there are clear heartbeat standards. At this time it is considered normal 140-160 beats in a minute. Deviations from the standard give reason to suspect all sorts of cardiac abnormalities in the baby. However, if you detect the problem in time, you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, it is so important for expectant mothers to follow all doctor’s recommendations and not skip scheduled checkups.

What happens in a woman's body?

By this point, mothers are tired physically and emotionally. Pregnancy begins to tire, all sorts of fears and concerns appear.. Against this background, disturbing dreams appear that are associated only with emotional stress. In this case, the mother can be advised to do one thing - not to forget why everything is happening.

At this stage, back pain is almost inevitable. They are associated with relaxation of muscles and ligaments and can haunt a woman for some time after childbirth.

Now you need to pay attention to the position of the fetus. The longitudinal position of the fetus with its head down is considered correct. If the baby is in the correct position, doctors advise wearing a prenatal bandage to maintain the position. If the child is in a breech position, a bandage is not recommended, as it will prevent the child from changing position.

Changes in a woman’s body at 32 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 32 weeks of pregnancy

The tummy grows and its size makes breathing difficult. For the same reason, a woman constantly suffers from heartburn.

It is very important to know that a sharp increase in the abdomen is a dangerous symptom. You must tell your attending physician about this.

Some women notice an increased amount of hair on their belly. This is due to changes in hormonal levels, so they will disappear after childbirth.

A woman’s breasts at this stage look much larger than before pregnancy. Striae (stretch marks) may appear on it, as on the stomach. To avoid this unpleasant cosmetic defect, you need to take a contrast shower every day and moisturize your skin with cream or oil.

Movements during pregnancy

The baby is already so cramped that during movements, characteristic bulges are visible on the surface of the abdomen. This could be the baby's hand or foot. Doctors recommend regularly counting movements. But here everything is individual. Some kids are very active, others like to “spend time” quietly.

In any case, if the mother notices any changes in the number and duration of movements, the doctor should be informed about this.

Video: 32 weeks of pregnancy

What can and cannot be done for a woman during pregnancy?

From this moment on, the pregnant woman needs proper rest. Meals should still be fractional and contain a maximum of nutrients. To avoid heartburn, you need to avoid spicy and fried foods.

During walks, pregnant women need to monitor their posture and, if possible, wear a bandage. However, before doing this, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will tell you which bandage you need to choose and how to wear it correctly.

32 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

You can make sure that everything is fine only based on facts. To be sure, a pregnant woman needs to visit a doctor. Based on the test results, he will be able to tell the whole “picture” of the pregnancy.

Indirect signs of a normal pregnancy are:

  • A good appetite.
  • Constant weight gain.
  • Regular movements.

Popular questions about pregnancy - answered by a specialist

Obstetric and embryonic term - how are they different?

Obstetric term needed in order to determine the expected date of birth. To find out your due date, you need to remember the date of the first day of your last menstruation. This will be the beginning of this period.

Embryonic term corresponds to the exact age of the baby. This means that the beginning of the embryonic period is the day the child is conceived.

Is discharge at 32 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

The normal discharge is white or milky, translucent, viscous, but not too thick. The appearance of spotting and spotting indicates that the integrity of the amniotic sac is most likely compromised.

Green, brown, or yellow discharge with a foul odor is almost always due to a urinary tract infection.

If at 32 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

In this case, the woman is prescribed a repeat examination. Additional research may be needed. If there is no heartbeat for a long time, a diagnosis of fetal death is made.

If at 32 weeks of pregnancy your lower abdomen feels tight?

In the last months of pregnancy, the skin and abdominal muscles experience enormous stress. In this regard, expectant mothers experience an unpleasant tugging feeling. In addition, at this stage the pelvic bones begin to expand, which brings additional discomfort.

If the pain becomes increasing and intense, the woman needs to lie down and immediately call an ambulance. Since at this stage premature birth is quite likely.

The ovaries hurt or hurt at 32 weeks - reasons?

As a rule, women do not worry about their ovaries during pregnancy. The pain they experience in the side is associated with tension in the ligaments connecting the abdominal cavity and the uterus.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at 32 weeks of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant; is there blood?

The appearance of blood in a pregnant woman gives reason to suspect problems with placenta previa. Even if nothing else bothers a woman, she needs to see her gynecologist.

32 weeks of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

In addition to ultrasound, all pregnant women at this stage are prescribed cardiotocography. It makes it possible to determine fetal motor activity and heart rate.

How to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking?

When amniotic fluid leaks gradually, this fact is very easy to overlook. How is normal discharge different from amniotic fluid? Amniotic fluid is a little thinner in consistency, so it leaves wet yellowish stains on the laundry. It is impossible to stop their leakage.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 32 weeks or does it rarely freeze at this time?

In very rare cases this is possible.

Fetal freezing can be determined by several signs:

  • All symptoms of pregnancy disappear.
  • The fetus stops moving.
  • Bloody discharge appears.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 32 weeks of pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman is treated correctly, colds will not cause any harm to her baby. However Doctors still recommend that expectant mothers take care of themselves and by all means avoid contact with carriers of the infection.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good...

Toxicosis rarely appears at this stage. And feeling well is an excellent reason to prepare for future births. Already now a mother can make a list of necessary things for a trip to the maternity hospital.

The belly is getting bigger and it’s hard not to notice it. At 32 weeks of pregnancy, a woman fully feels like a mother. The child reminds himself more and more often and kicks often. Just another 9 weeks and the pregnancy will end with the birth of a son or daughter.

Feelings at 32 weeks of pregnancy

The feelings at the end of the seventh month are far from pleasant. Since the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach, the woman often experiences heartburn and is bothered by belching. Because the uterus puts pressure on the lungs and diaphragm, breathing may be difficult, and shortness of breath may occur during exercise. Due to impaired peristalsis in the intestines, the woman is bothered by constipation.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for an expectant mother to find a comfortable sleeping position: sleeping on her back is not recommended due to compression of the vena cava, and you can’t sleep on your stomach either. The choice is not great: it remains only on the left or right side, placing pillows for comfort. A pregnant woman's sleep is also disturbed, and this is due to frequent urination and attempts to find a comfortable position.

Increasingly, a woman at 32 weeks may feel uterine contractions - Braxotn-Higgs contractions. In this way, the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth.

Pleasant sensations include clearly perceptible kicks and movements of the baby. The space in the uterus becomes less and less as the child grows, so you can easily determine which parts of the body the child is pushing into the mother’s stomach.

Changes in the mother's body at 32 weeks of pregnancy

The abdomen increases, propping up the internal organs and causing nausea, heartburn, shortness of breath, and constipation. Weight gain each week should not exceed 200-300 grams. The expectant mother should be wary of excessive weight gain or loss.

The fundus of the uterus is determined 10-11 cm above the navel and 31 cm above the symphysis pubis. More and more often, the mother feels false training contractions. This is how the muscles prepare for labor. You can start doing Kegel exercises daily - they will prevent tearing during childbirth and make the process of giving birth to a child less painful and easier.

May ache in the lower back and sacral area. The reason is a shift in the center of gravity and softening of ligaments under the influence of hormones. In some cases, your legs may ache and swell. If swelling of the legs does not disappear in the morning, you should consult a doctor.

At 32 weeks, the expectant mother may feel dizzy when lying on her back. This occurs due to compression of the vena cava by the uterus. Therefore, it is recommended to sleep and lie on your left or right side.

A woman’s breasts become larger and larger and by 32 weeks increase by about one and a half to two sizes. Colostrum, a precursor to breast milk, may leak from the breast.

Baby at 32 weeks

The unborn child continues to actively develop. All organs and systems of the baby are fully functioning. His head became more proportional to his body, reaching 60% of an adult's head. He grows and it becomes more and more cramped for him inside his mother.

Wrinkles are gradually smoothed out due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Hair grows on the head. The nervous system is improved, the baby is no longer afraid of bright light, his pupils are able to narrow.

The child exercises his lungs and tries to breathe. At the same time, he gets a little amniotic fluid.

Now the baby will gain 200-300 grams weekly. Now his weight is about 1700-1900 grams, and his height from crown to tailbone is 42 cm. By this point in time, most children have already settled down in their mother’s tummy in exactly the position in which they will be born.

What's new?

At week 32, new symptoms of pregnancy appeared:

  • the child’s organ systems are fully formed;
  • the mother develops persistent heartburn, shortness of breath, constipation;
  • the child has accepted the final position;
  • the baby learns to breathe by trying to inhale;
  • The child's immune system is being developed.

In case of toxicosis, nausea, increased blood pressure, swelling, and sometimes protein in the urine are possible.

External development of the fetus

External signs of child development at 32 weeks include the following phenomena:

  • the baby is no longer so afraid of bright lights and loud sounds, the pupils can dilate;
  • hair darkens;
  • nails have grown to the tips of the fingers;
  • The baby accumulates subcutaneous fat and skin folds form.

Internal development of the fetus

Internal signs of fetal development at 32 weeks include the following events:

  • the brain continues to grow;
  • the formation of the immune system occurs;
  • in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum;
  • pancreatic cells produce insulin.

All children develop differently.

Weight gain at 32 weeks of pregnancy

Each pregnant woman gains weight individually. It all depends on heredity, the mother’s build, her tendency to be overweight, as well as the size of the unborn child and other physiological factors.

At 32 weeks, a woman of normal weight should gain 200-450 grams weekly. By the end of 32 weeks, the expectant mother gains about 8-12 kg in weight. At the end of pregnancy, she may weigh 15 kg more than her usual weight.

What does a baby look like at 26 weeks of pregnancy? What are the symptoms and signs of 26 weeks? Read the necessary medical examinations, observations and tests!

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 32 weeks

The belly grows as the baby grows inside it. During this period, many women may experience discomfort in the pelvic area and chest. The fruit grows, requiring more and more space every day. All organs are compressed by the growing uterus, resulting in shortness of breath, heartburn, frequent urination and intestinal upset. For these reasons, a woman sleeps poorly.

The mother's breasts fill and swell, increasing 1.5-2 times. A thick yellowish liquid may leak from it - colostrum, which will turn into breast milk on the second or third day after birth.

What happens to the belly at 32 weeks of pregnancy?

The belly has reached a large size and it is becoming increasingly difficult for mom to carry it. A clear dark line on the abdomen becomes very noticeable, clearly dividing the abdomen into two halves.

The navel becomes more convex than flat. The skin is itchy and very stretched. To reduce itching, the skin should be lubricated with anti-stretch mark moisturizer or olive oil.

Many mothers already clearly feel how and what the baby is pushing. Now he is positioned upside down and kicks his mother hard in the ribs. You can feel the baby hiccup. Usually by 31-32 weeks the baby is finally placed in the position in which he will be born.


At 32 weeks, the uterus rises 32 cm from the pubic symphysis and 12 cm above the navel.


As the uterus grows, the expectant mother’s body weight also increases. The load on the back and legs increases, all internal organs work in an enhanced mode. The center of gravity shifts and back pain intensifies by week 32, increasing the load on it.

Pain may appear in the perineum and sacrum due to softening of the pelvic bones and their divergence. This is how the body prepares a woman for the upcoming birth.

The intestines are compressed by the growing uterus, so pregnant women often experience constipation and pain in the pubic area. This can lead to the development of hemorrhoids. Pain in the anus indicates its onset.

Since the baby is already head down, he rests his legs against the ribs and can push hard, causing minor pain to the mother.

Discharge at 32 weeks of pregnancy

Normally, vaginal discharge at week 32 is light gray or light milky in color. Homogeneous and odorless. The amount of discharge during this period may increase, which is due to the maximum blood supply to the genitals.

If yellow or green discharge appears with pus, flakes, or looks like cottage cheese, while having an unpleasant odor, you should rush to see a doctor for an examination. Thrush often worsens in pregnant women, which must be treated so as not to harm the baby. A child can become infected in utero or while moving through the birth canal.

Discharge with blood, brown spotting or scarlet is very dangerous - this may indicate the onset of premature labor, placental abruption or placental previa. Even if the bleeding is slight, help is needed, since the bleeding can intensify at any time.

Liquid discharge with a yellowish tint most likely indicates the release of amniotic fluid. You should call an ambulance, as premature labor is about to begin. Even if there is a feeling of increased humidity, in any case it is better to see a doctor. At the slightest violation of the integrity of the fetal membrane, the baby has a high probability of contracting a serious infection.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

At 31-32 weeks, the last third planned ultrasound is usually prescribed, which provides complete information about the ongoing pregnancy and fetal development. The examination determines the presence or absence of developmental defects and pathologies.

The doctor takes the necessary measurements of the fetus, determines its location in the uterus, listens to the baby’s heartbeat, and determines the expected date of birth. In addition, all the baby’s organs will be examined and the blood supply system will be assessed to determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The doctor will measure the parameters of the uterus and determine the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid.

Before coming to an antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman must undergo clinical blood and urine tests. At the doctor's appointment, the woman will have her weight, blood pressure, uterine height and abdominal circumference measured.


If there are no contraindications and the expectant mother does not complain about her health and the doctor does not prohibit having sex, it is quite possible to have sex at 32 weeks. In this case, the child is not in danger, since he is protected by the uterus and amniotic sac.

Contraction of the uterus during orgasm trains the muscles, thereby preparing the vagina for the upcoming birth. Sex positions should be comfortable and safe. The pressure on the abdomen should be minimal. The most comfortable position is when the partner is behind. This way he can control the depth of penetration.


Due to the fact that the expectant mother is now on maternity leave and sitting at home, it is becoming increasingly difficult for her to control her diet. Therefore, the amount of food consumed should be limited in order to preserve the health of the child and your own. It is better to eat in small portions. It is advisable to remove cakes, buns and other baked goods from the diet altogether or reduce them to a minimum. For pregnancy of any stage, you should follow the rule: the diet of the expectant mother should resemble a children's menu.

It is recommended to consume as much fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, as well as cereals, soups and borscht in vegetable broth. It is better to drink compotes, weak tea, plain water, and non-carbonated drinks. You should not eat foods that cause allergies: chocolate, exotic fruits, nuts and citrus fruits in large quantities, seafood. You should not eat fried or smoked foods or canned food. It is advisable to give preference to dairy and fermented milk products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat and other healthy foods.

You shouldn't sit at home all the time thinking about food. It is better to plan the whole day so that there is time to walk in the fresh air, attend an antenatal clinic and pregnancy and childbirth courses, and go shopping.

What to do this week

  • the third planned ultrasound should be done this week;
  • it's time to attend pregnancy courses;
  • Despite the fact that there are still about 9 weeks before the birth, you can slowly pack your things for the maternity hospital (shopping becomes more and more difficult every week).

Dangers and complications

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the following complications may occur:

  • gestosis, toxicosis, which are characterized by high blood pressure, headaches and the appearance of protein in the urine;
  • spotting from the vagina (placental abruption or placental previa);
  • polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios;
  • premature birth.

The cause of all pathologies during pregnancy is anemia in the expectant mother, kidney and vascular diseases, as well as smoking during pregnancy, too much weight gain or, conversely, malnutrition.

Weight at 32 weeks must be carefully monitored, the maximum weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. Large weight gain can cause toxicosis or gestosis. You should also control the amount of liquid you drink and process. The difference should not be less than 300 ml. If an imbalance is detected, you should tell your doctor about it.

If the above pregnancy complications occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Most likely you will have to go to an inpatient department or maternity hospital.

A pregnant woman should take into account the following:

  • protect yourself from colds and infectious diseases;
  • visit the doctor who is managing the pregnancy in a timely manner;
  • control blood pressure;
  • take all necessary tests, including clinical blood and urine tests once a week;
  • regularly monitor your weight;
  • do routine ultrasound and other necessary examinations;
  • control the number of fetal movements per day.

The expectant mother should visit the doctor regularly. During the examination, the doctor determines the height of the uterus, the size of the fetus and its location, and examines the woman’s limbs to identify swelling and varicose veins.

During this period, mommy gains weight very quickly, so it is better for her to exclude all sweets, fatty and starchy foods from her diet, reduce animal fats and give preference to fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to do yoga, swimming and water aerobics. The woman’s body will become stronger and more resilient, especially since the long-awaited birth is just around the corner. During courses for future parents, mothers are taught proper breathing.

Pregnancy is the best time for a woman, when she receives maximum attention, her husband gives flowers and they simply love her. All unpleasant sensations will soon be left behind. And a new stage in life will begin.