Download funny I love you, I miss you. A selection of cute pictures “I miss you”

Concerns, affairs, cities... How often do we forget to congratulate those closest to us in the rhythm of everyday activities and opportunities. Sometimes we don’t even have time to simply send a message to our loved one, although in special moments he expects just this. Fortunately, there is no need to remind you to send several pictures and complex rhyming poems. The modern format of poems simply cannot fit into a small message, but a beautiful postcard with a touching kitten, bunny and puppy will always remind you of yourself. It is for this reason that it is enough to simply send a picture to a young guy or girl in order to attract attention or simply bring a little joy, because it is important for any person, especially someone who is in love, to like the fact that they remember him and wait for him.

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It’s annoying to realize that your loved one is now far from you - and it doesn’t matter that this is caused by his long-term business trip or work on shift. Or maybe you are now on opposite sides of the planet, simply because you met online, and your romance so far only lasts on the Internet?

When words are not enough, when you want to tell a man: “I love you madly and am waiting for you” in a non-trivial way, our cool selection will come to the rescue - for now these are pictures of “I miss you” in different variations. These could be funny photos with funny captions, or more romantic and beautiful pictures for your husband.

How to simply express your feelings by sending a photo to your beloved man with the inscription “Smile! I love you!" or many other inscriptions presented below.

It seems that you can admire these beautiful, touching pictures for an eternity. It’s so easy to download cool photos for free with the inscription “Waiting”, “I hug you tightly” and the like, and then send them to your other half.

Despite the fact that men most often turn their noses up demonstratively when they receive photos of such content, in fact they are still pleased to receive such a sign of attention from their beloved. Especially when you can communicate only through correspondence on social networks and Skype.

When sending the images you like, you can add an approximate phrase under your message: “ . And I want to show you pictures about how much I miss you, I want to hug you. Smile, because separation is not forever, as long as we both remain in this world. I look forward to our meeting."

Thus, your recipient will receive not only a beautiful picture, but also a sincere, pleasant text that will touch his heart. And all the electronic “kisses” and “hugs” will become real, all you need is time and the desire of both partners to meet each other.

They often say “Smile, why so sour? A business trip or shift work is not the end of the world, your husband will return, he won’t go anywhere.” But how can you live a whole week or two without someone with whom you have been living side by side for several years? This cannot be understood by people who are not in strong relationships.

When you are used to chatting on the phone every morning, even while at work, exchanging at least a couple of phrases with wishes for a good day and the obligatory fleeting “Kisses”, when in the evening, returning home from work before him, you routinely write to a man, preparing a delicious dinner for two: “ I’m looking forward to seeing you,” being apart even for a week becomes a real challenge. His things are everywhere, everywhere. Everything reminds of him, every detail of your home.

What can we say about reckless and young lovers who for the first time learned what love is and this storm of emotions that overcomes them both! It’s not like a week, they can’t live a day without SMS messages, correspondence on VKontakte or Facebook, and sometimes words are so damn lacking to show how much you miss a person, what gives such an unforgettable charge of endorphins and sensations when, it seems, every part of your body sings with joy.

This is our destiny - to love and miss our other halves, even if they went to the nearest store for an hour.

Often, lovers, as they say, wither before our eyes, and at such moments you want to support them kindly, tell them: “Smile, because soon you will meet again.”

(3 pcs.)

Separation is an inevitable part of any relationship, from family and friends to love. But this is not a reason to forget about loved ones. Even if you are not together now, why not remind yourself by posting a funny, touching picture on the virtual wall of a friend or relative? Everyone is pleased to hear the words “I miss you” from a loved one, even if it is an inscription on an e-card. For family and friends“I miss you” cards are universal: they are suitable for friends, relatives, even work colleagues. And in a couple’s relationship, be it young lovers or spouses celebrating their silver wedding, such pictures are simply irreplaceable. Cute virtual cards are a great way to show that even separation cannot be a hindrance to a truly close relationship. Have you left to study or work in another city, and rarely come to visit your parents? Mom and Dad will be happy to sometimes receive cute virtual cards from you with words of love and support. Parents can also send a picture with the caption “I love you and miss you” to their child living separately. Such a small sign of attention requires little time and at the same time allows you to show your love to your family.

Miss You cards are great for friends. For example, you and a friend find yourself in different cities. Is this a reason to forget about old friendships? In addition to calls, emails and rare meetings, you can send a friend a nice virtual postcard with the words “I miss you.” This is a great way to show that your friend is dear to you and you are sad when they are apart. Also, such a postcard will become a very witty friendly joke. Your friend went to the store to buy beer and never returned? Urgently send a sad postcard “I miss you” to his virtual wall! Your friend will read it, feel ashamed, and quickly return to laugh with you. For loved ones“I miss you” pictures are suitable for a couple in love at any stage of the relationship. You just started dating, spent several unforgettable days together, but a new meeting is still being postponed? Not everyone dares to write “I love you” to a person with whom they only went to the cinema a couple of times or walked in the park? The “I Miss You” card looks neutral and at the same time allows you to more accurately express your feelings. Lovers in a relationship cannot do without regular exchange of messages. Of course, you missed your boyfriend or girlfriend terribly after sitting in the office for half a day. Send your significant other a gentle message, brightening up the time while waiting for the meeting. And if you and your partner have quarreled, then a “I love and miss you” postcard posted on the virtual wall will be the first step towards reconciliation. Don’t think that virtual cards are exclusively youth entertainment. There is also no shame in adult men or women sending each other romantic good morning wishes or making your partner laugh with funny pictures. Is it bad to bring joy to your soulmate? All that remains is to choose a picture, download it for free and send it to your loved one along with your tenderness.

Using the navigation buttons above the postcards, you can easily move through the gallery from picture to picture and eventually choose the one you like!

After this, there are several options to transfer it to the final recipient) Firstly, for laptops, PCs - just right-click on the postcard and select “Save (download) image” from the drop-down menu and the selected postcard will be on your hard drive. For smartphones - you need to long press on the picture and also select a similar item from the drop-down options. After everything is downloaded, you can attach postcards to email messages or messages on social networks or instant messengers.

There is a simpler option - just use the social network buttons specially located under the postcards. In a few clicks, your favorite postcard will be sent to the recipient’s account as an incoming message! All options are free and made for your convenience)

Don't forget your friends and loved ones! Delight them with beautiful messages with captions and don’t let them forget you! Give positive emotions and bright moments!