What time will the lineup be on September 1st? History of Knowledge Day

Since September 1 in 2018 falls on a Saturday, most parents do not know when the school assembly dedicated to the beginning of the school year will take place - on the weekend or on September 3. The solemn event is of particular importance for children; they prepare for the exciting start of a new life with great interest and impatience.

Official data

The Ministry of Education issued a corresponding order back in February of this year. According to his decree, the holiday should be held on Saturday. However, most schools in the capital planned only ceremonial events for September 1:

  • holiday line;
  • peace lessons;
  • Classroom hour;
  • conversations about courage and heroism and so on.
Photo: Day of Knowledge

The classes themselves will begin on Monday, so as not to distract children from their busy schedule with extracurricular activities. The exact time of all events dedicated to the beginning of the school year can be found in the school administration. Or go to the official website of the institution and find the schedule of various events.

Photo: First class

Capital news

Initially, it was decided to leave the timing of the celebration at the discretion of the administration of educational institutions. However, soon the mayor of the city Sobyanin ordered to postpone Knowledge Day in all municipal schools to Monday. Thus, Moscow schoolchildren and their parents will be able to rest for an additional few days.

Photo: Line – September 1

As for regional educational organizations, most of them will hold celebrations dedicated to Knowledge Day on Saturday, September 1. These are municipal schools in the following cities:

  • St. Petersburg and Kurgan;
  • Elista and Kaliningrad;
  • Samara and Ufa.

The resolution of the capital's authorities is most likely due to the busy work schedule of public and private transport. It’s unlikely that anyone would want to drive a child during rush hour for a half-hour event at school.

Photo: First call

Dear friends! We present the classic scenario for holding a solemn assembly on September 1, dedicated to the school holiday “Knowledge Day” - the beginning of a new school year.

You can use it in whole or in part, or as the basis for creating a script for your school.

The scenario does not require any special preliminary preparation, the goal is to start the new school year amicably and joyfully, and, most importantly, to open the doors of the school for the first time to its youngest students - first-graders.


1. Schoolyard or any other convenient area.
2. Squares are drawn on the asphalt for constructing classes and numbering is indicated.
3. At the corners of the rectangular formation there are balls in 3 bundles: white, blue, red. (For launching into the sky: one bunch for first-graders, another bunch for ninth-graders, the third for eleventh-graders).
4. In the center of the building there is a place for the 11th grade, which will graduate at the end of this school year. In front of them is a place for first-graders.
5. There is an arch made of balloons at the entrance to the school.
6. On the façade there is a banner “Congratulations on September 1st!”
7. Flagpoles with flags lowered (will be raised during the event).

Music selection

For an hour before the start of the event, music on the theme “school holiday” plays in the background.
On the sides there are speakers, a stereo system (or other equipment). In the center there is a microphone on a stand and two radio microphones for the sound engineer.

1. Nastya Bas “First time in first grade.”
2. Irina Metelkina “Song of a first-grader.”
3. Children's choir “Hello school”, “Oh, what a blue sky today!” "Natasha the first-grader."
4. Large children's choir “The best class in the world”, “First-grader”, “The best class in the world”.
5. Ensemble “Nightingale” “Hello, our school.”
6. Ensemble “Grain” “Day of Knowledge”.
7. Group “Roots” “Back to School”.
8. Barbarika’s group “School” and others.

Approximate time: 70 minutes (1 hour 10 minutes)
Presenters— high school students (boy and girl).

Line script

Fanfare sounds.

Voice behind the scene(you can write it down in advance or entrust it to one of the presenters): Attention! Attention! Attention! School speaks! All classes should line up for the ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge on September 1st!

(Drum roll, drummers exit, beautiful ceremonial passage to the sound of a drum).

Presenter 1: Good, good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!

Lead 2: Today is a really good day, because today is the day we start school, new meetings with a large ocean of knowledge that teachers are ready to show and open to us.

Presenter 1: We wish everyone only good mood!

Lead 2: This new school year will be unforgettable for many. For those who will leave school after 9th grade this year. Are ninth graders in place? Let's applaud them! May the new year bring many achievements and results!

Presenter 1: And for those who will “graduate” this year after 11th grade! Are 11th grades in place? Let's greet them with friendly applause. May the year be successful for each of you!

Lead 2: Class 10? On site? Eighth? Seventh? Sixth?

Presenter 1: Fifth, are you with us? Fourth? Third and second?

Lead 2: And now we meet those for whom this academic year will be remembered for a long time. After all, this year our kids became first-graders! The first bell will ring for them today! We wish you to study and comprehend the basics of science with pleasure, we wish you to make many friends and glorify our school with outstanding achievements!

(Children, together with the teacher, walk through the center in a circle to their designated place on the line to the sounds of the song “First-Grader”).

Presenter 1: Today there are many guests at our holiday!

(Guests of honor are announced and stand in a certain place).

Lead 2: The floor for congratulations goes to the most important person in our school - our beloved director.

(The principal says words of welcome and names the students, or students and teachers, who are given the honorable mission of raising the flag).

Presenter 1: Attention to the flag! Raise the flag(s)! The line is declared open!

(The Russian Anthem is playing).

Lead 2: Words for congratulations are provided...

(The guests briefly congratulate all those present on the holiday).

(A song from the animated series “Malyshariki” plays with the words: “The sun has woken up, a new day is outside. How many new things do kids need to learn... etc.” At this time, the characters of the animated series appear with New Year's tinsel around their necks.
Hedgehog the hedgehog, Kroshik the bunny, Pandochka the bear, Lamb Sheep, Nyushenka the pig walk along the line, approach the children, shake hands and are surprised, looking at the children’s clothing

Sheep: Oh, well, wow! Do you have New Year's outfits... Everyone has the same ones?!

Presenter 1: Guys, did you find out who these heroes are? These are babies! And what interesting things do they do on our line?

Nyushenka: We came to the New Year's party! After all, you have already repeated several times “Happy New Year! New Year! New Year!" So we all came to you together to celebrate the New Year with these kids ( points to first graders)!

Lead 2: You've got something mixed up, little ones! We have a solemn ceremony, today is the Day of Knowledge, we are celebrating the new academic year!

Presenter 1: And these guys are no longer kids at all, they are FIRST GRADES and will study at our school!

Hedgehog: Yeees? But does that really happen? Do we have two New Years? One is educational and the other is real?

Lead 2: Well, of course! That's exactly what happens! Today all children go to school for Knowledge in order to become smart and educated. On September 1, the NEW SCHOOL YEAR begins in all schools in the country, and it will end at the end of May!

little hare: Well, then we also want to study!

Presenter 1: And how old are you?

little hare: I'm already three!

Nyushenka: And me!

Hedgehog, Sheep and Kroshik (friendly chorus): And to us!

Panda: And I’m almost four!

Lead 2: No, it’s too early for you guys to go to school. Listen to our first-graders and you will understand that you need to grow up a little more for school!

(First-graders go to the center to the music and read poetry into a radio microphone).

* * *
1. We are no longer kids -
We have already arrived at school,
We're wearing school clothes,
We are extremely happy about the school!

* * *
2. I am already seven years old,
This may be very little
For work, for vacations,
But for school – I’m ready!

* * *
3. We will be in the classroom to study,
Sing, read and don't be lazy.
Draw, write, sculpt,
Let's be friends as a class!

* * *
4. We will love teachers
We will listen to his words.
He will replace mom and dad -
He is clearly the best!

* * *
5. I want to study at school,
But I want to guarantee you,
What the guys say
Change beckons everyone!

* * *
6. In general, we are in a fighting mood!
We are behind the Mountain of Knowledge!
Let's glorify the school
The result is surprising!

* * *
7. Well, you, heroes of fairy tales,
Don't be bored without us!
We will return to you,
As soon as we leave the classroom.

* * *
8. We will train you,
To become big like us.
So that without tears and without offense -
The student is telling you!

* * *
9. First graders are excited
It's not your birthday!
This is Knowledge Day for us,
After all, we are the very first class!

* * *
10. We promise not to be lazy!
Just study for "excellent" grades,
To become the best in Russia,
Celebrate our school!

(A short parting word for first-graders is given to the first teacher or several teachers).

Presenter 1: And this gift is for our teachers. We sincerely congratulate you and wish you new strength in the new academic year and all the best in your hard work!

(Amateur performance number: song performed by one or more students).

Panda: It’s such a pity that it’s still too early for us to go to school. We loved it here so much. Well, let me at least dance with the guys, they are so wonderful!

Presenters: This is easy to do today. Get started!

(A flash mob is being held among classes. Music plays for 1-2 minutes. The kids take turns doing group dances, showing simple (simple) movements. All classes can participate in the flash mob in turn. Different music is selected for them and movements are shown by different characters - each for their own class).

Lead 2: The floor is given to our 11th grade!

(Several students come out from the graduating class and take turns giving parting words to the first-graders).

* * *
1. Dear friends, dear first-graders. Today is one of your most memorable days. Trust us, we know this. Exactly 11 years ago we, too, were little girls and boys, and now we look at you with tenderness and affection. And today we want to give you some practical advice and instructions!

* * *
2. Wake up early in the morning, wash your face with cold water,
To avoid yawning at school, don’t nod off your nose at your desk!

* * *
3. Keep your briefcase clean, treasure each book,
Dress neatly to make it pleasant to look at!

* * *
4. Take care of our school, run away from offenders!
Respect your teachers! Be bolder at concerts!

* * *
5. During lessons, do not giggle, do not move chairs and tables!
Don't tease, don't be arrogant, stay the best!

* * *
6. Accustom yourself to order, do not play hide and seek in class!
That's all our advice, it couldn't be wiser or simpler!

(To the music, high school students go to first-graders and present them with souvenirs).

Presenter 1: Well, now it’s time to start classes. The first bell will now ring. And while we listen to this wonderful ringing, everyone present can make a wish for this year, and it will certainly come true!

Lead 2: The right to give the first bell is granted to an 11th grade student (full name) and a first grade student (full name)!

(A high school student takes a first-grader by the hand and they walk along the central circle of the ruler, ringing the bell).

Presenter 1: Let our school bell ring, opening the school year!

Lead 2: Greeting everyone who gathered for the first lesson with its joyful ringing!

Presenter 1: Happy holiday, dear friends! The Day of Knowledge!

Voice behind the scene ( can be recorded) : At this point, the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared closed! Good luck to everyone in the new academic year, many unforgettable, joyful discoveries and achievements!

(Pupils of 11th grade, 9th grade and 1st grade launch balloons into the sky).

Lead 2: According to a good established tradition, the right to enter the school first is given to our first-graders. Go ahead, guys!

(Victoria Zhimonova’s song “The school looks with kind eyes” is playing. High school students and fairy-tale characters take elementary school students by the hands and lead them to class for their first lesson.).

In conclusion: a few words about the holiday Day of Knowledge - September 1

On this important day for students, all educational institutions in the country will reopen their doors.
But the first day of the new school year, of course, causes special excitement among first-graders and their parents - a completely new life begins for the children, and they will definitely remember this event.

“Knowledge Day” received the status of a state holiday on June 15, 1984; until that moment, September 1 was an ordinary school day.

Gradually, like other holidays, the traditions of this day became established. On September 1, smart first-graders go to school with their parents. The first ceremonial assembly is held for all students, at which parting words from the school principal and honored guests are heard. The first school bell rings for first graders.

Another established tradition is to give flowers to teachers. Not a single first grader comes to school without a bouquet. As a rule, flowers for teacher bouquets are chrysanthemums, asters, zinnias, dahlias, and roses. The main thing is to choose or compose a bouquet with love and give it with all your heart.

The first day of school is fun and fast. After the general assembly, the students go to their classes for Peace lessons. These lessons are devoted to the topics of maintaining world peace.

In 2018, September 1 falls on a Saturday, a day off. In this regard, parents are interested in the question of when the ceremonial event to mark the beginning of the school year will be held and at what time. As it became known, most schools in Russia will hold such events on September 1, and the new school year will begin on Monday, the 3rd.

In some regions, school administrations themselves have the right to decide on what day the line will take place. In this regard, parents need to contact teachers and find out the date and time of the event.

Knowledge Day has been celebrated since 1984. Every year on this day, students and their parents attend a school assembly and a peace lesson is held - this is already a tradition. However, due to the fact that this year the holiday falls on a day off, society has begun to talk about postponing it.

In the Russian capital, this issue was heatedly discussed in the Moscow City Hall, where, ultimately, it was decided to allow schools to hold events on any day until September 3 inclusive.

In this regard, classes in Moscow educational institutions can be held on different days. The mayor's office ordered the administration to hold meetings with parents and decide with them when it would be best to hold events.

Some Moscow school directors called on their colleagues to hold events on September 1 outside of schools. The mayor's office invited children and their parents to VDNKh, where the City of Education forum is currently taking place. All large parks in the capital are also open, where you can get together with the whole class and have fun.

When will the school lineup be in 2018 in the regions of Russia?

Schools are given the opportunity to choose when to hold their school program – September 1 or 3. It is known that some schools have decided to postpone holiday events to the beginning of the week. At the same time, most school institutions will still hold a line on September 1.

The Minister of Education of Karelia Alexander Morozov said that most schools will open their doors to students on September 3. Ceremonial celebrations are planned on the same day. In Chukotka, the assembly will take place in 23 schools on September 1. However, training will begin on the 3rd.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, only a few schools will hold events on September 3, the rest are waiting for students and their parents to attend the line on September 1. In Kaliningrad, school assemblies will be held on the first day of autumn. The city authorities are confident that we cannot deviate from traditions. In St. Petersburg, many schools will welcome students on September 1, but the school year will begin on the 3rd.

What time will the line start at school on September 1, 2018

The traditional school assembly is held at 9:00 am. By this hour, all the students gather near the school. Music is played and poetry is read. Teachers give parting words to first-graders for whom the first bell rings.

Due to the postponement of September 1, it is better for parents to find out in advance about the time of the school assembly. Such information appears on school websites. Also, class teachers are required to notify parents about when and what time the event will take place.

It is worth noting that each specific school may have its own time for holding a ceremonial assembly. Changes in time may be affected by various reasons, for example, a technical failure. In small schools there may be an agreement with parents to postpone the line for a certain time.

The autumn bell is ringing (School line September 1)

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Hello dear guys, teachers, parents.

Performance of a musical composition

Presenter 2: Having been born, a person begins and learns. He learns to walk, talk, understand the world and people.

Presenter 1: He is taught by a ray of sunshine, a flying butterfly, a favorite fairy tale, a funny picture, a fun game…. And then the day comes - and he comes to school, where the first teacher meets him

Presenter 2: The floor for congratulations is given to the first teachers.

(First graders are congratulated by their first teachers.)

Presenter 1: First graders, greet your teachers and give them flowers.

(First graders give flowers to their first teachers.)

Presenter 2: School! Attention!

Presenter 1: Our first-graders were also preparing for school and now they themselves will talk about it.

And only graduates leave.

1st presenter.

Comes here every year

First graders cheerful round dance -

Noisy, thoughtful, smart,

And the teacher leads them all to class.

2nd presenter. Today we are welcoming a new group of first-graders into our school family. Welcome first grade students.

1st presenter. We congratulate you, dear children, on this memorable day in your life and wish you that our wonderful school becomes a second home for you. Our guests congratulate you...

The song “They teach at school” plays.

2nd presenter. Our first-graders were also preparing for school, and now they will tell you about it.

1st grade students come to the microphone.

Performance by first-graders on the line on September 1

(Congratulations to the guests)

Presenter 1

Friends, can you imagine, we have a miracle today,
After all, we gathered for a school holiday.
Surprises await you everywhere,
The fairy lights are already lit!

Lead 2

A magical land will open its doors,
It's time, friends, for us to start the holiday,
Perhaps someone will be surprised and won’t believe it -
The queen of the school will congratulate you.

Queen of the school

Our dear first-graders, I congratulate you on your first day of school! Know that our school is the best in the world, it is a bright and joyful island of childhood, and teachers have permanent residence on this island, and therefore for all 11 years you will have respected, revered, kind wizards and sorceresses next to you, who will carefully guide you along the difficult steps school kingdom - the kingdom of goodness, beauty, the search for truth. And now I will give you the magic key to the Land of Knowledge.

Presenter 1

To find out how big the earth is,
To open sciences like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Experienced captains.

Lead 2

The floor is given to the first teacher…………………

And teach how to hammer a nail!

There is a chance to get it from me!



And teach how to hammer a nail!

At least ten useful tips

There is a chance to get it from me!


Dear students, we have one unusual offer! You know that every New Year passes under the sign of some animal, but here we also begin a New Year, just an academic year. Therefore, let us introduce such a tradition - every year, on September 1, we will choose a symbol of the school year!

The choice of the symbol of the year for each school will depend on the focus of the school, region, locality, and famous fellow countrymen. You can decide this issue as a whole school - for example, offer several options, and during the first week of school, students will throw a piece of paper with their personal choice into the “ballot box” standing in the lobby. After the votes are counted, the symbol of the current school year will be selected. This character or object will run like a “red thread” through the entire school process - for example, it is worth devoting one issue of the school wall newspaper from each class to this particular topic. You can also organize themed evenings.


If first-graders go to school for the first time, and 11th graders are in their last year, then the sixth-graders are right in the middle of their education at our school. And today we will give them a chance to say what they think about this!

Diary. What is your name?

Four. Four.

Diary. How about your girlfriend?

Four. Five.

Well that's good news.
Bring your bride here.
Four returns from 5.
For the sake of the dear king, my efforts were not in vain.
Here's your bride, king!
Our worthy sovereign.

Well, well, let me take a look...
I'll turn to the primer.
On page 48
Read everything to us, we ask.

(Five reads the primer.)

Preschool children from the yard.

3rd child

I will have the books

Thick, very fat.

I'll read it and I'll know

Everything adults know.

4th child

We promise to learn

On "four" and "five"!

S. Novikov

Academic year.

Day after day, after lesson - lesson

A scattering of knowledge will benefit you.

Everything in the world from “az” to “yat”

You should definitely find out.

Queen of knowledge.

Today we want to congratulate

Those who give knowledge to others,

Those who receive them for a reason,

Happy Knowledge Day to you today, friends!

N. Mikhailova

Call us for a lesson! (The bell rings.)

2nd presenter.

The cheerful bell rang.

Hello, it's school time!

And walks together to school

This morning kids!

September → Day of Knowledge. Scenario