Customs Officer's Day is celebrated every year. Poems for the Day of Customs Officer of the Russian Federation


October 25, 2017 is the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation. All customs workers of the Russian Federation, according to tradition, celebrate their professional holiday on a grand scale. On this day they receive congratulations from management, government and business representatives, colleagues and friends. We have prepared the best congratulations in prose for any occasion: official congratulations, congratulations in prose in your own words, short congratulations in prose for SMS messages and much more. Choose!

Dear employees and veterans of the customs service!
Over the years of its existence, the Russian customs service has made a worthy contribution to strengthening economic security and protecting the national interests of the country. Today it is rightfully one of the effective mechanisms of state regulation of foreign trade and replenishment of budget revenues. High professionalism, utmost attention, responsibility, integrity and hard work distinguish the employees of your departments and truly deserve respect from their colleagues. I wish you good health, family well-being, optimism and patience in solving everyday problems! Success and new achievements in your service for the benefit of Russia!

Official congratulations in prose on the Day of Customs Officer of the Russian Federation

Dear customs officials!
Congratulations on your professional holiday - Customs Day! Historically, customs authorities appeared along with states. In Rus', duties on the import of goods were levied a thousand years ago. On October 25, 1653, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the Unified Customs Charter was introduced. The history of Russian customs officially begins from this day. Along with the border guards and the army, you preserve the inviolability of the borders of our Motherland. Your weapon is law, experience and reason, your enemy is everything that undermines the economic security of Russia. Centuries pass, state formations and borders change, but customs invariably stands in the way of attempts from outside to deceive, weaken, and rob our state.
Thank you for your hard work! We wish you health, prosperity and inexhaustible strength for successful service for the benefit of the Fatherland!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday – Customs Officer’s Day of the Russian Federation!
Your high professionalism and competence, unquestioning compliance with the letter of the Law are a reliable guarantor of the protection of the economic interests of the state. Working in one of the most intensive foreign trade areas, you effectively organize the movement of goods across the state border, reliably suppress attempts to smuggle drugs, weapons, theft of cultural property, and actively work to prevent foreign economic crimes, violations of currency and export laws. The social stability and well-being of the Vyborg region largely depends on your well-coordinated work.
We wish all the personnel of the Vyborg customs effective performance of their official duties, professional growth, good health, good spirits and further fruitful activities for the benefit of the Fatherland.

Congratulations on Customs Officer's Day in prose in your own words

Congratulations on Customs Worker's Day! And on your professional holiday, we would like to wish you peaceful work, so that the days go on as usual without any unpleasant incidents. We are proud of you and respect your work. Thank you for your responsible attitude to work, for your courage and courage! Be happy and healthy!
I congratulate you on a wonderful professional holiday, Happy Customs Day! I wish you victories, quiet shifts at work and simple family happiness! You have great wisdom and insight, which means that you will not allow either enemies or worthless goods into the country! Thank you for the fact that we can sleep peacefully, because the border is protected by you!

Today I want to sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation! May your work always bring you great pleasure, positive emotions, significant earnings and just a good mood. Let there be as little squabbles, troubles, disappointments and conflicts in your life as possible. Never get sick, don’t get upset over trifles and don’t think about bad things. Let there be less risk and danger around you. And of course, I wish you to sincerely love and be also a dearly loved person for someone.
Happy holiday to the first-class customs officer of Russia! I wish that your work, which brings great benefit to the country, brings only pleasure to you personally, may there be no emergency situations with illegal goods and people on your shift, may duties be collected in large amounts and this will have a positive effect on wages and prosperity, may your bosses highly appreciate your human qualities, ability to work with people, keen eyes and amazing instincts that do not allow smuggling to cross the border.
Friends, customs officers, one day a year it is not a sin to raise a glass to us, customs service workers. You and I are a single brotherhood, constantly keeping watch to protect our beloved country. Health, family well-being, success in a difficult profession. Happy holiday! Happy Customs Day!
A customs officer is not just a profession, but a “key” to the country. He is able to stop any illegal entry or import of goods. Only a selfless person like you could choose such a noble specialty. I wish you a career takeoff, easy shifts, prosperity and family well-being. Let everything in your life go as planned, without pitfalls or surprises. Work honestly and selflessly. Have a fun and interesting holiday. Let everything in your destiny be “excellent”! Happy Customs Day!
The Day of the Customs Worker of the Russian Federation is celebrated today - October 25! On this day I would like to congratulate all the workers of this irreplaceable service. I wish you not to lose your working spirit, to vigilantly identify criminals, because sometimes the peace of the country is in your hands. And as long as you perform your service with dignity and courage, we are confident about the purity and quality of the imported goods. We know that control is unshakable and reliable! Thank you for your work! Happiness, health and success in all your endeavors.
Today, not customs, but the whole country gives the go-ahead for a stormy and protracted celebration of Customs Officer's Day, hurray! Please accept warm congratulations and gratitude for high-quality imports and profitable exports! Let only good things come into your life and don’t charge you for it! And, of course, may all your material and spiritual dreams come true, and we will always help you in making them come true! Happy holiday!

Do you know the rules and laws well? Not even a mouse can get through your reliable security? Then you are a customs officer of the highest level - brave and skillful. Happy holiday to you!
The job of a customs officer is not easy. But on this day you should at least distract yourself a little and relax with your colleagues and family.
Congratulations on Customs Day. Success and good luck in work, happiness and joy in life, and, of course, good health.
Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on Customs Day. I wish you and your family health, success and fulfillment of all your dreams. Happy holiday!
Customs Officer's Day is a professional holiday for brave and hardy people. Let every work shift be quiet and peaceful, so that you always return to your family, for whom you are so dear. Thank you for your work in helping us feel safe. Happy holiday!
I would like to wish the people of this honorable and wonderful profession health, joy from every day they live and family well-being. But most importantly, I wish you quiet service, endurance and career growth. Let all your dreams come true!

Happy Customs Day!

Congratulations to veterans of the customs service
Our dear customs service veterans, employees, colleagues! We sincerely congratulate you on Russian Customs Day! You are the pride of our country, and these are not just words. You can easily cope with any tasks, your work is of particular value and significance for the development of the social and economic sphere of the country. We thank you for everything and wish you good health, success and new achievements in your work, and personal happiness! Happy holiday!

On the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation, let toasts be heard around, glorifying the valor, competence, confidence and dedication of all customs service employees! Let them be given gifts today, solemnly presented with awards and bonuses, and send all sincere and heartfelt wishes!
We congratulate you on your professional date, our guardian angels, our dear customs officers! May your service always be safe, may you never have to sip the bitterness of loss, and may the fire of goodness always burn in your eyes. We wish you happiness and faith in beauty!
May God protect all customs officers who protect us and our heirs from the invasion of evil. May your efforts always be justified, may your service go well, and may your loved ones support you with their prayers and care! Happy holiday to you! Happy Russian Customs Day!
We would like to wish happiness to the employees of the customs control service on this day, because each of them deserves the greatest concentration of this happiness in their lives! Thank you for your glorious work in protecting your homeland from harm! Happy professional holiday to you!
Dear customs officers, thank you for round-the-clock vigils of the borders of our beautiful state! And even if evil does not give up its attempts to penetrate our homes, souls and hearts across the border, we believe that you will still defeat it! Happy Customs Day of the Russian Federation!
A stream of passengers flows past you, some on business, some on vacation... And everyone has too many things to count, and everything needs to be taken into account! On Customs Officer's Day, I invite you to distract yourself a little and accept congratulations and heartfelt wishes for a happy life, in which everything you want pours in like from a cornucopia, and love warms your heart day and night!
You will help fill out the declaration, you will save the poor lemur from smuggling... Happy holiday to you, customs officer! Smile, stand up freely and think that you are a very happy person, and then it will be better! Love will come and turn your head, wealth will replenish your account, and honest work will decorate your chest with new rewards!
Happy Customs Day! Your sensitive attention helps to keep the national interests of the country strong, and, perhaps, through your service, you fully deserve the wish that all dreams come true, life is long and happy, life is decorated with true love and strong friendship!
You are strict only at first glance, and even then the instructions oblige you. But we know that at heart you are the kindest and wonderful person, whose attention we are stealing today for a good reason - to congratulate you on Customs Day! Always be collected and strong, and may your happiness be enough to hang another star in the sky!
To Comrade Customs Officer, on his professional holiday, we wish you patience and attentiveness, so that, having said “no!” to smuggling, take it away from our borders with a strong hand! And, since you cannot live on service alone, we wish you family happiness, solid savings in banks and regular vacations in hot countries!
Congratulations on Customs Day to my husband
My dear customs officer, I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday - Customs Officer's Day! You have been working in this field for many years, you know how to solve certain problems and issues, so you often help out your friends and acquaintances. I want to wish you a pleasant holiday! Let this day show you that we all really need such professionals, such wonderful people who do everything to prevent the collapse of our economy. I want you to feel that all the citizens of our country thank you for the work you have done. Today you have every right to rest and relaxation. You really have a very difficult job that requires tremendous concentration of energy and patience. May your strength never leave you, because we cannot do it without your work. Happy holiday!
Congratulations on Customs Day to a friend in prose
I really want to congratulate you, my dear friend, on this holiday, which is professional for you. On Customs Officer’s Day, I would like to wish you all the most positive and positive things that a customs officer needs to enjoy his work. I want your every working day to be productive and successful. Let all your family and friends be proud of what a strong and responsible son and brother they have, who works in such an important industry. I remember how a few years ago you said that you wanted to work in this field, but no one could even imagine that you would achieve such unprecedented success. Keep it that way because you deserve it. Let this unique day remain in your memory for many years. I wish you to receive as many congratulations as possible today. May your day be pleasant and successful!
Congratulations on Customs Day to colleagues

Official congratulations in prose on Customs Day

The twenty-fifth of October is an important day for all those involved in customs. In fact, working in this field is quite difficult, but there are a lot of workers, so they will all congratulate each other today. Personally, I want to congratulate you, because among my friends you work in this industry. I want to express my admiration, because I know that it is very difficult for you at times. You face big challenges, but you cope well with them. On this holiday, I want to wish you only what you need to avoid getting tired at work for as long as possible. Of course, you miss your household because you see them so rarely, but believe that they know what important activities you are engaged in. I wish you as few problems at work as possible, fewer conflicts and inappropriate people.
Today the weather outside is simply wonderful, it doesn’t look like autumn at all, but I think that the sun came out for a reason. It wants to please all those people who will celebrate their professional holiday today. We are talking about customs officers who protect our borders day after day around the clock. No prohibited item will cross the border because they won't allow it. I want to congratulate you on Customs Day, and also wish you good health, a lot of joy and happiness, writes Neelov. Let your duties pass without any problems and conflicts. Let everything be calm so that your family and friends do not worry about you. I wish you to enjoy your holiday, because a professional holiday is a special day, because you have been working for so long to become a real professional. Congratulations!

Congratulations on Customs Day! I wish you to confidently guard the interests of our beloved country, enjoy life and strive for the best! May faith in miracles, luck, success never leave you, and may your health always be strong and never fail!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Customs Day! On this holiday, I wish that the customs service works like clockwork, because you stand guard over your native country and its property! May you always have a wonderful mood, and may the desire to make this world a better place never go away!
Please accept my congratulations on Customs Day! From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you to be the best of all your colleagues! May your ingenuity, ingenuity and desire for excellence help you identify violations, and may life give you all the best!
I would like to congratulate you with all my heart on Customs Day! I wish you that in your life there is not only a place for work, but also for rest, so that you always have enough strength to be attentive, because without this there will be nowhere in your business! And throughout life I wish you good health and a wonderful mood!
Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Customs Day! I want to wish you only the best from the bottom of my heart! May your work bring you joy and satisfaction with the fruits of your labor, may luck and good mood accompany you at all times!
Congratulations on Customs Day! Thank you for your hard work! Remember - the main thing in life is not material well-being, because money comes and goes. The most important thing is the people who were with you in difficult times. May everything be fine in your life! I wish you happiness!

is a near-Earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid was no longer visible through telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance at which asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach Earth on 09/09/2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not on the 9th, but on another date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will collide with Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the likelihood of a collision is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of an asteroid crossing its orbit with our planet as 1 in 7300 (0,00014 % ). ESA placed 2006 QV89 in 4th place among celestial bodies posing a potential danger to Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of “flight” of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Lent, which begins 48 days before the Holy Day. And after 50 days they celebrate Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd Easter cakes.

Easter treats are blessed in the church on Saturday, the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the day of the Holiday itself.

We should greet each other on Easter with the words “Christ is Risen,” and respond with “Truly He is Risen.”

This will be the fourth game for the Russian team in this qualifying tournament. Let us remind you that in the previous three meetings, Russia “at the start” lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest in the entire existence of the Russian football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and the islanders cannot expect anything good from the upcoming match. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises may await us.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Venue of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time is 21:45 Moscow time.

Commodity-money relations have positive and negative sides. If cheap tomatoes were brought to Russia from Turkey, then the buyer is happy. But what about those who devoted their lives to growing them in Siberia and were left without work? Customs duties protect domestic producers from free products from another country. In addition, fees for the export of products fill the budget and are sometimes a means of economic and political defense. Often customs officers find drugs, weapons, and dangerous objects.

A controversial profession

Many people in the Russian Federation envy customs workers: after all, they shovel money and are able to find fault with anyone who crosses the border. But this work also has many difficulties:

  • 24/7 mode.
  • Danger from smugglers.
  • Life's dilemma: to feel sorry for a traveler who does not know the rules, and at the same time remain human. Or be a strict and heartless official who is capable of ruining tons of fruit and taking away a gift for a child.
  • Negative feedback from others and constant fear of inspections.

After difficult shifts, sleepless nights, studying foul-smelling cargo, you need to relax well.

The customs authorities give the go-ahead

Considering the importance of the profession in the formation of most states, there is International Customs Day. The Russian Federation has its own holiday, which is celebrated on October 25th. This is a symbolic date: in 1653, Unified Customs Rules were announced in Rus'. And their founder was Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. The document set out the norms for collecting customs duties in all cities of Muscovy. In the renewed Russia, the Day of Service was established by Boris Yeltsin. What date? This happened on August 4, 1995.

There was also Customs Day in the USSR, it was celebrated on May 29 (immediately after Border Guard Day). The holiday is not celebrated on a grand scale, but President Putin often pampers his employees with beautiful congratulations and solemn speeches. Their text is simple and clear: he wishes success and further improvement of his professional skills. The fullness of the budget and the well-being of citizens in Russia depend on an honest customs officer.

How to mark?

While many songs have been sung and many films have been made about the military, police and firefighters, it is difficult to remember anything about customs officers. The most striking character is Pavel Vereshchagin from “White Sun of the Desert,” who did not take bribes and was worried about the state. People often like to use his image in amateur performances. The words he uttered became popular. If he hated caviar for lunch, then at the corporate party of customs officers it would be eaten first. And the phrase “I’ll finish it now and quit” is very relevant for those who treat their nerves with degrees. There is a song by Vysotsky “An Incident at Customs”, sometimes chanson stars sing about customs officers. But their content leaves a bad mark on the souls of honest workers.

It's easy to organize a quality party on your own. Anyone with minimal creative inclinations can write an exciting script. And finding fun dance tunes won’t be difficult. When this day comes, you can involve those who sing beautifully, play a musical instrument, and know how to perform magic tricks. The highlight of any corporate party can be funny stories that happened in the workplace: the imagination of smugglers knows no limits. If the team consists of only men, then you can order a stripper, who will be identified in the excise cargo.

If business representatives try to organize expensive events for you, be careful: this could be a veiled bribe! This song will serve as a good background for the holiday:

Customs duties to the Russian budget for 2015: 4.91 trillion rubles
Year of formation of the Federal Customs Service: 2004
Date of submission of the Federal Customs Service to the Ministry of Finance: 15.01.2016
Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia: Bulavin V. I
Year of adoption of the Customs Regulations: 1653
Trade duties of Ancient Rus': "washed"
Pronunciation of the word "customs" in Ukrainian: "mytnytsia"

To the epigraph:

If Customs Officer Day is cancelled, it will be a shame both for the customs officers and for the country!

The holiday has been celebrated in almost all countries of the planet since 1983, on January 26th. The total number of customs officers in the world is 800 thousand people. The Russian service accounts for almost 70 thousand, it is considered one of the largest organizations in this profile.

history of the holiday

The history of the professional holiday began back in 1952, when the Convention on the Establishment of the Customs Cooperation Council acquired legal status. About 1 year later, its first statutory session and conference took place in Belgium from January 26 to 27. In 1994, the Council was given a different name - the World Customs Organization (WCO). At that time, it united 17 European participating countries. The main task of the organization was and remains the preparation and distribution of recommendations on customs procedures within the global circulation of goods. Close attention in the work relates to the implementation and strict coordination of measures to combat the illegal movement of drugs across state borders.

The structure of the World Organization includes 6 regions covering the entire planet. The largest of them, the European one, unites 51 countries. In 1983, a decision was approved to officially consider January 26 as International Customs Day. Meanwhile, the ideas of the customs community have received a huge response. Since then, the holiday has been celebrated annually.

This holiday is a real occasion both to show the international solidarity of the customs services of the entire planet, as well as to sum up the results of the work for the whole year and make plans for the coming year. With the help of such a celebration, one can draw public attention to the importance of the role of customs for the socio-economic development of society.

Among the many official holidays in Russia, there are several that are truly important not only for society, but also for the country. These include Russian customs day, which border service workers celebrate annually the 25th of October.

Customs Officer's Day: non-random choice of date

The choice of this particular date is tied to the distant past and is mentioned several times in the history of the customs service:

  1. For the first time, October 25 was marked by the appearance of the Unified Customs Charter during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The decree of the head of state clearly outlined the scope of activity of the customs service - protecting the interests of the country.
  2. The second mention of the date dates back to 1991, when, by decree of the first President of Russia Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation was created.
  3. For the third time, October 25 turned into an official holiday of the customs service (customs officer’s day) in 1995, already by order of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

In other words, the date of celebration of Customs Officer's Day in Russia has a solid basis. But the holiday itself can be considered relatively young: Customs Day 2018 will only be twenty-first

Not an easy service

The direct responsibility of the profession is the comprehensive protection of the country, which consists of maintaining economic interests, protecting against terrorism, illegal import of prohibited goods, illegal border crossings and, in general, anything that can harm the state system. Therefore, the customs service is of great importance for any country, and especially its employees who tirelessly monitor border processes. The main qualities of customs officers include responsibility, vigilance, high reaction speed, ability to make quick decisions, diligence, law-abidingness, willpower and many others.

How is the holiday celebrated?

The day of the customs officer of the Russian Federation always takes place on a grand scale. The date is celebrated not only by current employees, but also by the entire team, and banquets with entertainment events are organized. The state, whose peace and well-being is monitored by customs officers, does not stand aside either. Distinguished employees are solemnly presented with memorable awards, titles and cash bonuses. All this not only inspires representatives of the profession to carry out further service, but also shows the real importance of experience and professionalism.

On the day of the Russian customs officer, no one is forgotten

But October 25 is a significant date for veterans of the customs service. The state, and even more so former colleagues, do not forget to congratulate those who have already left their jobs and retired, passing on their rich experience to the younger generation. A separate date has already been allocated for honoring customs veterans - May 29, but October 25 does not bypass them either. Therefore, we can safely say that these people celebrate two professional holidays a year.

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