Landscape of autumn leaves in collage technique. Oshtbana - Japanese dry leaf art

Leaf paintings, created using the oshibana technique, can be safely attributed to works of art, but the first acquaintance with this type of creativity in children occurs in kindergarten, when they perform their first applications with dry autumn leaves. To create such paintings, not only leaves are used, but also other natural materials, such as flower petals, grass, tree bark, poplar fluff and various seeds. Before performing such materials, all materials must be prepared: they are dried under pressure, sometimes they are pre-treated with a special solution. If you want to become a real master of wrong, then when drying materials, you must try to preserve their natural color.

Painting "Autumn" from the leaves is performed on paper or fabric, and the elements can be glued on with glue, and several more methods of fixation are also used. Sometimes the paper is pre-colored watercolor paints, a pattern is created, which is then supplemented with natural elements. A true master arranges the elements with care and attention so that they take their place: the leaves turn into trees, and the flower petals describe the silhouettes of the mountains.

Special distribution this species decorative arts acquired in Japan, where it appeared about 600 years ago. In the last 30 years, oshibana has gained a second life, and began to spread throughout the world, many needlewomen resort to this type of creativity, who seek to learn new techniques for working with natural materials, to show children what incredible beauty they can be.

Leaf paintings

Autumn gives us a wide variety of colors: pink, yellow, red, brown shades surround us everywhere, and this will definitely lead needlewomen to think about creativity, which children should definitely be involved in. Oshibana refers to floristry, because this is a kind of way to create beautiful bouquets from leaves and flowers, however, these bouquets will be flat and attached to a paper base.

Novice masters often make the mistake of trying to use only bright colors, and it is the plain leaves that, at first glance, can play the most beautiful color in your composition. important role.

You can use darkened hazel or aspen leaves, they are gray-brown, however, if your composition contains rocks and stones, dark reflections, then these elements will be the best solution.

If you are chasing bright colors, then pay attention to the leaves of willow, apricot and mulberry, they should be harvested already in September-October, patiently collecting the most even and beautiful ones. Red color can be conveyed with the help of viburnum and grapes. American maple and tulipwood also have great hues. Pay attention not only to the front, but also to their wrong sides, as in Norway maple these shades vary from pinkish to dark purple. Silver poplar allows you to convey White color, gray and yellowish.

When did you collect necessary material for paintings of leaves and flowers, they must be dried, for this you can use the easiest way - place them between the pages of the book. They can also be dried under pressure in another way: place them between the pages of a newspaper, stack them on top of each other, and place some kind of load on top. If you dry items between newspaper pages, then you need to change them from time to time.

You can also collect already fallen dry leaves, and just iron them so that they are ready for creating crafts.

You can build a drying press with your own hands, for this you will need two square shapes cut from thick plywood. In the corners, you need to make four holes with a drill and insert the bolts. When you place the pages of the newspaper between the plywood, the bolts must be pulled off, and your petals will dry in such a pressed state. Also around the perimeter of the plywood square, you need to drill a few thin holes for ventilation.

For creating pictures from autumn leaves do not be afraid to experiment, dry various petals and leaves, even if initially you may not like their color, in the future it can fit perfectly into the created composition.

Paintings from autumn leaves

Painting of leaves on the theme of autumn begins to be created at the moment when you go to collect material in a park or garden. When a new element comes into your hands, you can already imagine where you can use it. By the way, you must remember that materials are procured not only in autumn months but also in spring and summer. In the spring, you can collect young shoots of trees, flower petals - bird cherry, violets, lilies of the valley, viburnum, hawthorn. Summer is rich in herbs and flowers, which also boast their original shapes and shades. Even in winter, you can collect materials, because they all now take on a dark, gloomy color.

It is better to perform on thick cardboard, on which a sketch is first made. with a simple pencil. Then you need to prepare the elements and start the creative process. You can fix the elements on a cardboard base using PVA glue.

Since the error is not at all a simple application that can be made during a lesson in a kindergarten or a lesson at school, then the time for such pictures of dry leaves it takes much more: depending on the complexity of the invented composition, from several days to months. It is also necessary to remember that to predict in advance what result you will get, because wrong is a constant creative search, and in the process of performing the composition you must continue to fantasize and experiment.

You can create a unique artistic effect thanks to natural plant shapes and textures, and there is no need to resort to additional decoration or the use of other materials.

The finished picture must be properly designed, choose a passe-partout and a frame. The baguette must be matched to the picture, sometimes even forgetting that it is in harmony with the interior. The baguette should complement it and not obscure it.

Passe-partout must be used to protect the picture from damage that glass can cause. The air gap helps protect against high humidity, condensation and other adverse conditions.

Compositions using pressed floristry must be under glass, otherwise dirt and dust will constantly settle on them, and the colors will fade from the influence of sunlight.

The ideal solution would be anti-reflective glass, which diffuses reflections of light, thus preserving the naturalness of the image. Also, anti-reflective glass allows you to accurately convey colors.

Considering leaf paintings photo, you may notice that they are very colorful, despite the fact that all its colors were created by nature itself, which is why such compositions fit perfectly into any interior, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Painting "Autumn" from the leaves

DIY leaf painting- a wonderful children's craft, with which the children first get acquainted in kindergarten. Applications can be made in various techniques: some are available to the smallest, children get to know them in the younger and middle groups kindergarten, while others can only be performed by elementary school students. Each such application is inimitable and unique, and by saving it, you will leave a memory of the first creative success your child.

Kids love the overlay application, where dry leaves overlap each other. In such a craft, scissors are not used, and the missing elements are drawn with a marker, paints or felt-tip pen, sometimes elements from plasticine are added.

In the silhouette applique, certain elements are cut out from the leaves, and then they are glued to the cardboard surface, forming a pattern. The type of model application comes down to picking up leaves that are similar in color and shape, and then an invented picture is laid out from them, and if you pick up the same leaves, you get an original symmetrical picture from them, for example, you can lay out a butterfly in this way.

DIY leaf painting

Take a look on the Internet do-it-yourself leaf paintings photo, you may notice that even the simplest applications made by children will be a wonderful decoration for your interior.

We can make such paintings using leaves of any color and paint, drawings can be done on paper or fabric, even special prints on cotton fabric, which is then used for sewing clothes or home textiles. If you will draw on fabric, then you need the appropriate paint, which would not be erased or smeared after washing.

Leaves must be taken large, openwork with pronounced veins, so that their texture is reflected on a paper or fabric surface. even children can do it, it will be interesting for them to paint the leaves with paint, and then apply them to paper. Fabric can be worked on oil paints, and on paper - gouache.

Leaf paintings: photo

The painting "Autumn" do it yourself from the leaves in the form of stamps on paper, it is done as follows: first, we put the sheet face up (the side where the veins are especially prominent) and carefully smear it with paint. You can also use a sponge to apply paint.

Perhaps the first time you smear the sheet too hard, and its print will be too "fat", and its texture will be smeared. Over time, you will find the ideal amount of paint that will allow you to get a clear print. Also, be sure to choose rough dense leaves, for example, chestnut or grapes are ideal, you can use oak, and if you take a shoot that is too young and soft, it will crumble during painting. To hold the element during painting, you can use a wooden stick or pencil. Then turn it over and press the painted side against the paper, cover with newspaper on top and press it, thanks to this all the veins will be printed. You can use a rolling pin and roll it over the top.

In addition to paintings, you can also make bouquets that will delight you with their bright colors.

Master class on needlework "Landscape of autumn leaves"

Annenkova Elena Nikolaevna, teacher visual arts and technology of MBOU "Glebovskaya secondary school" of the Fatezhsky district of the Kursk region.
Material Description: I offer you a master class on creating autumn landscape in the technique of floristry. This material is aimed at middle and senior students and will be useful to technology teachers, educators additional education, to all creatively oriented people.
Purpose: a gift with your own hands, a decorative interior decoration with an original product.
Target: creation of an autumn landscape from dried leaves.
1. to get acquainted with the basics of floristry technique,
2. develop imaginative thinking,
3. develop Creative skills, aesthetic taste, ecological consciousness.

All art originates from natural sources. Leaves, flowers, twigs, herbs, spikelets make up a non-woven carpet, forming bizarre, intricate patterns. You can not only enjoy this beauty, but also continue it. natural material- pantry for development children's creativity. You just need to know how to manage the wealth from this pantry. A little imagination, perseverance, and wonderful pictures are obtained from the simplest materials. The main idea of ​​such creativity is the realization by children that nature, even in the smallest particles, is a reflection of everything. vast world generally.
One of the directions in working with natural material is floristry. This word is translated as "flat ikebana".
Each blade of grass is uniquely individual, has its own silhouette, pattern, inherent only to it, evokes certain associations: cineraria leaves - with snow-covered trees, yarrow heads - with blossoming apple tree, lupine flowers - with flying birds...

I'm trying to the souls of the timid
To convey to your pupils:
In the hands of the skilled, maybe even
Dry branch to bloom.
I teach as co-authors I take Nature,
After all, we all start from it.
Art that is in the service of the people,
She rocked in her arms.

To work in the technique of floristry, it is necessary to dry the leaves, flowers, inflorescences, herbs. To do this, use a stack of old newspapers. The material to be dried is laid out between layers of newspapers, put a stack under the press. In order for parts of the plants not to lose their color, it is necessary to shift them between layers of new newspapers after 3-4 days.
For landscape work we need:
- dried leaves of corn, birch, willow and other trees, twigs of wormwood, a large leaf of poplar, tree lichen;
- a sheet of matte cardboard blue color(does not adhere well to glossy material),
- sheet of tracing paper,
- scissors, PVA glue,
- a clean rag.

Let's take a sheet of blue cardboard, outline the horizon line.

Crumple the sheet of tracing paper and lightly smooth it.

We smear the future sky with glue, glue the crinkled tracing paper, forming small folds. We press the tracing paper well with a cloth. Trim off the excess around the edges. There were cirrus clouds.

We lay out dried corn leaves, imitating fields, half a poplar leaf is a hillock. Thus, we create a preliminary drawing with the help of leaves.

We start sticking leaves from the horizon line. First, a poplar leaf is a tubercle.
We smear the sheet with glue, placing an oilcloth, and press it well with a cloth to the background.
If necessary, you can put the work under the press (something heavy).

We glue the next sheet with glue, stick it in the same way. Glue a willow leaf next to it, creating a horizon pattern.

Gradually fill the entire bottom of the cardboard with corn leaves.

The next stage: we lay out birch leaves and other small leaves of a different shape, imitating trees; sprigs of wormwood, imitating grass on the field. Smaller leaves are placed closer to the horizon line, and bigger size- below the previous leaves.

Glue the details of the composition one by one.

And sprigs of wormwood are well smeared with glue, glued on corn leaves.

The final stage: on the horizon line we paste a tree lichen that imitates a mass of trees in the distance.

It remains only to insert our landscape into a frame.

1. On paper, draw a sketch of the printed landscape with a pencil (photo 1). We outline the light on the trees and bushes, as well as their reflection in the water. When drawing a sketch, it is necessary to take into account that objects located close to the shore and their reflection in the water are equal in size.

2. Using the reverse side of the poplar and silver maple leaves, depict the sky and its reflection (photo 2). To do this, carefully glue the inside of the sheet with glue and glue it to the base according to the sketch.

3. To depict trees and bushes, on foreground glue different leaves torn off piece by piece according to the shape of objects. We start from the shadow part, using dark and cold colors, and gradually move on to the light ones, where the main shades will be ocher, herbal, terracotta and yellow. You can improvise a little by adding openwork tree crowns among the greenery. Considering the aerial perspective, we glue the background of the forest in purple and blue-blue tones.

4. Performing the reflection of objects in the water, we select and glue the leaves of different trees three tones darker than on land (photo 3). Lungwort leaves are suitable for transmitting ripples of water. In order for the finished picture to be preserved for a long time, we frame it.

After each stage of the work performed, the picture must be put under a press for some time so that the plant material sticks well, straightens out and becomes smooth.

Good afternoon, today we will talk about autumn crafts. And we will make these crafts from natural material with our own hands. Autumn is rich in a variety of materials. And so we will do with the most different crafts on the theme of Autumn- from leaves, branches, acorns, chestnuts, straw, moss, dried flowers and other natural material. I will show you interesting ways to create DIY autumn crafts using ordinary natural materials. unusual design way. In this article you will find fresh ideas, that will inspire you to creative exploits this fall. So let's go on a quiet hunt for ideas for the best crafts for the fall 2017 season.

Autumn natural material is rich in ideas for a variety of crafts for children. Let's see what ideas you can implement this fall.

Leaf compositions

and natural material.

Who said that autumn crafts from natural material should be done while sitting indoors. gold autumn beckons with a warm sun, the smell of rotten leaves - and we do not want to sit in four walls. We go outside with the children to catch a little more warmth and warm our eyes with the yellow fire of autumn foliage.

Crafts on the theme of AUTUMN from natural material can be done right on the street. In my yard, next to the entrance. All you need is to find a quiet, windless place. Instruct the children to collect a stack of bright leaves and a bucket of dry pebbles.

And so it begins interesting game- laying out crafts from autumn natural material. For beginners, this can be a simple tree. Heavy pebbles press the yellow leaves, do not allow them to fly away from the wind. The craft can be saved as a souvenir in the form of a photograph.

If there is a whole pile of pebbles near the place of your walk, then you can make crafts from natural material on a larger scale (as in the photo below).

If you are observant, you may notice that under different trees the foliage is of different colors. If collected in a separate package yellow leaves from ash or birch, in another bag red leaves from aspen or Canadian maple, and a little more brown blackened leaves, then we can make such a Winnie bear cub on our porch.

Any silhouette picture can be laid out from the color mosaic of nature itself. The main thing is to find a place without strong winds. And have time to photograph this beauty before it fluttered from the wind and flew away like a bird.

The natural materials of autumn themselves will give you ideas for collages - gray branches (like the gray plumage of the wing and tail), yellow leaves (like yellow fluff on the breast). And here you are, a tit bird.

You don't have to be an artist, you don't have to have many leaves. Even from the smallest leafy heaps, you can make beautiful autumn crafts. The simplest do-it-yourself craft, the arrangement of foliage according to the colors of the spectrum, looks like real magic.

You become little wizards. Secret dwarves-assistants of Queen Autumn. You hooligans secretly, leaving good signs, funny symbols autumn season of the year.

And some crafts can be done using a tree trunk as a base. Make the tree smile. The nose is a bump, two eyes are cut from a wood chock, and a smile from the fruits of physalis, strung on a thread.

Do you know what mandalas are? In the east, mandalas are sacred patterns closed in a circle. A harmonious pattern repeating in a circle is like a map of the universe. Mandalas are drawn or laid out from mosaics, colored sand, flower petals. Mandalas are a spiritual practice that allows you to touch the divine principle within yourself. You need to make mandalas in a special state of mind - pure, serene, enlightened.

We can also make beautiful harmonious mandala patterns with our own hands in the form of handicrafts made from natural material - bright beautiful autumn.

Your autumn mandala craft can be quite small (as in the photo below).

Or very large, consisting of many circles of a cyclic pattern.

Mosaic applications

on the theme of AUTUMN.

All children love mosaics. Why don't we make it from autumn natural material.

Since the leaves are too large for mosaics (and suitable for laying out large paintings in the yard), for indoor small work, we can cut an ordinary juicy maple leaf into small squares. Arrange them in bowls - yellow, green, red separately. And let the children themselves lay out a bright mosaic craft from such a pleasant-to-the-touch natural material with their own hands.

As an ornamental material, you can use cereals or seeds. A very good natural material for autumn children's crafts is yellow corn grains or large pumpkin seeds painted with gouache.

And a mosaic of whole leaves can become a crown of a tree - a simple and quick craft made from natural material, which is suitable for kindergarten children. You can stick the leaves on paper, or on a transparent office file - and then such a craft can be fixed on the window, the leaves will shine in the sun. Beautiful children's craft for younger children.

Crafts on the theme of AUTUMN.

Natural material STONE.

And here is another wonderful idea for crafts from natural materials in the autumn theme. Ordinary flat river stones can become a canvas for autumn pictures. You can paint the stones with a brush, but it is better to apply the drawing in the dots technique - round wooden sticks or special dots sticks (metal devices with a round ball at the end) are suitable for this. They are sold in the manicure department, as they are intended for painting on nails. The ball tips on the dots sticks come in different sizes, allowing you to draw even dots of any size.

You can also draw owls on stones - this is the simplest drawing - the main thing here is expressive eyes, a pointed beak, and oval wings with even rows of feathers. First, draw with paints, then outline each filled element with a contour (white, as in the left photo or black, as in the right photo below). And the contour thin stroke of the elements will make crafts-drawings more clear and expressive.

Such crafts-owls made of natural material will look good on a snag with shreds of moss, inside a wooden frame, glued to a log saw cut.

And it’s even cooler to plant such an owl inside a hole cut in a thick round saw cut of a tree trunk.

Autumn crafts

with tree branches.

Ordinary tree branches can also be a source of interesting do-it-yourself autumn collage. This natural material is lying around completely idle. On a walk, you can give the children the task of collecting beautiful, not dirty twigs in a bag, disassemble them at home, clean them of debris and break them into small pieces.

Next, on a sheet of paper, draw the outlines of a basket with handles. And either we give the child plasticine, or we arm ourselves with a glue gun and begin to collect our basket from sticks. Then it remains to put fruit in it (cut out of cardboard, draw and then cut it out, or perform it using the broken appliqué technique).

And if together with the sticks you have collected beautiful leaves, then you can make a children's craft tree from natural materials.

Long sticks found in the park can not be broken, but put aside to make them a new craft-panel made of natural materials(as in the photo below). The principle is simple. The sticks are laid in the shape of the sides of a square - we tie the junction of the sticks with twine (wire, threads). And then we decorate such a frame with natural materials and colored paper.

You can place a canvas inside the frame of branches - we tint a sheet of cardboard with paints, make holes on its sides with a hole punch - and tie the sheet with threads to the branch frame, pulling the thread through the holes and around the branch (as done in the left photo below). And then on this canvas we make an application from natural material on the theme of autumn.

Or you can simply decorate the frame around its perimeter - in the lower part of the square we attach a bush, mushrooms, pieces of moss, bark, and a cardboard hedgehog to plasticine. On the upper part of our panel made of natural material we hang a garland of autumn leaves cut out of colored paper, the sun, clouds, a kite.

From the branches you can lay out large application in the form of an owl , a children's craft, which is entirely made of natural material, which autumn is rich in. Branches, dry and fresh pine needles, withered fir legs. You can lay out the application on a sheet of plywood and fix everything with glue - or make a temporary mosaic on a walk right on the ground or stump.

Looks very nice craft Hedgehog from natural material . This fall craft is my favorite in this article. Let me even tell you in detail how simple and easy it is to make such a hedgehog with your own hands. It's really very easy. Now you will be convinced of it.

First, we find beautiful thick rods from a shrub or birch branches - we cut them with scissors or a knife into segments with long oblique cuts (as in the photo of a hedgehog below).

For this autumn crafts you need plasticine - a large piece. Where to get it? I never throw away used plasticine from children's crafts, I put it in one common pile - then I soak it in hot water this multi-colored heap - it becomes soft like fresh dough, and easily and simply I knead the whole lump into a homogeneous mass with my hands - it turns out a large piece of fresh brown plasticine of excellent quality. From it you can still make a variety of crafts for a long time

From plasticine we form the body of a hedgehog- teardrop shape. And in the thick part of the hedgehog, row after row, we stick segments of branches - oblique cuts should all look in one direction.

2 ways to decorate the muzzle of a hedgehog.

1 way. I wrap the plasticine nose of the hedgehog with a piece of burlap, or a piece of gauze (bandage) soaked in a solution of iodine with water.

2 way. The muzzle of the hedgehog can be smeared with PVA glue, overlaid with pieces of paper napkins, smeared with glue again, again a layer of napkins, glue on top and allowed to dry - you get a layer of papier-mâché. We cover it with paint - draw eyes, a nose on it

Craft-spider web of branches and leaves.

And from natural material you can make beautiful decorative crafts-pendants on the theme of AUTUMN. We need straight, even branches - like a willow. We look at the photo, and below I give a detailed step by step description this children's craft.

A detailed master class on this craft made from natural material.

We take a lump of plasticine and divide it into 2 small molds. On the first cake we put the branches in a circle (that is, radially from this plasticine center) - so that the tips of the branches meet in the middle of the plasticine cake. Slightly press each branch so that it drowns in plasticine. From above we cover with a second cake of plasticine, also pressing it on the branches. It turns out a spread with rays of branches.

Now we need coarse threads - the ones that are tied up with shopping packages in the store. Such canvas-paper thick gray threads. With them, we begin to weave a cobweb between the branches - starting from the plasticine center and gradually moving towards the outer edge, until our cobweb rests against the edge of the maple leaf.

Craft autumn kaleidoscope.

Also you can do colored kaleidosk made of natural material - from branches and leaves (as in the photo below).

For this craft, we need hot glue (or the ability to weave threads between crossed branches). Now I will give detailed master class to create this DIY craft.

Step 1 We cut 4 rods of the same size. Two of them cross over cross - fasten with glue or thread. Two others cross in exactly the same way. We now have two crosses made of branches.

Step 2 We impose these 2 crosses on each other obliquely - so that they form snowflake figure. We fix the middle of this clutch with glue (or fix it with threads).

Step 3 From a flexible willow rod (fresh or soaked in water) we make a round ring. We attach this ring to our "snowflake" of rods - so that the edges of the ring are at the same distance from the center - for each rod(measure with a tape measure). If the distances are the same, then the ring will be even, not crooked.

Step 4 As a result, we got a circle from the branches, divided into triangular sectors. And it remains only to find large maple leaves of different colors - pure yellow, pure red, pure green, pure orange. From them it is necessary to cut out triangles that are suitable in size to the sector-hole on the future kaleidoscope. Cut out the triangle so that the central vein on the maple leaf passes through the middle of such a triangle- divided it in half like a bisector from geometry. And we attach all these multi-colored triangles of maple leaves to the sectors of our design made of natural material with a glue gun.

Autumn applications

From natural material.

And of course, all children love to make applications from autumn natural materials. small and large paintings from leaves and dried flowers. The most favorite children's crafts on the theme of autumn.

The symbol of autumn made of natural material is, of course, a hedgehog. From what they just do not make it, from leaves, from flowers, from twigs, from maple or ash seeds.

The simplest hedgehog is done like this. From cardboard cut out the silhouette of a hedgehog. We give children plasticine and maple seeds. We begin to attach rows of seeds with plasticine to cardboard - you need to start from the back of the hedgehog. Children are trying to start with the muzzle - explain to them that this is not right, that then it is not convenient to make the back rows of needles when the front needles stick back and interfere.

By the same principle, a hedgehog is made from flat natural material - leaves and dried flowers. Also starting from the buttocks - we attach it to plasticine or glue. This is the most common autumn-themed children's craft.

Even children love to make autumn turkeys. Also a simple bird craft, which does not require a lot of natural material. The body and head of the bird can be cut out of cardboard. Or the head and torso can be cut with scissors from the same maple leaf (as in the photo of the craft below).

YOU can do crafts without using colored paper, but by cutting out all the parts necessary for the picture from natural material, in the event that you do not find a leaf of a suitable shape.

Here's a great idea. Large craft LION. It can be made from real natural leaves. And you can arrange it as a collective paper craft. In the kindergarten group, we distribute sheets of paper with a maple leaf painted on it. The task of the children is to cut this sheet along the contour. At the end of the lesson, all the children attach their leaves to the lion's mane. A good idea crafts on the theme "autumn" - for middle group kindergarten, when children are in their first year of learning how to cut with scissors along the contour - they will cut a maple leaf for 10 minutes, and puff with zeal like steam locomotives.

If you work in a large children's team (a kindergarten teacher or a teacher, or a circle leader), then you can make one big collective craft. For example, here is such a bird made of natural material. We cut out parts of the bird from cardboard - separately the left wing, separately the right, separately the body and separately the tail. Divide the team by 4 creative groups . Each group of children receives their part and begins to lay leaves on glue or plasticine. After the completion of the work of each team - we combine the details into one common craft bird from natural material as bright as autumn itself.

Autumn crafts-pictures

From natural material.

And of course, beautiful bright crafts-collages in the form of natural landscapes are obtained from the autumn material. In the photo below, we see how different materials- paper, leaves, herbs made a picture-panel.

You can dry many flower petals. And make a big collage with the children blue sky and blue river. Stretch a bridge across the river, cut out of a blackened autumn leaf (for the leaf to turn black, it must be ironed with a hot iron through a newspaper).

And if you don’t have enough dry natural material, then you can paint a picture with gouache or watercolor and lay out only individual elements of the landscape from leaves and herbs (as in this craft below).

Autumn crafts

from natural material.

The nature of autumn is rich in a variety of ornamental materials - hawthorn berries, rose hips, cones, fluffy moss. After a walk in the forest, you can make an elegant autumn composition with a candle. And arrange a romantic candlelight dinner in the theme of autumn.

Thick cut logs, round birch chocks and walnut shells - this poor natural material can be a source of inspiration for such crafts in the form of a mushroom clearing.

From the found cones, you can make a variety of characters with your own hands. And place them in the form of a single autumn composition made with your own hands from natural material (wood, leaves, moss, wood chips, etc.).

Fresh oak branches torn off by a hurricane can be dried in the shade of a shed, under a roof. Oak leaves do not lose their juiciness when dried green color. And then they will be able to participate in interesting crafts made with their own hands from autumn natural material.

A wreath - a symbol of autumn - made of natural material of all shades of bright foliage will delight your whole family. It is so interesting to collect leaves - to pick only the most beautiful ones. It is necessary to weave a wreath from willow twigs with your own hands and weave autumn leaves into it with threads, plant pine cones on wire or glue. We have a special training article on weaving wreaths from twigs and branches on our website -

Beautifully look in autumn wreaths bright fruit-boxes of physalis, twigs with hawthorn fruits, flowers of everlasting flowers.

But even if you do not have bright natural material for making an autumn wreath, don't be discouraged. You can do bright wreath of gray pine cones. You just need to take more gouache. Paint each cone in shades of autumn foliage. Spray with hairspray (so that the color becomes juicier and does not get your hands dirty). And then collect all this colorful splendor of autumn into a rich wreath with your own hands.

Cones in a wreath can be placed with their buttocks forward (as in the photo above), or noses forward (as in the craft below).

You can make decorative autumn wreaths from any one natural material. Only from wild rose - string red fruits on a copper wire and bend it in the shape of a heart.

Or your fall wreath can be made from saw cut logs found in a woodpile.

In the same woodshed, you can find a natural material suitable for making an owl composition.

Your autumn compositions may look like cheerful little people made of birch saw cuts, decorated with various natural materials, which autumn is rich in.

And bunches of cut grass can turn into a hedgehog if you (or good neighbors) have physalis blooming profusely. Its boxes can be sewn with threads to a straw bale. Wrap the sharp edge of the bale with twine and stick on the nose and eyes.

And you can also make from natural autumn material beautiful candlestick . We will need the bottom of any white bottle of household liquid (washing balm, etc.).

On the table we unfold a transparent wide adhesive tape. On its sticky surface we put beautiful small leaves, seeds and other flat natural material inside out. We put it so that between the elements there are empty places of sticky tape (so that there is an adhesive space).

Here are some new ideas for this fall - from natural materials. You found inspiration here. You fell in love with some crafts. And that means this autumn will not pass by your skillful hands. It remains only to collect natural material, which is abundant everywhere, and, fortunately, it is free. As in that verse...

Autumn is walking in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone.

And we give you even more other articles on the topic of autumn crafts.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site.

If you like handicrafts and at the same time use natural materials, then a picture of autumn leaves is something that you can do very quickly and easily. And you do not have to buy expensive material or make any effort to make a real masterpiece that can decorate your home.

Why should you be doing this kind of work?

First of all, it should be noted the advantages that a picture of autumn leaves has. It:

  • — environmental cleanliness;
  • - naturalness;
  • - economy;
  • - decorative;
  • - exclusivity;
  • - ease of manufacture.

With a little effort and imagination, you can create paintings to your liking, and each of them will not look like the other. The process of such creativity is also very exciting for children, especially if you first go for a walk with them and collect beautiful leaves, herbs and flowers.

After drying the material with an iron (express drying) or between the pages of an unnecessary thick book and preparing glue, brush and cardboard, you can begin the creative process, which will surely give you and your children joy and pleasure, as well as contribute to the aesthetic development of your child.

Applications from autumn leaves are very effective method decorating your home in a short time. In this case, you do not have to pay big money for the materials from which your masterpieces will be made.

How to collect and prepare the necessary material?

Applications from autumn leaves should be done only after collected the necessary material. It is better to collect material in the fall, when the leaves become delicious. bright colors and you can make pictures all year round. Well, flowers and herbs can be dried for the entire period of their growth and flowering.

It is better not to collect dry elements, because they can crumble. While picking, pay attention to the size, shape and beauty of the leaves.

In addition to leaves, flowers and herbs, you can also use fluff, cone scales, seeds, as well as ordinary decorative materials(feathers, ribbons, etc.), creating a variety of combinations.

Dried material must be handled with great care, as it becomes very brittle even after being gently dried in a book. Make sure that the plants are completely dry, otherwise the finished work may deteriorate.

Make sure that during the period of storage of the material it does not begin to rot due to poor drying or due to moisture ingress.

How to quickly dry leaves for crafts

Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or cotton pad to remove dirt and dust. It is not necessary to wet and rub too much, so as not to damage the fragile surface.

Line an ironing board with clean paper and spread the leaves on it.

If you use newspapers, be careful as the printing ink can be printed both on the leaves and on the surface of the ironing board.

Top with another sheet of paper.

Switch the iron to the minimum temperature and check that there is no water in it. If your iron does not have too high power, then you can set the temperature closer to the average, but not the maximum, because too hot an iron will ruin the leaves.

Iron the leaves a few times, then remove the paper and flip them over to the other side. Cover again with paper and iron.

Repeat the procedure until the leaves are completely dry.

Materials you will need:

  • - dried natural material:
  • - PVA glue, as well as a regular brush with which it will be applied to the base;
  • - sharp scissors for cutting the necessary elements;
  • - thick cardboard or plain landscape paper (but cardboard is undoubtedly better), to use as a base;
  • - plasticine, with which you can fix volumetric elements;
  • - you should also prepare some kind of load so that you can press down the future picture.

Features of making paintings paintings from flowers and leaves

To get started, come up with a plot for the future picture and select the type of application you are going to make. Here you can rely on your imagination, take as a basis a certain image (picture, photo, etc.) or create images based on the capabilities of the material - when exactly it suggests ideas.

If you have come up with a plot, make a sketch with a simple pencil on the basis, marking out where which details will be. Then think over the sequence of gluing leaves and herbs (especially for a multi-layer complex application). Well, then you can start gluing.

If you didn’t have enough leaves, or didn’t find something specific, then the missing details can simply be added or made from other materials (for example, a flower vase or a head for a little man).

If you are going to do a leaf painting for the first time, then try to draw something simple first to understand how the material behaves, how it should be handled and what nuances may arise.

Having mastered the process, you can move on to more complex images and increase the amount and variety of natural material.

The picture is constructed quite simply: first, larger parts are usually glued to the base, and then smaller ones. If the leaves have extra details, then they can be carefully trimmed.

Naturally, you should select the elements by color so that the picture is as natural and harmonious as possible.
And of course, you need to work carefully and with soul so that your little masterpiece will adequately decorate your home interior.


From the leaves, you can not only make applications, but also paintings - prints. For this on the sheet beautiful shape apply paint with a brush and make a print.

The second option is done using watercolor paper. In this case, the fallen leaves are placed between watercolor paper and a napkin and carefully tapped over the entire surface with a hammer so that the coloring pigment remains on the paper.

Landscape "House in the village"

Let's figure out how to properly assemble a landscape of leaves and herbs.

Any floral landscape is glued from top to bottom.

Glue the sky and the river (to simulate the sky, put the sheet at an angle, for the river - horizontally. Thus, thanks to one material, you will achieve a double effect - the movement of air and the smooth flow of the river).

Proceed to distant shores. Choose soft pastel colors. Suitable raspberry leaves (with reverse side), peony and rose petals.

Glue the hills of the near shore from a green leaf.

Making a house: first glue the walls, then the roof and windows.

Plant trees around. Create a crown from all kinds of herbs (lungwort, knotweed, fern), cut trunks from birch bark, banana skins.

The last “strokes” are small bushes, a fence, sheaves.

Decorate the picture in any framing workshop (passport, glass, frame).

Do not hang the painting in direct sunlight so that it does not deteriorate.

colorful collages

Autumn leaves are so beautiful on their own that they look great in frames and without any plot. Look how beautiful! The first layer is dark leaves, then put the contrasting and most beautiful ones, so the volume will be felt. Everything is framed.

Another idea: we put a sheet of thick cardboard on a collage of leaves, in which a letter or a simple figure is cut out with a clerical knife.

Photo frame

For the autumn exhibition, you can make frames for photographs and for the design of essays and poems on the theme of autumn. Here are some options for such work - very simple and effective.