Names of events by astrid lindgren. Children's Book Week

Mou Bykovskaya medium comprehensive school №14

Ramensky municipal district of the Moscow region

literary hour

"Visiting Astrid Lindgren"


Primary school teacher

Ponkratova Natalya Viktorovna

Bykovo 2017

The purpose of the lesson:

1. To acquaint with the life and work of A. Lindgren;

2. To cultivate a kind attitude towards each other, towards children left without parental love and affection, love for animals;

3. To form character traits: resourcefulness, courage, the ability to make decisions, the ability to make friends, take care of loved ones.

4. Expand the horizons of children, develop oral speech and memory, to cultivate interest in the work of A. Lindgren.

Lesson type:

Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge

Used textbooks and tutorials:

Astrid Lindgren books

Used equipment:

projector, screen, presentation "A. Lindgren - children's writer".

Course progress.

  1. Topic message. Exhibition of books, drawings.

"I hope that perhaps

My books will help inspire the little ones

Readers more humanity,

Greater understanding of other people.

Astrid Lindgren

(Slide 1) Today we are going to fabulous journey on a visit to the writer, who is called the "sorceress from Stockholm" or "the sorceress from Sweden." This is Astrid Lindgren. And it is also called "Andersen of our days." Why do you think?

  1. Author's note.

(Slide 2) Lindgren is the author of over 40 books and has won many Swedish national and international awards. Among them is a medal received at home, which bears the name of one famous heroes children's literature by Nils Hogelson. The same Niels who flew around Sweden with a goose flock. Lindgren also had a very cheerful order - the Order of the Smile, presented by Polish children, as well as the International gold medal Andersen, which is awarded to the best children's writers.

(Slide 3) Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, how to find it on the map? On the world map, almost at the very north pole wesee a big furry dog painted with brown and yellow paint. This is the Scandinavian Peninsula. It contains the 2 northernmost countries in Europe - Norway and Sweden.This peninsula looks shaggy on the map because its shores are very uneven: there are a great many narrow bays - fjords, rocky peninsulas. Sweden occupies the "belly" of the dog-like peninsula and its huge green "front paw". It is on this "paw" - in other words, on the east coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula - that the capital of Sweden, the city of Stockholm, is located.Stockholm is located on the banks of the strait and 14 islands connected by high bridges. It was there that our sorceress spent more than 50 years. And she was born in the south of Sweden in Småland.

Småland is a country of lakes and rocks. It's wooded, wild and beautiful. There are many old churches and ruins overgrown with grass. Fairy tales, legends, legends lived in the region. In the endless northern evenings, the children told each other fairy tales. Lindgren's stories were the most interesting and mysterious.

“I was born in an old red house surrounded by an apple orchard. I was the second child in the family... The estate in which we lived was called - and is still called - Nes, and it is located very close to the small town of Vimmerby, in Småland ... "

Astrid Lindgren

(Slide 4) The future famous writer Astrid Lindgren - Astrid Anna Emilia Eriksson - was born on November 14, 1907 in the province of Småland in southern Sweden in a family of farmers.She was the second child of Samuel August Erickson and his wife Hana. My father was engaged in agriculture on a rented farm on the very outskirts of the town of Nese. Together with his older brother, Gunnar, three sisters grew up in the family - Astrid, Stina and Ygegerd.(Slide 5) The writer herself always called her childhood happy and pointed out that it was it that served as a source of inspiration for her work. Astrid's parents not only had a deep affection for each other and for the children, but also did not hesitate to show it, which was rare at that time. About special relationship in the family, the writer spoke with great sympathy and tenderness in her only book not addressed to children, “Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Khan from Hult” (1972).

(Slide 6) As a child, Astrid Lindgren was surrounded by folklore, and many jokes, tales of history that she heard from her father or from friends later formed the basis of her own works. Love for books and reading, as she later admitted, arose in the kitchen of Christine, with whom she was friends. It was Christine who introduced Astrid to the amazing, exciting world that one could get into by reading fairy tales. The impressionable Astrid was shocked by this discovery, and later mastered the magic of the word herself.(Slide 7) After school, at the age of 16, she began working as a journalist for a local newspaper. Then she leaves for Stockholm, graduates from secretarial courses, and in 1931 finds a job in her specialty and in the same year leaves married.

(Slide 8) According to Astrid Lindgren, as a writer, she was born thanks to her daughter Karin, whom she told all sorts of stories before going to bed. Once, when the girl fell ill, she told a story about Pippi Longstocking - she invented this name.So Astrid Lindgren began to compose a story about a girl who does not obey any conditions.(Slide 9) After the first story of Pippi, the writer over the next years told more and more evening tales about this red-haired girl. For her birthday, Astrid Lindgren wrote down several stories, from which she then compiled a book of her own making and with her own drawings for her daughter.

(Slide 10) Astrid wrote her first book at the age of 37, it was called Britt-Marie Pours Out Her Soul. Lindgren sent to one of the Swedish literary competitions. And, to be honest, quite unexpectedly for myself, I received the first prize there.
Right here
Lindgren fully understood what happiness it is - the opportunity to write.And that all the hardships and failures in her life - in essence,"trifles, the business of life". Now every evening she dreamed that a new day would begin as soon as possible and the moment would come when she could sit at her desk and be alone with her heroes.

(Slide 11) But sensational fame was brought to the writer by her second book, Pippi Longstocking (1945).

In 1946, she published the first story about the detective Kalle Blomkvist ("Kalle Blomkvist plays"). Thanks to which, she won the first prize in a literary competition. A sequel followed in 1951, Kalle Blomkvist Takes Risks, and in 1953 the final part of the trilogy, Kalle Blomkvist and Rasmus.

(Slide 12) In June 1996, a miracle of miracles happened in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm! Astrid Lindgren erected two monuments during her lifetime! The first - a bronze bust of the writer - in Tegner Park in the center of Stockholm, five blocks from her house Second - in Djurgården park: a bronze Astrid in a beret sits in an armchair with an open book in her hands.

(Slide 13) A few meters from the statue of Astrid in Djurgården, there is a whole fabulous house, a whole "Lindgrenland"! You can enter it, listen to fairy tales and music.

(Slide 14) Here you can buy books of the world's wonderful storytellers and even take a train ride along the fabulous railway and see different places and many of the characters described in the booksAstrid Lindgren.And another small planet was named after Astrid Lindgren. In response to this, the writer said: “Finally, I will fly! I've dreamed about this all my life!"

(Slide 15) The works of Astrid Lindgren were also filmed in the USSR: these are children's films The Adventures of Kalle the Detective (1976), Rasmus the Tramp (1978), Pippi Longstocking (1984), Tricks of the Tomboy (based on the story The Adventures of Emil from Lönneberg ”, 1985), “Mio, my Mio!” (1987).

(Slide 16) Two cartoons about Carlson were also filmed: "Kid and Carlson" (1968), "Carlson returned" (1970). Created in Russia computer games based on the books about Pippi, Carlson and the story "Roni, the Robber's Daughter".

(Slide 17) The writer died on January 28, 2002 in Stockholm. Astrid Lindgren is one of the most famous children's writers in the world. Her works are imbued with fantasy and love for children. Many of them have been translated into over 90 languages ​​and published in more than 100 countries.

  1. Book review.

World of Heroes Lindgren

Let's take a look at the booksgave us a writer

1. "The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist"(Slide 18)

The story is about a teenage boy who dreamed of becoming a detective.

Meeting with thieves and murderers, flight, dangers fall to the lot of the heroes of the book. Children are always ready to help. They are extremely enterprising and resourceful.

2. "Myo, my Mio!" (Slide 19)

In 1954, Astrid Lindgren composed the first of her three fairy tales- "Myo, my Mio!". This emotional, dramatic book combines the techniques of heroic storytelling and fairy tale. Astrid Lindgren has repeatedly resorted to fairy tales and fairy tales, touching on the fate of lonely and abandoned children. Bring comfort to children, help them, overcome difficult situations- this task was not least driven by the work of the writer.

The little hero of the fairy tale is an orphan, a pupil of an orphanage. His dream of a happy life, of a loving father turns into a wonderful fairy tale about the Far Country. Falling into this fairy tale small Mio not only enjoys life , rides, listens to fairy tales of a magic well, he defeats the cruel knight Kato, who destroys everything bright and beautiful on earth.

  1. "Rasmus the Rogue."(Slide 20) Fragment of the film

In this book, the reader will get to know Rasmus, an orphan boy whose life was by no means cloudless. He will have to go through many unexpected and mysterious adventures and finally find the happiness of the hearth.

  1. "Ronya is the daughter of a robber."(Slide 21)

This book is about a girl who was born into a robber's family. Her life, hardships, adventures are told in this work.

  1. "Emil from Lenneberg"(Slide 22)

The action takes place on a small farm. Main character- a naughty and a prankster, but he never wants to offend or offend anyone, he wants to help everyone , bring joy. Astrid Lindgren wanted to say with her story: from the most playful boys and girls, if they are smart, kind, honest and cordial, wonderful people grow up over time.

  1. "Pippi - long stocking(Slide 23)

Peppy is a lonely girl who lives without parents. She is cheerful, cheerful, playful. This book is about her adventures.

  1. "Kid and Carlson."(Slide 24)

But, perhaps, the heroes most beloved by children all over the world are Carlson and his faithful friend Baby .

Lindgren herself talks about her "meeting" with Carlson as follows:“I saw him, or rather, at first I heard something at night, when I couldn’t sleep. I could not sleep, perhaps because something was buzzing outside the window for a long time. And then he flew into the room, sat on the bed and asked where to find the Kid ... “Who are you? I asked. “Why did you come to me?” “I am the best Carlson in the world who lives on the roof,” he replied, “and I flew in because you wrote a book about Pippi Longstocking.” Then I gave him the Kid's address. I will not name this address, because it is a secret ... ".

Fragment of the cartoon
4. Coloring quiz

"Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof"

(Slide 25-48)

  1. Summarizing

What country did we visit today?

What wonderful writer did you meet?

What do Astrid Lindgren's books teach? (Love for neighbors, care for and help orphans, learn to be friends, be resourceful, etc.)

On November 14, 2017, a book and illustration exhibition dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren was organized and held in the library for the pupils of the Samara Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The exhibition featured the most famous works author, as well as biographical literature.

The writer, who gave the children the charming Carlson and the pretty Pippi Longstocking, has become dear to all the children of the world. It is difficult to find a person who has not read the kind and fascinating books of Astrid Lindgren. She, like no one else, unraveled the child's soul and found a path to it.

In Russia, the writer was awarded the Leo Tolstoy medal, awarded to the most outstanding educators of children around the world. Almost all literary works Astrid Lindgren filmed, they are staged theatrical performances. She is rightfully considered one of the best storytellers in Scandinavia. Not without reason in her native country the writer was called "Andersen of our days", and in the world - "the sorceress from Sweden."

The need for holding such exhibitions lies in the development of cadets' interest in reading, in the formation of the best human qualities in students, in expanding their horizons.

We thank our cadets for participating in the book and illustration exhibition. For school year they are active readers of the library

  • develop a sustained interest in the work of Astrid Lindgren, motivation for reading based on exciting gaming activities, the ability to cooperate in solving common problems and creatively apply knowledge in new situations;
  • expand the horizons of children, replenish vocabulary;
  • instill in students a love of reading.

Equipment: an exhibition of A. Lindgren's books, a portrait, Carlson's toy, emblems, illustrations for works, a tape recorder, a cassette, award gifts, a crossword puzzle, a video recorder, video cassettes, puzzles, certificates.

Event progress

Host: Dear children! I will start our quiz game with a riddle about a fairy-tale hero.

The prankster came here
Inventor and visionary.
He and the nanny, he and the master,
Both artist and actor.
He loves cakes and buns,
Mountains of sweets, sweets,
And the guys, having landed,
Helmet big - big hello!

Students: This is Carlson!

The song "Carlson" sounds.

Presenter: Guys, who wrote the work "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof"?

Pupils: This work was written by the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren.

Host: Today we are holding a literary game "Astrid Lindgren and Her Heroes". This game is played by 3 teams. I'll ask the teams to introduce themselves.

1 team: "Searchers".

Motto: "We dig, we search and wander not in vain -
It's time for us to discover marvelous secrets."

Team 2: "Konopatiki".

Motto: Freckled and snub-nosed
Never hang up your nose."

3 team: "Why".

Motto: "We poke our nose into any question."

I represent the jury.

Host: Let's start first competition- warm-up. Guys, you should have read the biography of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren at home. Now I will ask questions to each team in turn.

1. Give the date and place of birth of the Swedish writer.

Pupils: Astrid Anna Emil Erikson was born on November 14, 1907 on the Nas farm, not far from the town of Vimmerby, into a farming family.

2. What were the names of her parents?

Pupils: Dad's name was Samuel August, and mom's name was Hannah.

3. How many children were there in the Erinsson family?

Pupils: There were four children in the family: Stina, Astrid, Ingegerd and brother Gunnar. Astrid became the second child.

4. What kind of childhood did the writer have?

Pupils: The writer herself always called her childhood happy. It had a lot of games and adventures. It was it that served as a source of inspiration for her work.

5. What was Astrid surrounded by as a child?

Pupils: As a child, Astrid was surrounded by folklore. Many jokes, fairy tales, stories that she heard from her father or from friends later formed the basis of her own works.

6. Which of the people around introduced her to the amazing, exciting world that one could get into while reading fairy tales?

Pupils: Kristin, with whom Astrid was friends, introduced her to an amazing exciting world.

7. Where did Astrid work after school?

Pupils: After school at the age of 16, Astrid Erickson started working as a journalist for a local newspaper.

8. How many works has Astrid Lindgren written?

9. What was the name of her first work and to whom was it dedicated?

Pupils: Astrid Lindgren wrote the very first big story "Pippi Longstocking" as a gift to her daughter in 1944.

Host: When Karin's daughter was seven years old, she became seriously ill and lay in bed for several months. Every evening the girl asked her mother to tell her something. The writer recalled: “Once, when I didn’t know what to tell, she made an order - About Pippi Longstocking. I didn’t ask who it was, and began to tell incredible stories, which would match strange name girls".

10. Did Astrid Lindgren write for adults?

Students: Astrid Lindgren wrote only for children.

Moderator: The Swedish writer has repeatedly said: "I don't want to write for adults!". These words became the credo of her life and work. She wanted to write only for children, because she absolutely shared the point of view of the wonderful French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery that all people come from childhood.

11. Into how many languages ​​have her works been translated?

Pupils: Many of her works have been translated into more than 70 languages ​​and published in more than 100 countries.

12. What awards did Astrid Lindgren have?

Pupils: Astrid Lindgren was awarded the Nils Holgersson medal, the Order of Smile, the most important award for storytellers - the H. K. Andersen International Gold Medal (1958).

Moderator: In addition to the awards given exclusively to children's writers, Lindgren has also received a number of awards for adult authors, in particular, the Karen Blixen Medal established by the Danish Academy, the Russian Leo Tolstoy Medal, and the Chilean Selma Lagerlöf Prize.

In 1969, the writer received the Swedish State Prize for Literature. Her philanthropic achievements have been recognized with the 1978 German Booksell Peace Prize and the 1989 Albert Schweitzer Medal (awarded by the American Animal Improvement Institute).

The writer died on January 28, 2002 in Stockholm. Astrid Lindgren is one of the most famous children's writers in the world.

In Sweden, she became a living legend, as she entertained, inspired and comforted generations of readers, participated in political life, changed laws and significantly influenced the development of children's literature.

Many books by A. Lindgren have been filmed.

Competition 2: "What books by Astrid Lindgren have you read?"

The teams take turns naming the pieces:

"Three stories about the Kid and Carlson", "Pippi Longstocking", "Roni, the robber's daughter", "The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberg", "We are all from Bullerby", "On the island of Saltkrok", "Mio, my Mio", " The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist", "Rasmus the Tramp", "Mirabel", "Little Nils Carlson", "The Brothers Lionheart", "Madiken and Pims", "There are no robbers in the forest".

Competition 3: "From what works are the lines taken?"

1. She took it into her head to teach the horse to dance, but instead she crawled on all fours into the closet and covered herself with a box there - this was called playing sardines:

Pupils: "Pippi Longstocking".

2. "It was beginning to get dark, and everything around looked very beautiful: the sky was as blue as it is only in spring; the houses, as always at dusk, seemed somehow mysterious. Below, the park turned green: and from the tall poplars growing in the yard, a wonderful, pungent smell of leaves rose up.

This evening was made for walks on rooftops."

Pupils: "Carlson, who lives on the roof."

3. "But now the Great Mumrik was not in any of the indicated caches. He was in a completely different place. And one of the main reasons why the War of the Roses broke out again on this hot July day was precisely the fact that Alym was impatient for sure find out where the hiding place is. And with the leader of the White Roses hostage, it is perhaps not so difficult to find out.

Pupils: "The Adventures of Kalle Blomkvist".

4. “Having laughed enough, Yum-Yum and I ran into the garden, started somersaulting in the clearings and playing hide and seek among the rose bushes. There are so many hiding places in the garden that a tenth of them would have been enough for Benka and me in Tegner Park. Or rather, Benka would have been enough After all, it is clear that I will no longer have to look for hiding places in Tegner Park.

Students: "Myo, my Mio."

5. "She remembered the time when she and Emil played Indians and Emil shoved her into a large copper basin with lingonberry jam so that she would become red-skinned, like a real Indian."

Pupils: "Emil from Lenneberg".

6. “Yes, the storm was so terrible that all the evil spirits that lived in the forest of Mattis crawled frightened into their caves and secret shelters. castle on Mount Mattis. Their howls and cries interfered with Luvis, who lay in the inner chambers of the castle and was about to give birth to a baby."

Pupils: "Roni, the robber's daughter."

7. Yes, Freken Heck - answered Gunnar in a tone that Freken Heck is supposed to answer. In the special voice of an orphanage child, as he speaks to the headmistress or to the pastor who has come with an inspection and asks if the children like tending the garden. Or when the parents of village children come and ask why they beat their son, who shouted to someone in the schoolyard: "The parish tramp!" And the parish must answer in such a voice, submissive and polite, because Freken Heck, the pastor and other authorities tell him so.

Pupils: "Rasmus is a tramp."

8. "Finally I went to my own garden behind the house and planted there the seed that was given to me. Then I went for my little watering can and properly watered the soil in which I planted the seed.

Every day I went to water the seed and burned with curiosity - what will grow out of it. I thought maybe it would be a rose bush or something beautiful. But I would never have been able to guess what it would actually be."

Students: Mirabelle.

9. "In the kitchen, on the table for washing dishes, lay an old toothbrush that had served its age. Bertil took it and broke off the handle. Then he looked into the cupboard. There was a small - very small cup - my mother served jelly in it. Bertil poured into a cup of warm water from the pot, and put a bar of soap in it.

Pupils: "Little Nils Carlson."

4 competition "Homework".

Staging of works by A. Lindgren:

"Pippi Longstocking" - 1 team;

"Little Nils Carlson" - 2nd team;

"Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof" - 3rd team.

5 competition "Recognize the work by drawing".

The facilitator shows the drawings to the teams. They will recognize the works of A. Lindgren.

Next contest - captain competition.

Auction "The most - the most".

The captains go to the blackboard and take turns calling all the classes for which Carlson is the "World's Best Specialist".

Carlson is the best in the world: flyer, steam engine specialist, rooster draftsman, builder, speed housekeeper, dog breeder, magician, friend, cake destroyer, ghost, night prankster, snorer, pancake eater, runner, meatball specialist, towel finder, housekeeper tamer, babysitter, prankster, companion hunter, fox painter, etc.

Leading: And now let's have a little rest with you and play the game "Echo". And Pippi Longstocking will conduct this game.

Pippi Longstocking: You guys will be my ECHO. Answer questions. And to make it more fun, also clap your hands. Answering - two claps at the same time. So let's get started!

What is twice two? (Two! Two!)

What about a hundred and twenty minus two? (Two! Two!)

Great answer! (Vet! Vet!)

Mathematicians - hello! (Vet! Vet!)

Is it an ear or a nose? (Nose! Nose!)

Or maybe hay? (Woz! Woz!)

Is it an elbow or an eye? (Holding his elbow.) (Eye! Eye!)

But this is what we have? (Holding his nose) (Us! Us!)

Are you always good? (Yes Yes!)

Or only sometimes? (Yes Yes!)

Tired of answering? (Chat! Chat!)

I'll ask you to be quiet.

7 contest "Guess the crossword puzzle".

Each team, on a signal, begins to guess the crossword puzzle.

  1. One of Carlson's favorite dishes. (Puffs.)
  2. The name of the dog that was given to the Kid for his birthday. (Bimbo.)
  3. What was the name of Baby's sister? (Betan.)
  4. The name of a storyteller from Sweden. (Astrid.)
  5. The name of the city where the fabulous events took place. (Stockholm.)
  6. Habitat Carlson. (Roof.)
  7. A gift to Carlson on his birthday from the Kid. (Pistol.)
  8. The real name of the baby. (Svante.)

Host: Read what happened.

Students: Lindgren.

8th competition "Voicing of a silent fragment".

1 team voiced a fragment from the video film "Mio, my Mio".

Team 2 - "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."

Team 3 - Pippi Longstocking.

9 competition. Blitz poll.

Questions for 1 team:

1. Name full name Pippi Longstocking.

Pupils: Peppilot - Viktualina - Rolgardina Longstocking.

2. What days did Pippi clean her house?

Pupils: Peppy cleaned her house on Fridays.

3. Why did Emil's mother decide to break the tureen with a poker?

Pupils: Emil got into the tureen with his head and got stuck in it.

4. How did the thieves Fillet and Roulle get into Malysh's apartment?

Pupils: We opened the door with a wire inserted into the slot of the mailbox.

5. What did the son of the king of the Far Country hold in his hand?

Students: He was holding an apple in his hand.

6. How did it happen that the old robber castle turned into two castles?

Students: It split in half during a thunderstorm the night Roni was born.

7. What was depicted in the picture that Pippi painted at home, right on the wallpaper?

Pupils: The picture showed a fat lady, in a black hat and red dress, holding a yellow flower in one hand and a dead rat in the other hand.

8. What was the name of the song that Carlson composed?

Pupils: The song was called "The Cry of the Little Ghost".

9. What did Lisa from Bellerby get for her birthday?

Pupils: They gave her a room for her birthday.

10. With whom did Mio make friends in the Far Land?

Students: Mio befriends a boy named Yum-Yum and a horse called Miramis.

Questions for the second team:

1. In what ways did Emil offer to pull out a tooth from the maid Lina.

Pupils: He advised Lina to jump off the roof or tie a tooth to a horse and let the horse gallop.

2. How does Carlson feel about trouble?

Pupils: "Troubles are nothing, a matter of life!" Carlson said.

3. What new word did Pippi come up with?

Pupils: Peppy came up with the word - kukaryamba.

4. What the new kind sport was invented by Pippi?

Pupils: Pippi came up with a new sport - asking each other questions.

5. What did Roni and Birk name the horses they tamed?

Pupils: Roni and Birk named the horses Sly and Savage.

6. Remember the name of the country in which Pope Ephraim was the Negro king.

Pupils: The country was called Veseliya.

7. How much will 7x7 be in the land of Veseliya?

Pupils: 7x7=102, because the climate there is completely different and the land is so fertile that 7x7 must be more than ours.

8. What did Carlson build the high tower from?

Pupils: He built a tower of cubes and one meatball.

9. What was the name of the villa where Pippi settled?

Pupils: The villa was called "Chicken".

10. What did Emil raise on the flagpole instead of the flag in honor of the arrival of the guests?

Pupils: Emil raised his sister Ida to the flagpole.

Questions for the 3rd team:

1. What did the brother and sister give the Kid for his birthday?

Pupils: They gave the Kid a toy dog.

2. How did Birk save Roni's life?

Students: He fought the underground spirits who lured Roni with their singing.

3. How many little men did Emil carve in the woodshed?

Students: He massacred exactly 365 people.

4. What did Pippi grow in the tree garden?

Pupils: In the garden, Pippi grew bottles of lemonade on the trees.

5. For which Emil was forgiven for all his pranks.

Pupils: He saved Alfred's life when he took him in a sleigh to the doctor in a snowstorm.

6. What do the words "Usombusor - garbage - filimbusor" mean in translation from Negro.

Students: These words mean: Tremble my enemies!

7. What treatment did Carlson prescribe for Uncle Julius?

Disciples: He prescribed the following treatment for him: tickling, anger, fooling around.

8. Who was painfully jealous of the housekeeper Freken Bock?

Pupils: Her sister Frida envied her.

9. What secret signal system did Malysh and Carlson use?

Pupils: One call means: "Come immediately." Two calls: "Do not fly by any means." Three calls: "What a blessing that there is such a beautiful, smart, moderately well-fed and brave person in the world like you, the best Carlson in the world!"

10. What did the children from Bullerby do at Christmas?

Pupils: They put peas in a bottle and sent them to the neighbors. Everyone had to say how many peas were in the bottle. The one who guessed most accurately won a prize.

Moderator: And now let's ask the jury to sum up the final results literary game: "Astrid Lindgren and her heroes".

Awards for teams.

All participants in the literary game receive memorable gifts.

The song "Little Country" sounds, music by I. Nikolaev.

Literary lounge dedicated to the work of Astrid Lindgren

"The Enchantress Who Lives Everywhere"


    Education in schoolchildren of the best human qualities inherent in outstanding women of the world;

    Develop cognitive interest, love of reading.

    Develop a sustained interest in the work of Astrid Lindgren, motivation for reading based on exciting gaming activities, the ability to cooperate in solving common problems and creatively apply knowledge in new situations;

    Expand the horizons of children, replenish vocabulary;

    Cultivate a sense of responsibility for actions;

    Learn to love people and life

Equipment: photographs by Astrid Lindgren, book exhibition, children's drawings, balloons, world map, anaword, video cassettes with cartoons “Pippi Longstocking”, “Baby and Carlson who lives on the roof”, audio cassette Musical by V. Dashkevich “Pippi Longstocking” with children's songs from movies.

Event progress

Presenter: Dear Guys! I am glad to welcome you, within the walls of the children's library. A. Matrosova. You are our best readers, and that is why we invited you to take part in the celebration dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of the kindest and most cheerful writer, with a childish soul - this is Astrid Lindgren. Let's watch an excerpt from the movie, maybe it will tell you who we are going to talk about today.

Leading. You probably all recognized Pippi, the heroine of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking".

Who were Pippi's parents?

Who was involved in the education of Pippi?

Leading. Pippi has always been a resourceful girl. Let's see how resourceful you are.

    What does half an apple look like? (for the second half)

    What fabric can not be used to sew a shirt? (from the railway)

    Which hand is best for stirring tea? (preferably with a spoon)

    What can't you pick up from the ground? (shadow)

    Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (ostriches don't speak)

    What bird bears the name of a famous Russian writer? (Gogol)

    Which five-letter word has five "o"s? (again)

Presenter: Name the author of the book "Pippi Longstocking"? (Astrid Lindgren)

Then I invite youto the Literary Room dedicated to the life and work of Astrid Lindgren. To do this, we will have to make a short flight to the Scandinavian Peninsula. Ready? Then go ahead.

Presenter: Look, the guides are already waiting for us.

1 guide. If you look at a map of Europe, in the north you can immediately see a peninsula that looks like a giant dog or a tiger and many, many different islands and islets. The largest of them is called Scandinavian. It is washed by as many as 4 seas - the North and Baltic, Norwegian and Barents Seas. There are many rivers in Scandinavia high mountains, plateaus, dense forests and swamps. Three countries are located here - Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Here is the birthplace of Astrid Lindgren - Sweden.

People love their country very much, protect it and keep it clean. The rivers and lakes here are rich in fish, the forests are rich in birds, and the subsoil is rich in minerals.

Sweden is a kingdom. But the most important affairs in the country are decided by the bourgeois government, and not at all by the king.

Here, on November 29, 1907, the children's writer Astrid Erickson (Lindgren) was born on the estate of Nes in the harsh and poor province of Småland. Crafts flourished in Småland for a long time - the birthplace of the well-known Swedish match, the land of skilled craftsmen glassblowers and carpenters. There are many ancient churches and ruins overgrown with grass. Fairy tales, legends and legends lived in this region.

Stony, slightly covered with clay soil, the lands poorly fed the peasants. It happened that the inhabitants, in despair, fled who, where, in search of work and bread. However, for the most part they were hardy, agile, strong, industrious, resourceful and skillful. They were people capable of draining swamps, clearing rocky lands for arable land, patiently cultivating barren soil. Such were the ancestors of Astrid, hardworking and stubborn peasants.

2 guide. Ida - grandmother, day-to-day worked in the field, washed. She cooked, and at night she washed the floors and did all sorts of housework. Another grandmother Luvis, a kind woman, was something of a nurse. Helped children to be born.

Astrid's parents were hardworking, kind people. They had to work hard for a piece of bread. There was no wealth and abundance in the estate, but the din did not starve, as in other houses. Mother Hanna, in girls, loved to read, studied well, wanted to become a teacher. But in those days it was not very accepted for girls to study, and she had no choice but to marry Samuel Augustus. He was a young man from a peasant family who had to work hard since childhood. One day he received "big money", with which he bought rabbits, which he had long dreamed of. Samuel graduated from a folk school and after that only monotonous hard work. One day he met Hannah and fell in love with her. He always recalled: “We had a fun wedding ball, although we didn’t dance or fight.” Father has always had great feeling humor. Together they lived 56 years, until his death. Astrid's mother had to work hard: she milked cows, spun, wove, baked, took care of the house, helped the poor. She gave birth to 4 children to her husband.

3 guide. Småland, with his wonderful nature and difficult life, played a significant role in Astrid's work. Forever she remembered meadows covered with primroses, mossy forests with delicate bluebells, pastures, lakes covered with snow-white water lilies. Astrid and her siblings had a favorite tree with an owl's nest, like Pippi Longstocking. And in front of their house there were beautiful flower beds where wonderful flowers grew. And that's all: stones, flowers, and trees were close to Astrid, like living beings.

Like all children, Astroid with their sisters and brother were very fond of fooling around. They played their games from morning to evening. On Sundays they had to put on black woolen stockings and go to Sunday school (church). But she didn't understand a word of what it said.

Such entertainment as cinema, theater, TV - they did not know in Nes, but a lot of holidays were held there in winter and summer.

But the kids didn't just have fun. From the age of 6 they were taught to work. They thinned turnips, helped harvest crops, picked nettles for chickens, carried food to mowers in the field. The duties of the elders were to nurse the younger ones. Not far from the estate, in small houses, lived very poor people who had to be hired. The Erickson family also had such workers. Sometimes they were visited by vagabonds who do not live anywhere, but just go and go somewhere. Among them came across and merry fellows who told amusing stories.

When Astrid was about 5 years old, she did not suspect that there were books in the world, because they did not have them at home. Once Edith was a neighbor's girl, she already went to school and knew how to read, and she took books from the school library, read her a fairy tale about a giant and a fairy. Astrid liked it so much that she began to ask her every day to read her a fairy tale, and soon she herself learned to read. The first book she read was Snow White.

4 guide. 1914 Astrid went to school. She loved school. But she disliked her first teacher, who was kind only to the children of the rich. In this school, some teachers used rods. She remembered the case when a girl stole money from another student to buy candy (some students of this school did not eat their fill) and for this she was beaten with rods. But there were also young, kind and friendly teachers. When Astrid was 10 years old, she enrolled in the library, where she disappeared for hours.

After school, she graduated from college with good grades. A year later, she was offered a job at a newspaper. She was the only female journalist (a rarity at the time).

5 guide. At the age of 18, she moved in search of work to the capital of Sweden - Stockholm. Here she was very poor, she had to starve. Finally she found a job in an office where she received a small penny. She was greatly appreciated, especially by the chef - Sture Lindgren. In the spring of 1931, she married him. They settled in two-room apartment. Astrid left the service and became a housewife, raising her son. Three years later, their daughter Karin was born. Astrid was a wonderful mother - loving, attentive, caring.

On September 1, 1939, the war began. Nobody wanted to believe it. Early in the morning the Germans bombed many Polish cities. Astrid began to follow the military events, especially she was worried about the news of the murdered children. She was outraged by the Swedes who defended Nazism. Transit was allowed through Sweden - the passage of German troops. There is not enough food in Stockholm, but Lingred at that time was worried about the Russian and French prisoners of war, who were terribly starving in the port. In 1943 - transits ended, it was happy news for many Swedes.

6 guide. After the war, Astrid felt an overwhelming need to write. She wrote short stories that were published in children's newspapers. Once Lindgren sent her new book"Pippi Longstocking". This book was a huge success. She has since become a famous writer and has written many more wonderful children's books. For her work, Astrid received high awards not only in Sweden, but also abroad. After a difficult life, she became a wealthy “millionaire”.

On November 14, 2012, the writer would have turned 105 years old.

Children look at an exhibition of books, dedicated to creativity Astrid Lindgren.

presenter . In Lindgren's books, there are stories about extraordinary children, something outstanding, like Pippi, Emil, as well as about ordinary children, like the Kid, but falling into unusual circumstances. The trilogy about the guys from Bullerby is a story about ordinary children in ordinary circumstances. All of them live in a peasant environment, in middle-class families.

Leading. What did Carlson like to do most of all? (naughty) I'm sure you all love to be naughty. So let's play pranks together, take part in the literary game. And for this you need to be divided into three teams.

1 team: "Searchers".

Motto: "We dig, we search and wander not in vain -
It's time for us to discover marvelous secrets."

Team 2: "Chitalkins".

Motto: Freckled and snub-nosed
Never hang up your nose."

3 team: "Why".

Motto: "We poke our nose into any question."

I represent the jury.

Leading : Beginfirst competition - warm-up. Guys, you should have read the biography of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren at home. Now I will ask questions to each team in turn.

1. Give the date and place of birth of the Swedish writer.

Pupils: Astrid Anna Emil Erikson was born on November 14, 1907 on the Nas farm, not far from the town of Vimmerby, into a farming family.

2. What were the names of her parents?

Pupils: Dad's name was Samuel August, and mom's name was Hannah.

3. How many children were there in the Erinsson family?

Pupils: There were four children in the family: Stina, Astrid, Ingegerd and brother Gunnar. Astrid became the second child.

4. What kind of childhood did the writer have?

Pupils: The writer herself always called her childhood happy. It had a lot of games and adventures. It was it that served as a source of inspiration for her work.

5. What was Astrid surrounded by as a child?

Pupils: As a child, Astrid was surrounded by folklore. Many jokes, fairy tales, stories that she heard from her father or from friends later formed the basis of her own works.

6. Which of the people around introduced her to the amazing, exciting world that one could get into while reading fairy tales?

Pupils: Kristin, with whom Astrid was friends, introduced her to an amazing exciting world.

7. Where did Astrid work after school?

Pupils: After school at the age of 16, Astrid Erickson started working as a journalist for a local newspaper.

8. How many works has Astrid Lindgren written?

9. What was the name of her first work and to whom was it dedicated?

Pupils: Astrid Lindgren wrote the very first big story "Pippi Longstocking" as a gift to her daughter in 1944.

Host: When Karin's daughter was seven years old, she became seriously ill and lay in bed for several months. Every evening the girl asked her mother to tell her something. The writer recalled: "Once, when I did not know what to tell, she made an order - About Pippi Longstocking. I did not ask who it was, and began to tell incredible stories that would correspond to the girl's strange name."

10. Did Astrid Lindgren write for adults?

Students: Astrid Lindgren wrote only for children.

Moderator: The Swedish writer has repeatedly said: "I don't want to write for adults!". These words became the credo of her life and work. She wanted to write only for children, because she absolutely shared the point of view of the wonderful French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, that all people come from childhood.

11. Into how many languages ​​have her works been translated?

Pupils: Many of her works have been translated into more than 70 languages ​​and published in more than 100 countries.

12. What awards did Astrid Lindgren have?

Pupils: Astrid Lindgren was awarded the Nils Holgersson medal, the Order of Smile, the most important award for storytellers - the H. K. Andersen International Gold Medal (1958).

Leading: In addition to the awards given exclusively to children's writers, Lindgren has also received a number of awards for adult authors, in particular, the Karen Blixen Medal established by the Danish Academy, the Russian Leo Tolstoy Medal, and the Chilean Selma Lagerlöf Prize.

In 1969, the writer received the Swedish State Prize for Literature. Her philanthropic achievements have been recognized with the 1978 German Booksell Peace Prize and the 1989 Albert Schweitzer Medal (awarded by the American Animal Improvement Institute).

The writer died on January 28, 2002 in Stockholm. Astrid Lindgren is one of the most famous children's writers in the world.

In Sweden, she became a living legend, as she entertained, inspired and comforted generations of readers, participated in political life, changed laws and significantly influenced the development of children's literature.

Many books by A. Lindgren have been filmed.

2 contest : "What books by Astrid Lindgren have you read?"

The teams take turns naming the pieces:

"Three stories about the Kid and Carlson", "Pippi Longstocking", "Roni, the robber's daughter", "The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberg", "We are all from Bullerby", "On the island of Saltkrok", "Mio, my Mio", " The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist", "Rasmus the Tramp", "Mirabel", "Little Nils Carlson", "The Brothers Lionheart", "Madiken and Pims", "There are no robbers in the forest".

3 contest : "From what works are the lines taken?"

1. She took it into her head to teach the horse to dance, but instead she crawled on all fours into the closet and covered herself with a box there - this was called playing sardines:

Pupils: "Pippi Longstocking".

2. "It was beginning to get dark, and everything around looked very beautiful: the sky was as blue as it is only in spring; the houses, as always at dusk, seemed somehow mysterious. Below, the park turned green: and from the tall poplars growing in the yard, a wonderful, pungent smell of leaves rose up.

This evening was made for walks on rooftops."

Pupils: "Carlson, who lives on the roof."

3. "But now the Great Mumrik was not in any of the indicated caches. He was in a completely different place. And one of the main reasons why the War of the Roses broke out again on this hot July day was precisely the fact that Alym was impatient for sure find out where the hiding place is. And with the leader of the White Roses hostage, it is perhaps not so difficult to find out.

Pupils: "The Adventures of Kalle Blomkvist".

4. “Having laughed enough, Yum-Yum and I ran into the garden, started somersaulting in the clearings and playing hide and seek among the rose bushes. There are so many hiding places in the garden that a tenth of them would have been enough for Benka and me in Tegner Park. Or rather, Benka would have been enough After all, it is clear that I will no longer have to look for hiding places in Tegner Park.

Students: "Myo, my Mio."

5. "She remembered the time when she and Emil played Indians and Emil shoved her into a large copper basin with lingonberry jam so that she would become red-skinned, like a real Indian."

Pupils: "Emil from Lenneberg".

6. “Yes, the storm was so terrible that all the evil spirits that lived in the forest of Mattis crawled frightened into their caves and secret shelters. castle on Mount Mattis. Their howls and cries interfered with Luvis, who lay in the inner chambers of the castle and was about to give birth to a baby."

Pupils: "Roni, the robber's daughter."

7. Yes, Freken Heck - answered Gunnar in a tone that Freken Heck is supposed to answer. In the special voice of an orphanage child, as he speaks to the headmistress or to the pastor who has come with an inspection and asks if the children like tending the garden. Or when the parents of village children come and ask why they beat their son, who shouted to someone in the schoolyard: "The parish tramp!" And the parish must answer in such a voice, submissive and polite, because Freken Heck, the pastor and other authorities tell him so.

Pupils: "Rasmus is a tramp."

8. "Finally I went to my own garden behind the house and planted there the seed that was given to me. Then I went for my little watering can and properly watered the soil in which I planted the seed.

Every day I went to water the seed and burned with curiosity - what will grow out of it. I thought maybe it would be a rose bush or something beautiful. But I would never have been able to guess what it would actually be."

Students: Mirabelle.

9. "In the kitchen, on the table for washing dishes, lay an old toothbrush that had served its age. Bertil took it and broke off the handle. Then he looked into the cupboard. There was a small - very small cup - my mother served jelly in it. Bertil poured into a cup of warm water from the pot, and put a bar of soap in it.

Next contest- captain competition .

Auction "The most - the most".

The captains go to the blackboard and take turns calling all the classes for which Carlson is the "World's Best Specialist".

Carlson is the best in the world: flyer, steam engine specialist, rooster draftsman, builder, speed housekeeper, dog breeder, magician, friend, cake destroyer, ghost, night prankster, snorer, pancake eater, runner, meatball specialist, towel finder, housekeeper tamer, babysitter, prankster, companion hunter, fox painter, etc.

Leading : And now let's have a little rest with you and play the game "Echo". And Pippi Longstocking will conduct this game.

Pippi Longstocking: You guys will be my ECHO. Answer questions. And to make it more fun, also clap your hands. Answering - two claps at the same time. So let's get started!

What is twice two? (Two! Two!)

What about a hundred and twenty minus two? (Two! Two!)

Great answer! (Vet! Vet!)

Mathematicians - hello! (Vet! Vet!)

Is it an ear or a nose? (Nose! Nose!)

Or maybe hay? (Woz! Woz!)

Is it an elbow or an eye? (Holding his elbow.) (Eye! Eye!)

But this is what we have? (Holding his nose) (Us! Us!)

Are you always good? (Yes Yes!)

Or only sometimes? (Yes Yes!)

Tired of answering? (Chat! Chat!)

I'll ask you to be quiet.

4 contest "Guess the crossword ".

Each team, on a signal, begins to guess the crossword puzzle.

    One of Carlson's favorite dishes. (Puffs.)

    The name of the dog that was given to the Kid for his birthday. (Bimbo.)

    What was the name of Baby's sister? (Betan.)

    The name of a storyteller from Sweden. (Astrid.)

    The name of the city where the fabulous events took place. (Stockholm.)

    Habitat Carlson. (Roof.)

    A gift to Carlson on his birthday from the Kid. (Pistol.)

    The real name of the baby. (Svante.)

Host: Read what happened. Students: Lindgren.

5 competition. Blitz Poll .

Questions for 1 team:

1. Give the full name of Pippi Longstocking.

Pupils: Peppilot - Viktualina - Rolgardina Longstocking.

2. What days did Pippi clean her house?

Pupils: Peppy cleaned her house on Fridays.

3. Why did Emil's mother decide to break the tureen with a poker?

Pupils: Emil got into the tureen with his head and got stuck in it.

4. How did the thieves Fillet and Roulle get into Malysh's apartment?

Pupils: We opened the door with a wire inserted into the slot of the mailbox.

5. What did the son of the king of the Far Country hold in his hand?

Students: He was holding an apple in his hand.

6. How did it happen that the old robber castle turned into two castles?

Students: It split in half during a thunderstorm the night Roni was born.

7. What was depicted in the picture that Pippi painted at home, right on the wallpaper?

Pupils: The picture showed a fat lady, in a black hat and red dress, holding a yellow flower in one hand and a dead rat in the other hand.

8. What was the name of the song that Carlson composed?

Pupils: The song was called "The Cry of the Little Ghost".

9. What did Lisa from Bellerby get for her birthday?

Pupils: They gave her a room for her birthday.

10. With whom did Mio make friends in the Far Land?

Students: Mio befriends a boy named Yum-Yum and a horse called Miramis.

Questions for the second team :

1. In what ways did Emil offer to pull out a tooth from the maid Lina.

Pupils: He advised Lina to jump off the roof or tie a tooth to a horse and let the horse gallop.

2. How does Carlson feel about trouble?

Pupils: "Troubles are nothing, a matter of life!" Carlson said.

3. What new word did Pippi come up with?

Pupils: Peppy came up with the word - kukaryamba.

4. What new sport did Pippi come up with?

Pupils: Pippi came up with a new sport - asking each other questions.

5. What did Roni and Birk name the horses they tamed?

Pupils: Roni and Birk named the horses Sly and Savage.

6. Remember the name of the country in which Pope Ephraim was the Negro king.

Pupils: The country was called Veseliya.

7. How much will 7x7 be in the land of Veseliya?

Pupils: 7x7=102, because the climate there is completely different and the land is so fertile that 7x7 must be more than ours.

8. What did Carlson build the high tower from?

Pupils: He built a tower of cubes and one meatball.

9. What was the name of the villa where Pippi settled?

Pupils: The villa was called "Chicken".

10. What did Emil raise on the flagpole instead of the flag in honor of the arrival of the guests?

Pupils: Emil raised his sister Ida to the flagpole.

Questions for the 3rd team:

1. What did the brother and sister give the Kid for his birthday?

Pupils: They gave the Kid a toy dog.

2. How did Birk save Roni's life?

Students: He fought the underground spirits who lured Roni with their singing.

3. How many little men did Emil carve in the woodshed?

Students: He massacred exactly 365 people.

4. What did Pippi grow in the tree garden?

Pupils: In the garden, Pippi grew bottles of lemonade on the trees.

5. For which Emil was forgiven for all his pranks.

Pupils: He saved Alfred's life when he took him in a sleigh to the doctor in a snowstorm.

6. What do the words "Usombusor - garbage - filimbusor" mean in translation from Negro.

Students: These words mean: Tremble my enemies!

7. What treatment did Carlson prescribe for Uncle Julius?

Disciples: He prescribed the following treatment for him: tickling, anger, fooling around.

8. Who was painfully jealous of the housekeeper Freken Bock?

Pupils: Her sister Frida envied her.

9. What secret signal system did Malysh and Carlson use?

Pupils: One call means: "Come immediately." Two calls: "Do not fly by any means." Three calls: "What a blessing that there is such a beautiful, smart, moderately well-fed and brave person in the world like you, the best Carlson in the world!"

10. What did the children from Bullerby do at Christmas?

Pupils: They put peas in a bottle and sent them to the neighbors. Everyone had to say how many peas were in the bottle. The one who guessed most accurately won a prize.

Leading : And now let's ask the jury to sum up the final results of the literary game: "Astrid Lindgren and her heroes."

Awards for teams.

Kryvorizka zahalnoosvitnya school I - III steps number 61

methodical cabinet

Vykhovny Zahid z topics:

"Enchanter, how alive you are"

(Literary Vitalnya, dedicated

creativity of Astrid Lindgren)

Prepared by:

classy kerivnik

8-B class

Zueva O.M.

Kriviy Rig, 2015.

From March 20 to March 25, the Children's Library and branch libraries hosted events within the framework of Children's Book Weeks .

20th of March in the Children's Library educational and entertaining event "Asteroid Lindgren, or" Star Astrid " . The meeting began with an acquaintance with the biography of little Astrid, since her creative way she started while still at school and one of her writings was published in the local newspaper. Children together with the librarian O.V. Zhulanova remembered such famous works of the author as "Pippi Longstocking", a trilogy about "The Kid and Carlson", which is considered a masterpiece of world literature and in Russia this is perhaps the most popular book. Having correctly solved the crossword puzzle about Malysh and Carlson, they eventually got the name of the famous Swedish writer - Lindgren. A discovery for the guys was a message about the monument to the fat man Carlson, installed in Odessa. Every year, in September, Carlson's birthday celebration takes place near it, to which orphans from nearby orphanages are invited. On behalf of the famous fat man, they are treated to fruits, sweets and, of course, Carlson's favorite dish - jam from a large glass jar.

The children got acquainted with the works of the writer unfamiliar to them: "Emil from Lönneberga", "Roni - the robber's daughter", "Mio, my Mio", "The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist", "Rasmus the Tramp", etc. The event was accompanied by a colorful presentation on the work of A .Lindgren and fragments of cartoons and feature films based on the works of Astrid.
The children learned with interest that many of Lindgren's works have been translated into more than 70 languages ​​and published in more than 100 countries. Astrid Lindgren became the first Swedish woman to have a monument erected in Stockholm during her lifetime. BUT Russian Academy Sciences in 1996 turned to the writer with a request to agree to name the asteroid No. 3204 discovered by scientists after her, and she agreed and with a smile asked her to continue to call her “Asteroid Lindgren”. At the end of the meeting, the children were offered the game "Add the word". Divided into three teams, they put together the names of Lindgren's famous books from different parts. Per Good work children received sweet prizes.

21 March in the Children's Library they talked about the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky, whose 135th anniversary we celebrate on March 31. Participants educational game program "Tales of grandfather Korney" became students visiting the site of school No. 4. Librarian E.A. Nedbailova introduced the children to the biography and work of the writer. Then, divided into two teams, the guys competed in compiling Chukovsky's poems, which were divided into parts and mixed. The presenter called the heroes of fairy tales, and the guys guessed what actions they performed. In the contest "Confusion" it was necessary to swap the letters to make a word. Then the participants solved crossword puzzles. In the next step, according to the pictures from different items, determined which of the heroes of fairy tales they belong to. The librarian read out quotes from the works of Korney Ivanovich, and the guys had to continue them. Teams received tokens for correct answers. At the end of all competitions, the results were summed up, all participants did an excellent job with the tasks and received small sweet gifts as an encouragement.

Journey game conducted by an employee of the Children's Library I.A. Ovsyankina, “And my grandmother will begin to tell me fairy tales ...” introduces children to Magic world fairy tales. Reading an excerpt from a poem by I.Z. Surikov "Childhood" and a demonstration of paintings by V.M. Maksimova "Grandmother's Tales", I.Ya. Bilibin "Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird", V.M. Vasnetsov "Flying Carpet" created the necessary fairy-tale atmosphere.
Traveling through the "Garden of Unparalleled Beauty", the children guessed magical fairy flowers, remembered the names of fairy tales, authors, enjoyed the wonderful music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet The Nutcracker. The game "Flower-Semitsvetik" helped the children to remember the author's and folk tales, for this it was necessary to correctly fold two magnificent flowers.
An excerpt from the animated film "Winnie the Pooh and the Day of Worries" based on the fairy tale by A. Milne not only amused the children, but also served as a kind of bridge between the stages of the game. The owl is a symbol of wisdom, so it is natural to move on to the “What? Where? When? ”, Remembering the wisdom and mystery of this amazing bird. The children guessed passages from fairy tales, tried to unravel the mystery of the black box, looking at pictures depicting fairy-tale houses, and remembered “who lives in the house”. The game was accompanied by a display of books. Unfortunately, the guys, correctly guessing fairy tales, do not always remember the names of the authors. Therefore, the covers of the books that were discussed were displayed on the last slide of the presentation so that the children would better remember the material.

When someone pronounces the word "reserve", then not everyone around will be able to explain, but what is it? The guys visiting the site of the Center for Creativity of Children and Youth, on theme hour conducted by an employee of the Children's Library Salnikova O.V. within Project "Reserved Land" learned to understand this concept.
They learned that the reserve is a part of the land or water area (sea, lake, river), where people decided to preserve the natural conditions as they are without human intervention, that any economic activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve: construction, road laying, deforestation , hunting, fishing, even picking mushrooms and berries. The guys were surprised to learn that already in primitive times it was customary for many tribes to make any territory inaccessible for hunting, housing, and even visits by “ordinary people”. A kind of taboo was imposed on this territory - it is impossible! True, it was forbidden not in order to keep a piece of nature intact, but because of religious cult, tribal customs...
The children were amazed by the information that at present there are more than a thousand nature reserves, national parks and about 70 thousand protected areas in the world. If we talk about Russia, then today in our country there are 110 reserves, large and small, world famous and those whose fame does not extend further native land. Is it a lot or a little? At first glance - a lot, but on the other hand, the total area of ​​the reserves is a little more than 1% of the territory of our country.

It has become a tradition to end Children's Book Week competition program "Reader of the Year". The event took place March, 25, it was attended by readers of the younger school age, who had to go through several stages of the competitive program, consisting of a warm-up, a qualifying round and the main competition. All stages were united by the theme of literary heroes of favorite children's books.
Everyone who wished to participate in the warm-up, answering the questions of the quiz "What does a book consist of" and competing in a game called "What does a book like". Qualifying round also included all the guys who came to the event - 15 people and consisted of 3 competitions: "Fairytale Mosaic", "Literary Kaleidoscope" and "Mysteries about Magic Items". Children recalled fairy tales according to the proposed plots, listed the heroes of the works, called the leading L.V. Shelepneva, according to the illustrations, they found a clue-subject. For each correct answer, the guys received tokens, the number of which determined the participants in the main competition.
The first task, during which each participant had to introduce themselves and talk about their hobbies, was followed by six more literary tests in the form of quizzes, charades, puzzles, games and crosswords. A tense struggle revealed the winners among the young bookworms. The prize places of the current best readers of the year were distributed in the following way:
The Grand Prix won Kukhtinova Angelina, 1 place took Turlewski Luka, 2nd place got Ivanov Mikhail, in the fight for 3rd place won Tselin Kirill. It is noteworthy that all current winners study at school No. 4. Traditionally, wonderful books were presented to the winners as gifts.

Grand opening Weeks of children's book "In the land of Fantasy and Leprosy, and mischievous undertakings" in branch library No. 1 passed 20th of March. The event began with a presentation of all the events that were planned to be held in the library during the spring break. Further spent literary quiz based on the works of children's writers about the heroes-travelers. The guys remembered the works of A. Volkov “The Magician emerald city”, L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”, N. Nosova “Dunno on the Moon”, etc. Visitors took part in a variety of educational and fun contests: "Portrait fairy tale hero”,“ The most inquisitive ”,“ Dedication to the bird ”, etc.
Young readers got acquainted with the novelties of children's literature, visited an exhibition of works by participants in the Feathered Friends ecological competition of drawings and crafts, and voted in the Audience Choice Award nomination.
During the Week, librarians conducted a review of the book exhibition “The main feature is a smart book”. The children got acquainted with new books from the series "Great Russian Travelers", "Encyclopedia of Great People" and "For Children about Great People".
March, 25 held a quiz game "Old New Tales". Russian folk and author's fairy tales introduce children to culture, customs, they are a bottomless well for creating cartoons for children of all ages. The youngest readers are pupils preparatory group kindergarten, made a fabulous journey with the librarians. But before setting off, the guys had to pass a test of ingenuity and ingenuity, which they easily coped with. The children visited a sunny meadow of riddles, then found themselves in a dense forest near a hut on chicken legs - they remembered all the fairy tales where the heroine is Baba Yaga.
The event was accompanied by a bright colorful presentation. Solve all the quiz questions, find the right ones magic items, the children were helped by resourcefulness and attentiveness. The library has been arranged book exhibition"The world of good fairy tales".

March 27 the solemn closing of the Children's Book Week took place, with the help of the librarians, 9th grade students of school No. 5 helped the librarians. The participants of the event traveled with literary heroes: Fairy tale, Cinderella, Pinocchio and Puss in Boots in the Land of Happy Childhood, and bad guys fairy tales confused and interfered with everyone. In order to return everything to its place, the children solved riddles about the heroes of fairy tales, played the games “I, you, he, she”, “ Star Rain". In conclusion, the best readers of the library were awarded.