Regulations on the festival-competition of children's creativity “The most talented preschooler. Regulations of the school festival of children's creativity "star rain" material on the topic Regulations on the festival of children's creativity

Regulations on the festival children's creativity

"Magic Box" 2013/2014 academic year

I. General provisions.

1. The motto of the festival: “All works are good, choose according to your taste!”

2. The competition is held within the framework of the moral and aesthetic direction of education and the organization of career guidance.

3. Tasks of the competition:

  • Development and support of all types of children's and youth creativity.

  • To identify, develop and encourage the talents and creativity of students.

  • Selection of participants for school events, district and district competitions.
4. The organizer of the competition is the Deputy Director for BP - Ekaterina Yuryevna Kostyanova (room 51).

II. Competitors.

  1. All interested students from grades 1 to 11 take part in the competition. To participate in the competition, you must submit an application in the prescribed form to the Deputy Director for educational work

  2. Both individual and group participation is allowed.
III. Conditions of the competition.

  1. The festival is held in four stages and in 6 nominations:
Stage I - "The world of my creativity" - OCTOBER

  • Decorative and applied art - free topic (works are accepted good quality made in any technique, it is necessary to make author's additions or design to works from sets for children's creativity);

  • art(drawings, posters in any design on A4, A3 and A2 sheets) - the theme is "World of Professions" (reception of works until October 25).
Works are accepted strictly signed, in view of the limited space for exhibitions (assembly hall), we warn you that we will choose worthy works. All works submitted to the competition will be sent to charity fairs and exhibitions in the future.

Stage II - "World of Literature" - NOVEMBER

  • Artistic word - theme "All works are good, choose to taste!" (poems about people different professions about work, its importance and value);

  • Author's creativity - author's poems, prose, the theme is free.
To participate, you must apply in advance by e-mail - sk[email protected] yandex. en or personally in writing. Applications for the competition are accepted from October 1. Schedule of rehearsals and auditions will be announced later. The date of the final competition is November 22.

Stage III - "The world of my hobbies" - NOVEMBER DECEMBER

  • Vocalists (individually or in chorus) - the topic is free, but the work must necessarily correspond to the age of the performer;

  • Musicians (performing both copyright and classical works) – free topic;

  • Choreography (individual dances or collective) - free theme;

  • Author's creativity - author's music, songs, the theme is free.
At this stage, a certain schedule of auditions and competitions by age will be organized. To participate, you must apply in advance by e-mail - sk[email protected] yandex. en or personally in writing. Applications for the competition are accepted from October 1. The final concert-competition is scheduled for December 13.

  1. Winners will be selected in 3 age groups:

  • junior (grades 1-4);

  • middle (grade 5-8);

  • senior (grades 9-11).
IV. Definition of winners.

The selection of winners is carried out by a competent jury, which includes representatives of the administration and teaching staff of the school, representatives of the Izmailovo administration, third-party schools and organizations, school students - winners of district and district reviews.
V. Awarding of the winners.

All participants will receive certificates and thanks from the school. Winners are awarded with Diplomas of the winner and gifts from the school.
Deputy Director for VR Kostyanova E.Yu.




GOAL holding the FESTIVAL:

reveal CREATIVE school potential,

name names TALENTED guys.


1. Individual performers or an ensemble of performers who can sing (including bard songs), dance, read poetry, prose and play any instrument (including their own compositions), create art crafts, arts and crafts, photographs, etc.

2. The time of one artistic performance of the group (class) should not exceed 10 minutes, the soloist - 5 minutes.

3. Exhibition space for art products (handicrafts, photographs) will be divided between classes.

4. The performing part of the Festival is held in the form open concert by genre.

5. The results of the performance and creative work of the participants are evaluated by
Jury of the Festival according to 10 point system.

6. Dates of the festival: from March 15 to April 22, 2006.

7. Submit applications to the Organizing Committee (see additional clarifications on genres)

JURY proposals:

1. Distribute prizes by age categories: 1-3 cells,
4-6 cells, 7-11 cells.

2. Best Participants or classes to award in nominations:






1. Musically e

1. vocal

2. instrumental

3. "each class is a choir"

2. choreographic e

1. modern dance (sports)

2. folk dance

3. Ballroom dance (historian - household)

4. step

3. Theatrical

1. skit

2. etude

3. monologue

4. pantomime


1. "Art Word"

2. literary debut


1. drawings on a specific topic

6.Photo gallery

1. theme: "Winter takes away, hello spring"

1. products for interior decoration in the technique: embroidery, knitting, patchwork,

beading, sculpting)

2. women's jewelry in the technique of beading

3. .children's toy in the technique: sewing, knitting, modeling, embroidery.

Criteria for evaluation.


· musicality

· artistry

· technology, performance

· costume


· creating an image

· speech technique

· plastic surgery

· artistry


· composition and color

· compliance with the image and theme

· accuracy of execution

· variety of materials used


· presentation style

· emotional coloring of reading

· artistry

· relevance of the topic

Photo gallery:

· relevance to the topic

· relevance to the topic

· composition

Decorative and applied:

· artistic perception

· materials used

· functional purpose

Festival program.

03.04.06-10.04.06 - collection of applications for all directions

04/10/06 - piano competition - 13.00 (concert hall)

04/12/06 - vocal competition - 14.00 (assembly hall)

- competition " Artistic creativity» -15.00 (room 126)

04/13/06 - competition " Literary debut" -auditorium)

- competition "Artistic word" -15.00 (assembly hall)

04/14/06 - competition "Each class-choir" -14.00 (concert hall)

17.04.06 - competition of flutists, accordionists, guitarists -18.00 (assembly hall)

- Delivery of works for the competition "photo gallery"

Scene festive decorated .

On the Start holiday in visual hall blackout

Sounds like music on the Start festival

Leading 1 : Good afternoon dear friends!

With great joy we welcome you to our hall at the celebration of childhood and creativity, talent and optimism!

Host 2: Welcome to the children's art festival

Festival call signs

Host 2: Today, on this stage, small stars and young, budding constellations of the talented and courageous will unfold.

Against the background of music

Presenter 1: What is our source of joy?
What will be the meaning of our life?
Maybe in what you give
Your rare gift for the joy of people?

Host 2: Perhaps in creativity it is hidden,
The ability to see, hear, remember.
And it's open to everyone
To fill our world with beauty!

Musical number for the opening of the festival

Presenter1: Who among us has never dreamed of being on stage, feeling at least for a moment like a singer and musician, dancer and actor. But for this talent is not enough. We need courage and desperation, boundless faith in ourselves and our abilities.

Lead 2: Yes, not each of us will become a world famous star, but we are quite capable of surprising each other. No wonder one of our contemporaries said:

We are all talented from the cradle
One is a dancer, the other is a singer.
And even the smallest child
Artist, star and just well done!

Presenter 1: And so we meet our contestants!

/introduction of contestants/

Presenter 1: The right to judge our contestants will be a respected jury:

Jury President -

Presenter 1: As you know, the limit creative talents the person does not exist. At this festival, each of them will be able to prove themselves not only in vocal skills and dance, but also show their creative work.

Host 2: Exhibition in the foyer of the House of Culture creative works made by the hands of children involved in circles and studios of cultural institutions, which our fair jury will appreciate.

Presenter 1: Even the great Nietzsche said: "Without music, life would be a mistake." There are many talented people in the world.

Host 2: This is proven by various creative contests and festivals that have become popular not only in our country, but also in the world: New wave" in Jurmala, "Golden Orpheus" in Sopot,

Presenter 1:"Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk. BUT children's competition"Eurovision?" For a long time no one has been surprised by the victories of our guys in Europe.

Leading 2 : So let's pick up this good tradition and prove to everyone that the reserves of children's talents in our Voronezh region have not yet been exhausted!

Presenter 1: Good luck young talents! Our festival is about to begin!

Festival call signs

The first block festival age category /from 7 to 16 years old/

Leading 1 : And in the nomination "Vocal performing skills" at the age of 7 to 11 years old, invited to the stage

Lead 2: I think the participants in this nomination of the age category gave good start our festival. Let's applaud them again.

Applause for speakers

Second block festival

Leading 1: And here are the following participants of the festival in the nomination "Vocal performing skills", in the nomination aged 12 to 17 years old are invited to the stage


Next participant's speech

Third block festival

Against the background of music

Lead 2: In the nomination - "Dance Mastery" several participants announced

Dancing is the best pastime of all times and all ages.

Presenter 1: In our time, dance is not only an integral part of culture, but also a way to be beautiful, happy and healthy. With the help of dance, a person can convey his feelings to other people through the plasticity of the body.

Host 2: There are many dance styles: incendiary Latin American dances, passionate Eastern dance, sincere folk dances.

Presenter1: And how many newfangled modern dance styles exist in our time. These are rap and R n B, electric boogie and break dance, modern jazz and hip hop. Let's see what the participants of the festival will surprise us with today?

Host 2: So, meet the first participant in the nomination "Dance skill" of the age category

Presenter 1: On the stage _______________________________________________

Presenter 1:: The next participant in the nomination "Dance skill" in the age category from _____ to _____________________________________.

Presenter 1: _________________________________ are invited to the stage

__________________________________________________________________ .

dance group performance

Presenter 1: Yes, it will be difficult for the jury. How many talents.

Lead 2 A: I used to think that the jury is easy.

Presenter 1: And now?

Lead 2: I don't envy them. After all, how the evening will end depends on their professionalism.
Leading I think everything will end fine, the jury will distribute all the places fairly.

Leading I don't doubt it.

Dear viewers, the last number of the festival was performed, and now everything depends only on the decision of the jury.
Leading The jury retires for the meeting, and on stage for you _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Music sounds


The world of children's creativity is so amazing
Now he is mysterious, then he is swift,
From the light of smiles comes into motion,
Full of fantasy and imagination.

Lead 2: To announce the results of the children's festival-competition, the floor is given to the chairman of the jury

Graduation music sounds

The chairman of the jury announces the results of the competition in the following categories:

"Vocal Mastery"

"Dance Mastery"

"Creative Works"

Are awarded Diplomas participant festival

Diplomas for the winners of the festival

Lead 2: We once again congratulate all the participants of the festival on the victory they won thanks to their spontaneity and talent.

We ask all participants of the festival to take the stage.

Host 2:

The music sounds, the contestants take the stage

Presenter 1: And it remains for us, the hosts of the festival-competition, to say,

This holiday is a holiday of childhood,

Leave a trace in every heart

And open the door to a fairy tale

And give miracles

And this beautiful song

Heaven smile!

The final song sounds

We wish all festival participants and spectators happiness and kindness, so that your little stars grow into big and bright stars!

Sounds of music in the hall

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