The highest mountain in Greece: Olympus. The highest mountain in Greece

You lower your eyes and suffocate with delight - there are snow-capped peaks around, tall pines, or alluring azure, lying at the foot of the sea.

The highest mountain in Greece is Olympus, which is located in Thessaly. Many of us are familiar with it from ancient Greek mythology. If you remember, it was on Olympus that the gods of the Greeks lived, and this myth was born for a reason. The height of this mountain range reaches 2917 meters. It is the array, because of this, all the confusion occurs, since most often, the most high mountain Greece is called Mitikas, but this is not a mountain in itself, but just one of the peaks of the Olympic mountain range. Its height reaches 2919 meters, the next highest peaks are Skolio, height 2912 meters and Stephanie 2909 meters. Mount Olympus is not one peak or two peaks, it is about 50 peaks, the height of which ranges from 760 to 2919 meters. These peaks are cut by numerous ravines that create the most beautiful and awesome landscapes. The highest mountain in Greece was only conquered in 1913.

According to researcher Richard Onians, the legendary ambrosia - the food of the Olympian gods, giving them youth and immortality - is the divine equivalent of olive oil. So every Greek could taste the divine food.

In ancient times, the Greeks believed that twelve main gods lived on Mount Olympus, who, under the leadership of the main god Zeus, crushed the titans, and after that order reigned in the world. Olympus, in addition to serving as the abode of the gods in ancient times, also performed another function. It served as a natural border between Macedonia and Greece. Over time, the mythology of the ancient Greeks changed a little and Olympus began to be called not only the mountain, but the entire sky above Greece, in fact, the ancient gods now lived there.

In ancient Greek mythology, Olympus is a sacred mountain, the seat of the gods, led by Zeus. Olympus is a mountain in Thessaly, where the gods live. The name Olympus is of pre-Greek origin (possible connection with the Indo-European root "rotate", i.e. an indication of the roundness of the peaks) and belongs to a number of mountains in Greece and Asia Minor. On Olympus are the palaces of Zeus and other gods, built and decorated by Hephaestus. The gates of Olympus open and close the Oras as they ride out in golden chariots. Olympus is thought of as a symbol of the supreme power of a new generation of Olympian gods who defeated the titans. Initially, Olympus (it is not known which one) was occupied by the serpentine titan Ophion and his wife, the oceanid Eurynome. Cronus and Rhea liked this place, and they occupied it, expelling Ophion and Euryne, who had taken refuge in the ocean. Kronos and Rhea were expelled from Olympus by Zeus. The gods lived carefree and fun.

The Flemish painter Peter Rubens painted The Feast of the Gods on Olympus. The researchers could not determine the exact date of its writing until the astronomers saw the picture. They found that the characters were positioned exactly like the planets in the sky in 1602.

The gates of Olympus were guarded by the virgin goddesses of the time, the Ora. Neither animal nor man could wander there. Gathering together, the gods and goddesses feasted, enjoying ambrosia, which returned strength and gave immortality. They quenched their thirst with fragrant nectar. Nectar and ambrosia were carried to the gods and goddesses by the young handsome Ganymede. There was no shortage of entertainment on Olympus. To delight the hearing and sight of the celestials, the white-footed Charites, goddesses of eternal joy, holding hands, led round dances. Sometimes Apollo himself took up the kithara, and all nine muses sang along with him.

If music, songs and dances bothered, it was possible from the height of Olympus. look at the ground. The most fascinating sight for the gods was the war that flared up here and there. The inhabitants of Olympus had their favorites. One sympathized with the Greeks, others with the Trojans. Sometimes, seeing that the wards were being crowded, then one or the other god left the place of observation and, descending to the ground, entered into battle. Entering into a rage, the combatants did not see the difference between mortals and celestials. Then the gods had to take flight, clutching the flowing streams of colorless fragrant blood with their palms.

As the Greek myths say, the gods, having settled on Olympus, agreed that it does not belong to any of them, and decided not to choose a ruler. But soon Zeus and his brothers and sisters seized power: Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter. Zeus, the supreme god, was the youngest of them in age.

Subsequently, when the people of the ancient world learned more about the universe, by Olympus they began to understand not one mountain, but the whole sky. It was believed that Olympus covers the earth like a vault and the Sun, Moon and Stars wander through it. When the Sun was at its zenith, they said that it was at the top of Mount Olympus. They thought that in the evening, when it passes through the western gates of Olympus, i.e. the sky closes, and in the morning it is opened by the goddess of the dawn, Eos.

Now the entire massif is a nature reserve. Visiting which you can see rare representatives of the Greek flora and fauna, and from the mountain itself offers a stunning view of Greece. Many tourists want to visit this ancient abode of the gods. However, getting to the top itself will not work because of the English military radar installed there.

In 1938 Olympus was declared a national reserve, more than 1700 species of plants and animals that grow and live only here, make up the unique ecosystem of this mountainous area. Protected by UNESCO since 1981. Since 1985 declared archaeological site.

The holy martyr Neophyte lived in a cave on the slope of Mount Olympus. At the age of 15, he came to the mountain for a white dove. A huge lion lived in the cave, but, having heard the words of the Neophyte, he obeyed him and went to another place. Neophyte lived in this cave until the time of his martyrdom, when he was ordered to be killed by the ruler Decius.

In 1961, a temple of Zeus was discovered on one of the peaks of Agios Antonios, dated from the Hellenistic to the late Christian period. The remains of sacrificial animals, coins, statues were found. Also in various places were discovered the temple of Delphic Apollo and the ancient tomb of Orpheus. The Temple of Apollo is located at an altitude of 1000 meters, and it is known that it was from there that Xenagoras, using a telescope and geometric calculations, determined the height of Olympus at 2960 meters, which is not so far from the truth. A few hundred meters from Shelter A there is an exit to the monastery of St. Dionysius, built by himself and dated 1542. During all the time it was destroyed more than once, but the greatest damage was done during the Second World War.

Over the next 60 years was in the process of reconstruction. More precisely, individual buildings were reconstructed, but the dilapidated ancient walls were preserved intact, reminiscent of the fact that, unfortunately, the evil of war penetrated even into the sanctuary of antiquity. It is interesting that to this day, it is active, so the monks ask visitors to be appropriately dressed, as indicated by the sign at the entrance. A 20-minute walk across rough terrain is a sacred cave, apparently, the saint originally lived there. The place is secluded and conducive to meditation. Along the way, there is a mountain river, in which it is forbidden to swim and pollute it, since the water there is drinkable, cold and tasty.

Words, words... Words are empty unless confirmed by our main source of information - sight. The places are really amazing. Even if you are not touched by the idea that thousands of years ago people dedicated their lives to the gods living on Olympus, even if the very existence of these mountains long before us and long after us does not inspire awe, nevertheless nature here can delight the most captious person. Beauty is beyond competition, it envelops.

The highest mountains different countries such as Hungary, Austria, Greece and Argentina are presented in the table below.

This article briefly describes the highest mountains in different countries of Europe and America. The name and height are given. Some descriptions about their names, locations and more are given.

The highest mountain in Hungary

Hungary is located 200 meters above sea level, and at the same time it does not have high mountains. The highest mountain in Hungary is Kekes. In front of the English means "bluish". Well, indeed, if you look at the mountain from a distance, it seems bluish.

Mount Kekes is part of the Matra mountain range, being the longest ski slope in Hungary. Its length is about 2 km. The mountain is ideal for beginners. Its height is 1014 meters above sea level. It is located between the cities of Eger and Gyongyos.

After Lake Balaton and the Danube, Kekes is one of the most popular attractions in Hungary.

The highest mountain in Hungary is Kekes, 1014 meters high.

The highest mountain in Austria

A quarter of Austria is occupied by the ranges of the Eastern Alps, united in chains. The most impressive sight of the country and at the same time the highest mountain in Austria is Grossglockner (Grossglockner). This mountain has 2 peaks: Grossglockner and Kleinglockner. The height of Grossglockner is 3798 meters, the second peak is slightly lower and reaches a height of 3770 meters. Between the peaks there is a pass, and at the foot - the largest glacier - Pasterze.

The highest mountain in Austria is the Grossglockner at 3798 meters.

The highest mountain in Greece

Known for ancient Greek mythology Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece, which was inhabited by 12 gods led by Zeus.

In ancient times, Mount Olympus was the border between the two states - Thessaly and Macedonia. To date, the entire territory surrounding the mountain range has been declared a national park. Since 1981, the mountain has been recognized as part of the World Natural Heritage and an object of historical and architectural heritage organization of UNESCO.

There are 52 peaks on the mountain, the height of which varies from 760 to 2917 meters. The highest peak of Olympus is Mitakis, whose height is 2917 meters. The second and third places were taken by the peaks of Skolio, 2912 meters high and Stephani, 2905 meters high.

The highest mountain in Greece is Olympus, the highest peak of Olympus is Metakis, 2917 meters high.

The highest mountain in Argentina

Aconcagua rises to 6962 meters in height, and is the highest point in South America, as well as the entire southern and western hemispheres.

The mountain arose at the time of the collision of the tectonic plates of the South American and Nazca. Today the mountain is completely covered with snow. The name of the mountain is translated into Russian as Stone Guard.

The highest mountain in Argentina is Aconcagua, 6962 meters high.

Why is the height of the mountains always so attractive ...

Everyone loves to rise to the skies - confident pragmatists and sensitive romantics.

The sensations that are born inside, somewhere in the chest area, when you look down the mountain, are indescribable. The eyes do not believe the splendor that suddenly opened up, and the breath is taken away from the unique landscapes: peaks covered with snow, endlessly tall pine trees and an incredible turquoise sea.

Welcome to Olympus - the highest mountains in Greece! No wonder the gods chose sacred mountain Olympus as their place of residence.

Where is Mount Olympus

Olympus is a mountain range located in the northeast of Thessaly (a historical region off the coast of the Aegean Sea).

The three highest and most famous peaks of Olympus are Mitikas (2917 m above sea level), Skolio (2912 m) and Stefani (2905 m).

The area adjacent to the mountain has been declared the Olympus National Reserve. The flora of the reserve is represented by more than 1700 species of various plants, 23 of which can be found only here. Animal world Mount Olympus is also rich: a huge number of wild mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds.

It is not surprising that so many tourists seek to visit this reserve, which is under the protection of UNESCO and is recognized as an archaeological site. Every resident of Northern Greece will be happy to explain to you how to get to the mountain of the gods. The most common route: Thessaloniki - Katerini - Litohoro. There are several options to overcome it.

  • car rental: if you do not want to be tied to the bus or train schedule, you want to make stops along the way in other interesting places Greece, then renting a car is ideal. The average cost of a small car per day is 30 euros. All the way along the route Thessaloniki - Litochoro (a town at the very foot of Mount Olympus) is about 90 kilometers, that is, the road will take about an hour;
  • public transport: to Litohoro from Thessaloniki there is a regular bus service from the bus station KTEL Macedonia. Departure daily from 7 am to 9 pm every 1.5 hours. Travel time is 1 hour and 15 minutes. The ticket price is 8.50 euros.

Olympus - the mountain of the Gods: a bit of history

Olympus is known to most people as the Pantheon of the Twelve Gods. In accordance with ancient Greek mythology, Olympus is a sacred mountain where the gods, led by Zeus, stayed after the victory over the Titans.

The palaces of Olympus were erected by the one-eyed Cyclopes, who were freed by Zeus from realms of the dead. As a reward, he received power over lightning and thunder.

Decorations for palaces were forged by Hephaestus in his workshop. The cloudy gates of Olympus, according to legend, were guarded by Ores (goddesses of the seasons). Neither people nor animals could enter the palaces.

The gods followed the lives of people, helped them from the sunny Mount Olympus, where there had never been winds and rains.

How to climb Olympus

Now Mount Olympus is available not only to the gods, but also to people. A huge number of tourists, professional climbers conquer Olympus and return there again and again.

Beautiful landscapes, clean air, endless forests and the reflections of the sun on the snowy peaks of the mountains are breathtaking. Everyone who has ever visited the abode of the ancient gods becomes hostages of this place.

As a rule, the ascent to Mount Olympus begins in the small town of Litochoro. Here you can stock up on provisions and gain strength before the trip.

The next pedestrian pass is located at an altitude of 1100 meters in the town of Prionia. Many people overcome this path on foot, but most tourists still prefer to get to Prionia by car or taxi.

In Prionia, you can take advantage of all the benefits of civilization - visit a cafe or restaurant, shower and toilet, even spend the night in the monastery of St. Dionysius.

Do not rush to climb the mountain in 1 day, stretch this pleasure, admire beautiful scenery, unforgettable sunrises and sunsets of Olympus.

All hiking trails are numbered, so you won't get lost. The path passes through the forest: lianas, tall trees, waterfalls and small mountain streams.

Hiking routes will open to the traveler many interesting and unusual species plants. On the way you can meet wild inhabitants of the forest.

The process of climbing is as exciting as the conquest of the summit of Mount Olympus itself.

At an altitude of 2100 meters, the first shelter is located - Refuge A.
The shelter, or boarding house, consists of a hotel and a camping area. You can rest and eat here. The cost of an overnight stay in a shared room is approximately 10 euros.

From the shelter, the path leads to the top of Skala, where a fork gives you the right to choose where to go further: to the left - to the top of Skolio, to the right - to Mitikas.

Although Mitikas is only 9 meters higher than Skolio, the usual hiking trail leads to the first peak, and climbing to the second requires more physical effort.

At the top of Mytikas, a Greek flag and a log are flying, where you can mark your ascent to Olympus.

After a hard road, you can relax in the Spilios Agapios shelter: hot food, tea, cozy accommodation (12 euros).

Time required to climb (in good weather):

  • Prioni - RefugeA: Approximately 3 hours;
  • RefugeA Shelter - Skala Peak: about 2.5 hours;
  • Skala – Skolio: 20 minutes;
  • Skala – Mitikas: about 1 hour.

What to watch

In addition to colorful landscapes, tourists are attracted by various sights at the foot of Mount Olympus.


Dion is an ancient city at the foot of Mount Olympus.

In ancient times, Dion was a place of worship for the gods. The city was founded at the turn of the 4th century BC by the Macedonian king Archalai.

Excavations in the ruins ancient city Zeus (“Zeus” in Greek sounds like Dias) are still held. Archaeologists have discovered ancient temples, theaters, a stadium, complexes of shops, workshops and baths here.

In ancient Dion, the sewerage and water supply systems were well developed, as some surviving fragments eloquently tell.

Visiting Dion, you can feel the spirit of this ancient and unusual place.

Monastery of Saint Dionysius

The monastery of St. Dionysius of Olympus is located at an altitude of 850 meters on the slope of Mount Olympus.

The monastery was built in 1542 and named after its founder, Saint Dionysius, famous for his many miracles.

The monastery has a museum where you can see various church utensils, ancient Byzantine icons and vessels. Also in the monastery of St. Dionysius, particles of the relics of many saints of God are kept and carefully venerated. Believers, going on a pilgrimage to Greece, must visit the monastery of St. Dionysius.

Monastery of the Holy Trinity

The Monastery of the Holy Trinity is a functioning male monastery located on the slope of Mount Olympus at an altitude of 1000 meters.

Greece has long been famous for its mountains. True, not so much because of the unprecedented heights, but because of the legends associated with them. Remember at least Olympus - the sacred mountain in ancient Greek mythology, where, according to legend, Zeus himself lived. For this reason Greek gods often referred to as Olympians. The most interesting thing is that Olympus is the highest Greek mountain.


Currently, Olympus is a mythological and historical symbol, as well as a protected natural monument. The reserve, located near the mountain, is interesting in that a huge number of plants are represented on its territory - more than 1,700 species, but animals are dozens of times less.

You can easily climb Olympus on your own. Usually the ascent starts from the city of Litochoron, where the information center for climbers is located. Here you can also take a taxi and get to the point of Prionia, which is located at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level. There is a restaurant, toilet, parking. There is no hotel, but you can spend the night in the monastery of St. Dionysius, which is located nearby. Then on foot you can reach the so-called Shelter A, located at an altitude of 2100 meters. From here you can get to other shelters and to the top.

The highest peak of Olympus is Mitikas, its height is 2917 meters. There are others, but they are somewhat lower.


The second place is occupied by Mount Zmolikas. It is located in the northwest of Greece. The height of the largest peak reaches 2638 meters. The length of the mountain is, according to various estimates, from 15 to 20 km, and the width is about 10 km.

Near the mountain there are two nature reserves at once, and on one of the slopes you can find the lake Drakolimni of the alpine type.


Bronze goes to Mount Nidzhe, which is located on the border of Greece and Macedonia. The most high point- Peak Kaimakchalan, which is located at 2521 m above sea level. Since the peak is quite popular, it is often called the mountain itself.

Nije is considered a very old mountain, older than many others in the country. It is very rich in animal species, there are not so many plants.

Greek mountains

Greek land is rightfully considered one of the cradles of modern civilization. At least, in the European expanses, its culture has become perhaps the most important in determining the development of many local peoples (and not only neighboring ones).

Many significant philosophical trends, the foundations of culture, literature, art, and a fair number of others that determine the movement of nations towards civilization, all had Hellenic roots in one way or another.

Is it worth mentioning that this power, every square centimeter of which breathes with the legends of ancient times, still attracts many strangers with its beauties? ! Tourists come to admire not only the preserved architectural masterpieces, but also natural wonders. Moreover, often, the highest mountain in Ancient Greece becomes the subject of their interest.

Mountain range "Olympus"

To determine which of them is larger than the others, it is not a sin to at least recall ancient mythology. Where could the Hellenes "settle" their supreme gods, if not on the hill closest to heaven? Therefore, undoubtedly, Olympus can be considered the highest. By the way, this is not a single mountain, but a whole massif located in the northeastern part of Thessaly (the historical region of Hellas). Its most significant peak, in terms of "growth" indicators, is Mitikas, whose height is about 2917 meters. Five meters below his Skolio and another seven - Stephanie. The latter is better known by the nickname "the throne of Zeus", and from a certain angle it really seems to be some kind of giant back of a chair or a place where someone great and regal is seated.

AT ancient time Olympus was the natural border between Greece and Macedonia. It is not surprising that this was exactly the case, since this mountain range seemed very frightening to the then inhabitants of those places, in order to decide at least to approach it, and not what to try to cross. In this array, there are about fifty peaks and a fair number of ravines, which in their totality represent a magnificent and, at the same time, seemingly ominous spectacle.

Conquerors of Olympus

However, for sure, the indecision of the Hellenes (and their then geographical neighbors), in terms of conquering Olympus, was also influenced by the sacred horror of the great probability of becoming a victim of divine wrath. To disturb the rest of the most formidable celestials (a dozen of whom allegedly lived in those places), led by Zeus the Thunderer himself - what could be worse in the minds of those peoples! ?

The first climbers appeared on Mount Olympus only at the beginning of the last century. At the same time, the highest mountain in Ancient Greece submitted to them. By the way, even now only super-experienced people in such matters are trying to climb Mitikas, since a fair amount of skill is required here, and the weather, by the way, must certainly be favorable.

Olympus now

Now Olympus is interesting not only as a location covered with legends, but also as a Greek national reserve. It contains over one and a half thousand plants, which represent about a quarter of the entire fauna of this country, and a couple of dozen of them are endemic (that is, they exist only here). Also in this mountain range there are about ten species of amphibians, twenty-odd - reptiles, more than thirty - wild animals and about one and a half hundred - birds.

To see this wondrous world marked ancient mythology definitely worth it at least once. If you do not climb the legendary mountain, but at least personally see it, which will give you the opportunity to touch the full of mysteries of ancient history.