Library adventure military new read online. All books about: "Library of military adventures ...

Publisher: military publishing
Series: Military Adventure Library
The year of publishing: 1950-1962, 2010-2011
Language: Russian
Format: fb2, djvu
The size: 87.4 MB

Added 2 books:
Kostin M. Korzh is on the trail
Milchakov V. Intelligence is ahead

Series Military Adventure Library was published in 1951-1962 by the Voenizdat publishing house. No matter what they write about spy mania of those years, but books - there are books, adventures - there are adventures and it is interesting to read them.
Since 2010, an unknown publishing house continues to release books in this series.

List of books:
Avdeenko A. Mountain spring
Avdeenko A. Nad Tisza
Nikolay Avtokratov. gray rock
Nikolay Avtokratov. The secret of Professor Maksheev
Avtomonov. In the Courland cauldron
Andreev A. I really want to live (djvu)
Atarov. Death under a pseudonym
Bogdanov N. The Mystery of Julia-Jarvi
Bondarev M. Inaccessibility zone
Borshchagovsky A. Disturbing clouds
Bryantsev G. Blue package
Volyanovsky. silent front
Vsevolozhsky I. Elusive Monitor
Gerasimova V., Savelyev L. The collapse of Vlasovsky's career
Hoffman G. Aircraft shot down over the target
Mark Grossman. Ambush. Double bottom
Mark Grossman. The captain is following
Dold-Mikhailik Yu. And one warrior in the field
Druzhinin V. Traces of Zaur-bek
Druzhinin V. Mystery of "Wolverines"
Zhdanov. Around the mystery
Mysterious numbers
Zinke. Object 112
Zolotar I. Notes of a paratrooper
Zubavin. Duel
Ivannikov. Incident at Chumka
Kasumov I., Seidbeyli G. On distant shores
Kirillov. Underwater reconnaissance
Koroteev, Uspensky. invisible light
Korshunov, Bondarev. Inaccessible zone
Kossinsky. If we are alive
Kraevsky, Limanov. When Dolphins Play
Kraevsky, Limanov. The Tale of a Squadron
Kuchkin. Seven deaths will not happen
Lenchevsky. 80 days on fire
Linkov L. Big Horizon
Linkov L. Witness from outpost No. 3
Lukin, Polyanovsky. Cheka officer
Maksakov. deep raid
Markov. Looking for cesium
Melentiev. Hieroglyphs of Sikhote-Alin
Melnik G. Granite battleship
Milchakov V. Intelligence is ahead
Mikhailov V. Boomerang does not return
Mikhailov V. At critical angles
Mikhailov V. Under a false name
Mikhailov V. Guardians of the Cold Sea
Mikhalev A. The case with the schooner
Muguev. Mrs. Bark doll
Nasibov A. The accident of George Harris
Ovals. The Adventures of Major Pronin
Panov. Boatswain from the fog
Panov. In the ocean (djvu)
Rzhevskaya E. Special task
Rusanov. special sign
Samoilov L., Skorbin B. Web
Samoilov L., Skorbin B. The Mysterious Passenger
Simashko. In the black sands
Boris Sokolov. Abkhaz story
Stadnyuk I. Scene of the incident - front
Stadnyuk I. Pathfinders
Sytin. End of the Big Julius
Toman N. Forced landing
Toman N. What Happens in Silence
Travin G. Sniper
Travin G. Secrets of the Tarunin Heights
Tremmin. Hornsreef Mystery
Usychenko Yu.I. invisible front
Tsatsulin I. Atomic Fortress
Kharitanovich E., Mikhailov G. Operation No. 6 (djvu)
Chernosvitov V. blue arrow
Chernosvitov V. "Small" business
Sheinin. A military secret
Shpanov N. The Adventures of Nil Kruchinin
Shpanov N. Sorcerer's Apprentice

Arefiev. deep snow
Belitsky M. Bacillus No. 0.78 (1952)
Gorbach V.F. Night Aliens
Jacob Levant. bronze deer
Lobko N. In the lair. Second meeting
Malinsky, Trofimova, Felitsyn. Date line. Letter A
Vasily Opr. The secret of Andrey Zarudny
Peunov V., Chernyavsky I. Chekist Averyan Surmach
Alexander Ryabtsev. Tiger head. Fitting "Fossa"
Leonid Stoyanov. On the roof of the world. Blue bowl

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Library of military adventures in 73 volumes


Military Adventure Library (various)

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Year of issue: 1950-1962
Genre: About war, detective, adventure
Publisher: Voenizdat
Russian language
Number of books: 57
Description: Before you is a very popular series of books "Library of military adventures", which was published during the years 1950-1962. All of the books in the series are fun to read.

1950. Linkov L.A. - Witness from outpost No. 3.fb2
1950. Toman N.N. - What happens in silence.fb2
1951. Rzhevskaya E.M. - Special Quest [Tale of Scouts].fb2
1953. Bogdanov N.V. - Mystery Julia-Jarvi.fb2
1953. Mikhalev A. - The case with the schooner.fb2
1953. Nasibov A.A. - George Harris Crash.fb2
1954. Avdeenko A.O. - Above Tisza.fb2
1954. Maksakov V.N. - Deep raid. Tankman's Notes.fb2
1954. Mikhailov V.S. - Under a false name.fb2
1954. Stadnyuk I.F. - Pathfinders.fb2
1955. Avtomonov P.V. - Courland cauldron.fb2
1955. Panov N.N. - Boatswain from "Fog".fb2
1955. Samoilov L., Rebrov Yu. - Web.fb2
1955. Chernosvitov V.M. - "Small" business.fb2
1955. Shpanov N.N. - Personal happiness of Nil Kruchinin.fb2
1956. Avdeenko A.O. - Above Tisza 2. Mountain spring.fb2
1956. Gerasimova I., Savelyev L. - The collapse of Vlasovsky's career.fb2
1956. Ivannikova V.S. - Incident on Chumka.fb2
1956. Sytina T.G. - End of Big Julius.fb2
1956. Travin G.S. - Secrets of the Tarunin Heights.fb2
1956. Chernosvitov V.M. - Blue Arrow.fb2
1956. Sheinin L.R. - Military secret.fb2
1956. Shpanov N.N. - Sorcerer's Apprentice.fb2
1957. Avdeenko A.O. - Above Tisza 2. Mountain spring.fb2
1957. Atarov N.S. - Death under the pseudonym.fb2
1957. Volyanovsky L. - Silent front.fb2
1957. Dold-Mikhailik Yu.P. - And one warrior in the field.fb2
1957. Druzhinin V.N. - The Secret of the Wolverine.fb2
1957. Zhdanov N.G. - In the vicinity of the mystery.fb2
1957. Zubavin B.M. - Duel. Officer's Notes.fb2
1957. Kirillov I.K. - Underwater scout.fb2
1957. Kraevsky B.P., Limanov Yu.L. - When Dolphins Play.fb2
1957. Lin M. et al. - Mysterious numbers.fb2
1957. Mikhailov V.S. - At critical angles.fb2
1957. Ovalov L. - The Adventures of Major Pronin.fb2
1957. Rusanov S.A. - Special Sign.fb2
1957. Uspensky V. D., Koroteev N. I. - Invisible light.fb2
1958. Bryantsev G.M. - Blue package.fb2
1958. Zinke H. - Object 112.fb2
1958. Lukin A., Polyanovsky D. - Employee of the Cheka.fb2
1958. Markov G. - In search of cesium.fb2
1958. Mikhailov V.S. - Boomerang does not return.fb2
1958. Muguev Kh.M. - Mrs. Bark's doll.fb2
1958. Tsatsulin I.K. - Atomic Fortress (Book 1-2).fb2
1959. Bondarev M.S., Korshunov V.G. - Inaccessible zone.fb2
1959. Vsevolozhsky I.E. - Elusive Monitor.fb2
1959. Hoffman G.B. - Plane hit over target.fb2
1959. Simashko M.D. - In the black sands.fb2
1959. Sokolov B.N. - Abkhaz story.fb2
1960. Borshchagovsky A.M. - Disturbing Clouds.fb2
1960. Kostsinsky K.V. - If we are alive.fb2
1960. Kraevsky B.P., Limanov Yu.L. - The Tale of a Squadron.fb2
1961. Kuchkin A.P. - There will be no seven deaths.fb2
1961. Lenchevsky V.E. - 80 days on fire.fb2
1961. Linkov L.A. - Big Horizon.fb2
1961. Melentiev V.G. - Hieroglyphs of Sikhote-Alin.fb2
1961. Tremmin V. - The Mystery of the Hornsreef. fb2
1962. Kasumov I., Seidbeyli G. - On the distant shores.fb2

05/09/2013 added books

Stadnyuk I. Pathfinders
Toman N.N. What happens in silence
Nasibov A. The accident of George Harris
Shpanov N.N. From the adventures of Nil Kruchinin (In new year's eve, Ansen case, Yellow gloves, Seekers of truth, Personal happiness of Nil Kruchinin)
Avdeenko A.O. Above Tisza (1. Above Tisza, 2. Mountain spring, 3. Danube nights)
Atarov N. Death under a pseudonym
Dold-Mikhaylik Yu. And one warrior in the field (1. And one warrior in the field, 2. The Black Knights)
Vsevolozhsky I. Elusive Monitor
Lenchevsky V. 80 days on fire


October library. June demonstration (Yu.A. Prokhvatilov)

Series: Library of October

Author: Prokhvatilov Yu.A.
Released: 1967

Publisher: Lenizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 134
Description: The pamphlet tells about the revolutionary events in Petrograd in June 1917, about the struggle of the working masses for the peaceful development of the bourgeois-democratic revolution into a socialist revolution under the Bolshevik slogan "All power to the Soviets!" The author characterizes the situation in the country, which caused the second crisis of bourgeois power in Russia in 1917, outlines the prehistory...


October library. July events (Stepanov Z.V.)

Series: Library of October
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Stepanov Z.V.
Released: 1967
Genre: Essay on historical events
Publisher: Lenizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 106
Description: The brochure of the doctor of historical sciences 3. V. Stepanov is dedicated to the events of July 3-4, 1917 in Petrograd - a turning point in the development of the socialist revolution in Russia. The author characterizes the reasons and political implications July crisis, traces in detail the course of events in various districts of Petrograd, talks about how the Bolshevik party at the head ...


Library "Quantum". The Complete Collection - 83 issues

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Marks K.
Released: 1958
Genre: history, political science
Publisher: Gospolitizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 93
Description: "The Civil War in France" is a work by K. Marx, in which, based on a deep analysis and generalization of the experience of the Paris Commune of 1871, the doctrine of the state and the dictatorship of the proletariat is developed. It is one of the main program documents of Marxism. Published in June 1871 in London on English language titled "The Civil War in France. Call...


Library on scientific socialism. For the victory of peace and socialism (A. Novotny)

Series: Scientific Socialism Library
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Novotny A.
Released: 1960
Genre: philosophy, political science
Publisher: Gospolitizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 144
Description: This issue of the "Library of Scientific Socialism" includes the works of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Comrade Antonin
Novotny: “For the victory of peace and socialism”, “Report report to the XI Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia on the activities of the Central Committee and the main tasks of the current moment” and “Armed by the results of the XXI Congress of the CPSU ...


Library on scientific socialism. For what and how to fight? (Marhlevsky Yu.)

Series: Scientific Socialism Library
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Markhlevsky Yu.
Released: 1959
Genre: philosophy, political science, history
Publisher: Gospolitizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 85
Description: An entire epoch in the history of the struggle of the Polish working class for socialism is associated with the name of Julian Markhlevsky (1866-1925). During the revolution of 1905, Yu. Markhlevsky wrote a pamphlet "For what and how to fight?", Published in Krakow. This work, like the second, later one - "Imperialism or Socialism?" - also placed in this edition, is exclusively ...


Library on scientific socialism. Against revisionism, in defense of Marxism (Lenin V.I.)

Series: Scientific Socialism Library
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Lenin V.I.
Released: 1959
Genre: history, political science
Publisher: Gospolitizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 185
Description: This collection aims to acquaint readers with the most important works of V.I. Lenin, directed against revisionism, opportunism and dogmatism in the international and Russian labor movement, in defense of scientific socialism. To uncover


Library on scientific socialism. The October Socialist Revolution and the Spanish Working Class (Ibarruri Dolores)

Series: Scientific Socialism Library
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Ibarruri Dolores
Released: 1960
Genre: history, political science
Publisher: Gospolitizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 133
Description: This edition of the Library of Scientific Socialism includes four works by the chairman of the Communist Party of Spain, Dolores
Ibarruri: "The October Socialist Revolution and the Spanish Working Class", "The Communist International and the Popular Front", "40 years of the Communist Party of Spain, its roots, ideological basis and activities...


Library on scientific socialism. Report at the VII World Congress of the Communist International (Dimitrov G.)

Series: Scientific Socialism Library
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Dimitrov G.
Released: 1958
Genre: report, political science, history
Publisher: Gospolitizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 221
Description: This issue publishes the works of Georgy Dimitrov, an outstanding figure in the Bulgarian and international communist movement. The published issue includes "Report at the VII World Congress of the Communist International on August 2, 1935" and "Political Report of the Central Committee of the BRP(k) to the Fifth Party Congress on December 19, 1948". In these works...


Library on scientific socialism. Questions of building socialism and communism in the USSR (Lenin V.I.)

Series: Scientific Socialism Library
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Lenin V.I.
Released: 1959
Genre: history, political science
Publisher: Gospolitizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 97
Description: The issues of building socialism and communism have found a deep development and comprehensive coverage in the numerous works of V.I. Lenin, especially during the period of the socialist revolution and the socialist transformations that began under his leadership in our country. This collection includes only a part of these works - the last articles and speeches of Vladimir Ilyich ...

but I

Library on scientific socialism. Under the banner of Leninism and the unity of the Leninist party (Ordzhonikidze G.K.)

Format: DjVu
Quality: Scanned pages + OCR layer
Series: Scientific Socialism Library
Author: Ordzhonikidze G.K.
Released: 1960
Genre: history, political science
Publisher: Gospolitizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 57
Description: The works included in this issue of the "Library on Scientific Socialism" - "On the Federation of the Transcaucasian Republics", "On the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", "Under the Banner of Leninism and the Unity of the Leninist Party", "On the Shakhty Case and the Tasks of Young Proletarian Specialists" - written by a faithful student and colleague V.I. Lenina G.K...


History of Navies (Rare Edition) (Charles Chabot-Arnaud)

Author: Charles Chabot-Arnaud
Year of issue: 1896
Genre: Rarities, Non-fiction, Naval history
Publisher: Typography of the Naval Ministry / St. Petersburg / Russian Empire
Language: Russian (old spelling)
Number of pages: 541
Description: The book offered to the attention of readers is not complete history navies of Europe and America. The intention of the author, a French naval captain of the 2nd rank in the reserve, was more modest: he tried, as far as possible, to accurately summarize those facts from this story that sailors are especially interested in, to ...


Atomic Energy for Military Purposes (Smith G.D.)

ISBN: 5-86656-190-5
Format: PDF/DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Smith G.D.
Release year: 2006
Genre: Military history
Publisher: IzdAT
Russian language
Number of pages: 288
Description: The book was first published in 1946 by the State Railway Transport Publishing House as a Russian translation of the second edition in English, published in Washington by the War Department in 1945. The author substantiated his book on the materials of the report to the US Senate dated August 12, 1945, compiled by the executors of the work on the creation atomic bomb conducted in the USA from 1939 to August 1945. Foreword...


Training manual for police and military dogs (Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Lebedev Vasily Ivanovich
Year of issue: 1911
Genre: Manual, Pets
Publisher: St. Petersburg, printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Russian language
Number of pages: 179
Description: A classic guide to dog training and education written almost 100 years ago. The vast majority of the methods published in this publication were included in all subsequent publications and instructions on dog training issued in Russia and the USSR. 3rd edition, significantly enlarged, with numerous drawings and a portrait of the famous Russian dog...


A Word about a Soldier: Stories and Essays of the War Years (Collection) (Authors)

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Team of authors
Release year: 1985
Genre: Historical and military prose
Publisher: "DOSAAF". Moscow
Russian language
Number of pages: 382
Description: The collection includes stories and essays by famous Soviet writers, published in 1941-1945 in the magazine "Krasnoarmeyets" (now "Soviet Warrior"). Dedicated to the feat of the Soviet man during the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear, they are written in the fresh wake of events and facts and imbued with ardent love for the Motherland, firm confidence in the triumph of a just cause - an inevitable victory ...

Name: Military Adventure Library (book series)
Genre: Fiction, military prose, military adventures, spy detectives
Publisher: USSR, Moscow, Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Defense
Language: Russian

Short description:
Widely known in the middle of the last century, a series of books intended for patriotic education youth. Includes both adventure/exploration titles since civil war, during the Second World War 1941-1945, and ending post-war period(mid-50s), and publications that tell about the post-war confrontation between intelligence and counterintelligence of the USSR and a potential enemy (espionage) and detectives. All publications are written in an understandable and attractive form for the younger generation of those times (and not only the younger one!), while many editions were not reprinted at all later. After 1962, the series was continued by the publishing house in a different form (regular format) and under a different logo ("Military Adventures").


File format: fb2, pdf, djvu
Quality: eBook, scanned pages

Avdeenko. mountain spring
Avdeenko. Over Tisza
Autocrats. gray rock
Autocrats. The secret of Professor Maksheev
Avtomonov P. In the Courland cauldron
Andreev A. I really want to live
Atarov. Death under a pseudonym
Bogdanov-The Secret of Yulia-Yarvi
Borshchagovsky A. Disturbing clouds
Bryantsev. blue package
Viktor Mikhailov. Guardians of the Cold Sea
Volyanovsky. silent front
Vsevolozhsky I. Elusive Monitor
Gerasimova, Savelyev-The collapse of Vlasovsky's career
Hoffman G. Aircraft shot down over the target
Grossman. Ambush. Double bottom
Grossman. The captain is following
Dold-Mikhailik Yu. And one warrior in the field
Druzhinin V. Traces of Zaur-bek
Druzhinin V. Mystery
Zhdanov N. In the vicinity of the mystery
Mysterious numbers
Zinke. Object 112
Zubavin B. Duel. Officer's Notes
I. Zolotar Notes of a paratrooper
Ivannikova V. Incident on the Chumka
Kasumov I., Seidbeyli G. On distant shores
Kirillov G. Underwater reconnaissance
Koroteev N., V. Uspensky. invisible light
Korshunov, M. Bondarev. Inaccessible zone
Kossinsky. If we are alive
Kraevsky B., Limanov Yu. When Dolphins Play
Kraevsky B., Limanov Yu. The story of one squadron
Kuchkin. Seven deaths will not happen
Lenchevsky. 80 days on fire
Linkov L. Big Horizon
Linkov-Witness from Outpost No. 3
Lukin, Polyanovsky. Cheka officer
Maksakov V. Deep raid. Tankman's Notes
Markov G. In search of cesium
Melentiev V. Hieroglyphs of Sikhote-Alin
Melnik G. Granite battleship
Mikhailov V. Boomerang does not return
Mikhailov V. At critical angles
Mikhailov V. Under a false name
Mikhailov V. Guardians of the Cold Sea
Mikhalev-A case with a schooner
Muguev. Mrs. Bark doll
Nasibov A. The accident of George Harris
Ovals. The Adventures of Major Pronin
Panov-Boatswain with
Panov. In the ocean
Rzhevskaya E. Special task
Rusanov S. A special sign
Samoilov L., Skorbin B. The Mysterious Passenger
Samoilov, Skorbin-Web
Simashko M. In the black sands
Sokolov. Abkhaz story
Stadnyuk I.F. Pathfinders
Stadnyuk. Scene of the incident - front
Sytina T. End of Big Julius
Toman N. What Happens in Silence
Toman-Forced landing
Travin G. Sniper
Travin G. Secrets of the Tarunin Heights
Tremmin. Hornsreef Mystery
Usychenko Y. Invisible front
Tsatsulin I. Atomic Fortress
Kharitanovich E., Mikhailov G. Operation No. 6
Chernosvitov V. Blue Arrow
Chernosvitov V. Small business
Sheinin L.R. Military secret
Shpanov N. Sorcerer's Apprentice
Shpanov N.N. - The Adventures of Nil Kruchinin

Arefiev. deep snow
Belitsky M. Bacillus No. 0.78 (1952)
Gorbach V.F. Night Aliens
Grossman M.S. Ambush. Double bottom
Kostin. Korzh follows the trail
Jacob Levant. bronze deer
Lobko N.P. In the lair. Second meeting
A. Malinsky, S. Trofimova, B. Felitsyn. Date line. Letter A
Milchakov V. Intelligence is ahead, 1951
Vasily Opr. The secret of Andrey Zarudny
Peunov V., Chernyavsky I. Chekist Averyan Surmach
Alexander Ryabtsev. Tiger head. Fitting "Fossa"
Leonid Stoyanov. On the roof of the world. Blue bowl

If you have already lived enough in the world, then you must have been fond of the novels of our great spy action writer Nikolai Toman as a child. Remember the Military Adventures library. And at a more mature age, after the fall of the "Iron Curtain", we were finally able to join the literature of the main foreign singer of this genre - Ian Fleming. And what would happen if both of these writers worked together? Pseudo-science-fiction goofy super-duper action movie!

Big Horizon Lev Linkov

Lev Alexandrovich Linkov was born in 1908 in Kazan, in the family of a teacher. He worked at a factory, then in the editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. In 1941-51 he served in the border troops. Member of the CPSU. In 1938, according to the scenario of Lev Linkov, a feature film "Naval Post" was staged. In 1940, a book of his stories, Pathfinder, was published. L. Linkov's story "The Captain of the Old Turtle", published in 1948, was repeatedly reprinted in our country and the countries of people's democracy, was filmed at the Odessa Film Studio. In 1949-59, his books were published: ...

In search of cesium Georgy Markov - Bulgaria

The book of the Bulgarian writer Georgy Markov "In search of cesium" tells about the exposure by the state security agencies and ordinary people of Bulgaria of the criminal activities of foreign intelligence agents trying to disrupt research work Bulgarian scientists in the field of medicine and anti-nuclear defense and steal classified information of a defense nature. Military Publishing, M., 1958, Series Library of Military Adventures Translation from Bulgarian by Petrov M.N. Artist Chernyshev P.M.

Mysterious Numbers Undefined Undefined

The collection presents short stories and novels by Chinese writers. They tell about the intelligence, courage, and resourcefulness of the fighters and commanders of the People's Liberation Army and employees of state security agencies in their fight against spies and saboteurs thrown into China by Kuomintang and imperialist intelligence. Military Publishing House, M., 1957, Series Library of Military Adventures Artist Rebrov Yu.P.

Silent Front Lucian Volyanovsky

The book by Lucian Wolyanovsky describes the struggle waged by the Polish counterintelligence against the espionage organization in the FRG, led by General Reinhard Gehlen. The struggle that day and day is played out around us on the "silent front". While working on this book, the author painstakingly researched the history of the Gehlen reconnaissance grids in Poland for a year and a half. The activity of this organization is directed not only against Poland, but also against the USSR. This "silent front" stretches not only through Warsaw or Szczecin, but also through Moscow, through Kyiv. Military publishing…

YOUR NAME IS "QUARTER THIRD"? (Collection of SF) Vladislav Krapivin

"Your name is a quarter past three?" - the second collection of works of science fiction literature, published in the Ural Library of Travel, Adventure and Science Fiction. The first - the stories of the young Sverdlovsk writers Mikhail and Larisa Nemchenko "Flying to the Brothers" - was released in 1964 and was warmly received by readers and critics. This collection includes authors with different residence permits: M. and L. Nemchenko, V. Krapivin, I. Davydov, V. Slukin and E. Kartashev - Sverdlovsk residents, A. Sheikin - Leningrader, I. Rosokhovatsky - Kievan, S. Gansovsky …

Everything depends on us Vladislav Konyushevsky

The military adventures of Ilya Lisov continue. Knowing the future, he nevertheless managed to change the course of the Great Patriotic War in such a way that neither the Kharkov catastrophe, nor the loss of Crimea, nor Stalingrad occurred. So now, by the end of 1943, the Red Army has reached the borders of the USSR and is moving further to the west with battles. Ilya, like millions of Soviet soldiers, is fighting, but is completely unaware that at one fine moment people from the NKVD will again ask him the question: “Lisov, who are you?” And this time I'll have to answer honestly...

Your name is "A quarter past three"? Undefined Undefined

"Your name is a quarter past three?" is already the second collection of works of science fiction literature published in our Ural Library of Travel, Adventures and Science Fiction. The first - the stories of the young Sverdlovsk writers Mikhail and Larisa Nemchenko "Flying to the Brothers" - was released in 1964 and was warmly received by readers and critics. This collection includes authors with different residence permits: M. and L. Nemchenko, V. Krapivin, I. Davydov, V. Slukin and E. Kartashev - Sverdlovsk, A. Sheikin - Leningrader, I. Rosokhovatsky - ...

Four and Krak Evgeny Korablev

At Five Streams Evgeny Korablev

The Urals of the past, present and future time - the land of inexhaustible riches, amazing natural phenomena, the land of unique, courageous and searching people - is primarily the theme of many works of the Ural Library of Travel, Adventures and Science Fiction. The Urals of the first years of Soviet power and its people are dedicated to the trilogy of the now forgotten writer E. Korablev (Grigory Grigorievich Mladov), who can rightfully be considered one of the founders of the genre of Soviet adventure literature. Works "Four and Krak", ...

Contemplator of rocks Evgeny Korablev

The Urals of the past, present and future time - the land of inexhaustible riches, amazing natural phenomena, the land of unique, courageous and searching people - is primarily the theme of many works of the Ural Library of Travel, Adventures and Science Fiction. The Urals of the first years of Soviet power and its people are dedicated to the trilogy of the now forgotten writer E. Korablev (Grigory Grigorievich Mladov), who can rightfully be considered one of the founders of the genre of Soviet adventure literature. Works "Four and Krak", ...

The operation continues Mikhail Alekseev

Compiled by I. V. Chebushev G68 The operation continues. [Collection]. M., Military publishing house, 1969. 512 pages (Military adventures). 200000 copies 98 k. This collective collection military adventures included works by famous Soviet writers Mikhail Alekseev, Nikolai Gribachev, Ivan Stadnyuk, Gennady Semenikhin. The authors tell in them about the courage and courage of Soviet intelligence officers, about the courage and resourcefulness of our people. The collection opens with a new story by a young Ural writer Vladimir Voloskov "The Operation Continues". It talks about how…

Cardboard stars Alexander Kosarev

The author of the book that you are holding in your hands took facts from his own biography, rich in the most incredible incidents, as a basis for the plot - service in the special forces of the GRU of the USSR and his participation in the Vietnam War. Look at the events of not so distant history through the eyes of an eyewitness and a direct participant. It was forbidden to talk about this for several decades! Unique details, facts and data about the last big war that Russia won are published for the first time. New romance recognized author of the adventure genre A. Kosarev ...

Play It Again Sam Michael Walsh

Everyone comes to Casablanca - and sooner or later everyone comes to Rick: the leader of the Czech Resistance, most beautiful woman Europe, a brilliant black pianist, an expansive Russian bartender, Germans, French, Norwegians and Bulgarians, servants of the Third Reich and freedom fighters. What began in Casablanca (1942) - one of the greatest films in the history of world cinema - continued and finally came to an end. New York gangsters of the 1930s, assassination attempt on Reinhard Heydrich in 1942, exciting military adventures and a poignant love story -…

Commando. Boer Diary of the Boer War D. Reitz

Finally, we got a book that has it all. There is no strategy and very little tactics in this simple, unvarnished tale. There is a war, but human soul matures not in the course of the war, but as a result of the experience gained in it. This book tells a simple true story what the Boer War meant to one of its participants. Colonel Reitz went to war as a teenager of seventeen years old, went through it to the very end, and immediately after it ended he wrote these memoirs. He had many military adventures. Everything that had to...

Nobody but us Oleg Shablovsky

Once again, the hot and bloody summer of 1941, our contemporary, by the will of fate, finds himself in one of the border outposts of western Ukraine. He does not have a laptop and a Kalashnikov assault rifle, he does not have encyclopedic knowledge, he will not get to Stalin in order to change the course of the war and avoid that huge tragedy that is about to fall on the country. He does not have such an opportunity. The only thing left for him is to take up arms and, together with his ancestors, stand in the way of the enemy. I warn you right away the genre of the novel is military adventures, science fiction is just a little bit here, this is an attempt by the author ...

Everything that is told in this book happened long before our days. Our Red Fleet at that time was not as powerful as it is now, but even at that time it was strong with the courage and military skill of the sailors, their love for the Motherland, their determination to defend the honor and independence of their own to the end. great country. And at that time, sailors tirelessly and persistently studied military affairs. During the Great Patriotic War, our fleet valiantly fulfilled its duty. Heroism, military friendship and discipline of sailors is proud of the whole Soviet people. This story is about adventure...

Far in the future, Earth has been turned into an archaeological reserve. A group of smugglers, who have arrived on Earth in the hope of rich booty, are forced to do nothing so as not to light up in front of the patrol. Out of boredom, they begin to read the ancient books of the Earth, found in containers deep underground. For thirteen days, the five adventurers read books, those strange, already forgotten sources of information. And something starts to change in their minds...

Everything depends on us Vladislav Konyushevsky

The military adventures of Ilya Lisov continue. Knowing the future, he nevertheless managed to change the course of the Great Patriotic War in such a way that neither the Kharkov catastrophe, nor the loss of Crimea, nor Stalingrad occurred. So now, by the end of 1943, the Red Army has reached the borders of the USSR and is moving further to the west with battles. Ilya, like millions of Soviet soldiers, is fighting, but is completely unaware that at one fine moment people from the NKVD will again ask him the question: “Lisov, who are you?” And this time I'll have to answer honestly...

Noise in the Fog Alexei Makhrov

If you have already lived enough in the world, then you must have been fond of the novels of our great spy action writer Nikolai Toman as a child. Remember the Military Adventures library. And at a more mature age, after the fall of the "Iron Curtain", we were finally able to join the literature of the main foreign singer of this genre - Ian Fleming. And what would happen if both of these writers worked together? Pseudo-science-fiction goofy super-duper action movie!

Big Horizon Lev Linkov

Lev Alexandrovich Linkov was born in 1908 in Kazan, in the family of a teacher. He worked at a factory, then in the editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. In 1941-51 he served in the border troops. Member of the CPSU. In 1938, according to the scenario of Lev Linkov, a feature film "Naval Post" was staged. In 1940, a book of his stories, Pathfinder, was published. L. Linkov's story "The Captain of the Old Turtle", published in 1948, was repeatedly reprinted in our country and the countries of people's democracy, was filmed at the Odessa Film Studio. In 1949-59, his books were published: ...

In search of cesium Georgy Markov - Bulgaria

The book of the Bulgarian writer Georgy Markov "In Search of Cesium" tells about the exposure by the state security agencies and ordinary people of Bulgaria of the criminal activities of foreign intelligence agents who are trying to disrupt the research work of Bulgarian scientists in the field of medicine and anti-nuclear defense and steal secret information of a defense nature. Military Publishing, M., 1958, Series Library of Military Adventures Translation from Bulgarian by Petrov M.N. Artist Chernyshev P.M.

Mysterious Numbers Undefined Undefined

The collection presents short stories and novels by Chinese writers. They tell about the intelligence, courage, and resourcefulness of the fighters and commanders of the People's Liberation Army and employees of state security agencies in their fight against spies and saboteurs thrown into China by Kuomintang and imperialist intelligence. Military Publishing House, M., 1957, Series Library of Military Adventures Artist Rebrov Yu.P.

Silent Front Lucian Volyanovsky

The book by Lucian Wolyanovsky describes the struggle waged by the Polish counterintelligence against the espionage organization in the FRG, led by General Reinhard Gehlen. The struggle that day and day is played out around us on the "silent front". While working on this book, the author painstakingly researched the history of the Gehlen reconnaissance grids in Poland for a year and a half. The activity of this organization is directed not only against Poland, but also against the USSR. This "silent front" stretches not only through Warsaw or Szczecin, but also through Moscow, through Kyiv. Military publishing…

The operation continues Mikhail Alekseev

Compiled by I. V. Chebushev G68 The operation continues. [Collection]. M., Military publishing house, 1969. 512 pages (Military adventures). 200000 copies 98 k. This collective collection of military adventures includes works by famous Soviet writers Mikhail Alekseev, Nikolai Gribachev, Ivan Stadnyuk, Gennady Semenikhin. The authors tell in them about the courage and courage of Soviet intelligence officers, about the courage and resourcefulness of our people. The collection opens with a new story by the young Ural writer Vladimir Voloskov "The Operation Continues". It talks about how…

Lend-Lease tanks in the Red Army. Part 2 Undefined Undefined

The second part describes the path of foreign military equipment during the Second World War in the units of the Red Army. Tanks and cars were used quite intensively, so that only a few copies survived until the end of the war, and some tanks even took part in the war with Japan. A detailed review of Shermans, Stuarts and Lees is provided with excellent photographs and descriptions. For lovers of history and military equipment- must read.

Cardboard stars Alexander Kosarev

The author of the book that you are holding in your hands took facts from his own biography, rich in the most incredible incidents, as a basis for the plot - service in the Special Forces of the GRU of the USSR and his participation in the Vietnam War. Look at the events of not so distant history through the eyes of an eyewitness and a direct participant. It was forbidden to talk about this for several decades! Unique details, facts and data about the last big war that Russia won are published for the first time. A new novel by the recognized author of the adventure genre A. Kosarev ...

Play It Again Sam Michael Walsh

Everyone comes to Casablanca - and sooner or later everyone comes to Rick: the leader of the Czech Resistance, the most beautiful woman in Europe, the brilliant black pianist, the expansive Russian bartender, the Germans, French, Norwegians and Bulgarians, servants of the Third Reich and freedom fighters. What began in Casablanca (1942) - one of the greatest films in the history of world cinema - continued and finally came to an end. New York gangsters of the 1930s, assassination attempt on Reinhard Heydrich in 1942, exciting military adventures and a poignant love story -…

Commando. Boer Diary of the Boer War D. Reitz

Finally, we got a book that has it all. There is no strategy and very little tactics in this simple, unvarnished tale. There is a war going on, but the human soul matures not in the course of the war, but as a result of the experience gained in it. This book tells the simple, true story of what the Boer War meant to one of its participants. Colonel Reitz went to war as a teenager of seventeen years old, went through it to the very end, and immediately after it ended he wrote these memoirs. He had many military adventures. Everything that had to...

Nobody but us Oleg Shablovsky

Once again, the hot and bloody summer of 1941, our contemporary, by the will of fate, finds himself in one of the border outposts of western Ukraine. He does not have a laptop and a Kalashnikov assault rifle, he does not have encyclopedic knowledge, he will not get to Stalin in order to change the course of the war and avoid that huge tragedy that is about to fall on the country. He does not have such an opportunity. The only thing left for him is to take up arms and, together with his ancestors, stand in the way of the enemy. I warn you right away the genre of the novel is military adventures, science fiction is just a little bit here, this is an attempt by the author ...