Poet lyricist Nikolai Borisovich. Russian artists

List of publications of N.B. Rachkov, published in the Arzamas press and collective collections available in the funds of the central city library of Arzamas.

Collections of poems by N.B. Rachkova
1. Rachkov, N. Wells / N. Rachkov. - Gorky: Volga-Vyatka book. publishing house, 1967.-30s.
2. Rachkov, N. Father's Porch / N. Rachkov. - Gorky: Volga-Vyatka Prince. publishing house, 1979.- 30s.
3. Rachkov, N. Unique this world / N. Rachkov.- M.: Sovremennik, 1983.- 112p.
4. Rachkov, N. Only love / N. Rachkov.- Gorky: Volga-Vyatka book. publishing house, 1987.- 96s.
5. Rachkov, N. Memorial House / N. Rachkov.- L.: Lenizdat, 1991.- 94p.
6. Rachkov, N. Among fogs and grasses / N. Rachkov.-SPb., 1994.- 270p.
7. Rachkov, N. Under the high sky / N. Rachkov.- Arzamas, 1996.- 414p.
8. Rachkov, N. My azure light / N. Rachkov.- St. Petersburg: Vesti, 1997.- 196p.
9. Rachkov, N. Ryabinovaya Rus: fav. poems 1975-2000 / N. Rachkov.- St. Petersburg: Vesti, 2001.- 592p.
10. Rachkov, N. The Golden Crown / N. Rachkov.- St. Petersburg: Vesti, 2003.- 240p.
11. Rachkov, N. Love and believe / N. Rachkov.- Arzamas, 2006.- 222p.
12.Rachkov.N. Pushkin spring (My Pushkiniana) / N. Rachkov. - Arzamas, 2009.-54p.

Publications in periodicals

1. Rachkov, N. To my friend: a poem // Arzamas. true.-1958.- June 1.- p.3.
2. Rachkov, N. My land: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 26 Dec. - 1958. - P.4.

1. Rachkov, N. A young electric welder: a poem // Arzamas. true.-1959.-10 Feb.-p.3.
2. Rachkov, N. Girls: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1959. - March 15. - P.3.
3. Rachkov, N. Komsomol patrol: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1959. - 27 September - p.3.

1. Rachkov, N. Sixtieth: a poem // Arzamas. true.-1960.-10 Jan.-p.3.
2. Rachkov, N. Komsomol youth: a poem // Arzamas. true.-1960.-May 29.- P.3.
3. Rachkov, N. Anxiety; Roads: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1960. - 4 September - p.3.

1. Rachkov, N. We are young: a poem // Arzamas. true.-1961.- 30 Aug.- P.3.

10. Rachkov, N. Good luck: new poems // Arzamas. pravda.-1962.- 4 Feb.- P.4.- Contents: Another jerk; Broken poplar; Snow; A park; Remained ...; Puppies in the market; Dawn; “You are going to the institute…”; “And you look at the Napoleons…”

11. Rachkov, N. Sails: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1963. - June 30. - P.3.
12. Rachkov, N. Autumn: a poem // Arzamas. true.-1963.-!0 Dec.-p.4.

13. Rachkov, N. Shkolnoe; capercaillie; “I will bury my head in the grass ...”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1964. - June 14. - P.3.
14. Rachkov, N. Beyond Kirillovka near Arzamas: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1964. - June 21. - P.3.
15. Rachkov, N. Monument to Lenin: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1964. - July 12. - P.1.
16. Rachkov, N. Captain; At the foot of Mount Mashuk; “Yes, tomorrow morning, curved cool…”; “You write to me, write…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1964. - July 26. - P.3.
17. Rachkov, N. Garden at the state farm Karaganda; “I need a little from you…”; “I love you, August…”; “They don’t sleep here for several days…”; “How the flowers blaze farewell in the garden…”; Valka Lezin: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1964. - 6 September - p.3.
18. Rachkov, N. Autumn melodies: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1964. - November 22. - P.3. - Contents: "Leaves - swallows - leaf fall ..."; “Yes, far from shining ...”; “Well, both evil and interesting…”.

19. Rachkov, N. Zavolzhye: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1965. - March 28. - P.3.
20. Rachkov, N. Song about the stone: [about the Ivanovo quarry]: report // Arzamas. true.- 1965.- 11 Aug.- p.3.
21. Rachkov, N. Rodina; “For twenty it rolled ...”; Hunter; Parting; Ear; Boris Kornilov: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1965. - July 4. - P.3.
22. Rachkov, N. Morning: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1965. - September 12 - p.3.
23. Rachkov, N. Wells: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1965. - 17 Oct. - S. 3.
24. Rachkov, N. Vladimir: a poem // Arzamas. true.-1965.- November 3.- P.3.


25. Rachkov, N. Another Yurka: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1966. - January 9. - P.3.
26. Rachkov, N. Boys: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1966. - P.4.
27. Rachkov, N. Wells; At night on the river; Memory; Lilac; Birch: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1966. - July 17. - P.3.
28. Rachkov, N. Pushkin and the hussars: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1966.- 13 Nov.-S.3.
29. Rachkov, N. Zima: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1966.- 25 Dec.-S.3.

30. Rachkov, N. Winter night: poem // Arzamas. true.- 1967.- 3 Jan.- p.3.
31. Rachkov, N. Songs: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1967.- 8 Jan.- p.3.
32. Rachkov, N. In Far Konstantinov: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1967. - Feb. 26. - P.3.
33. Rachkov, N. Immortality: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1967. - April 23 - p.3.
34. Rachkov, N. Spring: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1967. - May 14. - P.3.
35. Rachkov, N. Dedication: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1967. - May 28. - P.3.
36. Rachkov, N. Two wings: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1967. - June 4. - S.3.33
37. Rachkov, N. Znoy: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1967. - July 22. - P.3.
38. Rachkov, N. Brave duck: a fairy tale in verse // Arzamas. true. - 1967. - 23 Dec. - P.3.

39. Rachkov, N. Road: a poem // Volga.- 1968.- No. 4.- P.103-104.
40. Rachkov, N. Forget?; Woman: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1968.- 10 Aug.- p.3.
41. Rachkov, N. “And often, in the midst of quiet darkness…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1968. - P.3.
42. Rachkov, N. Gorodok; In the village: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1968. - 24 Aug. - P.3.
43. Rachkov, N. “Why did the horde burst here…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1968. - September 7. - P.3.
44. Rachkov, N. Ballad of the forty-first; “Yes, what is wrong with me! What's the point…”; "I'm walking down the street..."; “I am now until the last moment ...”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1968.- 14 Sept.- p.3.
45. Rachkov, N. Sentimentality: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1968.- November 2.- P.3.

46. ​​Rachkov, N. Magic violinist; Bear cub; Letter; Rotozeev counting; Who ate sour cream; Web: poems for children // Arzamas. true. - 1969. - Feb. 1. - P.3.
47. Rachkov, N. Gaidar: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1969. - March 22. .- C.3.
. Rachkov, N. The border on the Ussuri: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1969. - April 1 - p.3.
48. Rachkov, N. Sunday; Willows; Old romances: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1969. - April 5. - P.3.
49. Rachkov, N. Kalina: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1969.- 3 Oct.- p.3.
50. Rachkov, N. Revolution; Meeting; Letter: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1969.- November 5.- P.3.
51. Rachkov, N. Druzhba; Winter night: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1969.- November 29.- P.3.

52. Rachkov, N. Lenin: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1970.- 7 Jan.- p.3.
53. Rachkov, N. Pushkin in Boldin; Near the window; On the track: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1970.- 24 Jan.- p.3.
54. Rachkov, N. Nightingales; Spring tune: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1970. - Feb. 14. - P.3.
55. Rachkov, N. Winter: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1970. - March 13. - P.3.
56. Rachkov, N. Lilac; “All palisades in currants…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1970. - March 21. - P.3.
57. Rachkov, N. Letter: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1970.- April 4.- p.3.
58. Rachkov, N. Fireworks are thundering: a poem // Arzamas. true.-1970.- May 9.- P.1.
59. Rachkov, N. Kolos; Plantain; Disabled person; Loves-does not love: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1970. - July 4. - P.3.
60. Rachkov, N. Ptitselov; "Go to the fields ..."; Reed: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1970. - July 18. - P.3.
61. Rachkov, N. Work; Evening study: poetry // Arzamas. true.- 1970.- 15 Aug.- p.3.
62. Rachkov, N. A man in a cavalry overcoat: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1970. - 13 Oct. - P.3.
63. Rachkov, N. Stupin: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1970.- 31 Oct.- p.3.

64. Rachkov, N. Star: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1971. - May 11. - P.3.
65. Rachkov, N. Stupin; Farewell to the outskirts: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1971. - May 22. - P.3.
66. Rachkov, N. Spring in Boldin: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1971. - June 5. - P.3.
67. Rachkov, N. In memory of space heroes: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1971. - July 3. - P.3.
68. Rachkov, N. Senokos: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1971. - July 25. - P.1.
69. Rachkov, N. Teacher: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1971. - July 31. - P.4.
70. Rachkov, N. Summer: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1971.- 14 Aug.- p.3.
71. Rachkov, N. Red rowan; “No, I can’t forget you…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1971.- 28 Aug.- p.4.
72. Rachkov, N. Falling leaves: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1971. - 16 Oct. - P.3.
73. Rachkov, N. Decembrists: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1971.- 10 Dec.- P.3.
74. Rachkov, N. Forester: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1971.- 18 Dec.- p.3.

75. Rachkov, N. Creativity: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1972.- 8 Jan.- p.3.
76. Rachkov, N. Alena; Snow: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1972. - Feb. 19. - P.3.
77. Rachkov, N. Ballad about Petya Kolesov: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1972. - April 8. - P.3.
78. Rachkov, N. Spring; House: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1972. - May 20. - P.3.
79. Rachkov, N. “I didn’t have time to shout…”; “Write poetry not for the sake of money…”: poetry // Arzamas. true. - 1972. - July 8. - P.3.
80. Rachkov, N. "One has only to fall asleep ..."; “No, I don’t like photographs…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1972. - July 29. - P.3.
81. Rachkov, N. Let's be frank; Autumn; Dandelion: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1972. - 7 Oct. - P.4.
82. Rachkov, N. Khvastunishka and heron; "Blue rain ..."; Peas; Strawberry; September belly; Blueberry; Chanterelles: poems for children // Arzamas. true.- 1972.- 21 Oct.- P.3.
83. Rachkov, N. Proclamation: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1972. - November 7. - P.4.

84. Rachkov, N. Snowdrop; Return: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1973. - March 17. - P.3.
85. Rachkov, N. As long as the planet is spinning: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1973. - April 28 - p.3.
86. Rachkov, N. “I saw you in reality, not in a dream…”; “She said:“ Beloved, be silent ... ”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1973. - June 2. - P.3.
87. Rachkov, N. Golden water lily: a fairy tale in verse // Arzamas. true.- 1973.- 25 Aug.- p.3.
88. Rachkov, N. Chile: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1973. - September 18. .- C.3.
89. Rachkov, N. Honor; “Walk through the overgrown grass…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1973.- Sept. 29.- P.3.
90. Rachkov, N. “I peered into the landscape…”: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1973.- November 3.- P.3.
91. Rachkov, N. At the meeting; "Eccentric ... And not tired of ..."; Pushkin and Riznich: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1973. - 24 November - p.3.

92. Rachkov, N. Gaidar: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1974.- 19 Jan.- p.3.
93. Rachkov, N. Return; Spring break; Soldier; "Cool in May evenings ...": poems // Arzamas. true. - 1974. - March 23. - P.3.
94. Rachkov, N. Cherry blossoms: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1974. - May 25. - P.3.
95. Rachkov, N. Talk about professions: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1974. - June 29. - P.3.
96. Rachkov, N. Teberda; “A girl came out ...”; Alexander Green: poetry // Arzamas. true. - 1974. - August 17. - P.3.
97. Rachkov, N. Natasha: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1974. - 30 Aug. - p.3; 31 Aug.- p.3.
98. Rachkov, N. Swing: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1974. - November 16 - p.3.

99. Rachkov, N. In the forty-first; “Never forget the fallen…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1975. - February 19. - P.3.
100. Rachkov, N. "Poplars and maples kupa ...": a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1975. - March 1. - P.3.
101. Rachkov, N. Ballad about the missing person; There is eternal love: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1975. - April 26 - p.3.
102. Rachkov, N. On the road; Before the storm; Lily of the valley: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1975. - June 7. - P.3.
103. Rachkov, N. Come: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1975. - July 12. - P.3.
104. Rachkov, N. Ship; moonbeam; feeder; Calf; Gift: poems for children // Arzamas. true. - 1975. - November 15 - p.3.
105. Rachkov, N. “The main thing is to live on the limit…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1975. - November 18 - p.3.
106. Rachkov, N. Under the snowstorm of St. Petersburg (To the 150th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising): a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1975.- 10 Dec.- P.4.

107. Rachkov, N. Children; After the rain: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - March 27. - P.3.
108. Rachkov, N. Confession: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - April 24 - p.4.
109. Rachkov, N. Native side: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - May 1. - P.3.
110. Rachkov, N. Forget-me-nots: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - June 5. - P.3.
111. Rachkov, N. Fate: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - July 3. - P.3.
112. Rachkov, N. Sheaves: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - July 10. - P.4.
113. Rachkov, N. Beginning; “The Bezhin Meadow hasn’t been mowed yet…”; "I don't believe...": poems // Arzamas. true.- 1976.- 28 Aug.- P.4.
114. Rachkov, N. For mushrooms; Neighbor; "The sun is tired. Trees in the dust ... "; “Again the big road is gathering dust…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - September 11 - p.4.
115. Rachkov, N. Indian summer: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1976 - September 18 - p.4.
116. Rachkov, N. "And youthful ardor, and thirst for risk ..."; Half-station: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - 25 September - p.4.
117. Rachkov, N. "And Blok, and Yesenin, and Tyutchev ..."; “It’s good when the moon…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - 16 Oct. - p.3.
118. Rachkov, N. “The sun is tired…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - November 13 - p.3.
119. Rachkov, N. “In the old, green alleys…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1976. - 27 November. .- C.3.

120. Rachkov, N. Boldino; Old woman; “And every year there are fewer, fewer of us…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1977.- 15 Jan.- p.3.
121. Rachkov, N. Those who are seventeen; About hunting; "An inconspicuous bush of elderberry ...": poems // Arzamas. true. - 1977. - Feb. 19. - P.3.
122. Rachkov, N. For mushrooms; "The sun is tired"; Horse; Indian summer: poems // Young Guard.- 1977.-№3.- P.104-106.
123. Rachkov, N. “Chu, drops! So spring is coming…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1977. - March 7. - P.4.
124. Rachkov, N. Birth: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1977. - March 26. - P.3.
125. Rachkov, N. A word about a friend: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1977. - April 2 - P.4.
126. Rachkov, N. “Do I mind that you…”; “Well, with my poems, my friend…”; “Only a stream will choke a ravine…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1977. - May 21. - P.3.
127. Rachkov, N. Veteran: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1977. - June 28. - P.3.
128. Rachkov, N. Nadia Rusheva; Lindens; On the Slavic field: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1977. - July 1. - P.3.
129. Rachkov, N. From the autumn notebook: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1977.- Sept. 17.- C.3.- Contents: "Already September leaves ingots ..."; “The gardens are full of ripe juice…”
130. Rachkov, N. “October is such a time of year…”; “And the ancient pines rustle…”: poems // Arzamas. true.-1977.- 22 Oct.- P.3.

131. Rachkov, N. Beginning; “Any day, any time of the year…”; Station; “Parting is not bitterness, but good…”; “Haymaking. They stacked ... ": poems // Youth.- 1978.- No. 1.- P.37.
132. Rachkov, N. "White garden ...": a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1978.- 14 Jan.-S.3.
133. Rachkov, N. Cloud: a poem // Lit. Russia.- 1978.- July 28.- P.7.

134. Rachkov, N. Ivanovskie mounds in Arzamas; 1947; April nights. The murmur of water…”; Birth; “Winter is over. The warmth has come ... "; “We are growing up ...”; Farewell to the outskirts: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - April 7. - P.3.
135. Rachkov, N. Komsomol song: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - May 11. - P.4.
136. Rachkov, N. Anxiety; “Fed up with carpets…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - May 12. - P.3.
137. Rachkov, N. Father and son: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - June 1. - P.3.
138. Rachkov, N. “There was neither a devil nor a god ...”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - June 2. - P.2.
139. Rachkov, N. Memory: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - June 6. - P.3.
140. Rachkov, N. Leshka: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - June 23. - P.4.
141. Rachkov, N. "All the blows of fate ..."; "The border of the saving forest .."; “One mysterious portrait…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - July 7. - P.3.
142. Rachkov, N. Proselok: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1979.- 22 Aug.- P.4.
143. Rachkov, N. Nettle: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - 8 September. .- C.3.
144. Rachkov, N. “I am not offended by my life ...”; “And it sounded in the neighborhood ...”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - September 19. - P.4.
145. Rachkov, N. Comrade; “Oh scholarship, you are a reactive force…”; “I know everything here…”; “He drove life in a straight line without rest”; Main lesson; “As a boy, golden sand interfering ...”; “And some broken sound…”; “With the country, with my side”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1979. - 21 Nov. - P.4.

146. Rachkov, N. Morning; “Where there were quiet villages…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1980.- 19 Jan.- P.4.
147. Rachkov, N. Father and son: a poem // Volga. - 1980. - No. 2. - P. 118.
148. Rachkov, N. “Why, why did I believe him ..”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1980. - March 1. - P.3.
149. Rachkov, N. The most important thing; Anya; Sun of childhood; “Taking from the place the impossible acceleration…”; Oats; “Bars are built into the fragile“ walls ... ”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1980. - March 18. - P.3.
150. Rachkov, N. "There was not and is not, as you know ...": a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1980. - May 1. - P.4.
151. Rachkov, N. Ballad of eighteen: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1980. - May 16. - P.3.
152. Rachkov, N. “In my village no one will lay down the stove ...”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1980. - July 12. - P.3.
153. Rachkov, N. Russian tea; Along the Murom path: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1980.- 1 Aug.- p.3.
154. Rachkov, N. Legend of Fevronya Vilyanova; Road to Pushkin; Makaryevsky monastery: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1980.- 29 Aug. .- C.4.
155. Rachkov, N. “The distant abode of labor and pure neg…”: [Art. about Boldino autumn] // Arzamas. true.- 1980.- 30 Aug.- P.3.
156. Rachkov, N. Kulikovo field; Eupraxia: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1980. - November 1. - P.4.

157. Rachkov, N. “We are Russians. We know ourselves…”; “Do not look for noble blood in us ...”; Such is the song of the people; “How quails ring in oats…”; “And the chest is almost naked…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1981.- 10 Jan.- p.3.
158. Rachkov, N. Zvezda; Landscape; “Everything changes in the world…”; “I don’t like crooked smiles…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1981.- 28 Jan.- P.4.
159. Rachkov, N. Harlekin; birches; "Hooray! The semester is over…”; "It's raining again..."; Memory; “I love the provincial world…”; “It smells of elderberry wet in the garden…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1981. - March 25. - P.4.
160. Rachkov, N. Babka: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1981. - April 25 - p.3.
161. Rachkov, N. “I believe in life, in golden bread…”; “In the morning the stream mumbled ...”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1981. - May 1. - P.4.
162. Rachkov, N. "Well, what do we not hear about ourselves ..."; “Which year, which age…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1981. - May 9. - P.4.
163. Rachkov, N. Study; This world is unique: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1981. - May 29. - P.3.
164. Rachkov, N. Liukin; “Wherever you go or wander…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1981. - June 6. - P.4.
165. Rachkov, N "Domes over the forest or over the field ..."; “I won’t open anything like that…”; On the grave of Tanya Savicheva; “I bow to the midnight star”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1981. - July 22. - P.3.
166. Rachkov, N. Bread; The funeral; craze; Autumn: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1981.- 12 Sept.- P.3.
167. Rachkov, N. Poet; “Something in life happened wrong…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1981.- 7 Oct.- p.4.
168. Rachkov, N. Moscow: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1981.- 12 Dec.- P.3.

169. Rachkov, N. Bagration: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1982. - 23 Feb. .- C.4.
170. Rachkov, N. Dombay; “In the mountains, shining with majesty…”; Griboyedov and Nina; Yermolov: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1982.- 27 Feb.- P.4.
171. Rachkov, N. Hadji Murat: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1982. - April 21 - p.4.
172. Rachkov, N. “And man created man…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1982. - April 24 - p.3.
173. Rachkov, N. “I foresaw trouble, whether I was guilty ...”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1982. - May 1. - P.4.
174. Rachkov, N. Red River; Bubbles: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1982. - May 29. - P.3.
175. Rachkov, N. “Alone or together…”; "In the currant ravine ..."; "My dear skeptic..."; “A teenager is exhausted from idleness ...”; Seryozha; Russian cathedrals: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1982. - June 5. - P.3.
176. Rachkov, N. “In the rustle of snow, in the noise of rain ...”: a poem // Volga.-1982.- No. 7.- P.119.
177. Rachkov, N. Crimean motives: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1982.- Sept. 25.- P.3.- Contents: Pushkin and the sea; Katsiveli; Villa "Xenia"; Potemkin; The swallow nest.
178. Rachkov, N. Boris Kornilov; Diary: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1982. - 23 Oct. - p.3.
179. Rachkov, N. Unity: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1982. - 30 Dec. - P.2.

180. Rachkov, N. We will not get out of the way; Aspen; "Leaves in puddles ..."; “And where is the beginning of all beginnings ..”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1983.- 8 Jan.- p.3.
181. Rachkov, N. Silk handkerchief; Under native star; “It’s like a poplar is slender” - that’s the song doesn’t lie ... ”; Marshal: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1983.- Feb. 12.- P.3.
182. Rachkov, N. Save yourself!; “Is it in gold…”; “Oh. time! What minds!..”; Snow; "AND square roots, and numbers…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1983. - March 5. - P.4.
183. Rachkov, N. “From birth, I was blessed with fate ...”; “There is still an apple crunch under the foot ...”; “These, “Lord Jesus…” burned God’s temple…”; “For a long time I say goodbye to the evening dawn ...” “Suddenly a water pipe is being built in Arzamas ...”; Fall: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1983. - April 16 - p.3.
184. Rachkov, N. Pushkin; Connection of times: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1983. - June 4. - P.3.
185. Rachkov, N. First love; FROM Good morning! : poems // Arzamas. true. - 1983 - Sept. 17 - p.3.

186. Rachkov, N. Unique this world; Aspen; Father and son; “Suddenly at the summer dawn…” Save yourself!: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1984.- April 28.- p.3.

187. Rachkov, N. Victory Day: a poem // Our contemporary.- 1985.- No. 5.- P.2.
188. Rachkov, N. “The Germans stood near Moscow…”: a poem // Volga.- 1985.- No. 5.- P.43.
189. Rachkov, N. My uncle: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1985. - May 8. - P.3.
190. Rachkov, N. “Let the fallen live…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1985. - May 9. - P.1.
191. Rachkov, N. I'm dying, but I don't give up! : poem // Arzamas. true. - 1985. - May 12. - P.3.
192. Rachkov, N. "Batu, false kings, napolerny ...": a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1985. - May 28. - P.3.
193. Rachkov, N. “I loved you…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1985. - June 5. - P.3.
194. Rachkov, N. Flowers: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1985. - July 24. - P.3.
195. Rachkov, N. Ballad of fidelity; In a currant ravine; Gaidar; The first love; Silk handkerchief: poems // Youth.- 1985.- No. 9.- P.70.

196. Rachkov, N. Death of Omaira Sanchez; “There is less and less love in this world…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1986.- 18 Jan.- p.3.
197. Rachkov, N. Northern Russia: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1986. - Feb. 15. - P.3.
198. Rachkov, N. "Above the provincial city ..."; In April; “Is the man mad?..”; "At the top of the Carpathians ..."; Guest; Only love; “There are answers, I’m not talking about that…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1986. - April 12 - p.3.
199. Rachkov, N. It would be nice to have a bucket tomorrow ...; Poet; “Too full, or something, they have become ...”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1986. - May 30. - P.3.
200. Rachkov, N. Native field; "Listen - and in fact ..."; “Children of the street, children of the village…”; “Probably, this is how we are arranged ...”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1986. - June 28. - P.3.
201. Rachkov, N. According to Nekrasov: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1986. - July 12. - P.3.
202. Rachkov, N. The fourth reactor; "Purple, slower than the dawn ..."; “Do not bring your hands to nature ...”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1986. - September 13 - p.3.
203. Rachkov, N. Leave the graves; One; Unfathomable years…; " Yellow leaves I'm catching ... "; “What storms are shaking…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1986.- 25 Oct.- P.3.
204. Rachkov, N. About life - and only about it! : a poem // Our contemporary.- 1986.- No. 12.- P.2.
205. Rachkov, N. “Life is worth such a smile!..”; Raven: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1986.- 20 Dec.- P.3.

206. Rachkov, N. “It's getting harder, it's getting worse…”: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1987.- 17 Jan.- p.3.
207. Rachkov, N. In the native land: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1987. - Feb. 10. - P.3.
208. Rachkov, N. Bow to the word: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1987. - May 1. - P.3.
209. Rachkov, N. “Medals shone victoriously…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1987. - May 9. - P.3.
210. Rachkov, N. "I ask for one thing ..."; “Is this poetry…”; “I have lived a lot in the world ...”; “Time has come to that…”; “He sat so long and imperiously…”; "A handful of freshly cut grass ..."; “I look back, it’s empty behind my shoulders ...”; “I ask for one thing: do not touch my vague soul ...”; “Is this poetry that has now sounded from the stage ...”: poetry // Arzamas. true. - 1987. - May 23. - P.3.
211. Rachkov, N. City on the Neva; Pavlovsk; "From Lyuban to Mga ..."; What are we waiting for: poetry // Arzamas. true.- 1987.- Sept. 5.- p.3.
212. Rachkov, N. Svyatogor; Dolphins: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1987.- 25 Sept.- P.3.
213. Rachkov, N. “At the morning dawn, singed with frost ...”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1987. - 10 Oct. - P.3.
214. Rachkov, N. My song is unchanged: poems // Arzamas. pravda.- 1987.- 12 Dec.- P.3.- Contents: “And the children were captured, and the wives…”; Appeal to the meadow; Raspberry dream; Rostov chimes; “Voices or wind pipes are ringing ...”; “At the hour of autumn, silent, dawn…”; “We know the price of a lot with you…”
215. Rachkov, N. Recognition; “I’ll look at the field, at the forest, at the valley ...”; “Yes, we managed to create a lot…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1987.- 26 Dec.- P.3.

216. Rachkov, N. Lessons; “Once I swam in the river…”; “Forests are overgrown with grass…”; “Autumn country roads light up…”; “The twentieth century breaks anchors…” // Our contemporary.- 1988.- No. 1.- P.22-23.
217. Rachkov, N. Old Church: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1988.- 9 Jan.- P.4.
218. Rachkov, N. Poetry; “Again in the spring sky fun ...”; “They burned half the sky over themselves…”; A drop; Valdai bells; Rowan; Frosty bush: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1988.- April 2- P.4.
219. Rachkov, N. Snowdrop; Dispute: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1988. - July 9. - P.3.
220. Rachkov, N. Russian blood; Carrier; Pelagia; October; “He who smelled treason everywhere…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1988.- 20 Aug.- P.4.
221. Rachkov, N. Granite of conscience:: poems // Our contemporary.- 1988.- No. 9 P.25-27.-Contents: Rowan; Carrier; Pakhomych; Dispute; Old church; “This lie is not without reason…”; "At the ancient Russian icon ..."
222. Rachkov, N. Dead Meadow; “You are not an actor, you do not play a role ...”: poems // Zvezda.- 1988.- No. 9.- P.33.
223. Rachkov, N. “I am from where clay sings songs with a whistle ..”; Gypsy; Vityukha-Pistol: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1988.- 1 Oct.- P.4.

224. Rachkov, N. On the pass; “I talked with one front-line soldier…”; "An ominous sign of all times ..."; On the Ivanovsky hillocks; “Life flies through joys and troubles…”; “Someone goes crazy with greed…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1989.- 14 Jan.- p.3.
225. Rachkov, N. "troops leave and rumble after ..."; “To our city from Afghanistan…”; Memory; “Everything in nature is clearer and simpler…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1989.- 18 Feb.- p.3.
226. Rachkov, N. Tanya: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1989. - March 8. - P.1.
227. Rachkov, N. After the rain: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1989. - March 18. - P.3.
228. Rachkov, N. Let's look into each other's eyes: poems // Our contemporary.- 1989.- No. 4.-S.21-22.- Contents: Such a picture; Who are you?; Mowing; Armenia. December 1988 "Vinent guides ..."; bath; Bullfinch; "The troops are leaving, they are rumbling after ..."
229. Rachkov, N. What summer smells like; Didn't come...; Rainbow; Music: poetry // Bonfire.- 1989.- No. 7.- P.14.
230. Rachkov, N. Memory; At the old Russian icon; Pledge: poetry // Arzamas. true. - 1989. - July 5. - P.3.
231. Rachkov, N. Arzamas bells; Ilya Muromets; iron field; Komarovo; “Let the Volga and the Don be better ...”; “Who lies for the needs of the evil day…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1989.- 30 Aug.- p.3.
232. Rachkov, N. This world is dear to me: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1989. - September 9. - P.4. - Contents: “I am in love with this life, like you, without a memory ...”; “There above the house in the spring sometimes ...”; When we won't be.
233. Rachkov, N. “You didn’t hear…”; Marauders; “A blizzard breaks through the forest white-sided ...”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1989. - 11 Nov. .- C.4.

234. Rachkov, N. “The bangs of the cloud above the house are glowing ...”; “And Valya Gromova was stealing…”; “I remember, I remember you, I remember, Timofeevna ...”: poems // Avrora.- 1990.- No. 1.- P 84-85.
235. Rachkov, N. Veteran; “A quiet river has a transparent mouth…”; "Look at the night sky..."; “Wow, what talents shine…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1990. - April 14 - p.3.
236. Rachkov, N. We; Appeal to the meadow; “If my father had risen from the grave…”; Baritone; Evening conversation; “To you, of course, my Russia ...”: poems // Moscow.- 1990.- No. 8.- P.146-147.
237. Rachkov, N. Mother and child; “And why am I crucifying myself…”; “The path is over. Behind the bushes…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1990.- 31 Aug.- p.3.
238. Rachkov, N. "It's time to forgive each other ..."; “A watery, tired look ...” // Young Guard.- 1990.- No. 12.- P.166-167.

239. Rachkov, N. In the Alexander Nevsky Lavra; Yesenin; “I boldly trust this life ...”; Evening conversation; Dance: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1991.- Jan. 23.- P.4.
240. Rachkov, N. Plague; “Forests are overgrown with grass…”; “A snail without enemies grows dumber and fatter…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1991. - March 23. - P.3.
241. Rachkov, N. "Who does fate spare on corners? .."; “How quickly time has flown by…”; “The trouble is when brother rises against brother…”; "On Literary bridges ..."; “She fell asleep quenched…”; “How much freshness, mystery and torment…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1991. - July 20. - P.4. .- C.3.
242. Rachkov, N. Diveevsky bells; And Babylon fell; “Yes, it was here…”: poems // Moscow.- 1991.- No. 7.- P.17.
243. Rachkov, N. “The earth is foamed with spring color ...”; “When they shout that the Motherland is bad…”; Rose hip; “Parliamentary fights are getting fiercer…”; Harmonic; “It was spring, and you vomited in the forest…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1991.- 6 Aug.- p.3.
244. Rachkov, N. “There is nothing worse. If there is no order ... "; “They broke everything that was possible…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1991.- 14 Aug.- p.3.
245. Rachkov, N. "Albeit by chance, but I can cry ..."; “No one there. Only shadows…”; “We stayed with you, we stayed at the native birch ...”; “I will look into the past, I will despair and cry…”; "We are dying! .." - a cry is heard from the TV screen ... "; “I fell out of love with the thunderous roar of the winds…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1991.- 28 Aug.- p.3.
246. Rachkov, N. Repentance; Razor; On the Hare: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1991. - 21 September - p.2.
247. Rachkov, N. Valdai bells; “I learned to listen to the sounds…”; “Why, why did I believe him so much?..”: poems // Zvezda.- 1991.- No. 11.- P.77.

248. Rachkov, N. “Boldly inveterate with all the troubles ...”: a poem // Arzamas. side.- 1992.- No. 4/5.- P.1.
249. Rachkov, N. Only you; "Television debates. Telepassion…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1992.- April 11.- P.2.
250. Rachkov, N. Poems about the Motherland // Pravda.- 1992.- May 5.
251. Rachkov, N. “Who are you calling…”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1992. - May 21. - P.3.
252. Rachkov, N. “There are ships in the desert haze…”; "Nizhny Novgorod Plain..."; Matryona; “Silver blizzard ring…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1992. - July 4. - P.4.
253. Rachkov, N. “They took everything. Thank you my dear…"; “So much pain in your just reproach…”; In the depths of my Russia; Package; “A stitch of gold on a blue surface ...”; “Tired of smart books…”; "The evening is blue and fragile..."; "Again the troika, songs, carousels ..."; “Drink and sing a song, but no way ...”; “The first beam will play through the villages…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1992.- 4 Sept.- p.3.
254. Rachkov, N. "Well, where to run from sadness ...": a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1992.- November 21.- P.4.

255. Rachkov, N. Frosty Bush; "It's time to return to the roots ...": poems // Arzamas. true.- 1993.- 1 Jan.- P.2.
256. Rachkov, N. Christmas: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1993.- 6 Jan.- P.2.
257. Rachkov, N. My cornflowers bloomed ...; Transfiguration; Bunin; “How I live, let the heavens judge ...”: poems // Moscow.- 1993.- No. 7.- P. 8-9.
258. Rachkov, N. "A feather from heaven ..."; “A track in exposed clay…”; “That in September the leaf fall is more charming! ..”; “What happened to our world?..”; “More and more often for the heart with a hand ...”; “It swept away, like a wind, foliage ...”; “Where are the parted, where are the meadow…”; “Who is on soothsayers, shamans…”; “The enmity was engulfed in flames…”; Like the light of heaven; “I walked by with sadness lightly ...”; Your soul; “All thorns, all thorns, all pits…”; “To give to others, not to save…”; “That green sparkles in the garden…”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1993.- Sept. 3.- P.3.
259. Rachkov, N. Be patient: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 1993.- 29 Oct.- P.3.

260. Rachkov, N. “Only foam. Only the horror of the whirlpool ... "; “Under this sky there is one law…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1994. - July 9. - P.4.
261. Rachkov, N. “Yes, this is all from Russian drama…”; “What falcons were circling!..”; “Forgive me for all the sins of the earth…”; “Sometimes I dream about this…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1994. - July 29. - P.4.

262. Rachkov, N. “Whatever the cat is, it’s so cute!...”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1995. - March 4. - P.4.
263. Rachkov, N. "All night long preparations were made for spring ..."; And the girl sings: poetry // Arzamas. true.- 1995.- April 8.- P.4.
264. Rachkov, N. Don't forget!: a poem // Arzamas.news. - 1995. - May 11. - P.1.
265. Rachkov, N. Don't forget! : a poem // Pravda.- 1995.- 26 Apr.
266. Rachkov, N. “A transparent mouth of a quiet river ...”: a poem // Arzamas. true. - 1995. - September 9. - P.1.

267. Rachkov, N. Baba; Young willow; Swallow: poems // Arzamas.news. - 1997. - 21 Oct. - P.3.
268. Rachkov, N. Pelageya; "My cornflowers bloomed ..."; “I accept all the blows of fate ...”; Ballad about relatives: poems // Working week. - 1997. - May 21. - P.9.
269. Rachkov, N. Barefoot ...; without lifting hands; Mikula; “They reproach us for not being hoarders…”; Russian fate; “I have not yet died out on earth ...”; “No one is responsible for Abel ...”; “I wanted great joy…”; There is a cloudberry smell here; And your limit is eternal; Return of Seraphim of Sarov: poems // Arzamas. true.- 1997.- 22 Feb.- P.6.

270. Rachkov, N. Pushkin; “You haven’t forgotten me yet, Nizhny?..”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1998. - April 22 - p.3.
271. Rachkov, N. Rowan; “Memory of the native land…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - July 1. - P.4.
272. Rachkov, N. “Summer afternoon rings from a thick tune ...”; “We walked around the wide world ...”; “Once upon a time this dilapidated house…”; “In a ghostly dream, others…”; “He did not look for the way to the temple...”: poems // Arzamas.news. - 1998. - September 15 - P.2.
273. Rachkov, N. I hear a song; “Life has quieted down - is there any use in this? ..”; “On explosive yeast, apparently, the dough was kneaded again ...”; “They talk and talk, and scold and reproach…”; “Well, we’ve left…”; "Hey, sycophants! The sun of days ... "; “When the kingdom begins to divide…”; “No matter how it hurts…”; “Imperceptibly the cool crept up…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1998. - 24 September - p.6.

274. Rachkov, N. This world will perish without us…: poems // Arzamas. true. - 1999. - July 10. - P.3. - Contents: Let's come to our senses, friends!; Petersburg; Kirillovka; Night parade; In the Ermolovsky garden; “What do I care about Montmartre and Sumatra!..”
275. Rachkov, N. “From the metropolitan charter of the atmosphere…”: a poem // Arzamas. true.- 4 Sept.-C.1.

276. Rachkov, N. “No one will help us. Do not ask ... "; “Yes, from the village. Wounded by love for her ... "; Ballad about relatives; Get a hold of yourself; “This burden of life is not easy for me…”; And we'll go; “On the palisade there are krinks, like guards…”: poems // Arzamas. side.- 2000.- No. 1.- P.30.

277. Rachkov, N. In the very center of the Universe: poems // Nizhny Novgorod.- 2001.- No. 3.- P.24-25.- Contents: “Boldly inveterate with all the troubles ...”; “I will splash blue skies into a glass…”; “There is a happy horseshoe ...”; “There is nothing to argue about. We will not…"; No village; "Once upon a time this dilapidated house..."
278. Rachkov, N. Oh, native side!..; Parable; “They climb and climb ... From where? How long?..”; “Life every day is more criminal and cruel…”; “It’s not at all about what we bake ...”; “You are tired of great sadness ...”: poems // Arzamas. true.- 2001.- Sept. 22-S.9.
279. Rachkov, N. "It will perish, which is wonderful and new ..."; Arzamas bells; This city; In the old park; Word: poetry // Arzamas. Vedomosti.- 2001.- 2 Oct.- P.3.
280. Rachkov, N. Repentance; The trouble is not…; "From Lyuban to Mga ..."; "Shining through the window ..."; "We stayed with you ..."; "Don't dig mass graves... ": poems // Arzamas.news. - 2001. - October 11. - P.2.

281. Rachkov, N. Hidden Thunder: from new poems // Arzamas. news. - 2002. - August 10. - P.4. - Content: “I don’t care about grenades ...; Flowers for him…; “The light would shine blue…”; "Not far from Judgment Day ..."; "And fall into a ringing dream..."; “Do you love your country? Throw…”; “And again about the war…”; “I walked the earthly roads…”; Above joy and sadness; Smolensk stronghold.
282. Rachkov, N. A man is running somewhere ...: from new poems // Arzamas. pravda.- 2002.- 14 Sept.- From 9.- Content: "Maybe he has such a share? .."; “We are betrayed at every step…”; “He will soon forget his patronymic ...”; “Years go by and you don’t recognize Russia…”; "It's really so tempting..."

283. Rachkov, N. If only I could see the road…: poems // Roman-journal.- 2003.- No. 5/6.- P.10-12.- Content: “The light would shine blue…”; After years; "My angel…"; Everything is running somewhere man ...; “What are you thinking about, plain…”; “My groves are empty…”; "... And there was a lot of truth and lies ..."; "Surprising half the world ..."; “It’s not at all about what we bake ...”; “Thank you for everything, for being you…”; “We are betrayed at every step…”.
284. Rachkov, N. From the new poetic book "Golden Crown" // Arzamas. news.- 2003.- 18 Oct.- P.21.- Contents: Above the great river; “Canopy of squat gates…”; “I am lying in the Popov ravine…”; "Flashed willows of kupa ..."; “She is from the village fog…”; In the hut; “Spider webs hang in a dry euonymus ...”; "They beat my church with sledgehammers..."

285. Rachkov, N. “Years go by and you don’t recognize Russia…”; “Let someone deceitfully cry…”; “Something dawned on her…”; “Beautiful, stately all these years…”; “How will I be without you now ...”; "Spring waters beyond our outskirts ..."; “I flew around, traveled around the white white light ...”; “I flew around, traveled around the white world ...”; “If he plows, the valley blooms ...”; “A gilded harness hung over the porch ...”; “No one in Russia has a reprieve…”; From youth; Arzamas; Genius [and others]: poems // Arzamas. side.- 2004.- No. 4.- P.55-57.
286. Rachkov, N. Departing days: poems // Arzamas.news. - 2004. - 9 Oct. - P.18.
287. Rachkov, N. "How much light is over Russian villages ..."; “Whipped by rain and snow…”; In the hut; “There is a cloud in the sky…”: poems // Arzamas. true. - 2004. - 26 Oct. - P.6.

288. Rachkov, N. Love and believe: poems // Arzamas. side.- 2005.- No. 5.- S. 24-26.- Contents: “How the field smells outside the outskirts ...”; Coltsfoot; Praskovya; Underground rivers; "The asterisk will look through ..."; "And it would be possible to live ..."; “As a child, I was native to leaves and herbs ...”; “Drank this wine…”; “I forgot what I was taught…”; “The iconostasis in gold…”; “What else is in store for him? ..”; “Not you, not you, but this young one…”; We must pray.
289. Rachkov, N. Seeing; From childhood; My uncle; Package; “From Lyuban to Mga, all forests and swamps…”; “I sometimes have strange dreams…”: poems // Literature lessons: adj. to the journal "Literature at School". - 2005. - No. 5. - P.1-3.
290. Rachkov, N. Everything comes from the village, from the distant past: poems // Arzamas. pravda.- 2005.- 17 Sept.- P.10.- Content: "Not heroes in a frame ..."; “And to love the Motherland…”; “From dust, decay, dust…”; teacher; The last soldiers; “No, I won’t explode from annoyance…”; “And what are these passions?..”; She has such a braid ...; Gagarin; "Feverishly looking for fords ...".

291. Rachkov, N. Star circle: poems from the new book "Love and believe" // Arzamas. side.- 2006.- No. 6.- P. 38-39..- Contents: What a night over St. Petersburg!..; “I don’t ask for anything…”; Glory; “Like a grain chicken ...”; And he goes ...; “May dawn over the park…”; “You spoke with inspiration…”; "Write, he advises me ...".
292. Rachkov, N. Domes at sunset: poems from the book "Love and Believe" // Arzamas. side.- 2006.- No. 7.- S. 41-43. Contents: “How the domes bloomed at sunset!..”; “Beyond the villages, behind the villages…”; “What to mourn, moan about…”; Blessed Vasya; “What did we come to the twenty-first century with?..”; “With what a beautiful, pure thought…”; “Among the world robbery…” [and others]
293. Rachkov, N. “Not heroes in a frame…”; Father; Faith; “Oh, holidays, short joy! ..”; Barn; Abandoned churchyard; “Not about the silver lilac…”; “How the domes bloomed at sunset…”; "Leader! After the clan, the clan perishes ... "; “It’s nice to take a walk outside the village ...”; "To the judgment of Russia!" - a cry is heard ... "; “Again it blew outside the window in spring ...”; Childhood; "Keep it, district town ..."; “Here is the park. Here is the river...
294. Rachkov, N. From the book "Love and Believe": poems // Arzamas. pravda.- 2006.-23 Sept.- P.9.- Contents: “Lullabies were sung there…”; Hermit; "My flowers! Native herbs!...”; “Someone will say…”; Step; “And it would be possible to live more thoughtlessly ...”; “As a child, I was native to leaves and herbs ...”; "Love is sometimes in the ashes ..."; “And to love the Motherland…”; April 12, 1961
295. Rachkov, N. Nikolai Rubtsov; Yuri Adrianov; Friends of my years; “Many years have passed…”; "Keep it, district town ..."; Nightingale: poems // Arzamas.news. - 2006. - September 30 - P.15.
296. Rachkov, N. After the war; “How could we fall so low…”; “They are flying, the souls are not tea ...”; “Who would I be without this outskirts ...”; Vania; And he goes ...; “How the domes bloomed at sunset!..”; Arzamas; “Everything becomes paid and balanced…”; "Temple of the Archangel Michael..."; Gurzuf; “You are a distant friend, you are my hearty friend…”: poems // Arzamas. Vedomosti._2006.- 10 Oct.- P.3.

297. Rachkov, N. New poems // Arzamas. side.- 2007.- No. 12/13.- P.51-52.-Content: “The Lord is looking at the human race ...”; Admiral Ushakov; “Let's go, because life is harsh ...”; “We are all flying in flames…”; “Behind the monastery fence…”; Vladimir Sokolov in Arzamas; To my friend; “The whole world is in good and evil…”; “Where are the strange consonances from…”; “The wind is blowing over the clearing…”; "Autumn dressed up in bright outfits ...".

298. Rachkov, N. My native side: new poems // Arzamas.pravda.- 2008.- Feb. 15.- P.9.- Contents: About you; “Have we really cut our own hay?..”; “He said he saw Barcelona…”; “You are my life! Joy and sadness!..”; “I once dreamed of happiness too…”; Writer; "Fan of glorious antiquity ..."; “Through the glass, through the door…”; “What am I in this world…”; “Does it rain, does it snow…”; “We don’t need to be seduced anymore…”.

299. Rachkov, N. There is a frost; “Life will become more sublime and easier…”; "On the boundless path ..."; "Red evening over the blue river..."; “Steppe and steppe around…”; At midnight; “You don’t get tired of space ...”: poems // Arzamas.news. - 2010. - February 25. - P.19.
300. Rachkov, N. Parcel; I'm dying, but I'm not giving up! : poems // Arzamas.Vedomosti.-2010.- March 10.- P.3.

Publications in collective collections

1. Rachkov, N. “He left. The coat is empty…”; “Maybe I just got lost…”; “There were once Sodom and Gomorrah…”; “I served, sparing no effort…”; “Such troubles, storms, dramas…”; “I forgot what I was taught…”; “And they won’t save…”: poems // Compatriots: almanac. Issue. 4.- N.Novgorod, 2007.- P.229-232.

2. Rachkov, N. “How quickly time has flown by…”; “They beat me with sledgehammers in my church…”; “Oh, this Volga…” // Nizhny Novgorod anthology of poetry. XX century / comp. In Shamshurin. - N. Novgorod, 2004.-S.181-183.

3. Rachkov, N. “The poorer life is, the richer the feast…”; “There is still a lot of falsehood in progress ...”; "Deaf, turn off a pile behind a pile ...": poems // Compatriots: almanac. - N. Novgorod, 2004. - P. 176-177.

5. Rachkov, N. Road to Pushkin; Pushkin in Boldino: poems // Charm of the eyes: Pushkin's Boldino in Soviet literature: Sat. - M .., 1987. - P. 85,166.

6. Rachkov, N. Bernovo; "In Lebedyan ..."; Northern Russia; “It would be nice to have a bucket tomorrow ...”; "Young was ..."; "Oh, like a song..."; Red river; “Autumn days are getting shorter ...”: poems // Contemporaries: poetry and prose of Gorky writers / compiled by: V.F. Osipov, N.N. Stupishina.-M., 1986.- S.98-105.

7. Rachkov, N. Ballad of fidelity: a poem // Contemporaries-85: poetry and prose of Gorky writers / comp.: N.N. Stupishina, A.I. Tsvetnov.- Gorky, 1985.- S.169-170.

8. Rachkov, N. "We live - and do not look like heroes ..."; Russian songs; “How quails ring in oats…”; “Already September leaves ingots…”; “Leaves in puddles, lilac bushes…”; “I accept all the blows of fate ...”: poems // Sovremenniki-84: poetry and prose of Gorky writers / comp.: Z.S. Kolodina, A.I. Tsvetnov.-M., 1984.-S.203-205.

9. Rachkov, N. Most importantly; “Over the forest river under the green mountain…”; Benjamin; “He was silent, stubbornly puffed up ...”; Draw; “Suddenly at the summer dawn…”: poems // Sovremenniki-83: poetry and prose of Gorky writers / comp.: Z.S. Kolodina, A.I. Tsvetnov.- Gorky, 1983.- S.145-149.

10. Rachkov, N. “And sounded in the neighborhood…”; Leaf fall; “I drove life in a straight line without rest ...”: poems // Poetry: almanac. Issue 30.-M., 1981.- S.169-170.

11. Rachkov, N. Lebedevka; Plantain; “Where the bathing suit bloomed…”: poems // Contemporaries. Issue 3 / comp.: A.M. Jordansky, A.I. Tsvetnov. - Gorky, 1978.- S.119-120.

12. Rachkov, N. “Where are you in a hurry? To what region?..”: a poem // Dyatlovy Gory: poems by Nizhny Novgorod-Gorky poets / comp.: Yu. Adrianov, B. Pilnik; M. Goryunova.- Gorky, 1971.- S.226-227.

Female portrait 1886
canvas, oil
52.5 x 40 cm
Kalmyk picture gallery, Elista

Portrait of a girl 1869
canvas, oil
76 x 63.5 cm
Private collection

Nikolai Rachkov was born in 1825 in Nizhny Novgorod into the family of a local art teacher. The father helped form his son's first artistic impressions. From the gymnasium, the boy was transferred to the painting school of A. V. Stupin in Arzamas.

The Arzamas art school was founded in 1805 by the academician of painting A. V. Stupin. From this school came such famous artists, as I. M. Gorbunov, V. G. Perov, V. E. Raev and others.

Alekseev N. Portrait of Stupin with students. 1838

After graduating from the Arzamas School of Painting, Nikolai continued his studies at the Academy of Arts. In 1844, he received two silver medals from the Academy of Arts, and in 1845 - the title of non-class portrait painter for the painting "Portrait of a Gypsy". This portrait is still very reminiscent of a salon. In the future, the artist will be closer to a realistic everyday style

canvas, oil
49 x 38.5 (oval)
Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum

Since 1846, Nikolai Rachkov became a school teacher... But the dream of recognition, fame did not leave him, and the artist left Arzamas. Wandering around the cities of the Volga region, he is in dire need. For months he sits without work, orders, without a piece of bread.
But the main thing that the artist had to endure was "the bitter consciousness of his insignificance, the humiliating insult to ardent hopes ...".

In 1860 Rachkov moved to Moscow. Here, living on odd jobs, he met native Muscovites involved in art, and with members of the newly founded Society of Art Lovers. The artist began to work on his themes, take part in exhibitions. He got clients. With the assistance of entrepreneur-philanthropist D.P. Botkin, N. Rachkov went abroad several times.
Friendship with K. T. Soldatenkov brought him closer to the Moscow literary environment, in particular with the poet A. Fet.

A. A. Fet. Portrait by N. Rachkov. 1880s

Nikolai Efimovich Rachkov found his calling in two genres visual arts- portraits and genre scenes. His charming children's and girlish images were especially popular. The artist, of course, poeticized folk life and character. And he was close to the artists of the Venetian circle. In 1878, Rachkov demonstrated at the academic exhibition the work "Bogadelenko", which became so popular that it was taken to the Paris World Exhibition that same year.

The artist's paintings were acquired by P.M. Tretyakov, K.T. Soldatenkov.

Girl in a headscarf
canvas, oil
49 x 39 cm

Portrait of a girl
canvas, oil
38 x 18 cm
North Ossetian Republican Art Museum, Vladikavkaz

Portrait of a woman 1870s
canvas, oil
73 x 64 cm
Sumy Regional Art Museum

canvas, oil
48 x 38 cm
Omsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after M. A. Vrubel

Girl with Berries 1879
canvas, oil
42 x 33.7 cm
Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum

Ukrainian girl
second half of the 19th century
canvas, oil
55.5 x 41.5 cm
Chernihiv Regional Art Museum

Female portrait
first half of the 19th century
canvas, oil
75 x 58 cm
Kalmyk Art Gallery, Elista

Peasant girl in a red headscarf 1872
canvas, oil
24.5 x 20 cm

Portrait of a girl
canvas, oil
44.2 x 35 cm
Vorontsov Palace, Alupka

Portrait of the writer K. A. Tarnavsky
canvas, oil
112 x 89 cm
Lviv Art Gallery

At the gate 1871
canvas, oil
57.7 x 37.7 cm

Mother and child in the wheat field
canvas, oil
50 x 39 cm

"Portrait of the artist Domenik Ernestovich Hagen" (1876)
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Portrait Of A Girl In A Headscarf 1888

Rachkov, N.

painter; lived in Moscow in 1865-1870. Lithographed "The Holy Family" from the original, which was y N.I. Podklyuchnikov; printed in Roppolt's lithograph; into a sheet.


. 2009 .

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    Rachkov is a Russian surname. Known carriers Rachkov, Valery: Rachkov, Valery Aleksandrovich (b. 1956) Soviet boxer, Soviet and Russian boxing coach. Rachkov, Valery Ivanovich (b. 1947) Soviet and Russian physicist, top manager. ... ... Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Rachkov. Valery Rachkov: Rachkov, Valery Alexandrovich (b. 1956) Soviet boxer, Soviet and Russian boxing coach. Rachkov, Valery Ivanovich (b. 1947) Soviet and Russian physicist ... Wikipedia

    - (b. 01/04/1946) special. according to social philosophy; dr philos: sciences. Genus. in Kazan. Graduated from Kazan Ped. in t according to spec. "French" (1967). Worked as Rev. French lang., Art. ed. INION AN USSR (1974 1975). Since 1975 at the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now RAS): since 1985 ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (b. 1941) Rod. in with. Kirillovka, Gorky region in a peasant family. Graduated from ist philol. f t Gorky ped. Institute (1964). He taught at school, worked as a journalist. Has been writing poetry since 1970. Author of 20 books. poems, including: Wells. Gorky, 1967; ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (b. 02/02/1928) special. on social issues. philosophy and science; Dr. philos. sciences, prof. Genus. in the village of Zolotilovo, Kimrsky district, Tver region. Graduated from philosophy. f t MSU (1950) and Ph.D. the same fta (1953). Since 1953 he has been working at the Department of Philosophy. humanit. f tov MGU ... Big biographical encyclopedia

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  • English for students of automation. Textbook for undergraduate and graduate studies, Rachkov M.Yu.. The textbook is intended for the final stage of language learning and assumes knowledge of English grammar and phonetics, as well as vocabulary within the initial sections...
  • Pneumatic automation systems. Textbook for SPO, Rachkov M.Yu.. V study guide the issues devoted to the fundamentals of the theory of pneumatics, elements of pneumatic systems, consideration of the types of pneumatic distributors and pneumatic actuators, description ...

Rachkov Nikolay Efimovich (1825 - 1895)

Born in the Nizhny Novgorod province, Nikolai Efimovich Rachkov began his journey into painting in Arzamas, which had already become famous by that time. art school, founded in 1805 by the patriot and academician of painting A.V. Stupin. He continued his studies at the Academy of Arts, where in 1844 he received a small silver medal. The following year, N. Rachkov was awarded the title of non-class artist of portraiture.

Distinguished by a very high observation, Nikolai Efimovich found his vocation in two genres of fine art - portrait and everyday composition. His many charming heads, especially those of children, and his unpretentious scenes with charming characters were very popular with a wide range painting lovers. In 1878 N.E. Rachkov showed at the academic exhibition the work "Bogadelenka", which became so popular that it was taken to the world exhibition in Paris in the same year. The artist's paintings were acquired by such reputable collectors of works of art as P.M. Tretyakov, K.T. Soldatenkov.

Today, the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg houses the works of N.E. Rachkova: "On the Eve of the Holiday" (1868), sketch "The Old Woman" (1872), "Portrait of Natalia Demyanovna Razumova (Razumikha)". AT Tretyakov Gallery- "At the gate" (1871), "Portrait of the artist Domenik Ernestovich Hagen" (1876), "Cook". Well, the life of N.E. Rachkova in art is quite worthy.

Artist's paintings


girl with berries

Nikolay Borisovich Rachkov

Rachkov Nikolai Borisovich - poet.

Born into a peasant family. The father died at the front in 1941, a few months before the birth of his son. Mother is a housewife. She “is a saint for me,” the poet writes. “We can say that she overstrained herself, leading me and my brother “to people”, and died early. It was a difficult time, life was poor, almost beggarly. But there was no despondency, I remember from childhood and youth only bright and joyful ”(Autobiography. Department of Recent Literature, IRLI RAS).

In 1964 Rachkov graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Gorky Pedagogical Institute, worked as a teacher in a rural school, and as an editor of a large-circulation newspaper at a factory in Arzamas (1967-87).

Since 1987, the poet has been living in the city of Tosno, Leningrad Region, working in the editorial office of the Tosnensky Vestnik newspaper.

Rachkov's first poem "To My Friend" was published in 1957 in the Arzamasskaya Pravda newspaper. Since that time, he began to visit the literary association under this newspaper, which was led by the poet A. Plotnikov, who became a friend and teacher of Rachkov. In 1964, the first collection of Rachkov's poems was published in the institute's newspaper, with an introductory article by the famous Gorky poet M. Shesterikov. At this time, Rachkov's poems were published in the regional press. The first collection of his poems "Wells" was published in 1967. Rachkov wrote about the war ("I don't remember the war") and peaceful labor, about gray-haired antiquity and tomorrow. An increased interest in the events of bygone centuries found expression in the poem "Eccentrics", "Green Day", "Bones". Rachkov turned to the images of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, trying to rethink the defeat of the Russian army.

Especially expressive on Sat. a small cycle of landscape lyrics (“Mermaid”, “Morning”, “April”, etc.). “And the grasses walked like a green army / In the radiance of singing dew. / And on the hill, as on a stage, / The keys of the birches turned white ”(“ Mermaid ”). A poem adjoins the landscape cycle. "Haymaking", capturing the process of labor: "Haymaking! One hundred braids / In the meadow - sideways. / The sun has risen, / the dews are drying, / But they sing, / like wasps, / scythes ... / Whatever the shaft - / hayloft, / behind the eighth - / the ninth shaft ... "

Criticism found in Rachkov's poems "the richness of colors, the brightness of epithets<...>whimsical color shades<...>expressiveness (Chevachin V. - P.158). The "Wells" were "warmly treated<...>V. Bokov and F. Sukhov, who gave<...>recommendations for joining the Union of Writers of the USSR, as well as S. Vikulov and N. Starshinov ”(Autobiography. IRLI RAS).

In 1981 Rachkov became a member of the joint venture. His poems were published in the magazines "Youth", "Young Guard", "Our Contemporary", "Moscow", "Neva", etc.

Following the collection "Wells", 2 poetic books by Rachkov are published - "Father's Porch" 1979), "This Unique World" 1983). As defining in the books sounded the motive of returning home. Criticism spoke about the evolution of the poet, noting that for him “a sense of duty becomes a need of the heart, the movements of the mind and soul merge in his poems into an integral and effective image, the word truly becomes a deed” (Egorenkova G. “Save yourself, your heart and word” // Volga, 1985, No. 1, p.162).

In the last decade of the XX century. Rachkov published several poetry collections: “Memorable House” (1991), “Among fogs and grasses” (1994), “Selected lyrics”, “My azure light” (both - 1997). The last two have been critically acclaimed. Rachkov “with his discreet but penetrating verse defends the spirit, way of life and style of his native land” (Ganichev V. Literature on the banks of the Neva // Literary Russia. 1998. June 12). “Rachkov’s poems,” O. Sharkov wrote, “are in line with the great literary tradition, which, thank God, has never disappeared since the times of Koltsov and Nikitin, and the need for which will be felt for a very, very long time” (Neva. 1998. No. Z. S. 218).

Entering the new millennium, Rachkov remained true to his creative principles. In a collection with a characteristic name for Rachkov, “And Russia was and will be” (2000), Rachkov declared: “We will win with love.” V. Shamshurin, in the article titled this line, wrote: Rachkov “with enviable persistence surrounds us with expensive signs of “eternal Russia”, where there is a lot of patriarchal, but where there is always that unchanging image of the native, unique, exceptional, which is national certainty, inescapable - beingness, objectivity, which are and never disappear, even if the column in the passport is exterminated ”(Shamshurin V. - P. 6).

Rachkov's book "And Russia was and will be" is a high confession of a representative of the generation of wounded animals, "children of war": "War. And poverty. And orphanhood. / Do you mourn the hard days? / But we have not forgotten the birthright / We are in forgotten villages /<...>Yes, we are from there. / We tasted / Everything from the century on the table, / We saw Russia in strength, / We saw her in the mist "(" War. And poverty. And orphanhood ").

The book pulsates with a living, unbroken thought of love for a big and small homeland: “It will perish, which is wonderful and new. Like a shadow / Without a cornflower blue word / Of my quiet villages /<...>Any art will die out, / Ashes will reign in the end. / Everything is useless if it’s empty / It will stand on the rural porch” (“It will perish, which is wonderful and new ...”).

In the small homeland, the origins of the poet's work, who works mainly in the genre of lyrical miniatures. Through the prism of this genre, Rachkov managed to capture the discreet signs of deep Russia: “Quiet river / Transparent mouth. / Town on the mountain. Domes... / So much happiness, / And pain, and sadness / You, Motherland, gave me from childhood!<...>/ I'm strangers / I don't need a sleigh. / And that's why the soul / Is not empty. / I am all Your songs / And the legends / I will not forget / Even before the cross ”(“ The transparent mouth of the quiet river ... ”).

Rachkov's lyrics attract with the staging of the burning problems of our time, the dramatic intensity of the thoughts of the poet-citizen over the historical fate of his people: “These circles of hell / Through the centuries of darkness. / That taxes, then debts - You will not understand to whom. / Either war, then crops, / Black smoke of lies. / How did you survive, my people? / My motherland?" ("These hellish circles...").

The reviewers noted the author's multicolored imaginative world, the conciseness of the language, the restraint of poetic intonation, the inheritance of the classical traditions of Russian poetry. Whatever Rachkov writes about - about war, peaceful labor, gray-haired antiquity, about tomorrow, about love, the main motives in his lyrics are the Russian world, the Russian soul, Russian fate, pain for Russia and the faith of an Orthodox person in its special destiny. V. Ganichev wrote: “You need to know Nikolai Rachkov. He is a folk, national poet of Russia. He is from her depths, he is from her origins, from the lands of Nizhny Novgorod, from the paths of Seraphim of Sarov. In his poems, “some kind of constant glow, joy, sadness, but with hope, even with confidence that “there will be a craving for the native, blood, the hearth will flare up with the light of love.” And almost sure that to all<...>his poems are addressed to Russians: "You'll see: life will be settled, / Evil will melt somewhere in the world. / It will be joyful, like on the Trinity, / In every city and village .. / 7" (Ganichev V. - P. 4).

The nationality, poetry of Rachkov is determined not only by the problems of his poems, where the motives of the fate of Russia, Russian nature, Russian history are raised, where in the center of the row are the images of Pushkin, Tyutchev, Lermontov. The lyrical hero of Rachkov carries a set of the main features of the Russian national character, national psychology.

Published in 2001 and which was an important milestone in the work of Rachkov, the book Rowan Rus brought together his best poems written over a quarter of a century. Her poetic nerve is the lines: “Here I wash myself with rain or tears - and I’m clean, / Again I glorify my native lands, / Because I myself am only an agitated leaf / On a tree trunk of being” (“Scorched my soul with heavenly fire ...”) . The fragility of this unique “plant of life” is reminiscent of the image of the “tree trunk of being”, on which a leaf trembles - the personification of the orphan fate of the poet.

Rachkov created his poetic cathedral in the name of the motherland - the Great Martyr of Russia. He learned from nature to understand the laws of temple construction: “The bell tower spoke / To the whole hushed village. / And now my chest no longer hurts. / But only sad and light. / And the bell in a heavy bass / Everything spoke - apart, in harmony. / And with a fiery iconostasis / The sunset stood over the lake” (“The bell tower spoke…”).

Many poems in the collection "Rowan Russia" are perceived as "lyrical returns" to the country of orphan childhood. They give rise to the image of a “sad mother,” a “poor young widow,” who, on a frosty winter day, in her song “sorrowed the bitter mountain ash,” fits into the female portrait gallery of Russian classical poetry: the very thing. / After all, she swayed like a mountain ash, / And the winds whipped her. / In my declining years, should I forget that song? She lives in the blood, in my destiny<...>/ Oh, widows, widows - Russian mountain ash / In the wilderness of the post-war village "(" Rowan "). As G. Puchkova wrote, “the mountain ash motif of bitterness-sadness, the longing of expectation with faith in salvation and rebirth, through the hysterical spiritual suffering of a bent but not broken loving soul, runs like a leitmotif through all of Rachkov’s poetry<...>the image of the mountain ash-mother develops, merging into the image of a symbol of a Russian woman and, more broadly, into a philosophical image of Russian nature and the Motherland as a whole ”(Puchkova G. - P. 574-575). Orange-red clusters of mountain ash are a symbol of violence, a challenge to the inexorable "withering of nature." Rachkov's "Rowan Melody" quietly, but only with his characteristic intonation, merges into the many-voiced choir of Russian lyrics.

The words "light", "sadness", "love", "path", "fate" are the key words in Rachkov's poetry - ambiguous words, with a hidden meaning. The lyrical hero of Rachkov is acutely experiencing the discord that reigns in a world where evil so often triumphs, where there is so much suffering.

Many heroes of Rachkov's lyrics are illuminated by the light of holiness. These are mothers, young widows, who did not wait for their husbands and sons after the war, who remained “eternal brides”. The ambiguous image of the "eternally feminine" Rachkov manages to be more deeply comprehended due to his orphan fate. Widowhood and orphanhood in Russia has always been understood as sacrifice and suffering.

In Rachkov's verses is updated ancient tradition“characteristic only for him figurative row - a look from the earth to Heaven, to the divinely indestructible beginning of life: mountain ash-mother-home-homeland-light-temple-icon-paradise-Holy Mother of God<...>patroness Rus: "The pure face of the Virgin is like a message / From merciful heaven amidst sorrows and troubles" ”(G. Puchkova. Song of the mountain ash. P. 575). A wounded heart bleeds from visions of "warped Russia": "We have almost lost everything, / We were trampled, smashed, burned ..." ("Rowan melody").

Comprehending the meaning of being, Rachkov defends the spirit as its main component and approaches the philosophical and religious understanding of the innermost Mystery of Life. In Rachkov's lyrics, there is a clear need for a super-existential overcoming of suffering. The poet sees salvation in repentance and mercy, turning to the Mother of God, asks one thing: “The Most Holy Mother of God, / And the Most Pure and Blessed, / Send down You mercy, pour it out / On a passionate soul that prays. / And forgive her, and instruct her / Only good deeds, / Both good and blameless. / Protect me from insensibility, / Cowardice, temptation, / Give me tears and the memory of death, / And love, which is more than humility ”(“ Prayer ”).

As an appeal and warning of the Orthodox poet to his compatriots, his lines from the program verse should be taken. "Rowan Russia": ("You will not destroy Russia / At the new frontier") and "Light a candle in yourself": "God is light. / Let the darkness perish! / Light a candle in yourself.

Rachkov - laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prizes - them. A. Tvardovsky and "Ladoga" them. A. Prokofiev, Bolshoi literary prize Russia (2003, for books of poems Rowan Rus and Golden Crown).


Used materials of the book: Russian literature of the XX century. Prose writers, poets, playwrights. Biobibliographic dictionary. Volume 3. P - Ya. 172-175.

Read further:

Russian writers and poets(biographical guide).


Wells. Poetry. Gorky, 1967;

A story about a hare. Gorky, 1968;

Father's porch. Poetry. Gorky, 1979;

Unique this world: poems. M., 1983;

"Only love": poems and a poem. Gorky, 1987;

Memorial House: Poems. L., 1991;

Among fogs and grasses. SPb., 1994;

Under the high sky: poems. Arzamas, 1996;

My azure light: poems. SPb., 1997;

Selected lyrics. SPb., 1997;

And Russia was and will be: poems. St. Petersburg, 2000;

Rowan Russia: poems. Favorites. SPb., 2001.


Chevachin V. Promising zapevka // Volga. 1969. No. 1;

Kondakov S. I am looking for my homeland in my homeland // Nizhny Novgorod. 1997. No. 6;

Sergeeva I. There is no limit for the soul // Rachkov N. Selected lyrics. SPb., 1997. S.152-154;

Yarkova M. How much gold is in Russia! // About the Russian word, native. SPb., 1998. Issue 1. S.22-24;

Ganichev V. To the native, blood ... // Roman-newspaper. XXI Century. 2000. No. 3. C.4;

Shamshurin V. Winning with love // ​​Literary Petersburg. 2001. No. 5;

Rombolsky V. Cornflower's word of the poet // Russian province. 2001. No. 3;

Puchkova G. Song about mountain ash // Rachkov N. Rowan Russia. SPb., 2001. S.573-579.