Theatrical activity in the dow presentation on the topic. Presentation - organization of theatrical activities Presentation on theatricalization in dow

What is the theatrical activity? On the development of sensations, feelings, emotions among its participants; On the development of thinking, imagination, attention, memory; For the development of fantasy; On the formation of volitional qualities; For the development of many skills and abilities (verbal, communicative, organizational, motor, etc.)

Influence of theatrical game on the development of the child's speech Theatrical game: Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary; Child assimilates wealth mother tongue, its expressive means (dynamics, tempo, intonation, etc.); Improves the articulatory apparatus; Dialogic, emotionally rich, expressive speech is formed.

The teacher creates the conditions for individual director's games by saturating the subject-game environment with small figurative toys (dolls, nesting dolls, animals, technical toys, constructors, furniture, etc.). The participation of the teacher in individual director's games is manifested in playing out everyday and fairy-tale situations (from nursery rhymes, works by V. Berestov, E. Blaginina, etc.), showing the use of role-playing speech, onomatopoeia, drawing the child into the game, suggesting replicas, explaining actions.

The teacher creates conditions for collective directorial games. In the subject-play environment, in addition to figurative toys, there should be a variety of waste material(boards, coils, unbreakable bubbles, etc.), which contributes to the development of imagination, the ability to act with substitute objects. The teacher takes the position of an assistant: he asks the child to explain the meaning of actions, encourages him to role-play (“What did he say?”, “Where did he go?”), sometimes acting as a carrier of game skills, showing fantastic stories with the help of toys and substitute objects, which helps the child to get involved in similar activity.

The object-play environment for director's games is constructed on the basis of polyfunctional game material (map-layout of the game space), the game material helps the child to think, imagine, based on the subject situation proposed by the adult, acts as a "trigger" that contributes to the unfolding of the imagination and children's creativity The teacher acts as the creator of problem-play situations that guide the ideas of the director's game. He only directs the thoughts of the children with questions: “What happened next? Who did they meet? What happened to them?" His position can be defined as an assistant in the implementation of children's game plans.

child's speech and different kinds theater Finger theater *Promotes the development of speech, attention, memory; * forms spatial representations; * develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements; * increases efficiency, tone of the cerebral cortex.

Game-dramatization The most "conversational" type of theatrical activity. A holistic impact on the personality of the child: his emancipation, independent creativity, development of leading mental processes; Promotes self-knowledge and self-expression of the individual; It creates conditions for socialization, strengthening adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, and success.

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Theatrical activities in the preschool educational institution Prepared by: senior educator MBDOU d / s No. 27 "Charoit" Kiseleva M.I.

“Creative processes are better expressed in children's games. Playing children are examples of the most authentic, most real creativity. Vygotsky

“The game is a kind of center around which the main interests and experiences of children are concentrated” L.I. Bozovic

Theatrical play is creative game. She's a play on the faces literary works(fairy tales, stories, specially written dramatizations). Heroes of literary works become actors, and their adventures, life events, changed by children's fantasy - the plot of the game.

The whole life of children is full of play. Every child wants to play their part. To teach the child to play, take on a role and act, at the same time helping him to acquire life experience- all this helps to realize the theater.

Theater is a means of emotional and aesthetic education of children in a preschool educational institution

Theatrical activities in kindergarten This is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, to nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice the world around them interesting ideas, embody them, create your own artistic image character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, the ability to see unusual moments in the ordinary. Theatrical activity helps the child overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

Theatrical activity Brings variety to the life of a child. Gives joy to the child and is one of the most effective ways corrective impact on the child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: to teach while playing.

In the process of theatrical games: Children's knowledge of the world around them expands and deepens. Mental processes develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination. There is a development of various analyzers: visual, auditory, speech, motor. Vocabulary, speech structure, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, tempo, expressiveness of speech, melodic-intonational side of speech are activated and improved. Motility, coordination, smoothness, switchability, purposefulness of movements are improved. The emotional-volitional sphere develops, children get acquainted with the feelings, mood of the characters, master the ways of their external expression. Behavior is being adjusted. A sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other develops, the experience of moral behavior is formed. The development of creative, search activity, independence is stimulated.

The types of dramatization are: Games-imitations of images of animals, people, literary characters; Role-playing dialogues based on text; Dramatization of works; Performances based on one or more works; Improvisational games with acting out a plot (or several plots) without prior preparation.

Types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, planar, three-dimensional, puppet (bi-ba-bo, finger, etc.)

The main areas of work with children in the preschool educational institution Theatrical game is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent activity, human. Rhythmoplasty includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of natural psychotropic abilities of preschoolers, freedom and expressiveness of body movements, gaining a sense of harmony of one's body with the outside world. The culture and technique of speech combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus. Fundamentals of theatrical culture - this section of the work is designed to acquaint children with elementary concepts, professional terminology theatrical art. Work on the performance is based on author's plays and includes acquaintance with the play, fairy tale, as well as work on the performance - from sketches to the birth of the performance.

THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEATER GAME CONSIST IN THE GRADUAL TRANSITION OF THE CHILD: - from watching the theatrical production of an adult to independent play activity; - from individual game and "playing side by side" to playing in a group of three to five peers playing roles; - from imitation of the actions of folklore and literary characters to imitation of actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero and the development of the role as the creation of a simple "typical" image in a dramatization game.

Types of theater in 2 junior group- finger theater; - toy theater - puppet theater, screen (bi-ba-bo); - table theater; - picture theater; - fairy tale nesting dolls; - theater of masks; - theater made of cardboard; - cone theatre.

Theatrical activity teaches children to be creative individuals, capable of perceiving novelty, the ability to improvise.

The role of the teacher in organizing and conducting theatrical games: - set fairly clear goals; - imperceptibly transfer the initiative to children; - organize joint activities; - do not leave questions unattended; It is very important for the teacher to carry out an individual approach to each child.

Play must be a school of such activity in which the subordination of necessity appears not as imposed from without, but as a response to own initiative child, as desired. Theatrical play in its psychological structure is the prototype of the future serious activity - life.

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Presentation "Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions"

Organization of theatrical activities in the preschool educational institution.

2 slide. " Theater is Magic world in which the child rejoices when playing, and when playing, he learns the environment ... "O. P. Radynova

3 slide. RELEVANCE

The problem of education and upbringing of preschoolers by means theatrical art is relevant not only as an independent section of the artistic and aesthetic education of children, but also as a powerful means of socializing children.

In our time - a time of stress - everything is overgrown with a lot of problems. That is why it is necessary through theatre help the child to perceive the world and reality, and, of course, to instill love for theater, to the Russian word ... It is important to constantly stimulate the child to show sympathy for the people around him, to be patient even with strange ideas unusual in real life.

All-round development of children through theatrical The game will be effective only if it is a purposeful process, during which pedagogical tasks are aimed at achieving the ultimate goal.

Probably there is no such preschool organizations, wherever teachers use in their work. Theatrical and creative activities of children will certainly not appear by itself. In this, the teacher plays a huge role, skillfully directing this process.

4 slide. The purpose of the work of preschool teachers through theatrical activities:

Formation of experience of social skills of behavior of children of preschool age;

Raising a socially active preschooler;

Art education and upbringing of children;

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Development of communicative qualities of a person;

education of will, imagination, fantasy, development of speech.

5 slide. Forms organizations

educational activity carried out in the process organizations various types of children's activities(gaming communicative, artistic and aesthetic, etc.). During class, the teacher includes theatrical game as a game technique and a form of teaching children. Characters are introduced into the lesson that help children learn certain knowledge, skills and abilities. game form conducting a lesson helps to emancipate the child, create an atmosphere of freedom in the game.

educational activity during regime moments.

It's a joint children's walking activities, out of class. This includes game situations of walks, organization games in playrooms, reading fiction followed by playing plot episodes outside of classes during the day, drawing games on a free topic, building games with dramatization.

Independent children's activities.

In independent children's games, characters and plots that excited children are reflected. Vivid plots, games, round dances, learned in a joint free activities of children and adults, in games, activities, also contribute to the emergence of independent theatrical games for children

6 slide. Principles of building a subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institution:

Ensuring a balance between joint and individual children's activities;

Representing the right and freedom of choice;

Creation of conditions for modeling, search, experimentation;

Age and sex-role-based addressing of equipment and material.

7 slide. When designing a subject-spatial environment that provides theatrical activities of children, follows take account of:

Individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;

Features of emotional and personal development;

Interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;

Curiosity, research interest, creativity;

Age and sex-role features.

8 slide. Methodology organization of theatrical games for different age groups

At each age stage, approaches to the methodology of working with children should be different:

9 slide. In the younger group:

- imitation of characteristic movements fairytale heroes where the leading roles are played by adults, toys are played out.

10 slide. In the middle group:

- the participation of children in the dramatization of songs, games and fairy tales where the elements of artistic and figurative means of expression (intonation, facial expressions and pantomime).

11 slide. In the senior and preparatory group

- dramatizations works of art in which children play roles;

Performances based on the content invented by the children themselves;

Performances with the use of puppets and plane figures.

12 slide. Organization of a theatrical activity corner

Lessons theatrical activities should provide children with the opportunity not only to study and learn about the world around them through the comprehension of fairy tales, but also to live in harmony with it, to receive satisfaction from classes, successful completion of the task. Therefore, it is advisable to equip a corner in the group for theatrical activities, in which you can arrange:

Different kinds theaters;

Props for acting out scenes and performances: a set of dolls, screens for a puppet theater, costumes, masks;

Attributes for various game positions: theater props, make-up, scenery, scripts, books, mimic tables, tickets, cash desk, paints, glue, various types of paper, natural material, etc.

13 slide. Theatrical activity represented in the preschool educational institution by puppet theater and theatrical games.

14 slide. Theatrical game is acting out in the faces of literary works (fairy tales, stories, specially written dramatizations). The heroes of literary works become actors, and their adventures, life events, changed by children's fantasy, the plot of the game.

15 slide. All theatrical games are divided into 2 main groups:

Director games

Games are dramatizations.

16, 17 slide. In the director's game, "the actors are toys or their substitutes, and the child, organizing activities like"writer and director", manages "artists".

To director's games applies:

Desktop theatre,

Shadow theatre,

theater on flannelgraph.

In these games, a child or an adult acts for all the characters (as director).

18 slide. Dramatization games include games based on the actions of the performer of the role (an adult or a child, who can use bibabo or finger puppets put on his hand). theatre, as well as elements of the costume.

In dramatization games, a child, playing a role as "artist", independently creates an image with the help of a complex of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness.

19, 20 slide. Types of dramatization are:

Games imitating images of animals, people, literary characters;

Role-playing dialogues based on text;

Dramatization of works;

Performances based on one or more works;

Improvisation games with plot acting out (or several plots) without prior preparation.

21 slide. Kinds theaters for all age groups

early age younger

group Medium

Group Senior

preschool group

Finger theatre- contributes to better control of the movements of one's own fingers. Theatre puppets on the table - contributes to the possession of the technique of managing table puppets theater(dolls made of paper cones, cylinders, boxes, toys made of fabric, fur, foam rubber, etc. spoon theater, riding puppets (bibabo, puppets on the gape*)- introducing children to theater screen, the basics of puppetry. Acquaintance with puppets, puppets with "live hand", learning how to control these dolls. Introduction to puppets "live hand", puppet people and cane puppets; learning how to work with these dolls.

22 slide. Basic requirements for organization of theatrical games:

Permanent, daily inclusion theatrical games in all forms of the pedagogical process.

The maximum activity of children at the stages of both preparation and conduct of games.

Cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages organizing a theatrical game.

The sequence and complication of the content of topics and plots chosen for games correspond to the age and skills of children.

23 slide. CONCLUSION

Classes for theatrical activities should not be reduced only to the preparation of speeches, but should ensure the simultaneous performance of cognitive, educational and developmental functions.

They may include acting out fairy tales, skits, theatrical games and dramatization games, dances, role-playing dialogues based on illustrations, independent improvisations on topics taken from life (a funny case, interesting event etc., watching and playing puppet shows, as well as exercises aimed at developing various qualities of preschoolers.

AT modern conditions only depends on the teachers. "to be" theatrical and creative activity in a child's life or "not to be".

24 slide. Give children the joy of joining theatrical art!


Presentation for preschool children on the topic "Types of theater"

Children preschool age love to watch different theatrical performances . Artists often come to our kindergarten and show, mainly, puppet shows and dramatization of fairy tales. In the group, children like to watch and themselves participate in the board game. theater toys and finger theater. In the afternoon, together with the children, we often try to make cone dolls and dolls on spoons on our own. One cannot but agree with the words of the poem by T. Yu. Grigorieva that theater for children is a magical world.

"Magic world - theatre» (Grigorieva Tatyana Yurievna)

Theater the world will open its backstage to us,

And we will see miracles and fairy tales.

There Pinocchio, cat Basilio, Alice

Easily change heroes, masks.

The magical world of play and adventure,

Every kid wants to be here.

Suddenly turn into Cinderella or into a prince,

And show everyone your talents.

Theatre like a sorcerer, wizard,

With your magic wand,

And here is a child, modest and shy,

Today suddenly plays the king.

Let childhood be like a fairy tale

Let miracles happen every moment

And let the world around become kind, gentle,

Let good win over evil again!

Target presentations: expand and refine views children about types puppet theaters , be able to distinguish between them (desktop theatre, riding puppets, cane puppets, marionette puppets, puppets with "live hand", puppet people). Develop and improve creativity children by means of theatrical art. This presentation can be used in class theatrical studios in kindergarten.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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"Organization of theatrical activities in a preschool educational institution" Art. educator: Klim S.V. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 5 in Lgov"

2 slide

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“The spiritual life of a child is complete only when he lives in the world of fairy tales, creativity, imagination, fantasy, and without this he is a dried flower” V. Sukhomlinsky

3 slide

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In the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the basic principles preschool education reflected in the Standard: “Implementation of the Program in forms specific to the children of this age group, primarily in the form of a game, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child ”Theatrical activities in kindergarten are an excellent opportunity to unleash the creative potential of the child, educating the creative orientation of the individual.

4 slide

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One of the most effective ways of influencing children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly manifested - to teach by playing interesting things, the joy of creativity. We strive to ensure that the skills acquired in theatrical activities can be used by children in Everyday life.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Theatrical activities in kindergarten This is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, to educate the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around them, embody them, create their own artistic image of a character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, and the ability to see unusual moments in everyday life. Theatrical activity helps the child overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Theatrical activity brings variety to the life of a child. It gives joy to the child and is one of the most effective ways of corrective influence on the child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: to teach while playing.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

In the process of theatrical games: Children's knowledge of the world around them expands and deepens. Mental processes develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination. There is a development of various analyzers: visual, auditory, speech, motor. Vocabulary, speech structure, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, tempo, expressiveness of speech, melodic-intonational side of speech are activated and improved. Motility, coordination, smoothness, switchability, purposefulness of movements are improved. The emotional-volitional sphere develops, children get acquainted with the feelings, mood of the characters, master the ways of their external expression. Behavior is being adjusted. A sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other develops, the experience of moral behavior is formed. The development of creative, search activity, independence is stimulated.

8 slide

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Using theatrical activities in the system of teaching children in preschool educational institutions, we solve a set of interrelated tasks in all educational fields according to GEF DO.

9 slide

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The system of work on the organization of theatrical activities Subject-spatial developing environment forward planning and implementation Theatrical classes Theatrical performances, entertainment, project activity Interaction with teachers Interaction with parents Work with children Interaction with society

10 slide

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The organization of work on theatrical activities in kindergarten, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, can be included in all regime moments: be included in any organized educational activities; in the joint activities of children and adults in free time(in the content of holidays, entertainment and leisure); carried out in independent activity children.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

The main areas of work with children in the preschool educational institution Theatrical game is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of a person. Rhythmoplasty includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of natural psychotropic abilities of preschoolers, freedom and expressiveness of body movements, gaining a sense of harmony of one's body with the outside world. The culture and technique of speech combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus. Fundamentals of theatrical culture - this section of the work is designed to acquaint children with elementary concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art. Work on the performance is based on author's plays and includes acquaintance with the play, fairy tale, as well as work on the performance - from sketches to the birth of the performance.

12 slide

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THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEATER GAME CONSIST IN THE GRADUAL TRANSITION OF THE CHILD: - from watching the theatrical production of an adult to independent play activity; - from individual play and "play side by side" to play in a group of three to five peers who play roles; - from imitation of the actions of folklore and literary characters to imitation of actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero and the development of the role as the creation of a simple "typical" image in a dramatization game.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Forms of organization of theatrical activities Joint theatrical activities of adults and children, theater class, theatrical play at holidays and entertainment. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical play in everyday life. Mini-games in the classroom, theatrical games-performances, mini-sketches with puppets during the study regional component with children, involving the main puppet - Petrushka in solving cognitive problems.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

The content of work with children in theatrical activities includes: Exercises in diction (articulatory gymnastics); Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness; Transformation games, figurative exercises; Exercises for the development of children's plasticity; Rhythmic minutes; Finger game training; Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of pantomime; Theatrical sketches; Playing mini-dialogues, nursery rhymes, songs, poems; Watching puppet shows.

15 slide

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Directing games STAND THEATER Flannelograph theater RIDING DOLLS DESK THEATER HAND THEATER MASK THEATER LIVING DOLL THEATER DRAMATIZATION GAMES SCENICATION of nursery rhymes songs Creativity of children of small fairy tales literary texts

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Promotes the development of speech, attention, memory; forms spatial representations; develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements; increases efficiency, tone of the cerebral cortex. Finger Theater

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Picture theatre, flannelgraph and magnetic board Develop creativity; Contribute to aesthetic education; They develop dexterity, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate on one type of activity.

18 slide

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Cone, table theater Helps to teach children to coordinate hand and eye movements; Accompany the movements of the fingers with speech; Encourages you to express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

19 slide