Characteristics of Famusov's guests at the ball. A.S

The main idea of ​​the work "Woe from Wit" is an illustration of meanness, ignorance and servility to the ranks and traditions, which were opposed by new ideas, genuine culture, freedom and reason. The protagonist Chatsky acted in the play as a representative of the same democratically minded society of young people who openly challenged the conservatives and serfs. All these subtleties that raged in social and political life, Griboyedov managed to reflect on the example of a classic comedy love triangle. It is noteworthy that the main part of the work described by the creator takes place within just one day, and the characters themselves are displayed very brightly by Griboyedov.

Many of the writer's contemporaries honored his manuscript with sincere praise and stood up to the king for permission to publish the comedy.

History of comedy writing

The idea of ​​writing the comedy "Woe from Wit" visited Griboedov during his stay in St. Petersburg. In 1816, he returned to the city from abroad and found himself at one of the secular receptions. Deep inner indignation caused in him the craving of Russian people for foreign things, after he noticed that the nobility of the city bowed to one of the foreign guests. The writer could not restrain himself and showed his negative attitude. Meanwhile, one of the guests, who did not share his convictions, retorted that Griboyedov was crazy.

The events of that evening formed the basis of the comedy, and Griboedov himself became the prototype of the main character Chatsky. The writer began work on the work in 1821. He worked on comedy in Tiflis, where he served under General Yermolov, and in Moscow.

In 1823, work on the play was completed, and the writer began to read it in Moscow literary circles, receiving rave reviews along the way. The comedy was successfully distributed in the form of lists among the reading population, but for the first time it was published only in 1833, after the request of Minister Uvarov to the tsar. The writer himself was no longer alive by that time.

Analysis of the work

Comedy main story

The events described in the comedy take place in early XIX century, in the house of the capital official Famusov. His young daughter Sofya is in love with Famusov's secretary, Molchalin. He is a prudent man, not rich, occupying a minor rank.

Knowing about Sophia's passions, he meets with her by calculation. One day, a young nobleman Chatsky arrives at the Famusovs' house - a family friend who has not been in Russia for three years. The purpose of his return is to marry Sophia, for whom he has feelings. Sophia herself hides her love for Molchalin from the main character of the comedy.

Sophia's father is a man of the old way of life and views. He grovels before the ranks and believes that the young should please the authorities in everything, not show their opinion and selflessly serve the superiors. Chatsky, in contrast, is a witty young man with a sense of pride and a good education. He condemns such views, considers them stupid, hypocritical and empty. There are heated arguments between Famusov and Chatsky.

On the day of Chatsky's arrival, invited guests gather in Famusov's house. During the evening, Sophia spreads a rumor that Chatsky has gone crazy. The guests, who also do not share his views, actively pick up this idea and unanimously recognize the hero as crazy.

Turning out to be a black sheep at the evening, Chatsky is going to leave the Famusovs' house. While waiting for the carriage, he hears Famusov's secretary confessing his feelings to the servant of the masters. Sofya also hears this, who immediately drives Molchalin out of the house.

The denouement of the love scene ends with Chatsky's disappointment in Sophia and secular society. The hero leaves Moscow forever.

Heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit"

This is the protagonist Griboedov's comedies. He is a hereditary nobleman who owns 300 - 400 souls. Chatsky was left an orphan early, and since his father was a close friend of Famusov, from childhood he was brought up with Sophia in the Famusovs' house. Later, he became bored with them, and at first he settled separately, and then completely left to wander the world.

From childhood, Chatsky and Sophia were friends, but he felt for her not only friendly feelings.

The main character in Griboedov's comedy is not stupid, witty, eloquent. A lover of mockery of the stupid, Chatsky was a liberal who did not want to bend before his superiors and serve the highest ranks. That is why he did not serve in the army and was not an official, which is rare for the era of that time and his pedigree.

Famusov is an aged man with gray hair at the temples, a nobleman. For his age, he is very cheerful and fresh. Pavel Afanasyevich is a widower, his only child is Sophia, 17 years old.

The official is in the public service, he is rich, but at the same time windy. Famusov does not hesitate to pester his own maids. His character is explosive, restless. Pavel Afanasyevich is obnoxious, but with the right people He knows how to be polite. An example of this is his communication with the colonel, to whom Famusov wants to marry his daughter. For the sake of his goal, he is ready for anything. Submission, servility to the ranks and servility are characteristic of him. He also values ​​the opinion of society about himself and his family. The official does not like to read and does not consider education to be something very important.

Sophia is the daughter of a wealthy official. Pretty and educated in the best rules of the Moscow nobility. Left early without a mother, but being in the care of the governess Madame Rosier, she reads French books, dances and plays the piano. Sophia is a fickle girl, windy and easily carried away by young men. At the same time, she is trusting and very naive.

In the course of the play, it is clear that she does not notice that Molchalin does not love her and is with her because of her own benefits. Her father calls her shameful and shameless, while Sophia herself considers herself a smart and not cowardly young lady.

Famusov's secretary, who lives in their house, is a single young man from a very poor family. Mine title of nobility Molchalin received only during the service, which in those days was considered acceptable. For this, Famusov periodically calls him rootless.

The surname of the hero, as well as possible, corresponds to his character and temperament. He doesn't like to talk. Molchalin is a limited and very stupid person. He behaves modestly and quietly, honors ranks and tries to please everyone who is in his environment. He does it purely for profit.

Aleksey Stepanovich never expresses his opinion, due to which others consider him to be quite a handsome young man. In fact, he is mean, unscrupulous and cowardly. At the end of the comedy, it becomes clear that Molchalin is in love with the maid Lisa. Having confessed this to her, he receives a portion of righteous anger from Sophia, but his characteristic sycophancy allows him to remain in the service of her father further.

Puffer is a secondary comedy hero, he is a non-initiative colonel who wants to become a general.

Pavel Afanasyevich refers Skalozub to the category of enviable Moscow suitors. According to Famusov, a wealthy officer who has weight and status in society is a good match for his daughter. Sophia herself did not like him. In the work, the image of Skalozub is collected in separate phrases. Sergey Sergeevich joins Chatsky's speech with absurd reasoning. They betray his ignorance and lack of education.

Maid Lisa

Lizanka is an ordinary maid in the Famus house, but at the same time she occupies a rather high place among others literary characters, and quite a lot of different episodes and descriptions are allotted to her. The author describes in detail what Lisa does and what and how she says. She makes the other heroes of the play confess their feelings, provokes them to certain actions, pushes them to various decisions that are important for their lives.

Mr. Repetilov appears in the fourth act of the work. This is a minor, but bright comedy character, invited to Famusov's ball on the occasion of the name day of his daughter Sophia. His image - characterizes a person who chooses an easy path in life.


Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky is a secular reveler without ranks and honors, but he knows how and loves to be invited to all receptions. Due to his gift - to be pleasing "to the court."

Hurrying to visit the center of events, “as if” from the outside, the secondary hero A.S. Griboyedov, Anton Antonovich, himself, is invited to an evening at the Faustuvs' house. From the very first seconds of the action, it becomes clear with his person that Zagoretsky is another “shot”.

Madame Khlestova is also one of secondary characters comedy, but still her role is very colorful. This is an older woman. She is 65 years old. She has a Spitz dog and a dark-skinned maidservant - arapka. Khlestova is aware latest gossip court and willingly shares his own stories from life, in which he easily talks about other characters in the work.

Comedy quotes

"Who are the judges?"Chatsky

« I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve» Chatsky

“No other model is needed when the example of a father is in the eyes”Famusov

"Yes smart man can't be a rogue"

Comedy composition and storylines

When writing the comedy Woe from Wit, Griboyedov used a technique characteristic of this genre. Here we can see a classic story where two men claim the hand of one girl at once. Their images are also classical: one is modest and respectful, the other is educated, proud and confident in his own superiority. True, in the play, Griboyedov placed the accents in the character of the characters a little differently, making Molchalin, and not Chatsky, attractive to that society.

For several chapters of the play, there is a background description of life in the Famusovs' house, and only in the seventh appearance does the plot begin love story. A sufficiently detailed long description in the course of the play tells of only one day. A long-term development of events is not described here.

Each of the images described by Griboyedov is multifaceted. Even Molchalin is interesting, to whom, already in the reader, an unpleasant attitude arises, but he does not cause obvious disgust. It is interesting to watch him in various episodes.

There are two storylines in the comedy. These are conflicts: love and social.

In the play, despite taking the fundamental constructions, there are certain deviations for plot construction, and it can be clearly seen that the comedy was written at the junction of three literary epochs: flourishing romanticism, emerging realism and dying classicism.

Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" gained its popularity not only for the use of classical methods of plot construction in non-standard frameworks for them, it reflected obvious changes in society, which were then just emerging and putting out their first sprouts.

The work is also interesting in that it is strikingly different from all other works written by Griboyedov.

“Woe from Wit” is a work by Griboyedov, which has firmly entered the golden fund of Russian literature. The characters in the story are very bright and exact description character and images. About the characters of "Woe from Wit" the table can give the most clear description.



External features


Character traits

Chatsky, Alexander Andreevich

Still young, but already mature enough not to fall into childishness.

Has nice facial features

Nobleman, has 300-400 serfs in submission

Witty but proud. Eloquent and sociable, but at the same time often sharp, can talk in a defiant tone. Independent, freethinker. Sharply condemns the morals, principles and values ​​that are inherent in the society of the nobility

Famusov, Pavel Afanasevich

Average age

Wealthy landowner, official

For him, the main value is wealth, the presence of high ranks. He strives to give his daughter away profitably, Skalozub, a fugitive officer, reads a suitable party for him.

Molchalin, Alexey Stepanovich

Taciturn, wordless, seems modest and quiet

Famusov's secretary, a rootless man, is not rich.

Executive, tries to please everyone, but at the same time cunning, stupid, mean. He seeks profit in everything, even keeps relations with Sophia only for the sake of profit, although he is in love with a maid.

Famusova, Sofia Pavlovna

Has an attractive appearance


Smart, educated, knows many languages, dances well and plays musical instruments. She is windy, able to secretly meet with those who are attractive to her.

Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich

middle aged man

officer, rich

Careerist, interested only in the army and victories, dreams of becoming a general.

A dandy, a fashionista, monitors his appearance.

young girl

Cheerful, frisky, superstitious, timid.


Not stupid, but windy, not deprived of the attention of men, Famusov and Molchalin are in love with her, but she herself is in love with the barman.


Middle aged

Ridiculous, awkward, clumsy

Nobleman, career of an official.

He constantly lies, leads a hectic life, loves balls and parties. He is a poor family man, although he has a wife and children. Constantly talks nonsense. But despite all this, he is a kind person.

The characterization of the heroes "Woe from Wit" gives a clear idea of ​​​​the life of that time. Most of Griboyedov's heroes are not positive. That is why "Woe from Wit" is a comedy - ridicule of negative human traits is built on humor.

The images of the characters are vividly and accurately thought out by the author. They give a special life to the work, endow it with individuality and original atmosphere.

This article will help you compile a table with the characteristics of "Woe from Wit", write an essay with detailed description heroes, their age, status, main features and characteristics.

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The first guests at the ball are the Gorichs. This is a typical Moscow married couple. Chatsky knew Platon Mikhailovich before the latter's marriage. He was a cheerful, lively person, but after marrying Natalya Dmitrievna, he changed a lot: he fell under the heel of his wife, became "a husband-boy, a husband-servant." Natalya Dmitrievna does not even let her husband “open her mouth”: she answers Chatsky’s questions for him, speaks to him in an orderly tone: “Listen once, dear, fasten up quickly.” Gorich perfectly understands his position and has already come to terms with it. He bitterly says to Chatsky: "Now, brother, I'm not the one." In general, the motive of the husband's subordination to his wife runs through the whole work. Griboyedov draws a parallel between Platon Mikhailovich and Silent Other. The husband of Natalya Dmitrievna says: “There is still an occupation: / On the flute I repeat a duet / A-molny.” With this phrase, the author refers the reader to the beginning of the comedy, when Molchalin and Sophia play a duet on the piano and flute behind the scenes. Sofya prefers Molchalin, although she could have chosen Skalozub or Chatsky. Molchalin earned her love by being "an enemy of insolence." Sofya was brought up in the Famus spirit, and she needs the same husband as Gorich - “husband-boy”, “husband-servant”. The footman Petrusha hardly speaks in the comedy; And he obeys. However, Lizanka says about him: “But how not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha?” Petrusha knows how to obey, and this also pleases him: Lizanka fell in love with him. The Tugoukhovsky family also comes to the ball. The princess is very concerned about finding suitors for her daughters. The reader understands this almost from her first words. As soon as she sees Chatsky in learning that he is not married, she sends her husband, the same “husband-boy”, “husband-servant”, to invite a potential groom to her. But as soon as she finds out that Chatsky is not rich and he does not have a high rank, she “shouts with all her might”: “Prince, prince! Back!" The figure of Princess Tugoukhovskaya helps to better understand the character of Famusov. Pavel Afanasyevich wants to marry his daughter to a rich, powerful person, prominent in society. Princess Tugou-khovskaya pursues the same selfish goals. Through the figure of the princess, Griboyedov emphasizes such traits in Famusov's character as self-interest and servility. In the Famus society, grooms are chosen for rich brides according to this principle: Be inferior, but if there are two thousand family souls, He is the groom, and also “Who is poor is not a match for you.” Countess Hryumina appears at the ball. It's embittered for the whole the world Khryumna-granddaughter with her half-deaf grandmother. Khryumina-granddaughter cannot find a worthy groom and therefore is dissatisfied with everything that happens around her. As soon as she arrives at the ball, she regrets that she arrived too early. Leaving the ball, the Countess-granddaughter speaks of him like this: “Well, the ball! .. And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with!” She is angry that at the ball she did not meet anyone to marry. Khryumina, the granddaughter, shows her admiration for everything foreign, and reveals her predilection for "fashion shops." She often uses French words, even says a few whole phrases in French, which no one else does in comedy. In her face, Griboyedov makes fun of yet another feature nobility of that time: admiration for everything foreign. Countess-granddaughter Khryumina differs from Natalia Dmitrievna, princesses Tugoukhovskaya and Khlestova in her bitterness; Natalya Dmitrievna stands out for her coquetry and "softness", the princess - for "commanding", and Khlestova - for the sharpness of her judgments and expressions. All of them have different characters, but at the same time they are typical, as they express the same ideas. All these ladies belong to the "past century" and thus participate in the social conflict of the play. Exactly female images help to better understand the foundations and life principles Moscow in the 10-20s of the XIX century.

Famusov's guests:

1) Natalya Dmitrievna - a married young lady, a coquette, is very proud of her husband Platon Mikhailovich, a retired military man. She probably thinks she got married well. In public, he cares a lot about his health, he is afraid that he will not be blown away.

2) Platon Mikhailovich - the husband of Natalya Dmitrievna, a former military man. From everyday life, from boredom, he plays the flute and does not contradict his young wife.

3) Chatsky is a “wise guy”, a self-confident young man who talks on various topics, mainly condemning the current “light” (current Moscow), and giving unflattering characteristics to others.

4) Prince Pyotr Ilyich Tugoukhov with the Princess and six daughters. Daughters raised in modern spirit with the inculcation of foreign fashion. The princess is curious and "obsessed" with suitors for her daughters, she selects candidates everywhere. The prince is deaf, uses an auditory tube. Fulfills all the orders of his wife implicitly.

5) Countess Hryumina: grandmother and granddaughter. The granddaughter is not married, in search of her betrothed. Talkative, without complexes. My grandmother is deaf and uses an auditory tube. Despite this, he tries to participate in events. Inserts replicas.

6) Zagoretsky - knows who needs to “suck up” in time. Here Sofya offered tickets for tomorrow's performance. I did not forget to tell in "paints" at the same time how difficult it was for him to get them. Society considers him a liar, a swindler and a rogue. At the card table - cheating (sharper). But despite this, it is accepted everywhere. Such rascals should also be in society.

7) Old woman Khlestova - Famusov's sister-in-law. She is capricious, has a black-haired woman in her servants, is overly talkative, "pulls the blanket over herself."

8) Skalozub - colonel, strives to rise to the rank of general, rich. Not very smart, like most military people, all his conversations boil down to army military theme. In society, he is known as a well-known, respectable person, in ranks. He has orders for service.

9) Molchalin - Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house. He came from Tver and got a position through "pull" through Famusov himself. Molchalin is stupid, laconic, poor. Quiet, modest, compliant, silent, does not discuss anyone, is silent when scolded. Alphonse and a deceiver, he does not love Sophia at all, he meets her by calculation, he is not going to marry her.

10) G.N - an unknown person, but apparently the first gossip (gossip girl). It is through him (her) that Sophia spreads the rumor that Chatsky has gone crazy.

11) G.D is also an unknown person who picks up gossip and spreads it further at the speed of light.

12) Repetilov late guest. In the past, a drunkard, a reveler, a libertine, a stupid idler, a loser. Now, allegedly, he has changed for the better, joined the secret society of the Decembrists, a man.

Brings all of these different people uniformity of ways and unanimity. Moscow society brings all opinions to one, general, allowing disagreements over trifles. In this unity lies all the might of Moscow.

The comedy Woe from Wit reflected the opposition of new ideas to old ones. Griboyedov showed the clash of two ideologies: "the present century" and "the past century". At the ball at Famusov's, people who make up the elite of noble Moscow gather. They are many, but they all have common feature: feudal views, ignorance, servility, greed. Before the guests arrive in Famusov's house, the most welcome guest for the owner appears - Skalozub. This typical martinet, who can be called a blind performer, thinks only about military career. He, like Famusov, is a staunch supporter of the old order. The reason for coming to the ball is to find a rich bride. Famusov sees Skalozub as worthy of his daughter Sophia, because he is "both a golden bag and aspires to be a general." The first guests at the ball are the Gorichs. This is a typical Moscow married couple. Chatsky knew Platon Mikhailovich before his marriage - they were comrades in the service. He was a cheerful, lively person, but after marrying Natalya Dmitrievna, he changed a lot: he fell under the "heel", became "a husband-boy, a husband-servant." Natalya Dmitrievna does not even let her husband “open his mouth”, Gorich understands his situation perfectly and has already come to terms with him. He bitterly says to Chatsky: "Now, brother, I'm not the one." The Tugoukhovsky family also comes to the ball. The princess is very concerned about finding suitors for her daughters, pushing around the old prince, barely seeing Chatsky and learning that he is not married, sends her husband to invite a potential groom to her. But, as soon as she realizes that Chatsky is not rich and he does not have a high rank, then she screams with all her might: “Prince, prince! Back!". In the Famus society, grooms are chosen for wealthy brides according to this principle: Be inferior, but if there are two thousand family souls, - He and the groom. Countess Hryumina appears at the ball. This is Hryumina-granddaughter, embittered at the whole world around her, with her half-deaf grandmother. Khryumina-granddaughter cannot find a worthy groom and therefore is dissatisfied with everything that happens around her. As soon as she arrives at the ball, she regrets that she arrived too early. She says: “Well, a ball! .. And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with!”. She is angry that she has not met anyone here to marry. Khryumina, the granddaughter, expresses her admiration for everything foreign, and reveals her predilection for "fashion shops." Hryumina's granddaughter's arrogance revolts Chatsky: Unhappy! Should there be reproaches from imitators of milliners? For daring to prefer the originals to the lists! Zagoretsky is perhaps the most vicious person present at Famusov's ball. Everyone frankly talks about him, a notorious swindler, a rogue, he is a liar, a gambler, a thief. But, despite such a destructive characteristic, it is accepted in the light, the doors famus house open to him. Zagoretsky pays off with his helpfulness, this is his baseness. He will do anything to please the right person at the right moment. Chatsky could not help but express his opinion: And it would be ridiculous for you to be offended; In addition to honesty, there are many joys: Scold here, and thank you there. The sixty-year-old lady Khlestova also comes to the ball. She always has her own opinion, knows her worth, and at the same time is rude, despotic with serfs. Khlestova takes with her to the ball "a girl and a dog". For her, a serf is the same as a dog. Even such an imperious and self-willed mistress Chatsky was able to annoy with his remark: He won’t say hello from such praises, And Zagoretsky himself could not stand it, he disappeared. The very last, to the "hat analysis", Repetilov is at the ball. This man, who vulgarizes and discredits the ideas of the times, with his "most secret alliance" and "secret meetings on Thursdays" where they only "make noise" and "drink champagne to kill", appears as a good-for-nothing talker, for whom all the advanced ideas are nothing more than a fashion fad. Repetilov uses the favor of authoritative people in the "most secret union", but all these people cannot bring real renewal to society. There are many other representatives at the ball Famus Society. Griboedov did not even give them full names. Such, for example, are gentlemen N and D. They participate in the spread of gossip about Chatsky's madness. They don't believe it themselves. But they are interested in what others say about it. The images of petty gossips show the goals and interests of the Famus society: career, honors, wealth, rumors, gossip. Chatsky favorably differs from the Famus society. His image reflected the typical features of the Decembrists. Chatsky is ardent, dreamy, freedom-loving. He rebels against serfdom, the dominance of foreigners, the magical power of women in society, servility, serving persons, not the cause. He realized true values the crowd, in the circle of which he spent only one day - and lost hope of finding like-minded people. Before leaving Moscow, Chatsky angrily throws to the entire Famus society: ... he will come out of the fire unharmed, Whoever has time to stay with you for a day, Breathes the same air, And his mind will survive.

In his comedy Woe from Wit, Griboyedov showed the clash of the old and new generations, the ideologies of the past century and the present century, which are eternally opposing each other. People who make up the cream of society, a sort of Moscow metropolitan elite, come to Famusov's ball. They have many faces and do not at all hide their feudal views, they are full of ignorance, vulgarity, greed and servility. The description of all Famusov's guests speaks for itself. Chatsky will dedicate a lot of his catchphrases to them.

Even before the arrival of the guests, Colonel Skalozub appears in Famusov's house - a huge ignorant and careerist who dreams of making everything Russian society live according to the barracks charter. He is a staunch supporter of the old order, rich and aspiring to become a general. He became the most welcome guest in Famusov's house. The reason for the arrival of Skalozub was the search for a rich bride. Therefore, Famusov immediately noticed him and considered him a very promising groom for his daughter Sophia.


Then Famusov's guests began to arrive one by one for the ball. The Gorich couple arrives first. This is an unremarkable typical married couple. In general, the characteristics of Famusov's guests at the ball are quite interesting: Griboyedov subtly emphasized in them the types of people from the secular society of that time. So, in continuation, Chatsky is well acquainted with Platon Mikhailovich Gorich, they served together and were even friends. He was a very cheerful, energetic and cheerful person, but after marrying a woman with character - Natalya Dmitrievna - he changed, became a henpecked man and a servant boy. Now she won't even let him open his mouth. But Gorich is already accustomed to this and even resigned to his position. Platon Mikhailovich complains to Chatsky that, they say, he is not the same as he was once before.


Following the Gorich family, the Tugoukhovsky princely family comes to the ball to Famusov. The mother of the family is very much concerned about finding a groom for her daughters. She immediately noticed the young Chatsky and wanted to invite him to visit her, but, having learned that he was not rich and did not have a high rank, she immediately changed her mind. In her opinion, it’s better to be poor, but to have at least two thousand serf souls.


And then two ladies Khryumina showed up for the ball. This is Khryumin's granddaughter, forever dissatisfied with everything and angry at the whole world because she cannot find a groom, and her half-deaf grandmother. Not having time to arrive at the ball, Khryumina the granddaughter immediately regretted that she had appeared very early and that she had no one to talk to and no one to dance with. And to meet someone who could be married, there was absolutely no chance. She expresses admiration for everything foreign and betrays her predilection for "fashion shops." Her arrogance offends Chatsky, and he pours sharp remarks at her.

Zagoretsky and Khlystova

At Famusov's ball, Zagoretsky also turns out to be a rogue, a liar, a gambler, a rogue and a swindler. However, despite all his destructive characteristics, he is still accepted in high society, and the doors of Famusov also turned out to be open to him. His low, but very helpful nature literally disposes and seduces everyone. He always appears at the right moment and at the right time to serve some venerable nobleman.

The despotic rude lady Khlestova, 60 years old, certainly drove to the ball. She always sticks to her opinion and knows her own worth. She does not stand on ceremony with serfs. And Khlestova took a dog and a black-haired girl to the ball. For this person there is no difference between a serf and a dog, everything is for her entertainment.

Other guests of Famusov

The last guest of the ball was Repetilov. He is a very unreliable person, discrediting and vulgarizing the ideas of the time. Repetilov constantly talks about some kind of "secret alliances" and "secret meetings" where they drink a lot of champagne and talk about forbidden topics. For his own selfish purposes, he uses the favor of people from high society towards him.

The characterization of Famusov's guests at the ball has not been exhausted, there were many other characters from secular society, but Griboyedov marked them with the letters N and D. They became the spreaders of the rumor about Chatsky's madness, although they themselves did not believe it, but they listened with pleasure, what others say. In the image of these petty gossips, the interests of the Famus society in the pursuit of wealth, honors and gossip are shown.

Chatsky is one of the few who differed from the Famus guests. Typical Decembrist features were traced in his nature. He is passionate, freedom-loving and openly expresses his opinion. He does not like admiration for foreigners, he opposes serfdom and despises servility, and not service to the cause.


The characterization of Famusov's guests at the ball is literally classic. In the circle of this crowd, Chatsky spent only a day and immediately realized its true values, after which there was no hope of meeting like-minded people at all. Chatsky could not look at all this with indifference, and as a result, after several impartial remarks, he demands a carriage and leaves Moscow.

The ball in Famusov's house is a very important component of the work "Woe from Wit". Chatsky did not come to Moscow for three years and did not give any news about himself. And suddenly, very unexpectedly for everyone, he appears in Famusov's house. And what he sees does not suit him at all, and maybe even shocks.

The characteristics of Famusov's guests at the ball show that such a society was gradually becoming obsolete, his views were already very outdated, and advanced ideas were just beginning to break through the thickness of hypocrisy, profit and deceit. Griboyedov wrote the play "Woe from Wit" in revenge, because in society he also felt like "crazy" Chatsky, unprepared to put up with the existing state of affairs.

Pavel Famusov, his leader, is visited by the "elite" of the Moscow secular society, whose "old landowner" views (respect for rank, serfdom, ignorance, etc.) are ridiculed by Griboyedov. All of them are "rotten" aristocrats, the world of the past, which is opposed to Chatsky.

Here is a brief characteristics of the guests Famusov with small quotations from the text of the play.

Colonel Puffer

A military man with a fast career. In society, he pretends to be a straightforward "martinet", seeing a certain charm in this. He does not like freethinking and believes that a higher rank should decide everything for a person and everyone should follow the old order:

I will make you happy: the general rumor,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There they will only teach according to ours: one, two;
And the books will be kept like this: for big occasions.

Skalozub is rich, so Famusov, seeing him as a potential groom for Sophia, favors him. Came to the ball first.


Husband and wife, old acquaintances of Chatsky. Platon Gorich served with Chatsky and was interesting bright person. After marrying Natalia Dmitrievna, he fell under her influence and became henpecked. Plato is aware of his position, but does not even try to change it, although this bothers him.

Chatsky did not know that the beautiful Natalya was married to Plato and even tried to flirt with her:

Chatsky: You are younger, you have become fresher;
Fire, blush, laughter, play in every way.
Natalya Dmitrievna: I am married.
Chatsky: You would have said a long time ago!


The Tugoukhovsky princes are elderly spouses trying to find good (wealthy) suitors for their daughters. The princess is a vicious, powerful woman. The prince is a deaf, weak-willed henpecked. They came to visit Famusov for suitors and even began to look closely at Chatsky, but, having found out his financial situation, they stop paying attention to him.

It would not be public yet, it is dangerous to talk with him.
It's high time to shut down.
Listen, so his mischinets
Smarter than everyone, and even Prince Peter!
I think he's just a Jacobin
Your Chatsky!!!..


Countess Hryumina - an old maid and her grandmother. Due to the absence of a man, Hryumina was a very angry woman. That's why no one wanted to do business with her. Khryumina came to visit Famusov in search of her betrothed (she regrets that she came to the ball too early - there is no one to dance with). Trying to show her "superiority", Khryumina portrays a craving for everything foreign and tries to show awareness of the latest fashion trends. Chatsky did not like Khryumina and he lets out very sharp remarks in her direction.

Here we are honored!
Here is the first one, and he considers us for no one!
Evil, in girls for a century, God will forgive her.


What is the politest name for such people? Tenderer?
- he is a man of the world,
Notorious swindler, rogue: Anton Antonych Zagoretsky.

Zagoretsky is a rogue and a swindler who knows how to win over (with the help of flattery and helpfulness) anyone. Therefore, despite his bad reputation, he is tolerated in society and Famusov himself receives him at his ball.

Please continue, I sincerely confess to you
I am just like you, a terrible liberal!


You don't love me, it's natural
With others, I am this way and that,
I'm talking to you shyly
I'm pathetic, I'm ridiculous, I'm ignorant, I'm a fool.

He arrived at the ball last. Repetilov is a miserable, empty man who married "by calculation". To his regret, his father-in-law, an important official, did not help him with his career, fearing reproaches of bias. He talks a lot and does nothing. In retirement, he started off at all serious:

He himself raved for a century at dinner or at a ball!
I forgot about the kids! He cheated on his wife!
Played! lost! taken under guardianship by decree.
Keep the dancer! and not just one: three at a time!
Drinking dead! did not sleep for nine nights!


A very rude elderly woman (lady) with a dog. The only one of the entire female Moscow society, she does not bow to everything foreign, there are no foreign words in her speech, and she almost does not understand army regiments. With all this, the author makes it clear how far she is from modern Moscow society due to her advanced age.

Is it easy at sixty-five
Should I drag myself to you, niece? ..
- Torment! I rode for a broken hour from Pokrovka, no strength;
Night is the end of the world!
Out of boredom, I took with me a black-haired girl and a dog;


Alexander Andreevich Chatsky - one of the first romantic heroes of Russian drama, and how romantic hero on the one hand, he categorically does not accept the inert environment familiar to him from childhood, those ideas that this environment gives rise to and propagates; on the other hand, he deeply and emotionally "lives" the circumstances associated with his love for Sophia.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov is a diversified personality. He was a polyglot, musician, politician. He also proved himself to be a brilliant playwright. Truly the pinnacle of his work is the comedy "Woe from Wit". It is this work that has firmly entered the treasury of Russian classics. Thanks to comedy, the modern reader knows and remembers who he is. The description of the characters will allow you to best perceive and understand the work.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky

A landowner who has about 400 serfs under his command. Chatsky is young and has no family of his own. He is an orphan. Chatsky's dad was once close friends with Famusov. Famusov raised the boy, but, having matured, Alexander Andreevich separated. Sophia Chatsky has a long-standing warm relationship. The girl is nice to him.

Chatsky is a member of the English Club, that is, he is a member of a prestigious public institution of that time. Alexander is smart and knows how to beautifully express his own thoughts. The young man always makes fun human stupidity. The tone of Chatsky's speech is harsh, he is sharp on the tongue. Society considers Alexander Andreevich "proud", not realizing that this is not pride, but the independence of a young man.

Since Chatsky's views on life are liberal, Famusov's society declares him crazy. For this reason, Alexander Andreevich is forced to leave the capital.

Useful video: the image of Chatsky in the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov

At the time of the actions that are described by Griboyedov, the man buried his wife and is raising his daughter Sophia. He is already old enough, but he is cheerful and full of energy. Famusov lives with his daughter in the capital and serves as a manager in one of the institutions.

Taking advantage of his official position, Famusov promotes his relatives in the service and gives them undeserved awards and titles.

He has plenty, but, apparently, at the present time, things are not going as well as we would like, and therefore he is looking for a profitable party for his daughter. Famusov is also a member of the English Club. Pavel Afanasyevich is a windy man. This can be judged by the fact that he shows signs of attention to the maid Lizaveta. Famusov is often dissatisfied, grumbling with or without reason.

One of his favorite pastimes is scolding the servants. Knows how to flatter and please the right person. The characterization of Famusov is impossible without an emphasis on how important it is to him what society says about him.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin

An adult male who has served as Famusov's secretary for the past 3 years. Aleksey Stepanovich lives, so to speak, at the place of service, that is, in a separate room with his employer. Formally, Molchalin works in the archives, where, using his connections, Famusov arranged him. In the same place, Alexei Stepanovich goes to the ranks.

Molchalin is a flatterer and a sucker. He knows how to be pleasing to Famusov, who feeds him, waters him and promotes him through the ranks. Alexei Stepanovich has little money. Besides, he is provincial. Until the moment described in the work, this hero lived in Tver. His surname is speaking, it only emphasizes once again that the hero knows how much and with whom to talk.

Chatsky considers him a miserable person. By and large, Molchalin can be said to be modest. But his attitude towards Lisa suggests that nothing masculine is alien to him. The man is silent and does not make critical remarks to anyone. This is his tactic.

She, in his opinion, will allow him to achieve his goal. Chatsky considers him a liar, cunning and scoundrel. He maintains relations with Famusov's daughter for the sake of advancing career ladder. Molchalin does not have feelings for her. He loves Lisa, but behaves very freely towards the girl.

Sofia Pavlovna Famusova

A young girl in her eighteenth year. A rich bride who can become a profitable match. Sophia is sweet and kind. The girl's mother died long ago, and she was raised by her father and a governess from Paris. The father gave his daughter a good family education.

Sophia learned to sing, play music, in a word, to do what a girl from a decent family should be able to do. Sophia loves to read, mostly French novels. The father does not share his daughter's passion for reading, he believes that this is a harmful occupation.

Sophia flirts easily with her boyfriends. For this, her father reproaches her and compares her with her dead mother. The girl is in love with Molchalin, but does not risk confessing this to Chatsky. At the same time, Sofya is very naive, because she does not understand that Alexei Stepanovich is using her for his own purposes.

Sophia's quote:

  • "Happy hours do not watch ..."
  • “Just think how capricious happiness is! It happens worse, get away with it ... "
  • “Where so sweet! ... I don’t care what for him, what’s in the water ...”
  • “He gloriously knows how to make everyone laugh; chatting, joking…”
  • “I’m very windy, perhaps I did, and I know, and I’m sorry, oh where did I change it? ...”

Other actors

  1. Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub. A soldier who rose to the rank of colonel. Rotates in the secular circles of Moscow society. He is in middle age, but not yet old. His appearance and timbre of voice say that he is a hero. The puffer is inherent in panache. Follows fashion. And he even tries to adjust the timbre of his voice to the requirements of the fashion of that time. Skalozub is quite limited in development. All his thoughts are only about military service. Sergei Sergeevich is not even able to properly support a conversation. Skalozub can be called a careerist, because this person has moved well up the career ladder in a short period of time. He has several military awards. Sergey Sergeevich is far from averse to marrying Sophia. According to Famusov, this is an excellent option. But Sophia does not look at the colonel. She likes Molchalin.
  2. Lizanka. This is a servant in Famusov's house. About the same age as Sophia. The girl is very pretty and spontaneous. Tries to behave "decently". It is not conducted on gifts and promises of Molchalin. Superstitious and fearful. Lisa is often embroiled in the pranks of her mistress. For this reason, the girl is afraid of Famusov's wrath. Both Famusov and Molchalin are trying to enter into a relationship with her, but Lisa's heart is given to the barman Petrusha.
  3. Repetilov. An old friend of Chatsky. Very awkward, and therefore ridiculous. He tried to make a career as an official, but failed. Lies constantly. In addition, Repetilov is superstitious. The man is kind, but leads a stupid life. In terms of mental development he doesn't make it. Moreover, Repetilov approaches himself self-critically and recognizes his own stupidity. He does not like to read. He does not treat his wife and children with care enough. He is a goof. Lost the estate at cards. On Thursdays, this man visits a certain secret society. Very lazy.
  4. Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky. This man is a regular at all secular evenings. And he leaves only with the onset of morning. Zagoretsky likes to watch theatrical performances. He is a scammer and lies a lot. Anton Antonovich cheats in card games, and many people know about it. He loves to gossip. Zagoretsky likes to read fables, but he does not understand their allegorical meaning at all.
  5. Anfisa Nilovna Khlestova. The woman is the sister of Famusov's now deceased wife. She is 65 years old. Khlestov noble origin. Anfisa Nilovna is very angry. She needs to be in fashion. For this reason, she got herself a Spitz and goes with him to social events. Her maid is a dark-skinned arapka. And this is also a tribute to fashion. Whispering gossip. For this reason, Anfisa Nilovna knows everything about everyone. Education is not important to her. She doesn't read books. But she is always happy to play cards.
  6. Platon Mikhailovich Gorich. This is an old friend of Chatsky. Now he is retired. Gorich's life is calm and measured. The man is married to a young woman, but this marriage cannot be called happy. Often yearns for the former military life. Platon Mikhailovich is bored, and he plays the flute. The wife takes care of the man like a weak child. His wife loves to attend social events, so Platon Mikhailovich travels with her. He is kind and gentle. Smart But at the same time, Platon Mikhailovich can be called henpecked.
  7. Natalya Dmitrievna Gorich. She is the wife of Platon Mikhailovich. The woman is young and pretty. She likes to attend secular evenings. Keeps his spouse "under the heel." To some extent, their family is a projection of the possible development of relations between Sophia and Molchalin.
  8. Pyotr Ilyich Tugoukhovsky. Aged and possibly ill. He and his wife have six daughters. His surname is telling. Tugoukhovsky "does not hear too much" or does not want to hear. Pyotr Ilyich, with his wife and daughters, goes to social events in order to find a profitable party for the heirs.
  9. Marya Alekseevna Tugoukhovskaya. Wife of Pyotr Ilyich. She likes to command her husband, and he obeys her. Marya Alekseevna is an avid gambler, she loses to Khlestova at the evening. Tugoukhovskaya considers education useless. The main thing for a woman is what rank this or that person wears.
  10. Countess Hryumina. There are two of them: a granddaughter and a grandmother. The author does not name them. But the surname leads to certain reflections. The granddaughter of evil, from the category of old maids. Tries to follow fashion. Gossip. Grandmother attends social events in order to successfully marry her granddaughter.
  11. Parsley. This is a serf in the Famusovs' house. He is literate. Helps Famusov to keep records. Liza is in love with Petrushka.

Brief description of the heroes

An even more capacious and brief description of the heroes of the comedy can be presented in the form of a table:

1. ChatskyIn love with Sophia. Smart, brilliantly educated. Witty and proud. Condemns the Famus society.
2. FamusovWealthy. He wants to marry his only daughter Sophia to Skalozub. Considers rank and wealth important.
3. MolchalinA mean, hypocritical person. Serves with Famusov. It is important for him to please, so that later he can use it for his own purposes. Uses Sophia.
4. SofiaYoung and windy. Well educated. He loves Molchalin and therefore does not notice that he is a scoundrel. Enjoys reading books.
5. PufferSoldier. Important career. Undeveloped. Single. Famusov sees him as a profitable match for his own daughter.
6. LisaMaid at the Famusovs. Not stupid, but windy. Likes its old master.
7. RepetilovRidiculous and clumsy. A liar and a deceiver. Lost the estate at cards.
8. ZagoretskyThief and gossip. Cheats at cards.
9 KhlestovOld. He attends balls and pays tribute to fashion, which keeps a spitz and a black-haired girl in the house. He plays cards, most often dishonestly.
10. gorichiHusband and wife. He is old and considers the marriage a failure. Is under the influence of his wife. She is young and commands her husband.
11. TugoukhovskieHusband and wife who travel to balls in the hope of finding suitable suitors for their six daughters.

Useful video: the system of images in the comedy "Woe from Wit"

The main male and only positive character in the comedy. He was left an orphan quite early, and was brought up in the house of his father's friend, Famusov. The patron gave him an excellent education, but could not instill in Chatsky his worldview. Growing up, Chatsky began to live separately. Subsequently, he quit military service, but did not become an official.

One of the main characters in comedy. If the surname Famusov is translated from Latin, then it will mean "famous, enjoying fame." Famusov lives on the estate, but judging by his many friends, he is very a famous person in your circle. He likes to brag that he belongs to noble nobles. Famusov is hospitable, sociable, a lover of living in a big way.

The central female character of the comedy. Events unfold around her. Sophia is 17 years old, she was raised by her father and old Rosier. She lost her mother when she was very young. Sophia is very beautiful, smart, witty and quick-witted, but because of reading French novels She is a little sentimental and romantic.

Most negative character in comedy. He does not belong to the upper strata of society, he comes from the common people. Came to work from Tver. Lives in Famusov's house, works as a secretary and takes care of his daughter Sophia. Strives to make a career. The purpose of his life is the highest ranks and wealth.

A secondary, but very important character in the comedy, a cheerful, young servant who lives and works in Famusov's house. She is a typical soubrette who helps her mistress Sophia in love affairs. We can say that Lisa is smart and very quick-witted.

A minor character, a wealthy colonel who wants to become a general, and Famusov sees in him the ideal groom for his daughter. Although Khlestova did not like him, he had weight in society. Skalozub's whole life is connected with the army. He is rude and ignorant, having been raised in the barracks.

A minor character in a comedy, one of the first guests at a ball in Famusov's house; a typical representative of the "famus society", henpecked and a hypocrite. Pyotr Ilyich appears at the ball not alone, but with his whole family - with his malicious and caustic wife Marya Alekseevna and six marriageable daughters.

A minor character in a comedy, who appears the very last at Famusov's ball. He is an old friend of Chatsky, which can be judged by the words with which he meets him: “Heart friend! Dear friend! On the other hand, very soon it becomes clear that this character is just an empty talker and a superficial person.

One of the most memorable secondary heroines of the comedy, with whom the author introduces the reader at a party at Famusov's; domineering and rude mistress-serf. Full name heroines - Anfisa Nilovna Khlestova. She is Famusov's sister-in-law, and, accordingly, Sophia's aunt.

Minor character in comedy. He appears at a dinner party in Famusov's house and perfectly complements the assembled society. He is a man of the world, well known in wide circles. He loves to go to the theater, attend balls and parties. At the same time, everyone knows that Zagoretsky is a notorious swindler, gambler and rogue.

One of the most memorable supporting characters in comedy; Famusov's guest and Chatsky's old friend. Platon Mikhailovich Gorich served with Chatsky in the same regiment. Now he has retired, married and lives in Moscow. Chatsky notices the change that has taken place in his comrade after his marriage, and is ironic about this.

Wife of Platon Mikhailovich Gorich in comedy; a vivid example of the embodiment of female power. Natalya Dmitrievna completely subjugated her husband, treated him like a child every now and then, intrusively caring for him. With her excessive concern for the health of Platon Mikhailovich, she killed in him the excitement of life, that enthusiasm that Chatsky had previously seen in his eyes.