How does a person perceive monuments of architecture. Why are memorials needed?

The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the master plan for the development of Moscow." This resolution provides for a huge range of work aimed at making the capital of our Motherland an exemplary communist city. Special attention the resolution focuses on improving the architectural and artistic quality of the city's development and such a solution to urban ensembles that will preserve the originality of the historically established architectural appearance of Moscow.

Our special correspondents V. Demidov and V. Levin turned to the head of the architectural and planning workshop No. 1 of the Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of Moscow Simon Matveevich Matveev with a request to talk about the specific activities developed by the master plan in this area.

The preservation of architectural monuments in Moscow is one of the main tasks set by the general plan for the development of the city. It's about about the continuation and development of progressive historical and architectural traditions of more than eight centuries of life in Moscow. And here it is not enough just to take into account historical values. Any building, no matter how it is protected, will be dead if it is excluded from the life of the city.

Monuments as only museum values ​​do not live in cities. They can live when people use them, when they become participants in today's everyday life. One can imagine separate architectural reserves - buildings, so to speak, in a mothballed museum form - but not on the streets of the city. The functional purpose (use) of each monument must be found - and this is sometimes a task of extreme complexity.

Outstanding buildings of past eras do not interfere, but help shape the architectural appearance of the city. Remember the famous ensembles of Leningrad. One building in them could have been built 100-150 years earlier than another, but today they appear to us absolutely solid and are perceived as works created by “one breath”, because the buildings in them did not turn into dead exhibits. The architects of subsequent eras balanced their plans with those already implemented.

And further. Moscow would not be the capital if its very appearance did not reflect the centuries-old history of the country. Therefore, for us, the issue of preserving architectural monuments is not only a matter of architecture, it is also a matter of patriotic education.

Many architectural monuments that had a cult purpose have long lost it. They are perceived today as a materialized history of the people, as a symbol of the level material culture as a certain figurative thinking of a certain era. The church in Fili, St. Basil's Cathedral, or the Donskoy Monastery, or Novodevichy Monastery are historical and cultural images of their era. They correspond to the views of a certain time, reflect their development. And by preserving them, we preserve the links of the living connection of times. It is in this direction that the issue of the protection of architectural monuments is considered in the general plan with the aim of actively including cultural heritage in the life of the city, in its architectural and planning structure.

What is already being done to achieve this goal? First, the task is not to be limited to the existing list of architectural monuments in Moscow that are under state protection, but to identify new ones as well. More than 450 such, as they say, “candidates” for architectural monuments have already been identified at the stage of developing the general plan.

In addition, the general plan for the first time raised the question of considering as a monument not only individual buildings, but also entire streets, quarters, and the very layout of the central part of Moscow, which is of great historical value. The classical radial-ring system of Moscow, which in such a pronounced form is a rare phenomenon in world urban planning, did not develop spontaneously: its roots are in the structure of ancient Russian cities with fortifications surrounding them, on the site of which ring highways subsequently arose. The Garden Ring area, the streets leading up to the Kremlin, several squares enclosing the ensemble of the Kremlin and Kitay-gorod in a semicircle — all this is unique in its layout, just as unique are the old Moscow lanes, and many elements of architecture, without which it is impossible to imagine our city. ..

Is it possible to keep all this in an unshakable form, especially if we take into account that the buildings that have developed in different eras are unequal? Of course not. More than half a million people now live within the Garden Ring, for example. Even after disaggregation, this area will have about 300,000 inhabitants. And it is necessary now to take care that their living conditions would fully meet world standards. But in this area there are not only architectural monuments, but also residential buildings that simply cannot be modernized, adapted to modern (and even more so to tomorrow's) housing standards. Therefore, some modern construction, changes in housing stock will take place. But we need to do it in such a way - and the general plan provides for this - that new construction in these areas does not change their traditional color.

It is necessary to preserve the scale, the beauty of the curvilinear Moscow streets and lanes, to preserve even, if you like, the silence of the unique "Moscow courtyards", their intimacy. Their natural contrast with the stormy modern life large arteries and districts of today's and tomorrow's Moscow, as it were, will emphasize the dynamics of the entire architectural appearance of the city, which has always been inherent in our capital.

What can be attributed to such areas? Well, for example, Vorovsky Street or Kropotkinskaya Street are typical Moscow streets, very beautiful, cozy, intimate in nature.

(In the general plan of 1935, Kropotkin Street was supposed to be expanded to provide traffic. Now the question is being raised of maintaining its width on the basis of the creation of other transport arteries.) plans to preserve the color of Ivanovskaya Gorka (the area between Nogin Square, Solyanka, Boulevard Ring, Chernyshevsky Street).

Moscow to the second half of XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century, had a very rich silhouette - the high-rise points of religious buildings created a very dynamic and picturesque image of the city that amazed all travelers, merged with the landscape, with relief, with water surfaces. Suppressed by blocks of so-called tenement houses of the period of development of capitalism in Russia, Moscow has largely lost this appearance. And the task of our time is to revive the best urban planning traditions of the famous Russian Moscow architects. It is no longer possible to do this by resuming the active sounding of only ancient buildings. It is necessary to revive traditions with modern buildings, because the appearance of the city, its picturesqueness has always been decided by buildings that correspond to the spirit and character of their time.

Yes, now Moscow as a city has long gone beyond the Garden Ring. Nevertheless, according to the prospects outlined by the master plan, the future Moscow should, as it were, continue the traditions of ancient Moscow. In what specific ways is it supposed to be achieved? The structure of Moscow provides for the creation of a number of new public centers in the city, the division of the city into eight zones, a kind of "cities within a city", with a population of up to a million inhabitants each. And, figuratively speaking, each such "city" will have its own "Kremlin" - those magnificent architectural ensembles, actively connected with the landscape, with parks, relief, which are the pride of Russian culture. Their combination with modern ensembles, those that will be erected, should give that sense of continuity, without which the city crumbles into separate buildings. For example, the southern zone of Moscow. It includes a large public center, which will be located between two historical ensembles: Kolomenskoye and Tsaritsyn, whose park and architectural complexes as if they cover a new center and at the same time do not interfere with each other. Each has its own task, its own role, its own territory. It will be a huge architectural chain, spread over a magnificent landscape along the high bank of the Moskva River, a chain historical monuments and modern buildings. No less attractive, apparently, will be such an ensemble as the area of ​​Poklonnaya Gora. Here, from the Arc de Triomphe of 1812 to the Rublevsky highway, the center of the Western zone will pass. It seems to absorb all the historical values ​​that are here. Triumphal Arch, on the flank - the church in Fili, then itself Poklonnaya Gora- all this is like a road to the field of glory, to the Borodino field. The southeastern center will continue the Kuzminok ensemble, a historically very interesting landscape park, and go directly to the Moscow River.

Have scientific principles been developed for such a conscious, purposeful combination of the old, modern and future of Moscow in the preparation of its master plan? Yes. Although there are no ossified dogmas in this area, where everything is decided by the individual skill of the architect, and there cannot be. Architecture is not only a science, it was, is and will remain an art. But the basic principles, of course, are formulated.

Each monument of architecture presents - precisely presents - specific requirements for the architects of subsequent eras. It is necessary to understand what environment is necessary for this or that monument. It is necessary to determine what can be built near this or that monument of architecture, so that it meets modernity and at the same time actively includes this monument in a new environment. It is necessary to identify - and very accurately - the architectural, large-scale characteristics of the monument and, in this regard, to understand what can be built nearby.

The following “protection zones” are formulated in the master plan.

1. A site of an architectural monument is a territory that cannot be occupied by new buildings at all. This is a taboo, to break which means to irreparably spoil the creation of the ancient masters.

2. The zone of protection of an architectural monument is the zone within which construction, generally speaking, is also prohibited, but if permission is received for the construction of some extremely necessary building, then only after a thorough study of the issue: as a new structure in a functional, Thematically and architecturally, it corresponds to an architectural monument.

3. Zone of influence of an architectural monument. With modern construction in this zone, it is necessary to first find out: what architectural landscape should develop near a given monument, what heights are acceptable at different distances from the monument, and how to build so as not to obscure the architectural monument, so that the best “viewpoints” taken into account when by the builders of this building. The zone of influence is the zone in which the construction strategy must take into account the significance and influence of this monument.

I repeat once again - all these are not dry paragraphs of some unshakable rules. And only the very observance of them does not guarantee against irreparable errors. The best intentions can be overturned by the practice of building. The history of world urban planning shows that you can skillfully place a completely new modern thing next to an ancient building, contrasting with the monument, and suddenly all of them together become great ensemble. On the other hand, you can build a building in the spirit of a neighboring monument - and you get an impossibly bad, eclectic inconsistency, a striking fake. This means that it is impossible to separate all of the above from the problems of mastery.

Here are briefly the main tasks set by the general plan for the protection and organic inclusion of historical heritage in the living fabric of today's and tomorrow's Moscow.

Architecture in a broad sense covers a large area of ​​human activity, in which landscape architecture occupies a special place as a separate section.

Landscape architecture includes the process of creating and optimally organizing the surrounding space, which helps to aesthetically competently design gardens and parks.

The main material for work in landscape architecture is vegetation and the surrounding landscape.

Often concepts landscape design and architecture are identified. But you need to understand that they carry different semantic load. Architecture here is the organization of a favorable surrounding space, the external environment for the daily life of the population, as well as recreation. Elements landscape architecture can be seen both in city parks and in the countryside, on a private plot of land. This sphere of human activity must meet aesthetic, functional and economic requirements.

Simply put, landscape architecture is a way of designing parks, gardens, and recreation areas for the population, in which a person will feel as comfortable as possible, and his aesthetic requirements will be fully satisfied.

Architectural specialists achieve their goals with the help of water, green spaces, stone, and special terrain.

Landscape design is more general concept which includes landscape architecture. Today it is difficult to separate one concept from another, because in fact they are inextricably linked. Modern educational establishments are engaged in the training of specialists of a wide profile - builders-designers, landscape architects, who are engaged not only in landscaping the territories of city parks or private household plots, but also participate in the development of projects for construction projects.

IN last years The demand for the services of professionals in the field of landscape architecture is growing steadily. This is due to the fact that an increasing number of people tend to live in well-maintained estates, parks, courtyards. In Europe, landscape architecture and design are at the highest level, domestic specialists can learn a lot from foreign colleagues, adopt a lot of techniques and ideas.

Modern landscape architecture should be environmentally oriented. This means that the original landscape must be preserved as much as possible. It is important to emphasize its beauty with the help of architectural objects and techniques, using environmentally friendly building materials.

In our country, the term "landscape architecture" was first used in the 70s of the 20th century. Then in 1961 the first All-Union conference on landscape architecture was organized.

Objects of landscape architecture

There are many approaches by which objects of landscape architecture can be classified. The traditional approach highlights the following elements:

  • functional objects, for example, historical, cultural (reserves), as well as recreation parks;
  • objects having a landscape-genetic origin, such as natural parks formed naturally and preserved by man as parks, water areas;
  • urban planning objects - zones or corners of nature with a natural landscape in the city or in a suburban area.

Today, almost all objects of landscape architecture are located in cities.. Most of them are presented in the form of city parks, which can be conditionally divided into:

  • multifunctional, which are used by several categories of the population at once, both for recreation and for various cultural and sports events;
  • specialized, performing one specific function (botanical gardens and parks; zoological parks; complex exhibition parks, consisting of reservoirs, pavilions for exhibitions, green spaces; a museum under open sky; parks with an ethnographic focus that show life various peoples; arboretums).

Not a single landscape object can do without a communication network. For the convenience of visitors, transport roads, pedestrian paths, paths for cyclists and for walks are organized.

Since any object of landscape architecture involves the transformation and change of the natural environment to a greater or lesser extent, they distinguish:

  • macro-level objects that occupy large areas on a national scale. They are of regional importance, and their design is carried out taking into account the rational use of natural resources. Usually such objects remain practically unchanged. For the convenience of visitors, a network of communications is laid in them. These are national parks, reserves, urban landscaping, reservoirs;
  • mesolevel objects. They are located within a specific locality. Parks, water parks, gardens. Designed for recreation of the population, entertainment and sports activities;
  • microlevel objects. Their design is carried out on the basis of reference to a specific architectural object - a building or structure. These are gardens, squares, territories at various institutions, terraces, boulevards, embankments.

Directions of landscape architecture

Modern landscape architecture consists of the following areas:

Landscape construction, its main task is the construction of landscape objects, around which there will be green spaces. These are reservoirs created artificially, alpine slides, waterfalls, rock gardens.

Landscape planning - involves such an organization and transformation of the natural environment on a national scale, which allows you to preserve it as much as possible in its original form.

Landscaping is a more detailed description of how the future objects of the landscaped area will look like.

The main tasks of landscape architecture are:

  • preservation of the natural landscape in its original form;
  • protection of natural monuments;
  • improving the landscape and transforming it for the most convenient and safe human use.

Styles in landscape architecture

In architectural design, it is customary to distinguish two main styles:

regular style, which is characterized by the presence of the main smooth axis. It is around it that all the main elements and objects will be located.

Mirror symmetry is often used. As communications, I use tracks that are straight or made on a plan using a ruler and a compass. The regular style is characterized by the presence of strict geometrically correct lines, shapes and proportions. Often circle or square shapes are used. When choosing plants for plantings, preference is given to those species that are easy to cut and form the necessary shapes from them. Most often they are shrubs or small trees. When they land, they are guided by the alley type. In every corner of the garden, made in a regular style, there are decorative elements in the form of fountains, sculptures, pools, arbors and arches.

landscape style, the main task of which is the maximum preservation of the original natural appearance, features of the area. All natural elements are only emphasized with the help of landscape objects and ennobled in order to make them convenient to visit. There are no clear and correct geometric shapes and lines. The only requirement is that the final landscape must be completed.

Preservation of objects of historical and cultural heritage has long been declared a task of national importance.

Preservation of objects of historical and cultural heritage has long been declared a task of national importance. However, examples of successful "adaptation" of old buildings to the modern context are still rare. How to put historical buildings into business and economic circulation and motivate owners to care and cheer? This question is relevant for all regions of Russia. And everyone is looking for their own way.

The object must live

According to the regional department for cultural heritage, there are more than 2,000 monuments of history, culture and archeology in the Ulyanovsk region. On the state protection It costs about 1.5 thousand monuments of culture and history and 500 monuments of archeology. At the same time, 80% of buildings recognized as objects of cultural heritage are privately owned. And of the remaining 20%, regional and municipal property account for approximately the same amount - 10% each.

How to use these buildings? What needs to be done so that they are preserved, restored, and at the same time not violate their visual perception and basic characteristics, thereby not damaging the object of protection? Questions more painful than one another. Two positions: "not to let go" and "to encourage" - coexist for a long time and with variable victories. However, recently the point of view still dominates that to preserve an object of historical heritage means to maintain it and use it competently.

I am for the fact that the architectural monument lives, and that this building is used. Including for business purposes. If the building is not used, it begins to collapse, - says the director of the department, Sharpudin Khautiev.

And continues:

I am often surprised by the comments in social networks, on the pages of online publications, when they write: what right did they have to sell an architectural monument! Monuments of history and culture are the same real estate objects. They can be rented, sold, donated, inherited. The question is: how to use them? Of course, we prohibit placing production in a cultural heritage site: if machines are placed in a building that is over a hundred years old, vibration will lead to its gradual destruction. We are very careful about the objects in which catering points are located. These are under our special control. But we do not impose bans on business. We just say what can and cannot be done. And be sure to prescribe this in security obligations.

However, businesses are very cautious in acquiring buildings included in the register of historical and cultural heritage. A modern sign of a crisis economy is the rejection of these objects - with reference to strict and financially capacious security regulations.

Khautiev's counterarguments are quite reasonable. Any building requires maintenance and repair, its good condition must be maintained. But if you own an architectural monument, then in addition to you, the state also takes care of your property. It is interested in the preservation of these objects, and, therefore, in the fact that the owner takes measures to preserve the unique object that he owns.

Question - how much does a good condition of a building cost? And is it always necessary to hold on to the last, defending the right of an old house to exist?

Who needs it, special status

Disputes of historians, architects, developers and townspeople about the preservation of the historical appearance of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk either subside, then flare up with renewed vigor. Sometimes developing into conflicts, victories in which, with varying degrees of success, go to each of the parties. Does the city really benefit from this? There is no single answer to this question.

They demolished a practically erected four-story residential building next to Livchakov's "Teremkom", they did not allow the construction of the Marriott hotel next to the Church of All Saints on Minaev Street - this is from the recent. Lost whole pieces of the historical streets of Radishchev, Krasnogvardeyskaya -
from the modern, but already past. For example, where the regional children's hospital stands, there were two historical buildings that belonged to the photographer Gorbunov. Many family photos of Simbirians and Ulyanovsk residents were taken here. What is more important - to keep these two houses or to build a modern hospital? This question is hardly rhetorical.

Starting from the corner of Krasnogvardeiskaya and ending with the turn to Goncharov, to Plastov Boulevard, there was also an ordinary building, - says Olga Sveshnikova, chairman of the board of the Ulyanovsk branch of the VOOPiK. But ordinary doesn't mean bad. There were two or three monuments, but they were. The main thing is that the line was saved. It is necessary to remove one or two houses from this line, and the meaning of preservation is immediately lost. Just like the famous "Teremok". Outbuildings appeared, two or three historical buildings remained. So what?.. Or take the house where Dmitry Ulyanov lived. It was put on guard as historical. The owners live in Kazakhstan, they come to Ulyanovsk periodically. And they can’t sell the house, because the sale is together with the load - security, and they can’t maintain it, because it’s a big expense. You look at the house, all skewed, and think: maybe it’s better that it doesn’t exist? ..

And the townspeople, including interested entrepreneurs, remember the failed pedestrian streets in modern Ulyanovsk. The intention to close part of Karl Marx Street from traffic, from the intersection with Goncharova Street to Karamzinsky Square, was perhaps a project. But the pedestrian street of the Federation could take place. The first attempts to implement this project are almost 20 years old. At that time, many historical buildings were still preserved on the Federation, and the business located here was ready to invest both in the repair of facades and in its conceptual development - with a tourist and entertainment bias.

Today there is an object of regional significance - the landmark "Fair Quarter". The project was developed by the architectural workshop "Simbirskproekt". In fact, a place of interest is one integral monument of history and culture, within which certain urban planning regimes are allowed. However, this has stalled so far.

There are boundaries, regimes are defined, but in order to fill all this inside, at least some big concept is needed, in the development of which museum workers, architects, art historians, and tenants should participate, - says Olga Sveshnikova. - Not yet.

Meanwhile, there is an interesting experience of Samara. At the Moscow Urban Forum in October, Vitaly Stadnikov, the former chief architect of this city, and now the deputy dean, spoke about him high school urbanism:

We once created public organization"Samara for people" -
in order to help the residents of the historical part to register the land as property, because this is the only protection against the construction of some objects there ... In fact, the mechanism for creating alternative programs for the development of territories has matured. A master plan for the historical part of Samara is currently being developed. As a result, we managed to enter the strategic planning group, and this is the law of the city of Samara, adopted until 2025. And through this group of so-called spatial development a mechanism has appeared for projecting solutions that are developed in an alternative way.

The principle of "stick" and "carrot"

In the Ulyanovsk region there is an interdepartmental working group to counter illegal construction on the territory of places of interest.
And what about facilitating the legal inclusion of historical buildings in modern business circulation? ..

Of course, we are well aware that the principle of business is to make a profit. Entrepreneurs need to demolish a rotten one-story house and build a multi-story building with a large area. There is a “stick” for violators (serious penalties), but there should also be a “carrot”, - said the director of the Middle Volga branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Institute “Spetsproekt-
restoration” Yuri Kozlov. - Indeed, in fact, now it is sometimes more profitable to ruin an object than to carry out repair and restoration work.

With the proposal of Yuri Kozlov - to introduce tax and other benefits for the owners of cultural heritage sites, if they invest in their preservation - both entrepreneurs and historians are in solidarity. However, despite the fact that the federal law on cultural heritage objects will soon be 20 years old, a clear mechanism for preferences has not yet been developed.

Such a mechanism could well be a public-private partnership, fortunately, there is already an Ulyanovsk regional law on PPP, and a federal one. For example, a concession agreement: an entrepreneur assumes the obligation to restore a cultural heritage site, and the building is provided to him by the city (if it is municipal property) for rent at a minimum fixed price, taking into account all repair costs. At the end of the agreement, the building must be returned to the city. If the parties fail to agree on an extension of the contract.

Today, the city of Cherepovets tells about an example of such agreements. Not forgetting to emphasize that these are the first concession agreements in Russia that were concluded with the aim of restoring a cultural heritage site. Are they the first? It remains to believe in the word.

In Ulyanovsk, according to a similar scheme, ten years ago, it was returned to active life the building at 50 Goncharova Street. The Ulyanovsk-GSM company reconstructed and restored it: it improved its conditions and preserved the historical appearance of the city. To this day, when it comes to good example"integration" of commercial structures into the historical environment, most business owners and officials remember this particular object.

Meanwhile, a rather attractive mechanism has been proposed for objects of federal property. Since September, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation has come into force, which makes it possible to hand over objects of historical and cultural heritage requiring restoration into private hands for 49 years for one ruble.

A huge block of federal monuments, thousands and thousands, are in a deplorable state! Now, thanks to this decree, if you have repaired it, you can do whatever you want there, you can develop a business there. Forty-nine years is two generations. Almost eternal possession, - said the Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky at the September congress of restorers in Kazan.

However, we are talking about a conditional price: one ruble is the starting price of the auction, as a result of which the real rental price will appear. It is clear that in standard contract the conditions for terminating the contract will be prescribed if the tenant does not fulfill its obligations. The criteria for an object that is in an unsatisfactory condition are determined by another government decree.

But, again, this is a decision for federal property. And what about the regional and municipal?

The Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ulyanovsk Region says that, together with the administrations of the districts, the issue of selling architectural monuments at the lowest price was worked out, but with the condition that the new owners would invest in the preservation of these objects and sign security obligations. The initiative did not take off. First of all, because such objects are interesting not in the outback, but in large cities, where you can really do business on them.

According to regional patterns?

However, the first measures of regional support have already appeared. In 2014, the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region adopted a resolution on the provision of subsidies for reimbursement of costs associated with the preservation of cultural and historical heritage sites of regional importance. Individuals, public, non-profit organizations, individual entrepreneurs can count on state support. To do this, a number of conditions must be met. The project of restoration or repair work must be coordinated with the regional Ministry of Art and cultural policy. The contractor must be an organization that has the appropriate license from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
(there are 15 of them in Ulyanovsk). The requirements of the contractor must be open and understandable (an estimate must be provided). The fact of payment for the work must be documented. And then 50% of the cost of the work performed is reimbursed by the state.

Already appreciated this measure Simbirsk Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Ulyanovsk Region. FROM individuals- more difficult. The owners of buildings recognized as objects of historical heritage are often elderly and low-income people. Payment after the fact is unacceptable for them: they are simply not able to cope with the costs of project documentation, repairs and restoration “according to the rules”. Therefore, in 2016, the region plans to approach the situation differently - not to reimburse costs, but to provide funds in advance.

I am most afraid that such objects in the regions are doomed to death, - says Sharpudin Khautiev. - Therefore, it is very important for us that people live there and preserve these buildings.

A person lives in a house and wants to save it for posterity, says Olga Sveshnikova. - For example, a wooden house, with an interesting beautiful decor, the author of the project is also known. The owner maintains its historical appearance on its own. But as soon as the building is put on guard as an object of cultural heritage, a security obligation is concluded with the owner. And from now on, he is obliged to carry out any repair and restoration work through projects and examinations, which requires a lot of money. I sometimes think: perhaps this legislation is designed for solid cities in terms of historical heritage -
St. Petersburg, Pskov, Vologda, Vladimir, where considerable funds are allocated from the state budget for the preservation of cultural heritage, including the restoration of immovable monuments.
Our facilities are more “modest” by metropolitan standards, but this is our history, our monuments, and we must preserve them.

Everything related to the protection of cultural heritage sites has already been adopted at the legislative level, experts say. It's time to think about the support of those who own them. It is impossible to equalize all the objects classified as monuments of history and culture, as well as the requirements for these objects. The price categories of buildings that are located in Moscow and, say, in the Sengileevsky district of the Ulyanovsk region, are seriously different. The wealth of the people who live in these buildings also varies.

Protection and protection of objects of historical and cultural heritage is regulated federal law No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of peoples Russian Federation» dated 06/25/2002. Legislation classifies objects older than 100 years as archeological monuments. Architectural monuments - buildings that are at least 40 years old. A historical monument may be younger than 40 if it is associated with a famous person or has a memorial character.

For those who live in the village, these houses are the usual place of residence, and it is impossible to drive them into a dead end with severe restrictions and burdens, -
considers Sharpudin Khautiev. - In my opinion, there is a big gap in the legislation. These people should be approached differently. We need to think about serious measures to stimulate them, about how they can be helped. To bring to justice a person who lives on one pension, to fine him - sometimes the hand does not rise. He will simply leave this object, he does not need such a house. What will happen to the building then?

How to work with cultural environment

There is one more question "in the subject": how successful are the attempts to preserve the environment at the expense of pseudo-historical remakes? At city planning councils, there is often a conflict of opinions about the central part of the city. And it concerns not so much the preservation of historical heritage as the architectural appearance of new objects.

If you look at modern architecture, which tries to claim historicity - there are no good examples. Neither in the center of Ulyanovsk, nor in the city in general. In the country - there is, but somehow it did not happen in Ulyanovsk, - Sergey Frolov, deputy chairman of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Union of Architects of Russia, is categorical.

In a large part of the architectural community, the opinion dominates that any building should correspond to its time. Pseudo-historical remakes often cause nothing but rejection.

Russia has enough bright patterns such “historicism,” notes Sergei Frolov. - I was struck by the picture in the Moscow Pykhov-Church passage. The neoclassical building of Mikhail Filippov, with columns, balusters, cornices - it seems to be beautiful. But when the gaze slid to the right at the real Stalinist Empire style, everything fell into place! Simple, natural architecture overshadows the modern pattern - a living classic! I believe that a modern building should speak modern plastic language. It can be a modest glass facade that will set off the object of historical heritage. No need to play hide and seek with him, you need to have your own face.

Everyone who is interested in preserving historical heritage should, first of all, work with the cultural environment, with the formation of citizens' interest in historical and cultural monuments, understanding their value and significance, the Union of Architects believes. Unfortunately, rich people do not yet have the desire to show off not just expensive beautiful house, but the fact that this house is with some kind of cultural layers, historical layers. Yes, and business structures for the most part consider placement in historical buildings not a plus for business, but a burden.

It is necessary to somehow introduce a fashion for living in a historical building, for working in a historical building, - says Sergey Frolov. - So that a person, equipping an office in such a building, not only sees problems and burdens, but feels familiarity with the noble culture or some layer of historical heritage. To make it cool, prestigious.

Of course, this process is not fast. But you have to start small. In the Ulyanovsk branch of the Union of Architects of Russia, for example, a cycle of lectures on urban planning was held in October. For everyone.
On the basis of the construction lyceum in Ulyanovsk, the architectural school of Sergei Kangro has been operating for the third year. And excursions to the architectural monuments of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk, organized by the creative space "Kvartal" on the site of the museum courtyard of the House of Goncharov, have become a real event today.
outer summer.

A few years ago, at one of the round tables of "DO", a proposal was made to make Ulyanovsk, following the example of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Day of Historical Heritage. What it is. People who are in historical buildings understand the prestige of this building for their business. Once a year, the doors open - it doesn't matter if it's a construction company, a treasury or a bank - and everyone is invited to a tour. The hosts tell the guests about their building, its history, how they carry out the succession. The Day of Historical Heritage can be designated as a single day in the city. Or everyone would choose this day for themselves. The proposal seemed interesting, but the Day of Historical Heritage in business and cultural life Ulyanovsk never entered.

However, residents of the city and anyone interested in its history and architecture should know that you can visit any object of historical and cultural heritage that is of interest.
In the security obligation for each such object, it is mandatory to provide: to ensure unimpeded access to the building for everyone on the set days or hours. This is done to popularize the historical heritage.

With any appeal from citizens who are not indifferent to their history, architecture, we coordinate all actions with the owner and provide access to the building they would like to visit, - the Department of Cultural Heritage told DO.

Ludmila Ilyina

Photo: S. Larin

What to write about in an essay on the topic "Architectural Monuments"? In every city, even the smallest, there is at least one building that has an important historical value. It can be any building: a house, a theater or a university building. It doesn't have to look too old, but it often does.

It is very rare that ancient buildings survive to this day in the form in which they were built or conceived. They are often deprived of some design details, rebuilt and restored, losing their former appearance.

Why is an essay on literature about architectural monuments important?

In an essay on the topic "Architectural Monuments" you can include many historical references if you approach this task responsibly. The main thing is to choose in your city ​​object that will be described in the work, and find as much information about it as possible. This is a very serious occupation that brings many benefits.

It often happens that, having written an essay on the topic “ architectural monument”, schoolchildren begin to be more interested in the history of their native land and cities. They learn to collect information, systematize it and highlight the main and secondary events in the chain of historical facts.

How to work on an essay?

When studying a building, its features, the style in which it was built, it is important for students to understand what place the building occupied in history, what events are associated with it. You can ask your parents about what they know and remember about this place, search for information on the Internet or visit the library.

Of course, the easiest way is to use the World Wide Web, but even there the necessary information is not always available. In an essay on the topic “Architectural Monument”, it is important to express your personal attitude to the building, the description of which the student has chosen for his work.

Essay plan

You can start working on an essay on the topic “Monument of Culture” with a description appearance structures. First, the student can answer the following questions:

  1. Where is the building located, which will be the story in the essay? What surrounds him? Maybe it's a park, alley or square?
  2. What year was the building built? In honor of what event?
  3. Who participated in its construction? Who was the contractor and raised the funds for the project?
  4. What historical events are associated with it? Why did it become a cultural monument?
  5. Has the building changed over time, have any parts been completed? Or maybe it was not fully preserved?
  6. What important historical figures visited the building?
  7. Which architectural style chosen for it? You can also find the names of architects and sculptors if the building is decorated with some kind of sculptures.
  8. What is inside, how are the rooms decorated and are they decorated? Do they have any special meaning these decorations?
  9. If there is a painting inside the building, it is desirable to find out who the artist who made the drawings was. Perhaps it will be possible to interpret some of the paintings and frescoes, if any.
  10. What is the facade of the building? Describe it in detail without missing details. They can be important in understanding how a building has changed over time.
  11. Describe the general layout of the house.

What can be added to the essay?

In an essay on the topic “Architectural monument”, you can add information about which institutions were located in the building in different time. If this is a temple, perhaps the crosses were removed from it and the domes were demolished, turning them into something else. It could be a sports hall, a warehouse, a workshop. It is important to mention whether the original purpose of this place was later restored.

You also need to describe the historical events that accompany fundamental changes in the purpose of the interior. Perhaps the building was reconstructed, greatly changing its external or internal appearance. In an essay on the topic "Architectural Monument" you can include your attitude to these changes.

For example, in the same temples, during restoration, they do not always carefully treat the ancient paintings placed inside and outside the building. Sometimes the historical appearance of the building is completely lost. Perhaps the building experienced some cataclysms, after which it was restored. You can add information about this to your work. An essay on the topic “Architectural Monument” does not need to include photographs, since there are enough verbal description appearance of the building.