Infant development methodology. Early Development Methods

It is easy for a young mother to get confused in the popular methods of developing a baby. A short description will help you figure out what's what and choose those methods that are right for your child. We will consider both popular and well-known methods (Doman, Montessori, Nikitins, Zaitsev, Lupan, Gyenysh), as well as little-known, but no less effective methods. early development(Howard, Shichida, Samburskaya, Gmoshinskaya).

1. Howard system

The technique is also called "English is my second language." During classes, the teacher or mother speaks with the baby exclusively in English language, but no ratings are given. Much attention is also paid to the development of the child's character, and his independent work on himself is especially encouraged. Until the child masters the material, they do not move on to the new.

2. The method of Maria Montessori

One of the most popular. The system consists of three parts: a child, environment, teacher. At the center of the whole system is the child. A special environment is created around him, in which he lives and learns independently. The postulate of the Montessori system is to observe the child and not interfere in his affairs, unless the child himself asks for it. Read more about the Montessori methodology.

3. Music of the intellect

The author of the methodology, Alisa Samburskaya, believes that music affects not only the spiritual development of the child, but also the physical one (regulates blood pressure, muscle tone, stimulates the processes of perception and memory; activates creative thinking and etc). The technique is suitable for absolutely all children, regardless of abilities. It consists in the fact that any educational activities of the child are accompanied by specially selected music. Music lessons offers and Zheleznova.

4. The system of Gyenysh

Based on development logical thinking. The games developed by the author contribute to the development of logical thinking, combinatorics, analytical abilities, form the skills necessary to solve logical problems.

5. Glen Doman system

By developing a child comprehensively and simultaneously (reading, writing, encyclopedic knowledge, etc.), even during the first year of life, you can make a very serious start to his entire life. future life Doman says. The technique is certainly effective, and if you want to grow Nobel laureate, then she is a godsend for you. The main negative point: almost no attention is paid creative development child. You can learn more about Glen Doman's technique.

6. The technique of Nikolai Zaitsev

Methodology early learning reading. The technique uses the "warehouse principle" (not to be confused with syllables). His most famous manuals are Zaitsev's Cubes. All material is submitted to game form. For more information about Zaitsev's technique, see

7. Nikitin's technique

The prerequisite for the creation of the technique of Boris and Lena Nikitin was the frequent somatic diseases of their own children, therefore, initially in the technique, much attention is paid to physical development. The advantages of the methodology also include the position of the natural assimilation of knowledge, the rejection of the "training" of children.

8. Macado Shichida System

One of the most popular in Japan. Makato Shichida believes that all children are born with unique natural abilities that are easy to develop using special training methods that are aimed at developing photographic memory.

9. Method Cecile Lupan

Lupan's method was born from her attempts to teach her daughters Doman. Unlike Doman, Cecile's work is more subtle and individual, she connects certain methods of early development with the child's interest. Her most famous book, Believe in Your Child, is written in a very accessible way. Having familiarized themselves with the methodology, parents can easily deal with the child themselves. If you are interested in this technique, you can learn more about it.

10. Infant drawing by Maria Gmoszynska

Infant creativity involves drawing a child with paints from 6 months. Drawing technique - fingers, palms. The kid can work with both right and left hand. The technique develops the intellect and creativity child.

What early development method do you prefer? Perhaps you combine them? Share your experience in the comments.

The most joyful and responsible event for all parents is the first birthday of their baby. Throughout the year, they watched the development of their child with excitement and interest.

And now the moment has come when you can take stock of what your baby can do at 1 year old and find out which modern ones can be used in the future for its comprehensive development.

Features of the physical and intellectual development of a child in 1 year

one year old child does not sit one place. He is constantly on the move, exploring the world and improving their own physical skills. Some babies at 1 year old take their first steps or crawl actively learning new things. In addition, a 1-year-old baby is happy to performs the following actions:

  • manipulates objects;
  • stacks various objects, throws or knocks them, and also pushes or drags them;
  • climbs up small steps or other elevations (armchair, sofa, chair);
  • throws and catches a big ball;
  • shows interest in various objects of small size.
  • opens door handles, screws on caps and performs other actions with the help of fingers.

one year old baby is curious and high cognitive activity. He seeks to experiment with all the objects that are next to him. In addition, the baby is interested in all moving mechanisms and objects. Child at this age performs the following actions:

  • combines some objects with others: builds towers from cubes, collects a picture cut into three parts, or plays with insert toys;
  • compares similar objects with each other;
  • recognizes familiar objects by pointing fingers at pictures in books or objects;
  • enjoys playing with water and loves to mess with sand;
  • draws the first scribbles on paper;
  • understands the meaning of many words, including the word “no”;
  • performs specified actions: feeds a favorite toy, looks for a hidden object or throws a ball;
  • begins to imitate the actions of adults during the game.

In addition, a 1-year-old child has active development of speech skills. He likes it when adults read colorful books or sing songs with him.

A one-year-old baby has a desire for independence.

important in this moment support it, even if some actions will take a long time to complete. must give in this period maximum time to your child: play with him, read books, draw, build and in all possible ways to develop his creative potential.

The tasks of early development of a child at 1 year

Many parents do not know what priorities of early development to set for their one-year-old baby and what didactic material while using it. Teachers recommend baby first develop speech skills and enrich it vocabulary. In addition, other goals of early development are noted. one year old baby:

  1. Development baby fine motor skills of hands and movement coordination.

All toys and activities aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands contribute to the active development of speech at the baby. For this, finger games, sensory toys, insert toys, logic cube, large puzzles and other didactic material. With systematic sensory development, by the end of the second year, the child will be able to:

  • collect a pyramid;
  • sort objects based on their size and shape;
  • correlate geometric figures with holes or patterns.
  1. Development at the crumbs logic, thinking, intellectual abilities.

Parents are recommended play with baby in games by . For classes, you can use natural material, large buttons, pieces of fabric, sand, water, cereals, etc. Especially at this age, kids like to play with lacing, geometric shapes, as well as stringing colored beads or buttons. If a systematically deal with with a baby in this direction, by the end of the year baby will be able:

  • distinguish four colors: red, blue, green and yellow;
  • sort various objects by color;
  • Sort items by size and shape.
  1. Development the child is creative capacity.

Creative activities contribute with the baby development of intelligence, memory, attention, thinking, as well as form speech skills and teach the rules of a joint game. For classes, you can use wax crayons, finger paints, salt dough, colored paper , musical toys and books.

Babies who regularly are engaged various creative activities, by the end of the second year already know how:

  • sculpt simple crafts with the help of adults;
  • create simple applications from finished parts;
  • draw with paints, using a brush, or pencils.

In addition, the baby delivers a maximum of positive emotions joint creative activities with adults.

  1. Development a child in 1 year of skills design and simulation.

The process of designing and modeling is exciting and educational. The baby is active develops logic, perseverance, attention, imagination and creative thinking. By constructing, the child learns to fold small parts of various shapes and sizes. As a result, dexterity, fine motor skills of the hands develop and coordination of movements improves. Besides that, baby learns to bring the process to a logical result acting purposefully.

The child can play with regular bricks, multi-colored building blocks or thematic building blocks, collecting entire cities or streets.

With constant practice, the child will learn:

  • build various buildings and play with them;
  • distinguish geometric shapes and colors;
  • memorize images of various shapes.

It should be noted that every baby develops their at your own pace. Parents should not be upset if the crumbs do not get any type of activity. Be patient and keep going. After a while, the child will definitely achieve positive results and delight you with new successes.

Methods for the early development of a child at 1 year old, reviews

Today, there are a huge number of methods for the early development of a child that help the baby to reveal his intellectual and creative potential. Consider the most relevant of them for a child in 1 year:

Makoto Shichida Method

This unique technique popular not only in Japan, but also in other countries. According to the author of the method, all babies are born geniuses and only a close relationship with their parents will help them develop actively. To do this, it is important to systematize all the necessary information and repeat it to the child consistently. The basis is special flash cards, which represent a variety of images. You can demonstrate these cards to a baby from the age of three months, training him photographic memory and developing right hemisphere brain. Wherein lessons should be carried out daily and several times a day. It is important for parents to strive to reduce the image display interval to one second.

This method has positive feedback from teachers and parents.

The main problem is the acquisition of didactic material for classes. It is worth noting that you can make your own cards at home. To do this, select thematic images and stick them on cardboard.

V. Voskobovich's technique

This technique was especially popular in the 90s and was used in 90% preschool institutions. You can start practicing according to the method of V. Voskobovich with early age. The basis of the methodology is specially designed multifunctional didactic material, which contributes to the development of mathematical abilities, logic, imagination, as well as the acquisition of reading and construction skills. In addition, the kids in the lessons according to the author's method get into the fairy Forest and help its magical inhabitants to perform various creative tasks. Most of all, kids like to play with the following material:

  1. Geocont. It is a board with carnations and colored rubber bands. A variety of activities using this material help kids develop creative design skills. One-year-old kids can invent a variety of geometric shapes, helping fairy-tale characters.
  2. Voskobovich square. This material is associated with a square base on which triangles are located. It is painted red on one side and green on the other. Games with the Voskobovich square contribute to the development of imagination and logical thinking. A child at 1 year old can make interesting figures out of it or find figures hidden in a geometric house.
  3. Spray Boat. It is a multi-deck boat that develops the mathematical potential of a one-year-old child. The kid can perform many exciting tasks: line up the decks according to the colors of the rainbow in a diagonal or horizontal direction, place flags by size or color, etc.

According to parents, it has one drawback - it is difficult to make didactic material on your own, and its purchase is an expensive pleasure.

Gmoshinsky's technique

The technique was founded by the candidate of medical sciences M.V. Gmoszynska and suggests development creativity the kids already from six months. To do this, classes are held on drawing with finger paints. The kid can create his own masterpieces with his fingertips or with the whole palm.

Classes according to this technique can be carried out at home.

To do this, prepare finger paints, large sheet of paper and old clothes. The drawing process begins with smearing paint on paper with your fingers or squeezing the paint in a fist. Further, the creative process will gradually become more complicated. Classes according to this technique are recommended to be carried out systematically, without a break for the summer period.

Methodology "School of the Seven Dwarfs"

This technique has been developed for home schooling children from birth to seven years and is a series of specially designed developmental aids. Each manual has a page for parents, which contains detailed instructions on how to conduct classes with a child at a given age. In manuals competently selected illustrations and interesting tasks were compiled, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of children in a certain age period. In addition, the pages in the manuals are removable, so they can be hung around the room so that the baby can repeat previously learned material. Classes with a child according to this technique should be carried out systematically, starting from 5 minutes a day and gradually increasing the interval.

Methodology "Good Tales"

The unique technique was developed by A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova and is collection of fascinating poems, fairy tales and stories that teach kids benevolence, form spirituality and develop a sense of empathy. Designed for parents to work together with their children. Class structure according to this method is the following:

  • parents talk with the baby about the upcoming topic of the lesson;
  • they read a fairy tale or verse to the crumbs on the topic of the lesson;
  • discuss with the child the material read;
  • perform development tasks.

This technique is effective develops speech skills, creativity, perseverance, memory and attention.

Thus, parents can choose many interesting methods for the early development of the baby.

The most important thing is that the learning process is a fun and relaxed game, and you patiently support your beloved child in all endeavors!

Almost all parents strive to develop their child literally from the cradle. And they are right, because scientists believe that the peak of the development of mental and creative abilities falls on 1.5-3 years. It is at this age that classes with a child are most effective. There are various methods of early child development. Consider the pros and cons of the most popular methods.

1. The main principle of the Maria Montessori system is the confidence that the child himself knows in which direction to move. The task that this technique solves is to create favorable conditions for the self-development of the child. The role of a parent or educator is to organize the development environment with the help of special materials. Benefits reveal to the child ideas about sensory standards (color, shape, size) and the organization of the surrounding world. The disadvantage of this technique is the lack of role-playing and spontaneous games. This method of early child development is most suitable for assiduous, "thoughtful" children who are able to focus on a subject for a long time.

2. Zaitsev's cubes help teach children to read, starting from 2 years old. They are also suitable for children with a delay mental development, children with psycho-neurological problems and autistics. Learning takes place with the help of cubes, tables and musical records, under which the child sings "warehouses" - parts of the word. This improves the quality of speech, expands vocabulary. But there are also opponents of this method of early development. Experts believe that such training prevents the child at school from mastering the analysis of words in terms of the composition and phonetic analysis of words.

3. The Nikitin system is a set of sports and developmental tasks arranged in order of increasing complexity. An adult should not give a way to solve the tasks. If the child does not cope, the task is postponed until he grows up. The advantage of the system is that it allows you to rationally organize time, helps hardening and sports training children. Minus: the lack of an individual approach and insufficient attention to the development of speech and role-playing.

4. The Glenn Doman method was developed by the author for children with lesions of the central nervous system. The underlying principle is the stimulation of brain cells with the help of external stimuli. The child is shown cards with the image and name of various objects for 1-2 seconds. It is believed that the child subconsciously remembers them and can memorize a large amount of information. The disadvantage of this method of early development is that large amounts of information can harm the child's psyche.

5. The technique of Cecile Lupan connects the learning and development of the child with the emergence of his interest in the world around him. Children are trying to give exactly the knowledge, and at the moment when they want it. The method was tested by the author on her children, so everything is more subtle and individual with her. A big plus is that what is at hand is used for training, no special aids are required. Problematic for parents may be her strong recommendation to teach the child to swim from the cradle.

It is necessary to deal with the baby, but it is worth understanding the pros and cons of each method of early development of the child, taking into account his personality.

As studies show, the sooner you start working with a child on the formation of certain skills, the easier it will be for the baby to adapt to the world around him, to gain the knowledge and abilities necessary for a fulfilling life. It is on this principle that the methods of early development of children, proposed by such famous scientists as Montessori, Doman, Manichenko, Zhelenova, are based. There are many techniques for cooperation with babies, they are introduced at the age of several months to several years. Given the variety of approaches, you can choose the best option for teaching your baby and not miss precious time. Most popular systems have stood the test of time, received positive feedback from parents and have proven themselves from the best side.

Appointment of methods of individual development of the child

According to empirical evidence, there are many things that are very easy in infancy. As the child grows older, it becomes more difficult to develop such skills. Upon reaching a certain age, there is a risk of complete misunderstanding of a particular action. Early development methods allow you not to miss that important point in childhood, which will be impossible to restore. Even if the baby does not become a genius, such an approach will allow him to make the most of his starting potential.

Besides, modern systems education and development allow us to count on the following results:

  • There is a gradual formation of a self-confident personality. If from early childhood to teach a child to overcome difficulties and use strengths nature, over time it will become a habit.
  • In human development one of critical roles genes play. But they can be completely helpless without the necessary stimulation of mental activity. Research by military doctor Glenn Doman, innovative teacher Zaitsev, practice by Masaru Ibuki and other prominent scientists have proven the effectiveness of developmental methods in educating gifted children.
  • Statistics prove that the timely introduction of developmental techniques can really provide the baby with a happy, full and prosperous life. This is a kind of opportunity for parents to choose a fate for their child, which they consider optimal.

In order to choose the optimal method or system, it is not necessary to contact specialists. The techniques are so simple and accessible that it is very easy to figure them out on your own.

The main purpose of the methods is the comprehensive development of the child

The Importance of Introducing Special Skills Early

All developmental systems imply the beginning of work from a very early age than less baby the better the material will be learned. Scientists have long proven the fact that in the first two years of a baby's life, brain formation occurs by 50%, and in the first three years - by 80%. It is during this period that it is necessary to lay the foundation for programming the child's personality. This time becomes decisive for the social adaptability of the baby. Without the necessary skills, an adult will not be able to easily communicate with people, solve problems and everyday issues, distinguish enthusiasm from reactivity and realism from fantasies.

When starting to introduce certain methods and techniques, it is necessary to be guided by the following general rules:

  1. The child needs to be introduced to new interesting activities as soon as possible. The leisure of the baby should be as diverse as possible. Musical instruments, sports, drawing, reading, listening to music - even if it does not work out at first, but the interest of a small person in these types of activity will constantly develop. The experience gained in the first years or months of life becomes fundamental for further development.
  2. It is necessary to properly stimulate the baby. A dull, boring room, inexpressive details and toys of the same type will form a gloomy and withdrawn personality. The room in which the baby grows should resemble a bright fairy world, which contains a lot of interesting things. In this case, the development of the little man will occur without the influence of parents.
  3. From an early age, children should have sufficient freedom of movement and personal space.
  4. To develop communication skills, the baby must be provided with the opportunity to communicate with different people, including children.

Well, do not forget that the behavior of parents is the main role model for the baby. Before you start educating your child, you need to assess the features of your own character.

Basics of the Doman-Manichenko system

The Doman-Manichenko technique is a variant of the intensive development of the baby's intellect from the moment of birth. By teaching the baby to count and read in whole words, there is an intensive development of memory, speed of thinking, and an interest in learning is laid.

The methodology of early development of Doman, adapted by Manichenko, has a number of advantages:

  • Classes conducted from birth, contribute to the development of hearing, attention, vision.
  • The duration of one lesson does not exceed a couple of minutes, even the baby does not have time to get tired and lose interest in the event.
  • The technique was created specifically for home use. It is carried out by parents, which can significantly increase their authority.

Differences of the technique from the original approach of Glenn Doman:

  1. Unlike Glenn Doman's methodology, which used only learning cards, special hide-and-seek books, turntables and leaflets are introduced here. This significantly increases the effectiveness of training.
  2. Through the use of a playful approach, a child of any age behaves quite actively, which allows him to discover his full potential.
  3. Initially, Glen Doman's cards were intended for English-speaking students. In the adapted system, these words are not just translated into Russian, the vocabulary is selected taking into account the Russian mentality.

Among the disadvantages of the approach is the fact that, despite the baby's noticeable advance of peers, free reading and counting skills will be noticeable no earlier than in 6-12 months.

You can develop a child according to the Montessori method both at home and in specialized gardens.

Features of Maria Montessori's research

Maria Montessori is an Italian doctor of medicine who has developed a unique approach to teaching both the debilitated and the absolutely healthy babies. The basis of the Montessori system is very simple - ideal conditions must be created for the child that will help him develop and learn on his own. This approach ensures the early acquisition of important life experience, forms the sensory and motor skills necessary for a certain age.

Using absorbent thinking and heightened age sensitivity as starting points, Maria Montessori built a parenting scheme focused on the development of individuality and personality. little man on their own.

  1. Building learning around play practice.
  2. The introduction of classes for the development of writing, reading, correct speech, everyday skills, sensory indicators.
  3. Provoking the connection of the child's own thinking, and not the mechanical performance of tasks.
  4. Maria Montessori suggested using toys with a lot of small parts, which has a positive effect on fine motor skills children.

According to the Montessori system, the following patterns of skills formation can be distinguished:

  • Until the age of six, sensory development of children occurs.
  • Up to 3 years, the perception of order is formed.
  • In 1-4 years, movements and actions are laid.
  • Up to 6 years, the basics of speech are formed.
  • After 2.5 and up to 6 years, social skills are laid.

According to the Montessori doctrine, lost time is irreplaceable. If in one of these periods the appropriate work is not carried out with the baby, then the opportunity to develop an important ability will go away forever.

Child development technique according to Zheleznov

Another interesting universal technique based on exercises, developing songs, finger and gesture games. Implied activation general development personality, not individual skills. Along with the intellectual development of children, their physical health is being strengthened. The system is quite extensive, but simple and affordable for home implementation.

The real expert in terms of early development of children is the Russian company Umnitsa. The author's methods and the tools necessary for conducting classes, proposed by her, have proven to be effective and universal options for the approach. The Umnitsa firm, which at the beginning of its activity offered only cards for the Doman-Manichenko method, today can provide wide selection systems and teaching techniques.

Nowadays, it has become very popular to raise your child using a variety of methods. Some mothers decorate the baby’s bed with special pictures and educational toys from birth, while others, on the contrary, believe that the child has yet to learn throughout his life, and early childhood– time exclusively for games.

Of course, every mother knows better what is needed for her baby, but modern educators and psychologists are increasingly of the opinion that the intellectual potential of a child really needs to be developed from the first days of his life. In this article we will talk about what methods of early development of children exist, and how they differ from each other.

Methods of early development of foreign teachers
  1. American physician and educator Glen Doman developed own methodology early development, which is famous for its incredible results. The essence of the Doman system is to show the child special cards, which depict the basics of knowledge in various categories. The main preference here is given to reading and mathematics. Also, the complex of this technique includes dynamic gymnastics, which affects the active involvement of all the muscles of the crumbs in the process.
  2. One of the oldest, but still interesting, is the method of early development. Maria Montessori. The motto of her training system is "help me do it myself." All developmental exercises and games here are designed for learning and discovery by the child himself, and the adult acts only as a spectator, watching from the side, and helping when the baby is unable to do something due to age or growth.
  3. The method of early development also deserves attention. The essence of this system is to stimulate his senses from the first days of a child's life - hearing, touch, smell and vision. Cecile Lupan insists that the baby needs to be carried as much as possible in her arms, because the bodily contact of mother and baby is extremely important for full and healthy development.

Domestic methods of early development of children

Among domestic methods of early development of children the greatest interest represent the systems of the Nikitin spouses, Nikolai Zaitsev, and Ekaterina Zheleznova.

Early Development Methodology Nikitins, by and large, it is a joint game of the baby with his parents, during which the baby learns the world around him and learns something new. The main thing in this system is not to impose on the child what he does not want to do, and to encourage all his undertakings. The Nikitins have developed many educational games that are offered to young mothers to work with their baby.

Soviet teacher Nikolay Zaitsev - the author of the famous methodology of early development, according to which many kindergartens currently work. Here, too, the main principle is teaching in the game, and classes are held in a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere.

It is also worth noting the unique methodology of early development . Her program is called “Music with Mom” and is a musical and playful activity for babies from 6 months to 6 years old. Here parents, children and teachers are actively involved in musical activity and toddlers are incredibly creative.