Cards with the image of flowers for children. Envelopes for storing cards. Development of photographic memory for colors

Primary color cards.

Electronic version - 24 sheets for printing on A4 format.

Paper version - 24 sheets

As you know, if the child’s visual apparatus is not developed, then it will remain on children's level perception. In adulthood, it is much more difficult to develop any areas, including the visual apparatus.

I wonder how many colors the human eye can recognize?

The teacher emphasizes that the bee is characteristic of hard work. Description of the bee, the bee only sees shades of yellow, blue and green, cannot see red. How they live, how bees communicate, what is swarming and so on. Partial learning objectives are the development of physical abilities, the use of flowers, the acquisition of knowledge about bees, vision, instinct, diligence, nutrition, communication, swarming, everyone knows their role. The idea of ​​a circle and a hexagon is the shape of a honeycomb, the clarification of words far and near.

About flowers and bees

The range is colored squares in all colors, hexagon and ring shaped material. Game description: Children imagine bees that collect pollen from flowers and bring it to the hive. There are colorful paper squares on the ground representing pollen. Children deliberately collect "Bees fly and bring sweet nectar" color collections, with the exception of red, brown, gray and black colors. The game ends by scoring the indicated colors. Partial learning objectives are the development of physical abilities, orientation in space, comparison of distances, sorting, signal response, hearing perception.

Since ancient times, scientists have determined the number of colors and shades recognized by a person in different ways. Now they agree that there are about 150,000 color tones and shades. At the same time, the human eye under normal conditions can distinguish about 100 shades of the color background. The ability to recognize more colors can be trained. Artists, decorators, designers and people of similar professions can distinguish about 150 colors by hue, about 25 by saturation and up to 64 by light level.

Game description: The teacher splits the big flowers according to the number of children. The teacher plays a piece of relaxing music. Children fly like bees from flower to flower. The teacher always gives color fewer children. When the music is off, the children will stand on the flower. The child that did not come out of the flower goes to the hive to mix the honey.

Bee house - beehive

Partial learning objectives - the acquisition of elementary knowledge about geometric shapes, triangle and rectangle propaedeutics, development spatial orientation, size comparison shorter and longer, group cooperation. Tools - thicker line 2.5 m long, sticks, stones or cubes to mark triangular corners.

The harmonious atmosphere of the surrounding space, the beauty of nature, painting, contemplation of works of art, and, of course, games to study colors and their shades will help develop these abilities.

We bring to your attention cards - the main colors and their shades in gradation from dark to light, which can be downloaded below. Cards without color names.

World around us

Three children catch the string at the knot point and tighten it. The rectangle is the basis of the hive, it connects the roof - a triangle. After setting up the house, children can play different games. Partial learning objectives - learning basic knowledge about geometric shapes, creating the foundations for working with information.

On a walk, the teacher describes the children and shows geometric shapes and bodies directly in nature. Afterwards, the children will invite them to point to everything around them that reminds them of certain geometric shapes or solids. The teacher first explains to the children that the bees choose flowers of the same color, type and location where they collect nectar. Introduce children to the concepts of nectar, pollen and pollination.

It is better to print them on photo paper (matte, glossy of your choice).

Each card has a duplicate - this is necessary for the implementation of color perception games described in this article.

You can use flashcards to learn the primary colors: black, white, grey, purple, blue, green, orange, yellow, brown and red. And also to study the gradation of their shades from dark to light.

flower house

Partial learning objectives are to gain elementary knowledge of geometric shapes and mathematical concepts, establish the foundations for working with information, and collaborate in a group. Tools - stick, string, wood blocks or stones. On a walk, playground and in the playroom, the teacher motivates the children to build a house of flowers. Depending on the conditions the building is in, either insert the stick into the clay or draw the center of the circle and the stick will hold the child. The children told us that we will create the center of the circle, for example, by punching a punch at one point or by drawing it.

The game is suitable for children from 1 year old.

Examples of games with cards of colors and their shades.

1. The study of primary colors.

Begin the study by offering the child flashcards with two colors.

For example, we show the baby 2 cards - red and green. Take a green card and, showing the child, say: "This is green." Then take a red card, saying: "And this is red."

From this point we stretch the string, the distance between the end of the string determines the radius of the circle. Once the circle is set, the circle is divided into two equal halves and then into one quarter. At the same time the teacher warns about the half-life. The teacher first explains to the children that bees choose flowers of the same color, type and location to collect nectar. He also explains terms like nectar, pollen, pollination.

Partial learning objectives are the development of physical abilities, orientation in space, comparison of distance, sorting, comparison, signal reaction, knowledge of bees and flowers. Tools - flowers on the ground in the colors of yellow, blue, green in the amount of about 3-5 pieces. Pressed paper balls according to flower flower 6-10 pieces. Stripes, crepe paper, yellow, yellow, blue and green.

Put both cards back in front of the baby and ask him: "Show me green" and then "Give me red."

Be sure to fix the names of colors in everyday life - at home, on a walk - ask the child to show red, green objects. Or yourself, pointing to the object, ask: “What color is it?”.

The main and very important thing is not to scold or get angry at the child if he confuses or does not want to name the colors. Not immediately, but it will definitely happen when the child will please you with his knowledge. For each correct answer, even if it seems elementary to you, praise, kiss and hug your beloved baby.

Game description: On the ground we give individual flowers and give them balls of the same color - nectar. We divide the children into three masters. We give each child three pieces of the same color, either ribbon and crepe paper or thread. There are always three children on the sign. They fly to a flower of the same color, take one grain of nectar and put one thread, paper and ribbon - pollen. In conclusion, it should be clear how all the bees collect the nectar and all the pollen on the flower. Each flower should have several strings, papers and ribbons of the same color.

We will make a reflection. Flower bouquet bees are tempting. The notes to the song are enclosed in worksheets, magic cabinet text. Partial learning objectives are the development of physical abilities, orientation in space, distance comparison, sorting, signal response, hearing perception. The speech of the bee, the bee - the teacher accompanies the piano. Children, why do you think that the young bee is from the hive? Do you think a butterfly can hurt a bee? Is the bee back in the hive? Did you like the song about the bee? Therefore, we will all learn it together.

2. Find pairs of identical color cards.

This game is not only for the development of color perception, it also develops the thinking of your baby. Place 2 of the 3 contrasting colors (green, blue, red) in front of the child. Put a pair for each color. Lay all the cards randomly on the table. Point the child to one of the flowers and ask them to find the same one among the others.

Bees fly from flower to flower, garden, flower meadow. Our beautiful hive was a fragrant meadow full of flowers. They flew from flower to flower, collected nectar, and also played. Come on, let's try like them. Bee Song - Children create two circles, both external and internal. They hold their hands, move freely in a circle and sing the words of the song "Bee", right now, immediately stand opposite each other and applaud, the words give me honey bee, clapping a friend in their hands. In other words, right now, right now, they put their hands on their hips, and the words gave me honey bees, threatening their fingers.

You can do the same with color cards. And at first it is better to use shades of different colors, and then several shades of the same color.

3. Lay out the cards in groups.

Put 2 contrasting colors and their shades (for example, yellow and blue) in front of the child, mix and offer to sort into groups.

Then do the same with the colors of the groups that are closer to each other, for example, red and orange, blue and purple, etc.


On the next slides, the movement is repeated. Each child changes the direction of walking in a circle. At the moment when it stops, the children should stand on the mark or sit on a chair. The brand and chair are the same as the children. The purpose of this game is not to find a winner, but to strengthen the practice of the song and at the same time pay attention to the quick response to the team. The tools are chalk on the sidewalk, paintings of cobwebs, flowers, colored pollen balls marking the habitat of the hive.

Game description: The teacher draws a maze with blind streets on the field. Destroy flowers and cobwebs in certain places. The children's task is to fly from flower to flower, carry pollen and bring sweet nectar to the hive. However, there are pitfalls along the way in the form of spiders and dead ends. Children must find the correct path to the beehive.

Using this game, you can try to play with the whole family or between several children. There are as many color groups as there are participants. Each participant is assigned a color. All colors are mixed and each participant from the pile chooses his own color, placing its shades in gradation in a line.

4. Development of photographic memory for colors.

A few cards with colors and shades are laid out in front of the child. First use contrasting colors, then close ones.

Do you care about health and safety?

Bee: The teacher talks to the children about situations where bee stings can occur, first aid, allergies and prevention. Partial learning objectives are the development of physical abilities, orientation in space, decision making, reasoning. Game description: In the space of the game we define a circle - a network. Other children - bees cross the web, and the spider catches them in the web. Having won the last bee, she did not get caught. Iridescent bees can release touching the removed bee.

Partial learning objectives are the development of physical abilities, orientation in space, cooperation in a group. Tools - a strong rope, a space between two tall trees. The teacher ties a rope between two trees that will insert and create a net. The task of children is to crawl through separate windows, help each other.

Show the child a color card (preferably 5-10 seconds). Let him find the same among the cards on the table.

5. We lay out the colors and their shades in gradation from dark to light and vice versa.

To teach a child to lay out cards of colors and shades according to gradation correctly, you can use 2 methods:

Put the sample in front of the child. The main color and the gradation of its shades are drawn on the sheet. The kid lays out the cards according to the model.

discontinuous network

Partial educational goals - the development of physical abilities, orientation in space, cooperation in a group, the idea of ​​a circle. Utility and background - thinner rope, free space. The teacher will make nano knots according to the number of children, the rope must be connected in a circle. The task of the children is to grab both hands for one knot and not let go. Without releasing the node, the children unfold to form a circle.

The period when the first flowers begin to bloom is unacceptable. Some of us will soon be able to figure out how to throw out the rest of the snow cover. So it's time to prepare a spring herbarium, a book about spring flowers. Show the children how to keep beautiful flowers. The first herbarium can be formed even with very young children. Try to create a herbarium with them in a creative and entertaining way so that children can enjoy the joy of collecting and keeping flowers.

By the pyramid method. Lay cards of the same color group in front of the child. Offer to find the most dark color and put down the card. Then, from the remaining ones, let the child again choose the darkest one and again put the card next to the first one selected. Do the same with the rest of the cards.

When all the cards are correctly laid out (no matter how), be sure to review the gradation with your child. color cards: the darkest color first, then lighter, then even lighter, etc. to the brightest. Draw a line under the cards with your hand and tell the baby that this is how the sequence of cards looks like from dark to light.

Herbarium can become simple study guide to study the first spring flowers or just to remember this beautiful, blooming, experienced period. Make sure it's not a protected plant, and pick flowers locally if appropriate. It is lightweight and durable, so you can take it with you to the field and give the flower a mold immediately after removing it.

However, most of the time they should be compressed within two days. The plant should not be wet or damp to prevent it from spreading. Place each flower with cardboard and absorbent paper. The pressing time depends on the type and size of the plant. In aquatic and moisture-containing plants, it lasts longer.

Similarly, teach and lay out the cards in gradation from light to dark.

6. "Colorful cribs"

For this game, in addition to cards with primary colors and their shades, we will also need various paper animals, dolls, etc. , in general, those who can be "put to sleep."

Images with animals can be cut out from magazines, newspapers.

You can also use the double list that you can open. When creating grass, give students the freedom and space to use their creativity. Before the flower is glued on, students can adjust the background to suit their ideas. We have proven that we create a cardboard frame around the flowers. With framing, individual leaves are easier to store and plants are more protected. If you want the herbarium to last for a long time, you can insert a flower-wrapped leaf or wrap it before framing.

In this case, tape the frame with clear adhesive tape instead. You can link individual sheets and compose a book of them. Bulbs full of flowers also look interesting and pleasant. It is advisable to add basic information to the flower. You can also create leaves containing only plant flowers or plant leaves, etc. And compare with each other.

Take one set of cards of the same color group, put them in front of the child and tell them that these will be cribs for the animals, as they are very tired and want to sleep. Lay together with the child on each of the beds on the little animal. After that, give the child another set of duplicate cards and tell them that these will be blankets. It is cold for the animals to sleep, so you need to cover them with blankets, but so that the color of the “bed” matches the color of the “blanket”. Let the baby pick up a “blanket” for each “crib”. If the color does not match, say that this little animal is uncomfortable sleeping, he asks to change the blanket.

Children make great prizes in their work and learn about colors. Even in a collage, students can write names or other information about individual colors. This is a set of colors that can be processed different ways. There are eight flower patterns from all over the world in this set.

Details, hand-painted in detail, examine the child in detail and easily recognize their typical features. For the youngest children, they will support the development of vocabulary, older ones can be assigned an image or a map of the world, depending on where they grow up, and will ultimately serve you in learning foreign language dictionary. Add plasticine or kinetic sand and the child can arrange or plant flowers. Print black and white images and models to serve as originals for coloring.

If the child wants to pack more animals, give him other color sets. But be sure not to issue a duplicate until the baby has decomposed the little animals, otherwise both color sets may mix up, which will make it difficult for the child to add.

Sing songs to animals to help them sleep better. Some let them get out of bed earlier than others - they slept or wanted to use the potty.

Cribs can be offered to the child to decompose not randomly, but according to the gradation of their shades. This can be argued by the fact that the color beds should be placed in this order, otherwise the animals will not go to sleep.

Download, play, share with us your fantasy-games with color cards.

Envelopes for storing cards.

For convenient storage of cards, templates for making envelopes for each color group have been added to the file.

Features of the paper version

18 A4 sheets with cards of colors and their shades, printed on matte photo paper 190 g/cu.m.

6 A4 sheets printed on 170gsm premium quality paper

Glen Doman is a well-known figure not only in physiology, but also in pedagogy. Cards for children are widely used today in preschool pedagogy for the rapid and comprehensive development of children's intelligence, as well as for the treatment of children with brain damage. You can also use Doman cards to study colors and their shades.

What is the essence of the technique?

How to apply the Doman technique to learn colors with a child?

The technique is based on the fact that the cards are pictures of any objects or phenomena with bright red inscriptions. Images with captions are shown to the child for 1-2 seconds for each picture. There should be about ten such lessons per day. As a result, the baby remembers the sound of the word, its name and its recording, quickly learns to read, acquires encyclopedic knowledge. Cards may show colors instead of pictures. If it is not possible to buy Doman cards, they can be downloaded on our website and printed.

Why do we teach colors to children?

For children, the world is full of diversity; they do not yet have the hard-wired ideas that adults have. If you ask professional artist to say what color the sky is, he will tell you hundreds of shades, as he is used to noticing them every day. An ordinary person is unlikely to name at least 5-6 shades, since he is not used to distinguishing them. Children are little artists, and we teach them to stay that way longer. To do this, we not only study colors with them, but also focus on the shades of each of them. As a result, the baby begins to perceive the rich colors of the world, visual memory is activated, which means that the development of the intellect as a whole is stimulated. To study colors, just download the Doman cards for children on the topic “Colors” on our website and use them at home or in the classroom. At the same time, you can download them completely free of charge.

However, the following point should be taken into account. It’s not enough to download the cards - you need to print them later. Printer inks can have many shades and not always render the color correctly. So if we are studying pure colors, without impurities (for example, red, blue, yellow), then manuals printed on a printer are quite suitable. With shades of colors it is better to be careful. In this case, it is better to download the cards and show them on a computer or other electronic device, although it may introduce distortions, but to a lesser extent.

Doman's theory was a great success in its time, and today it remains popular in preschool pedagogy. But, like any educational system, it has its drawbacks. The child, visually perceiving the images and inscriptions on the cards, does not know how to apply this knowledge in practice. Therefore, when we teach colors to children, it is necessary to show what it is for. For children, it is better if they try to mix paints and get a similar shade, or, going outside, try to find such a color in nature.

Thus, when we teach preschoolers using Doman cards, it is always necessary to make a connection between theory and practice, image and reality, as much as possible. Then knowledge ceases to be a dead weight, as it often is during the school period. Let the child feel that this world is alive, and images and colors are only a way to get to know it deeper.



Color memory domino game: