Logic exercises for 7 years. Test to determine the level of logical thinking. And now we will conduct a simple test to determine the level of children's logical thinking

Memory underlies human abilities and is a condition for the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities. It is well known that there are large individual differences in memory. Each student remembers and reproduces material differently. And not only better or worse, but in its own way, because memory can be good in relation to some objects, phenomena, and bad in relation to others. Some children memorize poetry very well and very poorly - mathematical formulas, regulations; others are the opposite. Some students can quickly recall what they have learned and give the right answer, while others cannot easily reproduce what they once remembered.

However, in order for thought to move to other levels of development, a third mechanism must be introduced, this is "balance", which is the balance that occurs between the external environment and the internal structures of thinking. The assimilation of external objects is progressive and is realized through all the functions of thought: sensitive perception, memory, practical intellect, intuitive thinking and logical reason.

Stage of specific operations

Knowledge of the evolution of cognitive structures facilitates understanding of the role of adaptation and adjustment mechanisms in educational development. When talking about operations here, reference is made to logical operations used to solve problems. The child at this stage or stage no longer uses the symbol, is able to use symbols logically and, through the ability to retain, come to generalizations.

The typology of memory is quite complex. They speak of verbal-logical memory when memorization is mainly associated with the use of theoretical provisions, verbal formulations. Figurative memory is closely related to imagination. Everyone knows how children retell the content of films and books in different ways. Everyone remembers excursions and trips in their own way: some list the sequence of events, reproduce the explanations of the guide or teacher; in the retelling of others, you will see the road that the child walked, imagine the people he met.

Here, "preservation" refers to the ability to understand that the quantity remains the same, even if its form changes. Previously, for example, at the preoperative stage, the child was convinced that the amount of one liter of water contained in a tall, tall bottle is greater than the amount of one liter of water carried in a small, wide bottle. Instead, a child who has entered the stage of concrete operations is intellectually able to understand that the quantity is the same in containers of different shapes.

For example: when taking a clay ball and manipulating it to make several balls, the child already knows that after collecting all the balls, the amount of clay will be almost the original ball. The above capacitance is called reversibility. Toys are not only a source of exchange in the family, but also allow the child to develop their imagination and concentration. You can help him in this direction by choosing the right toys and following some basic rules. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the evolution of your child and his own interests.

In junior school age memory, like all other mental processes, undergoes significant changes. Their essence is that the child's memory gradually acquires the features of arbitrariness, becoming consciously regulated and mediated. The transformation of memory is due to a significant increase in the requirements for its efficiency that arise during learning activities. Now the child must memorize a lot: memorize the material literally, be able to retell it close to the text, remember what has been learned and be able to reproduce it after a long time. A child's inability to memorize affects his learning activities and ultimately influences his attitude towards learning and school.

0 to 3 years old: it's up to you

In this age group the child develops his senses and logic. Therefore, he is interested in games of different textures that create noise and movement. In this age group, the child learns to master his senses and the ability to observe. He can easily focus his attention on everything that gives him sensations. It is during this period that he discovers the logic of what surrounds him. First you need to ask him, and then little by little he will ask you for this or that game. Then you will know what she likes the most, and you can thus focus on your favorite toys.

First-graders (as well as preschoolers) have a well-developed involuntary memory that captures vivid, emotionally saturated information and events in a child's life. However, not everything that a first-grader has to remember at school is interesting and attractive for him. Therefore, immediate memory is already insufficient here. For children of 7-8 years old, remembering something without using any means is much easier than remembering, comprehending and organizing the material. As it gets more complicated learning tasks the “just remember” attitude ceases to justify itself, and this forces the child to look for ways to organize memory. Most often, this technique turns out to be repeated repetition - universal way providing mechanical memory. Improving memory in primary school age is primarily due to the acquisition in the course of educational activities various ways and memory strategies related to the organization and processing of memorized material. If the child is in primary school does not master the techniques of semantic memorization, his logical memory may remain insufficiently formed. The basis of logical memory is the use of thought processes as a support, a means of memorization. Such memory is based on understanding. As mental methods of memorization, the following can be used: grouping, highlighting strong points, drawing up a plan, classification, structuring, schematization, establishing analogies, association, etc. So, children 7–8 years old successfully learn to use pictograms to memorize, in particular, poems : a very schematic picture is drawn for each line, conveying the meaning of the phrase, then the child reproduces the poem based on the drawings, and then without them.

Does your child bring bad grades from school and can't do his homework by himself?

Develop your senses - Sound and multi-colored with different textures. - Wooden toys because it is a warm material that has weight and makes noise when it falls. - Develop your logic: stacking, stacking, spinning toys, ball toys.

3 to 6 years old: let him play alone

Too much to beg for your child, because it can tire him. - Laugh at his failures because it might turn him off. Your child discovers social life, he tries to imitate you and continues to develop his bodily skills. He can start board games, get carried away with anything that allows him to do "as big" and spend a lot of time on his building games. During this period, your child's imagination develops tremendously. His gestures are also more precise and, especially from the age of 5, he can start playing with others.

Help your child understand the peculiarities of his memory: find out what information he remembers more easily, how it is easier for him to remember (by ear, with the help of vision, movements, etc.), and then proceed to teaching effective memorization techniques. But, even having successfully mastered the methods of semantic analysis and memorization in the course of training, children do not immediately come to their application in educational activities. This requires special encouragement on the part of an adult.

Building games and society is good ways develop your attention. it important points when he imitates adult life and resolves his own conflicts. What can you offer him: develop his imagination - castles, pirate ships, dolls, garages. Develop your flexibility and logic. - Creation of games. Develop your sociability - board games, but only on the basis of odds, because they cannot yet develop a strategy.

What should be avoided and why - interrupt it completely, because it reduces concentration. - To force him to finish the game, he has the right to stop, if not to play, this will no longer be a pleasure for him, but a limitation. - Place the games in a closed cabinet. Instead, they should be organized so that your child will spontaneously move towards them.

Poetry memorization, study foreign languages, crossword puzzles, mental arithmetic, solving logical problems, playing chess and checkers - all this helps to improve memory at any age. And do not forget about physical activity, which increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and activates all mental processes.

We are convinced that the activities on our site and the implementation of these recommendations will significantly improve your child's memory.

6 to 12 years old: help him develop his taste for others

In this age group, the logical mind develops and begins to take up space. Your child can be drawn to challenging building and inventive board games. In this age group, children are in great need of sociability. They can understand the rule, share it, and focus on the long end. Therefore, this is the ideal age for board games.

What can you offer him To develop his concentration - Board games requiring tactics and strategy. - Card Games Develop your skill and imagination. - Building toys. What to avoid and why - Don't finish the game because it means you don't pay much attention to the game your child is making an effort to concentrate on and is a bad example of persistence. - Prevent video games because it's part of his culture, he can be isolated at school. It is up to you to manage the time spent in this type of games.

Faith in success to you and your child!

Does your child bring bad grades from school and can't do his homework by himself?

You can improve academic performance in just two weeks, because the brain, like any other organ, can be trained. It used to be thought that IQ was genetically transmitted and could not be changed. However, scientists from the Center for Neuroimaging at University College London have proven that the development of human intelligence continues throughout life, the brain is able to create new neurons until old age. So, mental abilities can be significantly improved if you constantly train your brain.

This is a widespread and expanding syndrome that is caused by the flickering of modern screens today. The electron beams hit the screen, turning on and off the shades of light in the three primary colors and creating the illusion of a real image. The more intense the electron beam, the more intense the light. But what happens when a child is exposed to television instead of an adult?

That is why we do not notice the continuous light and power of luminous energy: the eye cannot perceive it, creating the illusion of an almost real image and its movement. This condition provides an environment conducive to the onset of a hypnotic trance state. What happens when it happens? Brain activity changes dramatically: information enters the subconscious mind without filtering, since data capture is prohibited. Rapid sequences of light and sound stimuli keep the senses aroused while the brain is "off" bombarded with endless stress.

These exercises can be performed by a person at any age, but this is especially important for children. Our IQ depends on the ability to think logically. Whether a child has logical thinking depends on his ability to quickly learn new material and improve school performance. In addition, the brain most actively “swings” before the age of 15.

There is a universal way to test the level of your logical thinking!

Everyone will now be able to find out the level of their intelligence, for this you only need a piece of paper and a pen. We'll take a little test. The test consists of 5 questions, each of which has multiple answers. The questions will seem somewhat absurd to you, but their advantage is that they do not require knowledge or erudition - only the ability to think logically is tested. Because if a person knows how to do this, everything else is a matter of technology. All questions have the same principle - based on the conditions of the problem, you need to build a logical chain and find the correct answer.

In this state of mental paralysis, the child's soft hemisphere, the seat of dream activity, imagination and intuition, is completely invaded. Some parts of the body are paralyzed, including the eyes. It has been shown that there is a direct correlation between eye movements and thinking.

You want to end your child by buying from the start and creating accommodations for addiction. It looks like accepting a strong and firm offer, but it's the reality. After 2 years, a child's brain is making 2 million neural connections per second! Of course, it seems impossible that something so innocent, as if only a cartoon would be so bad, but it's a reality. Early exposure to television and subsequent problems with child care.

Read the test questions and mark the answers that you think are correct. And at the end, you will count the number of correct answers, and find out how developed our logic is. One point is given for each correct answer. The test is suitable for both adults and children. You are given no more than 5 minutes to complete the test.

Reality General reality Movie or cartoon suggests that you can classify the correlation between various images. However, children do not yet have the background to be able to correctly and artificially evaluate artificial images. This puts the brains of children in trouble, because for this they need something that they still need to work in the first years of life. Children also don't realize that the facts they perceive are pure fiction. Only when the forebrain is fully developed can you get the critical distance.

And later I will show and tell you about 3 simple exercises, performing which for two weeks, your child will become the smartest in the class!

  1. Some snails are mountains. All mountains love cats. So all snails love cats.
not properly
  • No man can become president if he has a red nose. All people have a red nose. This means that no one can become president.
  • right
    not properly
  • Only bad people cheat or steal. Katya is good.
  • Katya does not steal
    Katya cheats and steals
    none of the above
  • Flowers are green animals. Flowers drink vodka.
  • all green animals drink vodka
    some green beasts drink vodka
    none of the above
  • Good leaders fall from the sky. Bad bosses can sing.
  • good bosses who can fly can sing
    some bad bosses can't sing
    none of the above


    Sleep is worried. Does your son often wake up at night or have nightmares? Depressive risk: The University of Pittsburgh has shown that every hour of television watched by children significantly increases the likelihood of developing a depressive disorder after seven years. Association between media usage in adolescence and depression at a young age.

    Association of television viewing in childhood with poor educational achievement. Risk of unwanted pregnancy: Exposure to television content doubled the chance of an unintended pregnancy between the ages of 15 and 20. The study included subjects of both sexes. . Does watching sex on TV predict teen pregnancy? Findings from a national longitudinal survey of youth.

    1 - Wrong
    2 - Right
    3 - None of the above
    4 - Some green animals drink vodka
    5 - None of the above

    Excellent your logical thinking can be considered if you scored 5 points. 4 points is good result, and 3 and below means that you need pull up the logic.

    And now we will conduct a simple test to determine the level of children's logical thinking.

    Three tasks that will help to find out why the child fails to solve puzzles. This test aims to identify problems with the three main components of logical thinking. They are the most common problem for children, and they are the foundation on which to build. further development methods.

    Programming obesity and ill fitness: The long-term impact of children's television. Early cognitive stimulation, emotional support, and television seen as predictors of subsequent bullying among primary school children.

    "He who opens the door to school closes the door to prison." ~ Victor Hugo. It hurts to watch modern education destroys the talents of children and cripples their souls. 90% of students will not successful people but rather fail. Our society is under deep matrix hypnosis and cannot understand the obvious truths. The education system is hopelessly outdated and produces unhappy people who will live unfulfilled, isolated and poor. The answers we can find in the past.

    Test to determine the level of logical thinking

    Task 1 - Simple analogies

    The student studies a pair of words placed on the left, establishing a logical connection between them, and then, by analogy, chooses a pair on the right, isolating the desired concept from the proposed ones.

    Target: study of the logic and flexibility of thinking, the ability to draw analogies, establish connections.

    The modern school uniform was created 200 years ago. This institution then responded to the needs of the industrial age. At that time in England, production was developing rapidly, new factories, banks, factories appeared; Millions of quiet, obedient workers are needed for their ministry. Then there was a system that was contrary to any common sense that works against the nature and evolution of children.

    The perfect robot recruitment program to become the prongs of big business. We all know how kids love to play. Thus, learning takes place dozens of times faster and more complete than in classrooms. Children have so much energy - they like to laugh, run and jump. The school punishes them for every display of emotion, cheerfulness and curiosity. No development of the individual - physical and spiritual-intellectual - can be said. Modern pedagogy is built on the destruction of individuality and personality, depriving children of their own opinion.


      a) be silent, b) crawl, c) make noise, d) call, e) stable


      a) groom b) horse c) oats d) cart e) stable


      a) head, b) glasses, c) tears, d) eyesight, e) nose


      a) forest, b) sheep, c) hunter, d) flock, e) predator


      a) a book, b) a table, c) a desk, d) notebooks, e) chalk


      Apple tree
      a) gardener b) fence c) apples d) garden e) leaves


      a) shelves b) books c) reader d) librarian e) watchman


      a) rails, b) station, c) land, d) passenger, e) sleepers


      a) stove, b) soup, c) spoon, d) dishes, e) cook


      a) turn on, b) install, c) repair, d) apartment, e) master


      a) inhabitants, b) steps, c) stone

    Results: eight to ten correct answers testify to a high level of thinking logic, 6-7 answers to a good one, 5 to a sufficient level, and less than 5 to a low level.

    Task 2 - Exclusion of excess

    The student needs to find in each row of words one that does not fit, is superfluous, and explain why.

    Target: the study of the ability to generalize, classify.

    1. Lamp, lantern, sun, candle.
    2. Boots, shoes, laces, felt boots.
    3. Dog, horse, cow, elk.
    4. Table, chair, floor, bed.
    5. Sweet, bitter, sour, hot.
    6. Glasses, eyes, nose, ears.
    7. Tractor, harvester, car, sled.
    8. London, Kyiv, Volga, Minsk.
    9. Noise, whistle, thunder, hail.
    10. Soup, jelly, saucepan, potatoes.
    11. Birch, pine, oak, rose.
    12. Apricot, peach, tomato, orange.


    1. Determine the number of correct answers (highlighting an extra word).
    2. Determine how many rows are summarized using two generic concepts (the extra "pot" is dishes, and the rest is food).
    3. Find out how many series are generalized using one generic concept.
    4. Determine what mistakes are made, especially in terms of using non-essential properties (colors, sizes, etc.) to generalize.

    Key to evaluating results: High level - 7-12 series summarized with generic concepts; good - 5-6 rows with two, and the rest with one; medium - 7-12 rows with one generic concept; low - 1-6 rows with one generic concept.

    Task 3 - studying the speed of thinking

    The following words are missing letters. Each dash corresponds to one letter. In three minutes, you need to form as many singular nouns as possible.
    Target: learning the ability to see the whole picture, training the speed of thinking.

    n-ra   d-r-in   p-i-a   p-s-o
    Mr.   s-m-k   r-ba   o-n-
    p-le   k-m-n   f-n-sh   s-o-ok
    k-sa   p-s-k   x-kk-th   k-sh-a
    t-lo   s-ni   u-i-el   sh-sh-a
    r-ba   s-ol   k-r-tsa   p-r-g
    r-ka   w-o-a   b-r-for   w-p-a
    p-la   k-i-a   p-e-d   b-r-b-n
    s-lo   s-l-tse   s-eg   k-n-i
    m-re   d-s-a   v-s-a   d-r-v-


    25-30 words - high speed of thinking; 20-24 words - good thinking speed; 15-19 words - average speed of thinking; 10-14 words - below average; up to 10 words - inert thinking.

    The problem in solving problems, most often lies in the fact that the child does not know how to imagine the problem. At this age, their visual perception is best developed. Therefore, all the conditions of the problem must be sketched or drawn in the form of a table. Now I will show you a methodology for solving such problems, which are very numerous in school textbooks.

    A task. Three girls - Valya, Natasha and Katya - came to the theater in dresses of different colors: one in white, the other in gray, the third in black. What dress was each in, if it is known that Valya is not in black and not in gray, Katya is not in black.

    We draw a table:

    By placing known data in a table, it becomes immediately obvious who was in which dress.

    The following exercises are:
    Anagrams are words in which the words are rearranged in a random order. The solution is the definition of the original word. Helps to see the big picture.

    CHNETIE - reading

    ALIGOK - logic

    SHLYNMEIE - thinking

    AOGVOLMOLKO - puzzle

    To train the ability to select and build analogies and be able to classify information, the following games are suitable:

    Game 1: Find the unknown number

    51639   ?

    Solution: There are five different letters in the word CROWN. The number written below it consists of five different digits. Let's put them in line with each other:

    The letter K corresponds to the number 5,
    The letter R corresponds to the number 1,
    The letter O corresponds to the number 3,
    The letter H corresponds to the number 7,
    The letter A corresponds to the number 9.

    Then the word KRAN corresponds to the number 5197.
    ANSWER: 5197.

    Game 2:

    And the third category - tasks, to which I recommend moving on 3-4 days after the start of classes, their goal is to teach the child to find a connection between objects, to acquaint him with the essential and non-essential features of objects.

    Exercise 1: There are two words that have little to do with each other. In 10 minutes, you must write as many common features of these items as possible.

    Task 2: What will happen? What happens if mom is late for work? (if there is no light, winter)

    The ability to draw conclusions from the situation, develops cause-and-effect relationships.

    These games are very simple and you can play them everywhere, both on the go and in transport, and this is not perceived as learning, it's just communication with the child. Study and play, easily and regularly, treat the puzzles like a game - and in 2 weeks, and you will see the result!

    By solving three problems, you will increase the level of intelligence of your child and his academic performance.

    And the first of them is the unwillingness to see the problem as a whole, to find logical connections and to think based on the condition of the problem. The child tends to quickly substitute everything under the formula and be done with it. In order to develop the child's ability to think logically, and to make any task interesting and "live" for him, there is simple game which many of you have probably played. Such a game enhances your abilities in intelligence, improves thinking, and trains concentration. And in time you will decide logical tasks increased complexity, learn to find the connection between events, and understand how one situation follows another.

    You will need sticks, or pencils, or matches:

    Move 2 matches so that the dog looks the other way?

    The game that will teach us to think logically is "danetki".

    The purpose of "danetok" is to teach children to ask logical questions, analyze, learn to find criteria for classifying any objects in the world, learn to listen to others, be attentive (do not repeat questions).

    The essence of this wonderful game is that the host thinks of a word, and the players must guess it by asking questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no”.

    Sample questions:
    Is it an animated object? - No
    Is it necessary for life? - No
    Do we use it every day? - No
    Is he useful in the household? - No
    - Is it entertainment? - Yes
    - Is it an attraction? - No
    Do people have it at home? - Yes
    - Compete in this game? — Yes

    The further the game goes, the more questions the child has, the more he can trace logical connections. You can play this game on the way to school, or also motivate the child - say that you want to buy him something, you just have to guess what. If you feel that with the detective craft you are already on "you", you can complicate the task. For example, you can set a certain number of questions, and give points for the most “accurate” ones. Thus, you will be able to compete with each other, an unprecedented excitement will appear in the game.

    Another version of this game that develop logic. In this problem, the shape of the key is folded out of 10 matches. Move 4 matches to make three squares.

    At first, the child can rearrange the matches "manually", but then it can be done in the mind.

    Another problem for many children is that they instantly “grab” their mother’s hint, for example, mother wants to prompt, and says “maybe we need to add here?”. The child, instead of thinking over the option that the mother suggested and saying whether it fits or not, immediately says “yes, yes!” and agree with the proposal.

    Children don't want to think for themselves. To get rid of this habit, I would recommend a game called "I believe - I do not believe". It develops critical thinking in a child - the ability to think independently, not to accept any statement, but to criticize it, independently form an opinion, reason.

    The conditions are very simple - you say a phrase, and the child must determine whether it is true or fiction, and explain why he thinks so. For example, I say: "Juice can be eaten with a spoon".

    YES, if it's popsicles.

    Try to offer phrases that can be answered ambiguously. Let the child reflect on each phrase and try to explain why he thinks so. So the child learns to get to the bottom of the truth in his own way, relying on comparisons, reasoning, and his own conclusions. It is this approach that provides invaluable individual experience and develops observation in the child when he listens and sees seemingly obvious statements. For example: “all birds fly” (not all, there are birds that do not fly: chicken, turkey, ostrich, penguin).

    And another game that you can play on the go, and which trains the ability to find analogies well, . You simply give the child a word - for example, "helicopter", and ask them to find the largest number of analogies to it according to any principles - for example, a butterfly, because it flies, or a tram, because people can also be transported in it.

    Answer. The task is solved quite simply. The four matches that make up that part of the key handle must be moved to the key shaft so that 3 squares are laid out in a row.

    Well, now for the road, a task of increased complexity that everyone knows and remembers: how to help a peasant transport a goat, cabbage and a wolf to the other side by boat, if only 2 items can fit in the boat, and so that the goat does not eat the cabbage, and the wolf does not ate a goat ... Did you manage?

    I want to train!