Presentation on art on the topic "art as a universal way of communication." Find a passphrase

Good day, dear readers! Today I want to tell you interesting information, which is associated with world records. People like to arrange competitions on the principle of "faster-higher-stronger". One of the most incredible records recorded in the Guinness Book of Records concerns a lot of work on oneself. It is this work that leads to the possibility of being under water for a long time without oxygen. Let's talk today about freediving records.

This is truly an achievement to be proud of, deserving respect. I started to be interested in this topic, after:

  • independent, in Sinyavino, near Kaliningrad,
  • watching the new film "Fear of the Depth" lasting 87 minutes. The heroes of the thriller dived in a cage in the open sea full of white sharks. I was wondering how long the human body can be without oxygen under the water column.

underwater breath holding record

The official name of the record, which was able to establish a Croatian named Goran Colak (Goran Čolak) - static sleep apnea.

The guy with the super ability is underwater without breathing, he even managed to set records in this category several times, surpassing himself every time. At just thirty years old, he was given a line in the largest collection of records on the planet - the Guinness record for holding his breath under water.

Record diving without scuba gear that was impossible to beat!

Due to the fact that Goran was a few minutes ahead of his closest competitor, he had a lot of chances to be a record holder for a long time, since a person who could surpass him has not yet appeared. And who knows, maybe the crazy guy is not going to stop there, improving his data and changing the number of holding his breath under water for seconds, or even minutes.

Records of holding your breath underwater in a calm state belong to many people, including even the illusionist David Blaine. He was able to beat the result of Peter Kohl - the Swiss, who was without oxygen for 16 minutes 32 seconds. But soon he was able to defend his title. After that, many athletes tried and regular guys get into the Book of Records, but not everyone succeeded.

The last ones before Goran Colak were Ricardo Bahi and Tom Satis. They held records of 20 minutes 21 seconds and 22 minutes 22 seconds respectively.

The Croatian managed to hold out for 22 minutes 32 seconds

How he succeeds, no one understands, so it seems to many an incredible miracle. I won't be able to spend half that time underwater. Although I also made some attempts, but more on that later ...

landmark day

September 28, 2013 was for Goran one of the most significant days in his life. On Ban Jelačić Square, which is central in his native country, the guy plunged into the water, putting his name in the Book of Records. But a year later, the Croatian managed to surpass his result, having been under water for 23 minutes and 1 second.

I knew that this world is quite unpredictable and incredible, but what strikes me even more is the persistence of a guy who has set a goal for himself and goes towards it, removing everyone in his path. This willpower, training and desire cannot but amaze and leave indifferent any person.

I wonder what his lung capacity is! .. How did he conduct his training? What was he thinking about, being lifeless and motionless in the water column?

The only advantage that helped Goran overcome the 23-minute mark was the use of hyperventilation. It is impossible to live without oxygen for longer than 10-13 minutes without it. This is not forbidden to potential record holders, so everyone uses this procedure before setting at least a personal record.

But in books I read that hyperventilation in the future will negatively affect human health. Although, I think that people who have set themselves the goal of getting into the Guinness Book of Records do not care much about minor health problems in the future. Who knows?

The breath holding record under water, owned by Goran Colak, is not the only achievement of the guy.

Since 2007, his attempts began, which were quite significant at the time. He tested his body not only in a static stay in water without oxygen, but also in dynamics. Goran holds seven Guinness World Records in Motion.

Such abilities, and in particular their development, deserve respect. I can't stop being amazed at what this guy does. It is unlikely that any of my acquaintances will be able to even come close to his records.

It is interesting that the career of victorious records of the guy from ordinary swimming in the pool began. I am sure that he will get a lot more, because he is only 32 years old. Although accuracy and caution will not hurt the guy. I would no doubt be more reserved than he. Still, a dozen records in different versions is a big risk.

If Goran often sets records near the surface of the water surface, then when freediving there is a real threat to human life and health.

Freediving is deep diving without scuba equipment.

It is practiced by many, both as a sport and as a source of income. It seems to me that at my age I would not have dared to dive more than a couple of meters without a tank. But some daredevils still decide on it. There are also quite a few of them.

If someone does not know how long he can last without oxygen entering the body, then I can assure you that often this time does not exceed a minute. Some may not breathe for more than 20 minutes, and whales do not surface for almost an hour and a half. You can record right now how long you can be without oxygen. Good luck, if anything 😉

If we return to the topic of diving under water, I think that this is a kind of philosophy. Philosophy of knowledge of the surrounding world, philosophy of knowledge of oneself, philosophy of testing unrealized possibilities.

A bit of freediving history

For the first time, a dive record without scuba gear was set at a depth of 100 meters under water by Enzo Mallorca and Jacques Mayol. Unfortunately, this was not recorded by official representatives of organizations that have the right to do so. Although the guys who did it first should be given respect. Still, they risked their lives.

Their names will never be forgotten due to the fact that they became the prototypes of the main characters of the famous film by Luc Besson. A film called "The Blue Abyss" I advise everyone who is interested in this topic to watch.

In 2002, diving to the depths without scuba found another record set by the French freediver Loic Leferme.

Without scuba gear, he reached a depth of 162 meters, thus breaking his previous record of 137 meters. The desperate guy did not stop there and two years later he swam 171 meters, after which he could not swim back to the surface. This suggests that one should always be careful, no matter what the goal is. I recommend you think about it, because it is very important.

Interestingly, the record for holding your breath on land is half that in water. Although it seems a bit unbelievable, it is true. In total, you can hold out for about 10 minutes without breathing, being above the surface of the water. Nature has laid a diving reflex in a person, which helps to stay breathless under the smooth surface of the water for a longer time.

This is explained by the fact that when immersed under water, the pulse rate slows down, and the vessels narrow. This does not lead to death or loss of consciousness, but only increases the resource reserve of the body. At the same time, the brain and heart do not suffer, because the blood flow in these organs remains the same. On land, this reflex is disabled. But I wonder if this effect will be if only the head is immersed in water, and the body is left outside? Maybe someday I will experiment.

Women's business

It is also worth noting that not only men are engaged in this dangerous hobby, sport and an interesting activity. Women have also set quite a few records that are no less amazing and exciting. In the women's free diving category, the record without scuba gear is 91 meters. It was installed in Greece by Natalia Molchanova representing Russia.

A few years later, she managed to break her record, so our women can also be proud of. In general, a separate article should be written about Molchanova. This is a great woman, whose name is not very well known to her compatriots. Unfortunately, Natalya left us early, the sea took her to her ...

Among men in this category, the record reaches 121 meters

Videos of divers diving under water not only fascinate, taking away the gift of speech, but also make you think about something far away. The underwater world, from which it is believed that all life on Earth came out, is very interesting and incredible. There is an opinion that the depths of the Earth have been explored about as little as space. Every year, scientists discover new types of algae and underwater animals that have not been known to mankind until now.

Watching over underwater world, I feel a certain peace, connection with all life on the planet, as well as inner peace. But the feelings of those who plunge into the water world are even more acute and attuned to perception. What is it all the same attractive - this incredible water, with which we all are. It contains many wonders to ponder over.

But at the same time, water is a danger, water is a test, water is work on oneself. Diving should always be carried out with a certain level of training. In some cases, these are not even months, but years. Training that is applied to the innate abilities of the human body instills confidence that any obstacles can be overcome.

Where to start your freediving attempts?

If you want to achieve similar results, do not put off starting to increase lung capacity and training until tomorrow. It's best to get started today!

First you need to learn how to breathe correctly and master techniques that increase the amount of air that can fill the lungs. These can be breathing techniques, meditation, physical activity, etc.

I found here a funny video about diving under water without scuba gear while holding your breath:

It is best to hire a professional trainer to help you dive underwater like I did. For starters, you can use scuba gear to get used to the atmosphere that reigns under the surface of the water. This will allow you to better adapt to such conditions in the future.

It is important to move from one stage to another gradually, and not rush off a cliff into the abyss. Thanks to this, you can save the body from excessive stress and prepare it for what will happen to it in the future. If you hurry, nothing will come of it.

Finally, I want to wish that everything works out for you, as it once happened for me. It is important to overcome yourself every day, because with the help of this life acquires colors and becomes more interesting. See you next time, I'd love to read your feedback. Good luck everyone and thanks for subscribing.

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Freediving is underwater swimming while holding your breath. This early form of underwater swimming is still practiced for sports and even commercial purposes. Despite its existence for thousands of years, it has become relatively well-known and widespread only recently. Freediving originated as a kind of coastal gathering, hunting. Until the time of the Great geographical discoveries, it remained almost the only known, accessible to man opportunity to perform actions under water.

From the 15th century the growth and competition of sea powers among themselves began, and the development of navigation, trade and sea battles led to an increase in the number of sunken ships. In order to save their valuable cargo and equipment, it was necessary to work at depth for a long time.

As a result, such a progenitor of the suit as a diving bell was invented, which clearly separated divers breathing underwater from direct freedivers.

After the appearance of the diving bell, all sorts of attempts to expand the capabilities of a person under water began to be directed to the improvement of various respiratory devices. So, diving while holding your breath until the middle of the twentieth century. remained only part of the fishing industry. During World War II, combat swimmers became known - regular units trained in actions in the water, under water without the presence of heavy breathing equipment. During this period, scuba gear was developed. Since then, the popularity of scuba diving and sports interest in it began to grow.

Record dive without scuba gear

Freediving is a special kind of scuba diving. After all, to be under water, a person must hold his breath. This early form of diving is very popular and is constantly evolving. So, the record for holding the breath has already reached 12 minutes, and the record for diving to a depth has exceeded 100 meters. There is probably no limit to the possibilities of man.

So, the first dive record without scuba gear was set by divers Enzo Mallorca and Jacques Mayol. The maximum diving depth was 100 meters. Although their result was not officially entered into sports records.

In 2002, French freediver Loic Leferme set a truly amazing record. The diving depth without scuba gear was 162 meters. Until that moment, the record was 137 meters. In 2004, Loic Leferm decided to set another record. He conquered a depth of 171 meters, but never surfaced.

dive world record

As you know, deep-sea freediving is the most popular type of scuba diving without scuba gear. Although the system of the International Association for the Development of Apnea has many other disciplines in this area. For example, static, dynamic apnea, as well as "constant weight in fins." And in each discipline there are records, and they are simply amazing.

Thus, the “free dive” category showed a new world record, which was set in 2013 in Greece at the ongoing World Championship in freediving. The record holder among women is Russian Natalya Molchanova. She managed to descend to a depth of 91 meters without scuba gear. The record among men was set in 2011 and has not been broken since then. It was the record holder from New Zealand William Trubridge. He sank to a depth of 121 meters.

Of course, diving to great depths is very dangerous. As a result, you need to prepare for such diving not for months, but for whole years. The achievement of the described results is possible only through the constancy of training. If you want to set a record in free diving, then you should start training right now.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Art is the most accessible, democratic and universal form of communication between people, because it appeals to human emotions. picturesque, literary, musical works, sculpture, architecture - these are the messages of artists different eras descendants. They depicted the surrounding reality, the ideas of their time, passing them through their consciousness and feelings.

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When we get acquainted with a work of art, there is communication, a dialogue between the artist and the viewer between two eras ( different cultures). In order for communication to take place, you need to: know the language different types arts; Understanding the language of the work will allow you to enter into a dialogue with its author. And then maybe inner world artist, writer, composer will discover his secrets. be able to empathize. A work of art achieves its goal only when it makes the strings of a person's soul sound, encourages them to express their own attitude to what they see, hear, read. And Rublev. Trinity. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. P. Picasso. Violin. V. Kandinsky. Contrasting sounds. Manuscript of A. S. Pushkin. Music notation.

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Psychologists are well aware that sometimes a meeting with an outstanding person can turn life around, change fate. The meeting with a work of art can be just as significant. Communication with a work of art provides an opportunity to enter into a dialogue with talented person another era that left a mark on world culture. V. Tropinin. Portrait of Alexander Pushkin J. Stieler. Portrait of J. Goethe M. Nesterov. Portrait of Vera Mukhina F. Bush. Mrs. Pompadour D. Shostakovich Is it really so often in Everyday life Do you have a chance to communicate with extraordinary personalities? ______________________________________

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A clear confirmation of the artistic communication of people with outstanding works of world art of the past and present, the internationality of the language of art, which is understandable without translation, are:

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Museums are the repositories of artistic masterpieces. Museum (Greek museion - temple, museum) - an institution that collects and exhibits for public viewing works of art, objects of history, science, everyday life, which are located in the exposition according to a certain system. Thanks to educational activities these museums, the booklets and albums they produce, the journeys of their exhibits through different countries and continents, connoisseurs and art lovers can admire the masterpieces of world culture.

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World famous museums such as: Tretyakov Gallery, Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin (Moscow), Hermitage, Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), Louvre, Museum contemporary art(Paris, France), Prado Museum (Madrid, Spain), National picture gallery(Dresden, Germany), British museum(London, England), etc.

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In 2008 in Seoul ( South Korea) based computer technology a virtual gallery of high-tech masterpieces was created (English high technology, high tech, hi-tech). This style, which uses new materials and compositions, arose in architecture and design in the 80s. 20th century Later, his features began to appear in other directions. artistic creativity. In this gallery, viewers can communicate with the characters of more than 20 paintings and sculptures, including The Last Supper, Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, The Fall of Pompeii by K. Bryullov, Disco Thrower by Miron, and others. Viewers can ask them questions , to see what they did a moment before they were depicted by an artist or sculptor, to observe their movements in space.

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The emblem of the theater festival "Golden Mask" The Union of Theater Workers at the end of the last century (1994) established theater festival and the national award "Golden Mask". First " Golden Mask» was awarded for achievements only in the field drama theater. Later, this prize was also awarded in the field musical theater. Its laureate in this nomination was the conductor and director of the theater " New Opera» Evgeny Kolobov. The first "Golden Mask" in the nomination "For Honor and Dignity" was awarded to the legendary ballerina Galina Ulanova Competition "Young Ballet of the World" Competition of choreographic groups "Petersburg Metelitsa"

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Concerts of outstanding performers (instrumentalists, orchestras, conductors, vocalists), festivals of folk, pop, jazz, rock ensembles often become cultural events in the life of countries and peoples.

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For more than 50 years (since 1957) it has attracted the attention of all artistic world international competition named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, which gathers hundreds of young musicians of various nationalities. Among the winners of the competition are Russians, and Americans, and British, and Chinese, and Japanese, and French. And the audience covers almost all nationalities and cultures of the world.

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The performances of the contestants are listened to in concert hall broadcast on radio, television and the Internet. All this is a clear manifestation of the universality of the language of musical communication, which has acquired international significance. In each nomination of the competition, a mandatory composition by P. Tchaikovsky is offered for performance, which is played by musicians admitted to participate in the third, final round. The famous Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra belongs to such works. This music is a kind of visiting card of the competition. Her life-affirming power seems to convince all people that true art is eternal. Laureate of the First Competition. P. I. Tchaikovsky became a young American pianist Van Cliburn.

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It's the only one children's competition in the field of academic music, which gives gifted children the opportunity to perform in front of an audience of millions and take the first serious step towards professional success and recognition. Many laureates of the Nutcracker contest subsequently become winners of other prestigious music competitions. T. Narita. Sunrise. - What thoughts, artistic associations does this music evoke in you?

A clear confirmation of artistic communication, the internationality of the language of art, which is understandable without translation, are museums, international exhibitions visual arts, various competitions (literary, musical, ballet dancers, theatrical, jazz), art festivals. "Aida" in the ancient amphitheater of Verona

Madonna and Child (Madonna Benois) 1478 by Leonardo da Vinci

For more than 55 years (since 1957) the International Tchaikovsky Competition has attracted the attention of the entire artistic world, bringing together hundreds of young musicians of various nationalities. Laureate of the First Competition. P. I. Tchaikovsky became a young American pianist Van Cliburn.

Homework 1. Textbook page, prepare for the test. 2. Individual task: imagine yourself as a guide (in a museum, city) and prepare a story about one of the most significant cultural object your region; offer your version of the competition poster; select material about performers and competitions (festivals, projects).

List of used literature: G. P. Sergeeva, I. E. Kashekova E. D. Kritskaya Art 89 classes Textbook for general educational institutions Moscow "Enlightenment" 2009 G.P. Sergeeva, I.E. Kashekova, E.D. Kritskaya. Programs of educational institutions Music grades 1-7, Art grades 8-9 3rd edition, revised Moscow, Education, jpg jpg html jpg jpg jpg jpg jpg %20%EF%EE%F1%EB%E5%E4%ED%FF %FF%20%E2%E5%F0%F1%E8%FF_4. jpg %20%EF%EE%F1%EB%E5%E4%ED%FF%FF%20%E2%E5%F0%F1%E8%FF_4. jpg jpg jpg jpg