Early development of children up to a year at home. Early development of the child in the second year of life. The Importance of Introducing Special Skills Early

Good afternoon, dear readers! We all wish happiness and success to our children. So that they grow up strong, healthy, happy and smart. Most parents think about the upbringing and development of the child even before his birth. A striking example of this is the fact that many pregnant women begin to listen classical music, accustoming the baby to the beautiful and contributing to the harmonious development of the child. Many teachers and psychologists believe that the early development of a child up to a year contributes to his more successful adaptation and development in the future.

Over time, children's drawings are enriched with a large number of elements - they become more complex. At the same time there is a tendency of a trend, usually formulated directly, which subdues the world presented the work. biased novel. More Glossary of literary terms to accurately reflect reality. The transition to the so-called. visual realism - the child draws the world as he sees it. At the same time, the drawings begin to reflect the influence of social conventions.

In mid-childhood, children's mental theories begin to develop. They allow children to explain and anticipate the behavior of others. This is the simplest knowledge about the mind and the relationships that connect it to reality - the theory of the functioning of the mind. Three-year-olds perceive the connection between the mind and reality in such a way that they are convinced that external world reflected directly in the mind. Five-year-olds begin to distinguish what their beliefs or images of reality are from reality. Thus, the selfish perspective is overcome - the child notices that others may have a different opinion.

The early development of children already does not sound like some kind of innovation, but as a necessity for the further favorable development of the baby. But there are so many different methods around. What to choose? Doing the Montessori system? Or choose the principles of Waldorf pedagogy? In this article I will tell you about the most popular systems early development used up to a year, their pros and cons. Let's figure it out!

Dynamic gymnastics for kids: Kitaev and Trunov

A sentence is a separate segment of speech, consisting of words arranged in accordance with syntactic and grammatical rules, which are a semantic and intonation whole. More Dictionary of literary terms than on some issues. There is also an awareness of the meaning of the terms "true" and "false" - children note that beliefs or statements can be true or false. The child begins to understand that acquaintance with the world occurs not so much directly as it is mediated by the mind.

Let's start with the most popular methods of early physical development.

For babies who have just been born, the aquatic environment remains more familiar. After all, he spent 9 months in the water element in his mother's stomach, so it is recommended to start practicing immediately after birth, until the children lost their innate reflexes.

First, classes can be held at home in the bath, and after 2-3 months in the pool, as infant swimming instructors say, “in big water”.

During the period of life under discussion, mental activities such as sorting and classification also develop. There are also invariants. Sorting refers to the ability to detect differences between objects. At the last stage early childhood the child can create small ranks - he can collect items belonging to the same group, differing in size.

In the case of older children, planning is carried out using the method of subsequent attempts, while the results do not change. A six-year-old child plans more systematically - the adoption of a certain strategy of action. When setting elements, the ratio is evaluated in both directions - it is compared to the element before and after the added element.

It is better to start classes under the guidance of an experienced instructor who will tell you how best to hold the child, what exercises you can already do with him and schedule classes for you by months. The main task of an adult is to instill a love of water so that the baby likes to swim and swim.

Swimming develops almost all muscle groups, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system. Going swimming with a baby, we also temper the child, strengthen his immunity.

The child also learns grouping objects - including them in a particular collection based on similarity. Initially, the grouping is based on the professional guild of the guild of the professional organization of craftsmen in medieval cities. Their purpose was to protect the interests of artisans and the rights of members. Read the historical dictionary of perception. Accurate categories are created. At a later stage of development, conceptual categories are created - grouping occurs not so much on the basis of perceptually available functions, but on the basis of grouping knowledge.

Such activities can help relieve excessive tone, help to relax, even reduce the likelihood that babies are so often worried. But most importantly, they cheer up the child and bring bright positive emotions to you and your baby. Indeed, at this time, the mother is next to the baby in close bodily contact. What could be better for a newborn?

In middle childhood, invariants develop - the child knows that even if we modify the attribute of a given object, it remains the same object. In addition to the development of motor skills, perceptual and cognitive development, there is also significant progress in emotional development. The child becomes more and more aware of his emotional state. He is able to better regulate emotional expression. During middle childhood, you already know what the basic emotional responses are. Emotions, however, are states that are caused by external factors, not internal ones.

The main disadvantages of this technique:

  • Swimming pools are still often chlorinated, which can irritate baby's delicate skin.
  • Despite the fact that water and premises are thoroughly disinfected, nevertheless, the pool is a public place, and the possibility of catching an infection increases accordingly.

If you are interested in this technique, I suggest that you read the book " Swim before walking » author V. Skripalev

A child can also predict from external signs of emotional states how another child will behave during play. During this period of life, there is also some control over emotions - the child limits the expression of emotions that are negatively evaluated by the social environment, such as anger or fear. Children also begin to show empathic behavior during this period - they share emotions with others or try to comfort a sad person. Emotions are also used by children to exert some influence on the interaction partner.

Dynamic gymnastics for kids: Kitaev and Trunov

This technique is different from conventional massage. It is more dynamic, emotional, you can even call it acrobatic gymnastics. Various dynamic exercises are performed with the child with tossing up, the baby is twisted and twirled in different sides. Most grandmothers, of course, will not be able to calmly look at this, especially since it was previously customary to swaddle children up to almost 6 months.

Early development of a child up to a year: systems of general early development

In the midst of childhood there were significant changes in social contacts. Gradually, peers play an increasingly important role. Interaction with the peer group becomes more frequent, cooperation is carried out and friendships are established. The development of social relationships best reflects the changes in the game. At the beginning of three or four years of age, the tendency to play dominates. Children do not seek to make contact with their peers. At a later stage, there are parallel games - children still play by themselves, but imitate their peers.

The authors of this development system propose to combine hardening, massage, exercises on the ball and in the air, thereby providing the child with a lot of opportunities for development. motor activity. Every month, the baby learns new skills - learns to coordinate the movements of the handles, and the task of an adult is to go a little ahead of the curve, showing the child all the possibilities of his body.

The next stage is the usual entertainment - children play in a group, play different roles. The last stage is teamwork - the children begin to work together, they have common goal. Children play through social competencies, group behavior, negotiation and cooperation. Based common game they start to make friends.

Education: animation and methods of working with a child from 1 to 3 years. When organizing classes with children from 1 to 3 years old, you must remember the specifics of this stage of your child's development. Since the pace of development during this period is high, differences in opportunities for children are manifested not only between dangerous and preschool periods but also in a dangerous period. Otherwise, we have to organize fun with a 12 or 18 month old and still be different from 2.5 or 3 year olds. If you want to do your job well as an educator or fun entertainer for this group of children, you must take part in the training offered.


  • The kid is better oriented in space.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Develops muscle tone.


  • If performed incorrectly, exercises can be traumatic! And parents are not always able to correctly calculate the load offered to the baby on their own at home.

Early development of a child up to a year: systems of general early development

Glen Doman Method

Glen Doman is a neurophysiologist. His methodology focuses on the intensive physical development of children from the very moment of birth and the active development of their intellect.

Why develop building skills in a child?

For whom: The training is intended for animators, teachers, educators, parents and students, as well as for those who want to work or work with children aged 1 to 3 years. The training will take the form of a seminar and the main task will be to present game catalog different types, designed for children of bent age.

Trainer: Maria Kochanets - Graduated from Pedagogical Pedagogy, Pedagogy of Care and Education and Oligophrenopedagogy. She started her professional career as a teacher and educator at a school for children with intellectual disabilities. She also ran a preschool club, working with a group of children aged 2.5 to 5. He is currently working as a trainer for various training programs and child care courses. younger age and education, mainly in the courses "Children's and children's".

Doman believes that, based on the excellent visual memory of newborns, you can quickly teach them new words and concepts. It is proposed to use special cards on which words or dots (synonyms for numbers) are written in large letters.

These pictures should be shown almost from the first days of the baby's life, gradually, every month increasing their number and complicating the content. You can start with images of toys, fruits, then move on to more complex categories.

Experienced teacher, tutor, coach. He perfectly understands the needs of people who want to work with younger children. Venue: Educational and animation center, st. We issue invoices upon request. The psychosocial needs of children of childbearing age are recognition and satisfaction.

  • Characteristics of changes in the psychomotor development of infants.
  • Conditions for effective communication with the baby.
  • Characteristics of games for children in the era of domineering and selection criteria for these games.
Review of selected games for children at the age of overdose.

You can buy Doman cards in online store MyToys .

How does the training take place? The child is shown a card, then the adult says out loud the word written on it. Classes should be daily, in several sets of several seconds, where there is one word for every second.

The basics of the technique are set out in the book " Glenn Doman's early development methodology. 0 to 4 years »

Here are the main ones:

  • The main and best teacher in the early development of the child is the parent himself.
  • The sooner training starts, the better!
  • Children in early age can absorb a huge amount of information.

Glen Doman great value gives early physical development! It promotes the idea that a child's physical activity contributes to their mental development.

The baby, only having been born, already reflexively knows and knows how to crawl and swim. Therefore, it is necessary to try to develop these skills from the very beginning, before the child forgets them.

Doman suggested using a special track at home, where the child can practice crawling.

You can put it at a slight slope, thereby complicating the task a little. The more active and faster your baby develops physically, the faster it develops intellectually.

Dear readers, my partner is the company Step forward - upon purchase, the Doman track will be delivered to you absolutely free of charge. To do this, you need to name the code word - "Blog of Svetlana Beloshenko." When placing an order, tell the operator these magic words - and the track will come to you for free).

The ideas of Glenn Doman are very infectious, they seem simple and accessible, because with the help of daily activities, you can very quickly develop the potential of the baby and his innate abilities.

But there are many controversial points:

  • In the education of the baby, only sight and hearing are mainly involved.
  • A large amount of information can tire the child, he will lose interest in classes.
  • Missing game moments leading in this age. Development occurs only through passive learning.

Maria Montessori system

Learning occurs only through the child's imitation of the actions of an adult. The basis of this technique is the upbringing of children based on spirituality and traditions.

For babies up to a year, only natural materials are used. Classes are held in teaching modeling, familiarity with daily household rituals (how to wash, how to use a towel, etc.).

Actively used folklore. Use of nursery rhymes, (mainly fairy tales), drawing, dancing. Teachers of this system exclude tasks for the development of memory and thinking. Until the age of 7, teachers do not teach children to read and count, believing that abstract concepts such as letters and numbers are not understood and are not needed at an early age.

Waldorf educators say that up to 3 years old, kids learn most intensively. Children learn a huge amount of knowledge and skills through play. No special tasks and exercises, but only communication with parents, brothers / sisters, peers.

Watching what is happening around, kids imitate an adult, for example, his speech, and thereby learn. The goal of Waldorf pedagogy is to develop the innate talents and abilities of the child.

Lack of "training", the rejection of various technical innovations and inventions. It is believed that watching TV, various, even specially selected videos for children, overloads nervous system child. Supporters of this method believe that all kinds of technical innovations and toys do not allow imagination, fantasy and children's ingenuity to develop. Harmonious development occurs through reading, drawing, imitation of adults.

The main advantages of Waldorf pedagogy:

  • Friendly educational environment.
  • The individual pace of development of each child.
  • Independence from estimates.
  • Variety of forms of gaming activity.

Cons of Waldorf Pedagogy:

  • Education takes place in isolation from the achievements of civilization.
  • Not enough attention is paid to the development of intellectual activity.
  • Difficulties in further adaptation to regular school(because children are not taught to read and count).

Cecile Lupan developed her own system of early childhood development, based on the methodology of Glenn Doman. She moved away from the rigid framework of Doman. Added more emotion and creativity. Cecile described her experience of raising two daughters in the book " Believe in your child ».

This methodology is based on following principles:

  • The best teacher is a parent.
  • Maintaining the interests of the child and his desire to learn new things.
  • Training must be completed before the child gets tired.
  • If your child's interest wanes, change activities.

Great importance is allocated to the first year of life! During the first year, the baby learns a huge amount of new knowledge and skills. During this period of time, Lupan offers parents to solve four main tasks:

  1. Teach your child to love himself. Show him that he is wanted! It is very important to show your love for the baby in every possible way, smile at him more often, caress him, take care, rejoice at his achievements. If your baby is crying - be sure to go to him! After all, children under the age of one cannot yet manipulate. And if your baby is crying, then he needs your attention.
  2. Stimulate and develop all five main channels of perception:
    Vision development. Make faces at him, show bright pictures, decorate his bed with beautiful linens, arrange toys around the house, etc.
    Hearing development. Sing a variety of melodies, songs; when talking with the baby, change intonations; listen to different music, fairy tales together with the baby. Remember that your speech is a role model, speak clearly and correctly.
    Development of touch. Use a variety of fabrics, give the baby smooth, prickly and soft objects, introduce the concepts of hot and cold.
    Smell and taste sensations. Introduce your child to different scents. For classes, you can make special bags filled with various aromatic herbs. Also encourage your baby to get to know different taste sensations. Since small children under one year old learn the properties of objects by pulling them into their mouths, you can pick up various safe toys that he could gnaw and chew on.
  3. Encourage your child to do all kinds of physical activity. Immediately after the birth of a child, Lupan suggests performing various gymnastic exercises with the baby, bending arms and legs. As soon as the baby tries to sit on all fours, stimulate him to crawl, etc.
  4. Speech development. Speech develops from the moment a baby is born. So talk to him more often. Voice your actions, name the objects surrounding your baby, while changing clothes, name parts of the body. Read fairy tales, poems, write stories. Onomatopoeia occupies a separate place in the development of speech. Your baby sneezed, repeat it, he said the first "Agu", say it again with a smile.

Lupan suggests using illustrated cards. See picture below:

This technique recommends that you make sure to schedule classes for the week ahead, and preferably by months. Yes, you may not be able to do everything exactly as planned, but at least you will be able to navigate what you have mastered and what you have not tried to do yet.

It is very important, according to Lupan, while actively developing the intellect, to remember the personality of the child, his desires and needs. And the main thing is not the content, but the atmosphere. The main thing is that your child is interested.

Developmental benefits from 0 to a year

Today, many developmental programs incorporate the best of the basic early development techniques. There are many different educational aids available on the market for babies from birth.

For example, allowances Schools 7 gnomes ". Almost every mom has heard of him. The annual set consists of several brightly illustrated notebooks. With their help, each parent can easily and naturally introduce their baby to the first poems and jokes, introduce the concepts of day and night, illustrate the primary colors, and introduce the concept of "form". Although, of course, the school of the seven dwarfs does not affect the sphere of the physical development of the child.

You can buy other kits or individual manuals at link .

All our children are different. And the approach to the development of each child should be individual. Whatever development method you choose for your baby, the main thing is love and respect!

You can choose the best, in your opinion, of the proposed methods and create your own program for your crumbs. Do what you like with your baby, and then your baby will love it. Find time for your activities only when you and your baby are in a good mood and success will be visible very soon.