Think of rules for reading folk tales. Methods of working with a Russian folk tale in the lessons of literary reading

1. Pedagogical value reading fairy tales.

2. Classification of fairy tales, their genre originality.

3. The specifics of studying fairy tales in elementary grades.

Children's literature- this is what was created by the masters of the word especially for children.

Literature for children's reading– i.e. works read by children.

In children's folklore, it is necessary to distinguish between the works of adults for children, the works of adults that have become children's over time, and children's creativity in the proper sense of the word.

Children's folklore Russian people is unusually rich and diverse. He is represented heroic epic, fairy tales, numerous works of small genres.

Folk tales have long been included in children's reading. Now their unconditional value is recognized, but back in the 20s of our century, some teachers and literary critics denied fairy tales the right to be placed in children's books. Fantastic fiction was identified with superstition and religion. Judgments about the dangers of the tale were combined with a general rejection of the meaning cultural heritage necessary for the aesthetic education of children in a socialist society.

Nihilism and vulgarization in pedagogical science were condemned by the Soviet public. Back in 1934, S. Ya. Marshak said: “Let's take ... a fairy tale. Many of our inhabitants have the idea that the revolution killed the fairy tale. I think this is a misconception."

The entire practice of Soviet pedagogical science, the practice of children's publishing houses, has proved the high value and importance of including folk tales in children's books, and especially in books that are introduced to preschoolers.

The most common view fairy tales, which early becomes known to the child, - fairy tales about animals. Animals, birds in them are both similar and not similar to real ones. There is a rooster in boots, carries a scythe on his shoulder and shouts at the top of his voice that the goat should go out of the hare's hut, otherwise it will be hacked to death (“Goat-dereza”). The wolf catches fish - he lowered his tail into the hole and says: “Catch, fish, both small and large! ("The Fox and the Wolf"). The fox informs the black grouse about the new "decree" - the black grouses are not afraid to walk in the meadows, but the black grouse does not believe ("The Fox and the Black Grouse"). It is easy to see implausibility in all these tales: where has it been seen that a rooster walked with a scythe, a wolf caught fish, and a fox persuaded a black grouse to descend to the ground? The child takes fiction for fiction, like an adult, but it attracts him with its unusualness, dissimilarity to what he knows about real birds and animals. Most of all, the children are interested in the story itself: will the dereza goat be expelled from the hare's hut, how will the obvious absurdity of catching fish with its tail end, will the cunning intent of the fox succeed. The most elementary and at the same time the most important ideas - about the mind and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about heroism and cowardice, about kindness and greed - fall into the mind and determine the norms of behavior for the child.

Fairy tales affirm the child in the right relationship to the world. The grandfather, and the grandmother, and the granddaughter, and the Bug, and the cat are pulling the turnip - pulling, pulling, and not pulling the turnips for them. And only when the mouse came to the rescue, they pulled out a turnip. Of course, capacious artistic sense this ironic tale will become fully understandable little man only when he grows up. Then the fairy tale will turn to him with many facets. The child can only think that no, even the smallest force is superfluous in the work: how many forces are in the mouse, and without it they could not pull the turnip.

"Rocked Hen" in the folk version, well represented, for example, in the processing of the writer A.N. Tolstoy, carries an equally important idea for education. A chicken laid an egg, a mouse ran, wagged its tail, the egg fell and broke. The grandfather began to cry, the grandmother began to sob, the gates creaked, the hens flew up, the doors squinted, the tyn crumbled, the top of the hut staggered. And the whole commotion is from a broken egg. Much ado about nothing! The tale laughs at the trifling cause of so many absurd consequences.

Children early learn to correctly assess the size of phenomena, deeds and actions to understand the ridiculous side of all life's inconsistencies. The cheerful and perky bun is so confident in himself that he himself did not notice how he became a braggart, who is flattered by his own luck - so he got caught by the fox (“Gingerbread Man”). The fairy tale about the tower tells about the joint friendly life of a fly, a mosquito, a mouse, a frog, a hare, a fox, a wolf. And then the bear came - “the oppressor of everyone” - there was no tower (“Teremok”). In every fairy tale there is a moral that a child needs, because he must determine his place in life, learn the moral and ethical standards of behavior in society.

It is noticed that children easily memorize fairy tales about animals. This is due to the fact that the people pedagogical experience correctly captured the peculiarities of children's perception. The tales "Turnip", "Rocked Hen", "Kolobok", "Teremok" and some others hold the child's attention with a special composition: the episode clings to the episode, often they are repeated with the addition of some new detail. These repetitions promote memory and understanding.

Fairy tales about animals can also be called children's because they contain a lot of action, movement, energy - which is also inherent in a child. The plot unfolds rapidly: quickly, headlong, a chicken runs to the hostess for butter, - the rooster swallowed the grain and choked, she sends her to the cow for milk. The hen goes to the cow, she asks the owner to give her fresh grass, etc. In the end, the hen brought butter, the rooster was saved, but how much he owes salvation! ("The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"). The irony of the tale is understandable to the child, he also likes the fact that the hen managed to overcome so many difficult obstacles so that the cockerel remained alive. Happy endings of fairy tales correspond to the cheerfulness of the child, his confidence in the successful outcome of the struggle between good and evil.

There is a lot of humor in animal tales. This is their wonderful property. develops at children feel real and simply amuses, entertains, pleases, sets in motion spiritual forces. However, fairy tales also know sadness. How sharply contrasted are the transitions from sadness to joy! The feelings that are spoken of in fairy tales are as vivid as children's emotions. It is easy to console a child, but it is also easy to upset. A hare is crying at the threshold of his hut. The goat kicked him out. The rooster chased away the goat - there is no end to the joy of the hare. Cheerful and the listener of a fairy tale.

A sharp distinction between positive and negative in the nature of fairy tales. The child never doubts how to relate to this or that fairy-tale character. The rooster is a hero, the fox is a cunning liar, the wolf is greedy, the bear is stupid, the goat is deceitful. This is not primitive, but the necessary simplicity which must be mastered by the baby before he is ready to accept complex things.

There are many songs in fairy tales about animals: the fox sings a flattering song to the rooster: “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb, butter head, silk beard ...”; the rooster also sings, calling the cat for help: “The fox is carrying me beyond the dark forests ...”; the goat sings in front of the door of the house: “You, kids! You goats! Open up, open up…”; wolf, bear and other characters sing. Fairy tales are replete with cheerful proverbs: “a fox is beautiful during a conversation”, “a bunny-legged hare on a skok hill”, “a mosquito-pisk”, “a fly-pity”, etc. The song-rhythmic beginning gives the narration a strong emotional expression, diversifies it, gives a fairy tale the features of the unusual, the properties of the game. Songs and funny proverbs are so expressive that they live independently, concentrating the poetic meaning of fairy tales in a compressed rhythmic-playful form. Having sunk into memory, fairy tales become an inseparable part of children's consciousness.

For older children preschool age Like fairy tale. Equally attractive to them are the development of action, coupled with the struggle of light and dark forces, and wonderful fiction.

The Russian fairy tale has created an amazingly lively, intricate world. Everything in it is unusual: people, earth, mountains, rivers, trees, even things - household items, tools - and they acquire wonderful properties in fairy tales. The ax itself cuts the wood; a club beats enemies, a mill grinds grain; the stove is talking; the apple tree covers with its branches the children running from the swan geese sent by Yaga; a flying carpet soars into the sky; fits in a small box Big city with residents, houses and streets.

This fabulous world awakens and develops the child's imagination. The kid with ardent sympathy follows everything that is said in the fairy tale: he rejoices at the victories of Ivan Tsarevich, the miracles of Vasilisa the Wise, and is upset by their hardships.

In particular, the fate of the heroes, placed in close and understandable circumstances, touches the child. The action in such tales often takes place in the family. The father and mother told the daughter not to go out of the yard, to take care of her brother, and the girl started playing and taking a walk - and the geese-swans (“Geese-swans”) took the brother away. Brother Ivanushka did not listen to his sister - he drank water from a goat's hoof and became a goat ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"). A good orphan suffers persecution wicked stepmother("Havroshechka", "Morozko"). In the development of action are invariably introduced ethical motivations: injustice becomes a source of suffering and misfortune, happy endings always eliminate contradictions to the norms of justice. A fairy tale teaches a child to evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of correct concepts of what is good and what is bad.

There are no irreparable life troubles in fairy tales, at the same time they do not hide the fact that the real world knows severe human suffering, but everything ends happily thanks to a miracle. The imaginary miraculous victory of good over evil always activates the child's senses. The need for justice, the desire to overcome life's hardships forever become part of his world perception. This is extremely important for the formation of a person's vitality and qualities of a fighter for justice.

A fairy tale with its harmonious composition teaches a child to think logically: the events in it unfold in a strict sequence. The story captures the dynamics of the plot. The closer the end is, the sharper and more tense the relationship between the characters becomes. Very often, having brought the hero to the moment of almost complete achievement of the goal, the fairy tale allows a sharp turn of the event to its original position - and again he begins the struggle for the triumph of justice. This technique helps the child to understand that in order to achieve the goal, perseverance, fidelity to duty and the desire to win at all costs are necessary.

In a fairy tale, the characters of the characters, the characters from the beginning to the end are endowed with certain virtues or vices.

The heroes of fairy tales always remain true to their characters, no matter what happens to them. For a child, this feature of fairy tales is very important: this is the necessary simplicity. human relations which must be mastered before he learns to understand the complexity of the affairs and actions of people.

Fairy tales are characterized by such compositional feature: three times repetition of any episode with subsequent amplification of the effect. Ivan Tsarevich fights with three snakes, and each new opponent is stronger than the previous one: the three-headed one is replaced by the six-headed one, the six-headed one is replaced by the nine-headed or twelve-headed one; three difficult tasks are given by the Sea Tsar to Ivan Tsarevich - and each new one is more and more difficult; three times the hero accelerates his faithful horse with the intention of jumping to the upper window in which the princess sits, and only the third time he achieves his goal.

The triple repetition technique has a special meaning in each specific case. In the tale of Sivka Burka, the three times repeated galloping past the princess's chamber testifies to the extraordinary difficulty in achieving the goal. In another tale, the repetition of the episode three times has a different meaning. Three times the daughters went to spy on Khavroshka, and only the third time, due to an oversight, she did not keep the secret. The third time was fatal. So, this last, third episode turns out to be either happy or unhappy.

Fairy tales vividly convey the details of human experiences and thus excite the imagination of listeners.“The elders left,” the fairy tale “Swan Geese” says, “and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to, put her brother on the grass under the window, and she ran out into the street, played and took a walk. Geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy, carried away on wings. A girl came, look - there is no brother! Gasped, rushed back and forth no! She called, bursting into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother - the brother did not respond! She ran out into an open field: geese-swans rushed in the distance and disappeared behind a dark forest. The carefree game of the girl is conveyed by the words: “she played, she took a walk,” and then suddenly, as if her heart sank: “Look - there is no brother!” Fear, then a search with gradually disappearing hope of finding a brother, and finally bitter despair: “I called, bursting into tears, lamented ... my brother did not respond!”

The construction of phrases, the selection of words are determined by the nature of the content. A calm narrative is replaced by a swift one when it comes to sudden and quick actions - this is achieved with the help of verbs of motion. About swan geese, for example, they say this: “rushed”, “picked up”, “carried away”, “rushed”, “disappeared”, etc. The choice of verbs clearly conveys the dynamics of events, the severity of the situation. At the same time, the little listener becomes, as it were, a participant in what is happening, actively empathizing with the heroes of the fairy tale.

Storytellers reproduce the world in all its objective materiality, in a variety of sounds, in the brilliance of colors. Fairy tales are filled with sunlight, forest noise, the whistling of the wind, the dazzling brilliance of lightning, the rumbling of thunder - all the features of the world around us. The night in fairy tales is dark, the sun is red, the sea is blue, the swans are white, the meadows are green. These are all thick deep colors, not halftones.. The hero’s sword is sharp, palaces are white stone, stones are semi-precious, tables are oak, pies are wheat, etc. Things and objects have clear forms: their material and quality are known. Everything taken together makes a fairy tale a model national art the words. The art of fairy tales is deeply rooted in the culture and language of the people.

Sections: elementary School

Traditionally, a book for reading begins with the study of folklore - folk art. One of the genres of folklore is a fairy tale.

Like no other, Russian fairy tales provide rich material for the development of creative abilities, cognitive activity, for self-discovery of the individual. Fairy tales are of particular interest to children. Equally attractive to them is the development of the action, coupled with the struggle of light and dark forces, and wonderful fiction, and idealized heroes, and a happy ending.

Unfortunately, very often this creative potential, inherent in Russian folk tales, is not revealed in the lessons of literary reading, since the study of fairy tales in most cases is reduced only to clarifying the characters of the characters and determining the storyline of the tale; as a result, the integrity of her artistic world is destroyed and her special charm disappears.

It is important to show the children what a fairy tale consists of, how it “folds”, to give an idea of ​​the characters, the system of events and the role of the characters in the fairy tale, the richness of visual means and the figurativeness of folk speech, which will contribute to the development of students' imagination and creativity. Behind an exciting fantastic plot, behind a variety of characters, you need to help the child see the main thing that is in a folk tale - the flexibility and subtlety of meaning, the brightness and purity of colors, the poetry of the folk word. This problem finds its solution only in an integrated approach to the study of Russian folk tales at school.

The proposed system of questions and tasks focused on the analysis of the system of images and plot and compositional features of folklore fairy tale in accordance with their genre nature, contributes to a deeper understanding of its moral and aesthetic content.

The idea of ​​an integrated approach to the study of a fairy tale, the principle of its holistic analysis has not yet become generally accepted in the methodology. In numerous publications, we find some interesting observations regarding the images of the characters, the plot, the language of a fairy tale, and indications of the effectiveness of the use of certain methods of studying it. However, these remarks remain scattered and, not being brought into a system, cannot ensure the productive movement of children under the guidance of a teacher to comprehend the deeply metaphorical meaning of the text being read.

Meanwhile, the discoveries made by folkloristics in the field of folk fairy tales can and should find application in the methodology. With their help, you can create an integral system for teaching children the ability to read fairy tales: develop blocks of exercises, questions, tasks and games to study this genre from the point of view of the features of its system of images, plot, composition and figurative and expressive means of the language. To think over a method of acquaintance of younger schoolchildren with historical roots fairy tales and work on the study of the origins of magical fairy tale plots and images, etc.

A holistic analysis of fairy tales allows us to consider all the nuances of the artistic structure in close connection with the content of the work, and thus contributes to a higher level of understanding of its ideological content, visual features and artistic merit.

The system of images of a fairy tale

Work on the system of images of a fairy tale on initial stage training, as a rule, is limited to the analysis of a system of characters, but over time, if possible, it should also include an analysis of images of other scales - from images-details to an image fairy world generally.

Work in this direction consists of several stages:

determining the types of characters according to the role they play in the fairy tale and their features; creating them verbal portrait(taking into account the content and function of images-details - portrait details, landscape sketches, the objective world, etc.);

summarizing the selected material about the main characters, compiling their full characteristics; finding significant connections between images in the plot of a fairy tale;

determination of the specifics of a fairy tale through the features of its system of images.

When working with a system of images, it is necessary to teach children to determine the role of each of them in the plot of a fairy tale, to characterize it from the side of its fairy-tale function. The typology of fairy tale characters created by V.Ya. Propp. As you know, the scientist identified seven types of actors according to their functions:

  • pest (antagonist),
  • donor,
  • wonderful helper,
  • kidnapped hero (desired item),
  • sender,
  • hero,
  • false hero.

With all these characters, the younger student meets in a fairy tale, so you need to know their features. The “Card file of fairy-tale characters”, developed on the basis of the theory of V.Ya. Propp.

It is also important to teach children to find in the text, name and imagine magical creatures and magical objects, which together form the basis of the wonderful world of a fairy tale, to determine, when analyzing the corresponding episodes of the text, the meaning of the miracles performed by these characters, the function of good or evil that they carry. To do this, it is advisable to compile another auxiliary card file - “Card file magic items”.

Acquaintance of younger schoolchildren with the system of characters of a fairy tale was carried out at the lessons of reading fairy tales “Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf” and “Little Khavroshechka”.

In the course of analyzing the images of the first tale, it is important to compare the characters - the brothers and Ivan Tsarevich - and, based on a comparison of their characters and behavior, lead the children to a conclusion about the types of these heroes. Revealing the character traits of each of the heroes, the children noted that Ivan Tsarevich was not afraid of difficulties, he was brave, brave, persistent, loved his father and obeyed him, and therefore he can be called a “real hero”. The brothers are envious, cunning, cruel, insidious, they killed Ivan in order to take possession of the Firebird and Elena the Beautiful, therefore, they are “false heroes”.

When analyzing the image of a wolf, the children singled out such qualities as the ability to predict the future, the ability to transform, revive heroes, which made it possible to call him a “wonderful helper”. Similarly, work was carried out to determine the functions of “magic objects”, as well as other characters of the fairy tale.

The next stage of work on the system of characters was the generalization of their characteristics and the establishment of relationships between images, as a result of which a holistic view of actors works, moreover, a representation of a higher level and qualitatively different than at the first stage - a representation of the system of images precisely as a system.

The study of the system of images continued during home reading, where students, analyzing Russian fairy tales read at home, found “wonderful helpers” and “pests”, “givers” and “magic objects”. In the course of a heuristic conversation, it was concluded that not a single character of a fairy tale is random, all heroes play their own role (“function”) in a fairy tale narrative.

Plot organization of fairy tales

When studying the plot organization of fairy tales, it is necessary to rely on the plot classification of fairy tales proposed by V.Ya. Propp and the function of actors determined by his theory (tales about wonderful opponents, tales about a wonderful task, tales about a wonderful helper, tales about a wonderful object, tales about wonderful strength and skill). Using this plot classification, the teacher can work on the content of a particular fairy tale more purposefully, emphasizing and highlighting the main thing that makes up its plot.

The method proposed below for studying the plot of a fairy tale is based on the works of A.N. Veselovsky, N.M. Vedernikova and V.Ya. Propp. The author tried to combine here the idea of ​​the plot as a complex of motives, between which a causal relationship is seen (A.N. Veselovsky, N.M. Vedernikova), and the idea of ​​the plot as a “combination of functions”, the actions of characters (V.Ya. Propp ).

The work on the study of the plot consists of several stages:

  • clarification of the main motives of the plot, the discovery of causal relationships between them;
  • the definition of individual functions - the actions of characters characteristic of a number of fairy tales;
  • highlighting the so-called "plot milestones", or plot elements (strings, action development, turning point, climax, denouement);
  • correlation of each element of the plot with the characters, actions and actions of the characters.

Structure of fairy tales

initial well-being. A fairy tale usually begins with some initial situation. Family members are listed, or a future hero (such as a soldier) is simply introduced by giving his name or mentioning his position. Describing an episode of serene life preceding further developments, the fairy tale makes it clear that this calm is very unsteady and can be broken at any moment.

Temporary leave. Its meaning is that the elders and the younger, strong and defenseless, are separated. One of the family members leaves the house.

1) A person of the older generation can leave. Parents go to work "The prince had to go on a long journey, leave his wife in someone else's hands." He (the merchant) somehow leaves for foreign countries. The usual forms of absence: to work, to the forest, to trade, to go to war, on business.

2) An intensified form of absence is the death of the parents.

3) Sometimes people of the younger generation are excommunicated. They go or go to visit, to fish, to walk, to pick berries.

Prohibitions. They always come from adults, and for a while the children patiently observe them. “You can’t look into this closet.” "Take care of your brother, don't go out of the yard." “If the yaga-baba comes, you don’t say anything, be silent.” “The prince persuaded her a lot, commanded her not to leave the high tower,” etc. Nevertheless, the ban in folklore is always violated, otherwise there would be no plot. This is the function of the prohibition, since its violation is followed by trouble.

The ban is violated. "Princesses go to the garden, they are late home." A new face is now entering the tale, which can be called a pest. His role is to disturb the peace of a happy family, cause some kind of trouble, cause harm, damage. The enemy of the hero can be a snake, and a devil, and robbers, and a witch, and a stepmother, etc. He came, crept up, flew in, etc., and begins to act.

The hero leaves home. The tale begins with misfortune or loss. The hero has to find a way out of this situation. This moment is the most tense, the most acute for the hero in the course of the action. He leaves at random, not knowing either the path or the goal. He goes "where the eyes look." The tale, as it were, emphasizes the uncertainty of the direction and time in which the action takes place. "It cannot be calculated and never can be calculated in real terms of days, weeks, years."

Meeting with the donor. Usually it is found by chance in the forest, on the road, etc. From him, the hero receives some remedy (usually magical), which allows him to subsequently eliminate the trouble. But before the magical agent is received, the hero is subjected to some different actions, trials.

The hero is tested, interrogated, attacked, etc., by which he is prepared to receive a magical agent or helper. Yaga gives the girl homework. Forest heroes offer the hero to serve for three years. An apple tree, a river, an oven offer very simple food. The dying or deceased asks for a favor. This form sometimes also takes on the character of a test. The cow asks: “Do not eat my meat, collect my bones, tie them in a handkerchief, plant them in the garden and never forget me, water them every morning.”

Trial, reward, punishment of the “false hero”. Before being awarded, the hero “sometimes undergoes a preliminary test”, which basically consists in the fact that the hero shows “his main quality - disinterestedness. He does not act for himself, not for his own benefit, and not on his own behalf. He always frees someone, helps someone out.” Thus, he "serves" himself a magical remedy. It is important to note that “the hero does not know that he is being tested”, but the reader knows about it, who probably has already learned the unwritten rule of a folk tale: “every even a small meeting in life can be considered as a test”, having passed which, a person is generously rewarded.

Magic helpers. These are: animals, things, Baba Yaga and others. “The hero receives a magical agent or a magical assistant in his hands and with his help he achieves all his goals”; at the same time, emphasizes V.Ya. Propp, he "achieves success without any effort." For the hero, everything is done by an assistant who turns out to be omnipotent, omniscient or prophetic. The hero sometimes messes things up. He often disobeys the advice of his assistants, violates their prohibitions, and thereby introduces new complications into the course of actions. However, a hero who has received a magical remedy no longer goes "where his eyes look." He feels confident, knows what he wants, and knows that he will achieve his goal.

Shape change. As a result of all misadventures can change appearance the hero, his social (accession, enrichment) or family (wedding) position, but the character of the characters does not change in any fairy tale. There is simply no place in the fairy tale to mention any features of the inner world of the characters. There is enough contrasting schematicity in the division of all actors into “good” and “evil”. If in very rare cases one of the characters “changes internally”, then only for a while in order to achieve their (most often selfish) goals.

The beginning of work on the plot of the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf” was the selection of its exposition as the initial link in the construction of a fairy tale plot. Next, it was necessary to single out the plot of the fairy tale action, when an event occurs that predetermines the further course of the fairy tale. The children correlated the plot with the function of sending the heroes out of the house in search of the Firebird and concluded that this event was the beginning of the main character's adventures. Analyzing the episodes characterizing the development of the action, the children singled out the function of the prohibition and its violation (the episodes of the abduction of the Firebird and the golden-maned horse). When considering the episode when the brothers kill Ivan Tsarevich, the students noted the special intensity of this moment, thus determining the culmination of the tale; here, the functions of the brothers as “false heroes”, bringing evil, and the function of the wolf as a “wonderful helper”, embodying the idea of ​​goodness, were noted. The victory of good over evil has been called the denouement of the plot. We paid special attention to the ending of the fairy tale, which plays the role of a fairy tale epilogue.

The course of the lesson showed that younger schoolchildren are quite capable of understanding the regularity of the plot construction of a fairy tale on the basis of a selected scheme, its plot organization. Schoolchildren were able to come up with their own fairy tales, which reflected the main elements of the plot.

Compositional features of fairy tales

Essential for distinguishing a fairy tale from a fairy tale of another genre are its compositional features: the closedness of the fairy tale action, triple repetitions, typical fairy tale beginnings and endings, a special spatio-temporal construction, etc. Therefore, when studying fairy tales, attention should be paid to their composition.

  • to form in children an idea of ​​traditional beginnings and endings as an integral part of the artistic construction of a fairy tale, which is distinguished by conventionality and informative richness; to form the ability to see the specific beginning of a fairy tale - the “beginning” - and the end that is favorable for positive characters - the “ending”;
  • to form children's ideas about such a characteristic technique in building a fairy tale as triple repetitions; to teach them to find repetitions in the text of a fairy tale and determine in each case their function and role in the development of the plot and images of the heroes of the fairy tale;
  • form an idea of ​​the conventions of fairy-tale space and time ( chronotope fairy tale) to teach children to see the spatio-temporal framework of a fairy tale, to determine the features of a fairy tale space and time in connection with the development of the plot action of a fairy tale.

In working on the beginning and ending of fairy tales, children must catch their repetition from fairy tale to fairy tale and at the same time their variation and diversity. Already in grades 1-2, the author introduces the literary terms “beginning” and “ending”, based on the etymology of these words. At the same time, it is important that children learn the function of the beginning and ending as stable methods of fairy tale narration and their informative function.

The next stage of work on the “framing” formulas is the stage of independently finding beginnings and endings.

When working on the composition of a fairy tale, special attention was paid to the technique of triple repetition with the clarification of the specifics of this technique in the plot of each particular fairy tale.

So, when studying the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf”, the children were shown that the technique of triple repetition is used here in order to emphasize the difference in the actions of each of the characters undergoing the test. In the fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka”, the meaning of repetition is different: this technique shows how difficult, each time more and more complicated were the tasks given by the hostess Khavroshechka; in addition, it is used in episodes when the daughters of the hostess go after Khavrosechka three times, trying to find out who helps her in her work, and the third time turns out to be fatal for the heroine, leading to a chain of further misfortunes. As a result, we can conclude that triple repetition is not always used to show a positive outcome of the events of a fairy tale.

Language formulas of a fairy tale

Working on the language of a fairy tale is no less important than studying its system of images, plot or composition, as it contributes to the disclosure of the content of a fairy tale, the most complete perception of fairy tale images, understanding the accuracy, brightness and expressiveness of folk speech, the development of children's speech, enriching their vocabulary. , initiation to artistic creativity. It should be emphasized that this work is not a separate stage of the lesson, but should be organically included in all types of classes.

Proceeding from this provision, as well as from the specifics of the figurative means of a fairy tale, several areas of work on the elements of the linguistic design of a fairy tale can be distinguished:

  • work on the specifics of the framing formulas of a fairy tale (beginnings, sayings, endings), reflecting the features of its plot and compositional construction;
  • analysis of the language of the fairy tale in connection with the elements of the characteristics of the characters;
  • work on space-time formulas (how long is it short; a year has passed, another);
  • analysis of the linguistic means of the image in preparation for the retelling and expressive reading of a fairy tale.

Let us consider how the work on the language of a fairy tale is combined with other levels of analysis in the reading lesson using the example of the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf”.

Acquaintance with the characters of a fairy tale, teaching children the ability to characterize them, give a description of their appearance involves working with the linguistic means of a fairy tale, while the focus should be on epithets, hyperbole, metaphors, stable fairy tale formulas used to characterize the characters playing important role in creating a fantastic world of wonder. These are images of magical helpers, donors, wonderful curiosities.

So, define the specifics of the image gray wolf the children were helped by the appeal to the figurative and expressive means of the language of the fairy tale. Compiling a description of the wolf, students identified those words and expressions that most accurately characterize this hero. Working on the comparison “rushed like the wind”, the children determined the extraordinary speed with which the wolf overcomes distances. The descriptive formula “he skips valleys and mountains between the legs, sweeps the trail with his tail” helped them to imagine the fabulousness, the fantastic nature of the character, his special magical properties - the ability to move in space with extraordinary speed and in an extraordinary way. When working on speech characteristic we asked the gray wolf to determine what character traits are expressed in his statement: "... he took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty." The students noted that this is a folk proverb, indicated its meaning and singled out such a quality of a wolf as loyalty to one's promise, honesty.

Working on the spatio-temporal formulas of a fairy tale, I draw the attention of the children to the conventions of the fairy tale chronotope: “it was a day, it was another, it was a third”, “how long, how short”, “soon the fairy tale affects, but the deed is not done soon”, and also to the epithets that characterize the fabulous space: a dense forest, an open field.

So, already in elementary school, real work is being done to master literary texts, which means that students master and appropriate moral standards. With the correct, professionally competent guidance of the teacher in this process, children easily, with great interest, master the methodology and technological methods of analyzing a literary text. As practice shows, they master the analysis algorithm well, and skills turn into skills and remain in the mind of the child. And the main thing is that the child comes in high school already learned in class literary reading the alphabet of literary criticism in a cognitive activity that is feasible for him, interesting and important to him, ready for further conscious reading, which will lead him to the heights of the human spirit.

Task elementary school- propaedeutic, preparatory, but, taught the methods of analyzing a literary text, children discover such depths in it, demonstrate such intuition, imagination, understanding of meaning that it becomes clear that a child reader can often do more than an adult.


  1. Propp. V.Ya. Russian fairy tale. L., 1984.
  2. Propp V.Ya. Story index. M., 1957. S. 454-502.
  3. Veselovsky A.N. Historical poetics. M., 1989;
  4. Vedernikova N.M. Russian folktale. M., 1975.
  5. Bibko N.S. Teaching first-graders the ability to read fairy tales // NSh. 1988. No. 4.

Russian folk tales.

Lesson Objectives:introduce children to the genre of Russian folk fairy tales,

signs of this genre; to develop thinking, speech,

to form the ability to convey the content of the work;

to cultivate interest in folk art,

Russian literature.

Equipment: exhibition of books with collections of Russian folk tales,

illustrations for fairy tales, cards with proverbs,

video cassette or filmstrip with Russian folk tale;

on the board are the names of Russian folk tales.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Goal setting

On the desk:

outside some kingdom in some state


lived an old man with an old woman

- Divide the lines into words.

- What did you notice? What suggestions did you get?

(These are words from fairy tales. This is the beginning, the beginning, of different fairy tales.)

- Today we will make an exciting journey into the world

Russian folk tales.

    III.Updating knowledge

1. Teacher's story.

When you were little, mom or grandmother, putting you to bed,

told you stories. And in the distant past, when we were small

your grandparents, adults also told them fairy tales.

Fairy tales have been around for a very long time. They were created by the people themselves.

One singer or storyteller, singing a fairy tale, passed it on to the listeners.

Another, retelling, added something of his own. If the fairy tale turned out

successful, it was remembered and passed on "from mouth to mouth."

    So the fairy tale became popular, the name of its author was not remembered

2. Conversation.

- What are the first little fairy tales you remember from early childhood?

Turnip”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Pockmarked Hen”, and others.)

- Right. And even in such a small fairy tale, people invested their

dreams of goodness, justice, a comfortable life.

Every folk tale contains a wise thought.

It is not for nothing that the proverb says about this: “The fairy tale is a lie and inside ...”

Continue the proverb.(Hint good fellows lesson.)

IV. Learning new material

- Look at the book covers. What characters, objects are familiar to you?

(Feather of the Firebird, oven, apple; Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga, Gingerbread Man, Fox, Wolf, Rooster, etc.)

Does the author's name appear on the cover of the book? (Not.)

- Why? (These are folk tales, their author is unknown.)

- Open the first page. What is written under the title of a fairy tale?

(In the processing of A.N. Tolstoy. In the processing of A.N. Afanasyev. In the retelling

A.N. Tolstoy. In the retelling of K.D. Ushinsky, etc.)

-What does this mean? (This writer retold this folk tale for us.)

- Turn the pages of the book. (Children are looking at books.)

- Does your book contain one fairy tale or several?

- A book in which several fairy tales are collected is called a collection of fairy tales.

- How can we find a fairy tale that we will read together?

    (You need to open the contents.)

- Find the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Goat" in the contents of the book.

- Who edited this story? (A.N. Afanasiev.)

Let's read the story together. I will read the words of the author.

The girls in chorus are the words of the goat, and the boys are the words of the wolf.

Wolf and goat.

Once upon a time there was a goat, she made herself a hut in the forest and gave birth to children. The goat often went to the forest to look for food. As soon as she leaves, the kids will lock the hut behind her, but they themselves will not go anywhere. The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings:

- Goats, kids,

Open up, open up.

Your mother has come

She brought milk;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

From a hoof to the damp ground!

The kids will immediately unlock the doors and let the mother in. She will feed them and again go into the forest, and the kids will lock themselves tightly. The wolf overheard all this. He waited for time, and only a goat in the forest, he went up to the hut and shouted in his thick voice:

- Goats, kids,

Open up, open up.

Your mother has come

She brought milk...

And the goats answer:

The wolf left and hid. Here comes the goat and knocks:

- Goats, kids,

Open up, open up.

Your mother has come

She brought milk;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

With a hoof on the damp ground.

The kids let their mother in and told her how the biryuk came to them and wanted to eat them. The goat fed them and, leaving for the forest, severely punished them: if someone comes to the hut and begins to ask in a thick voice, they will not let him in the door for anything. The goat had just left, the wolf ran to the hut, knocked and began to lament in a thin voice:

- Goats, kids,

Open up, open up.

Your mother has come

She brought milk;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

With a hoof on the damp ground.

The goat is coming. No matter how much she laments, no one responds to her. She came closer to the doors and saw that they were open; in the hut - and everything is empty there. I looked into the oven and found one kid. As the goat found out about her misfortune, she sat down on a bench, began to cry bitterly and lament:

- Oh, my children, goats! What did they unlock - open, get to the evil wolf?

The wolf heard this, enters the hut and says to the goat:

- Oh, godfather, godfather! What are you doing to me! Will I really do it! Let's go for a walk in the forest.

- No, godfather, no time for festivities!

- Let's go to! the wolf pleaded.

They went into the forest, found a hole, and in that hole the robbers had recently boiled gruel, and there were still quite hot coals left in it. The goat says to the wolf:

- Qom! Let's see who can jump over this hole.

They began to jump. The wolf jumped and fell into the hot hole; his belly burst from the fire, and the kids ran out of there and jumped to their mother. And they began to live and live, to gain mind, and to get rid of dashing.

    What does this tale teach? What is its main idea? Choose one of the proverbs on the board:

    They are afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

    As it comes around, so it will respond.

    It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

    How did the fairy tale end? How was the wolf punished for his cunning? Read.

    Read the beginning of the story.

    Often the beginning of a fairy tale begins with the words "once upon a time".

    This is one of the signs of folk tales - a fabulous beginning.

    Read the fairy tale ending - another sign of Russian folk tales.

    What other signs of folk tales did you notice in the text? (Old words.)

    Give examples. (Get back, lock up, unlock, wolf-wolf, belly, got it.)

    In fairy tales, there are stable combinations of words. For example: a long time ago

    seen-unseen. Find these words in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Goat".

    ("Tightly, firmly," "strictly," "live and live.")

    Today at the lesson we will listen to what other fairy tales you read at home.

    We will learn to look for signs of folk tales, select proverbs,

    define main idea fairy tales.

    V. Verification homework

    The names of Russian folk tales are written on the board. Which ones did you read?

    Today you have prepared a retelling of your favorite passage from

    folk tales. Let's agree not to name a fairy tale.

    Let your classmates guess what it's called.

    VI. Fizkulminutka.

    Choose one of the words fairytale heroes and think of moves.

    VII. literary game.

    1. Let's choose a connoisseur of Russian folk tales. Let's play literary

    game. The player with the most points for answers is the winner.

    First tour

    Guess what fairy tale this item is from: a turnip, a jug and a plate, an egg, a stove, an arrow, a harp, an apple, a bird's feather. ("Turnip" "Fox and Crane" "Geese-Swans" "Ryaba Hen"

    "Princess Frog" "Cat, Rooster and Fox" "The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"


    Second round

    Who owns these words from a fairy tale?

    “Get into one ear with me, and get out into the other - everything will work out.” (Cow - Khavroshechka).

    “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red.” (Morozko)

    “Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat.” (Alyonushka)

    “Fu-fu, the Russian spirit has not been heard, the view has not been seen, but now the Russian spirit itself has come.” (Baba Yaga)

    “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass.” (Ivan the Fool)

    “As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets.” (Fox)

    “The fox carries me through dark forests, through fast rivers, through high mountains". (Cockerel)

    “Kids, kids, open up, open up, your mother has come, brought milk”

    (Goat or wolf)

    "See see! Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie. Bring it to your grandmother, bring it to your grandfather. ”(Masha)

    “Look for me at distant lands, in the kingdom of the thirtieth, in the thirtieth state.” (Frog Princess)

    Third round

    Solving the crossword puzzle.

    1. The heroine of a fairy tale who stole a rooster.

    2. The heroine of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

    3. The main character of the fairy tale "At the command of the pike."

    4. Fidget who drove away from grandparents.

    5. The name of the girl from the fairy tale "Three Bears".

    6. Insert the name of the hero in the title of the tale: "....... - a clear falcon."

    7. What was the name of the girl whose brother turned into a goat.

    8. Who turned Vasilisa the Beautiful into a frog.

    9. The heroine of the fairy tale "Buryonushka".

    Fourth round

    Name the fairy tales in which the main character was a fox.

    VIII. Winner's reward ceremony

    IX. Lesson summary

    What stories did we read in class today?

    What signs of Russian folk tales do you know?

Topic: Extracurricular reading. Russian folk tales. Fairy tale quiz. Sounding illustrations from folk tales. Russian folk tale "Geese-swans." Reading a fairy tale by roles. Fairy tale dramatization.


    expand the idea of ​​a fairy tale;

    to teach to evaluate characters according to their actions and speech features;

    enrich vocabulary schoolchildren;

    develop speech instinct based on a comparison of similar expressions, outdated and modern (speech development).


    generalize and systematize students' knowledge about Russian folk tales, the features of their construction, language, heroes;

    create an emotional mood for the study of works of oral folk art;

    continue to form an interest in reading, develop imagination, one's point of view;

    to cultivate respect for the origins of the culture of their people, feelings of responsibility, the ability to make decisions in these situations.

During the classes

    Organizing time .

The bell rang loudly

The lesson starts.

Our ears are on top,

We open our eyes wider

We listen, we remember

And we answer nicely.

II. Patter:

Under the mountain near the pine forest

Once upon a time there were four old women

All four big talkers.

III .Checking homework. Group work.

Competition for the best reader of an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..."

IV .Messaging the topic and purpose of the lesson.

1. Teacher's word.

Books teach children

How to be human

And to be needed by the Fatherland,

And how truth from lies

Everyone must distinguish

How to deal with the enemy

And how to overcome evil.

2. Read the sentences .

In some kingdom in some state.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather.

There lived an old man with an old woman.

- What is it? (The beginning of fairy tales)

What is the usual ending for a fairy tale?

3.Updating knowledge .

The word of the teacher about the fairy tale. You all love fairy tales. Grandmothers and mothers told them to you in childhood. Do you know that fairy tales have been around for a very long time? They were created by the people themselves. One singer or storyteller, singing a fairy tale, passed it on to the listeners. Another, retelling, added something of his own. If the fairy tale turned out to be successful, it was remembered and passed on “by word of mouth”. So the fairy tale became popular, the name of its author was not remembered.

What are the first little fairy tales you remember from early childhood? ("Turnip", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", etc.)

Right. And even in such a small fairy tale, the people invested their dreams of goodness, justice, a comfortable life. Every folk tale contains a wise thought. No wonder this is said in the proverb: “TALE IS A FALSE, YES IN IT ... ..” Continue (hint, good fellows lesson)

III. Learning new material.

a) Look at the pictures. What characters, objects are familiar to you? (Firebird feather, oven, apple, Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga, Gingerbread Man, Fox, Rooster, etc.)

Do you know the names of the writers who wrote fairy tales about these heroes? Why?

In your books that you brought one fairy tale or several? (Compilation)

VI. What fairy tale are these things from?

    Shoe ("Cinderella")

    Arrow ("The Frog Princess")

    Boot ("Puss in Boots")

    Seine ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

    Stove ("By the Pike's Command")

    To whom do these words belong?

- “Get into one ear with me, and get out into the other - everything will work out” (Korova - “Havroshechka”)

- “Are you warm, girl, are you warm red” (Morozko)

“Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat” (“Alyonushka”)

- “Fu-fu, the Russian spirit has not been heard, the view has not been seen, now the Russian spirit itself has come” (Baba Yaga)

“Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass” (Ivan the Fool)

“As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets” (Fox)

“The fox carries me through dark forests, over fast rivers, over high mountains” (Cockerel)

“Kids, kids, open up, open up, your mother has come, brought milk” (Wolf)

"See see! Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie. Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa" (Masha)

“Look for me at distant lands, in a kingdom of three, in a state of three” (The Frog Princess)

IV Quiz

    Answer the questions.

    • What did the fox feed the crane? (porridge)

      What did the cockerel choke on? (bean seed)

      What did the soldier cook porridge from? (from an ax)

      What parents promised to buy their daughter in a fairy tale Swan geese"? (handkerchief)

      Who helped the sister save her brother in the fairy tale "Swan Geese"? (mouse)

      Who was frozen by Frost-blue nose? (merchant)

      Who saved the Snow Maiden in the fairy tale "Girl Snow Maiden"? (Bug)

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Geese-swans"

Well, daughters, we'll go to the fair! We will bring you guests, and you. kids,keep an eye on Ivanushka so that there will be no trouble.

The girl comes out and cries. How can I not cry? Soon father and mother will return, but I lost my brother, I did not see him. Maybe you can tell me where to find it?

- This is the heroine of what fairy tale?

- This is the heroine of the Russian folk tale “Geese-swans”.

- And what are fairy tales?

On the desk.

What fairy tales came first?

Before there were folk tales.

How did folk tales survive to this day?

They were told by adults to children.

How are fairy tales different from others? literary works- stories, novels, etc.?

Fairy tales begin with beginnings: “once upon a time”, “in a certain kingdom” ...

Often found in fairy tales obsolete words"eye", "finger", "mouth" ...

In fairy tales there are sayings and proverbs, phraseological (stable) phrases: “Soon a fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.”

There are magic figures in fairy tales: three bears, one thing is done three times...

Animals, plants, objects talk in fairy tales.

In almost all fairy tales, good wins.

There can be magic in fairy tales.

III . Fizminutka.

IV. Reading the fairy tale "Geese-swans" in paragraphs by children.

Question before reading :

Why did the children get in trouble?

- My daughter ran outside, played, took a walk, left the yard.

V .Work on textbook issues.

Tell me, with what extraordinary, magical characters did you meet in this story?

    Baba Yaga

    apple tree

    Swan geese



Who and why helped the girl and her brother to escape from Baba Yaga? Who were her good helpers along the way?.

VI. Speech work.

How do you understand:

Sitting neither alive nor dead" - very frightened, froze with fright.

Why did it appear before my eyes” Why did you come.

Choose the words synonyms:

    clicked” - called;

    lamented ”- spoke with tears;

    “as long as” - for now;

    my father" - father.

    it will be bad” - bad;

Word workapple tree

. Look carefully at the words and find other words (horse, block ...)

"Do you know fairy tales?"

I start and you continue

    Chicken -….




    Princess - ... ..

    Geese - ...

    Carpet - ….

    Tablecloth- …

    Boots - ….

    Sivka - …..

VIII .Solving a crossword puzzle.

The heroine of a fairy tale who stole a rooster.

The heroine of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

The protagonist fairy tales "By the command of the pike."

The fidget who rolled away from his grandparents.

The name of the girl from the fairy tale "Three Bears"

Insert the name of the hero and the title of the tale: "... - a clear falcon"

What was the name of the girl whose brother turned into a kid?

Who turned Vasilisa the Beautiful into a frog?

The heroine of the fairy tale "Buryonushka".

IX. Summary of the lesson.

What does this story teach us?

    one must obey the elders;

    be humble and polite;

    to respond to kindness with kindness.

Rules to make reading aloud fun:

1. Show your child that reading aloud gives you pleasure. Do not mumble, as if giving away a long-boring duty. The child senses this and will lose interest in reading.

2. Show respect for the book. The child must know that this is not a toy. Teach your children to be careful with books. It is advisable to examine it on the table, take it with clean hands, carefully turn the pages.

3. Keep eye contact with your child while reading.

An adult should stand or sit facing the children so that they can observe facial expressions, eye expressions, gestures, so these forms of expression of feelings complement and enhance the reading experience.

In this way, the child listener feels that the narration is addressed to him, and you can see how your reading makes him feel. You can notice which place in a fairy tale or story the child is most interested in, respectively, this will allow you to fully realize the therapeutic and compensatory function of a work of art.

4. Read to children slowly, but not monotonously, try to convey the music of rhythmic speech. All this enchants the child, he enjoys the melodiousness of the narration, the rhythm of the verse. The role of the reader or storyteller in organizing home reading hard to overestimate. It depends on him what atmosphere, what mood he will create, how he will direct the attention of children, activate and calm them down. An adult should subtly feel in what rhythm to read, when to reduce or increase the drama of the situation.

In the process of reading, children should be periodically given the opportunity to talk about their feelings, but sometimes you can ask them to just silently “listen to yourself”. The word “listen” means not only physical hearing, but also the ability to feel, to feel a wide variety of “inner sounds”: from lightness, pleasant warmth, to tingling, a feeling of heaviness, and unpleasant sensations.

5. Play with your voice: read faster, then slower, then loudly, then quietly - depending on the content of the text, trying to convey the character of the characters, as well as a funny or sad situation, but not "overdo it" with your voice. Excessive dramatization prevents the child from reproducing in his imagination the pictures drawn by words.

6. Shorten the text if it is too long, as the child still ceases to perceive what he hears. Briefly retell the ending. However, when retelling, it is important not only to convey the idea and plot, but also to preserve the style of the work. In the process of storytelling, omissions, prolonged pauses are unacceptable. If you're reading a bedtime story, make sure the story has a happy ending.

7. Read fairy tales whenever the child wants to listen to them. It may be boring for adults, but for him it is not.

8. Read aloud every day, make it a favorite family ritual. Be sure to continue family reading even when the child learns to read.

9. Do not persuade to listen, but "seduce" the child, let him choose the books himself.

10. From early childhood, it is necessary to select your personal library. Go with your child to the bookstore, library more often. Books should be bought gradually, choosing what interests children, what they understand. Set aside a book repair corner at home. Take the time to help restore the books.

11. Read aloud or retell to your child books that you yourself liked as a child. Before reading a book that is unfamiliar to you, try reading it yourself to direct the child's attention in the right direction.

12. Draw the attention of children to the content of the book, pictures, each time revealing something new, do not tear them away from reading or looking. How to achieve this? All attributes readable texts, any visualization, musical accompaniment can be varied and replaced by others, simplified or complicated.

13. Play with the impressions received by children when listening to a fairy tale: give them the opportunity to act and express their emotions and feelings, their attitude to what they heard.

To do this, you can offer a game-conversation with dolls-characters. They allow you to treat the characters from your own position, which causes the child to feel sympathy for positive characters and indignation at the actions of negative ones.

The more intense the emotional impact of the tale, the more interesting and varied the children's drawings. Experience shows that sometimes, after listening to a fairy tale, children do not know what to draw: they sit in thought in front of a blank sheet of paper, twirl a pencil in their hands, etc. The fact is that the abundance of impressions prevents them from concentrating. In this case, you should not rush the child and even more so scold him. After sitting for a while, he will still get to work and draw what impressed him the most, touched his emotional sphere. Therefore, children's drawings made after listening to a fairy tale contain a lot of information. Carefully peering into them, analyzing their subject matter, content, nature of the image, means of expression, etc., you can find out how children imagine this or that fairy tale character, which of the heroes of the fairy tale caused them the greatest emotional response, liked the most, why, etc.

Homework for a popular science book:

1. Reading by adults to children about animals that are mentioned in a fairy tale.

2. Drawing by children of any animal they like.