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Visual psychodiagnostics


Chapter 1. Visual diagnostics of temperament

1.1 Constitutional typologies according to E. Krechmer

Chapter 2. Methods of visual psychodiagnostics

1 Physiognomy

2.2 Body language and movements

2.1 Hand and foot language

2.2.2 Eye behavior




Visual psychodiagnostics is a new and relatively independent branch of psychology, the task of which is to study the "external" characteristics of a person's behavior and appearance in order to penetrate into the "internal" psychological content of the personality and optimize the use of the capabilities and individual characteristics of each person.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that in the context of increasing the role and importance of human factor in the development of all spheres of public life, there is an increasing need to develop psychological problems of improving work with people, the solution of which is associated primarily with scientifically based diagnostics of personal, individual-typical and professionally important qualities of students and workers, with the provision of personnel services specialists, teachers and managers with accessible and reliable methods of selection, training.

In modern psychology, the consideration of the problem of the relationship between the external and the internal proceeds simultaneously from different sides. Most of the works of scientists are devoted to the phenomenon of social perception, which includes three areas: the formation of the first impression of a person, the perception of his appearance and behavior, the formation of the concept of another person as a person. These problems were dealt with by such scientists as A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Leontiev, V.N. Kunitsyna, V.N. Panferov, G.M. Biryukova, S. Ash, G. Kelly, and others. Much attention is paid to the research of non-verbal communication. Specific methods of "reading" non-verbal behavior are described in the works of A. Pisa, D. Nirenberg, G. Calero and others.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of visual psychodiagnostics.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

· Consider the features of personality typology depending on constitutional features;

· To reveal the main methods of visual psychodiagnostics (physiognomy, body language and its movements).

Research methods: analytical, study of the literature of this industry.

The course study was written using the literature on general psychodiagnostics, physiognomy. The bibliographic list is presented at the end of the course work.

Visual psychodiagnostics is an independent scientific and practical direction in the psychology of working with people. The study of visual psychodiagnostics as a science, practice and art of knowing people by their external signs is professionally necessary for every worker whose subject of work is a Person.

.Visual diagnostics of temperament

1.1Constitutional typologies according to E. Kretschmer

A certain type of physique has long been attributed to various moral and psychological characteristics. Many typologies have been created based on the characteristics of the human physique.

One of these typologies was systematized by E. Kretschmer. Its main position was the belief that people with a certain type of physique have certain mental characteristics. In this regard, E. Kretschmer developed a typology of physique, which includes asthenic, athletic, picnic types. The appearance of these body types is characterized by the following data:

· asthenik (from Greek - weak) - a person of fragile physique, with a flat chest, narrow shoulders, elongated and thin limbs, an elongated face, but highly developed nervous system, the brain. Since childhood, asthenics are very weak and tender, they grow rapidly, not revealing a tendency to increase muscle or fat throughout their lives.

· picnic (from Greek - thick, dense) - this type is distinguished by a massive body and a tendency to form fatty layers on the torso with a weak motor apparatus. Average height, solid figure, soft broad face on a short massive neck, solid belly.

· athletic (from Greek - fight, fight) - a strong skeleton, pronounced muscles, proportional strong physique. The athletic type is characterized by a strong development of the skeleton and muscles, elastic skin, a powerful chest, broad shoulders, and a confident posture.

In addition to the named types, E. Kretschmer also distinguished the dysplatic type, which is characterized by a shapeless structure and various body deformities (for example, very high growth).

In accordance with the distinguished body types, E. Kretschmer distinguishes three types of temperament:


The schizothymic is closed, prone to reflection, to abstraction, it is difficult to adapt to the environment, sensitive, vulnerable. Among the schizotimics, Kretschmer singled out varieties: "subtly feeling people", idealistic dreamers, cold domineering natures and egoists, crackers and weak-willed. In schizotimics, there is a fluctuation between sensitivity and coldness, between sharpness and dullness of feeling (“offends another and at the same time offends himself”). Has an asthenic physique.

Among historical heroes who possessed schizotimic properties, their success is mainly due to the following typological features: perseverance and systematic consistency, Spartan rigor, coldness in relation to the fate of individuals, on the one hand, and a refined aesthetic sense and incorruptible justice, on the other, and in especially by its compassion for the groans of the weak and wounded, pathos in relation to the sufferings of the people and a penchant for idealism in general. The reverse side of these advantages is a tendency to doctrinairism, a lack of benevolence, pleasant natural philanthropy, understanding of a specific situation and the characteristics of individuals. They can be divided into the following groups:

) pure idealists and moralists,

) despots and fanatics,

) people of cold calculation.

The schizothymic type of people is distinguished by a long nose and an angular profile, an excessively high middle part of the face with oval ovoid outlines, while thin slim figure, roughly prominent musculoskeletal relief.

· Cyclothymic:

Cyclothymic is the opposite of schizothymic, his emotions fluctuate between joy and sadness, he is sociable, frank, good-natured, realistic in his views. Among cyclothymics, Kretschmer distinguishes varieties: cheerful talkers, calm humorists, sentimental quiet ones, careless lovers of life, active practitioners. Among the cyclothymics, the following types of historical leaders can be distinguished:

) brave fighters, folk heroes,

) live organizers of a large scale,

) conciliatory politicians.

Has a picnic physique.

The cyclothymic type, on the other hand, is distinguished by a pyknic figure with a full, soft face, broad, shield- or pentagon-shaped and harmonious in profile, with a short neck, rounded body shapes, and a tendency to fatty deposits.

Cyclothyms are distinguished by sociability, realism and easy adaptation to the environment. They are not people of strict consistency, they are prone to compliance and compromise. The negative aspects of cyclothyme are manifested in a tendency to superficiality, tactlessness, inconstancy, overestimation of one's own capabilities, and recklessness.

· Ixothymic.

Iskotimik is a little impressionable person, with restrained gestures and facial expressions, with low flexibility of thinking. Has an athletic build.

.Methods of visual psychodiagnostics

2.1 Physiognomy

Physiognomy is a scientifically unfounded doctrine, focused on determining the type of person's personality and his spiritual qualities, based on the analysis characteristic features head (in particular, its front part) and facial expressions. To understand the characteristics of a person, they study the shape of the face, nose, eyes, it is also important to understand the general pattern of their manifestations, to understand what expressive movements of parts of the face characterize certain experiences.

Face shapes

It is better to start reading a face by determining the shape of the face. Often, geometric shapes are used to describe it - a circle, an oval, a rectangle, a square, a rhombus, a triangle, a trapezoid.

The most frequently cited descriptions of such persons are:

· An oval, like a round face, is associated with good nature, peacefulness, gentleness and charm. A chubby man is sometimes considered narrow-minded and rustic, a little ambitious, but he does not aspire to fame. A round face with a high bridge of nose, protruding cheekbones and burning eyes speaks of a person’s innate organizational skills, his desire for leadership. It is difficult for him to be in a state of inactivity, he is too energetic and cheerful. The rounded shape of the head is usually associated with the predominance of the endoderm in the body - a tissue that promotes the absorption of nutrients - which can explain the desire for comfort, delicious food and pleasant company. The round shape of the face characterizes people with a heavy weight. If such a person also has a small nose, then this is a sign of a carefree nature: he is a gourmet, loves life's comfort, a great lover.

· The main features of a triangular face are a high and wide forehead, protruding cheekbones, a small bony nose, deep-set eyes, a small, slightly protruding chin. People with such a face are highly sensitive, incapable of strong affection. Such a face is considered bony because there is little soft tissue between the cheekbones and the chin. The triangular shape of the face is often observed in thinkers, intellectuals, as well as in people who are cunning, dodgy, jealous, devoid of devotion and affection. It can be difficult for them to get along with other people, because they are more focused on their inner world. In positive cases, these people turn to science, philosophy and art; in the negative - these are spies, scammers, shameless businessmen. They often become the instigators of protests and demonstrations, and sometimes the fanatical leaders of unpopular causes. Failing, they retreat and become hermits.

· A square face is characteristic of people who are enterprising, energetic, disciplined, executive, with an indefatigable thirst for success, they are completely devoted to their work. Frank and open to communication, they are at the same time "difficult" in communication, sometimes heartless, harsh and straightforward to the point of rigidity. They are persistent in achieving the goal, very decisive, but often give the impression of slow-witted, rude people. They make good performers, although they themselves are persistently drawn to leadership. Women with this face shape are characterized by a desire for dominance.

Square and oblong faces are associated with the predominance of mesoderm - the tissue from which the musculoskeletal system is formed. People of this type are initiative, assertive, stubborn.

· The owner of a rectangular face has the same width of the forehead as the width of the jaw. This is the so-called aristocratic form, since most rulers and persons in positions of power have this type of face. Usually they have organizational talent and the ability to work with other people in order to achieve the intended goal. Typical character traits of such people are intelligence, sensitivity, forethought, foresight, justice and calmness. They usually achieve success in life.

· The trapezoidal shape of the face has much in common with the triangular, although it differs from it in many significant aspects. This face is characterized by a broad forehead and a slightly narrowed (but not pointed) chin. A person with such a face is smart, receptive and intelligent, sensitive, artistic, while he does not have the spirit of a fighter. Women are optimists. They live happily, creating a pleasant atmosphere for others.

· The rhomboid shape of the face is a derivative of two triangles connected by their bases or a similarity of a square “set” at an angle. Such people are characterized by rigidity, stubbornness, dogmatism, autonomy of existence, the ability to adapt (while acquiring the features of squares or triangles). These people are strong and powerful, uncomfortable in interaction (it is inconvenient to "put" them and even less convenient to "put"). They strive for personalization of power, love and can resist or withstand siege combat. Rhombuses, like squares, have a sufficiently large internal energy reserve and due to this they can support the reproduction of their resources. Here, the inner area of ​​the rhombuses is fundamental: “thin”, sharply flattened rhombuses (like spearheads) serve more to strike than to defend. Such people often become military commanders, top managers.

Face zones

The face is divided into three zones - upper, middle and lower:

· Intellectual - the upper one occupies the entire forehead, it starts at the hairline and ends with the eyebrow line. The size and shape of the forehead determine the mental activity and real understanding of life.

· Emotional - the middle part of the face includes the entire space below the eyebrows to the very tip of the nose, that is, it is equal to the length of the nose. It reflects the degree of sensitivity, spiritual depth and inner content.

· Vital - the lower part, starting from the line of the nostrils, consists of lips and chin, carries an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe energy of a person, his love for pleasures and base instincts, the desire for profit and satisfaction.

On an ideal face, all three zones are balanced and proportional. This means that all facial features are in the right place, they are not too long or short, not too small or large and have no defects. But such faces are rare. Therefore, in order to correctly understand a person by the face, you need to figure out which zone of the three is more clearly reflected. And having learned this, one can assume what drives a person - instinctiveness, sensitivity or intelligence.

The size, shape and position of the head also provide information about the person. Physiognomists believe that the owner of a large head is often lazy, immodest and shameless.

If the back of the head is highly developed, then this person has a good memory, is brave enough and smart enough.

If the forehead is more pronounced (very convex), then, most likely, this is not a very kind person, it is more difficult for him to remember information and work with it.

A very small head belongs to weak, insincere, perhaps deceitful individuals. If it is held on a long neck, then the person is often angry and is a collection of any shortcomings, and maybe even vices. When the neck is practically absent, the head, as it were, is pulled into the shoulders, then its owner suffers from envy, is prone to flattery.

A person proportionally built, when the parameters of the head are harmoniously combined with the whole body, is also distinguished by the harmony of personal characteristics - he is open, sincere, generous in relations with people, wise in making decisions, true to his word.

A pointed head is found in vain people who are prone to antisocial behavior.

Peruvian Indians still put tight bandages on the heads of newborn boys, deforming the skull. In the end, it takes the form of a tower or sharpens in front and behind. According to Peruvian beliefs, this gives a person courage in battle and wisdom in solving life's problems.

Each person has a certain position of the head. So, the head thrown back is characteristic of vain and ambitious people, and the head tilted forward is characteristic of intellectual or super-obligatory people.

Short, with irregular outlines - a sign of poor health. One, a pronounced wrinkle across the forehead is a sign of luck. Two or three transverse wrinkles, and even reinforced by a vertical one crossing them, promise success. The presence of wrinkles of various shapes is a sign of longevity and fame. Two short but deep wrinkles between the eyebrows are found in thinkers and talented administrators. Deep wrinkles descending from the nostrils are a sign of a long life of great success.

If the upper side of the triangle is wide - a sign of a true friend, a practical, businesslike person. He is more interested in official affairs than home and family. The narrow upper side of the triangle indicates the possibility of family troubles. A rounded forehead indicates an independent character. The hair of an artist, artist, in general, a creative person is often arranged in the shape of the letter "M". Such people do not worry about tomorrow. A broken forehead line indicates a hard-lived childhood.

In physiognomy, attempts were made, depending on the position, shape, density, "pattern" and color of the eyebrows, to draw certain conclusions about the personal characteristics of their owner.

Wide, long eyebrows are considered ideal. If a man has them against the background of pleasant-looking skin, then he is known as an intellectual. The same eyebrows in a woman indicate that she is a coquette.

Thick eyebrows are characteristic of a stubborn, decisive and domineering person, sparse eyebrows, on the contrary, for a weak and indecisive person.

Arched eyebrows speak of a light and sentimental character.

Broken - about incredulous and critical. Eyebrows constantly moving during a conversation indicate vanity and boasting.

Eyebrows hanging over the eyes - about cunning and resourcefulness, narrow and short eyebrows - about a noble and even character.

Long and coarse eyebrows are about the simplicity and rudeness of a person.

Straight eyebrows are characteristic of a rational and direct person, short and thick - explosive.

Everyone knows that a person receives the most reliable information with the help of the eyes. They serve as unique nerve devices that provide 80% of all information entering the body.

The size of the eyes is directly related to the emotionality of the individual.

Big eyes usually indicate the sensitivity of the soul and impressionability, often - the courage and desire for leadership. Rarely, they are a sign of gentleness and calmness.

In people with small, deep-set eyes, emotionality is much less pronounced. This does not mean that they are soulless, just that their feelings are hidden from prying eyes. In solving business issues, they try not to introduce any emotional elements.

Small eyes often belong to closed, self-satisfied, sometimes stubborn people. Often people with such eyes are distinguished by an amazing constancy of feelings and actions.

The distance between the eyes is a sign of tolerance, that is, patience. The farther the eyes are from each other, the greater the space covered by vision, and the closer, the smaller the view. A person with wide-set eyes is highly tolerant. It is easy to communicate with him, because he is open and trusting. However, in solving practical problems, he is prone to hesitation, is slow, often waits until the problem is resolved by itself, and begins to act belatedly; when the situation is in danger of spiraling out of control. In dealing with such people, it is necessary to reckon with their indecision and sluggishness. If you have to jointly solve some problems or entrust such a person with a responsible task, it is advisable to set clear deadlines and gently remind them of them.

People with close-set eyes are characterized by low tolerance, and therefore, high concentration and striving for perfection. They react painfully when the situation does not develop as it should in their opinion. Their desire to put everything in order sometimes, not without reason, gives the impression of excessive demands, including on themselves. Communicating with them, one must be tolerant of their dissatisfaction with all sorts of mistakes and imperfections. And it is better not to give reasons for such discontent.

The outer corners of the eyes are an indicator of the criticality of the individual. People with eyes that are directed downward, tenaciously notice everything that goes beyond. In personal relationships, they are often picky and quarrelsome. Communicating with them, one must be prepared for unsolicited criticisms, but one should not be offended by them. After all, if you turn to this person for advice, you can be sure of receiving useful advice, since a critical person can notice not only shortcomings, but also advantages, new unexpected opportunities.

A person whose outer corners of the eyes are raised does not differ in critical perception. It is easy to communicate with him, he is not inclined to sting and find fault with trifles. However, he does not know how to see promising prospects behind the little things. Therefore, do not rely too much on his judgments and advice.

The upper eyelid shows a person's propensity to think. In people with a penchant for analysis and reasoning, the upper eyelid is slightly lowered. Large, with a lively brilliance eyes; with a single eyelid of a beautiful shape, which is usually half-closed. Such eyes are endowed with a person who enjoys power and authority. He never makes his judgment until he thoroughly understands the issue, analyzes all the source data. When something needs to be planned or explained, he will do it thoroughly, conscientiously and with pleasure.

Small eyes with double lower eyelids, with black irises, the upper eyelid is barely visible. Such people are usually restless, have an unstable temperament, and do not get along well with others. They have poor analytical skills. Such people do not like to think and act impulsively, straightforwardly, they can go ahead until they achieve what they want.

The nose is an indicator of will and activity. By its size and shape, they judge the strength of character, insight, curiosity, secrecy, suspicion, intellectual abilities. So, important role in determining the character of a person, the width of the nose plays in comparison with its length: the wider the nose - both short and long - the more stable the character of its owner.

Ideal proportions are considered in which the nose is exactly one third of the face and is equal in height to the forehead and the distance from the base to the chin. The varieties of the ideal nose include:

· a beautiful narrow, straight, “aristocratic” nose, belonging to a harmonious and whole personality, which is distinguished by restraint and calmness, inner harmony, kindness, sociability and benevolence (other people like people with a beautiful nose, which is why they often become leaders and favorites of society);

· straight, with a rounded tip and shaped wings, the nose personifies a reasonable, courageous, passionate and assertive nature; such a nose is inherent in people of art, personalities authoritative and achieving the greatest success in adulthood;

A long nose, as a rule, is a sign of a pronounced individuality, efficiency and pride, it indicates stiffness and excessive pride.

Short noses break the harmony of the face, but their owners, as a rule, are freedom-loving people who are not inclined to strictly adhere to the rules. They are sensual, impulsive, quick-tempered, inconsistent in actions, but with an "open soul" and optimists.

The excessive fullness of the nose, regardless of the shape, indicates the warmth and optimism of the character of its owner, such a person is distinguished by good nature, has somewhat rustic inclinations, sometimes a unkempt appearance, a narrow outlook, and can be grumpy.

A narrow nose is a sign of a cold, pessimistic nature with an unclear future:

thin, as if carved, belongs to an impressionable, subtle, intelligent and internally balanced nature;

thin, somewhat pushed forward happens to a person who is distinguished by great ambition, diligence, intelligence, the desire to set difficult goals for himself, but also a tendency to selfishness.

Snub-nosedness is a sign of the lucky ones. Carriers of such perky noses, as a rule, avoid hard work, count on luck in life, they are capricious, eccentric and unpredictable people in their reactions: a slightly snub nose is found in a person who is distinguished by innate gaiety, simplicity of character, breadth of nature and spiritual harmony; a strongly upturned nose indicates that its owner is a healthy, courageous person and does not retreat in the face of danger.

The “potato” nose (thick and snub-nosed) indicates a spontaneous, assertive, but quick-witted character.

The nose, lowered down, testifies to the selfishness and unsociableness of its owner.

Congenital curvature of the nose is evidence of vitality and enterprise, the ability to control others, variability in feelings, but also hypocrisy, envy and jealousy. A crooked nose, deviated to the right or left, is a sign of arrogance, envy and suspicion of its owner.

A straight nose characterizes people who are delicate, compliant, with a well-developed intuition, distinguished by a craving for knowledge and a love of work. They have a good reaction, a developed sense of humor, they value health and physical strength.

Humped noses belong to those who are distinguished by high feeling dignity, arrogance, dedication and responsibility in work, love of mental activity, caring for the family, fidelity in marriage.

A strongly protruding nose distinguishes a person whose character is reflective, an unusual personality, who suits the type of leader, a high sense of justice, impressionability, energy. It is no coincidence that this type received the worldly name "proud nose". At the same time, such a nose can be a sign of isolation, irresponsibility and curiosity.

The nose is flat and wide means a lack of faith in one's own abilities, such a person is pedantic, with clear principles, hardworking, he is characterized by firmness of will, perseverance. He is unsociable, with a fickle mood and a tendency to bouts of discontent (especially those with a nose that widens sharply at the bottom).

The nose, which is a continuation of the forehead, is a sign of vanity.

The nose "duck" speaks of softness, weak will, susceptibility to other people's influence.

The nose of the "expert" - such facial expressions are observed in children, for example, if something seems tasteless to them or the moralizing of their parents bothers them. People who are very fastidious often shift the skin on the nose, resulting in transverse wrinkles at the root of the nose (some periodically, others permanently). The muscle that controls such facial expressions simultaneously raises the wings of the nose and the upper lip, which, in turn, leads to the formation of two folds between the nose and lips.

Small ears (up to 6 cm long) mean frivolity, a lively character, a brilliant but superficial mind. Small ears are a sign of trouble and sensuality, they are an indicator of the high speed qualities of an individual and are often noted in sprinters.

Large, well-formed ears testify to the love of truth and the fact that in their youth their owner was not too energetic. Moderately large ears with well-defined convolutions indicate musical abilities, large ears (more than 7 cm) indicate self-confidence and penetrating power.

Outstretched ears speak of delicacy and impressionability; wide ears are strength of character, sound mind, realism; ears turned back indicate impulsiveness, great impressionability, emotionality.

Lagging (lop-eared) ears distinguish impressionable people endowed with intuition. Protruding, large ears (protruding ears) are quite common and in some cases speak of the stupidity and ingenuity of the subject.

After the eyes, this is the second thing we always pay attention to. The mouth brings us information about sensuality, gentleness, suppleness, love, friendship, that is, about the emotional world of a person. People with a big mouth are born "invaders", they strive to keep as much different information as possible near them, in order to then digest it and appropriate it, having said in the end. "It is mine!" They will never _ miss their own, they will do any business perfectly if they see their own benefit in it.

A small mouth indicates a weak character and preoccupation in the struggle for survival. Such people have to show great skill and even cunning in their actions. They certainly know what they want, and do not try to disperse their forces, which they do not have enough, especially for large prey. But zeal - more than enough.

There are descriptions of the ratios of various characteristics of hair and features of human behavior or the state of the body.

If the hair is thick and hard, then their owner is a wild and stubborn nature, sometimes even tough and rough. Such people endure the pain and hardships of life more easily, are straightforward in communication and alien to delicacy, perhaps because they do not catch the shades of other people's feelings and subtext in statements. It is easy to make them laugh with a crude anecdote, but it is impossible to make them appreciate a subtle aphorism.

Soft, gentle, like a child's hair belongs to compliant, fearful, good-natured and sensitive people. Their body and soul are distinguished by a fragile structure, increased vulnerability. Such hair is more common in women than in men.

Thick and soft hair are good-natured people with a positive outlook on life.

Blond hair is almost always thinner and softer than others. The light framing of the face creates the impression of greater balance, calmness, modesty and even meekness. Such people are distinguished by good nature, sincerity, marital fidelity, attachment to traditions. Women with blond hair are intelligent and friendly. Blond hair is a rarity, and a rare one attracts with its unusualness.

White hair speaks of the cold, weak and fearful nature of their owner, the lack of sympathy.

Red hair often indicates courage, but the vengefulness and deceit of their owner, and in women also about passion and capriciousness. They are distinguished by a strong attachment to the family. They do not like to change their place of work, place of residence. Red-haired men and women are very domineering and complex in nature. They are principled, ambitious, stubborn, strong in spirit.

Fair-haired people are fair, moderate and submissive.

Light blonds are hardworking, tactful and tend to give in.

Black hair belongs to stubborn, fickle, capricious and passionate natures, blue-black - strong personalities with great vitality and a tendency to strong feelings. Dark-haired women are temperamental, sexually elevated.

Curly, curly hair is more common in all-round gifted people, but not everyone manages to reveal their talent. Such people are distinguished by amorousness, frivolity and a thirst for sensual pleasures. They are capable of lying, tend to complicate even simple situations.

Sparse and thin hair is evidence of a bad, crafty and evil disposition.

Long, freely growing hair has long been considered a sign of independence, self-confidence; long hair in men - involvement in the world of art, in music.

A short haircut in women is the presence of character traits of a male warehouse.

Haircut for women - the desire for independence, originality of an emancipated woman.

People with unmanageable hair are often stubborn.

Early gray-haired people are nervous and quick-tempered, which may indicate past illnesses, severe trials, but often such people live to an advanced age. Gray hair is the result of depigmentation and excess consumption of animal foods. Women with an unbalanced nervous system often change their hair color and haircut shape.

visual diagnostics temperament physiognomy

2.2Body language and movements

2.1 Hand and foot language

Almost all of us have studied foreign languages. However, there is another international language, public and understandable, about which little was known until recently - this is the language of gestures, facial expressions and body movements of a person.

A feature of body language is that its manifestation is due to the impulses of our subconscious, and the lack of the ability to fake these impulses allows us to trust this language more than the usual, verbal way of communication. Body language can be faked, but for a very short time, because soon, the body will involuntarily transmit signals that contradict its conscious actions. I would like to point out that it is difficult to fake and imitate body language for a long period of time, but it is useful to learn how to use positive, open gestures to successfully communicate with other people, and to get rid of gestures that carry a negative, negative connotation.

Palms and information transmitted with their help

From time immemorial, an open palm has been associated with sincerity, honesty, devotion and gullibility. Oaths are usually given with the palm over the heart; in court, when testimony is given, the hand is raised with an open palm, the Bible is held in the left hand, and right hand raised up so that the members of the court can see it.

Most The best way to find out whether the interlocutor is frank and honest with you at the moment is to observe the position of his palms. When people are completely frank with you, they offer you one or both hands. When a person begins to be frank, he usually opens his palms in full or in part to the interlocutor. Like other body language gestures, this is a completely unconscious gesture, it suggests that the interlocutor is telling the truth at the moment. When a child is lying or hiding something, he hides his palms behind his back.

Similarly, if a person wants to hide something, he will put his hands in his pockets or keep them crossed during the explanation. Thus, hidden palms may suggest that he is hiding the truth.

Hand and hand gestures

Clasped fingers. This gesture denotes disappointment and a person's desire to hide their negative attitude. This gesture has three options: crossed fingers are raised at face level (it will be more difficult to agree with a person (hands lie on the table, on your knees when sitting or below in front of you in a standing position.

Spike position Hand. This gesture has two variations: arms up and arms down.

The first position is usually taken when the speaker is expressing his opinion or expounding his ideas. The second position is used when a person does not speak, but listens.

Laying hands behind the back. It is considered a gesture of a confident person with a sense of superiority over others. If you take this position in especially stressful situations, then you will feel less tense, more confident and even powerful.

The “hands behind the back” gesture is different from the “clasping hands behind the back with a grip on the wrist” gesture, which indicates that the person is upset and is trying to control himself. In this case, one hand grabs the wrist so tightly, as if it is trying to keep it from striking. Interestingly, the more angry a person is, the higher his hand moves along his back.

Accentuation of the thumbs. Showing thumbs speaks of authority, superiority and even aggressiveness of a person.

The meaning of gestures associated with the touch of hands on various parts of the face

The hand-to-face gesture does not always mean lying. This may be the first sign of deceit, doubt, uncertainty, lies or exaggeration. real fact.

A person takes an evaluative posture if he props up his cheek with his fingers clenched into a fist, and the index finger rests on the temple.

When the index finger is pointing vertically towards the temple, and thumb supports the chin, this indicates that the listener has a negative or critical attitude towards the lecturer or the subject of his message. Often, the index finger may rub or pull on the eyelid as the negative thoughts thicken. The longer a person retains these gestures, the longer his critical attitude will last.

The “chin stroke” gesture means that the person is trying to make a decision.

Hands as barriers

Hands on chest. This is, in essence, an attempt to isolate oneself from an impending threat or undesirable circumstances. One thing is for sure, if a person is nervous or assumes a critical or defensive posture, he crosses his arms over his chest. This is a clear signal that he feels danger or threat.

Another common variant of the incomplete barrier is a gesture in which a person holds his own hands. This gesture is commonly used by people standing in front of a large audience when receiving an award or when giving a speech.

Disguised gestures associated with crossing the arms

The disguised hand-crossing gestures are very subtle, refined gestures used by people who are constantly in the spotlight. To make this gesture, the hand moves across the body towards the other hand, but instead of grabbing this hand, it touches the purse, bracelet, watch, cufflinks, or some other object located on or near the opposite hand. And again a barrier is formed and a state of security is established.

Protective barrier formed with legs

Like protective barriers formed with the help of the arms, crossing the legs is a sign of a negative or defensive attitude of a person.

Crossing the legs with the formation of an angle indicates that there is a spirit of rivalry and contradiction.

A person with a quick reaction, who is very difficult to convince in an argument, often sits with his legs crossed and his arms wrapped around his leg.

This is a sign of solid stubborn person, which needs a special approach to achieve a common language.

2.2.2 Eye behavior

The basis for true communication can only be established when you communicate face to face with the person. If you feel comfortable with some people, then with others you feel uncomfortable and incredulous. It mainly has to do with how they look at you, the length of their gaze, and how long they can hold your gaze.

If a person is dishonest or hiding something, their eyes meet yours for less than 1/3 of the time they interact. If a person's gaze meets your eyes for more than 2/3 of the time, this can mean one of two things: first, he or she finds you very interesting or attractive, in which case the pupils of the eyes will be dilated; secondly, he or she is hostile towards you and sends a non-verbal challenge; in this case, the pupils will be constricted.

Business Look

When conducting business negotiations, imagine that there is a triangle on the forehead of your interlocutor. Directing your gaze to this triangle, you create a serious atmosphere, and the other person feels that you are in a businesslike mood. Provided that your gaze does not fall below the eyes of the other person, you will be able to control the course of negotiations with your gaze.

Social Look

If your gaze falls below the eye level of another person, an atmosphere of social communication is created. Experiments on the study of the features of the gaze showed that during social communication, the eyes also look at the symbolic triangle on the face of a person, in this case located on the line of the eyes and mouth area.


Visual psychodiagnostics is the ability to determine the characteristics of human psychology by external signs. The basic principle on which this system is based is as follows: the human psyche is projected onto his physical body. However, unlike the psyche, which is not visible, the physical body is immediately visible. Looking at the physical body, analyzing certain parameters, one can draw conclusions regarding the mental state of a person, both global and local, i.e. current. This is useful for determining the psychological and personal characteristics of a person, his mental state before starting to communicate or in the process of communication, in order to determine whether communication is moving in the right direction. In addition to the above, the skills of visual psychodiagnostics are interesting in that they can be applied to oneself. It is often difficult for a person to see and realize his own psychological problems, because. protective mechanisms work - special mental barriers that do not allow a person to adequately assess his own state. And the physical body is always visible. You can’t hide it from yourself, and by looking in the mirror, applying the appropriate schemes, you can draw conclusions about your real psychological state.

Man is a complex being. none simple circuit to describe it will not work, because a person is not just a complex being, but also a hierarchically complex one. There is a hierarchy of psychological levels, each of which is tied to the others. Mastering each level gives a certain set of opportunities for diagnosing a person.

The simplest level of analysis of a person is the analysis of his constitutional type. The constitutional type is the general structure of the physical body. In the future, character, intellect, complexes, upbringing, attitudes are superimposed on the physical alignment of a person. This paper describes the three most common types of body structure or human constitution, discovered by E. Kretschmer: asthenic. athletic and picnic. Each of them he associated with a special type of character.

Another level of human analysis is physiognomy - the science of studying faces. The paper gives a detailed analysis of how the shapes of the head, nose, eyes, lips, ears characterize the emotional experiences of a person.

Thus, the possession and ability to read expressive movements involves a subtle understanding of the shades and nuances in the facial expression, gesture, posture and body movement of another. It is possible to recognize the individual psychological characteristics of a person by the structural features of the body, facial features and other signs.


1.Bodalev A.A. Stolin V.V. General psychodiagnostics. SPb.: Speech. 2006. 440 p.

.Eremina T. I. Visual psychodiagnostics: a practical guide. Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2010. 171 p.

.Kolesnikova G.I. Psychodiagnostics of personality from A to Z. M .: Phoenix, 2009. 315 p.

.Krymova A. S. The art of reading by faces. St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt. 2004. 187 p.

5.Parshukova L.P., Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy: read the face. Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2004. 256 p.

6.Petrova E.A. Visual diagnostics of personality in the practical activity of a psychologist. M.: RITS AIM, 2007. 131 p.

.Piz A. New body language. Extended version. M.: Eksmo, 2007. 272 ​​p.

.Raigorodsky D.Ya. Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests. M.: Bahrakh-M, 2006. 672 p.

.Ratanova T., Shlyakhta N. Psychodiagnostic methods for studying personality. M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2008. 264 p.

.Shchekin G. Visual psychodiagnostics: knowledge of people by their appearance and behavior. Kyiv: MAUP, 2001. 611 p.

.Shmelev A.G. Psychodiagnostics of personality traits. M.: Rech, 2002. 480 p.

.Samoilova E. Complex visual diagnostics. M.: Astrel, 2007. 288 p.

.Stepanov S. S. The language of appearance. Moscow: Eksmo. 2007. 412 p.

15.Ushatikov A.I. Audiovisual psychodiagnostics. M.: Academy. 2000.112 p.


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4.1. Historical aspects of the problem of studying convicts in domestic penitentiary psychology

Domestic scientists, penitentiaries and practitioners have always sought to understand the personality of the convict sentenced to imprisonment. M.N. Gernet studied prisoners in the conditions of the royal prison. The results of his observation of the inner world of a person in isolation are presented in the work “In Prison. Essays on prison psychology” and are relevant at the present time.

One of the first works devoted to the activities of the ITU in the Soviet era was the book by S.V. Poznyshev "Fundamentals of penitentiary science" (1923). The scientist considered the study of the convict a necessary condition for the proper organization of correctional institutions. In the absence of sufficient data on the psychology of the offender, it is impossible to create a complete system of penitentiary institutions, that individualization of punishment, which is necessary for the latter to achieve its goal, is impossible.

Russian penitentiary scientists (N.A. Rybnikov, N.V. Petrovsky, A.M. Rapoport, L.I. Aikhenvald, etc.) paid special attention to the methods and techniques of studying personality in isolation. The works of Yu.Yu. Bekhterev “Studying the personality of a prisoner. History, tasks, methods and techniques” (1928) and N.V. Petrovsky "Methodology of socio-psychological examination of a prisoner" (1926).

In the 1920s and 1930s, the method of questioning was widely used by offices for the study of the personality of a criminal (convict). The survey questionnaire, for example, included three parts: socio-criminological (studying the social environment of the offender and the characteristics of the crime); psychiatric (studying the psychiatric features of the crime); anthropological (dedicated to the study of the anthropological characteristics of the criminal's personality). Each convict was studied by a forensic sociologist, a psychiatrist and an anthropologist. All data were entered into a special survey form.

At a meeting of penitentiary workers held in Moscow in 1928, special attention was paid to the further improvement of the methodology for studying the personality of the convicted person and increasing the effectiveness of the progressive system of serving sentences. Scientists and practitioners noted the need for a more complete account of the mental characteristics of the individual when determining penitentiary measures of influence.

In 1926, the Main Directorate of Places of Confinement developed Instructions on the Methods and Techniques for Studying the Personality of Prisoners. It stated that the study of the personality of prisoners is carried out in order to:

– correct distribution of prisoners in ITU different types mode;

- the correct placement of prisoners within the same correctional institution;

- establishing an appropriate regime for certain groups of prisoners;

- rational organization of the labor use of prisoners;

– effective provision learning activities prisoners;

- effective organization of records of the results of corrective labor impact.

The study of the prisoner included clarification by the administration: the circumstances under which the crime was committed; social influences to which the prisoner has been subjected in the past; individual characteristics of his personality; peculiarities of behavior in places of deprivation of liberty; behavior of the prisoner in the social environment of communication; the results of the penitentiary-psychological impact on him. For this, it was recommended to use a system of methods: the method of studying the materials of the prisoner's personal file, the autobiographical method, the method of objective observation and natural recording, the method of medical research, the testing method, etc.

Leading domestic penitentiaries (M.N. Gernet, Yu.Yu. Bekhterev, A.E. Petrova, B.S. Utevsky) believed that the clinical method should be the basis for studying the personality of a prisoner. Preliminary study of incoming prisoners required a mandatory sociological, neuropsychiatric, psychological and penitentiary examination. For the purpose of in-depth study of the personality of the prisoner, it was supposed to use diaries in which information was entered about events related to this person. In 1926, a commission was created at the experimental penitentiary department (M.N. Gernet, A.E. Petrova, B.S. Utevsky, Yu.Yu. Bekhterev, etc.), which was engaged in methodological support and distribution of proven methods throughout prison system.

From the mid-30s to the mid-50s, research was discontinued, firstly, due to the reign of “terry ideologization in all sectors legal psychology and lawlessness in legal practice, especially within the framework of the unfolding "gulag system", and secondly, due to the consequences of "party repression of psychological science." In the late 1950s and 1960s, with the creation of a research department at the GUITU of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Department of Correctional Labor Law at the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs,

systematic study of the personality and environment of convicts (B.S. Utevsky, N.M. Romanenko, V.N. Kolbanovsky, A.B. Sakharov, I.V. Shmarov, A.G. Kovalev, K.K. Platonov, V .F. Pirozhkov and others).

In the 70s in the Ryazan high school The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR created a problematic laboratory for the study of the environment and personality of convicts and formed the department of corrective labor pedagogy and psychology. In penitentiary practice, they began to adapt traditional and test psychodiagnostic methods for studying the personality of convicts. The result of this work was the publication of a number of educational and teaching aids. In the 1970s and 1980s, the revival of penitentiary psychology was actively supported by Z.A. Astemirov, I.V. Shmarov, N.A. Struchkov, G.A. Tumanov, A.S. Mikhlin, V.I. Guskov, E.A. Eleonsky and others.

Psychological services began to be created in correctional institutions. For example, in the Sudskaya VTK, a council was created with a psychologist of 7-10 people, the main tasks of which were:

- planning activities for conducting psychological research in the colony;

– organization and conduct of psychological research;

– conducting a psychological and psychiatric examination of persons with mental disorders;

– study of small groups and interpersonal relations of convicts;

- discussion of the characteristics of persons presented for parole;

- study of the achievements of psychological science and their implementation in penitentiary practice;

– promotion of psychological knowledge among employees and convicts.

The study of the identity of convicts is difficult due to:

a) the presence of internal contradictions in the personality of the convict;

b) dividing the condemned surrounding people into “allies” and “opponents” (“I” and “THEY”);

c) the influence of the features of the system of relations of the convict (to punishment, administration, other convicts, social environment, work, etc.);

d) the presence of psychological barriers in a person sentenced to research (prejudice in the insincerity of the researcher, distrust of him, unwillingness to reveal his inner mental world);

e) the desire to “play along” with the researcher (answer questions the way he wants it, as law-abiding citizens would answer);

f) the influence of the negative part of the convicts on other participants in the study;

g) misunderstanding by the convicts of questions (stimulus material), putting their own, often distorted meaning into them.

Practice shows that for successful research, it is necessary to remove the psychological barrier from him before studying the personality of the convict, to convince the convict that the study of his personality is carried out for scientific purposes and will allow him to better know himself. You can also have a well-prepared interview with the prisoner without telling him that you are studying him.

The most researched were the areas of psychological provision of the main means of correction and re-education, educational work, regimen, work, general educational and vocational training of convicts in correctional institutions, psychological adaptation and psychological preparation sentenced to release.

At the end of the 80s, on the basis of the ITC of the Saratov Region Internal Affairs Directorate and the Perm Region ITC, experimental psychological and pedagogical laboratories were created, where in the first one the methodology for psychological testing of convicts was worked out, and in the second - a psychological and pedagogical system for correcting convicts using various methods impact (primarily the pedagogical auto-training of A.S. Novoselov). The creation of psychological services in correctional institutions in the 90s made it possible to raise the scientific level of psychodiagnostics.

4.2. Principles of studying the personality and groups of convicts

The success of psychodiagnostic work largely depends on the observance of the principles of studying the personality and groups of convicts. A significant contribution to their development was made by A.G. Kovalev, K.K. Platonov, V.F. Pirozhkov, I.P. Bashkatov, V.G. Deev, L.A. Sablina, V.A. Lastochkin, A.N. Sukhov, V.M. Pozdnyakov and other scientists.

The principle of indirect study of the mental manifestations of personality and groups convicts. Mental phenomena (mental processes, states and properties) cannot be directly perceived, observed, but psychological characteristics personality and psychology of the group can be judged by external (objective) manifestations that play the role of indicators (indicators).

An important indicator is the activity of the convict (labor, educational, leisure, social work), which serves as a means not only for the manifestation of the individual, the group of convicts, but also for their formation. When studying the system of relations of the convict to the regime, work, study, it is necessary to pay attention to the motivation of his activity.

When studying the personality and group of convicts in labor activity it is determined how they relate to the fulfillment of the production task (with enthusiasm and diligence or indifferently), whether they show independence and initiative, whether they help those who are lagging behind, how they experience success and failure, whether they allow marriage in work, whether they participate in the improvement of the colony, whether they master a new specialty whether they improve professional skills, whether they appropriate the results of someone else's work, whether they shy away from work, etc. It is necessary to single out convicts with a positive orientation, setting the tone in work, taking on the role of a leader in the organization of labor.

When studying the personality of a convict participating in amateur organizations and social work, it is established: does he have a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, does he perform public duties and assignments on his own initiative or at the request of employees, how diligent is he, does he use his position (chairman of the council of the collective , foreman, member of an amateur organization) for personal or narrow group egoistic purposes (to gain confidence in educators, receive concessions, etc.), whether he is objective in his requirements for himself and other convicts, whether he listens to their opinion. In public work, one can clearly trace the manifestation of group egoism and individualism.

The behavior of the convict and the group expresses the attitude towards employees and convicts. Information about the daily communication of convicts with each other and with employees makes it possible to judge the changes taking place in the individual and the processes that take place in official and informal groups. It should be remembered that an objective and in-depth study of the individual and the group is possible by comparing the manifestations of the individual in various spheres of life: work, study, social work and leisure.

The principle of active and purposeful study of the convict and the group. The study should be specific, correspond to the tasks of educational work being solved at this stage. All information received by the employee about the convict, the group must be recorded, they cannot be disclosed, since this can cause conflicts among the convicts and undermine the authority of the psychologist.

The convicts and the group (collective) can deliberately hide information about themselves from the psychologist and educators, and sometimes try to mislead or deceive them with imaginary activity. The desire to show oneself from the best side is characteristic of every person, and it can be used for the purpose of resocialization, based on the positive or potentially positive qualities shown by them.

People do not like being studied, so they begin to behave unnaturally, constrained. To reduce the "effect of the presence of the researcher", the psychologist has to mask his position as a researcher. This is achieved by creating game situations, explaining the need to obtain the required information to improve living conditions, education, and increase labor productivity.

Purposefulness implies the ability of a psychologist to find the main thing among the diverse manifestations of an individual, group and team. So, when studying personality, the main features will be those that characterize the attitude of the convict to work, moral standards, study, the team, himself and other people, crime and punishment, that is, what determines the main orientation of his personality.

The principle of objectivity in the study and evaluation of the personality and communities of convicts. Objectivity is achieved by a concrete, systematic, everyday study of the personality, avoidance of bias in the registration and evaluation of facts, haste in conclusions about the convict and the group.

A comprehensive study of the individual and the group in their diverse connections and relationships, in unity with the surrounding microenvironment, is necessary. The convict and the group must be studied in the collective and through the collective. The study of a particular convict should be accompanied by a study of the detachment and the “friendly” group to which he is a member. Without knowing the immediate social environment of the convict and their mutual influence, it is difficult to draw an objective conclusion about the convict, about his ability to withstand adverse circumstances, the degree of susceptibility to group pressure.

Often detachments of convicts degenerate into false collectives, welded together by the norms, traditions and customs of prison life. In order not to be mistaken in the conclusions about the individual and the group, the psychologist needs to use a set of mutually checking and complementary methods.

A careful assessment of the situation in which the convicted person committed the offense will help to separate the accidental from the typical in his personality. This is due to the fact that in an unusual environment a person can commit an act uncharacteristic for him. Group actions and actions of convicts in order to attract the attention of educators can be atypical.

The principle of dynamic study of the personality and communities of convicts. The personality of the convict is in dynamics, so it must be studied constantly, during the entire time of the convict's stay in the institution. This will allow you to establish the main trends in the development of the personality, notice positive qualities in time and rely on them, prevent negative tendencies from manifesting and gaining a foothold, eliminate negative qualities, predict the behavior of the convict, establish when deviant (delinquent) behavior arose, what are its causes and conditions, identify ways to eliminate it.

With the help of a dynamic study of the communities of convicts, one can find out when they arose, how they develop, how their internal structure, traditions, norms, etc. change.

4.3. Programs for studying the personality and environment of convicts

Programs for studying the personality of convicts

The word "program" in Greek means "announcement, prescription" and has two meanings:

1) a plan of planned activities, which defines the main goals and objectives, the main means and ways of their implementation;

2) the totality of the system of measures aimed at solving a specific problem. The program establishes the stages of the implementation of related tasks, the specific means of their implementation, the required results.

Each psychological study of the personality of convicts is preceded by the preparation of a research program, which consists of methodological and procedural parts.

The methodological part includes:

- definition of the problem under study, object and subject of research;

- formulation of the purpose and objectives of the study;

- clarification of the basic concepts that characterize the object and subject of research;

– preliminary description of the object;

– formulation of working hypotheses. The procedural part consists of the following sections:

– research plan;

– description of data collection methods and techniques;

– description of methods for analyzing the obtained data.

Each section of the procedural part of the program may include a certain set of specific methods, techniques, working documents and instructions.

An exemplary program may include information (A.F. Kudimov, V.A. Lastochkin, V.V. Gromov, 1985; V.G. Deev, A.I. Ushatikov, O.G. Kovalev, E.N. Kazakova, 2000):

a) biographical and socio-demographic;

b) about the microenvironment and conditions for the formation of personality; material security of the family; relationships and moral and psychological climate in the family; the period of study at school, academic performance; relationships with peers and teachers; types, methods and forms of leisure activities, etc.;

c) about the committed crime and attitude towards it; motives and purpose of the crime; position in a criminal group; roles in the committed crime; behavior during the investigation and in court, etc.;

d) about personality traits: orientation, temperament, character, abilities;

e) about the features of mental processes and states: mental states, emotional-volitional sphere, intellectual-cognitive sphere;

e) about special signs;

g) on ​​the behavior of the convict in the penitentiary institution;

h) about the forecast of individual behavior.

The program should not limit the psychologist's initiative in studying the personality of the convict. It helps to avoid haphazardness in obtaining and fixing information about a person, facilitates the compilation of a psychological characteristic of a convict, and is its scheme.

The program of K.K. Platonova (1975) is developed on the basis of the personality structure and contains sections on demographic data, abilities, and general character traits. In addition, it includes four substructures: orientation, personal experience, individual characteristics of mental processes, biologically determined substructure. All of them are equipped with relevant criteria. This structure served as the basis for the development of a program for studying the personality of convicts and can be used both in full and in part.

The program for studying the personality of a convict in the ITU, developed by Yu.M. Averkiev and V.G. Deev (1973), involves the study of abilities, orientation, professional knowledge and skills, individual characteristics of mental processes and states, temperament, the level of development of morality and legal consciousness. The authors proceed from the fact that the program of studying a particular personality can be continuous and selective. When conducting a selective study of the general program, the necessary structural component is singled out, which is developed in more detail. The study involves the use of a set of methodological techniques and the participation of many persons with whom the convict communicates.

In the program of I.P. Bashkatov on the study of the personality of a minor convict, the following sections are distinguished:

a) attitude towards isolation from society;

b) character;

c) mental development, interests and inclinations;

d) moral development;

e) communication features;

e) volitional features;

g) deficiencies in emotional development;

h) deviations in mental development; i) features of behavior;

j) possible deviations in personality development.

The program presents a list of measures of influence and the main types of activities in which it is necessary to include the convict in order to overcome deviations in the development of the personality, sets out the techniques and methods for drawing up an exemplary program for correcting the personality of the convict.

Programs for studying the personality of convicts developed by L.A. Vysotina and V.D. Lutansky, are aimed at differentiation and individualization of educational work with convicts. Program A.S. Sevryugin and N.I. Sokolov is devoted to the assessment of the behavior and activities of the convict. Individual study program and pedagogical impact N.S. Fomina describes the features and methods of psychological and pedagogical influence. There are also programs for studying convicts in quarantine.

A large number of programs for the study of prisoners are available abroad, for example, the program of V. Fox (1970) identifies types of criminals and measures to influence them.

Thus, there are general (V.G. Deev, Yu.M. Averkiev, 1973) and private (which are isolated from general or compiled specially) programs for studying the personality of convicts. There are study programs that include methods of influence (IP Bashkatov, 1986), as well as programs that study mainly pedagogical aspects. Special programs are developed to study the convict in quarantine, during the main period of serving the sentence, in the period of preparation for release, as well as for certain categories of convicts who require special study.

Programs for studying the environment (groups) of convicts

The study of the environment and groups of convicts is carried out in conjunction with the study of the personality, which allows you to get the most complete information about the socio-psychological characteristics of the individual (position in the team and group, roles, expectations, assessments, etc.), as well as to identify effective ways to form a detachment , reorientation of negatively oriented groups, pick up an asset and rationally use it to influence a person. Groups should be constantly studied.

For a purposeful study of the environment (groups), you can use a map-scheme containing blocks of questions arranged in a certain order, the answers to which allow you to get general information about the group, the level of its preparedness, the direction of its activities, organizational, intellectual, emotional and volitional unity. Conclusions about the degree of severity in the group (collective) of socio-psychological phenomena, the psychologist makes on the basis of generalization of opinions about the group (collective), expressed by different employees.

Map-scheme for studying the environment (groups) of convicts, proposed by A.F. Kudimov, V.A. Lastochkin, V.V. Gromov (1985); V.G. Deev, A.I. Ushatikov, O.G. Kovalev, E.N. Kazakova (2000) contains the following information.

1. General information about the detachment, groups: characteristics of the convicts of the detachment by age, education, place of birth; family and household information ( marital status, state of health, family and kinship ties, place of residence, immediate household environment of members of the group (collective) before conviction; production and professional information (characteristics of members of the group and detachment by profession, specialty, occupation before conviction, work experience, etc.); criminological information (the nature of the crimes committed, the number of convictions, terms of imprisonment, the role of members of the group in the crime committed (organizers, perpetrators, accomplices, etc.); penitentiary information (the number of persons subject to parole, violators of the regime, activists, members of amateur organizations, the degree of pedagogical neglect and correctness of group members, etc.) They make it possible to judge how the peculiar psychology of a given community is formed, and in the future can be used to differentiate educational work with its members.

2. Information about the organizational unity of the detachment: the presence and quality of the asset; the ability to conflict-free business interaction in the group; the ability to choose an organizer in your environment; ability to coordinate actions, mutual understanding; type of behavior in difficult situation(the group unites even more or breaks up); the presence (absence) of relationships with other groups; inclusion (non-inclusion) of the group in the activities of the detachment, self-isolation from official education; attitude towards new members (friendly or hostile, mocking); the attitude of the members of the group to its unity (the desire (or lack thereof) of the members of the group to maintain its unity); efficiency in decision-making and their implementation. It should also be taken into account when the group arose, what stages of organizational development it went through.

3. Information about psychological unity, which includes intellectual, emotional and volitional.

Intellectual unity is determined by the ability to listen to the opinion of comrades and reckon with it; ease of finding a common language in solving group problems; quick assessment of changes in the situation and the ease of developing a new public opinion; the presence of a single assessment of environmental factors vital for the group; the group's knowledge of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and a critical attitude towards them; objectivity of the group's assessment of its place among other groups; an adequate attitude of the group to critical remarks from outside.

Emotional unity is determined by the general emotional atmosphere, the microclimate in the group. Its degree can be ascertained by the prevailing mood; expressiveness of sympathy and goodwill in relations between members of the group; the desire for a joint experience of events, successes and failures of the group and each of its members; the ability to regulate, control group emotions; the attractiveness of the group to its members. Emotional unity implies conflict-free relationships, the absence of antipathy between members of the group. In such a group, envy, gloating, the desire to humiliate and insult a person are suppressed.

The volitional unity of a group is judged by its ability: to independently set goals for its activities; mobilize all forces to overcome difficulties; make decisions consciously, quickly, without hesitation; find an unmistakable way to carry out actions; move from making a decision immediately to implementing it; bring the work started to the end; take a reasonable and justified risk.

4. Information about moral unity, which determines the social orientation of the group, characterizing its social maturity. The direction of the group is judged: by the stability of socially significant interests; attitude to spiritual values, moral standards; activity of the group in the implementation of their interests; degree of unification of the group by socially significant goals and interests; willingness to help other groups and to sacrifice their own interests. The direction of the group can be positive, indefinite and negative.

5. Information about the preparedness of the group, including the experience of joint activities, the level of knowledge, skills, abilities in one form or another. The psychologist should be primarily interested in the preparedness of the group for joint social, labor, cultural, sports and technical activities, which should not be identified with high achievements in this activity of each member of the group separately.

6. The conclusion about the level of development of the group, which the psychologist makes on the basis of the analysis of these indicators. At the same time, he must remember that there are no identical groups, as well as identical people, each group has its own “face” and is at a certain stage of its development: it organizes itself, goes through a period of formation, is in its heyday, is going through a period of decay.

When studying a small informal group, it is necessary to establish what its focus is, whether it is possible to rely on it in your work. In relation to the negative direction, methods of its neutralization or reorientation are chosen.

In conclusion, we note that it is very difficult to determine the level of development of a group, its direction and social maturity, since groups can be different: close-knit, but closed, focused only on their intra-group interests, opposing themselves to others, clearly hostile to established orders, values, norms. etc. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the goals, interests, value-oriented unity of the group.

4.4. Methods for studying the personality and environment of convicts. The use of data from the study of the personality and environment of convicts in practical activities

Research methods are a set of methods and techniques for studying the psychological manifestations of a personality. According to the form and conditions, they are divided into experimental and non-experimental, laboratory and clinical, direct and indirect, research and survey, psychodiagnostic. The research methods of the convict can be aimed at studying him as a subject of social activity, an ideal representation in other people, a subject of interpersonal relations.

Subjective orientation is expressed in projective tests(from lat. projectlo- throwing forward) as a set of methods for a holistic study of personality, based on the psychological interpretation of the results of the projection. Projection is understood not only as a means of psychological protection, but also as a conditionality of the processes of perception by traces of memory of all past perceptions (that is, a drawing, a plot is interpreted in accordance with personal characteristics).

There are projective associative (unfinished sentences or stories) and expressive (psychodramas, drawing on a free topic, a game, etc.) tests.

Projective tests help uncover inner world subject, the content of which he is often unable to express directly. This allows the psychologist to navigate the complex personality traits that cannot be accurately assessed. Most often, the tests of Eysenck, Spielberger, MMPI, Cattell, Rosenzweig, Luscher, TAT, Raven, Rorschach are used to study the personality of convicts in penitentiary institutions.

Some tests before use (for example, MMPI, Raven, Rosenzweig) need to be re-standardized, taking into account the fact that convicts are serving sentences in penitentiaries different ages and gender.

The use of tests in the study of the personality of convicts is devoted to the works of Yu.A. Alferova (1990); A.S. Novoselova, D.A. Arsentiev (1983); V.G. Kozyulya (1983); G.A. Trofimova (1983); F.B. Berzina, M.P. Miroshnikova, R.V. Rozhanets (1976); I.B. Boyko and T.V. Kalashnikova (1993), V.P. Golubev and A.I. Mokretsova (1997); G.A. Aminova, E.G. Aminova, V.P. Safronova (1997).

For example, the standardized personality questionnaire A. Bass-A. Darks, the Wagner test (I.B. Boyko, T.V. Kalashnikova) make it possible to study aggressiveness and hostility, hidden forms of aggression, and also to diagnose aggressiveness as a personality trait. The MMPI test (Minnesota Multilateral Inventory) is designed to diagnose personality. The MMPI test allows you to:

- identify individuals with organizational skills and a positive orientation and involve them in amateur organizations, enroll in the reserve for the position of foreman;

– to carry out diagnostics of persons with qualities that contribute to industrial injuries (inattention, low level of intelligence, lethargy, etc.) and which are a contraindication for work in critical and difficult areas;

- to identify persons with psychopathic deviations, patients with schizophrenia, chronic alcoholics and refer them for treatment;

- identify convicts with increased aggressiveness, mental tension, anxiety, depression and recommend measures to prevent possible conflicts, suicides, illegal actions.

To study the personality of a convict, test methods alone are not enough. No less important data can be obtained by traditional methods. For example, with the skillful use of conversation and observation, one can obtain versatile information about the behavior and activities of the convict. It can be clarified by psychological analysis of autobiographies, personal files, by the method of generalizing independent characteristics, by special experimental situations.

Consider traditional methods of study.

Observation Method

In penitentiary institutions, all its types are used: direct and indirect, standardized (narrow) and non-standardized (broad), open and hidden (incognito), field (natural) and laboratory, observation-search, selective, continuous, included, not included, delayed.

With direct observation, the researcher (psychologist and other employees) himself studies the object of interest to him (the behavior and activities of convicts), which significantly increases the reliability of the information received. However, it does not make it possible to cover a large number of objects in the same period of time (the scope of observation is limited to 4-5 convicts). Indirect observation is carried out through other persons (the head of the detachment, foreman, teacher, foreman) by the method of generalizing independent characteristics.

Standardized observation is organized to study any one side of the personality, in particular, difficulties in psychological adaptation, violations of the regime, a negative attitude towards educational activities, a tendency to simulation, escapes, suicide.

Open observation is characterized by the fact that the object of study is warned about it. Covert surveillance is most often used, when the convict does not know that he is being studied, therefore he behaves naturally.

When observation is turned on, the object of study and the researcher are united by joint activities. In this case, the position of the researcher is most often hidden, so the psychology of the convict and the group, connections and relationships are known more deeply.

Delayed observation is of particular importance in the study of persons released from a correctional facility.

Monitoring in penitentiary institutions includes several stages: preparatory, information gathering and final. For purposeful systematic observation, you can use the convict's dynamic observation map (V.I. Serov, 1993), which provides for the study of the system of relations, psychological activity, personality stability, its psychophysiological properties, orientation, social rehabilitation and a general assessment of the convict's personality. The process of observation in correctional institutions is significantly complicated due to the presence of psychological barriers in relation to various kinds of examinations, refusal to participate in the study or the desire to “play along” with the researcher.

Information about the identity of the convict can also be obtained by methods of audiovisual psychodiagnostics. Facial expressions and pantomime, gait, clothing, tattoos, conventional means of communication of convicts allow us to judge the experience, criminogenicity of the individual. The status of a person can be determined on the basis of the method of spatial-sign sociometry (V.F. Pirozhkov, 1992). Audiovisual diagnostics of convicts is the most relevant, but, unfortunately, the least scientifically and methodically developed. She may be a good remedy for employees who really want to understand people, including convicts (A.I. Ushatikov, O.I. Shelamov, 1993).

According to the non-verbal manifestations of the convict (gestures and facial expressions) and appearance (wearing clothes, the presence or absence of tattoos, nicknames, etc.), we can conclude about such qualities of the subject as restraint, modesty, vanity, tact. In many groups of a negative orientation, to demonstrate courage, heroism, independence and self-reliance, convicts use gestures and facial expressions accepted only in this group, tend to flaunt tattoos, and uniformly disfigure clothes.

The possibilities of a person in the field of personality diagnostics have not yet been fully disclosed. So, deaf-blind-mute Olga Skorokhodova, who developed vibrational sensitivity on a compensatory basis, recognized her acquaintances by their gait long before their steps could be heard, and warned those who were nearby about this. In correctional facilities there are professionals who can determine by the steps in the corridor which of the convicts goes to see them. If they cannot remember a person in person or hear these steps for the first time, then they guess the height, nationality and even the article of the Criminal Code under which he was convicted, the number of his convictions, and at the same time they are quite rarely mistaken.

The nature of the convict's gait indicates his role status in stratification:

- quiet uncertain steps relying on fingers are characteristic of a concentrated person who does not like to attract attention to himself, often deepened in his thoughts;

- setting the feet with the heels inward - an indicator of heightened attention to the environment;

- the emphasized knock of shoes is inherent in unrestrained, unceremonious and often insecure people;

- a strong arm swing characterizes a mobile, purposeful person. If at the same time he puts his legs lightly and springily, then he enjoys authority.

Some psychologists argue that a person's gait and the way he wears shoes and wears out the sole can be used to judge the characteristics of his personality. Scarpology identifies six types of human character, depending on the type of worn soles. The nature of the gait depends on the age, physical condition, temperament of a person and his attitude towards himself. These connections are not always sufficiently reliable from a scientific point of view, but are of some interest in connection with other methods of study.

According to the verbal manifestations, for example, of the convict's speech (content, form, expressiveness, the use of favorite expressions, the degree of contamination with jargon), one can judge the degree of criminality of the subject, his involvement in the norms and values ​​of the subculture.

Conversation method

It is widely used to study individual psychological and socio-psychological characteristics. Depending on the goals, the conversation is conducted either with the convict himself, or with persons who know him well (employees, teachers, craftsmen, friends).

To increase the effectiveness of the conversation, it is necessary to remove the alertness of the subject, to arrange him to yourself, to create an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. It should be carried out naturally and naturally. It is important to develop the skills of conducting a conversation: learn how to start it, ask questions, listen, and observe the reaction of the convict. Preparation for the conversation involves determining its purpose, time, place and form, drawing up a plan.

In conversation, the psychologist has the opportunity to combine the study of personality with educational influence on it. In this regard, he uses different conversations: introductory - to get the first idea about the individual and the group (when the convict enters quarantine, etc.); in-depth - for a comprehensive study of the individual psychological qualities of the individual and the characteristics of the group; promising - to clarify the future life plans of a convict or a group (the possibility of parole, the provision of benefits, transfer to another institution, etc.) and the attitude of the studied persons towards them; approving and encouraging - in the case of manifestation of positive qualities in the behavior of the convict and the actions of the group, when approval and encouragement are associated with the study of the attitude of the convict to the positive act committed by him; censure - in case of violation by the convict of the established procedures and requirements of the regime, in order to influence the personality and study the attitude of the convict to misconduct and censure; confessional conversations, initiated by the convict himself, seeking to “pour out” his soul and thereby relieve mental stress; final (parting) - before the release or transfer of the convicted person to another correctional institution.

During the conversation, the psychologist should ensure that the convicts analyze their actions, deeds, behavior, and lead them to the right conclusions.

Otherwise, a conversation is built with persons who know the convict. If the psychologist is sure that a conversation, for example, with parents will not harm the convict, he informs her purpose, asks them to tell in detail about their son (daughter), and then they jointly outline ways to further influence the convict. Otherwise, the position of the psychologist must be hidden. Thus, the foreman can be asked about the attitude to the production task not only of a particular convict, but also of other members of the brigade.

Questionnaire method

With its help, mass phenomena are studied: tastes, opinions, moods, the attitude of convicts to various events. The questions of the questionnaire should be clear, understandable, not allowing inspiring answers and ambiguous interpretations. Unstructured questionnaires contain questions to which convicts can give answers in a detailed form. In structured questionnaires, the convict chooses one or more answers acceptable to him from the list of possible answers, ranking them according to their importance. In structured questionnaires, thanks to the methods of mathematical statistics, it is possible to establish correlations and dependencies between various questions and the answers received.

Based on the objectives of the survey, questionnaires are distinguished: anonymous, when the convict does not indicate his last name, and nominal, when the installation data of the subject is required.

Despite its apparent simplicity, questioning is a very complex method that needs special training, which consists of:

- in the development of relevant questionnaires (selection of the most informative and appropriate for the purpose of studying questions, the order in which they are arranged, providing the possibility of rechecking answers to one question with answers to another, etc.);

– in testing them on small groups of subjects and making adjustments to the proposed questions;

- in the psychological and practical preparation of the subjects for the survey (clarification of the purpose of the survey, removal of convicts' alertness, practical demonstration of the rules for filling out the questionnaire, etc.).

Composing method

It is similar to a survey. But in an essay, unlike a questionnaire, you need to give a complete and detailed answer to one question.

Product Analysis

The products of labor (drawings, drawings, diaries, etc.) reflect personality traits (abilities, inclinations, hobbies, character traits). When studying the products of the convict's activity, attention should be paid to: their quality and quantity; the time spent on their manufacture (educational, production or personal); their purpose (for themselves, the team or other people); the motives that the convict was guided by in the manufacture of products.

Analysis of the personal file of the convict

It allows you to get:

1) information from different persons, coinciding in the assessment of the personality, which may indicate the stability of the noted features and type of behavior;

2) conflicting information and determine ways to verify their truth;

3) data indicating certain positive qualities of the convict, based on which it is possible to build a program of his resocialization;

4) information characterizing the personality of the convict with negative side, and outline ways to overcome these qualities.

The psychologist must remember that the information contained in the personal file of the convict was collected by people who could have a biased and subjective approach to assessing the personality of the convict. In addition, in the time that has passed since the writing of these documents, a person could change significantly. Information from the personal file must be constantly clarified and supplemented in order to identify a general trend in the development of the personality of the convict.

Self-assessment method

The convict is offered a list of 40-50 personality traits and character traits. He must choose from 15-20 of them and make a personal standard, arranging these qualities in descending order of their value to himself. Then, from the selected qualities, he makes up a series (also in decreasing severity) inherent, in his opinion, to him (self-esteem); in his opinion, members of the group (assessment of others); according to the group, to him (expected score). The resulting three series of qualities are compared with the reference series. If they coincide with the reference series (the coefficient is close to 1), then the convict overestimates himself, has a high level of claims, if they do not match (the coefficient is close to 0 or has a negative sign), the subject has low self-esteem, his position in the group is alarming. He is experiencing emotional distress. There may be intermediate options that have different characteristics. These assessments can also be compared with a real assessment, when each member of the team ranks the corresponding series of qualities, evaluating one or another convict (all evaluate one).

Experiment Method

It consists in creating conditions for establishing the manifestations of the individual and the group (collective) in a social situation with strictly taken into account and varied conditions. If the experimental situation is close to real conditions, then this is a natural experiment. In practice, a special place is occupied by the method of social experiment, which was carried out in the Vologda PS (I.P. Zaitsev, V.F. Klyukin, V.F. Pirozhkov, M.P. Sturova, etc.).

An experiment on the use of psychological and pedagogical auto-training was tested and introduced into the practice of psychological services under the guidance of A.S. Novoselova in the 70-80s.

The characteristics of the convict can be significantly supplemented by the analysis of his correspondence (M.G. Debolsky, 1978) and handwriting psychological examination, especially the signature (N.A. Kharina, 1996).

Method of sociometry

It is used to study the position of the individual in the group, the system of existing relationships between its members, the presence of small groups in the detachment of convicts.

Sociometric research should be carried out under an undoubted pretext, in particular, when reorganizing departments, brigades, links, and training classes. Each member of the team is invited to answer a number of questions in writing, for example: “Indicate in order of preference three people in your team, department (class) with whom you would like and do not want: to be in the same team, department (class); carry out public tasks together; work in production; keep in touch after release, as well as whom you would like or do not want to have as chairmen or members of the council of the collective. Subjects indicate their last name at will.

It should be noted that data on the environment of convicts, obtained using well-known sociometric methods, are not always objective. Distortions arise for the following reasons.

1. Researchers find it difficult to choose effective criteria, since groups with an asocial orientation, bound by mutual responsibility and various attributes of the criminal environment, its norms and values, do not allow the penetration of “strangers” into the laws and rules of intra-group relations.

2. Sociometric measurements are most often carried out after the criminal group has already been isolated by law enforcement agencies. In this case, a retrospective sociometric survey has no predictive value.

3. Deprivation of liberty and other legal restrictions are a powerful psycho-traumatic factor that knocks a person out of his usual rut, without giving him any real prospects (a situation of frustration arises).

4. Members of the group often seek to "play along" with the researcher, mislead him.

5. Among convicts, there is a persistent mutual rejection between members of groups that are in hostile relations (for example, groups of positive and negative orientation).

The technique of spatial-sign sociometry (VF Pirozhkov, 1993) does not have the listed shortcomings, based on the distribution of group members along the status hierarchical ladder and maintaining strict subordination in their relations in accordance with the role played in the group. Among convicts, socio-psychological stratification is reinforced by social stigmatization (social branding). This means that the status, role and functions of the individual in the group are reflected in the signs, material attributes and ways of placement in the space occupied by the negative group. By "reading" certain "insignia", one can establish exactly "who is who" in this community.

The means of social stigmatization (“insignia”) in groups of negative convicts are:

a) tattoos reflecting a person's experience in criminal activity, the degree of his authority in the criminal environment, claims and expectations;

b) nicknames by which one can judge the position of the individual in the group hierarchy. The more harmonious the nickname, the higher the position of the individual in the criminal community;

c) a system of material attributes (clothing, shoes, personal belongings, food, etc.). The most fashionable clothes are worn by the leader of the group and his entourage. He smokes the best cigarettes, he is the first to receive food in the dining room, then his close associates, and lastly, outcasts and outcasts (“pigs”, “offended”);

d) placement of the convict in the space occupied by a group of negative orientation. Different points in the space occupied by the group (bedroom, dining room, club, etc.) have different values. The leader always takes the best place.

In spatial sign sociometry, not questions are used as criteria, but ready-made answers, like how military insignia are read. The task of the researcher is to correctly “read” these “insignia” and, on their basis, draw up a sociogram of the studied informal group of convicts (V.F. Pirozhkov, 1993).

With the help of means of social stigmatization, it is possible to establish the movement of the convict up the ladder of the group hierarchy. If the offender has several nicknames, then it is enough to determine the sequence of their assignment in order to understand how his authority changes. Replacing a nickname with a more euphonious (offensive) one means strengthening (decreasing) the status of the individual in the group, removing the convict from the leader in the bedroom, dining room, at work, indicates the loss of his previously held position.

The sociomatrix in spatial sign sociometry is built taking into account all sociometric criteria (“insignia”). To determine mutual choice and mutual rejection, it is necessary to establish: who gave the convict a euphonious (humiliating) nickname, who applied an uplifting or insulting tattoo.

Consider the methodology of spatial-sign sociometry by V.F. Pirozhkov (Table 4).

Much can be learned about the milieu of convicts through a sociographic study of the informal structure of convicts. This method involves the sequential implementation of the following procedures:

a) targeted non-involved (at some stages systematic, at others - selective, episodic) monitoring of real contacts of convicts in various types of activities, significant situations (for example, conflict situations);

Table 4

Main criteria

Occupied place in the space of the group prestigious and comfortable
unpretentious and inconvenient
The degree of distance from the leader next to him
at some distance
absolutely remote
Characteristics of tattoos regalia
Characteristics of nicknames uplifting
sexual privilege uses a "personal girl"
uses a common "swotting"
no sexual privileges
Order of eating first of all
together with everyone
The sequence of washing in the bath first of all
together with everyone
Participation in household chores does not participate
participates with everyone
doing work for others
Use of "common" large sums, at low interest and for a long period
medium and small amounts, at high interest and for a short period
loan not available
The order of "merchandising" in the stall first of all
together with everyone

b) a fixed display of units of observation (frequency, duration and density of contacts reflected on a special sociographic matrix);

c) graphical construction of the structure (configuration) of the network of informal interaction using graphic technique(sociograms or communicograms) and the definition of small groups according to the density and severity of interpersonal relationships.

The methodology for determining the informal intra- and intergroup interaction of convicts includes a number of interrelated stages.

At the first (preparatory) stage, a sociographic matrix is ​​built (Fig. 4). First, a list of convicts included in the formal organized groups, for example, in production teams. For the convenience of handling primary information, each member of the group is assigned a serial number, under which he appears throughout the survey. If the object of observation is a detachment, then the convicts are numbered according to the alphabetical list.

(The new penitentiary legislation does not establish the degree of correction of convicts, but its main criteria are noted throughout the text, retaining the past practice at its core.)

At the same time, the penitentiary characteristics of a particular convict are noted on the matrix. Depending on the objectives of the study, information about the individual, socio-demographic, criminal-legal characteristics of the individual (age, education, nationality, qualifications, etc.) is entered in the appropriate columns. For clarity, you can use, for example, colored pencils.

At the second (main) stage, the spheres of interpersonal relations of convicts are identified, a primary analysis of personal and group characteristics is carried out (the dynamics of their structural changes is determined). Filling in the matrix at this stage is better to start with informal groups, the composition of which is well known. They are fixed by painting the matrix cells with different colors depending on the penitentiary characteristics of the group members.

The results of the observation are recorded in the matrix. For example, single (so-called "background") contacts can be represented by dots, and permanent (stable) relationships - by numbers in accordance with the number or density of contacts. Contact, in turn, serves as an indirect indicator of the degree of cohesion of informal small groups.

The scheme of diagnostic study of informal groups includes the definition of the role, functions of group members, habitual patterns of behavior, rules for assigning roles. It is important to identify the system of normative ideas of convicts. In each informal group, views are formed on the nature of relations between its members and sanctions. Forms of behavioral control are also subject to special study. In these cases, ways, means and methods of influence of an informal group on the behavior of its members and its regulation within the community are fixed (rigid, democratic, flexible, loyal control).

When studying an informal group, it is necessary to take into account the age of its members, the social stratum to which they belong, and criminal and legal characteristics. It is important to find the reasons for establishing stable relationships and to identify the motivational factors that determine the style of relationships in informal groups.

For diagnostic purposes, one can single out: an extremely stable dependence of the individual on the group (the convict fully identifies himself with it); stable (feels like a bearer of group values ​​and builds his behavior in accordance with the expectations of the group); moderately stable (emotionally connected to her, yo prefers to choose own style behavior); unstable or situational (shows interest in the group only because membership in it increases the chances of satisfying his actual needs).

The proposed scheme of analysis makes it possible to select the most valuable psychological information for the classification of small groups based on the ratio of certain characteristics.

The final stage is a sociographic image of the network of personal and group relationships. For these purposes, the technique of the so-called “stopped frame” is used, which allows, at certain intervals, to record the dynamics of informal relationships between convicts. The way of building a network of informal connections is reminiscent of traditional sociograms. They look like graphs with the number of vertices corresponding to the number of convicts, forming a kind of connected "social core". By the configuration of relationships and the location of "social cores" one can judge the features of the informal structure of the brigade, detachment of convicts or the environment of convicts as a whole.

Socio-psychological phenomena among convicts are studied using a test containing plot photographs from the life of convicts (V.A. Fefelov, 1993). In the course of an individual conversation, the convict is offered photographs (more than twenty different episodes) and is asked to describe in detail what he sees, as well as describe the scenes depicted, the characters of people, their relationships, thoughts, past and present of criminal activity.

The convict, looking at photographs of unfamiliar, but similar people, “looks, as if in a mirror, at another person” and interprets his actions and deeds.

A skillfully constructed conversation with the help of photographs makes it possible to obtain from the convicts valuable information about them, about their intentions, their attitude towards the administration, the environment and measures of educational influence, which cannot be obtained by other methods due to the high anxiety and suspicion inherent in most criminals.

Data from the study of the personality and environment of convicts can be used to compile psychological characteristics, predict the behavior of the convict and develop recommendations, correct the behavior and activities of the convict, compile psychological portrait, as well as in individual work with the convict.

The psychological characteristic contains information about the convict, prognosis and recommendations. In the practice of correctional institutions, formalized characteristics are most often used, in which the relationships that characterize the personality are truncated. Often only the relation to the regime is used as a criterion of correctability.

Characteristics of the convict, developed by M.V. Timashev and V.A. Semenov, includes: socio-demographic, criminal law, individual psychological characteristics of the convict (character, temperament, emotional-volitional sphere), a conclusion about the degree of correction and recommendations for further work (M.V. Timashev, V.A. Semenov, 1986).

Quite often, psychologists in their characteristics reflect only the social side of a person's behavior (fulfillment of the requirements of the regime, attitude to learning and work, etc.). The individual-psychological originality of the personality in these characteristics is not fully disclosed, as a result, the convicts find themselves “on the same face”. The psychologist develops a program for training the staff of the penitentiary institution in a complex of methods for psychodiagnostics of the personality and environment of convicts; methodological recommendations on the organization of individual educational and group work with convicts based on the data of their study; proposals for the use of special programs of psychological and pedagogical auto-training for various categories of convicts; resocialization programs for those convicted of crimes committed with particular cruelty, sexual crimes, and also determines the psychological and pedagogical criteria for the formation of brigades, detachments, and amateur organizations.

The head of the detachment uses the information obtained from the study of convicts when writing various kinds of characteristics (semi-annual, annual, at the end of the term, for parole, when transferring to another type of regime, for pardon and amnesty). He records the data of the study of convicts in a notebook individual work with convicts and uses it when planning individual educational work with them.

Data from the study of convicts are used to predict their behavior in connection with parole, transfer to another type of regime, provision additional benefits, transfer to beskonvoynoy content, a tendency to suicide, escape, self-mutilation, simulation and aggravation, sexual perversions, as well as individuals who are aggressive and conflict, difficult to educate, leaders of small groups of negative orientation.

N.I. Sokolov, A.S. Sevryugin (1980) defined criteria to predict the behavior of a convict. A.S. Mikhlin (1985) developed a mathematical model of a convict, revealed the mechanism of interaction of factors characterizing the prognosis of a convict's behavior. He singled out three groups of factors: attitude to work; age and behavior of convicts; participation in amateur organizations.

The behavior of the convicts was also predicted on the basis of expert assessments of the convicts themselves and their attestation.

Drawing up a psychological portrait - scientific method research suitable for identifying individual qualities and. characteristics of the criminal's behavior on the basis of the crimes committed by him. It is of particular importance in the investigation of crimes related to the taking of hostages, when it is important for the staff of the penitentiary institution to obtain maximum information about the identity of the convict. This method is also widely used in identifying the authors of anonymous letters, blackmailers and persons who have committed a crime on sexual grounds (A.I. Ushatikov, O.G. Kovalev, V.A. Semenov, 1997).

Data obtained on socio-psychological phenomena among convicts using the methods of sociometry, spatial sign sociometry, contact observations, projective methods can be used to identify the subculture of the environment of convicts, prison traditions and customs, stratification, the degree of conflict, the presence of small informal groups of convicts , their consolidation and leaders, the status of convicts, intergroup connections and relationships. This will make it possible to develop a plan of unified educational, regime, operational measures to suppress, disintegrate and prevent small groups of negative orientation.

Key terms and concepts

Methodology, technique, study programs, psycho-neurological, psychological, penitentiary examination, the method of spatial-sign sociometry, the method of contact observation.

Psychological self-education

Questions for discussion and reflection

1. What reasons, conditions and factors determine the specifics of the principles and methods of studying convicts in penitentiary institutions?

2. Justify the need to adapt the classical test methods in IE.

3. Give an assessment of the programs for studying the personality and environment of convicts proposed in the chapter.

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