Self-development or where to start Kupriyanov. The beginning of the way

You will receive an answer to your question where to start self-development by reading this article. Here I will share with you a technique that will keep you busy just 40 minutes a day. These classes will be your answer to the question of how to start self-development right now! No lifestyle changes this moment you don't have to, just 40 minutes of practice every day! Almost immediately you will feel relaxation, improved well-being and this will not require you to prepare for a long time. But more on that later, first let me start with a preface.

Printing this article, I feel a huge responsibility. Because I am well aware of how delicate, careful attitude requires a personality at the moment of searching for the starting point from which self-development begins.

How and when to start self-development? How NOT to start.

That is why I will try to give the most intelligible and most appropriate answer to main question this article. But after all, not every answer can turn out to be successful, no matter how accurately it reflects the main stages of self-development, there is always a danger that this answer can scare you away, make you give up at the very moment that may turn out to be the most responsible, important point in your life, when it is determined whether you will follow the path of self-improvement or continue to live former life. I'll explain this a bit below.

Many information sources, trying to answer the question " how to start self-development?“, bombard the reader with a bunch of advice. These tips are not harmful or wrong. They are simply out of time. Since they propose to start contributing cardinal changes in the way of life, in habits, in the daily routine, in social relationships, etc., in general, to radically revise the existing, familiar state of affairs.

Such advice, calling for drastic, rapid change, requires tremendous willpower, as well as energy from the one to whom they are addressed. After all, not everyone is able to immediately part with their favorite habits, and start organizing free and working time, stop aimless, unproductive browsing on the Internet and be puzzled by reading books or other sources that contribute to the self-development of the individual along with general erudition.

People get used to their way of life, for this reason they are not able to magic wand, rebuild it and start to change for the better. Moreover, such a radical transition to new habits, as well as a routine, requires such things as willpower, character, determination, focus on goals, the ability to make decisions, and be responsible for them. But these things are components of personality development, they develop as you go through the stages of self-development.

And if someone asks where to start self-development”, then it is concluded that this “someone” is still only at the origins of this path and, therefore, may not possess some of the above qualities.

It turns out that in the service of a good goal there was a wrong approach. My task is harmonious self-improvement, which I understand as a balanced development of intellectual, physical, aesthetic, social and spiritual qualities. We're not going to be in a hurry just yet. After all, I do not offer any quick solutions, but is aimed at the progressive gradual formation of you as a person.

How to start self-development today

Therefore, I am not going to expect any rapid changes from you, but I will suggest starting small. From such a “small” one, which will not be a challenge to your usual way of life, will not take you much time and effort (you only need 40 minutes a day). But later, with regular practice, it will bring a lot of life benefits. And only then, gradually, when the time comes, you will begin to make changes in your life, in your character, in your environment.

You will have time to decide what you really want, what qualities to develop, what to focus on and where to move, but this still requires some help, a foothold. You can start with the formation of this "bridgehead" today, without postponing for the future, because it does not require special training or special skills.

Once again I emphasize that the application of this Eastern practice was successfully reflected in Western culture, proving its effectiveness in the framework of exercises for relaxation, mind control and neutralization of states of mental discomfort, maintaining discipline, moving from the field of esoteric knowledge to the field of scientific knowledge. Meditation is an effective tool in the service of self-development!

But there must be a clear understanding that this practice is not an end in itself, just as for a runner it is not the ultimate goal of developing leg muscles, it is just a tool to achieve the desired result: for a runner it is a victory in running competitions, and for you it is a harmonious and balanced self-development. You meditate not in order to ideally master the technique of meditation (although it would be quite nice to master it, even necessary), but in order to make it easier to grow, to develop as a person.

Perhaps personal growth is possible without meditation, but since I draw from my own experience, I am talking about what helped me. I don't know any other way. For me, meditation served as an impetus for moving forward and the beginning of self-development. Finally, after a long prelude, a specific and intelligible answer to the question of how to start self-development followed: “start meditating!”

Firstly, as I already wrote, it will not take more than 40 minutes a day, it does not require any special conditions (it is not necessary to stop collecting everything and leave for Tibet :-)). You can even do it in public transport on the way to work/school. Although it is desirable to do so in calm environment. But if there is no possibility, then even the subway will do).

Is meditation difficult?

You do not need to have a great level of training in order to start practicing meditation! You will master the technique as you practice, it will come with time. Also, you do not have to immediately change your habits, just add meditation to your daily routine in the morning and evening. The main condition is to do it regularly, don't forget and don't forget, only then you will feel the beneficial effect.

The effect is different for everyone. I have in six months. Don't let this term scare you: there will be no instant results!. You must firmly understand this for yourself, come to terms with this thought. In my opinion, the instant result is a myth, a phantom. All important, fundamental personality changes are prolonged and gradual character) So where to start?

Meditation is your practice, which will provide you with the necessary skills for self-development, it is a kind of fundamental exercise that you need to start doing first of all. This is also necessary, as a beginner gymnast should start with stretching before moving on to everything else.

To get started, familiarize yourself with the theory in, and then you can proceed to the practice itself. Remember, no one is rushing you, you don’t need to have time to read it all in as soon as possible. If you are too lazy to study all these theoretical materials, then proceed immediately to practice, but at least read the conclusions set out in the first step.

In conclusion, I would like to note that although the main long-term effect of meditation does not appear immediately, you will feel some positive changes almost immediately after the start of the practice. It's because you'll just be regular relax and clear your mind(this applies to instant effects), which is already good. In addition, you introduce a mandatory exercise into your routine, which you will do daily, strictly twice a day for 20 minutes per session, this already introduces some minimal additional order into your life (whatever you do every day, it doesn’t matter meditation it, charging or everyday jogging). This teaches you to keep your promises to yourself, maintain discipline, which is perhaps one of the most significant stages of self-development.

Hope you are ready to get started. Wish you luck!

Therefore, if you are thinking about the fact that you need to somehow self-develop and improve, then you can take note of the following tips. Remember that self-development is a complex action based on your desire, self-study and exercises aimed at improving your life.

Where to begin?

  • Tip one. First of all, your self-development and self-improvement should give you pleasure. You do this primarily for yourself, so that later you can be in a more advantageous position over others, in order to use your knowledge and be sure that knowledgeable people they can appreciate it.
  • Tip two. Realize whether you understand these concepts correctly, what they mean to you.

Self development is natural process, which can take place, both without the control of a person, and under his leadership in the area or area he needs. These include the skills that a person acquires in his life and himself. life experience, the lessons that a person draws from past situations.

Uncontrolled self-development is the process itself, which is called life: birth, growing up, aging.

Controlled self-development is a conscious and purposeful action focused on improving any qualities, skills, abilities, with the help of self-study and exercises of their own free will and desire, without outside assistance.

Self-development can be of two types: intellectual and physical.

Self-improvement is the result of self-development. In the process of self-improvement, you improve or completely change any aspect of your life.

When you understand the concepts, it will be easier for you to work on yourself.

Tip three. Review your life in all spheres and areas. What did you achieve, what did you achieve, what goals did you fulfill and what desires did you fulfill.

Try to find your weaknesses. Make a plan of action, how you will work on yourself in what sequence and in what area.

Sample Analysis

  • Physical training. If you're overweight or don't feel like you're attractive enough, maybe you should go in for sports, join a gym, or do exercises at home.
  • Health. your daily routine. How well do you eat. Availability bad habits. Weakened immunity. Eliminate less healthy food from the diet, give up bad habits, strengthen the immune system.
  • your spiritual side. How often do you suffer from outbursts of anger, envy, depression and Bad mood, stress. What annoys you and how often you lose your temper. Learn to relax, meditate, treat yourself and people easier. Set yourself up for a positive mood. Give up destructive emotions such as envy, anger, anger.
  • Your financial position. Are you satisfied with everything, how satisfied are you with your position at the moment. Maybe you should change something or acquire an additional profession or improve your skills.
  • Your relationship with others. Do you often have conflicts with others, do you know how to control your emotions, what kind of relationships in the family circle or personal life. Learn to communicate and talk, have a constructive conversation, look for compromises. Learn to work in a team.
  • Intellectual development. How attentive are you to the events around you and what is happening around you. How is the memory. Can you think broadly and see the problem from all angles? Develop creative thinking, set goals for yourself and achieve them, plan your time.

You can also simplify this diagram a little and make a list of questions. Sample questions:

  • What do I not like about myself?
  • What does not suit my close people?
  • What do my colleagues not like about me?
  • What do I need to achieve?
  • What do I want to change?
  • How to do it?

There may be several answers to these questions, in order to choose the right approach, write down all the answers and arrange them in order of greater importance to you. You can make a table with the name of the column: what does not suit you on the one hand, and solutions on the other. Or draw a circle, divide it into sectors and enter the answers to the questions there.

After you have analyzed your life, you can start self-development. To do this, you need to choose one of the most neglected or problem areas, set a goal and achieve it. If such a sphere is not found and all your areas of life are approximately on the same level, then you can start either from simple to complex, or, conversely, from complex to simple. In this way, you will gradually correct your shortcomings. To see what you're working on, write down your goal, and below it, options to achieve it.

Tip Four. There should always be a positive attitude in everything. You must believe that you will succeed. Don't stop there and move on to the next goal. Don't listen when someone tells you that you can't or won't be able to do something. Count only on your strengths and yourself as a whole. Here only you decide what to do.

Tip five. Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out, look for a different approach, develop other techniques and start from the beginning. Don't give up. Failures are given in order to test your strength. They retreated, which means they failed and did not really want to go forward. As a result, you will get a more difficult task, and you will have to work twice as much. You pulled yourself together and did not give up, which means you want to move forward and develop.

Tip six. Read books, feel free to buy books that help in matters of self-development and self-improvement. Especially now there is a huge access to the Internet resources that are dedicated to improving your life and self-development in general and in certain areas that you can study, both for free and buy a full course.

Tip Seven. Write down your successes, for progressive work on yourself, you can indicate the period in which this goal must be implemented or achieved. Set a real time interval so that after once again you do not get upset that you did not meet the allotted time.

Tip Eight. You should always have motivation and a ready-made clear answer for what you are doing self-development and self-improvement. First of all, you do it for yourself. If someone doubts your abilities and intentions, do not take their words seriously, these people simply cannot gather their strength and start working on themselves.

Tip nine. Be realistic, write realistic goals and realistic deadlines for completing the task.

Tip ten. Know how to control your emotions, sometimes it is better to remain silent than to flare up. Let go of the negative.

Tip Eleven. You can get yourself a notebook in which you will write down your goals and dreams. Also a separate notebook for writing down the goal and options for achieving it.

Always remember that it is never too late to develop yourself, and that the most important thing is the process of self-improvement is ongoing. When you have achieved some goals and realized that your development has become a little higher, climb further, look for new goals and objectives.

In self-development, planning your time can help you. If you don’t have time for a lot or don’t know what time to engage in self-development, then schedule your day. First, on the tasks that you perform and those tasks that need to be done. After that, pay attention to how much time it takes you to complete a particular task. To compile your time planner, write down on a piece of paper the tasks and the time period for each task. The next day, try to follow the plan that you have made for yourself. If it doesn’t work out, then you can either reduce the number of tasks, or reduce the time of some points, devoting more time to what you don’t have time to do.

Everyone has ups and downs in life, and often we blame others, fate for our failures, but we can not see our shortcomings point-blank. In order to change something in the world around you, you need to start, first of all, with yourself.

One day you will ask yourself the question - “where to start working on yourself?”. Self-improvement is a delicate matter, it must be approached very competently so that at one moment there is no desire to quit everything.

The wheel of life - as a strong motivation on the path of self-improvement

If you do not know where to start self-development how to choose the right path for yourself, first you need to understand where you are in it. The Wheel of Life is a system that helps you analyze your level of success.

To do this, you need to draw a circle, divide it into 8 sectors:

career and business. Do you enjoy your work?

- finance. Are you satisfied with your salary? Do you have enough funds for financial independence?

friends and environment. Does the environment help you develop? What do you get from communicating with friends?

- family and love. Is there harmony in your relationships with loved ones?

— health and sports. How strong is your health? Would you like to make your body attractive and get rid of excess weight?

- entertainment and recreation. Do you properly organize your vacation in order not only to recharge your batteries, but also to get something useful for yourself?

- education and personal growth. What knowledge have you acquired to develop and improve yourself?

- the brightness of life. Are you satisfied with your life? Does it have enough bright, memorable moments?

Each sector is your life value, which is necessary in order to feel the happiest. In this way, you will put things in order in your goals and you will better understand what you need to strive for. Also, do not forget to write what exactly in each sector you lack for complete happiness.

Each sector must be evaluated on a 10-point system. You must be as honest with yourself as possible. No need to look for excuses for your saggy tummy or a small salary. Just finally admit to yourself that everything is bad in these areas and you need to do something about it.

After that, connect the points on the scale with a line. If the figure obtained in the center resembles a circle, then you can only be congratulated. You are in complete harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

If you get a crooked figure, you can see which sector you need to work on in order to achieve harmony and happiness. In addition, by putting in order one sector, you can positively affect other parts.

After analyzing each sector, you must set yourself global goals that you need to break down into several small ones and already confidently strive for them. In addition, the goal should be achievable, so be realistic and do not try to become slim like Angelina Jolie and find yourself a prince in the person of Brad Pitt.

Get yourself a diary and write down in it what you have achieved, every small victory. For example, you gave up harmful, but tasty food. Praise yourself for this.

A positive outlook on the future is half the battle

With self-development of personality cannot be achieved without a positive outlook on the future. If you keep thinking that you will not achieve anything, that there are no results, thoughts will swarm about quitting everything, you will never achieve anything.

You should meet every day with a smile, rejoice at even the smallest victories, see the positive in everything, notice changes in yourself.

Of course, thoughts alone are not enough for a person's self-development. Actions are important. At first, 30 minutes a day is enough - to read a book, to learn something. You can even just not sit in the evening in social networks or not to watch TV, and this will already be a victory and the first steps on the way self-improvement.

Literature for self-improvement

Books for self-development are another step towards improving your personality. There are many primary sources, like the Bible or books on the teachings of the Tao, but many will not understand them.

Today there are a lot books for self-development. Here is a list of some of them:

  1. Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen "A Whole Life". Learn to set realistic goals that are easy to achieve. You will be able to correctly prioritize;
  2. Dan Waldschmidt "Be best version myself". This book can radically change your life. It tells how simple people become outstanding;
  3. M. J. Ryan "This year I ..." This book will be useful to everyone, as it helps to change habits, fulfill the promises made to oneself, and change one's life for the better;
  4. Brian Tracy Get out of your comfort zone. Worldwide recognized as the #1 book on self-development. You will be able to step out of your comfort zone in order to achieve maximum goals;
  5. Kelly McGonigal Willpower. How to develop and strengthen? The author believes that willpower is like a muscle that needs to be pumped and strengthened.

All books have one main meaning - self-development never ends. You can work all your life on the formation of your personality, make your life bright and unforgettable. Each of us strives to be better, but this quality must be used wisely.

A few rules for self-development

Each person lives in their own comfort zone, and often we are afraid of something new and unknown, which is why it is so difficult, and sometimes scary, to change our lives. The process of self-development must be turned into a habit so that you never leave this path.

How to start self-development? Plan Here are some simple steps you can take to build this habit:

- life depends directly on our desires and actions. There is nothing impossible in it. Never tell yourself that something is impossible to do, just think about what it takes to make it achievable;

- way to main goal break it down into a few small ones that are easy to reach. Once this becomes a habit, you can set more goals for yourself;

In the evening, think about everything that happened to you during the day. Write down your successes and failures. If you did something wrong or didn’t work out for you, think about what would have changed if you had acted differently.

Do not forget that self-improvement is a difficult path, but very interesting. If you once decided to change your life, stick to this thought always, and believe that the result will meet all expectations. Always look at life, successes and failures with a positive, and then you will definitely succeed.

5 powerful tips from a psychologist to help you start self-development today!

Having quarreled once again with our best friend or friend, we begin to wonder why this is happening, why every time we find ourselves to blame and go first to reconciliation?

Why do so many people see us as harmful, greedy, or principled?

Analyzing the situation and delving into ourselves, we begin to think - where to start self-development?

By thinking about self-development, you have already taken the first step towards improving and improving yourself.

However, this is not enough.

Gradually start changing your thinking!

For example, you will never be able to if you are satisfied with the work for hire!

Or, for example, you cannot learn to dance if you are afraid of other people's views and other people's opinions!

Having embarked on the path of self-development, you must initially understand yourself and understand in which direction you should move?!

How to start self-development - instructions for use:

Now the Internet is replete with advice that you need to stop drinking, smoking, start playing sports and stop absorbing fatty and starchy foods!

I will say that this is not quite the right approach.

Of course, all of the above is important for healthy lifestyle life, but it has absolutely nothing to do with self-development!

Everything is simple!

You can meet a good and smiling, but fat and drinking person.

And you can have a gorgeous beauty, chewing only cabbage leaves, from which, with closer communication, you will want to run away without looking back!

Now let's move on to direct advice on how to start self-development.

Tip 1: Clean up your own head

No, you do not need to immediately take a broom and sweep all your cockroaches.

Let them live!

First, you need to understand what exactly do you want from life?

Yes, of course, the question is rather complicated.

But in this case I will make your task easier.

Think about what you would like to do and in which direction to move if you had a million dollars?

It's easier now, isn't it?

For example, you work in an office, but somewhere deep down you have always dreamed of being a florist, designer, WWF employee, etc.

Now admit to yourself, why did you choose another field of activity?

In most cases, the problem lies with the parents.

They initially put pressure on the child and impose their desires on him.

Tip 2. Start exploring your favorite field of activity

When you have decided on what, or what you like to do, we move on to practice.

To begin with, you have to gain the necessary knowledge in the chosen area.

To do this, you can buy special literature, sign up for a training or search the entire Internet.

In addition to special literature, it will not be superfluous to delve into books on personal growth and development.

It is right!

After all, the monotony will quickly get bored and you will again return to where you started!

Tip 3. Start fighting laziness

Laziness is the basis of idleness.

That is why start fighting laziness.

Motivate yourself with different perks. It doesn’t work with buns - go to the whip method.

Praise yourself for the work done - it will only spur you to even greater feats.

So start thinking in the right and positive way.

It's even better if you think of something as a fait accompli.

For example, if you dream of a car, imagine that it is already standing under your windows.

If you want to open a flower shop, imagine that you already have one.

Now the topic of self-improvement and personal growth is especially relevant. On the Internet, on television, in magazines - everywhere they say that you need to work on yourself, develop, grow, achieve success in life. At the same time, a natural question arises: how to start this self-development, how to find time and incentive? Especially if you want to quickly, all at once.

First, let's define what self-development is. Development and change is a natural process for everything that exists in the world. Herself human life is a series of constant changes associated with birth, growing up and aging, the formation of personality, the acquisition of certain skills and life experience.

Therefore, self-development can be characterized as a set of conscious and purposeful actions aimed at improving certain qualities, skills, abilities of a person. Dictionary gives us this definition: self-development is an intellectual or physical development person on the basis of self-study and exercises, according to own initiative, without the assistance of any outside forces. Now that we have dealt with the theory, we can proceed to concrete actions. So, self-development: where to start positive changes in yourself?

  1. Revision. You need to find time and analyze your life, or rather, each area of ​​your life, and honestly answer yourself the questions: what exactly does not suit me, what qualities or skills do I lack to be satisfied with life? Try to be objective and don't fool yourself. Consider each area of ​​life separately:
    • Physical sphere, health. Perhaps you should adjust the daily routine, start eating right, get rid of bad habits, lose weight, boost immunity, start playing sports;
    • Spiritual sphere. Getting rid of anger, envy, malice, irritability, developing a positive attitude towards oneself and others, various spiritual practices, meditation can help many:
    • Material sphere, finance. There is a wide field for activity here, since very few people are satisfied with their financial situation. Perhaps you should change your job to a higher paying one, or even change your profession, take courses, trainings, get a new specialty. Some want to start their own business but don't know how and are afraid of failure.
    • Social sphere, relations. Development of communication skills, overcoming conflicts, harmonious relationships in the family, at work, personal life, control over emotions.
    • Intellectual sphere, personal growth. Here we are talking about the development intellectual abilities, memory, attention, abstract and creative thinking, the ability to set goals and achieve them, increasing personal efficiency, the ability to plan your time
  2. We choose one the most important direction for self-development. Since completely harmonious, comprehensively developed people- units, for a start it is worth focusing on the most important thing for you. Think about what qualities and skills you lack the most, and start your self-development from there. If you take on everything at once, then the result will certainly not be at all.
  3. We draw up a specific action plan. Let's consider an example: you decided to change your job to a more interesting and highly paid one. At the same time, you understand that you lack knowledge, you are scattered and do not know how to manage your time. Solution options:
    • take advanced training courses in the direction you are interested in;
    • learn to concentrate attention, develop perseverance (there are special exercises);
    • undergo training on personal effectiveness and personal time planning;
    • compose a competent resume and send it to all the companies you are interested in, and for this it is not necessary to quit your current job.

Positive attitude and purposeful actions

Whether you believe it or not, the mindset for success is very importance
. If thoughts like: “Why do I need this?”, “I won’t succeed ...”, “It’s difficult for me ..” - then you won’t see progress. It is important to immediately set yourself up in a positive way, believe in your success, see positive changes in your thoughts every day and enjoy even small successes. It will be useful to use affirmations, meditations.

Thoughts about self-development alone are not enough - you need to constantly carry out specific actions in order to become better every day. Many will ask: "How to find time to do self-development?". To begin with, it is enough to allocate 20-30 minutes a day - do not watch TV, do not surf the Internet and social networks. In a month, these 20-30 minutes will give you a tangible result, the main thing is to start.

Without smart books - nowhere

Self-improvement is written in many ancient books, starting with the Bible and others. sacred books, much can be learned from the Eastern teachings of Yoga, Tao and others. But these are primary sources that will not be clear to everyone. They have already been reworked by scientists into a language understandable to us and set out in books in the form of recommendations for self-development. These editions just need to be found. Among the bestsellers on this topic today are the following books:

  • Steven Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". This work changes the worldview of people, they get rid of many complexes and begin to quickly move forward. career ladder or succeed in business. The book gives recommendations that really help to awaken dormant forces in yourself and become a leader. Read it with a pen and notepad and mark the main postulates on which you will base your path to excellence and you will succeed.
  • Sharma Robin "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". This guide to the spiritual development of the individual, the author believes that without strengthening the strength of the spirit, nothing can be achieved in life, and self-development must begin with spiritual improvement. This is fair, the weak in spirit does not become a leader and successful person. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to what is written in this book. It also contains tips for effective use. strengths human character.
  • Godin Seth "The Pit" is a publication about how to take care of yourself in order to become the best in the field in which a person builds a career. This is a real guide to a breakthrough to success in your professional life.

All these books are united by one valuable idea - self-development never ends. The desire to be the best in a person’s character and you need to be able to use this quality.

Nice video for inspiration: