Scenario of the excursion in the museum. The scenario of the excursion to the ethnographic museum "Linen Brides"

Facing Technique in Technology

Kurbatova O.V.,

technology teacher

MBOU School №173

"The Origins of Creativity"
and gifts of children at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought.
In other words: the more skill in the child's palm, the smarter baby».
Sukhomlinsky V.A.

In the draft federal component of the state educational standard general education one of the goals related to the modernization of the content of general education is the humanistic orientation of education. It determines the personality-oriented model of interaction, the development of the personality of the child, his creative potential. The process of profound change taking place in modern education, puts forward as a priority the problem of the development of creativity, creative thinking, which contributes to the formation of a diversified personality, distinguished by originality and originality.

What is meant by creativity?

In the pedagogical encyclopedia, creative abilities are defined as the ability to create an original product, products, in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, skills, skills are independently applied, manifested at least in a minimal deviation from the model of individuality, art.Creativity includes the ability to imagine creatively, to observe, to think outside the box.

Thus, creativity is the creation on the basis of what is, of what has not yet been. These are customized psychological features child, which do not depend on mental abilities and manifest themselves in children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, their point of view on the surrounding reality. At the same time, the level of creativity is considered to be the higher, the greater the originality of the creative result.

The greatest opportunities for the development of creative abilities of children studying at school are provided by the educational area "Technology". The activity of children is aimed at solving and embodying in the material a variety of tasks related to the manufacture of initially simple, then more complex products and their artistic design. Students fantasize, express their opinion, prove their point of view on the performance of a particular work, develop artistic taste.

Paper plastic classes are a creative process that permeates all stages of the development of a child’s personality, awakens initiative and independence of decisions, the habit of free expression, self-confidence, carried out through the joint activities of the teacher and children, children with each other. For the teacher, parents and child - this should become the meaning and way of life that will teach children through developing workshops overcome difficulties, make independent decisions, find a more productive and efficient way to achieve the learning goal that arises during the lessons.

There are many different areas of paper art: origami, paper rolling, exquisite miniatures, paper cuts, etc. But I would like to tell you about a new direction of paper-plasticity - the Trimming technique. It is simple, but allows you to create airy, voluminous compositions of any size and on any topic.

Facing is one of the types of paper needlework. This technique can be attributed both to the method of application and to the type of quilling (paper rolling). With the help of facing, you can create amazing three-dimensional paintings, mosaics, panels, decorative interior elements, postcards. In this way, it is possible to decorate almost any item, for example, photo frames. Still little known, this technique is very quickly gaining new fans and gaining popularity in the world of needlework. Such a rapid growth in its popularity is explained, firstly, by the unusual effect of "fluffiness" that the trimming gives, and secondly, by the very the easy way execution. What is it, paper trimming technique? Let's get to know her better.

What is trimming?

To work, you need corrugated, plain colored or tissue paper (silence), you can also use napkins, a pencil, scissors, glue and a base on which the parts will be attached.

Facing types

1. Contour facing - paper twists frame the outline of the picture. Used to create piping, borders, borders and when combined with other techniques such as scrapbooking.

2. Plane cutting.In this case, the trimmings are placed vertically and very tightly to each other over the entire surface.

3. Volumetric cutting.This type of work involves different twisting densities of trimmings and attachment to a three-dimensional surface at different angles of inclination, which allows you to create very beautiful complex compositions.

4. Trimming in layersinvolves gluing parts into each other. The combination of trimmings of different shades and colors makes it possible to achieve unusual effects and "revive" paper crafts.

All types of facing can be successfully combined with each other.

Trimming can create paintings of any size.In this case, the contours of the image are applied to the base with a pencil, and each segment is densely filled with twists of the corresponding colors.

Facing principle

This technique is based on the creation of images and objects using three-dimensional paper elements. Volume element facing is called "trimming" or "butt". It is a piece of soft paper compressed in the form of a funnel or cone. It is from these elements that the intended product is created. Each such “end trim” is like one brush stroke in creating a picture, like one loop in knitting or one bead in beading. Facing is not a difficult job, but painstaking. It requires not only perseverance, but also accuracy, attention and a certain dexterity.


To perform crafts in this technique, you need a minimum set of materials and tools: paper, glue, scissors and the so-called "cutting" tool.

Not all paper is suitable for trimming. Typically, this technique uses corrugated paper or otherwise crepe paper. Such paper is sold in almost all art supply stores. In addition to corrugated paper, ordinary paper napkins are also suitable for trimming. From corrugated paper, "end trims" are made directly - elements voluminous applications. Scissors and glue will be needed to cut and glue these trim pieces to the base of the craft.

A wide variety of materials are used as the basis. As a matter of fact, any surface to which this paper is glued can be “downed” with corrugated paper. Therefore, for panels, paintings and mosaics, a flat base is taken - a sheet of drawing paper, cardboard, light ceiling tiles. For voluminous crafts, blanks are made from foam, newspapers, papier-mâché, and plasticine. Well, the main tool for trimming is a long thin stick with a blunt end. The role of such a tool may well be a pencil, a rod or a case from ballpoint pen, Chinese chopstick and any other suitable chopstick.

technology as such

How to work with all these tools and materials? After you have decided on the type of product, you need to prepare paper for "trimming". These should be squares cut from corrugated paper. Size - from one to three centimeters, quantity - depending on the area or volume of the product. The workpiece, on which the “end faces” will be attached, can be smeared with glue in advance. But you can also apply glue to each individual element - that's how you like it.

How to make one such "fluffy"? The manufacturing technology of "trimming" requires accuracy. So in right hand you have a stick for trimming, in the left - a square of paper. Attach a piece of paper with the center to the end of the stick, and, holding it, gently crease the paper, wrapping it around the stick. When squeezing the paper, do not press too hard to avoid tearing it. As a result, you will get a small fluffy cone. Fluffiness will be given to it by the sides of the square folded into folds. After that, without removing the cone from the rod, glue it to the workpiece so that the top of the cone is glued to the surface of the workpiece, and the folds of a kind of “carnation” look at you. When gluing trimmings, remember that the denser you place them on the surface of the product, the more fluffy and neat it will look.

Options and possibilities

First of all, these are all kinds of toys-decorations. Some needlewomen use this technique in scrapbooking and photo frame design, decorate greeting cards with it. If you make a picture or a panel using this technique, you get a real terry rug with a solid pattern or a fluffy contour pattern.

For the manufacture of volumetric products, the technique of trimming paper on plasticine is used. To do this, a blank is made from plasticine, on which “end trims” are already attached without glue. Souvenir flower balls and "trees of happiness" made in this technique look very impressive.

Facing, which is easy to perform, has an unexpectedly spectacular result that will not leave indifferent either the masters or those who will admire this result.

The purpose of practicing the Facing technique:

To teach children various techniques in working with paper and the technique of making products, stimulate the creative activity of children, develop fine motor skills,show interest in this type of activity and involve the child in creative activities throughmastering the basics of Tortsevani technique;

To promote the development of the personality of students through creative activity, the formation of artistic and creative abilities of children through the provision of emotional and imaginative perception of reality, the development of aesthetic feelings and ideas.

Lesson objectives:

Development of imagination, fantasy, artistic taste;

Expansion of methods of cognition of the surrounding reality;

Formation of the child's personality culture in all manifestations;

Education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotionally-valuable positive attitude towards oneself and the world around.

The proposed classes develop activity, creative initiative, contribute to the knowledge of the basics of composition and perspective, develop artistic taste, sense of color, measure, harmony, sense of symmetry. Showing their imagination and creativity, children create different and unique works. Made with love and inspiration, they will help decorate the school interior, bring originality and beauty to the house.

In the field of personal universal learning activities students will have:

Sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings;

The skill of independent work and work in a group when performing practical creative work;

Focus on understanding the reasons for success in creative activity;

The foundations of socially valuable personal and moral qualities were laid: hard work, organization, conscientious attitude to business, initiative, curiosity, the need to help others, respect for other people's work and the results of work.

Sustained cognitive interest in creative activity;

Opportunities to realize creative potential in their own artistic and creative activities, to carry out self-realization and self-determination of the individual at the aesthetic level;

Emotionally-valuable attitude to art and life, to be aware of the system of universal human values.

In the field of regulatory universal learning activities, students will learn:

Choose art materials, facilities artistic expressiveness to create creative work. Decide artistic tasks based on knowledge about color, composition rules, learned methods of action;

Carry out final and step-by-step control in their creative activities;

Adequately perceive the assessment of their work and others;

To carry out ascertaining and anticipatory control on the result and method of action, actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

Independently adequately assess the correctness of the performance of the action and make adjustments to the performance of the action, both in the course of its implementation and at the end of the action.

Search for information using literature and mass media;

Select and build the optimal technological sequence for the implementation of one's own or proposed plan;

In the field of cognitive universal educational activities, students will learn:

Acquire and implement practical skills and abilities in artistic creativity;

Develop artistic taste as the ability to feel and perceive the diversity of types and genres of art;

Artistic - figurative, aesthetic type of thinking, the formation of a holistic perception of the world;

Develop fantasy, imagination, artistic intuition, memory;

Develop critical thinking, in the ability to argue your point of view;

In the field of communicative universal educational activities, students will learn:

Initial experience in joint productive activities;

Collaborate and provide mutual assistance, benevolently and respectfully build your communication with peers and adults

Form your own opinion and position;

Take into account and coordinate in cooperation other people's positions that are different from their own;

Take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position;

Ask questions necessary for organizing your own activities and cooperation with a partner;

Adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities;

As a result of classes, students should develop such personality traits as the ability to notice beauty, accuracy, diligence, purposefulness.

Evaluation of the planned results of classes

The system for tracking and evaluating the results of children's learningpasses through their participation in exhibitions, competitions, festivals, public events, portfolio creation.

Exhibition activity is an important final stage of studies.

Exhibitions can be:

One-day - held at the end of each task for the purpose of discussion;

Permanent - held in the room where children work;

Thematic - based on the results of the study of sections, topics;

Final - an exhibition is organized at the end of the year practical work students, a discussion of the exhibition is organized with the participation of teachers, parents, guests.

The art of making handicrafts using the Trimming technique is not only a fascinating and a way of spending leisure time, but also a technology for integrating educational areas in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as a means of solving many pedagogical problems, in particular, the development of fine motor skills of hands.

By improving and coordinating the movements of the fingers and hands, facing affects the overall intellectual development child, including the development of speech. The facing technique promotes concentration, develops constructive thinking, the ability to combine, spatial thinking, creative imagination, artistic taste.

When designing lessons, consider the following:principles :

accessibility (simplicity, compliance with age and individual characteristics);

visibility (illustrativeness, availability of didactic materials).

democracy and humanism (interaction between a teacher and a child in society, the realization of one's own creative needs);

scientific character (validity, the presence of a methodological base and a theoretical basis).

from simple to complex” (having learned elementary work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing creative work).

Methods and techniques :

1. Organizational:

verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, lecture, etc.)

visual (showing multimedia materials, illustrations, showing (performing) by a teacher, working on a model, etc.)


2. Methods based on the level of activity of children:

explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information

reproductive - students reproduce the acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity

partial search - participation of children in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher

research - independent creative work children.

Forms of work:

Classes can be held both during school hours, that is, directly at the Technology lessons, and outside school hours, in a circle. And there may be:

    individual (each child must make his own craft);

    group (when performing collective work, a group of children performs a specific task);

    collective (in the process of preparing and performing a collective composition, children work together without sharing responsibilities)

Expected results:

As a result of learning in the classroom, children:

get acquainted

With the art of Trimming;

will learn
- various ways of working with paper,

Follow verbal instructions;


Forms of facing technique,

The ability to create compositions with products made using the facing technique,

teamwork skills,
- work culture skills;

raise state of the art
- attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination,

fine motor skills hands and eye,

Artistic taste, creativity and imagination;


Communication skills.

Classes provide for the development of visual, artistic and design abilities, non-standard thinking, and creative individuality in students. This equips children, future adult citizens, with the ability not only to feel harmony, but also to create it in any other than artistic creativity, life situation, in any field of activity, extending it to relationships with people, with the outside world.

Teaching the art of Trimming occupies an important place in the system of aesthetic education and contributes to the development of the creative potential of the individual.

for older preschool children

Integration of educational areas:"Music", "Safety", "Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction"," Artistic creativity.

  • To acquaint children with Russian folk costume, lace, embroidery.
  • Show the originality of the Russian people, manifested in the skill of craftsmen.
  • To instill in children respect for the national heritage, the desire to preserve and enrich it as an invaluable treasury of beauty.

Preliminary work. Prepare the upper room for the reception of guests: along the walls - benches, near the side wall - an exhibition of products made by members of the circle and adults in the traditions of folk crafts /lace, spinning, knitting, embroidery/; hang embroidered towels, men's and women's suits, hats, shoes; cover the tables with self-woven tablecloths and put a samovar, a kerosene lamp, on the chest - knitting, a tow with a spindle, a hoop with embroidery.

/ Sounds musical background "Variations on themes of Russian folk songs» the hostess cleans up in the burner, the children from the Our Roots circle come in /
Hostess: Hello, girlfriends, come in, sit on the oak benches, make yourself at home. Thank you for coming to my meeting.
/Children take their places for needlework. sing a song/
Hostess: So a rich harvest has been harvested in the bins. Pokrovushka-Pokrova herself came - the time for gatherings, fairs and weddings. And in order to play a wedding, you need to collect a dowry. So work on darlings
and so that the matter is argued, sing a song.
“How barley was born in the field” r.n.p.
/Knock on the door, children and adult members of the folklore ensemble of the House of Culture "Gorenka" enter/
Hostess: Come in, dear guests! Guest for guest - joy for the owner. Please go to hell! Red guest - red place!
Adult: How comfortable you are, Akulina! What are you doing here? Hostess: I’ll tell you everything now, dear guests! I’ll tell you about Russian needlework, and I’ll arrange “linen brides” for you. Here are my girlfriends-assistant already set to work. They spin yarn from sheep's wool, knit lace, socks, mittens. They prepare a dowry for themselves, they try to make the product beautifully. Alena, as the folk wisdom says?
Alena: "It's not that expensive that red gold, but that of good craftsmanship." The Russian people created from simple material: wood, clay, wool, flax, but the value of craftsmen's products was determined not by the price of the material, but by the skill and imagination of the master, and there were many talented craftsmen in Russia. And now our region is famous for its craftsmen and craftsmen.
Round dance "Spinning wheel" r.n.m.
Hostess: They sang and danced nicely, and they sang the spinning wheel even better, but she really is a beauty with us, look.
/Children are seen illustrations depicting different types of spinning wheels, rollers, spindles. The hostess draws the children's attention to the decorations of the spinning wheels/
Hostess: We see on the spinning wheels solar symbols, they resist everything evil and dark. Plowed land is depicted in the middle and lower parts in the form of hatched rhombuses. The spinning wheel is designed for spinning wool and linen. And the material was woven from threads, then clothes were sewn.
Child: It's autumn now. October - pazdernik - means "the month of cleaning flax." And how is it cleaned, Aunt Akulina?
Hostess: And this is how it is sung in the song. Nastenka, sing along!
Dramatization of the song "Green Linen" r.n.p.
Hostess: Here in the song you heard the whole sequence of processing flax, then comes spinning and weaving.
Child: Please tell us about how clothes are sewn and decorated. After all, clothes should not only keep warm, but also protect a person from all sorts of adverse influences and influences. Hostess: Yes, sewing and decorating clothes were deeply meaningful and organized. Children, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Come, look, and the girls will tell you what's what.
/The hostess opens a screen with illustrations of Russians folk costumes Belgorod region. Musical background "Folk melodies" r.s.m. Children are viewing the exhibition, and the girls are talking about Russian folk clothes, hats /
Round dance “Will I go out to the river” r.n.m.
Hostess: Oh, how well the girls danced, as if they were knitting lace. Guys, look, here you see light, transparent lace with delicate patterns, which to this day captivate with its beauty.
/Children look at the lace/
1 girl. Do you know that lace appeared 300 years ago in Venice. They were very beautiful. They were worn in the form of collars, cuffs, the richest women's dresses were sewn from them, men's camisoles / jackets /, hats, gloves, underwear were decorated with them, upholstered furniture, walls of rooms, carriages ...
2 girl. Lace can be woven with a needle./Demonstration/ Its main elements: large and small loop, mignonette, corner, flower, berry.
3 girl: Lace is especially delicate obtained from thin threads. You can knit napkins, collars, tie a handkerchief /show/.
"Lace" r.n.p. performed by the ensemble "Gorenka"
Mistress: Our Russian land is famous for its embroiderers. Embroidery - one of the types folk art, embroidery decorate clothes, household items and premises.
/Consider the types of embroidery on portraits, paintings, towels, pillowcases, tablecloths, runners, washcloths./
1 girl. On the patterns we see a variety of ornaments of flowers, birds fairy tale characters, animals. Each embroidery has its own name depending on the place of its origin - manufacture.
2 girl. /show illustrations/. So, in the village of Kresttsy, Novgorod region, they perform Krestets stitch, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region - guipure, and in Ryazan - Ryazan embroidery.
Hostess: And I will also tell you a secret that the clothes of the bride and groom were decorated with embroidery. Let's start a round dance game.
Karagod-game "Princesses" r.n.m. adults and children play.
Hostess: So the evening tends to sleep. It's time for us to say goodbye. Boys.
1. "Play - do not get tired, it would not have gone away!"
2. “Honor to the guest, joy to the owner!”
3. "The guest is happy - the owner is happy!"
Guests: Thank you, hostess, for your hospitality.
Hostess: Thank you, dear musicians and singers! Goodbye, dear guests! You are welcome to visit us next time.

(nomination " Best excursions»)

Work completed:

11th grade student Elena Tokar

E-mail [email protected]

Tel. (8-261) 4-77-93

309381 Belgorod region

Grayvoronsky district

with. Nameless, st. Oktyabrskaya 77-a

Head: Berezovskaya O.Yu.


Scenario of the museum tour

Guests have come to us, dear ones have come;

It was not in vain that we cooked kvass, baked a loaf;

Taste our bread, salt.

Russian hut.

The word "hut" in most people naturally combines with the word "village". This association is correct. In the past, "hut" was always called a dwelling located in the countryside: a village, a village, a settlement, a farm. The same type of dwelling, but built within the city, was called "house".

Russian settlements from ancient times arose along the banks of rivers, streams, lakes, along the postal routes connecting large trading and craft cities, in the center of arable and hay lands. Villages, as a rule, were located close to each other, gravitating towards one center - a village that had a church, a parish school, shops, and administrative buildings. Peasant huts were built in one or two rows - "orders" - along the road, river or lake, closely clinging to each other. The villages did not have a clear layout: the estates in them were located with fences, the entrance gates of which were always closed at night.

Huts in old Russia usually built, or, according to folk etymology, cut from wood. Brick houses in rural areas were very rare, mainly in the southern treeless regions of the European part of the country, as well as in villages located near large cities.

Building a house for a peasant was a significant event. At the same time, it was important for him not only to solve a purely practical problem - to provide a roof over his head for himself and his family, but also to organize the living space in such a way that it was filled with life's blessings, warmth, love, and peace.

When building a new house great importance given to the choice of location. At the same time, naturally, they proceeded from practical considerations: the place should be dry, high, bright - and at the same time they took into account its ritual value: it should be happy. A place inhabited was considered happy, that is, a place that had passed the test of time, a place where people's lives passed in complete prosperity. Unsuccessful for construction was the place where people used to be buried, and where a road passed or a bathhouse stood.

Russian stove

And now I want to ask you a riddle: “What can’t you pull out of the hut?” Certainly, we are talking about the oven.

Life in the hut was in full swing around the stove. It served as a source of heat and light. Russian oven refers to the type of ovens in which the fire is kindled inside the oven. The smoke exits the mouth-hole into which the fuel is laid, or through a specially designed chimney.

In the traditional mind, the stove was an integral part of the home. According to popular belief, behind the stove or under it lives a brownie, the patron of the hearth, kind and helpful in some situations, wayward or even dangerous in others.


The front part of the peasant hut. The red corner, like the stove, was an important landmark inner space hut.

Our red corner is not located according to the rules, simply because our museum does not have the place where it should be.

The red corner is the space enclosed between the wall with the door to the vestibule and the side wall. The stove was located in the back of the hut, diagonally from the red corner. The red corner is well lit, since both of its constituent walls had windows. The main decoration of the red corner is a goddess with icons and a lamp, so it is also called "holy".

As a rule, in the red corner, in addition to the goddess, there is a table. In the red corner, near the table, two benches meet, and above, above the shrine, two shelves of a bench; hence the name of the corner "day" (the place where the elements of the decoration of the dwelling meet, connect) All significant events family life marked in red. Here, both everyday meals and festive feasts were held at the table, the action of many calendar rituals took place. In the wedding ceremony, the matchmaking of the bride, her ransom from her girlfriends and brother were performed in the red corner; from the red corner, which is why at home she was taken to the church for a wedding, brought to the groom's house and also led to the red corner.

During the harvest, the first and last harvested sheaf was solemnly carried from the field to the house and placed in a red corner. Preservation of the first and last ears of the crop, endowed, according to popular belief, magic power, promised well-being in the family, home, and the whole economy.

In the red corner, daily prayers were performed, from which any important business began. The red corner is the most honorable place in the house. According to traditional etiquette, a person who came to the hut could go there only at the special invitation of the owners. They tried to keep the red corner clean and smartly decorated. The very name of the corner "red" means "beautiful", "good", "light". It was cleaned with embroidered towels, popular prints, postcards. Everywhere among the Russians the custom was widespread, when laying a house, to put money under the lower crown in all corners, and a larger coin was placed under the red corner. Often, incense was laid at a red angle, in the millstone corner opposite the stove mouth - money, in the back corner at the entrance - wool (a symbol of wealth and fertility), and nothing was laid where the stove was placed, since this corner, according to folk representations, intended for brownie.

In many places in Russia, the red corner was also called "big" or "front".

Female and male corners (or "kut") - opposite the stove brow.

A special place in the hut is occupied by the women's corner. This is the lightest part of the house. There is a loom (we have separate parts of the loom in our museum), spinning wheels, and long winter evenings women wove linen, wove rugs. Basically, clothes were sewn from homespun cloth, which was dyed in different colors and covered with embroideries. We have several towels from the beginning of the century. The museum presents festive women's shirts, embroidered belts and poneva.

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the spinning wheel. A spinning wheel is a tool for spinning, it differed: a blade or a paddle, a relatively wide upper part for tying a tow, a more or less high leg and a bottom, with which the spinning wheel was placed on the bench and on which the spinning wheel sat down, pressing the spinning wheel with the weight of his body. Distaffs were richly decorated with carvings and paintings, richly decorated spinning wheels served as a decoration for the hut, grooms gave them to their brides, and they were passed from mother to daughter.

The next subject of our exposition is the spindle. The spindle is a device for spinning.

Winders. They wound yarn on them, made half-coils, which were then washed and dyed.

Valki - with the help of their women, they knocked out linen on the river.

Rubel - with the help of this item, peasant women smoothed moistened linen canvases. These items are decorated with carvings.

Later, irons appeared, they had to be heated on stoves or coal was placed in them.

There was also a men's corner in the hut, where various tools, saws, planes were stored, here the owner wove bast shoes, sewed shoes, and fitted the blocks. Male corner, or "konik" - at the entrance. Zakut - behind the stove.

Dishes. Used in everyday life clay jugs, krynki, cast iron. When eating, they used wooden spoons. The material for the manufacture of dishes was chosen wisely. It was known that water and milk would stay cold for a long time in ceramic jars. It is better to stew dishes in cast iron. Water was kept in a wooden lagoon. They salted vegetables and fermented cabbage in wooden tubs. And with the help of this device they made starch.

And now, dear guests, I will ask you a riddle:

Worth a fat man

podchinivshi barrels,

Hissing and boiling

He tells everyone to drink tea.”

Correctly! This is a handsome Russian samovar. The presence of a samovar in a peasant family spoke of prosperity. They were proud of the samovar, they put it on display. When selling property, for non-payment of taxes, the samovar was sold first of all.

The time of appearance of samovars is unknown, but in the 18th century they were already used in the Urals. The most famous Tula samovars. Samovars were produced by hand from copper, brass or tombac, sometimes from silver.

A special place in the hut was occupied by millstones, with their help they ground flour. And this is a mortar and pestle.

All things were stored in chests. Large chests were placed near the stove and used instead of a bed.

Next, I would like to draw your attention to the children's corner. It is primarily represented by unsteadiness. Zybka is a peasant children's cradle. It was made from a bast, tied to a cordon and “rippled” (hence the name).

According to popular belief, the child will have bad dreams, he will stop growing or he can be replaced devilry if he looks in the mirror.

Here is a doll-charm. The doll has long been a favorite toy of the children of the Russian village. As you can see, the face of this doll was not depicted, which meant that the doll is an inanimate thing and evil spirits cannot move into it.

And now I ask you to go to the class where we will make such a doll - an amulet.

Journey through the school museum

Head: head of the museum

Biktimirova E.D.



Excursion scenario

Topic: "Journey through the school museum"

Purpose of the tour:

Moral, civil - patriotic and aesthetic education of students by means of local history.

Tour objectives:

1. I use the route scheme to review the exhibits of the museum, for all its expositions.

2. Attract the attention and interest of students to the history of the school, the edge of the heroism of the inhabitants of our city in the Great Patriotic War.

3. Carry out the final activities of the excursion, in order to consolidate its cognitive, educational, emotional results.

Direction of the tour:

Students of GBOU Neftekamsk boarding school for children with handicapped health 11-16 years.

Tour duration: 45 minutes

1. Pre-pass a briefing on the rules of conduct in public places, and life safety

2. To conduct an excursion in an organized, disciplined manner, ensuring the attention of listeners to the guide's story.

Technological map of the excursion

"Journey to the School Museum"

2. Topic of the tour:

«Exposure review school museum»

3. Type of excursion:


4.Composition of tourists:

For children aged 11-16


30 minutes

Excursion story text

opening talk

Hello, our names are Lilia and Anastasia. We are in the 9th grade of our school and are members of our school museum. Today we will take a short tour of our museum. Our tour will start from the Our Traditions stand, where we are, and end at the entrance to the museum. During the tour, we will get acquainted with all the expositions of our museum, learn a lot of interesting things from the history of our school, as well as from the history of our region.

First of all, we urge you to order, be attentive, observe safety rules, behave calmly, do not push, do not talk loudly. If necessary, ask questions calmly and in an organized way.

Main part

The exhibits of our museum are grouped by expositions. Currently, there are five of them in the museum: “Our traditions”, “History of the school”, “Local history”, Military-patriotic section- “No one is forgotten…”, “History of the city”.

You see the stand "Our Traditions". Here are albums that tell about the working days of our teachers and many former students. This is one of the favorite exhibits for many of our visitors, especially for those who once studied at this school. They leave the warmest memories of childhood, youth, wonderful school years. And what interesting albums about former teachers, students. Teacher's dynasty. Hereditary teachers have worked and are working in our school, that is, those whose parents and, possibly, grandparents were also teachers, for them the teaching profession did not become a random choice.

Teacher dynasties.

1 Lilya Fayzrakhmanovna Samatova, biology teacher, has worked at the school since 1981. to 2007

Daughter Yamaeva Anzhela Elgisovna, educator, has been working since 09/01/1997 to the present day.

2 Nasibullina Lena Minulovna, teacher primary school, works 1969 to the present day

Daughter Shafikova Irina Feliksovna, a primary school teacher, has been working since 1992.

3 Zinova Tamara Fedorovna, music worker, has worked at the school since 1999. to 2001

Kryukova Irina Alexandrovna, psychologist, has been working at the school since 2001.

4 Zamaraeva Taisiya Ivanovna, educator, has worked at the school since 1979. to 1998

Gudkova Natalya Semyonovna, educator, 1980-2003

Samatova L.F. Yamaeva A.E.

Shafikova I.F. Nasibullina L.M.

Zinova T.F. Kryukova I.A.

Gudkova N.S. Zamaraeva G.

First teachers

Balandina Lidia Mikhailovna

Antropova Valentina Stepanovna

Galeva Venera Mullaianovna

Nasibullina Lena Minullovna

Our teachers are Veterans of the Great Patriotic War

The school is proud of its veterans. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War Sultan Saitovich Saitov and Iraida Nikitichna Timofeeva worked at the school for many years, giving the warmth of their souls. Iraida Nikitichna Timofeeva was called to the front in the summer of 1943. She got to the Ukrainian front and became a front-line driver of a GAZik - a lorry. The girl brought the wounded to the hospital. I had to carry military equipment, and drinking water, straw, firewood ... At the end of the war, Iraida Nikitichna was wounded by shrapnel and ended up in a military hospital in Warsaw, where she met the Victory Day. Timofeeva Iraida Nikitichna for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. awarded the Order of the Patriotic WarIIdegrees." Home front workers also made a huge contribution to the war. The school is proud of its veterans. For many years they worked at the school, giving the warmth of their souls. Our home front veterans: Bayazitov Aimet Pavlovich, Gibaeva Nasima Galimovna, Zavarina Zoya Ivanovna, Dyachkova Valentina Akimovna, Zamaraeva Taisiya Ivanovna, Metuzene Salikha Gabdrakhmanovna, Rzhevkina Valentina Mikhailovna, Rostovtseva Maria Petrovna, Sabirov Nil Kabirovich, Samusko Ekaterina Andreevna, Tyulkina Shakira Alekseevna, Shakirova Nazhipovna.

Our veterans.

Timofeeva Iraida Nikitichna.

Now look to the right. Before you is a large stand called "History of the School", which is a continuation of the exposition of our traditions. The name itself helps us to understand the content of the stand. By the decision of the executive committee of the Neftekamsk city council of deputies of the workers of the BASSR No. 354 dated September 9, 1969, the Neftekamsk special (correctional) comprehensive school– boarding schoolVIIIspecies, then it had a different name - an auxiliary school, studied in 1969 - 1970. – 82 students in 6 classes. The school was located in a barracks building on the street. Neftchinikov, 8.

In 1978 the school moved to the building of the former orphanage at the address: Kuvykin lane 10 A and becomes a boarding schoolVIIIkind. The number of pupils is growing: in 1980 - 1981. – 196 students

in 1982 - 1983 – 230 students

in 1985 - 1986 – 269 – that was the most

a large number of students.

To date, 178 children are studying at the school, 33 of them are studying at home.

Bayazitov Aimet Pavlovich - was the first director of the school. He laid traditions, rallied the team, ensured that the school moved from a barracks building to a typical building.

Over the years of the school's existence, it has developed its own traditions based on the great pedagogical practice of talented teachers who are enthusiastic about their work.

Lidia Mikhailovna Balandina, Lena Minullinovna Nasibullina, Valentina Stepanovna Antropova, Venera Mullaianovna Galeeva - stood at the origins of this school.

The experience of the older generation of teachers and educators, together with the latest methods and forms of work, make it possible at present to conduct work at a high professional level. the main objective- school management - to promote the improvement of the skills of each member of the teaching staff so that new techniques and teaching methods, the best pedagogical experience teachers and educators were the property of every worker. This is carried out with the help of a well-thought-out system of continuous study of teaching staff, which allows expanding general information on psychology, pedagogy, methods of teaching and raising children of different age groups and get the necessary knowledge.

The team of teachers and educators of the school is creatively working, in love with their profession.

Special merit in this belongs to Knyazeva Svetlana Fasikhovna. Svetlana Fasikhovna has been working as the principal of the school from 1985 to 2009. Back in 1974, she came to this school as a young specialist and went from teacher, head teacher to director.

Svetlana Fasikhovna has excellent organizational skills, is competent and, of course, a talented leader. The key to her success is a deep, versatile knowledge of psychology, pedagogy, amazing ability to work, high responsibility, exactingness to herself, a creative approach to teaching, love for children, and a lot of work that the director does with students, teachers, parents and staff.

“In everything I want to get to the very essence” - with these words of B. Pasternak one can define the life credo of Svetlana Fasikhovna.

Since the new academic year 2009, Khabibullina Zifina Absakhovna has been appointed director.

Right at the entrance to your eyes opens the exposition "Local History". Here are collected materials dedicated to our region. On the showcase you see essays, albums and books about our region. On the stands are the most outstanding sights of our Republic of Bashkortostan.The Republic of Bashkortostan is a subject Russian Federation, named after the indigenous people - the Bashkirs. The Republic is located in the southern part of the Ural Mountains, on the border of Europe and Asia. Bashkortostan is part of the Volga Federal District. The region code is 02.

On March 23, 1919, the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Republic was created - the first national autonomy in Russia. The Republic was founded on October 11, 1990, and from February 1992 the name of the Republic of Bashkortostan was adopted.
The area of ​​Bashkortostan is 143 thousand square meters. km or 0.8% of the total area of ​​the country. In the north, Bashkortostan borders on Perm region and the Sverdlovsk region, in the east - with the Chelyabinsk region, in the southeast, south and southwest - with the Orenburg regions, in the west - with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the northwest - with the Udmurt Republic.
The capital of Bashkortostan is the city of Ufa with a population of 1 million 050 thousand people. There are 54 administrative districts, 21 cities, 40 urban-type settlements in Bashkortostan. The largest cities are Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk. The climate of the republic is continental with humid, warm summers and moderately severe winters. State languages, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Bashkortostan, are the Bashkir and Russian languages. The Republic of Bashkortostan is a multinational region, where representatives of more than a hundred nationalities live. According to the ethnic composition, 36.3% of the population of the republic are Russians, 29.8% - Bashkirs, 24.1% - Tatars. Indigenous people republics - Bashkirs. Chuvash, Mari, Ukrainians, Mordovians, Germans and representatives of other nationalities also live in the republic.
Head of the Republic and its supreme official is the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The highest legislative and representative body is the State Assembly - Kurultai. The supreme body of executive power is the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Now look to the right. An exposition called "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" opens before your eyes. It is dedicated to the heroic history of the Great Patriotic War, and our countrymen, soldier's widows - participants in this terrible war. These heroic pages of our history have always been honored and will continue to be honored.Here is a stand for the soldiers' widows of Neftekamsk.

Balakina Nadezhda Konstantinovna. Lost her husband in November 1941. On October 8, 1947, notification No. 1 \ 1436 arrived that the husband, a native of the village of Balakina, Barakhaevsky district, Askinsky district, BASSR, was missing at the front. war time worked on the collective farm "Vperyod".

Syutkina Anastasia Ananievna.Lost her husband on February 17, 1942.She worked on a collective farm in the village of Buysk, Kambarsky district. She worked as a groom on the collective farm, mowed hay, harvested bread.

Mannanova Nurikamal Khabibullovna.In 1942 he was sent to the front, where he fought near Stalingrad and went missing a month later in April 1942. The family received a notice that Mazhit Mannanov went missing only in 1944. During the war, Nurikamal Khabibulovna worked at the Paris Commune collective farm. This whole exposition seems to carry us through the decades, in the era of wartime, making us think, not leaving us indifferent, not allowing us to consign to oblivion the Great feats of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

And now before your eyes - the exposition "History of the city". Here are collected exhibits dedicated to our "Small Motherland" - the city of Neftekamsk. You see essays, albums and books about our city in the window. On the stands are the most prominent sights of our city.On February 1, 1963, the working settlement of Neftekamsk was transformed into a city of republican subordination. But the birthday is March 3, 1963. Neftekamsk owes its birth to the discovery of a new oil field, near the ancient village of Arlan, Krasnokamsk region. The city is the fourth largest in terms of population after the cities of Ufa, Sterlitamak and Salavat. Neftekamsk is a multinational city. Average age residents - 36 years. There are more than 250 veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the city. 30 residents of Neftekamsk have the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City". The favorable geographical location of Neftekamsk at the intersection of roads, railways, waterways is a natural opportunity to develop economic, cultural and business contacts with friendly neighboring cities and regions of the republic and the country. Neftekamsk also grew in number, today the population of the city is about 130 thousand people. National composition: Bashkirs, Russians, Tatars, Mari, etc.The average age of the population is 36 years.The education system of the city includes 21 secondary schools, Bashkir gymnasium, physics and mathematics lyceum No. 1, gymnasium No. 1, 30 preschool institutions, 6 institutions of additional education, 2 professional lyceums, 2 vocational schools, oil, pedagogical and engineering colleges. Higher education is represented by a branch of the Bashkir state university, Ufa State Aviation Technical University and specialty 151001 "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" at the Neftekamsk Engineering College. In addition, there are numerous branches of faculties of universities in other cities in the city. The following operate in the city: Sberbank, VTB24, Uralsib, Investkapitalbank, RBR, Gazprombank, Rus-bank and others. Various newspapers and magazines are printed: Neftekamsk-Business, Krasnoye Znamya, Kontakt, Vestochka, Delovaya, Metro 74, I have the honor, the magazine V Gorod N and others. The editorial office of the republican Mari newspaper "Cholman" is located in Neftekamsk. Since December 4, 2004, the correspondent office of the republican television and radio broadcasting LLC "TV Studio BST-Neftekamsk" has been operating in the city. In 2007, the city has its own TV channel "Neftekamsk-TV". Hockey club "Toros", athletes play in the highest and first leagues of Russian hockey. The Children's and Youth Sports School operates. In Neftekamsk, more than 30 thousand residents of the city are constantly engaged in 150 sports facilities (38 gyms, 9 teenage clubs, 4 youth sports schools, a center for youth tourism and excursions, the Vened club, 3 swimming pools, the Toros sports complex with a stadium for 10,000 spectators and an ice palace, the House of Physical Education, and sports grounds). Every year the city hosts over 240 city and more than 10 republican and all-Russian mass sports events. The hockey team "Toros", well-known outside the republic, plays productively in the national championship. In 2006, the women's volleyball team "Olimp" took 2nd place in the final of the Russian Championship, representing the national team of the Republic of Bashkortostan. 49 sports are cultivated in the city. On a par with traditional views cycling, motorsport, auto racing, tourism, kickboxing, skiing, fire-applied, equestrian and many other sports have been developed. Remains for many years cultural center northwestern Bashkortostan. 152 creative teams work here. 26 of them were awarded the titles of Exemplary and People's. The annual program of city cultural events includes many festivals and competitions, including International Festival national cultures"Berdemlek - Commonwealth", International festival-competition Bashkir and Tatar songs "Duslyk-mono", Days of national cultures, Pedigree holidays (Shezhere), Republican contest of romance performers "Romansiada" and others. Among the city attractions is the Neftekamsk Museum of History and Local Lore.


Our tour has come to an end. Just that you once again independently examined the wealth of our school museum. I would like to note that all the expositions of our museum are constantly replenished, the museum is growing. Perhaps in the future the museum will tell enthusiastic visitors about your successes, about you, your relatives and friends. To do this, I urge you to contribute to the replenishment of our museum, bring old objects, things that may not be useful to you, but here they will take their rightful place and will play the role of witnesses of the past ... The past of our school, our region, our "small homeland" .

And this is what makes up the history of our Republic, our Fatherland, the whole world. When you become adults, don't forget school, our museum, come here, tell about yourself, your successes. It is possible that information about you will become interesting and useful for future generations of students.

Let me finish our tour with lines from the poem of the Belarusian sweat Petrus Brovka:

"It's not a shame to show the museum,

Everything here is collected by us.

What once lived, it is clear,

You can see how we live now.”

And now all the best. We invite you to visit our museum again, invite your brothers, fathers, mothers, friends, acquaintances with you.

After that, the tourists, under the guidance of a guide, leave the museum and assembly hall in an organized manner.

List of used literature

1.Methodology of local history work at school. A guide for teachers. Ed. N.S.Borisova. Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1982

2. M. P. Novikov, M. S. Zelikman, A. N. Yashina. Oil on the Kama. Moscow, Nedra, 1988

3.History of the fatherland. Schoolchildren's handbook. Moscow, 1996.

Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you within the walls of our Alekseevskaya school! Before starting the tour, please tell us if any of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

Museum (from Greek, - the house of the Muses) - an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - monuments and culture.

There are a lot of museums in the world of various subjects.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts…local history)

What is local history?

Local history is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements. Such a study is usually carried out by scientists who are limited to this region.

Guys, today we will go on an excursion to our local history museum. The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in those distant times.

What do you think we can see there?
- How should one behave in a museum?

In the museum, you must behave quietly, you cannot touch anything with your hands without the permission of the guides.

Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, tour guide. I give the floor to the guides.

1 . Hello, dear guests of our museum! Today we invite you to take a tour of our local history museum. Our museum occupies a very small space, but it contains more than 2,000 exhibits. Some exhibits are on display. In our local history museum several main expositions "History", ""Culture", "Education", "Nature", "Numismatics" are presented.

Let's start our fascinating journey with the historical department. Please come closer to historical map our village.

2. More than 300 years ago, the place where the village of Alekseevka is located was deaf and swampy, surrounded by forest. These regions have long been famous for clean springs, rich game, fertile soils, thereby attracting immigrants from the central regions of Russia.

Along the river in the northwestern part in 1701 he founded the settlement Dorotheus, and in the central part Alexei founded the runaway soldiers of Peter the Great. They hid in our forests from hard and long service. Their names are still preserved in the names of parts of the village - Alekseevka and Dorofeevka.

The riches of our region began to attract peasants who were hiding from serfdom. So part of the territory was settled by serfs who fled from the owner - the serf-owner of the Chudov Monastery - this part is still called Monastyrshchina.

3 . All settlements - Dorofeevka, Alekseevka, Soldatchina, Monastyrshchina, Khovrishchina, Neelova, Dyadkovka, Yamochka, Peschanka were divided at first and only much later united into one village. And for the most part it began to be called Alekseevka. Or, according to one version, the name of the village was given in honor of the father of Peter the Great - Alexei Mikhailovich.

But not only peasants populated our lands, landowners were also drawn here. They received the best lands and enslaved the peasants. Parts of the village - Khovrishchina, Neelovaya - are named after the names of the landowners. All of them were distinguished by cruelty towards the serfs. Barin Neelov traded peasants for dogs.

1. The richest was Prince Lvov, his castle "Eagle's Nest" towered in the western part of the village. The prince owned a large part of the land and forest. Residents were forbidden to go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. And those who did not obey were hunted down by dogs. Subsequently, the castle of Lvov was destroyed by the peasants. Now this place is called the "Count's ruins", where the foundation of the building has been preserved.

Before the revolution, the land was owned by landowners and kulaks. Lack of land forced the peasants to resort to subsidiary crafts. Since ancient times, shoemaking has been developed in Alekseevka.

2. And now we will see how the peasants of our village lived. AT peasant hut there were many household utensils. Cast iron dishes were used, but they also usedclay. Pay attention to the exposure! (krinks, korchagi, etc.) In everyday life, jugs, jars, cast irons were used. When eating, they used wooden spoons. The material for the manufacture of dishes was chosen wisely. It was known that water and milk would stay cold for a long time in ceramic jars. It is better to stew dishes in cast iron. Water was kept in a wooden lagoon. They salted vegetables and fermented cabbage in wooden tubs.And this is a samovar! The samovar is a part of the life and destiny of the Russian people. This item on the table was necessary for the Russian tea ceremony. He became a symbol of kindness and home comfort. Children received knowledge, absorbed traditions, learned to speak and listen at the samovar.

3. In order to put a cast-iron in the oven and not get burned, the peasants had a special device -grip.

Now everyone in the house has running water, opened the tap and the water itself flowed. And the peasant women had to bring water from the well. To do this, women carried water in buckets, hanging onyoke .

1. And thisspinning wheel , wool, fluff and then from the resulting yarn were spun on it knitted socks, scarves, mittens. In the long winter evenings, girls and women were engaged inneedlework . We spun, weaved, embroidered - look what beautiful products handmade You can't buy these in the store now. Women sewed and decorated clothes, while men made shoes. See what's on the chest? That's right, bastards. Bast shoes are the traditional footwear of peasants. Bast shoes were woven from bast - this is the bark of a linden. And also weaved from bast: purses (large shopping bags), boxes, hats.

2. Rubel - with the help of this item, peasant women smoothed moistened linen canvases. These items are decorated with carvings.

Later, irons appeared, they had to be heated on stoves or coal was placed in them.

3. NowAn exposition called "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" opens before your eyes. It is dedicated to the heroic history of the Great Patriotic War, and to our countrymen - participants in the war, home front workers, children of the war. These are the heroic pages of our history, which we have always honored and will continue to honor.Here you can see items from the war years: field glasses, a helmet, a soldier's overcoat and much more. Albums dedicated to the Great Patriotic War are also presented here.

In the exposition "Culture» photo and video equipment of past years, a gramophone, literature of the relevant subject are presented.

1. AT "Education" we can see school supplies Soviet period, as well as photo albums dedicated to the history of our school.

Next department"Nature" acquaints us with the wealth of our region.


The museum keeps our history. The exhibits were collected not only by museum and school employees. Many people, residents of our village, took part in the creation of the museum: they brought objects, documents that reflect the history of our city, the collection is constantly updated with new exhibits.

Now our village is famous for its sights:

1. The house-museum of border guards, which has no analogues in the region!

2. St. Sergius Convent, which amazes everyone with its splendor!

3. Silver spring, famous for its the purest water!

Welcome to Alekseevskaya land!

The great Soviet geographer N.N. Baransky said: "To love your Motherland, you need to know it well." Our tour has come to an end, but local history work continues. We hope that you will not be indifferent to what you have learned today. The land on which we live is fraught with many mysteries and historical finds. Love your land, your village, make it better, more beautiful. Thank you all for your attention.