"Golden Ratio. "Golden Section" International festival competition "Golden Section"

This is an International Multi-Genre Festival-Competition, in which everyone can take part!

This year the festival will be held for the fifth time, in connection with this - a lot of additional prizes, mini-competitions, drawings, as well as free photo-video shooting and live broadcasting!

Basic distinctive feature festival-competition is the holding of annual international competitions, in nominations - vocal, choreography, theater, circus, where not a competitive, but a qualification principle for evaluating a competitive program by open voting is used. In the final, where the winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree of the previous competitions meet, only the competitive principle of evaluating the competitive program by open and SMS voting is already applied

All International competitions and the Final are held in a live online broadcast.

Why did we name our festival that way - " golden ratio"? The explanation will sound philosophical: A person distinguishes objects around him by shape. Interest in the form of an object may be dictated by vital necessity, or it may be caused by the beauty of the form. The form, which is based on a combination of symmetry and the golden ratio, contributes to the best visual perception and the appearance of a sense of beauty and harmony. The whole is always made up of parts different sizes are in a certain relationship to each other and to the whole. The principle of the golden section is the highest manifestation of the structural and functional perfection of the whole and its parts in art, science, technology and nature - a harmonious proportion ... Stage is not only colloquial, humorous genre, it is also music, theater, circus, choreography!!! That's why we decided to unite all areas of pop creativity into this single big Golden Festival and gave it the name "Golden Section"!

  • Live Internet broadcast in all parts of the world
  • Minimum arrangement fee: from 700 rub. Flexible system of discounts for large teams.
  • Acknowledgments and monetary awards to the leaders of the best teams and teams (Cash awards up to 150,000 rubles).
  • Additional division into three categories "Starting level of training", "Intermediate" and "Professional"
  • Individual approach to each large team (own manager).
  • Rewarding on the day of the performance of the participants.
  • All participants will receive diplomas and souvenirs.
  • Open voting of jury members. Answers to your questions from the jury.
  • The best teams will be invited to participate in festive and concert events in Moscow and the Moscow region. Possible job offers.
  • Laureates of the festival-competition "GOLDEN SECTION" get into the final of the project "PREMIERA" with prize fund at 150 thousand rubles. Grand Prix of the super-final of the PREMIERA project - Full production up to a solo concert, performance, release of a video clip (TV performance, etc.), work with famous directors and producers.
  • The festival is an opportunity to make new friends from different countries and have fun.

Press release:

From April 13 to April 20, 2017, the traditional and long-awaited for the Moscow architectural community festival "Golden Section" will be held in Moscow. The Union of Moscow Architects and the curator of the festival Nikita Asadov invites professionals to return to the ongoing debate in professional circles about the quality of the environment, to talk and comprehend the essence of the concept of "quality" in a modern architectural context.

For two weeks, the Central House of Architects will be the main platform in Moscow to discuss topical and painful topics for professionals, such as: what is needed to create a full-fledged architectural environment, what measures should the state, business circles and society take to support architectural creativity and how to ensure the revival architecture as the foundation of a nation's culture.

The variety of proposed formats will help to look at the topic in a new way. The festival program includes exhibitions, research, lectures, expert platforms, architectural performances and discussions about a quality space for living with the participation of architectural theorists and practitioners, social engineers, philosophers, media and cultural figures, developers and officials.

Review competition

The central event of the festival will be the opening of an exhibition of works by the Golden Section Competition, the most authoritative professional award that has been collecting best work Moscow architects, and answering the question of what a high-quality architectural environment should be like.

The festival will culminate and end with the announcement of the winners of the Golden Section Prize. The highest award of the festival - a bronze bas-relief with a stylized image of the award symbol will be awarded on April 20, 2017.
Festival program:

18.00 Solemn opening ceremony of the festival "Golden Section"

Large Foyer of the CDA

As part of the ceremony, a presentation of special projects and the opening of an exhibition of works from the competition for the Golden Section award will take place.

19.00 Round table: "The quality of urban planning decisions"

Large Foyer of the CDA

Participants: Marat Khusnullin, Sergey Kuznetsov, Yuliana Knyazhevskaya, Sergey Skuratov, Yuri Grigoryan, Alexey Muratov

Moderator: N.I. Shumakov

18.00 Round table: "Is high-quality architecture possible without open competitions and without architect's copyright at all stages of creating an architectural object?"

White living room CDA

Standard design, standardization and quality - evil or good? Typical or individual?

Moderators: V.N. Logvinov, A.V. Bokov, S.V. Gnedovsky

19.00 Lecture by Andrey Chernikhov "Line of Thought" as part of the competition program architectural drawing"Archigraphics"

Great Hall of the CDA

10.00 - 20.00 Educational program: "Media Tools: Video and Projection Technologies in Architecture".

Large foyer, Lobby

The educational program includes an exhibition, lectures, discussions and master classes. Registration

Curator: Andrey Kiselev

18.00 Round table: "Fundamental foundations for the development of urban development in the Russian Federation"

White living room CDA

Moderators: E.A. Gurvich, A.V. Bazhenov

12.00 Grand opening memorial plaque dedicated to the outstanding civil engineer of the 20th century Emmanuel Handel (1903-1992). Address: st. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 36

18.00 Round table "Changing the system of urban settlement based on the new urban policy of the Russian Federation"

White living room CDA

Moderator: I. Zalivukhin

Research seminar "Five-storey buildings: quality of life and environment".

Experimental fixation of the quality of life in the architectural environment of demolished five-story buildings through micro-research.

April 19
11.00 - 13.00 Kick-off meeting at the CDA (Blue Lounge)
13.00 - 17.30 Work on the territory
18.30 - 20.00. Collection at the CDA and analysis of the results (Blue Room)

20 April
15.00 - 16.00 Gathering at the CDA. Preparing presentations
16.30 - 18.00 Round table with study participants and invited experts.
large foyer

19.00 Summing up the results of the competition for the Golden Section Prize and the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners

Large Foyer of the CDA

15.00 - 18.30 Conference

This year, the award (or, as the organizers themselves say, competitions for the award) "Golden Section" turned 20 years old, so the award is declared anniversary. However, the past "Golden Section", which takes place every 2 years, was also declared anniversary - the competition was held for the tenth time. Let us explain to our readers that "a review competition is" a public acquaintance with something for the purpose of checking, evaluating and identifying the winner.

As such, there is no selection for participation in the Golden Section. There is only a "settlement requirement" - these should be projects and implementations of architects "living or working in Moscow and the Moscow region" regardless of their geography. Thus, foreign architects, even if their work is realized in Moscow, do not participate in the review. You also need to pay a registration fee - 12 thousand rubles for one competitive work in the sections: "Project" and "Implementation" and 5 thousand rubles for one competitive work in the "Printed Work" nomination. The absence of preliminary selection, on the one hand, leads to the fact that the quality of work is, to put it mildly, uneven, on the other hand, it gives an idea of ​​what Moscow architects, not only eminent, but different, are doing. After all, most of the works presented at the awards and in the catalog will never get on the pages of professional publications and resources.

Over the years, the competition was organized with varying degrees of thoughtfulness, the rules changed, and the main prize - a bronze bas-relief with a stylized image of the award symbol - could be one or several at once: for a project, for implementation, for a book, for restoration, for merit.

In 2017, more than a hundred works were submitted for the anniversary Golden Section. In the catalog published by the Tatlin publishing house, they are combined into two main sections "Project" and "Implementation". In the “projects” category, these are “urban planning complex”, “building and construction”, “conceptual project” and “small object”. In the category "implementation" - "urban planning complex", "design object", "building and structure", "interior", "small object" and "restoration". The catalog is very reminiscent of the award itself, the nominations go in one stream, not separated by titles, so the town-planning project, the residential complex "Literator" (the owner of the "Golden Section" this year), and the ship-complex of art concrete "Chernaya pearl” (this is the nomination “design project”).

Prizes are also awarded for books and articles about architecture, naturally it is called "Printed Work", apparently in the Union of Moscow Architects, they believe that something meaningful and worthy of attention should be on paper - the nominees in this area are also mentioned in the catalog.

Of the long-established workshops in the Golden Section this year, for example, Ostozhenka and Atrium participated, and of the architects who until recently were considered “young”, two years ago recognized as the best at the ARCH Moscow exhibition, and Buromoscow, which designed . We have selected several works from the Golden Section 2017 catalog, which were noted by the jury and show the diversity of the competition.

Residential complex "Literator"

Grand Prize Prize

Complex on the territory of the former Khamovniki brewery. On the one hand, buildings maintain continuity with industrial architecture, and on the other, due to white stone in facades, they visually expand the space in the territory where they are built.

The concept of spatial development of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Nomination "Project. City-building complex. nominee

The elongated Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk should become more compact. Industrial zones will be brought to the outskirts, and new blocks and streets will make the city center distinct.

The Opera House is a studio of the Moscow Conservatory

Nomination "Project. Building and structure. nominee

The theater-studio should be built in the courtyard of the academic building of the conservatory. It is required to preserve the historical architecture around the building as much as possible, so most of the new premises under the project are located underground.

Moscow Central Circle

Nomination "Implementation. City-building complex. Diploma

More than 20 ground terminals of the MCC are designed in the same style. The main themes for them, the architects chose the "portal" and "tape" - as symbols of the transport system.

Pavilion of the Department of Information Technology

Nomination "Implementation. Building and structure. Diploma

Dreams of the city

Nomination "Project. City-building complex. Diploma

The project of a mini-city in the Tver region - with a park, a central square and an entertainment and sports center. Landscaped yards are raised to the level of the second floor, as the ground floor has exits for cars and parking.


Nomination "Realized design project". nominee

The installation symbolizes the superiority of nature over human endeavors. Over time, a forest will appear around it, it will grow into the structure and become its integral part.

Wing "Ruina"

Nomination "Implementation. Restoration". nominee

After the restoration, the historical life of the wing in the courtyard of the Museum of Architecture appeared in all clarity. Elements and layers are highlighted on the facade and in the interiors different eras- with late XVIII century until late Soviet times.

On April 20, 2017, the results of the Golden Section 2017 contest organized by the Union of Moscow Architects were summed up at the Central House of Architects.

Over the history of more than 20 years of existence, the award has earned the title of the highest award of the Moscow professional workshop and has become synonymous with public recognition. In 2017, 134 works were submitted to the competition in 11 categories.

At the solemn ceremony of summing up the results of the competition, the jury consisting ofNikita Yavein, Sergei Gnedovsky, Alexei Ginzburg, Mikhail Khazanov, Stanislav Kulish, Alexei Borodushkin and Anastasia Zaichikova summed up the results of the Competition and announced the names of laureates, nominees and holders of honorary diplomas.

Sponsors of the festival "Golden Section 2017": Alfresco, Knauf, Alucom.

The winner of the competition "Golden Section 2017" was:

LLC "Architectural workshop "Sergey Kiselev and partners". Residential complex "Literator" at the address: Moscow, Central Administrative District, Lev Tolstoy St., vl.23/7.

Architects:S. Kiselev, A. Medvedev, M. Serebryanikov, T. Gruzdeva;engineers: I. Shvartsman, K. Spiridonov, A. Korshunov, O. Aksenova, V. Sergeev, I. Radin, V. Ilyin, G. Blagodarny, E. Kiryukhantsev.

The residential complex occupies the main part of the territory of the former Khamovniki brewery at the intersection of Lev Tolstoy and Rossolimo streets. The industrial past of the territory, the internal isolation of the complex and its complex functional saturation determined the structure of the facades. The choice of a contrasting pair of red brick and light natural stone in the facade decoration is due both to the desire to emphasize the continuity of the architectural solution, and the desire to visually expand the space of the yards.

Achievement main goal- the formation of a harmonious and recognizable space - solutions with a variety of textures of brick and stone, framing of window openings, a system of stone belts and pilasters, showing the structure of two-level apartments, are also subordinated. The corner building, having an exceptional position in the complex, received a peculiar plastic solution. A sequence of sloping outer walls, following the historical line of the retaining wall, is complemented by a textured face brick.

Sign "Golden section" For honor and dignity handed over to Alexander Andreevich Skokan.

The nominees of the competition "Golden Section 2017" are:

1) Project. Town-planning complex

LLC Architectural Bureau "Ostozhenka". Concept spatial development city ​​of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Team of authors: A.A. Skokan (director), A.L. Gnezdilov (heads), M.V. Perov (hands); architects - A.V. Elbaev, A.A. Kochurkin, G.M. Mustafin, A.M. Petrov, I.S. Petrova, S.A. Pomelov, V.V. Salnikov, M.E. Skorokhod, A.A. Starostin, D.N. Stupina, A.M. Tairova, T.A. Khvorostyany, M.S. Kubantseva, P.N. Lyzlova, O.I. Maksimova, S.L. Moskalik; engineers - S.E. Kanep, L.Ya. Grishkov, N.Yu. Karmadonov.

2) Project. Building and structure

State Unitary Enterprise TSNRPM / ARCHSTRUKTURA. Opera theatre- Studio of the Moscow Conservatory.

3) Project. Conceptual project

ARCHSTRUKTURA. Pavilion of Atomic Energy "REAKTOR" at VDNKh.

4) Implementation. Design project

LLC "Architectural workshop of Totan Kuzembaev". CuboED (Tula region).

Authors: O. Kuzembaev, B. Valiev, K. Felk, V. Puzin, D. Bochkrev, Sh. Bukhsas, B. Tarasov, M. Shustrova, L. Kuzembaeva, K. Starovoitova, S. Gogolev, K. Blinov , T. Kuznetsov, A. Megerya, R. Blaas, V. Sosinsky, D. Cherpkova, D. Cherepkov, R. Cherepkova, S. Dowing, E. Ivanova.

5) Implementation. Building and structure

Open Joint Stock Company "Moscow Research and Design Institute of Cultural, Recreational, Sports and Health Objects "Mosproekt-4". CSKA Arena Stadium (Moscow, SAO, Khoroshevsky District, 3rd Peschanaya St., ow. 2).

Team of authors: A.V. Bokov, D.V. Bush, S.N. Chuklov, A.V. Orlov, V.I. Valuyskikh, K.V. Lanina, Yu.V. Olofinskaya, L.S. Romanova, Yu.V. Veretennikova, A.S. Zolotova, E.A. Buzmakova; engineer - E.E. Bekmukhamedov; designers - M.I. Kelman (GK-Tekhstroy), A.S. Proskurnin (GK-Tekhstroy).

6) Implementation. small object

Le Atelier. House in Shatura (Moscow region).

7) Implementation. Realization/restoration

LLC AB "Rozhdestvenka" An object cultural heritage federal purpose "House of Talyzin: the main house and an outbuilding in the courtyard with a semi-circular wall (wing "Ruin") (Moscow, Vozdvizhenka st., 5/25).

Team of authors: N.G. Tyutcheva (heads), K.A. Tyurin (GAP), L.A. Milyukov (GIP), K.A. Yakushin (chief designer), restorer - S.N. Alyoshin (GAP); architects - P.I. Popov, P. Bush; E.V. Kirillova (leading architect), S.N. Potapova (design engineer).

8) Printed work

"Progress - Tradition". The book "Architect Boris Eremin. Creative heritage. Reconstruction of the center of Moscow: architectural concepts and projects of the second half of the 20th century.