Self-education plan fine motor skills preparatory group. Self-education plan "Development of fine motor skills in preschool children

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Anzhero-Sudzhensky urban district

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 21"


Drozdova Natalia Anatolievna

Topic:« Development fine motor skills in preschoolers

through didactic games»

2016-2017 academic year

(younger group)

Anzhero-Sudzhensky GO


« The origins of children's abilities and talents are at your fingertips.

From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams,

that feed the source of creative thought.

In other words, the more skill in child's hand,

topics smarter child»

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

On the initial stage life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how the child develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, a pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the designer, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics. They refuse modeling and applique, which are loved by other children. Thus, the possibilities of mastering the world by children are impoverished. Children often feel inadequate in elementary activities available to their peers. This affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem. Over time, the level of development creates school difficulties.

Fine motor skills are the ability to manipulate small objects, transfer objects from hand to hand, and perform tasks that require coordinated eye and hand work. Fine motor skills are associated with nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech are very closely related. And this is explained very simply. There are centers in the human brain that are responsible for speech and finger movements. They are located very close. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills, we activate the zones responsible for the formation of children's speech and increase the child's performance, his attention, mental activity, intellectual and creative activity. In addition, fine motor skills directly affect manual dexterity, which will be formed in the future, the child’s reaction speed, the level of logical thinking, memory, reasoning, concentration and imagination. It depends on how deftly a child learns to control his fingers. further development. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.

Target: increasing their theoretical and pedagogical level and competence on the development of fine motor skills in preschoolers through didactic games.

Tasks of self-education:

  1. To study and summarize the pedagogical and methodical literature development of fine motor skills in early childhood.
  2. Develop and select didactic games to improve motor skills, coordination of movements of the hands, fingers of younger children preschool age;
  3. Contribute to the improvement of speech and expansion vocabulary through finger games and gymnastics;
  4. To increase the competence of parents in the importance of finger games, exercises for preschool children;

Forms of work with children:

ü working with children;

ü individual work;

ü free independent activity the children themselves.

The system of work is presented in the following areas:

ü Directly educational activities- joint and individual differentiated work with children;

ü Work outside of educational activities (finger gymnastics, didactic games in the afternoon);

ü Parent meeting with the display of finger games by children (at the end of the school year);

ü Working with parents - consultations and conversations.

Working methods and techniques:

Explanation, show, conversation, game

ü massage of the hands;

ü finger gymnastics and physical education;

ü production of didactic games, lacing;

ü modeling from plasticine;

ü games with cubes, constructors;

ü drawing using templates, stencils

ü finger theater.

Games used:

ü "Geometric inserts"

ü "Large and small mosaic"

ü "Pyramid"

ü "Games in a dry pool for hands"

ü "Find out what's in the bag?"

ü « Split pictures»

ü "We build from the constructor"

ü Wooden and cardboard puzzles

ü "Lacing"

ü "Clothespins"

ü "Games with massage balls»

Expected result:

Children will be able to properly hold cutlery and writing utensils, attention, memory, thinking will be developed, Creative skills and fantasy.

Stages of conducting didactic games

for the development of fine motor skills

at preschool age

Success in working with children younger age largely depends on how the work with this category of children in kindergarten is organized. Therefore, I singled out the III stages, for each didactic games and exercises were selected and developed.

Istage -

The study of educational and methodical literature. At this stage, an individual assessment of the development of fine motor skills of the hand of each pupil is carried out.

IIstage - Theoretical

At this stage, an individual assessment of the development of fine motor skills of the hand of each child is carried out; the study psychological features development of children of primary preschool age; generalization of educational and methodical literature; (drawing up a card index of finger games, lacing, games with clothespins, etc.)

IIIstage - Generalizing

This stage is characterized by the fact that children willingly master didactic games and exercises under the guidance of a teacher and on their own. At this stage, it is very important to organize directly educational and gaming activities as a single process aimed at developing speech, creative, cognitive abilities of children, to offer such a number of additional games and educational activities where each child could realize his emotional, physical abilities. Systematicity is ensured by the daily conduct of a variety of didactic games: in direct educational activities, and in free independent activities.


Forms of work

With kids

With teachers


With parents




Carrying out a diagnostic examination

Consultation with the head of the methodological council on the topic of self-education.

ü Studying literature on the topic, searching for effective technologies

ü Selection and definition of the topic of self-education

ü Planning work on the topic of self-education

Consultation for parents "The importance of the development of fine motor skills for babies"




Learning finger games:

u "Autumn"

ü "Uncle"

u "Vegetables"

Didactic games:

ü Mosaic


Consultation with a speech therapist teacher on creating a card file of finger games for younger children.

ü Drawing up a plan for self-education

ü Making a card index of finger games.

Questionnaire for parents on finger gymnastics.




Learning finger games:

ü "Cabbage"

ü "Bunny"

u "Fruits"

u "Orange"

Didactic games:

ü Constructor

ü « Miraculous Pouch»

ü Creation of a card file of didactic games

Making a folder-slider "Finger Games".


Learning finger games:

u "Snowball"

u "Castle"

Didactic games:

ü "Find a soul mate" - split pictures

ü "Building a fence" from counting sticks

ü Creation of a file cabinet of games with massage balls.

ü Selection and development of didactic games.

ü Replenishment of the card file of finger games.

Parenting Advice: "Major Benefits of Fine Motor Skills"


Learning finger games:

u "Bear"

ü "Squirrel"

Learning games with massage balls:

ü "Ball"

ü "Needles"

Didactic games:

ü "Dry pool"

ü "Cut pictures"

ü “Help hang clothes” - double and single stencils of clothes, (attach with clothespins).

Memo for parents: "Games with clothespins"


Learning finger games:

ü "Glove"

o "Man"

Learning games with massage balls:

ü "Hill"

ü "Knead the dough"

Didactic games:

ü "Puzzles"

ü “Lay out a house of colored geometric shapes»

ü “Who lives in the house?” - find figurines in the "dry" pool.

ü "Let's help grandma untie the knots on the clothesline"

ü Development of GCD abstracts using didactic games

Consultation for parents "Development of fine motor skills through the use of cereals"


Learning finger games:

u "Spring"

ü “Drip, drip, drip ...”

ü "Duck"

Learning games with massage balls:

ü "Affectionate hedgehog"

Didactic games:

ü "Puzzles"

ü "Cinderella" - sort the beans by color.

ü “The sun shines brightly brightly” - lay out the sun's rays from the counting sticks around the yellow circle.

ü Replenishment of the card index of didactic games.

ü Development of GCD abstracts using didactic games.

ü Making didactic games.

Memo for parents: "Our finger games"

An exhibition for parents of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschoolers.


Learning finger games:

ü "Doves flew"

ü “Oak grows by the path”

ü "Bee"

Didactic games:

ü "Finger steps"

ü "Beads for mom"

ü "Lacing"

ü "Puzzles"

ü "Wonderful buttons" - laying out patterns from buttons.

ü Making a card index of didactic games.

ü Development of GCD abstracts using didactic games.

ü Making didactic games.

Master class "Development of fine motor skills at home"


Diagnosis of the level of development of fine motor skills.

Report on the topic of self-education.

ü Carrying out a control diagnostic study using the method of observation, exercises.

ü Making the work in full.

Parent meeting: “So we have become a year older” - to focus the attention of parents on the importance of their help; celebrate the successes of active parents involved with children.


  1. Anischenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. - AST, 2011. - 64 p.
  2. Bardysheva T.Yu. Hello finger. Finger games. - M.: "Karapuz", 2007. - 18 p.
  3. Bolshakova S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands: Games and exercises. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006. - 64 p.
  4. Ermakova I.A. Developing fine motor skills in toddlers. - St. Petersburg: Ed. house "Litera", 2006. - 18 p.
  5. Ivlev S.V. Entertaining puzzles. - M.: My world, 2008. - 256 p.
  6. Krupenchuk O.I. Finger games. - St. Petersburg: Ed. house "Litera", 2007. - 96 p.
  7. Nikitina A.V. 29 lexical topics. Finger games, exercises for coordinating words with movement, riddles for children (4 years old) - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008. - 96 p.
  8. Pimenova E.P. Finger games. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. - 211 p.
  9. Rymchuk N. Finger games and the development of fine motor skills. Original finger games. Early development baby. Rostov-on-Don: Vladis: M.: RIPOL classic, 2008. - 320 p.
  10. Timofeeva E.Yu. Chernova E.I. Finger steps. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills. - St. Petersburg: Korona-Vek, 2007. - 32 p.
  11. Sokolova Yu.A. Finger games. - M.: "Eksmo", 2006. - 25 p.
  12. social network education workers.
  13. http://ww International educational portal.
  14. "Child Development"
  15. Site for kindergarten teachers.
  16. Site for children and adults.
  17. Everything for kindergarten.
  18. International educational site "Educational-methodical cabinet".

"The development of fine motor skills of preschoolers"

Self-education for the 2015-2016 academic year

Teacher-defectologist MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 "Golden Key" Semenova T. N.

Topic: "The development of fine motor skills in preschoolers."

Target: The development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in preschool children through various activities.

Improving the conditions for the development of fine motor skills of fingers, hands of preschool children.


1. Improve coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;

2. Improve fine motor skills of fingers, hands, sensory;

3. Improve overall motor activity;

4. Promote the normalization of speech function;

5. Develop imagination, visual-figurative thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;

6. Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.

1. Improve the subject-developing environment of the group for the development of fine motor skills.

2. "Object developmental environment" - a system of material objects and means of a child's activity, functionally modeling the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance in accordance with the requirements of the main general educational program of preschool education.

3. "Safety of materials and equipment" - providing the child with such materials and equipment, during the use of which his physical and mental health not in danger, the material should be accessible, interesting and varied.

4. Develop fine motor skills of fingers in preschool children through the use of a variety of forms, methods and techniques.

Reporting form:

To make a consultation for educators on the development of fine motor skills of preschoolers "We develop fingers, we improve speech."

Conduct a survey of parents, a meeting on the topic: "Educational games for the child, what they contribute to."

Make a file of finger games, articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises.

Forms of work:

Joint activities of the teacher with children;

Individual work with children;

Free independent activity of the children themselves.

Working methods and techniques: (Explanation, display, conversation, game)

Hand massage;

finger gymnastics, physical education minutes;

finger games with poems, with tongue twisters;

finger theater;

construction: work with the LEGO constructor;

stencil drawing;

hatching in a given direction;

drawing (according to the principle of symmetry);


Didactic games;

Lacing, buttons, clothespins;

games with small objects;

puzzles, mosaics, nesting dolls, pyramids;

STAGE 1 information and analytical (introductory)

The study of scientific and educational literature:

Bardysheva T. Yu. Hello, finger. Finger games. - M .: "Karapuz", 2007.

Bolshakova S. E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands: Games and exercises. - M. : TC Sphere, 2006.

Ermakova I. A. We develop fine motor skills in babies. - St. Petersburg: Ed. House "Litera", 2006.

Krupenchuk O. I. Finger games. - St. Petersburg: Ed. house "Litera", 2007.

Pimenova E.P. Finger games. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007.

Timofeeva E. Yu., Chernova E. I. Finger steps. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills. - St. Petersburg: Korona-Vek, 2007.

Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech - St. Petersburg: IChP "Hardford", 1996.

Sokolova Yu. A. Games with fingers. – M. : Eksmo, 2006.

6. Koltsova M. M "Development of motor skills"

7. Elena Danilova "Finger Games"

8. Strogonova I. A. " Preschool education, the development of fine motor skills of the child's hand "

STAGE 2 - implementation in practice.

STAGE 3 - presentation of work experience on the topic.

Speech at the teachers' council, speech at the parent group meeting.


At the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how the child develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, a pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the designer, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics.

Thus, the possibilities of mastering the world by children are impoverished. Children often feel inadequate in elementary activities available to their peers. This affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem, his speech, which often leads to the isolation of the child. Over time, the level of development forms school difficulties, it is difficult for a child to get used to his peers and such children consider themselves "strangers".

And, of course, at preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. From how deftly the child learns to control his fingers, his further development depends. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, thinking, ZUN (knowledge, skill, skills, as well as vocabulary) develop.

Self-education work plan

1. Study the literature on this topic.

2. Implement in work with children.

3. Make a card file of games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, as well as a card file of games for the development of breathing, articulatory gymnastics.

4. Consultation for parents "We develop fingers, we improve speech."

5. Conduct a mini-test with parents “Does my child hear well? »

6. Consultation for educators “What is fine motor skills and why is it so important to develop it? »; “You can and should play with words! ".

7. Exercises to improve the statistical and dynamic coordination of finger movements.

Elena Guseva
Self-education work plan "Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers"

Target: development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in children preschool age through various activities.

Improving conditions for development of fine motor skills of the fingers of preschool children.


1. Improve fine motor skills of fingers, hands.

2. Improve overall physical activity.

3. Promote the normalization of speech function.

4. develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity.

5. Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.

Methods and techniques work:

Hand massage

Finger gymnastics, physical education

Finger games with verses, with tongue twisters

Finger theater

Work with Lego constructor

Stencil drawing

Didactic games


Games with small items

Puzzles, mosaic.


V. A. Sukhomlinsky spoke A: A child's mind is at their fingertips. “The hand is a kind of external brain”- wrote Kant. A well-known researcher of children's speech M. M. Koltsova noted that the hand should be considered as an organ of speech.

Development child is a long, holistic and continuous process. Skills fine motor skills formed in the context of a common child development, including mobility, emotional, cognitive and social sphere. Today, in the age of information and electronics, people, and in particular children, have become much less physically active. The technical process has a downside - the deterioration of the physical development person and as a result deterioration motor development hands of today's children.

fine motor skills in the life and activities of children preschool age,

performs many different functions. Motor skills activates the necessary and inhibits currently unnecessary psychological processes, promotes an organized and purposeful selection of information entering the body in accordance with its actual needs.

At the early stage of life, fine motor skills reflect, how child develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. Children with bad developed manual motor skills they awkwardly hold a spoon, a pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect the scattered parts of the designer, work with puzzles, counting sticks, mosaic. They refuse modeling and applique, which are loved by other children, they do not keep up with the guys in the classroom.

Thus, the possibilities of mastering the world by children are impoverished. Children often feel inadequate in elementary activities available to their peers. This affects the child's emotional well-being, self-esteem. Level over time development creates school difficulties.

And, of course, in preschool age work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should be an important part development of children's speech, skills formation self-service and preparation for writing. How deftly a child learns to control his fingers depends on his further development. development. Along with the development of fine motor skills develop memory, attention, and vocabulary.

Self-education work plan

Name of event Time

Work with educators Consultation “What is fine motor skills and why is it so important develop? november

Workshop "Value fine motor skills in the development of speech of preschool children" February

Consultation « Development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements preschool age" April

Master Class "Magic Fingers" March

"Round table"– exchange of experience on the use of non-traditional benefits for fine motor skills development.

Work with parents Consultation for parents « The development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children" October


"A set of measures to promote development hands and manual skill,

"Games for development of fine motor skills hands with household items,

"How develop small muscles of the hands» ,

"Exercise for development tactile sensitivity and complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands,

"Game self-massage for hands and fingers",

"For fingers to write.";

In tech. of the year

Master Class " Development of fine motor skills hands in children at home" March

Consultation "Unconventional Drawing and Appliqué Techniques for Toddlers" December

memo “We play with fingers - we repeat verses” April

“Why do children need to conduct speech finger games?” January

Exhibition for parents of didactic games and manuals for development of fine motor skills of children's hands March

Information booth consultation "How to conduct speech finger games with a child". May

Work with children Inclusion of finger games in OOD, morning exercises, physical education minutes, in the free activities of children. In tech. of the year

Game use

"Hide in palm",

"What is inside?" (packed in an opaque box) small items,

"Naughty rings" (playing a pyramid,

"Funny laces"

"Sew on a button"

"Let's go to the store" (unfastening and fastening various kinds fasteners - Velcro, buttons, buttons,

"Dressing the Dolls"

"Play the piano"

"Finger Theatre", In tech. of the year


Anischenkova E. S. "Finger gymnastics", ed. AST, 2007

Svetlova I. " We develop fine motor skills"EKSMO-Press, 2001

Timofeeva E. Yu., Chernova E. I. "Finger steps" St. Petersburg, "Crown", 2007

Yanushko E. A. Development of fine motor skills hands in children early age. Moscow, 2009.

Krupenchuk O. I. Poems for speech development. St. Petersburg, 2014.

Krupenchuk O. I. We train fingers - we develop speech. St. Petersburg, 2013.

Bardysheva T. Yu. Tell verses with your hands. Moscow, 2014.

Games for development of fine motor skills hands using non-standard equipment. St. Petersburg, Detstvo-PRESS, 2013.

Related publications:

Self-education work plan "Non-traditional methods of work to prevent and overcome speech disorders in preschoolers""Non-traditional methods of work on the prevention and overcoming of speech disorders in preschoolers" Vasilyeva Irina Nikolaevna.

Self-education report "Development of fine motor skills of hands in children of primary preschool age" Period of work on the topic: 2015-16 academic year (first year) When it is supposed to finish work on the topic: May 2017 Report form: creative.

Self-education plan "Development of articulatory motor skills in children with speech impairment as an effective means of correction" Plan for self-education of the teacher-speech therapist O. V. Solovieva for the 2014-2016 academic year. A. S. Makarenko: A teacher can teach others up to those.

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Post Author: Mikhailova I.A.

Publication date: 18.10.2016

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An individual plan for the inter-certification period to improve the professional level of the educator of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type "Milashkәy" in the village of Bikmurazovo, Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


Theme of self-education: "The development of fine motor skills in young children"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills of the hands of young children in the process of finger games.

Tasks to achieve the set goal:

    Prepare methodological material, a work plan, a file of finger games.

    Develop dramatization games with elements of finger games.

    Conduct finger games with children in various activities.

    Improve coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;

    Improve fine motor skills of fingers, hands;

    Improve overall physical activity;

    Develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;

    Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.


At the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how the child develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, a pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the designer, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics. They refuse modeling and applique, which are loved by other children, they do not keep up with the guys in the classroom.

Thus, the possibilities of mastering the world by children are impoverished. Children often feel inadequate in elementary activities available to their peers. This affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem. Over time, the level of development creates school difficulties.

And, of course, at preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. From how deftly the child learns to control his fingers, his further development depends. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.

Fine motor skills - the ability to manipulate small objects, transfer objects from hand to hand, and perform tasks that require the coordinated work of the eyes and hands. Fine motor skills are associated with the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech are very closely related. And this is explained very simply. There are centers in the human brain that are responsible for speech and finger movements. They are located very close. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills, we activate the zones responsible for the formation of children's speech and increase the child's performance, his attention, mental activity, intellectual and creative activity. In addition, fine motor skills directly affect manual dexterity, which will be formed in the future, the child’s reaction speed, the level of logical thinking, memory, reasoning, concentration and imagination. We can be convinced of the uniqueness and wisdom of the experience of our ancestors. Long before scientists discovered the relationship between hands and speech, they invented and passed on from one generation to another folk rhymes: “Ladushki - patty”, “Magpie - white-sided”, etc. We bring to your attention games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills, which you can do at home. (Appendix No. 1)

Work strategy:

The success of working with young children largely depends on how the work with this category of children in kindergarten is organized.

Stage I - analytical - when identifying the level of development of fine motor skills of the hand in children, their successes in any activity are taken into account: directly educational, cognitive, physical, etc.

This stage is characterized by the fact that children willingly master the skill content of the teaching (finger games) under the guidance of a teacher and on their own. At this stage, it is very important to organize directly educational and gaming activities as a single process aimed at developing speech, creative, cognitive abilities of children, to offer such a number of additional games and educational activities where each child could realize his emotional, physical abilities.

Stage II - diagnostic

At this stage, an individual assessment of the development of fine motor skills of the hand of each child is carried out.

Stage III - the stage of the formation of skills and abilities when learning finger games, therefore, the development of fine motor skills of the hand

Reporting form:

    Make a consultation for educators on the development of fine motor skills of preschoolers.

    Conduct parent surveys.

    Make a card index of finger games.

Forms of work:

Joint activities of the educator with children;

Individual work with children;

Free independent activity of the children themselves.

The system of work is presented in the following areas:

In directly - educational activities - joint and individual differentiated work with children;

Work outside of educational activities (finger gymnastics in the afternoon);

Parent meeting showing finger games with children;

Working with parents - consultations and conversations.


Observations for children, diagnostics

Fingers will be friends

1. Smoothing out crumpled lumps of colored paper. Having unfolded, the children will find out what is hidden in the lump (the contours of the objects are drawn on paper)

"Find and put next to the same" - decompose geometric shapes by color and shape

3. "Kitten balls" - drawing by extension, without lifting the pencil from the sheet

4. Finger gymnastics "Ball"

1. Rolling between the palms of pencils, nuts, tennis balls.

2. Exercise with massage balls "Nut"

3. Tearing paper, pinching off pieces from a sheet

4. Unbuttoning and fastening buttons, zippers, the game "Collect a flower"

5. Mosaic games

Vegetables and fruits

Birds in autumn

1. "Harvesting" - sculpting multi-colored plasticine balls

2. "Fold the picture" of 4 parts

3. "Building a fence" laying out of counting sticks according to the model

4. "Wonderful bag" - identification of vegetables and fruits by touch

5. "Drying vegetables" - double stencils to hang up the rope

1. "Apples on a plate" appliqué from napkin balls

2. Hatching and stroke along the contour of vegetables and fruits

3. "Find a soul mate" - split pictures

4. Exercises with massage balls "Roll on the palm of your hand"

6. Finger gymnastics "Orange"

1. "Look who hid in a ball" - smoothing out crumpled paper balls with the image of birds

2. Drawing with fingers "Birds" - paint over the silhouette of a bird with prints of different colors

3. Exercises in the dry pool "Find the bird"

4. "Cut pictures" - fold the bird out of 3 parts (head, body, paws)

1. "Bird footprints in the sand" draw with fingers on the sand (or semolina)

2. "Wings for a bird" exercise with clothespins (silhouette of a bird, wings made of clothespins)

3. Preparing bird food - sort the beans and peas

Labor of people in nature

Clothing and footwear

1. "Assemble the tools" - two parts, the parts are cut out of cardboard (shovel, hammer)

2. "Draw a shovel, a hammer on the sand"

3. "Search by touch" tools from sandpaper

4. Finger game "We build a wall"

1. "Roll, roll" rolling a smooth and ribbed pencil between the palms.

2. "Lay it out in its place" - in the windows cut out in shape, put a shovel, an ax, a hammer, respectively

3. Working with a tactile board made of matches

1. "What is it" - smoothing out crumpled lumps of paper with the image of clothes and shoes

2. "Zip up the clothes" - with buttons, Velcro, zipper

3. "Help hang clothes" - to dry on a rope and attach with clothespins

4. Drawing polka dots on the dress

1. Sort the buttons by color

2. Work with lacing

3. "Find a pair" to the touch in the box of boots and shoes of the doll

4.finger game "Palms"


Wild animals in winter

Winter, winter forest

1. We build a house from cubes

2. Laying out a house from geometric shapes

3. "Who lives in the house" find a figurine in a dry pool

4. Exercise with a massage ball "Needles"

1. "What does anyone have" - ​​rolling out crumpled lumps

2. "We load the pebbles into the truck" pebbles are scattered on the carpet

3. "A car passed" - draw a sweet from the car on the sand

4. Finger theater at the choice of the teacher

1. "Magic bag" - identify rubber animals by touch

2. Working with tactile boards

3. "New Year's gift for a squirrel"

Collect walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts in a bag, and then determine x by touch

1. "Snowfall in the forest" - spread cotton balls on a Christmas tree stencil made of velvet paper

2. "We make snowballs big and small" from napkins rolling balls of different sizes

3. "Snowman" - modeling from plasticine

Wild animals and their babies

Birds in winter

1. "Who is this" large sandpaper stencils. children need to determine where the mother is, where the cub is

2. "Hedgehog and hedgehog" sticking matches into a plasticine ball

3. "Gift for mice and mice" sorting pumpkin and sunflower seeds

4. Exercise "Hedgehog" with massage balls

1. "Gather a family" impose a stencil on the outline

2. "Who came" we draw footprints of animals of different sizes in the sand: thumb and little finger

3. "To make the bear warmer" tear pieces of paper and cover the bear

4. Finger gymnastics "Bees"

1. "Crow or sparrow" determine the size of the sandpaper stencil by touch

2. work with tactile boards

3. "Treat for the birds" - seed sorting

4. "Who hid under the leaf" identify the object under the green cloth


1. Finger game "My family"

2. "Who is this" assemble a human figure from geometric shapes according to the model

3. "Beads for mom" stringing large beads on a string

4. "What mom bought" - search for vegetables and fruits in a dry pool

1. "Let's help grandma untie the knots on the rope

2. "Let's help the sister fasten the buttons"

3. "Let's teach my daughter to lace up shoes"

4. "For whom a gift" - a magic bag

5. Self-massage of the palms

1. "Let's build a bong out of cubes"

2. "Rails for the train" drawing straight lines

3. "Tear off the check" tearing off pieces from a strip of paper

4. "Help the cook sort the beans by color"

1. Finger game "We cut cabbage"

2. "Vitamin plant" sculpt vitamins from plasticine

3. "Collect a car" from geometric shapes

4. "Cut pictures of 4 parts"

Mother's Day

The beginning of spring

1. Making a gift for mom

(From balls of napkins)

2. Finger games and exercises at the choice of the teacher

1. "Traces from the drop" draw dots on the semolina

2. "The sun shines brightly" rays from clothespins on a yellow circle

3. "Applique "Flowers" flowers are crumpled into lumps, children unfold them and stick them on paper.

4. Finger gymnastics "Rain"

1. Collect the pyramid

2. "Balls for kittens" modeling from plasticine

3. "What is hidden in the lump" smoothing paper lumps with the contours of animals

4. "Matryoshkas fled" to collect nesting dolls one in one

1. Hatching and stroking the outline of toys

2. Finger theater "Turnip"

3. "Wonderful bag" identify toys by touch

4. Draw large and small objects in the sand

Wild and domestic animals

birds in spring

Vegetable world

1. "Unfinished dress" sew on a collar, pocket, button (lay out the missing details"

2. "Drawing on the dress" on a sandpaper stencil lay out a thread pattern

3.Lacing, fastening buttons and zippers

4. "Drying clothes" fasten doll clothes with clothespins on a rope

1. "Assemble a picture from 4 parts"

2. "Pick young grass for a rabbit" pick flat green paper"

3. "Who lives where" laying out a house from counting sticks

4. Exercise with massage balls "Affectionate hedgehog"

1. "Worms for rooks" modeling from plasticine

2. "Let's help the birds" laying out the nest with lumps of vyta

3. "Let's drink the birds" work with water and a pipette

4. Finger gymnastics "Worms"

1. "Each leaflet has its place" close the contours of the various leaflets with the necessary leaflets taken from the box

2. "Beautiful dandelion" sticking matches into a plasticine ball

3. Collective work "Spring Meadow" crumple a piece of paper and stick it on the big picture

4. Finger games learned early

Labor in the spring in the country

We have grown and matured

1 "Planting beans" children make holes in the sand with their fingers and plant seeds

2. "Spin the bottles"

3. "Who will collect the most beans" collecting beans scattered on the table

4. "Let's go to the country" to assemble a truck from geometric shapes

1. Exercise with balls "Hard Nut"

2. "Building a country house" from the designer

3. "Path" laying out geometric shapes on the carpet

4. "Draw buttons" laying out pictures from buttons

1. Finger theater "Kolobok"

2. Games and exercises learned earlier

3. Laces, Velcro

4. Working with tactile boards and counting sticks

5. Final observation of children

Application No. 1

Finger games for toddlers - development of fine motor skills

Grandma put on glasses

And my granddaughter saw it.

The thumb of the right and left hands, together with the rest, form a ring. Bring the rings to your eyes.

I'm holding a flag in my hand

And I wave to the guys.

Four fingers (index, middle, ring and little fingers) together with the thumb down. The back of the hand towards you.

The boat floats on the river

Rings run on the water.

Both palms are placed on the edge, the thumbs are pressed to the palms (like a ladle).

The boat is sailing on the river

And he puffs like an oven

Both palms are placed on the edge, the little fingers are pressed (like a ladle), and the thumbs are raised up.

Legs, back and seat

Here's a chair for you.

Left palm vertically up. A cam is attached to its lower part (thumb towards you). If the baby easily performs this exercise, you can complicate the finger game: change the position of the hands alternately at the expense of times.


Bunny looks in the mirror

And wiggles his ears.

Left palm up, make a "goat". From above, we put the right hand on it, which also depicts a "goat" (back side up). We expose up and down the middle and ring fingers of both hands and move them in opposite directions.

The table has four legs

Top cover, like a palm.

Left hand in fist. The palm rests on top of the fist. If the baby copes with this finger game easily, you can change the position of the hands: the right one in the fist, left palm on top of the cam. You can do it alternately at the expense of times.

Leaves fall in the garden

I will sweep them with a rake.

Palms on themselves, fingers intertwined, straightened and also directed towards themselves.

If the material does not suit you, use the search

Greetings to everyone who visits my blog! Sukhikh Tatyana is with you. I have always been interested in fine motor skills, self-education of a teacher is one of the ways to thoroughly study an issue that either causes difficulties in daily activities or excites as a researcher.

As you know, the profession of a preschool teacher requires constant work on oneself. After all, children are all different, each generation sets new upbringing and educational tasks for us. Therefore, both a young and an experienced teacher chooses for themselves a topic that they have been studying for a year or two, studying the results of their own research.

I want to tell you how I work on the chosen topic. Naturally, I need to study teaching materials, scientific works, developments of colleagues. Fortunately, there is a “mister” the Internet, which helps me with this.

The topic "Development of fine motor skills of preschoolers" suggests a plan for self-education, which should reflect all stages of my research and practical activities.

I found a lot of literature on this topic in the online store. There are some very interesting tutorials here. different ways and methods of developing flexibility and dexterity of fingers through games, exercises, gymnastics. These materials will be especially useful to parents who want their children not to experience difficulties in school when writing. You can choose a book specifically on the topic: “The Development of Fine Motor Skills” about setting the hands of kids for writing. There is nothing complicated here, just exciting nursery rhymes, games, elements of finger gymnastics will be offered to you. Fun and helpful!

"OZON.RU" can offer no less variety of thematic literature: I looked for books and didactic materials our and foreign authors, whose ideas I will definitely include in the self-education plan “Development of fine motor skills”. Parents of preschoolers here can buy exercise books, first copybooks, a collection of graphic dictations and logic puzzle. A good choice, I recommend!

"UchMag" advised me an interesting manual "Games for the development of fine motor skills using non-standard equipment" - a wonderful material that will help train children's fingers with the help of improvised means.

In my work, I cannot do without records of developmental dynamics, so I chose the diagnostic journal “Development of Fine Motor Skills and Speech in Children 3-7 Years Old” on the portal. This journal will help to carry out thematic monitoring based on the results of the diagnosis of my pupils.

What is the work of a self-improvement teacher?

Having chosen an interesting topic for deepening knowledge, expanding the arsenal of methods and techniques for effective work, the educator necessarily draws up a plan for self-education, which is approved by the methodologist.

In the plan, I must specify the goal, tasks, expected results of the work performed.

My goal is to improve my own professional level as a teacher by studying theory and honing practical skills. Simply put, I want to be an ace in the matter of "development of fine motor skills of hands." I need to create good conditions in a group so that preschoolers have the opportunity to train their fingers.

The tasks that I set myself as a researcher of the chosen topic:

  • To increase the flexibility and dexterity of children's hands using a variety of methods, techniques, forms;
  • Improve the developmental environment in my group by staffing it essential toys, simulators, etc.;
  • Improve coordination of movements, eye, logical thinking, imagination, creativity, visual and auditory memory;
  • Create a favorable emotional environment in the group for fruitful cooperation between the child and the teacher.

The chosen topic of self-education "Development of fine motor skills of preschoolers" requires a good theoretical base, as I have already said. Therefore, I need to outline a list of questions that I want to study:

  • Techniques, forms and methods for improving finger motility: physical education, finger exercises, self-massage of hands, finger theater, unusual techniques drawing, the use of Montessori manuals;
  • Ways to create a subject-game base with your own hands and during creative activities with children;
  • Questions of the relationship between motor skills and the work of the brain in children;
  • Hygienic and cultural skills in preschoolers and the correct setting of the hand for writing.

The work of the educator on the topic: "Development of fine motor skills" involves constant practical activities:

Forms of work - individual work with pupils, joint activities with the whole group at once;

Techniques and methods - finger gymnastics, didactic games, the use of non-standard attributes, creative art classes, games, finger theater, fascinating shadow theater, physical education, self-massage training.

Be sure to at the end of the designated time, I must submit a report on the topic of self-education "Development of fine motor skills."

My plans in this direction

It is clear that I will write something in writing, but I also plan to do the following:

  • Make a large card file of thematic games, exercises, simulators;
  • Organize an exhibition or presentation: "The development of fine motor skills of preschoolers" for parents and colleagues, where I will present the practical results of working with children. These will be crafts, simulators, attributes of a finger theater, photographs, drawings, possibly video materials;
  • Conduct a consultation for parents on the importance of training fingers and what can be used for this.

By the way, about training. I want to say a few words about special simulators for fingers. Perhaps I will write more at some point. These are things that I help kids learn to lace up shoes, open and close zippers, unfasten buttons, zippers, latches, etc. Skillful parents make large exercise equipment for their kids on their own, but you can buy ready-made ones. Believe me, this is not just pampering or a way to occupy the baby, this is serious work on finger dexterity and the development of intelligence.

But back to my research.

The report on self-education in fine motor skills should also contain abstracts about what results I have achieved in my work. So far, I have not reached, but I plan that after the systematic activities carried out, the children will have well-developed motor skills. They will perfectly own cutlery, hold pencils, brushes, and a pen correctly. Also learn simple ways self-massage, gymnastics. They will love creativity, finger theater, shadow theater, drawing, modeling. And most importantly, they will show interest in life, knowledge, ask questions, take the initiative.

Here, I showed you mine rough plan self-education "Fine motor skills" and waiting for your feedback. It is especially interesting to hear the opinion of colleagues, as well as comments and additions. Perhaps your advice will help me in my work!

If what I wrote seemed informative to you, please share information with friends through social portals, and also invite new subscribers to our company!

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!