Consultation on non-traditional drawing techniques. Advice for parents

Target: To reveal the importance of non-traditional methods of creative activity in working with preschoolers for the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Show the relevance of non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. To acquaint parents with a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques.

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its development begins more effectively with preschool age. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter child". According to many teachers - all children are talented. Therefore, it is necessary to notice in time, feel these talents and try, as early as possible, to give children the opportunity to show them in practice, in real life.

The term "non-traditional" implies the use of materials, tools, drawing methods that are not generally accepted, traditional, widely known. In the process non-traditional drawing the child develops comprehensively. Such activities do not tire preschoolers, children remain highly active, working capacity throughout the entire time allotted for the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes intellectual development child, correction of mental processes and personal sphere of preschoolers.

Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. And by emotions, one can judge that in this moment what is going on in the child’s soul, what is his mood, what pleases him and what upsets him. As you know, children often copy the model offered to them.

Non-traditional drawing techniques make it possible to avoid this, since the teacher, instead of a finished sample, demonstrates only a way to act with non-traditional materials, tools. This gives impetus to the manifestation of independence, initiative, expression of individuality. Applying and combining different ways images in one drawing, preschoolers learn to think, decide for themselves which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive. Working with non-traditional image techniques stimulates positive motivation in a child, causes a joyful mood, and relieves fear of the drawing process.

An unusual beginning of work, the use of game techniques - all this helps to prevent monotony and boredom in children's visual activity, ensures the liveliness and immediacy of children's perception and activity.

Tasks in working with children:

  • Develop children's technical drawing skills.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • Learn to create your own unique image using various drawing techniques.

There are a lot of methods and techniques of non-traditional drawing, I want to introduce you to some of them. Such methods and techniques will help to interestingly organize the creative process in the classroom of fine arts.

1.Drawing with a palm

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors.

2.Finger drawing.

The child dips his finger into the gouache and puts dots, spots on the paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint.

3. Foam impression

  1. crumpled paper drawing
    In this way, for example, you can draw silhouettes of animals, grass, sky, snow, tree trunks. To do this, crumple a thin sheet of paper, dip it in paint and, carefully, priming it on a landscape sheet.

5. Drawing with leaf prints

The child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it to the paper with the painted side to make a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. Leaf petioles can be painted with a brush

  1. Monotype.

The child folds a sheet of paper in half and draws half of the depicted object on one half of it (objects are chosen symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is again folded in half to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations.

  1. Poke drawing.

For this method, it is enough to take any suitable object, such as a cotton swab. We lower the cotton swab into the paint and with a precise movement from top to bottom we poke along the landscape sheet. The wand will leave a clear imprint. The shape of the print will depend on what shape the object for the poke was chosen.

  1. Blotography.

The basis of this drawing technique is the usual blot. During the drawing process, spontaneous images are obtained first. Then the child draws the details to give completeness and resemblance to the real image. It turns out that a blot can also be a way of drawing, for which no one will scold, but, on the contrary, will also be praised.

  1. spray.

The child picks up paint on a toothbrush and hits it against the cardboard, which he holds above the paper. The paint splatters on the paper.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears
  • Develops self-confidence
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills hands;
  • Develops Creative skills, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children get aesthetic pleasure

Drawing in kindergarten is an artistic and creative activity, just like the activity of an artist, it includes a certain technique. It is necessary for a child to master this technique so that he can freely dispose of it when solving various visual problems, to most fully express his impressions of events and phenomena taking place in life in a drawing. . Thanks to the perception of artistic images in the visual arts, the child has the opportunity to more fully and vividly perceive the surrounding reality, and this contributes to the creation of emotionally colored images in the visual arts by children.

Target: Increasing the competence of parents in visual activity. Search for new rational means, forms and methods of artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.


Introduce various types and non-traditional drawing techniques;

To promote the development of interest in artistic and aesthetic activities;

Develop creative abilities;

Cultivate a sense of beauty.

Material: watercolor paints, wax crayons, brushes, sheets of paper, cotton buds, cereals.

Placement: participants of the master class are seated at the tables, on which materials for visual activity are located.

Master class progress:

Good afternoon, colleagues. Today I will introduce you to some unconventional ways drawing. As you know, a child has a creative approach to solving any problem only if the teacher introduces him to a variety of ways and options for solving it.

Experience shows that one of the most important conditions successful development of children artistic creativity- variety and variability of work with children in the classroom. The novelty of the environment, the unusual beginning of work, beautiful and diverse materials, non-repeating tasks that are interesting for children, the possibility of choosing, and many other factors - this is what helps prevent monotony and boredom from children's visual activity, ensures the liveliness and immediacy of children's perception and activity. It is important that each time an adult creates a new situation so that children, on the one hand, can apply the knowledge, skills and abilities they have learned earlier, and, on the other hand, look for new solutions and creative approaches. This is what causes positive emotions in a child, joyful surprise, a desire to work creatively.

One of the conditions for improving visual skills, awakening interest in visual activity, and developing creative activity is the use of a wide range of non-traditional materials in the work.

Types and techniques of non-traditional drawing with art materials.

Today there is a choice of options for artistic preschool education, and it is determined by the presence of variable, additional, alternative, author's program and methodological materials that are not sufficiently scientifically substantiated and require theoretical and experimental verification in the specific conditions of preschool educational institutions.

The availability of non-traditional techniques is determined age characteristics preschoolers. So, for example, work in this direction should be started with such techniques as drawing with fingers, palms, tearing paper, etc., but at older preschool age, these same techniques will complement artistic image, created with the help of more complex ones: inkblots, monotypes, etc.

Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush. Age: any.

Means of expressiveness: texture of color, color.

Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a carved silhouette of a fluffy or prickly animal.

Method of obtaining an image: the child lowers the brush into the gouache and strikes it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.

Finger painting. Age: from two years.

Expressive means: spot, dot, short line, color.

Materials: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger into gouache and puts dots, spots on paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint. After work, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Palm drawing. Age: from two years.

Expressive means: spot, color, fantastic silhouette.

Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Potato print. Age: from three years.

Materials: a bowl or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, potato stamps.

Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the signet against the ink pad and makes an impression on paper. To get a different color, both the bowl and the signet change.

Foam print. Age: from four years old.

Expressive means: spot, texture, color. Materials: a bowl or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber.

Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the foam rubber to the ink pad and makes an impression on paper. To change the color, another bowl and foam rubber are taken.

Wrinkled paper print. Age: from four years old.

Expressive means: spot, texture, color.

Materials: a saucer or a plastic box containing an ink pad made of thin gouache-impregnated foam rubber, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper.

Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the crumpled paper to the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the saucer and the crumpled paper change.

Wax crayons + watercolor. Age: from four years old.

Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture.

Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes.

Image acquisition method: child painting wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted.

Screen printing. Age: from five years old.

Expressive means: spot, texture, color.

Materials: a bowl or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color, a foam rubber swab (a ball of fabric or foam rubber is placed in the middle of the square and the corners of the square are tied with a thread), stencils made of corrugated semi-cardboard or transparent films.

Method of obtaining an image: the child presses a signet or a foam swab against an ink pad and makes an impression on paper using a stencil. To change the color, another swab and stencil are taken.

Subject monotype. Age: from five years old.

Means of expressiveness: spot, color, symmetry.

Materials: thick paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor.

Method for obtaining an image: the child folds a sheet of paper in half and draws half of the depicted object on one half of it (objects are chosen symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint has dried, the sheet is again folded in half to obtain a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing a few decorations.

Klyaksography usual. Age: from five years old.

Materials: paper, ink or liquid diluted gouache in a bowl, plastic spoon.

Method of obtaining an image: the child scoops up gouache with a plastic spoon and pours it onto paper. The result is spots in random order. Then the sheet is covered with another sheet and pressed (you can bend the original sheet in half, drop ink on one half, and cover it with the other). Next, the top sheet is removed, the image is examined: it is determined what it looks like. Missing details are drawn.

Blotography with thread. Age: from five years old.

Expressive means: stain.

Materials: paper, ink or liquid diluted gouache in a bowl, plastic spoon, thread of medium thickness.

Method for obtaining an image: the child lowers the thread into the paint, wringing it out. Then, on a sheet of paper, he lays out an image from the thread, leaving one end of it free. After that, he puts another sheet on top, presses it, holding it with his hand, and pulls the thread by the tip. Missing details are drawn.

spray. Age: from five years old.

Expressive means: dot, texture.

Materials: paper, gouache, hard brush, a piece of thick cardboard or plastic (5x5 cm).

Method of obtaining an image: the child picks up paint on a brush and hits the brush on cardboard, which he holds above the paper. The paint splatters on the paper.

Leaf prints. Age: from five years old.

Expressive means: texture, color.

Materials: paper, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen), gouache, brushes.

Method of obtaining an image: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it to the paper with the colored side to obtain a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted with a brush.

Poke. Age: from five years old.

Expressive means: texture, volume.

Materials: squares of colored double-sided paper (2x2 cm), magazine and newsprint paper (for example, for hedgehog needles), pencil, PVA glue in a bowl, thick paper or colored cardboard for the base.

Method of obtaining an image: the child puts the blunt end of the pencil in the middle of a square of paper and wraps rotational movement the edges of the square on a pencil. Holding the edge of the square with a finger so that it does not slip off the pencil, the child lowers it into the glue. Then he glues the square to the base, pressing it with a pencil. Only after that he pulls out a pencil, and the folded square remains on paper. The procedure is repeated many times until the desired amount of paper space is filled with folded squares.

Landscape monotype. Age: from six years old.

Means of expression: spot, tone, vertical symmetry, image of space in the composition.

Materials: paper, brushes, gouache or watercolor, wet sponge, tile.

How to obtain an image: the child folds the sheet in half. A landscape is drawn on one half of the sheet, and its reflection in a lake, river (imprint) is obtained on the other. The landscape is done quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry. Half of the sheet intended for printing is wiped with a damp sponge. The original drawing, after it has been imprinted, is enlivened with colors so that it differs more from the print. For monotype, you can also use a sheet of paper and tiles. A drawing is applied to the latter with paint, then it is covered with a damp sheet of paper. The landscape is blurry.

And now I invite you to practice non-traditional drawing techniques, to become direct participants in our master class. And I want to introduce you to an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with wax and watercolor, as well as drawing with cereals.

I hope that using them in working with children at home will make art classes more interesting, rich and varied.

Consultation for parents "Methods of non-traditional drawing techniques"

Prepared by: Lokotkova T.I., teacher

What is non-traditional drawing? Are you familiar with his techniques and techniques? Non-traditional drawing is the greatest pleasure for a child. Playing with colors brings a lot of joy to the baby. Drawing, the child reflects not only what he sees around, but also shows his own imagination.

About alternative ways

I want to tell you a little.

its great efficiency

They managed to prove it.

Non-traditional classes

Includes many ideas.

sometimes provocative,

But interesting for kids.

They are unusually combined

Material and tool.

And everything works out great

And definitely no one is indifferent!

We used to draw a lot when we were kids.

An ordinary stick on the ground.

In winter, the window fogged up -

We painted on glass

Unusual things

We draw easily.

Old toothbrush

Salt and wax candle.

From under matchboxes

and dried leaf.

A rooster and an octopus

Received with the palm of your hand.

If you poke with a brush,

That is, draw with a poke,

That will turn out to be a purr

With a soft plush tail.

Let's draw, wash everything

And wipe our hands.

And with my drawings

Let's love it later.

This is how we gradually get to know each other

With the properties and quality of things.

It's great that there are so many possibilities!

It's great to have so many ideas.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following technologies.

1. "Monotype" Drawing technology. Divide a sheet of drawing paper into two equal parts, folding it in half. On one part draw half of a symmetrical object. While the paint is still wet, lay a clean half of the sheet over the image and iron it with the palm of your hand. Open the sheet and, if necessary, draw the plot.

2. "Printing with leaves" Drawing technology. A sheet of wood is covered with paints, then applied to paper with the painted side to obtain a print. From above, cover the leaf of the tree with clean paper, iron it with the palm of your hand. Remove paper and sheet. The print is ready.

3. "Drawing with threads." Drawing technology. Cut the thread into lengths of 7–10 cm. Dip one piece of thread in paint and drive it over a sheet of drawing paper in different directions. To use gouache of a different color, take a clean thread.

4. "Printing with paper." Drawing technology. Dilute gouache paint with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Crumple a piece of thick paper into a small lump, lower it into the paint. With this lump of paper, apply paint to the landscape sheet.

5. "Painting with soap foam." Drawing technology. Beat the foam, pick it up with a sponge. Squeeze the foam from the sponge into the paint, mix. Outline the drawing with a simple pencil(items must be relatively large). Spread the foam with a brush on the depicted objects. After the drawing dries, blow off the excess foam.

6. "Drawing by rolling." Drawing technology. Pour gouache into a container. Lower the roller into the container so that it is completely immersed in the paint. Remove the roller from the paint, wait until the excess paint drains, and roll it over a sheet of white paper so that the rope leaves marks.

7. "Drawing with a cardboard edge." Drawing technology. Color the edge of the cardboard with gouache, lean it against the paper and draw it over the sheet, leaving a trace of the paint. Depending on what object is depicted, the movement of cardboard can be straight, arcuate, rotational.

8. "Painting with salt" Drawing technology. Draw a picture in watercolor. Sprinkle coarse salt on the wet drawing. Salt is poured over the entire surface of the sheet. After the paint dries, the salt is shaken off.

9. "Drawing by spraying (spray)" Drawing technology. On one sheet of paper, draw the outline of the object and carefully cut it out. Put the silhouette of the subject aside. Put the sheet of paper from which the contour was cut out on another solid sheet, fasten them. A toothbrush with paint is kept at a small distance from a sheet of paper. Take a stick and run it along the pile with a movement towards you. The paint is sprayed onto the paper in small droplets. When it dries, remove the top sheet.

10. "Drawing with blots" Drawing technology. Dilute watercolor paint with water and drip it at one point onto a sheet of paper. Take a tube and blow through it into the center of the blot, inflating it in different directions.

11. "Glue technique (stained glass)" Drawing technology. Draw the outline of the object on paper with a simple pencil. In a tube of stationery glue (you can use PVA glue), make a small hole so that it flows out in a thin stream. Carefully circle the contour with glue. Let dry. Paint over the space inside the contour with paints.

12. "Drawing with hands, palm, fist, fingers" Drawing technique. Dilute gouache paint with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream and pour into saucers. Dip the palm with fingers wide apart into the paint and leave an imprint on a clean sheet.

13. "Drawing in a circle" Drawing technique. At least three people take part in drawing. Under loud sounding music each of the children begins to draw on a free topic. With a quiet sound, the children finish drawing. During the period of time when the music stops, each child passes his drawing to the neighbor sitting to his right. As soon as the music starts again, the children continue to draw, but already on the sheet of a friend. Drawing continues until each child has received their drawing back.

14. Drawing together. Drawing technique. A large sheet of paper is taken so that it is convenient to draw together. Children choose a theme or plot of the drawing, materials for drawing. One child draws one part of the picture (for example, half of the vase), and the other child draws the second part of the picture (the second half of the vase). As a result, the drawing should turn out to be uniform. Children must learn to communicate with each other.

15. "Crumpled drawing" Drawing technique. Draw an object on a piece of paper with colored crayons, make a background around the object with wax crayons. The sheet of paper must be completely covered. Gently crease the drawing so as not to tear the paper, then straighten it, paint over the background and the picture with gouache. Without waiting for the paint to dry, wash off the gouache with a sponge under running water. The ink should remain in the cracks in the paper.

16. "Drawing with a paste" Drawing technology. Brew the paste, spread it in containers, then add paint to it. Pick up the paste on the brush and apply to the paper in an even thick layer. Take a stick and scratch the drawing. Leave to dry.

17. "Drawing on glass" Drawing technique. Mix gouache with PVA glue in a ratio of 1: 2. Draw a plot on paper with a simple pencil. Put glass on top of the drawn picture, circle the picture and paint over.

18. "Drawing by poke (foam rubber poke)" Drawing technique. On a blank sheet, a contour is drawn of any object. Dilute gouache paint with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and pour into saucers. When drawing, the foam rubber poke should be held vertically with respect to the plane of the sheet and make poke-like movements, and a large “fluffy” dot should be obtained.

19. "Printing with a matchbox" Drawing technique. The edge of the matchbox is dipped in paint and an impression is made on paper. Draw details.

20. "Foam impression" Drawing technique. Cut out the outlines on the foam. Dilute gouache paint with water to a thick liquid sour cream and pour into saucers. Press the foam rubber to a saucer with paint and apply an imprint on paper.

21. "Pointillism" (cotton bud or thin end of the brush) Drawing technique. Make a preliminary drawing. Start applying dots with the brightest and purest color. Each next color should be slightly darker than the previous one. Between the points it is necessary to leave gaps for applying the next color, and not fill it all at once.

22. "Scratching" Drawing technique. On the thick paper(cardboard) apply a dense layer of candle so that there are no gaps, then apply black or colored poster ink. Let dry overnight. Then apply a drawing with a thin stick.

23. "Wax pencils + watercolor" Drawing technique. Draw on the surface of the sheet wax pencils. Then paint the drawing with watercolors.

24. Drawing with a candle (protruding pattern). Drawing technique. Draw a drawing on a sheet of paper with the thin end of the candle. Then tint the drawing with gouache or watercolor paints. The picture drawn by the candle is not toned.

25. Drawing with a hard brush (bristle). Drawing technique. Draw the outline of the drawing with a pencil or felt-tip pen. Then, with a hard brush, we pick up gouache diluted to the density of sour cream (we lower it vertically into gouache). Wet the excess paint on a napkin. We apply paint on the contour with vertical movements, leaving a mark from the brush. It turns out the effect of "fluffy fur".

26. Drawing on raw. Drawing technique. Wet with water (slightly wrung out) sponge, blot the entire surface of the paper. Then we draw the image with gouache, watercolors, crayons, pastels. It turns out the effect of a blurry, transparent picture.

27. Combing paint. Drawing technique. Apply gouache spots with a brush (you can use different colors) and use a small comb, foam rubber sponge to make vertical or horizontal strokes.

28. Charcoal drawing. Drawing technique. The drawing is done with a thin end of the charcoal or the entire surface (shading), just like drawing with simple and colored pencils. You need to press the coal lightly, otherwise it will crumble.

29. Printing with wine and foam plastic stoppers. Drawing technique. Pour a little paint onto thin foam rubber in a bowl. Lower the cork into the foam rubber. Then imprint on paper.

30. Drawing with colored and white crayons. Drawing technique. We draw an image with crayons on a white or colored sheet of paper. Then, with the help of hairspray, we fix the pattern (so as not to crumble).

Each of these methods is a small game that gives children joy and positive emotions. Creating images, conveying the plot, the child reflects his feelings, his understanding of the situation, imposes his own scale of "evil" and "good". In the lessons of non-traditional drawing techniques, you need to teach a growing little man to think, create, fantasize, think boldly and freely, outside the box, fully demonstrate their abilities, develop self-confidence, in their own.

Practical advice for parents:

"Unconventional ways of drawing"

The image of various objects is a fascinating activity for children of any age. Children show interest in visual activity already in younger age. Children of preschool age need to instill drawing skills.

There are many various techniques drawings for kids, but adults can also invent their own, thereby introducing the child to the world of beauty. You can draw at any time and use different materials, it all depends on your imagination.

Look at the pictures with the baby, ask him questions about what is depicted (people, trees, fruits and vegetables), explain that there are such genres visual arts like portrait, landscape, still life. Maybe the child will not immediately remember such complex words, but over time these terms will become clear to him. Ask the child what colors are in the picture, whether it is dark or light, name and show those colors that he does not yet know.

Important Rules

Starting to teach the baby to draw, we sometimes do not suspect how difficult it can be. It can be difficult for us to adapt to an aspiring artist: you think you can show how to handle an album, pencils, paints and a brush - and the process will go. In fact, everything is not so simple.

First of all, you must be patient. From the bay-floundering, the kid will not start writing masterpieces. At first, it can be funny pictures-mazilki, in which the baby is studying the properties and possibilities of paints. Only much later will the child, imitating, begin to draw meaningful pictures.

If you are determined to introduce your baby to the world of painting, then it will not be superfluous to follow a few rules.

Whatever happens during your classes, do not scold the child. In general, it is better not to start drawing in bad mood, so you can discourage the child from the desire to create.

Try to finish the process of creating a masterpiece before the baby gets tired. Children cannot concentrate their attention on one thing for a long time. And to force the baby to do something creative is completely pointless.

Paints should be good and fresh, and brushes should be of high quality. After all, the quality of work depends on the quality of the raw materials.

Be sure to take care of the convenience of the workplace. If you prefer to draw on the floor, then the baby will have complete freedom of action. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a small table with a chair or a high chair, on which it will be convenient for the baby to draw at a large table. The smallest artists can be held in your arms.

Lighting must be correct. If you are painting during the day, open the curtains in the room. This is enough for the summer. Winter lighting is very poor, so you can turn on electric lamps. If you purchased a table lamp, the light from it should fall on the left, and the bulbs should not be very bright or too dim. The ideal option is fluorescent lamps.

Follow all these simple rules- and drawing lessons will bring joy to both the child and you.

Ways of unconventional drawing techniques

"Magic wand"

A pencil or pen is wrapped with foam rubber from the blunt end, which is tied with a thread. It turns out a large brush without hairs. The stick is held perpendicular to the leaf surface, without tilt. The trace left by it imitates animal hair, tree crowns, snow. A stick with foam rubber is dipped in paint (the main thing is that there is not a lot of water), and the baby begins to cover the sheet with traces of it. Draw the branches of a tree or a bush with a black felt-tip pen, let the child paint the leaves with paint. Draw the outline of a bunny or a fox with a pencil, let the kid “stomp” it with his “magic tool”.

It is interesting to work in this technique with a stencil. Cut out an image in the middle of a thick sheet of cardboard. Attach the cardboard with the cut-out stencil to the album sheet and invite the child to “trample” that part of the album sheet that is visible through the stencil hole. After the child has done this, let the work dry, then paint the eyes, mouth, mustache, stripes with a brush.


An interesting way to draw with a pencil, felt-tip pen, ballpoint pen according to pre-made stencils. Stencils can be of two types - some are cut inside the sheet, others are made from the sheet and separated from it. It is easier for small children to trace shapes embossed inside the sheet. Many rulers have such patterns. Attaching them to the album sheet, you ask the baby to circle the shapes. Then you remove the stencil and together with it you come up with how you can finish drawing this or that shape. Having circled the patterns, children can paint over their images with felt-tip pens and paints, hatch with various lines: straight, wavy, zigzag, with loops, wavy with sharp tops. Stencils can help when creating your own drawings, they will complement what the baby himself has created. You can start a game: the child circles various objects, and you guess what it is.

"Mirror copy"

This method is based on the fact that a silhouette drawn with paints can be easily printed when a sheet of paper is superimposed on it. The sheet is bent in half, unfolded, the surface is slightly wetted with water. On one half of the sheet, the silhouette of an object or part of a symmetrical image is drawn with paints, for example, half a Christmas tree, half a flower, half a house. The sheet is folded and strongly pressed by hand. Expanding it, you will see the whole image or two objects (if you drew the whole object).

"Whose trace?"

Another way of drawing, or rather, printing, is based on the ability of many objects to leave colorful prints on paper. You take a potato, cut it in half and cut out a square, a triangle, a rhombus, a flower from one half. Moreover, one side of the print should be flat for applying to the paper, and you will hold on to the other side with your hand. Then the child dips such a signet in paint (preferably gouache) and applies it to paper. With the help of these prints, you can make beads, ornaments, patterns, mosaics.

"Salt Drawings and Tooth Paint"

But what if you paint with glue, and sprinkle salt on top of these areas? Then you get amazing snow pictures. They will look more impressive if they are performed on blue, blue, pink colored paper. You can create winter landscapes in another way - by painting with toothpaste. Mark with a pencil light contours of trees, houses, snowdrifts. Slowly squeezing out toothpaste, walk it along all the outlined contours. Such work must be dried and it is better not to put it in a folder along with other drawings.

"Egg Mosaic"

After leaving on your kitchen table eggshell don't throw it away. Separate from films, wash, dry and interpret. In several cups, dilute the paint and put the crushed shell there. After 15 minutes, the shell is caught with a fork and laid out to dry. Here is the material for the mosaic. Mark the drawing with a pencil outline and, after lubricating the surface with glue, fill it certain color shells.

"Like an artist to an artist"

The kid lies down on a large sheet of paper, and you circle him! Of course, it is better that it fits all (this can be achieved by gluing two or three sheets of Whatman paper). And now let him try to decorate the silhouette: draw eyes, mouth, hair, jewelry, clothes.

"Rainy Fantasies"

When it rains or snows, you boldly open the window and expose a sheet of paper for less than a minute, holding it horizontally. Raindrops or snow will remain on the sheet. Traces of bad weather need to be circled and turned into fabulous creatures.

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  • Details Published: 05/27/2016 00:37 Views: 1869

    Dear parents!

    I invite you and your children to play with paints, water and paper. I hope that these games will interest not only children, but also adults. You, as well as children, will want to take part in exciting experiments. Games of this kind will help each child learn more about colors, remember the names of colors and their shades, learn about warm and cold tones, how color affects mood..

    It is important that children experience joy from playing with colors, so the attentive and patient look of an adult involving a child in new fun games.

    Show children new non-traditional drawing techniques. Try to diversify their leisure time and captivate them by drawing on permitted surfaces and available materials.

    Non-traditional drawing techniques for children:

    1. Drawing with fingers. In order to draw a picture using this technique, simply dip your finger in liquid gouache and leave an imprint on paper. With the help of this technique, flowers, beads, rowan branches, leaves, fish and other drawings are very beautiful.

    2. Blotography. It consists in teaching children how to make blots (black and multi-colored). Then a 3-year-old child can look at them and see images, objects or individual details. “What does your or my inkblot look like?”, “Whom or what does it remind you of?” - these questions are very useful, because develop thinking and imagination. After that, without forcing the child, but showing, we recommend moving on to the next step - tracing or drawing the blot. The result can be a whole story.

    3. Foam drawings. I advise you to make a variety of various small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with a thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use the stamp method to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, is well washed). At first, children will randomly draw geometric figures. And then offer to make the simplest ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three

    4. Mysterious drawings Mysterious drawings can be obtained in the following way. A cardboard about 20x20 cm in size is taken. And it folds in half. Then a semi-woolen or woolen thread about 30 cm long is selected, its end is dipped in thick paint for 8-10 cm and clamped inside the cardboard. You should then move this thread inside the cardboard, and then take it out and open the cardboard. It turns out a chaotic image, which is examined, outlined and completed by adults with children. It is extremely useful to give names to the resulting images. This complex mental and speech work, combined with visual work, will contribute to the intellectual development of preschool children.

    5.Method magic drawing An image is drawn on white paper with the corner of a wax candle (a Christmas tree, a house, or maybe a whole plot). Then with a brush, and preferably with cotton wool or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top of the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not fall on the bold image with a candle - the drawing seems to appear suddenly before the eyes of the children, manifesting itself.

    6. "Like an artist to an artist" The kid lies down on a large sheet of paper, and you circle him! Of course, it is better that it fits all in (glue two or three sheets of whatman paper). And now let him try to decorate the silhouette: draw eyes, mouth, hair, jewelry, clothes.

    7. Drawing with crayons Preschoolers love variety. These opportunities provide us with ordinary crayons, sanguine, coal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tiles, stones - this is the base on which chalk and coal fit well. So, asphalt disposes to a capacious image of plots. They (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then make up stories according to the plots. And on ceramic tiles(which are sometimes stored in the remains somewhere in the pantry) we recommend depicting patterns, small objects with crayons or charcoal. Large stones (such as boulders) are asked to decorate them under the image of an animal's head or under a stump.

    8. Leaf prints. Take dried, but not overdried, leaves. Cover them with paint from the side of the veins and attach to the paper. Draw the necessary details, and you will get a beautiful forest or an aquarium with fish.

    9. Signets from vegetables . Take carrots, radishes or potatoes. Draw a figure on their end and make a signet out of it, cutting off everything unnecessary. Dip the vegetable signet in the paint and press firmly onto the paper. Create a beautiful original pattern or drawing.

    10. Draw with a stencil. From thick cardboard you need to cut a stencil. It can be the contours of flowers, butterflies, leaves or others. Attach the stencil to a sheet of paper and press firmly. Then dip a small piece of foam rubber into liquid watercolor or gouache and paint over the stencil with light touches so that the cut out silhouettes are filled with paint.

    Prepared by:

    Yakhmenen Larisa Ivanovna, educator