Consultation non-traditional drawing techniques. Consultation "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten


  • P to acquaint students with the life and work of the poet
  • To reveal the diversity of R. Gamzatov's talent
  • To illuminate the main milestones of creativity for students
  • After The purpose of his works is to reveal his love for the Motherland, his mother, a red thread running through the entire poetic heritage.

1. To acquaint the participants of the event with the biography and work of R. Gamzatov.

2. Cultivate a feeling of love for native land, poetry, mothers, pride

DECOR: thematic book exhibition“A burning sigh of a burning heart”, dedicated to the life and work of Rasul Gamzatov, a portrait of R. Gamzatov, flowers, sketches of Caucasian landscapes, an epigraph, photographs from a family album, a selection of song themes reflecting the course of the event.


Look forward, strive forward.

And yet someday

Stop and take a look

On your path.

Rasul Gamzatov


1 leader.(Against the background of a folk melody and the natural landscape of Dagestan)

- What do you think is the most distinguishing feature Dagestan.

Mountains, wild gorges, in which mountain rivers roar, steeps, abysses, stones that go to heavenly heights.

Dag is a mountain, Stan is a mountain. - Country of mountains.

2 Lead .

- The mountains of Dagestan are a kind of natural world that is not found anywhere else.

1 presenter .

- Dagestan is inconceivable without auls, soaring eagles, shepherd flocks, without the murmur of springs, without valleys, winding roads in the mountains.


Here we have such blue mountains

And such golden fields!

If all the edges of their color perceived,

The earth would be even more beautiful.

2 Lead.

But for us, readers, Dagestan is primarily known as the birthplace of the poet Rasul Gamzatov, as the land that gives the source of poetry, which has long become popular, loved in the country and abroad.


Like a child who learns to read in syllables,

Babbling, repeating, I won't get tired of talking

Dagestan. Da-ge-stan.

Who and what? Dagestan

- And about whom? Everything about him.

- And to whom? Dagestan.

("My Dagestan")

1 leader.

It is difficult to name another poet who would have expressed love for the fatherland in words with such fullness, versatility, sang it in verse, in poems, in prose.

Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov was born in September - this month of fertility, a riot of colors in nature, the month of weddings and drunken wine. He was born at the beginning of the last century in 1923, in the mountain village of Tsada, in Dagestan.

I was born in the mountains, where along the gorge

The river flies in a swift throw,

Where are the songs above my cradle

Mother sang a song in the Avar language.

(sounds quietly "Lullaby" in the Avar language)

Dramatization of an excerpt from the birth scene of R. Gamzatov from the book "My Dagestan" by R. Gamzatov.

1 leader:

When I was born, my father, in order to perform the rite of naming, invited the most honorable people of the village to the saklya. They slowly and importantly sat down in the sakla, as if they were to decide the fate of the whole country. In their hands they held a pot-bellied product of Balkhar potters. Only one, the oldest man with a snow-white head and beard, an old man who looked like a prophet, had his hands free.

My mother handed me over to this old man. The elder lifted me high to the ceiling of the sakli and said:

The name of a man should embody the ringing of sabers and the wisdom of books. - It turns out that the gray-haired mountaineer, who has seen the world and read many books, put meaning and purpose in my name.

2nd leader:

Rasul in Arabic means "messenger", or, more precisely, "representative". So whose messenger am I, whose representative?

(photo from family album - father and son)

1st host:


My father named me

What does representative mean in Arabic?

Whose representative am I?

From what roads

And why did my journey around the world begin? ..

The earth is beautiful, and wide is my way,

And I dream, as of the highest happiness,

So that I, the earth, be at least something

Involved in your great beauty!

So that the native people say without shame:

"Rasul, my son,

You are my representative!

At the beginning of his work, Rasul signed his father's pseudonym - Tsadasa. But once an honorary highlander from a neighboring village, who did not know that Rasul also wrote poetry, told him: “Listen, son, what happened to your respected father? Previously, having read his poems only once, I remembered them immediately, but now I can’t even understand them. Then Rasul, having made his father's name his surname, began to sign Gamzatov.

1st host:

The father was the first teacher in the poetic work of Rasul. From his mouth he will hear folk legends, fairy tales. And father's poems will know by heart everything. The father was more than a mentor. You can't teach talent. It can only be polished. And that was the merit of the father. Later, Rasul will sign poems with the name of his father - Gamzatov (son of Gamzat).

Reader: Just stepping on the stage of life

In the intended role, old man,

I'm the father of the real price

Involuntarily, over the years, I comprehended.

And love, and patience, and the word,

And a steep path above

Merging together again

Because my father is in me.

2nd leader:

Rasul considered his teachers to be the teachers of the “Hasan school”, which opened in Tsada as a center for the elimination of illiteracy, and where the father took his son at the age of 5. The beauty of the Russian language was discovered there by a Russian woman, Vera Vasilievna, to whom he dedicated the following lines:

(Verse 1 of the song “Thank you, teachers” sounds softly - words and music. Unknown author.)


I remember myself as a seven-year-old shooter

In a distant mountain village in autumn sometimes.

She looked at me like a mother

That visiting woman with someone else's speech.

Can I forget the first Russian lesson?

A fine day in the radiance of a transparent blue

Our friend, Vera Vasilievna, in a mountain village

You lived twenty years - the envoy of Moscow.

("Vera Vasilievna")

1st host:

Rasool began writing poetry in 1932 and published in 1937. His first book in the Avar language was published in 1943. He also translated into Avar the classical and contemporary literature: A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, V. Mayakovsky and others. After graduating from the Buynaksk Pedagogical College, Rasul Tsadasa began working as a teacher at the school he had once graduated from. But even then, he did not know if he would devote his whole life to such a capricious muse as Poetry.

2nd leader:

He changes professions: he works as a prompter, assistant director in the Avar theater, collaborates in a newspaper and on the radio. In his life there are important events: moving to Makhachkala, publication of the first book in the native language.

1st host:

And the country is already blazing Great Patriotic War. War is Gamzatov's great personal grief. Two of his brothers died - Magomed and Akhilchi.

Against the background of the words of the presenter, it sounds quietly (1 verse and chorus from the song) performed by L. Leshchenko - lyrics. Matusovsky M., music. Basner V. "At the nameless height"

Reader: (I have not forgotten the eyes of a grieving mother

And the bitter look of Gamzat Tsadas,

When the telegram lines danced

in the hands of a shocked father.

2nd leader:

He writes these lines 35 years later. He did not allow his pain to spill out then, realizing the people's pain, realizing that the sacrifices are borne by the whole people, every village where funerals came.

Reader: They say that posthumously

Our bodies will become earth.

I'm ready to believe

In this simple rumor.

Let me become a particle

Land reclaimed in battle

The land on which

Now I live with all my heart.

1st host:

The memorable year 1943 will be marked by the birth of Rasul Gamzatov as a poet. The first book in Russian "Fiery love and burning hatred" will be published.

Reader: With bowed heads

Over the dead fathers

We got up...

Loyalty to your appearances,

Loyalty to your customs -

We store!

Loyalty to your army

And manhood

We store.

("Oath of the Sons")

1st host:

Eternal gratitude of descendants to our defenders who won peace on earth.

1 leader:

“Holding under his arm several of his own books, the poem “Children of Krasnodon”, having in his pocket a membership card of the Union Soviet writers and a meager amount of money, I came to Moscow to enter the Literary Institute. Gorky. There I realized that for a long time I had been mistaking worn-out nickels for gold. I fell in love with different poets in turn: either Blok, then Mayakovsky, then Yesenin, then Pasternak, then the Avar Mahmud, then the German Heine. But love for Pushkin, Lermontov remained forever.

2nd leader:

This was one of the happiest roads of Rasul Gamzatov. He became one of the first Dagestanis who had a chance to study in literary institute. In 1950, after graduating from the university, his literary path begins, fame comes. The first verses of the book "Songs of the Mountains" fell in love with readers for their wisdom and generosity of soul.

Reader: R. Gamzatov excerpt from the poem "Everything in the world ..."

Everything in the world

I love my measure

Morning and noon

And gray twilight

And sleep and peace

And old songs

And even the grass

in our mountain valleys.

("Everything in the world ....")

1st host:

In articles and speeches, he emphasizes the need for respect for folk art, traditions, develops folk genres of drinking words, lullabies and short aphoristic poems.

2nd leader:

“Poetry without a native land, without a native soil is a bird without a nest,” the poet wrote. His poetry grew on national soil, on which the themes and images of his works appeared.

Reader: . R. Gamzatov excerpt from the poem "Stars"

Highlander, loyal to Dagestan,

I chose the hard way

Maybe I will, maybe I will

Himself a star someday.

Worrying about the earth

I'll look into someone's verse

Like a conscience, like a conscience

My contemporaries.


1st host:

A special place in the poet's work is occupied by the theme of love: for mother, woman, beloved. This lyric is close to its warmth, nobility, purity. She touches the best strings of the heart.


Love merit cannot be counted,

Come on in her earthly honor

We will stretch out our hands with you

To each other near the stars.

Above the abyss of separation

Let's build a bridge in the sky...

The song "On the mountain roads" on the verses of R. Gamzatov.

2nd leader:

Gamzatov was happy in love. He dedicated many beautiful lines to his wife.


I have traveled all over the world,

The one who is poor and rich

And behind me, like an echo, rushed:

Patimat, Patimat, Patimat.

Our daughters are pure as a spring,

They look at you admiringly.

Like a good sun for them

Patimat, Patimat, Patimat.

I rejoice in your beauty

And I keep repeating praise at random.

You are my destiny and my prayer:

Patimat, Patimat. Patimat.

1st host:

Gamzatov was often asked: “How did you meet your Patimat? - Didn't meet at all! We were born in the same village. Her parents were rich people, they gave me money to look after her cradle. Then, when she grew up, I was ready to watch without money. She agreed, I got married ... - and with feigned regret: - A otherwise I would have a big rich story love ... I didn’t have to kidnap on a white horse ... "

An excerpt from the song "Sunny days have disappeared" performed by V. Leontiev to the verses of R. Gamzatov.

Time passed and Gamzatov dedicated his best poems to his Patimat:


I'm afraid to write poetry. Suddenly, after reading them,

Another, worthier and younger than me,

He will love you, also not joking.

I'm talking about you, who is dearest to me,

I'm afraid to write. Suddenly someone, loving,

He will speak with another, beloved too,

The words that I found for you.

1st host:

“It is beautiful to love, you also need talent. Maybe love needs talent more than love needs talent, love accompanies talent, but does not replace it.

2nd leader:

In Gamzatov's poetry, the image of a mother is always cordial, gentle, touching. How many beautiful words have been said about her, but the poet found new, unusual words. He was not afraid to repeat himself in choosing a topic. And it turned out that his mother's anthem sounded in world lyrics.


(photo from a family album - mother and son). R. Gamzatov excerpt from the poem "Mom"

In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nana",

And in Avar - affectionately - "woman".

From a thousand words of earth and ocean

This one has a special destiny.

Becoming the first word of the year, our lullaby,

It sometimes entered the smoky circle.

And on the lips of a soldier at the hour of death

The last call was suddenly.

Shadows do not fall on this word,

And in silence, probably because

Words are different, kneeling,

They want to confess to him.

1st host:

Khandulay is a typical mountain woman, mother of five children. She held the whole house on her shoulders, made sure that the fire in the hearth always burned. But by her example, she showed the need for changes in the life of a woman of the mountains: she sat down at her desk, abandoned outdated traditions. She was wise, understanding people in sorrow and joy.


All that I have written so far,

Today up the line is ready to give

For the song that is at my cradle

Near the peaks you sang, mother.

Where the neighbor ascended to the sky

Caucasus, worthy of glory and love,

Is it not from your song a lullaby

Do all my poems originate?

"Autograph on a book given to mom"

2nd leader:

The news of her death came when Gamzatov was in Japan. A feeling of remorse and pleas for forgiveness come to the poet over his mother's grave. Addressing all children whose mothers are still alive, he says:


If you have become a hard heart,

Be, children, more affectionate with her.

Protect your mother from an evil word,

Know that children hurt everyone the most.

2nd host

Like all highlanders, Gamzatov highly appreciates true friendship. And his friends answered him with devoted friendship. Eduardas Mezhelaitis admits: “I love Rasul Gamzatov like a real brother… It is impossible not to love him… The feeling of love flows over the edge of his kind and generous heart. He is enough for everyone: his native Dagestan, a working person, a beloved woman, beautiful native nature, the heroism of the defender of the Motherland, our entire great Motherland ... "

The song “My friend” sounds softly (1 verse and chorus of the song) s.I. Nikolaev, music. I. Krutoy.

Reader: excerpt from R. Gamzatov's poem "Take care of your friends"

Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship

And do not sin with a hasty judgment.

Anger at a friend, maybe instantaneous,

Do not rush to pour everywhere.

Maybe my friend was in a hurry

And offended you by chance,

A friend was guilty and confessed -

You do not remember his sin.

People, we are getting old and dilapidated,

And with the course of our years and days

It's easier to lose our friends

We find them much more difficult.

1st host:

The work of Gamzatov turned out to be an extremely fertile ground for the birth of musical works. Many of the poet's poems have become songs. Worked with him famous composers People: Dmitry Kabalevsky, Yan Frenkel, Raymond Pauls, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Yuri Antonov. They were performed by: Iosif Kobzon, Muslim Magomaev, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Valery Leontiev, Renat Ibragimov, Lev Leshchenko and many others. Poems became songs: “Take care of your friends”, “Wish”, “Sunny days have disappeared”, “Flowers have eyes”, “I'm afraid” and many others.

2nd leader:

Everyone knows the poem "Cranes", which became a song - a requiem. It was written in 1965 in Hiroshima. Gamzatov saw the project of the monument Japanese girl with a crane in hand. He was thrilled to hear her story. The girl was in the hospital. In the hope of recovery paper cranes. There should have been 1000 of them. But she did not have time to die. On the day the poet learned this story, cranes appeared in the sky of Japan. And a message came about the death of the poet's mother.

1st host:

On the way home, he thought about his mother, about a girl with cranes, about brothers who did not return from the war, and so the poems "Cranes" were born.

Against the background of the leader's words, (1 verse from the song) "Cranes" performed by M. Bernes quietly sounds on the next. Rasula Gamzatova, music. Ya. Frenkel.

2nd leader:

In 1968, the poem "Cranes" translated by Naum Grebnev was published in the magazine " New world". It caught the eye of singer Mark Bernes. Bernes himself never fought in the war, but he went to give concerts on the front lines. And he especially succeeded in songs dedicated to the war. Obviously, the war was also his personal theme. After reading the poem "Cranes", an excited Bernes called the translator Naum Grebnev and said that he wanted to make a song. Some changes in the text were immediately discussed over the phone. Gamzatov recalled: “Together with the translator, we considered the singer’s wishes fair, and instead of“ horsemen ”we wrote“ soldiers ”. This kind of expanded the address of the song, gave it a universal sound.

1st host:

One of the eternal themes in Gamzatov's lyrics is philosophical reflections on time and man. And "time" is one of the most frequent words in his poems. Time as a form of being. And time is a century, an epoch. Without rest, without stopping, to keep pace with your time, to be ahead of it, to serve it is the poet's law.

2nd leader:

Gamzatov's poetry will live as long as Dagestan is alive. He prophetically wrote about this poem "I erected a monument to myself from songs." This topic is not new in poetry. The first was a poem by the ancient Roman poet Horace, in Russian poetry Derzhavin made a free translation of it. Everyone knows the "Monument" of Pushkin. Rasul Gamzatov continued this tradition, but he introduced a national flavor into the poem, reflected the features of the time in it.


I erected a monument to myself from songs.

It is low, that stone on the plateau,

But if my mountainous land does not disappear,

No one will destroy the monument.

Nor the wind that howls like a wolf in the mountains,

No rain, no snow, no August heat.

During my life, the mountains were my destiny,

When I die, I will be their destiny.


1st host:

He sang of the heroes of his time, brought back from oblivion the heroes of past centuries and proved that it is possible to live in this world in such a way that one would not be ashamed of one's deeds and deeds. Gamzatov, by his life example, showed everyone how much one person can achieve, whose tool is a poetic word.

2nd leader:

On November 3, 2003, the poet took his place in the crane wedge of immortality. Eight decades of his life on earth he managed to use in full. He created so many great creations that contemporaries and posterity need more long years to comprehend and appreciate this invaluable heritage.

The event ends on the background of the sound of the melody from the song "Cranes".

Workshop for parents "Draw together" unconventional drawing

Inserting a picture

Compiled by: Malanich Irina Dariyevna, teacher of additional education

State educational institution of the Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra "Nyaganskaya school - boarding school for students handicapped health"

Nyagan 2015

Target : drawing the attention of parents to the value fine arts children, to the benefit of non-traditional drawing techniques. Tasks: introduce parents to non-traditional drawing techniques; to promote understanding of the importance of the development of children's creativity.

Dear parents!

Today we will visit the country of Creativity, get acquainted with the traditions of this country and its features. Someone will tell us all this is known, but I really hope that some discoveries are waiting for everyone. Did everyone draw as a child? And who continues to draw now?

Drawing is an obligatory stage in the development of every person. We all drew in childhood: someone in albums, someone with chalk on asphalt, someone on wallpaper or linoleum. Creative activity has great value for the development and education of children. Products visual activity(drawings, crafts, etc.) is an image of reality that reflects inner world the child, his emotional experiences, relationships with the outside world, according to the drawings, you can determine the state of the intellect, his performance, the level of development of mental processes, mood. Big role creative activity can play in the development of the child due to its accessibility. How to teach a child to draw if you yourself do not know how? Do not rush to get upset. There are many tricks with which you can create original work, even without having artistic skills. Both you and your child will receive not only pleasure from such activities, but also a lot of benefits.

So let's learn to draw unusual drawings common items!

Draw raindrops with pva glue and hang the drawing vertically to dry, when the glue dries, transparent droplets will remain on the paper, similar to rain .

Finger painting




FOAM PUCK (small)


plant leaves (trees, flowers)






Plastic bottle

Our task is to help children open the door at the very wonderful worldMagic world children's creativity!

dare , fantasize!

Thank you for your attention!

Prepared by educators: Petrova E.A., Onoshina N.Yu.

Children, observing the world around them, try to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc. Rich opportunities in this respect are pictorial activity.

The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, to convey images of the imagination, turning them into real forms with the help of various materials.

Artistic creativity is one of the favorite types of children's activities.

In order not to limit the ability of kids to express their impressions of the world around them, the traditional set of visual tools and materials is not enough.

In art classes, drawing with non-traditional techniques liberates children, allows them not to be afraid to do something wrong. Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions are both a process and a result of practical activity - artistic creativity. Drawing using non-traditional image techniques does not tire preschoolers, they maintain high activity, working capacity throughout the entire time allotted for the task. Unconventional Techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes to:

  • intellectual development child;
  • correction of mental processes and personal sphere of preschoolers;
  • develops self-confidence;
  • develops spatial thinking;
  • teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • develops fine motor skills hands

Considering age features preschoolers, mastering different skills at different age stages, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques for non-traditional drawing.

So, for children of primary preschool age , when drawing it is appropriate to use the technique "drawing by hand" (palm, palm edge, fist, fingers), imprint with stamps from potatoes.
Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques poke with a hard semi-dry brush, printing with foam rubber; stopper printing; wax crayons + watercolor; candle + watercolor; leaf prints; palm drawings; drawing with cotton swabs; magic ropes (nitkography).
BUT in senior preschool age children can learn more more difficult methods and techniques:

  • sand painting;
  • drawing soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotting with a tube;
  • screen printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • blotting ordinary;
  • plasticineography.

Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Let's take a closer look at each of these techniques.

During the course finger painting children reproduce a variety of movements with the palm (slapping, slapping, smearing), fingers (smearing, sticking).
Introduction to technology "fingerography" begins after mastering the basics of hand drawing: it is more difficult and requires more purposeful movements.
Children with curiosity, joy and pleasure smear traces of paint on their palms and on a sheet of paper. After several training games, a motor rhythm appears on paper, as children repeat the movements with their palms and fingers many times. This rhythm attracts children, becoming an additional stimulus for actions with paint and increasing interest in them. In the learning process, you can offer children to finish drawing images of animals (dipping a finger in paint, draw eyes, a nose, a mouth, a tail, while using jerky lines, horizontal, arcuate lines).

At hand drawing children first leave a handprint on a piece of paper, and then, according to the instructions of the teacher, draw the image of an animal. At the first stage, the teacher himself can finish drawing, showing by his example the principle of the image.
AT middle group children can independently depict an animal from their palms, using their own memories and imagination. So, a bird, a cat, a cockerel, an elephant calf can turn out from the palm.
Potato drawing attracts children with its unusualness. Commonly used material is used to depict animals. To do this, the child presses the seal against the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the boxes and the signet change. Signet is one of the most interesting ways for a child to make a drawing.
This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, composing different compositions from its prints. Before printing, it is necessary to make the tools themselves - seals.
First, the teacher should help the child make prints. To do this, take a potato, cut it in half and apply on a smooth cut ballpoint pen signet drawing - a specific animal, then carefully cut out the shape along the contour.

One of the varieties signet is tampon or impression. For this exciting activity, you need to make a swab of gauze or foam rubber, foam, crumpled paper. The stamp pad will serve as a palette. Children pick up paint, and with a soft touch on the paper draw something fluffy, light, airy, transparent or prickly. This technique is best suited for drawing animals, as it conveys the texture of the furry surface of the object.

In the middle group is also often used jabbing technique with a hard brush. The proposed drawing method does not require children to skillfully depict thin lines that carry an important artistic load. Enough to know and be able to draw geometric figures in various combinations, and not necessarily of the correct shape and thin straight lines. In the process of painting with pokes, these inaccuracies do not affect the perception of the drawing, and the drawn objects turn out to be closer to real ones. For coloring, you need: thick gouache and a hard brush. The technique of drawing with a poke for younger preschoolers is as follows: the teacher draws in advance on a sheet of children with a simple pencil circuit. Children first examine and trace the contour with their finger, naming its parts aloud: head, ears, eyes, tail, etc. Having begun to draw, they should poke with a brush along the contour line from left to right, leaving no gap between the poke; then, with arbitrary pokes, the surface inside the contour is painted over. Children draw the remaining necessary details of the drawing with the end of a thin brush.

Older children should independently draw the contours of objects with a simple pencil or immediately with a brush. The painting technique is the same.

A fairly complex technique is spatter . Instead of a brush, you can use a toothbrush and a stack. With a toothbrush in the left hand, we will pick up a little paint, and with a stack we will draw on the surface of the brush - with quick movements, towards ourselves. The splashes will fly onto the paper. In this case, it is possible to change the direction of movement of the hand (vertically, horizontally, obliquely, wavy, in circles), change the size of the specks, bringing the splashes closer or further away from the plane of the workpiece. Several paints are used at the same time, which helps to create a multi-color pattern.

One of the modern ways non-traditional drawing is bubble painting . To do this, you need shampoo, gouache, water, a sheet of paper and a cocktail tube. Shampoo, a little water are added to the gouache, stir and blow into the tube until foam forms. Then attach a sheet of paper to the foam, draw the details.

This technique developed from one interesting visual technique - blotography . This will require paper, ink or liquid gouache. In the center of the sheet, you need to drop a blot, the paper needs to be tilted to one side, then to the other, or blow on the blot. Thus, you can get the original image of the animal, the child's fantasy will tell you who it looks like.

Monotype can also be used to depict animals. The first way is to fold the sheet in half symmetrically. On the sheet, you can depict the reflection of a bear cub in the mirror surface of the water. To do this, take a landscape sheet and fold it in half, tint the upper part lightly - yellow(sky) and the bottom blue (water). After drying the sheet, we apply a drawing of a bear cub with a pencil, and then cover it with gouache, then fold the drawing along the fold line and iron it to make an imprint on the underside of the sheet, we get a mirror image of the bear cub in the water. The second way - we apply paint on a plastic board, then with a wooden stick or a brush handle we scratch the image of objects - figures of birds and animals, put a sheet of paper on top, lightly press and remove, an imprint is obtained on the sheet.

stroke drawing allows you to focus on the shape, structure of animals, their movements. With the help of a stroke, you can tell about the character of the animal, convey its pricklyness or softness, kindness or aggressiveness, express a personal attitude towards the animal. Hatching is great for depicting hedgehogs and porcupines.

There is also a technique "drawing with threads" (nitkography) . Simple threads, gouache of different colors, drawing paper, paint sockets, a container for used threads are used. It is necessary to make pieces of thread (2-5 pieces) 7-10 cm long. Dip one piece of thread in paint and drive it along a sheet of drawing paper in different directions. To use gouache of a different color, take a clean thread. You can also dip the thread in paint, put it on one half of the sheet (randomly), then cover it with the other half, i.e. fold the sheet in half and carefully pull the thread out of there. Then we open the sheet and draw the resulting image.

In engineering "drawing with a cardboard edge" cardboard strips are used (height - 2 cm, length from 2 cm to 6 cm, it depends on the size of the object to be depicted; cardboard width is about 2 mm), drawing paper, gouache, paint rosettes, brush. Here, the edge of the cardboard needs to be painted with gouache, leaned against the paper and drawn over the sheet, leaving a trace of the paint. Depending on what object is depicted, the movement of cardboard can be straight, arcuate, rotational.

For technology "crumpled drawing" . Drawing technology: on a sheet of paper, draw an object with colored crayons, around the object wax crayons make background. The sheet of paper must be completely covered. Gently crease the drawing so as not to tear the paper, then straighten it, paint over the background and the picture with gouache. Without waiting for the paint to dry, wash off the gouache with a sponge under running water. The ink should remain in the cracks in the paper. "Paper Printing" . Drawing technology. Dilute gouache paint with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. A piece thick paper crush into a small lump, dip in the paint. With this lump of paper, apply paint to the landscape sheet.

Many of the above techniques can be used in one − collage . In general, the following is important: it is good when a preschooler is not only familiar with various image techniques, but also does not forget about them, but uses them appropriately, fulfilling a given goal. For example, a child decided to draw summer in a village, and for this he uses a bitmap (grass), and the child draws the sun with his finger, draws fluffy animals with foam rubber, cuts out other animals from postcards, depicts the sky and clouds with fabrics, etc. There is no limit to improvement and creativity in visual activity.

It should be noted that the success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children. So, when teaching drawing, a wide variety of techniques and a wide variety of materials can be used.