The most interesting in the technique of drawing. Unusual ways of drawing

Now it's time for vacations and trips to the country, which means there will be more free time. Many people, especially women, dream of being able to draw, but various reasons, lack of time, family matters, caring for children do not allow their desire to be fulfilled. Sometimes I conduct master classes in pastel, which are attended by people who cannot draw, or those who once studied in art school and now the craze is abandoned. And every time, after the master class, I see the happy faces of people who have made their own drawing! That's why, summer time, Dacha - it's time to realize your dreams! Create your own little painting!
First, let go of your fears! No one will judge your drawing, it will simply exist and, perhaps, delight your loved ones!

So, let's begin. You will need:
1. Pastel paper. You can buy an album, or you can buy separate sheets of the desired color.
2. Dry pastel.
3. Flatbed or plywood
4. Pastel pencil
5. Velvet cloth
6. Hand cream (hands dry and cream will save after work) and good mood!

Recommendations for choosing pastels. My many years of experience have shown that in order to achieve a good result, it is not necessary to splurge on expensive pastels. It is enough to buy a Faber Castell dry pastel set. Its advantages are the price, good color range (I have 74 colors), medium softness and convenient chalk shape (square)
My pastel arsenal is large. Of course, the best professional Sennelier and Schmincke pastel, but it is too soft for an inexperienced draftsman. Rembrandt pastel is good, it has medium softness, good palette, but large crayons, it can seem very uncomfortable at first.

Recommendations for choosing pencils. To be honest, pencils won't do you much good. Because in realistic drawing, the pastel layer already applied to the paper will be scraped off with a pencil. I use several colors, black, white, neutral ocher green. AT this case maybe dark green. It is better to buy pencils selectively, not in a set.

Paper Guidelines. When choosing a paper color, it matters what you draw. But it will be difficult for a novice draftsman to guess which color is more suitable. Most importantly, do not take white paper. By choosing a neutral gray (warm), do not miss!

Suggestions for choosing a subject. I advise you to work indoors or on the veranda. Because in the open air the visitation will constantly change and it will interfere with you. Better to put a simple still life. Don't take difficult items.

I put a simple still life of local flowers. (yellow, blue, blue, green)


Organize your workspace. The chair can serve as a comfortable easel. Position the tablet so that both the still life and the sheet of paper are in front of your eyes.
Be sure to lay paper under the tablet, the pastel will crumble a lot.


Apply drawing light lines. Use only a pastel pencil, regular color or graphite will not work! Draw as you see, as you can! Let it be crooked, it's not scary! who said it had to be straight! Curvature has its own charm. Check the proportions of objects, compare them with each other, what is smaller, what is larger. DO NOT use an eraser. Because a layer of pastel will not fall on the greasy traces left after it! Don't worry, your line drawing won't be visible, it will be under the pastel layer.


Colors in pastels blend together. Apply with strokes, lightly rub with the little finger. Don't rub hard, just a light blend. You can use a felt feather, but still the hand feels the paper better. Hands must be dry and not greasy!

So let's start with color. At this stage, the main task is to parse everything by local colors. A yellow spot of flowers, a blue spot of a vase, a green spot of an apple.


Use a velvet cloth, it will perfectly clean your hands. Who has long nails, this will be a small problem;))


Still life should be looked at with relaxed eyesight. Our eye perceives objects in spots, locally, if you start looking at the details, nothing will work! In the photo, I blurred the sharpness to show how to look at the depicted subject.


Move away from your workspace constantly so you can see the still life and drawing together from afar.


For white objects, do not immediately use pure white chalk. I took the bluish tint. The brightest is highlights. White chalk will come in handy later.


Work out the shape of objects, shadow, light.



Don't forget to look from the side.


The background can be the tone of the paper. But I decided to use blue.


When the objects are disassembled by color, own and falling shadows are indicated, you can proceed to the details. This is where white chalk comes in handy.


Pay close attention to the shape of the flower petals, try to repeat. For a novice draftsman, at this stage of work it is mono to stop. Because the drawing already looks complete.


Inquisitive artists can keep improving! I hope my advice will help someone, or move them to the first step! Wish creative success! And let your drawings decorate your home and delight loved ones!


To make a more detailed picture, you need a lot of time. Pastel is a very laborious material.

It is better to hide the finished work immediately under glass and in a frame, this the best way save! You can use hairspray to set the pastels. But it is very conditional to gain a foothold! Pastel varnishes are very insidious and if you have not used them before, I warn you that dark spots and splashes may remain, the work will have to be corrected.


Pastel is a favorite art medium for many artists, but beginners in the early stages of using pastels face certain difficulties. Therefore, further we will try to explain in an accessible way what pastel is for drawing, how to work with it, and we will present a simple master class with photographs, where you will see an example of how to draw a beautiful still life with pastel. However, we still advise, before starting to get acquainted with pastel techniques, to gain confidence in the basis of the basics - drawing with ordinary pencils.

Pastel is sold both in the form of bare rods, similar to crayons, and pencils. From others art materials it is distinguished by softness and velvety structure, which is achieved due to its composition - a binder and a coloring matter, that is, a pigment. These qualities determine another feature of using pastel: it does not adhere well to paper and can crumble when pushed or other physical impact on a sheet of paper.

Today in the shops of artists you can find four types of artistic pastels: dry, oil, wax and watercolor.

Dry pastel

The most popular type of pastel, which is used by both beginners and professional artists. Depending on the content binder it is divided into hard and soft - the smaller it is, the softer the rod.

Hard pastel will not be able to achieve such bright colors as with soft pastels. But it is easier to draw small and subtle details with it, especially if you draw with pastels in the form of pencils. It crumbles less and does not stain your hands as much.

With soft pastel, you can create sweeping strokes that lie flat on paper and are easy to shade, but for beginners, such a pliable material will not be easy to control.

oil pastel

The composition of oil pastels contains a mineral oil substance, which allows it to lay down well on paper and not crumble, and also not get your hands dirty. True, such a matte effect as from a dry pastel will not work with it, and it will not work just as easily to shade it - you will have to resort to using a brush and water, or a special solvent. But it will not be easy to accidentally lubricate it.

wax pastel

Reminds oil pastel for color reproduction, brightness, smoothness of application and intensity of strokes. It contains a different binder: not oil, but wax. Because of this, it is more difficult to achieve color mixing, and if the crayons are cheap, where paraffin is used instead of wax, then color transitions will not work at all. Professional Artists almost never undertake to draw with wax crayons.

watercolor pastel

And this type of pastel has a more unique wet texture - all because of the content of water-soluble components in it. In its usual form, it is applied to paper as a hard pastel chalk with a wet effect, and when water is added, it acquires watercolor properties. It is often replaced watercolor pencils, since such a pastel can draw both solid strokes and achieve translucent shades.

Additional Tools

What is the best paper to draw on? Since dry pastel crumbles very easily, you will have to abandon ordinary, smooth A4 office paper and switch to another work surface that has a pronounced rough texture. It can be postal, sandpaper or pastel paper, canvas or special cardboard.

You can learn to draw with pastel even if you have nothing but pastel and paper. But with the help additional materials and tools, the process of creating a drawing becomes much easier, faster and more convenient. It:

  • Feathers or brushes - there are silicone and paper. They are very convenient to shade the small details of the picture, for which shading with your fingers is not enough.

  • Eraser-nag - with it you can lighten the drawing with pastels, or gently erase the excess without harming the paper.
  • Mastbel - a special device in the form of a long stick with a soft fabric or suede ball at the end, which serves as a support for the artist's leading hand and allows him to draw without touching the drawing, so as not to smear it. With the second hand, the artist supports the stick, and with the ball he leans on the canvas or takes it beyond the borders of the picture.

  • Fixative - a varnish designed to fix pastels, both in the process of work and upon completion of the entire drawing. Often replaced with regular hairspray, however, it darkens the image and can de-matte it. Therefore, many refuse varnish fixation and place the pastel drawing in a frame under glass, and so that it does not touch the paper.

Features of drawing with dry pastel

For beginners, it's best to learn how to learn to draw with dry pastel first, as it's easier to handle than other types. It should be said that drawing with pastel does not imply any clear rules - the artist is free to experiment with techniques. However, there are certain nuances:

  • A preliminary sketch, the outline of the future drawing should be done with a piece of pastel in a not too noticeable color - it is better to match it to the tone of the paper. For white paper, use gray crayon or charcoal, which you can then simply shake off; for colored paper, use crayon of the corresponding or similar shade.
  • Do not sketch with an ordinary graphite pencil, otherwise the pastel will be very bad on it.

  • You need to draw with chalk “flat”, first applying the background and all the main colors, painting over the area of ​​the paper. First, it is better to apply and blend black and white colors, if any, and then move on to other shades. If the pastel type allows, then do not forget about mixing - with its help you can achieve interesting gradients and colors that you don’t have in your palette.
  • Having decided on the color scheme, you can finally start detailing the picture: the appearance of volume, refinement of silhouettes, shapes. At this stage, you can draw using hatching, applying dots, individual strokes, lines, etc. - depending on what task is set for you and in what style the pastel drawing will be done. Don't be afraid to leave the main details unshaded so that the drawing doesn't look "soapy".

How to draw with pastels: a master class for beginners

From theory, let's move on to practice and learn how to draw a still life from nature with pastels. Of course, you can try to draw it simply from a photograph. We will need:

  • pastel paper;
  • dry pastel;
  • pastel pencils;
  • plywood sheet;
  • soft cloth.

If you have an easel, the task is easier, but its likeness can be built from a chair and a plywood sheet, leaning it on the back and spreading paper so that the pastel crumbles there, and not immediately on the seat. Arrange a composition of flowers (or a photo) nearby so that it is in front of your eyes and it is convenient to draw it. Prepare your hands - wash them so that there is no grease on them, and wipe dry.


So we learned how to draw a still life with pastels! The drawing looks complete even at this stage. If you want to go further, then work on the background, details and adding shades.

The following video tutorial on drawing fruits will help you learn how to convey highlights, light, shadows, penumbra and reflex using dry pastels:

How to draw with pastel: dry pastel

In this lesson, I will introduce you to pastel crayons; Let me tell you what they are and how to use them. You will discover a new direction in creating bright and colorful works that do not lose their qualities and which can be painted both at home and outside.

Why pastel?

I must admit that pastel is my absolute favorite among all the ways of drawing. The dynamics of the incredible variety of colors is amazing, and the detail is sometimes amazing. To work, you only need a sheet of paper and pastel - nothing else. You can quickly have a finished drawing at home or outside the walls, and you do not have to wait for it to dry.

For me, pastel painting is a bit of a conscious choice to take advantage of subtlety, and by that I mean:

- different shades of pastel crayons and pencils with which I work;

- the color of paper or cardboard that I use (should they shine under my drawing or not?);

- the colors that I have already used and the effect that appears when applying new colors to them;

- how shading with a finger can change the picture;

- will I have the courage to leave clear lines unshaded.

What pastels are not


Pastel- not what teachers write on the blackboard and not what children draw on the pavement. Chalk is made from carbonate lime and mixed with a dye, and is usually too faded and hard enough.

oil pastel

Like pastel crayons, oil pastels are made entirely of pigment, however oil pastels are mixed with a non-drying oil substance and a wax binder. It can be used along with resin to make a paste.

1. Pastel

Pastel is a pure powdery pigment mixed with a small amount of binder. This makes them softer than chalk, and the scope is more versatile. They range in color from soothing tones to very bright and are a great tool for creating large and small paintings in any setting.

Some pastels are harder than usual and I feel like there is little difference between the two. I use both for both large-scale drawing and for creating details - although some types are more fragile. I only feel the difference in color.

Pastels are produced in round and square shapes. Again, I use both crayons for both scale and detail. However, each type has its own advantages - they give different types of strokes. Below you can see a fragment of a painting with the hair of a howling wolf. You can see different strokes and places where I used round and square crayons, but I deliberately applied the strokes with the edge of the square crayon to give the wool a tangled effect.


When you start drawing, do not mark the base with a graphite pencil, as chalk does not fit well on it. Use a pastel pencil or, if you don't have one, a conte pencil, charcoal, or, finally, the pastel itself.

What crayons to choose?

You can buy a box of pastels with different colors. Inscribe offers a good set for beginners, 48 ​​colors with various shades at a reasonable price. However, their crayons are quite hard, a little smudged; they are difficult to draw thin lines. Avoid sets that have a lot of bright colors, as you will find that "variety" is too limiting when painting.

The lesson is translated from

Have you decided to learn how to draw with pastels? In this article, we will show you how easy it is to create beautiful and simple compositions on your own or with your children.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Even if you cannot draw, this is not a reason to leave your dream.

An article for beginners will allow everyone to learn:

  • what you need to create simple and uncomplicated drawings;
  • how to draw different types pastels;
  • what materials are best to use.

If you are ready to learn the basics of this type of creativity from scratch, then go! Stock up on patience and perseverance, and very soon you will please yourself and your loved ones with a new achievement.

Let's talk about materials first. Paintings can be created on a white or black background. You can decide for yourself what is best for you. But ordinary white sheets are much cheaper.

A novice artist can only get by with a set of crayons, paper and a desire to try his hand at first.

So, if you decide to seriously take up drawing, you will need:

  • pastel;
  • paper;
  • drawing board;
  • buttons or adhesive tape;
  • sandpaper;
  • brushes;
  • sharpener;
  • shading sticks;
  • eraser;
  • mask;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

What is all this for?

Pastel. One of the main elements. Choose one of each brand to be able to evaluate the quality and decide which material you are most comfortable working with.

Paper. Special paper comes in all sorts of shades: yellow, purple, black, etc. Watercolor is also perfect.

Board for drawing. It will serve as a base that will not allow the sheet to sag and distort the pattern.

Buttons or adhesive tape. Correctly fix the base to the board so that it does not slip.

Sharpener and sandpaper. Will allow you to sharpen the chalk when needed.

Special sticks for blending. They will help to achieve a smooth transition and a beautiful tone.

Eraser. Removes errors that will necessarily appear at first. Do not rub when using. This also applies to normal simple pencil. You just need to lightly tap on the unsuccessful line so that it disappears.

mask and a vacuum cleaner. They will help make your creative process more comfortable and convenient. When drawing, pollen can fall on the floor, as well as fly in the air.

How to draw with dry pastels: instructions with step by step for beginners

Artistic pastels are special crayons that are used both for children's creativity and in the professional art field. She happens various kinds: dry, wax or oil. Drawing with this material brings pleasure and helps to reveal the talent of the artist to everyone.

Basic tips for beginners will help to make a minimum of mistakes in learning this kind of art a.

  1. The first stage is preparation. So, you have chosen dry crayons. It is worth taking a responsible approach to the selection of paper. Ordinary thin sheets for creativity will not work. It is necessary to purchase a dense material with a rough surface so that the strokes lie correctly and the pattern does not crumble. Take care of a hard surface for creativity.
  2. The second step is sketching. Take one of the crayons. The main thing is that it should differ from the background by only one tone. With barely noticeable lines, we draw the contours of our elements, for example, a flower. Don't press hard. The contour should then be easily shaken off with a regular rag. Do not use a simple graphite pencil. It will be difficult to remove.
  3. Third stage. We obscure the details, drawing small elements. This can be done with lines, strokes, dots, using fingers and brushes. All! Your first creative result is ready.
  4. Fourth stage. Place the canvas under glass or use a special spray, lightly spraying the drawing to strengthen it. Otherwise, it may crumble over time, and the colors may be distorted.

How to draw flowers with pastels

With the help of artistic crayons, beautiful large images are obtained. For example, flowers or animals.

To depict a New Year's still life, you need to create a composition that you will draw. Keep it simple, because you are just starting to master drawing.

If you are in a sunny summer mood today, defrost a strawberry. You can first depict it on your canvas, and then eat it with pleasure.

If you need a master class that allows you to recreate the unique Russian nature, then the Internet will help you in this matter. There are many lessons in the form of articles or videos that will clearly show how to depict winter landscapes or summer beauties. Or you can just look out the window! Graceful trees covered with hoarfrost, or majestic mountains in snow caps - such a landscape will not leave anyone indifferent.

Drawing with crayons with children

If you want to diversify children's creativity, invite the kids to draw a dog or a kitten. You can depict a neighbor's cat on the canvas. Give the children materials, let them create a portrait of a friend on their own. Tell them how to use these tools, and the children will be happy to do something new.

Be sure to select children's drawing a prominent place so that both you and your guests can admire the achievement of the child in the form of a portrait of a beloved cat or dog. Drawing - favourite hobby your child? Pastel crayons will be a good gift for him on New Year or birthday.

To kids younger age you can suggest making simple drawings:

  • snowman
  • flower;
  • the sun in the sky;
  • toys;
  • space.

Have your child create a simple picture now.

Drawing winter with pastels with children

All children love to play outside on winter days when the sun is shining and there is a lot of snow around. But what if there is bad weather outside? You can draw with children, for example. Arm yourself with the necessary materials, now we will draw a simple flower with the kids.

  • choose the shades with which you will work;
  • draw the contours of the future flower;
  • fill all elements of the image with color;
  • frame the work and decorate the main room in the house with it.

Everyone loves to draw. Such an activity will be interesting for novice artists of all ages. You can create beautiful works of art with the whole family or entertain your little one's friends who are visiting you.

What kind of paper is best for drawing with pastels?

You will have a question: is it possible to use the technique of drawing with crayons on plain paper? Definitely not. The base should be dense and rough. Then your time will not be wasted. "Which one then?" - you ask.

Paper comes in different types:

  • pastel. Sold in art stores and has a variety of shades. Create on color or white - you choose. The paper may be sold in glued blocks or by the piece;
  • velvet. It is difficult to use it, but the illustrations are very effective and delicate;
  • velor. Slightly different from the previous version. It is expensive, but the picture is obtained, as if made with paint;
  • watercolor. Is it possible to draw on watercolor paper with crayons? Can. Especially for budding artists. It is an inexpensive and practical training material;
  • craft. Interesting sheets that perfectly complement the image;
  • paper self made. Expensive material that needs to be ordered from a private master. But if you come across it, this is the best basis that will make your work unique;
  • emery. Drawings are obtained, as if on asphalt. Sold in hardware stores.

If you are just starting to master any creativity - buy a minimum necessary materials. When you reach a certain skill, it is worth taking care of more expensive and professional supplies.

What is the best way to draw with pastel

Professional artists use both professional paper and canvases in their work. But such materials are expensive.

What can you draw on for those who are just mastering this art? Is it possible on canvas? Of course you can if you have the finances. But is it worth it if you don't like this kind of creativity? Is it worth learning to paint with pastels?

Color or black and white drawings to help you express your inner world. Are you in a purple or pink mood today? Maybe a sunny yellow? More like tools! It's time to create!

If you want to try your hand at creativity, you should definitely do it. Otherwise, how can you find out about your hidden talents?