Herringbone contour drawing. How to draw a spruce: a master class

In anticipation of the New Year, children often draw a Christmas tree for days, but it does not always come out beautiful for them.

You can easily teach your child how to draw a Christmas tree and decorate with balls.

Today I showed my granddaughters how to draw a Christmas tree in Photoshop, but it is very easy to draw such a Christmas tree on paper.

Take a sheet of paper or an album, a pencil and an eraser. Ask the child how he will decorate the hedgehog and prepare pencils, felt-tip pens or paints with a brush.

Tell your child the rules for working with paints.

Prepare and moisten paints with clean water;
mix paints on a palette (white paper) without forgetting to wash the brushes;
evenly cover the surface of the background and characters in the composition;
at the end of the work, wash the brush, do not leave it in a jar of water, but wipe it with a cloth;
at the end of the paint, put the pencil in boxes or in a pencil case.

How to draw a Christmas tree

Step by step instructions on how to draw a Christmas tree.

1. Draw a triangle. Now draw a star at the top of the triangle. Leave enough space to add the rest of the tree.

2. Draw the top part of the Christmas tree, which consists of three branches, as shown in the picture. Don't try to draw too precisely, lines that aren't quite straight will look better. The ends of the branch lines must join the star.

3. Now add two more rows of spruce branches. Moreover, in each subsequent row of branches, one more is added. Thus, row 1 - three branches, row 2 - four branches, row 3 - five branches.

4. Then just draw a bucket under the tree and attach to the tree with two lines that will be the spruce trunk. Add two lines in the center of the bucket in the form of a ribbon, as shown in the picture. Erase all auxiliary lines.

5. Draw a bow on the ribbon and draw a ball on each branch. Give the star at the top of the tree a sparkling effect. Our Christmas tree is ready! You are great!

6. Now you can start decorating.

Whatever your child draws, be sure to praise him and hang the resulting masterpiece on the wall so that the kid feels like a real artist.

How to draw a Christmas tree

We offer a version of the Christmas tree, which you can decorate as you wish.

Draw with your child, he can easily repeat your drawing in parts.

I hope that your kid was able to draw a Christmas tree that he likes.
We wish you success!

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Good afternoon, we continue the series of articles on the topic "How to draw a New Year - 48 ideas and 10 lessons". And today I add FIR-trees to the general piggy bank of New Year's drawings. We will draw Christmas trees in DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES. I will show you how to create simple drawings Christmas trees, and how to create a real Christmas tree with a drawing of coniferous needles and glitter reflected in glass Christmas balls with your own hands.

So, let's see what ways to draw Christmas trees I have collected for you in this article.


The easiest way to draw a Christmas tree is a zigzag that expands downwards. It can be drawn as a thick brush (left photo) or a thin brush (right photo below).

How to draw a Christmas tree

METHOD No. 2 - METELochka.

This method is also quite simple for drawing by children's hands. You just need to draw on a piece of paper straight line(or slightly slanted if the tree will lean).

This line will serve the central axis of the Christmas tree- her spine. And then with paints - to the left and right of this axis - we will draw our bunches-panicles. You need to draw from the bottom rows of the Christmas tree - to the top. This is important so that our upper tiers lie on top of the lower legs of the Christmas tree.

That is first draw the bottom tier of the Christmas tree(a number of sweeping strokes-branches from below), then the second tier above the lower one (we put strokes overlap to the edge of the bottom row), and then alternately tier by tier we go to the top.

Then on this Christmas tree you can draw snow.

Here are the pictures below also a Christmas tree drawn in the technique of a METELochka. Note that, after we draw New Year's balls on the Christmas tree, you need to take green paint on the brush again and apply a few coniferous strokes OVER THE BALLS so that the balls seem to peek out from under the paws.

In the same technique, you can draw Christmas trees in winter landscapes. The background for such a New Year's landscape can serve as circular snowstorm from shades of blue gouache. And the spruce branches themselves are also drawn with SEVERAL shades of blue, turquoise and white.

It also looks beautiful when this technique is used in drawing. WATERCOLOR ON WET PAPER. We get fuzzy blurry Christmas tree silhouettes. And already Christmas balls on such a Christmas tree can be drawn clearly with perfectly smooth edges.

Such a New Year tree-panicle can be decorated with dots of beads, bows, New Year's sweets, round spots of balls.

To make the ball perfectly round (as in the picture above), it is better to draw it not just with a brush, but with a stencil. You just need to cut out a round stencil-hole from cardboard - several holes are better for different sizes of balls.

To do this, circle several glasses of different diameters on a sheet of cardboard, pierce each circle with scissors and cut out the inside along the circle line - and we will get round holes patterns. We put them on the Christmas tree - the desired hole-circle in the right place on the Christmas tree. And carefully paint over the hole with a thick and juicy color. You can do it not with a brush, and with a sponge- that is, a piece of foam rubber sponge for washing dishes. With the help of a sponge, the paint will lie evenly - as the bristles of the brush can crawl under the stencil and spoil the ideality of the circle.

Now, look at the pictures below. Here we see that our MAZKOV technique is being performed in the other direction. Here, the strokes are not placed in the downward direction from the axis-trunk of the tree, but on the contrary, the lines of the needles are laid semicircular vector up. And we're already getting new silhouette Christmas trees. That is a different kind of Christmas tree.

CONCLUSION: In this technique, the main thing AXIS-BARREL(from it we lead our strokes of branches). And more importantly MULTIPLE PAINT COLORS- strokes should be made from paints of different shades of green (or different shades of blue). Then our Christmas tree will look voluminous, textured and close to its real natural beauty.

How to draw a Christmas tree


silhouette two-tone

This method is also very simple. Little kids love him. First draw a normal christmas tree silhouette- shaggy (left picture below) or geometric with sharp triangular corners (right picture below), as you please.

We paint over silhouette in green color. We dry. And on top of the dried background we draw Christmas decorations. Or we immediately place Christmas tree decorations, and then separately paint over the gaps between them with green.

The silhouette of Christmas trees can be the MOST SIMPLE - an ordinary rectangle. Stars, balls, and the stem of any triangle makes it look like a Christmas tree.

And here in the photo below are some more examples of SILHOUETTE Christmas trees, but already with DOUBLE PAINTING. Here the silhouette is divided into ZONES - each zone is painted over in its own shade of green.

The zones are drawn with a pencil on a dry green background - and then painted over with a new shade of green. We dry. We draw decorations, ribbon beads, a star - and christmas tree ready.

How to draw a Christmas tree


Tiered Christmas trees we all knew how to draw back in kindergarten. When tiers were erected from triangles of different sizes. Here in the pictures below I present to your attention variations of this technique Christmas tree images.

Tiers may have rounded corners And smooth lines floors (as in the left picture below). Or tiers can have sharp corners And broken lines floors (as in the right picture below).

Tiers can have CLEAR SYMMETRY (as in the left picture below).

Or each tier can be UNSYMMETRIC - not the same on the left and right (as in the right picture below).

Each tier can be painted in your shade of green. From dark to light, or alternating dark and light in turn (like in the picture of Christmas trees below).

Along the edges of the tiers of the Christmas tree, you can lay out the lines of SNOW, or the lines of the CHRISTMAS GARLAND.

A tiered Christmas tree can have an interesting stylization - like these Christmas trees in the pictures below - the edges of their paws twisted in curls of varying degrees of coolness.

We draw a Christmas tree


drawing shadow areas.

But the Christmas trees, which no clear tiers- but hints of tiering are given drawing a shadow under the spruce paws. That is, due to the fact that on the silhouette of the Christmas tree we select BROKEN JUST LINES and paint over them with a darker shade of green - due to this we get silhouettes of shadow zones on the Christmas tree - and the Christmas tree becomes textured, with clearly defined coniferous legs (as is done on drawings of Christmas trees below).

Above the shadow zones, you can whiten the snow in some places (as in the New Year's picture below).

But below is a drawing of a Christmas tree, where shadow zones presented as ROUND LINES.

That is, we draw with a pencil on the green silhouette of the Christmas tree rounded lines and loops. That is, coniferous paws are depicted in the form of such flat cakes-ears.

And then we draw along these lines dark green tassel. We dry. And in some places we put light spots of light green-green on the green paws - this gives the fir-tree paws a visual bulge.

How to draw a Christmas tree


This method is well depicted on gift wrappings, on postcards and as interesting work for the competition New Year's drawing At school.

We start with the fact that on a sheet of paper with a pencil draw a triangle. And then paint fill out this triangle with a variety of shapes ( Christmas decorations, flowers, birds, snowflakes and other patterns, etc.).

We draw a stylized Christmas tree.


horizontal lines.

But the way to draw a Christmas tree is perhaps the easiest - we draw the outlines of a triangle on a piece of paper with a pencil. And then inside this drawn triangle we lay horizontal lines of different colors. According to your taste, the lines can be - straight, wavy or broken lines as in the picture below. They can be placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

An easy way to draw a Christmas tree.


Here we draw a triangle on a piece of paper. And then in any place of the triangle we put a large drop of light green paint - next to it is a drop of dark green paint. And just with your finger, mix these two drops into a round rosette curl. As a result, the paint of two shades is mixed and we get a two-color roll. Repeat the same procedure elsewhere on the tree. And again and again until we fill the entire field of the outlined triangle.

How to draw a Christmas tree.



And here is a way to draw a Christmas tree using the drawing of coniferous legs.

Here, let's look at the example below how exactly such an image of a Christmas tree is created on a sheet of paper.

To get such a Christmas tree, we first need to draw a triangle with a pencil. Then paint over it with a green background color of a dark shade. And then draw lines-bones of future coniferous legs over the background. And then grow green needles on these twigs.

We draw Christmas trees shining with lights.



But now I want to show how extraordinarily beautiful the Christmas tree we have drawn looks, if you think over the BACKGROUND in advance. The background you started drawing the Christmas tree on can make your drawing shine.

That is, if you make the background not a solid one color, but make a wide background strip in the center of the sheet a tone lighter than the rest of the background zone of the sheet. Thus, we get, as it were, a pillar of light within which our Christmas tree will shine.

And in this light beam (when the paint dries) we will draw our Christmas tree, in any chosen way. And in the end we will get a Christmas tree shining with unearthly beauties. Here in the figure above you can see how effectively such a background looks. The tree seems to be illuminated by heavenly light.

And the drawing of the Christmas tree itself is a heap of spots of different colors (essentially stuck with a finger). But the illusion of an unearthly radiance of the picture is created - due to the fact that 1.) the background of the sheet in the center has a whitish light shade 2.) all over the tree, except for colored spots, are scattered White spots.

Let's now consider detailed master class according to the drawing of a coniferous Christmas tree, for which we will just apply SUCH BACKGROUND RECEPTION - as a “pillar of light”.

How to draw a bright Christmas tree



And in this figure below, we also see the same background sheet preparation technique. The sheet was painted over in a bluish tint in the center and yellowish along the edges (it is better to paint the background not with a brush, but with a sponge, a sponge for washing dishes).

In the same example, we learn how to draw light glossy highlights on Christmas balls.

Please note that this Christmas tree (in the picture above) is drawn in a technique similar to the Broom. Only here not alone the central axis, from which our brush strokes dance (as in method No. 2), is not - here the axes for panicles-needles are multiple axis lines, randomly scattered in different directions.

Let me draw you step by step MASTER CLASS , With detailed diagram stages of drawing such a Christmas tree.

(I'm too lazy to get paints and a brush, so I'll draw with a computer mouse. This will slightly distort the similarity with the original, but still convey the essence of the technique itself. So ...

STEP 1- we make a general background, glowing in the center with a bluish spot.

STEP 2- in the luminous background we set the dark background basis of the future Christmas tree.

STEP 3- On top of our base and around it we draw axis lines of future spruce legs. We draw randomly and, most importantly, not very thick (so that there is more air between them). And most importantly, that they look down and a little splayed.

STEP 4- We take light green paint on the brush. And we begin to cover the LOWER TIER of the Christmas tree with long panicles-needles. It is important to start drawing the legs of the Christmas tree from the bottom up - mentally divide the Christmas tree into 4 tiers-floors and start from the bottom, gradually moving up. Then the Christmas tree will look natural (where the upper paws cover the lower ones, as in nature). In this master class, for the sake of saving my time, I will show only one lower tier.

STEP 5- We take just a green color on a brush - and between the light needles we make rich green needles. It’s also chaotic - here and there we make brush strokes.

STEP 6- take light brown gouache on brushes. And also with this color we make needles of brown coniferous color here and there. Finished with the LOWER TIER.

STEP 7- We pass to the second tier - and we do the same - we draw needles alternating brushes with light gouache, saturated gouache and brown gouache.

STEP 8- take on a brush dark green color(the darkest shade) and here and there we add dark strokes with a brush - drawing the needles that are in the shadow under the paws. Draw anywhere. Without hesitation.

AND FURTHER we continue with the third tier and with the fourth tier at the top of the tree. Until the whole tree is covered with coniferous branches. I will no longer draw here to the very top - a computer mouse is not the most convenient tool for drawing.

Now let's figure out how we will draw decorations for this Christmas tree.

STEP 9- under a round stencil (a hole in cardboard) we draw circles of ONE COLOR anywhere on the tree - but preferably under the paws - that is, we place each ball between the branches. It is important - to make the balls look natural(we will then cover them a little in the last step with needles from the legs hanging from above the ball).

STEP 10- on the brush we will transfer the color of the same shade as the ball itself - only a few tones darker. And on the ball we draw curls of this dark color.

STEP 11- on the brush we take another NEIGHBOR WITH DARK shade colors. And next to the first dark curl on the ball, we put another one, also dark, but of a different shade.

STEP 12- take a light (but not white) shade of color on the brush. And in the center of the ball we put a spot of light color - a spot of a round shape, or in the form of a thick curl.

STEP 13- take on a brush White color. And In the center of the ball we put a white plump dot. And in the lower side of the ball we make a white semicircular stroke. Thus, our balls sparkled like real glass ones.

STEP 14- Now we take a stick with a round tip, with which we will draw POINTS OF BEADS. A simple pencil with a round wash on the end will do. Pour thick white gouache into the saucer - poke the end of the pencil into the saucer and draw a chain of beads between the balls. White beads and red.

STEP 15- And now we need to push the needles of the Christmas tree a little over the balls. To do this, we again take a green color on the brush - and put a few sharp needle strokes on the top of the balls. We alternate shades of green - a couple of light strokes, a couple of dark ones. So our balls will be slightly covered with needles and will look naturally hanging under the paws of the Christmas tree.

By the same principle you can draw any of the Christmas trees below.

This Christmas tree, for example, is drawn entirely and completely, first with a DARK GREEN BRUSH, and then after drying on the brush, we take a LIGHT SHADE OF GREEN and draw already light paws on top of the dark needles.

But pay attention: we draw light branches without repeating the contours of the dark - that is, the dark branches stick out not in the same sides that are light.

And here (the picture of the Christmas tree below) is just different. Here, the light branches of the needles are drawn exactly OVER the same dark branches. Only lines of light needles are applied a little disorganized with the dark ones.

Very few toys can be placed on such a thick Christmas tree. The main thing is to make sure that after drawing the balls you have not forgotten take it on a green brush again - and again draw the needles of coniferous legs, which with their edges RUN over Christmas decorations . To Christmas balls as if drowned partially in dense needles and looked out of it with their glossy smooth sides.

It also looks good on this tree. a garland of bright multi-beam stars.

To make the stars burn with LIGHT FROM INSIDE (picture below), we use tricky way. We use flat brush(where the bristles are arranged in a row, and not in a round beam), and on the palette we drip a light yellow drop of paint and a dark yellow one next to it. We apply a brush to this paint so that one edge of the bristle row of the brush takes light paint, and the other dark.

And now this two-color brush draw rays of stars. Rays are just brush prints - we print the brush in a circle, placing its light-colorful edge in the center of the circle, and the dark-colorful edge of the brush in the outer side of the star circle. (Look at the stars in the picture of the Christmas tree below - they have yellow rays towards the center, and darker along the edges). After the rays have dried in the middle of such an asterisk, we put a round spot of white paint.

And a white artificial Christmas tree you can draw thick spruce branches using the same technique. To do this, on a bluish background with a gray brush, draw the same paws of the Christmas tree (hairy twigs). And then on top of their gray outlines we draw already white shaggy twigs. And we get a picture where the white needles stand out against the background of a gray coniferous shadow (as is done in the picture of the Christmas tree below).

How to draw a winter tree


snow-covered trees.

And here is another pretty snow-covered evening tree, consecrated by a lantern. I tried to draw this Christmas tree with a computer mouse in stages. Of course, this is not as convenient and revealing as brush strokes, but still this master class conveys general principle drawing in this style. Here it is shown how the mosaic alignment of the tiers of the legs of the Christmas tree is conveyed with simple blurry strokes.

In a similar technique, many snowy images of painted Christmas trees.

Let's take a closer look at how at home to a simple unprepared person (without art education and everyday experience of waving a brush on paper) to create a masterpiece in one evening with the help of a brush and a jar of paint unfamiliar to his hand.

Here is one of the tricky ways to draw a Christmas tree with your own hands in a short time. First, draw the outlines of a triangle on paper.

On the triangle, be sure to draw the center line of the axis (this is necessary in order to know in which direction - left or right - to turn the tip of the brush).

We take black paint on the brush. An important condition is that the shape of the brush should be flat (not a round tuft) and the bristles should be preferably hard. Second important condition- The paint should not be too wet. That is, we breed a thick, dryish black mixture - we dip the same dry brush into it. And we print it to the drawing - this is how we get the prints of the villi of a natural contour that is not blurry with excess dampness (similar to the contour of real needle needles).

And then you can take and apply on the tip of the same black brush dryish white gouache(also smear thick gouache on a saucer, dip the edge of the bristles of a flat brush and lay its prints along the tiers of the Christmas tree - in even rows.

And here is another quick way to draw a Christmas tree. It's even easier here. This method is similar to the first one. zigzag method in our article. Only with the addition of white snow.

And here's the way where the Christmas tree drawn with a wet brush, she was dipped in dark green paint, and then tip of the same brush dipped in white gouache. And immediately this white tip was printed to the bottom of the painted oval leg of the Christmas tree. Thus, we get a foot where the bottom edge has a pure white outline, and white-green streaks go up from it.

And here is a real jewelry way of drawing the needles of a snow-covered Christmas tree. Here it is drawn subtly and gracefully each large needle on the needles. Here we just see with our own eyes the way where the brush was dipped in paint on both sides.

And with such a brush we apply needles along the drawn branch. First, the left row (as on a comb), then the right row (as on a comb), and then (!!!) as many as three central rows of needles(so that the coniferous branch gets volume).

You can draw such experimental Christmas trees with gouache immediately in one drawing, fitting them into a single winter landscape.

These are the ideas of Christmas tree drawings that I have collected for you today in one Family Pile on our website. Now you can choose any way to draw a Christmas tree, based on the materials available and faith in your abilities.

Go ahead. Swing at artistic masterpieces. And may you succeed.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Spruce? It is very difficult to find a person who has never painted this tree in his life. But if you do not know how it is done, our article will teach you this simple matter.

Spruce - a symbol of the holiday!

Spruce - this is which everyone associates with the holiday, the New Year! This evergreen coniferous beauty for children becomes a real green fairy, delighting them on the morning of January 1 with gifts hidden under the branches. Does your child ask you to draw a Christmas tree? Or maybe you need to make some composition with it for children's holiday or a matinee in the garden?

We will be happy to provide you with some simple master classes that will teach you how to draw a fir tree step by step.

Method number 1: top to bottom

The first method, which we will consider in our article, will be based on drawing a tree from its top. Learn to draw such a spruce. And then it will not be difficult for you to create a whole forest on a piece of paper!

So, how to draw a fir tree, starting from its top? Everything is very simple!

Method number 2: from the bottom up

The first way of depicting spruce is not bad, but, you see, it is much more convenient to draw from the bottom up, and not vice versa. This makes it much easier to adjust and plan the height of the tree.

How to draw a fir tree from bottom to top? Now let's show!

Method #3: Easy!

How to draw a fir tree in the simplest and most unpretentious way? We know it and will definitely share it with you. With this method, even a small child can draw a Christmas tree.

How to draw a spruce branch

But what if you don’t need the whole tree, but need, for example, only one of its branches? Well, we'll tell you about that too. Arm yourself with pencil and paper, let's get started!

The drawing is ready!

Now you know how to draw a spruce branch yourself. You can even teach it to your child, for example.

Using the methods described above, you can draw a branch of a coniferous tree or the spruce itself with a pencil, felt-tip pens and even paints. tool in this case does not have special significance. Draw, create yourself and with your children.

In this tutorial I will show you an easy way to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil. If everything is done correctly, even a child can easily cope - the main thing is not to be lazy and try again and again if it doesn’t work out. Get your pencils and paper ready and you're good to go. step by step drawing. In order to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, it does not take much time, usually the whole process, along with coloring, takes from 10 to 20 minutes.

The first step in drawing a Christmas tree is the base. The Christmas tree has a triangular shape, narrowing at the top and expanding towards the bottom, so we draw such a neat triangle. It will need to be deleted later. If you are just learning to draw, it is better not to use a ruler for sketching - practice drawing everything by hand. So, we have drawn the base of the Christmas tree, you can proceed to the next step.

Further, from the very top of the Christmas tree, we begin to gradually draw its contours of the branches in this way. At the top of the Christmas tree we draw narrower, gradually its branches will expand. In the process of drawing a Christmas tree, be sure to note what shape each section has, and try to repeat as accurately as possible.

We continue to draw until the very bottom of the Christmas tree. Drawing a Christmas tree will be easier if you have a base, as you will have something to focus on, and you will not get confused in the proportions of this tree.

Draw a star on top and a tree trunk on the bottom. At this stage of drawing a Christmas tree, you can erase the base so that it does not interfere with us and no longer distract us from the main task, it has already completed its function.

We begin to decorate our painted Christmas tree with garlands with bows. If you want to draw a beautiful Christmas tree, try to show your imagination in the process of creating decorations. Remember what your favorite Christmas tree looked like, look at photos and drawings on the Internet and try to repeat.

You can draw on the Christmas tree with a pencil any decorations that you like best. It can be plastic or glass shiny balls, bows, figurines of animals and characters, and much more. The easiest way, of course, is to draw balls, and if you are drawing a Christmas tree with a child, you can limit yourself to only them.

Don't forget to color your Christmas tree green, and color your toys and other decorations. Nearby you can draw and , as well as and . You can also depict colorful gifts and in general any background to fill the Christmas tree drawing with a festive mood.

We hope that you had fun drawing a Christmas tree, and everything turned out great. Here is another way to draw a Christmas tree, we will show you how to draw only a Christmas tree without toys, and you can add the rest to your taste. This drawing of a Christmas tree is a little more complicated, but more realistic, so it will fit more experienced artists. Let's start with this slightly curved base of our painted Christmas tree.

As a basis, we draw several such triangles overlapped by each other. In our opinion, it turns out very nice.

Make the base lines light, because on top we will draw spruce branches. We start drawing a Christmas tree from the very top.

Gradually we move lower and lower.

At this stage, we draw the lowest layer of branches of our Christmas tree on New Year.

Drawing master class for children 4-5 years old "Herringbone"

Author: Ostanina Victoria Alexandrovna, educator of MDOU DS KV "Rainbow" SP "Silver Hoof"
Description: Let's draw! This master class gives you the opportunity to take gouache, brushes and start painting! And what do we especially want to draw on the eve of the wonderful holiday of the new year? Of course the Christmas tree! But what if you can’t draw very well, but really want to? I offer you a very easy and simple way to draw: the poke method. Don't be afraid to try, start drawing!
Purpose: The master class provides a wonderful opportunity to teach children how to draw a Christmas tree. Every educator, teacher primary school can safely introduce drawing by the “poke” method into his work. And caring parents can draw small Christmas trees and large spruces together with their children!
materials: White list paper, gouache, brushes, a glass of water, a cloth napkin.


Soon, soon will come to us
Bright holiday New Year!
We will dream with you
And gifts to choose!
To make the holiday brighter
I didn't forget about the tree!
Here are toys with tinsel
We hung with you!
May the good Santa Claus
Our magician red nose!
All the guys in order
Handing out chocolate!
That's probably exactly what every boy and every girl dreams of on New Year's Eve. We want the holiday to come to us as soon as possible! And what is needed for this? We need a tree! And the trees grow in the forest!

Reminds me of my childhood! In the early bright morning, my grandfather and I always went to the forest for a Christmas tree. We tried to choose the most beautiful!

And they dressed her up at home. Everyone tried to choose the most beautiful and favorite toy and tried to hang it on the most visible
place! Here we have such a beauty.

I would like to say in the words of Elena Ilyina:
In the door crack -
You'll see
Our tree.
Our tree
Up to the ceiling.
And on her
Hanging toys -
From stand
To the top…”
But now in our modern developing world, you don’t have to go into the forest, you just have to stand on a chair and get a magic box from the closet in which an artificial Christmas tree is stored.

And now the toys...

Now we decorate the Christmas tree.

And no hike in the woods, no magic. But you can make the world brighter without destroying a single Christmas tree! How, you ask? Just! You need to plant a Christmas tree under your window! And dress her up every year!

And I suggest you draw a forest beauty. Make it easy and simple! I propose to use a simple drawing method for work - the “poke” method.
Basic rules for drawing using the poke method:
1. Draw with a hard semi-dry brush. This means that we do not dip the brush into the water before setting the gouache on the brush.
2. After washing off the paint from the brush, it is necessary to blot the brush on a cloth. This is necessary to keep the brush semi-dry.
3. To draw a picture, we do not apply it with traditional strokes, but we poke it into a sheet of paper, holding the brush vertically. Hence the name - the "poke" method.
4. After setting the paint on the brush, the first “poke” should be done on a spare sheet of paper, as this will allow the drawing to be more evenly colored. The first "poke" always leaves a brighter trace, which is not always necessary in work.
5. When drawing a large object, such as the body of an animal, it is important to first go along the contour, and then proceed to fill in the middle.
Once you understand the basic rules, you can get started.
We draw a Christmas tree:
1. Let's start with the image of the trunk of the Christmas tree. To do this, we need a brush number 3 protein.
First, draw the trunk itself. We make the crown thinner, and to the bottom of the trunk we make a thickening, applying strokes close to each other. I start each stroke from the crown and smoothly lead to the very bottom, spreading to the sides. Now we draw branches - small semi-arcs, starting from the trunk and spreading to the sides.

2. Now we draw needles. We do it in an unusual and interesting way - by the “poke” method. Let's not forget the rules.
We start work from the base of the branch.

And so we continue to the very end. And so on each side of the branch, making it fluffier with each “poke”.

3. We do the same with each branch. First, on one side of the tree,

Then the second side, trying to make parallel branches the same.

4. Now add darker gouache bright colors at the bottom of each branch.

5. Each Christmas tree in winter forest falls under a snowfall, and snowflakes and even a lot of fluffy snow remain on its paws. That's it for this we need white gouache and a hard semi-dry brush. Again using the "poke" method we draw fluffy snow at the top of each branch.

The Christmas tree is ready. Let's make a frame. To do this, we will use blue gouache and draw a frame using the “poke” method. By placing the "pokes" tightly to each other right near the edge of the sheet. Try not to rush to make the frame dense and bright. Now our Christmas tree is ready.

It will become a worthy decoration of our house on the eve of the most beloved holiday by all children.

Whatever place we find her, she will definitely please us!

Even a child can draw such a Christmas tree. This is how I saw and drew a Christmas tree Vanya, 5 years old.

You can decorate our Christmas tree by hanging painted tinsel and balls on it.

Or draw a whole forest.