Literature project 5. Creative project at a literature lesson (grade 5)


Title page

Project work

On literature

on the topic__________________________

student of _______ class

F.I. ____________________________

Job Requirements

  1. The work must be performed in strict accordance with one of the topics stated in the list of design work.
  2. The content of the work should reveal the topic.
  3. The work must be handwritten using a stencil or printed lines (A4 lined paper is allowed).
  4. The work should not contain spelling, punctuation and other errors.
  5. It is allowed to use pictures from the Internet with captions to them.
  6. The work must be neat and aesthetically pleasing.

design work on literature

In 5th grade

  1. Illustrations for the work.
  2. Literary geography.
  3. Quiz for friends.
  4. living word
  5. History in literature
  6. Scenario.

Instructions for the implementation of design work

"Illustrations for the work"

The main task involves the creationcolor drawingsto the work of art under study. quantity 1-3.

Each image must be accompanied by an excerpt from the text of the work or an extract from the fragment to which it corresponds.

A contour image printed from the Internet painted with paints (pencils) is allowed.

How to complete the task under the rubric

"Literary Geography" and

"History in Literature"

The main activity is the selection of information material on one of the topics specified in the list of works.

Materials can be taken from any available sources. It should be reworked and left with the most basic.

Next, by hand rewrite text messages on A4 lined paper and arrange title page in accordance with the given requirements.

Not allowed the use of the words "abstract", "report", etc. in the design of the final work.

How to complete the task under the rubric

"Living Word"

The tasks in this section involve the study of the vocabulary of a work of art or a creative laboratory of writers.

  1. The task "Glossary" should contain the interpretation of words and be designed according to the type of dictionary entries.
  2. The task "Aphorisms" includes the search for sayings of writers and poets that are known to many people and are used as quotations. These statements should be formatted large, so that they are easily read in class from the blackboard.
  3. Task "What would it mean?" should contain an explanation of the meaning of any given statement, phrase and consist of 3-4 sentences.

How to complete the task under the rubric

"Quiz for friends"

This section contains assignments in which students come up with questions and exercises on the text of the studied artwork or biography of the writer. Questions can be with or without answers. Free design is allowed: the usual list of tasks, crossword puzzles, anagrams, rebuses, etc.


Design work on the work of I.A. Bunin, L.N. Andreev, A.I. Kuprin

  1. Illustrations for the work. Draw 1 picture each for the stories of I.A. Bunin “In the Village”, L.N. Andreev “Petka in the Country”, A.I. Kuprin “The Golden Rooster” and sign them with excerpts from the text.
  2. Literary geography.
  1. "In the homeland of I.A. Bunin";
  2. "Eagle. Land of L. Andreev's childhood”;
  3. “Motherland A.I. Kuprin.
  1. Quiz for friends. Make up 10 questions on the biography of one of the writers.
  2. Living word. Write a discussion on one of the following topics:
  1. How is the issue of children's happiness solved in the stories?
  2. City and countryside: where does a person become happy according to the authors of the stories?
  1. History in literature

Write a message on the topic “I.A. Bunin. Nobel Prize"

  1. Scenario.

Write a script for any story by one of the three authors.


Design work on the work of A. Blok and S. Yesenin

  1. Illustrations for the work. Draw drawings for the poems by A. Blok and S. Yesenin and sign them with an excerpt from the text (1 drawing for each author).
  2. Literary geography.Write a message on one of the topics:
  1. "Chess - the best place on earth (about the homeland of A. Blok)”;
  2. "Petersburg A. Blok"
  3. “The village of Konstantinovo is the birthplace of S. Yesenin;
  4. "City and village in the life of S. Yesenin."
  1. Quiz for friends. Compose 10 questions based on the poems of A. Blok and S. Yesenin.
  2. Living word. To analyze one of the poems by A. Blok and S. Yesenine, placed in the textbook.
  3. History in Literature.Write a message on the topic "Monument to the poet" (about the monuments to A. Blok or S. Yesenin)


Design work on the work of A.P. Chekhov

  1. Illustrations for the work. Draw pictures for the stories and sign them with an excerpt from the text.
  2. Literary geography.

Write a message on one of the topics:

  1. "In the homeland of A.P. Chekhov";
  2. "Don region in the life of A.P. Chekhov";
  3. "Taganrog is the birthplace of A.P. Chekhov."
  1. Quiz for friends. Compose 10 questions on the Biography of A.P. Chekhov
  2. living word

Find and beautifully arrange 5 aphorisms (instructive, wise expressions) by A.P. Chekhov or other people's statements about him.

  1. History in literature

Write a message on the topic "Monuments to A.P. Chekhov"

  1. Scenario.

Write a script for any story by A.P. Chekhov.


Design work on the work of I.S. Turgenev

  1. Quiz for friends. Make 10 tasks according to the text of the story "Mumu".
  2. living word
  1. History in literature

Write a message on the topic “The situation of the peasants in the 19th century”, using the facts given by Turgenev in the story “Mumu”.

Textbook. Assignment under the heading "Minutes of creativity", p. 243.


  1. Illustrations for the work
  2. Literary geography.

Write a message on one of the topics:

  1. "In the homeland of P.N. Tolstoy";
  1. Quiz for friends
  2. living word
  1. History in literature
  1. Scenario.


Design work on the work of M.A. Sholokhov

  1. Read the story "The fate of man"
  2. Complete one of the tasks of your choice.
  1. Illustrations for the work. Draw 3 pictures to the text of the story "The Fate of a Man" or pick up 3 pictures from any source. Accompany each excerpt from the text to which the figure corresponds.
  2. Literary geography.

Write a message on the topic “Don Territory - Motherland of M.A. Sholokhov.

  1. living word

Find in the text of the story a description of the appearance of the characters and analyze the speech design.

  • Quiz for friends. Compose 10 tasks on the biography of N.A. Nekrasov.
  • living word
  • Make a dictionary of these words:string, verse, tenderness, wandered, weary, spies, chaff, rogues, bliss, tinker, wool beater, indulge, murmur, jokes, reaping, basket, sheaves, riga, flails, prance.

    Write a message on the topic “The situation of the peasants in the 19th century”, using the facts given by N.A. Nekrasov in the poem “Peasant Children” “Mumu”.

    Write a script for the poem "Peasant Children".

    Design work on the work of Leo Tolstoy

    1. Illustrations for the work. Draw 3 pictures to the text of the story " Prisoner of the Caucasus". Accompany each excerpt from the text to which the figure corresponds.
    2. Literary geography.

    Write a message on one of the topics:

    1. "In the homeland of P.N. Tolstoy";
    2. "Caucasus in the life of Leo Tolstoy";
    3. "Yasnaya Polyana - the birthplace of Leo Tolstoy today."
    1. Quiz for friends. Compose 10 voros according to the content of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus".
    2. living word

    Find and beautifully arrange 5 aphorisms (instructive, wise expressions) by L.N. Tolstoy (see textbook p. 298)

    1. History in literature

    Write a message on the topic “How the war with the highlanders was waged”, using the facts given by L.N. Tolstoy in the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”.

    1. Scenario.

    Write a script for the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

  • Shishkina Svetlana, 5th grade ( Altai region, Zarinsky district, MKOU "Zyryanovskaya secondary school"). Proper names in proverbs and sayings: - -;
    –– .
  • Volchenko N.A., teacher of Russian language and literature (Chelyabinsk region, Sosnovsky district, Poletaevskaya secondary school). The Jackdaw in the Zuckerbrins' Retreat (outline for chapter electronic textbook, chapter " Modern literature. The Problem of the Family in the Reality of the 21st Century”):
  • Kapustina Diana, grade 5 (Altai Territory, Petropavlovsk district, Alekseevka village). Project on the history of the house and home amulets “Return to the origins. Dolls - amulets ":
  • Rezvykh Sofya, Grade 5 (Altai Territory, Petropavlovsk District, MBOU "Peter and Paul Secondary School named after the Hero of the Soviet Union D.A. Zhukov"). Secret unknown grave my great-great-grandfather (information retrieval project):
  • Ryashina I.B. (Chelyabinsk region, Sosnovsky district, MOU Dolgoderevenskaya secondary school). Web quest “The image of a patriarchal family in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (on the example of the Rostov family):
  • Volkova E.A., teacher of Russian language and literature, students of grade 10B (Altai Territory, Aleisky district). Collective creative project as a form of extracurricular work in literature: Creation of a script for the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov and preparation of its presentation:
  • Obukhova Anna (Altai Territory, MBOU "Lyceum No. 124"). Business card of the project on literature Calendar "Native nature in the poems of Russian poets":
  • Kirilina Ekaterina, 8th grade (Altai Territory, MBOU "Secondary School No. 59"). Why we believe in omens (research work):
  • Tsybanova I.V. (Bryansk region, Chemerna village, MBOU Chemernovskaya secondary school). Thought "family" in the novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace": Web quest:
  • Mamatov Vladimir, 4th grade (Altai Territory, Shipunovsky District, Kosobokovo village). Project: My Small Motherland and the Great Patriotic War:
  • Dvorko Grigory, Grade 5 (Altai Territory, German District, MBOU "Galbstadt Secondary School"). Project and research work "Teachers in my family":
  • Berdyugina L.A., Golovizina O.G. (Altai Territory, Zarinsky District). Creation of the Web-page “New names in literature. Svetlana Aleksievich. Integrated lesson-project of literature and informatics in grade 11:
  • Karataeva N.A., teacher of Russian language and literature (Altai Territory, Biysk district, MBOU "Yenisei secondary school"). Pedagogical project school competition- The battle of the readers "You are my home, you are my shore, dear Earth!":
  • Maslikova N. A, teacher of Russian language and literature (Altai Territory, Tyumentsevsky District, MKOU Zavodskaya Secondary School). Project: interactive game. Literature Quiz "Own Game": ––
  • Design and research work "What's in my name ...":
  • Margrave Irina, Kornago Valentina, Bebekina Natalya, Markova Alina, Tsittel, students of the 8th grade (Altai Territory, Tyumentsevsky District, MBOU Tyumentsevskaya secondary school). Literary and creative project “Images of heroes in the tale of N.S. Leskov "Lefty":
  • Obukhova Anna, 8th grade (Altai Territory, MBOU "Lyceum No. 124"). Project: Calendar "Native nature in the poems of Russian poets":
  • Troyan Nina Vasilievna, teacher of Russian language and literature (Altai Territory, Tselinny district, MBOU "Voevodskaya secondary school"). Web quest "Az-Buki-Vedi", dedicated to the celebration of the Day Slavic writing and culture:
  • Plekh Anton, grade 5 (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Noyabrsk, MBOU secondary school No. 5). Design and research work "Heroes of my family":
  • Tulinova Tatyana, grade 6 (Altai Territory, Pankrushikhinsky district, MKOU "Pankrushikhinskaya secondary school"). Correspondence excursion: Small Motherland in the fate of V.S. Zolotukhin:
  • Shadrintseva Liana, grade 10 (Altai Territory, Tselinny district, MBOU "Voevodskaya secondary school"). Individual project in literature: Literary quiz"Fathers and Sons in Russian Literature": - -;
    –– .
  • Ryapolova Lyubov Viktorovna, teacher of Russian language and literature (Altai Territory, Biysk District, Yenisei Secondary School). Project: Interactive quiz « native land– 75":–– ;
    –– .
  • Gracheva V.G., teacher of English language, Taraskina I.I., teacher of Russian language and literature, Bachurin D.N., teacher of computer science (Altai Territory, Biysk district, MBOU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school No. 2). Project: “Integrated lesson on the theme “I carry the motherland in my soul” (in the form of a teleconference “Biysk-London”): ––
    –– .
  • Potekhina N.V., teacher of the Russian language and literature (Altai Territory, Biysk District, MKOU "Svetloozerskaya secondary school"). Project: "Own game": Quiz on the biography and work of Shukshin. Grade 11:
  • Aliya Zhumabayeva, Grade 4 (Omsk region, Gymnasium No. 140, Gymnasium Scientific Society of Students "Search"). Influence fiction on the spiritual world of a younger teenager: a project in the field of literature:
  • Shauchulene E.M., teacher of Russian language and literature (Republic of Altai, MBOU "Ongudai secondary school"). PROJECT: Studio "Academy of Creativity":
  • Gymnasium No. 11, creative team(Novosibirsk region). Charlie Chaplin's letter to his daughter Geraldine:
  • Popova E.B., teacher of Russian language and literature (MBOU Altaiskaya
    basic comprehensive school №3) EDUCATIONAL FILM « Family traditions in "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"":––
  • Municipal Autonomous educational institution

    secondary school No. 4

    creative project

    5B class students

    as part of the study of the topic

    "Small genres of oral folk art»

    Borovichi, 2014

    The collection contains creative works of students made in literature lessons as part of the study of the "Folklore" section. Studying small folklore genres, students identified the reasons and purpose for creating ditties, their distinctive features. The collection includes original works of the small folklore genre, composed by students of grade 5B on school topics.

    Project passport

    Project leader and consultant

    Maslova E.D., teacher of Russian language and literature, MAOU secondary school No. 4

    Project participants

    5B students

    Project type


    Work form


    Project implementation timeline

    1 month

    Project product

    Collection of creative works

    Short-term creative project Chastushki

    Target: development of students' creative potential.



      acquaintance with small genres of oral folk art, types of ditties;

      formation of the ability to work with additional literature;


      development of an emotional-moral, practical-activity attitude to the search for a new one;

      development of creative skills;


      fostering respect for the culture of the Russian people;

      striving to preserve Russian traditions;


      development of communication skills;

      ability to work in collaboration;

      team formation.

    Project stages:

    Stage 1 - organizational.

    Students choose a problem, develop the main ideas of the project together with the teacher.

    Stage 2 - planning

    Fifth graders get acquainted with the concept of "rhyme", study the types of rhyming ditties (aabb, abba, abab), determine the object creative work. During the discussion of the project, an action plan is developed, analytical activities are carried out: what we already know, and what material needs to be studied, what they can do on their own, and what they need help with, how to act in case of difficulties. A bank of proposals is being created. Throughout the work, the teacher helps in setting goals, corrects work, monitors the actions of students.

    Also, students are divided into groups, and each group works on its part of the project, responsibilities are distributed. AT this project 3 groups are created at the request of students: editors, graphic designers, a group of computer layout.

    Stage 3 - research

    Students collect material and arrange it.

    Stage 4 - practical activities

    A common book "Collection" Chastushki "" is being created

    Stage 5 - presentation

    The final stage is the presentation of the book.

    Stage 6 - evaluation of results

    Participants of the project share their opinions, answer the questions posed, supplement the answers. The teacher of literature, together with the students, evaluates the activity of the work of groups, creativity, and the quality of work.

    This page offers Topics research work on literature for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 in order to develop Creative skills in literature, conduct an exciting study and write your own individual research project, develop the skills of conducting research work.

    The correctly chosen topic of the project on literature in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grades of the school, corresponding to the level of training and knowledge of the student, his interests and hobbies, really contributes to the cognitive and interesting work above her.

    The following literature project topics are exemplary and very interesting in terms of research, study, collection and search for information for implementation on them. individual project. Topic data research projects in literature show literature not only as a subject, but also as a link in various fields and branches of human activity.

    Any topic of research work in literature for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 can be selected from the list of topics for an older class, if the student's level of knowledge allows this and there is a desire to study deeper and more interesting material.

    Below on the page of the topic of research papers and projects on Russian and foreign literature distributed in accordance with the sections Russian literature, Classic literature, Modern Literature, it is planned to add a section of foreign literature.

    Literature Project Topics

    Sample topics for student research projects in Russian literature:
    Author's literary translation three poems and their comparative analysis.
    Good and Evil in Russian Literature.
    The study of physics based on the works of Russian classics.
    Depiction of love as one of the main human values ​​(on the example of a story).
    Image national character in folk tales.

    The art of book making.
    Weather calendar in sayings and proverbs of the Russian people.
    Cat in world literature.
    Linguistic stylization and parody.
    My name is in literature.

    The image of a bird: from myth to poetry.
    The image of a cat in Russian folklore.
    Problems of Youth in Contemporary Russian Literature.
    Bird names in literature.
    Russian writers are Nobel Prize winners.
    Comparative analysis of Spanish and Russian translations of Ovid's elegy.
    The symbolic meaning of the image of the moon in the works of Russian classical literature.
    Dreams and Dreams in Russian Literature.
    The theme of the monument in Russian literature.
    The theme of prophecy in Russian lyrics.
    The theme of the family in proverbs and sayings.
    The theme of good and evil in literature.
    Censorship and literature: freedom of creativity and state supervision.

    Research Topics in Literature

    Approximate topics for research papers in classical literature:
    “I love where there is a chance, to pinch vices ...” (Features of a fable as a literary genre).
    The image of the falcon and its symbolism in the monuments ancient Russian literature.
    Your choice: life or ... (the problem of drug addiction in the works of M. Bulgakov "Morphine" and Ch. Aitmatov "Blach").
    Sonya ... eternal Sonya (based on the works of classical and modern literature).
    “Coming from childhood” (Based on the works of V.P. Astafiev).

    Color designations in I. Severyanin's lyrics: psychological aspect.

    Only this life has a price (according to the diaries of L. Tolstoy and J. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye").
    Servants and gentlemen (based on the works of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol).

    The concept of home, family, homeland in the works of V. Rasputin, A. Solzhenitsyn, L. Ulitskaya.
    Artistic techniques and features of Boris Akunin's novels "Azazel", " Turkish gambit”, “State Councilor”, “Death of Achilles”, “Leviathan”, and “Coronation”.
    Features of the perception of A. Akhmatova's lyrics through artistic images.
    The image of a woman in the literature of different eras.

    Topics of projects on modern literature

    Approximate topics of research papers in modern literature:

    Bard song today.
    The influence of literature containing elements of mysticism on the worldview of the modern reader.
    Genre and language of I. Huberman's poems.
    The life of a literary work in art and time.
    Using a modern bestseller in the study of classical literature.
    How does the Internet affect language?
    Youth slang. Its origin and functioning.
    Youth jargon in the speech of modern schoolchildren.
    Garbage advertising language.
    Features of the stylistic system of poetry K.K. Sluchevsky.
    Features of the language of SMS messages..
    Reflection of stereotypes in John Tolkien's fairy tale "The Hobbit".
    Pushkin's motives in modern poetry of Svetlana Syrneva.
    The story of A. Bitov "Young Odoevtsev, the hero of the novel" as a work of the era of postmodernism.
    Journey of the word "crib" from one language to another (the history of language borrowing).
    Speech portrait of DONKEY in the cartoon "Shrek".
    Rock - revolution in Russia: mutual influence of rock poetry and Russian history.
    Russian rock: the idea of ​​protest and its linguistic embodiment.
    Originality of style satirical stories Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

    The originality of Viktor Tsoi's poetry.
    Modern bestsellers are genuine literature or tribute to fashion.
    SMS as a modern epistolary genre.
    Ways to update a newspaper headline.
    Ways to create the image of the heroine in V. Pelevin's story "Nika".
    The texts of modern songs are poetry and anti-poetry.
    Toponyms around us (meaning, origin).
    The tragedy of time (based on the novel by F. Abramov "Brothers and Sisters").
    Traditions and innovation in the depiction of St. Petersburg in the stories of T. Tolstoy.
    Phraselogisms in advertising.
    Color designations in I. Severyanin's lyrics: psychological aspect.
    Reading dossier of my class.
    What is our generation reading?

    Annotation to the material

    Literature presentation in grade 5 is a modern visual material for lessons, in which students can finally fall in love with this wonderful subject, which is at all times the basis of learning. Here, schoolchildren are given the opportunity to feel the impetus that will make them move forward in comprehending the new and undiscovered, gaining knowledge on their own from the book not only offered by the teacher, but also independently found in the library or virtual repository e-books. The use of ICT in the classroom makes it possible to organize work with a work in an interesting way, to get acquainted with its author, to review books on a certain topic or write a creative essay based on a read work.

    Presentations for literature lessons in grade 5 can be used at any stage of the lesson. When summarizing the material, slide accompaniment of the lesson will allow organizing the independent work of fifth-graders, while consolidating the material, schoolchildren will be happy to work in groups, analyzing and systematizing the knowledge gained, reading literary work. Learning new material or getting acquainted with the biography of the writer will not make anyone bored, since presentations on Russian literature in grade 5, made in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, are filled with animation, bright pictures, multimedia effects, video materials, which always attracts the student's attention to the topic being studied.

    The teacher is great person in the eyes of the student. If you want to conduct modern lessons, we offer download free presentations on literature in grade 5 from the section you are currently in. Having come to the lesson once with a ready-made development, there will be a desire to find material for the next lessons. We have all. If not today, then in a few days there will be new presentations on Russian literature for the 5th grade, shared by teachers of Russian schools and gymnasiums, students of pedagogical universities and students doing their own projects for literature lessons.

    Before learning a new literary topic, the teacher must prepare the class emotionally for it. Whatever our mood, no matter how the weather outside the window changes, presentations on literature in grade 5, which you have already downloaded for yourself for free, will always make sure that the next lesson goes perfectly.

    Presentation Legends and myths

    Literary presentation on the topic "Legends and Myths" will tell grade 5 students about what mythology is and what works in this genre were created by the people. Most often, schoolchildren are attracted by legends and myths. Ancient Greece. The presentation on slides shows the main characters about which ancient writers created works. On the development pages...

    Presentation of the Labors of Hercules

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    Presentation Myths of the ancient Slavs

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    Fairy tale presentation

    The presentation “What a charm these fairy tales are” will consolidate the knowledge of the 5th grade students about the fairy tale as a special genre of the UNT, about which a lot of knowledge was obtained in primary school. Although our schoolchildren have risen a notch, their interest in fairy tales has not decreased, so we suggest downloading the presentation for the literature lesson and ...

    Presentation Literary Tales of Pushkin

    The presentation on the topic "Pushkin's Tales" does not introduce students in grade 5, but it is possible for grades 3-4, with that world literary tales, which belong to the pen of this great master, but will allow you to remember them again and talk about each. For the lesson, we suggest downloading literary game, which will bring pleasure to schoolchildren, will make a lesson ...

    Presentation Biography of Pushkin

    Literature presentation offers a study of Pushkin's biography in grade 5. At the end of the lesson, students are encouraged to take a test to check the quality of assimilation of knowledge on the topic. You can also download the development about Pushkin for grades 3 - 4 or 6. The multimedia resource is an accompanying manual for a literature lesson on 20 slides....

    Presentation of Skazy Bazhov

    The presentation on the theme “Tales of Bazhov” will open to children the world of amazing works written by a resident of the Urals, who has thoroughly studied his region, knows its traditions, and masterfully owns the author's word. The lesson can also be decorated with images of Palekh artists, who used the motifs of Bazhov's tales to paint their works. The material of the electronic resource to accompany the lesson of literature...

    Bazhov of the Copper Mountain Hostess - presentation

    A presentation for a literature lesson based on Bazhov’s tale “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain” will tell grade 5 students about the riches of the Urals in that elegant language that a true connoisseur of Siberia uses in his works. This amazing work among Bazhov's tales is known to many generations, but its significance does not decrease from this. Many consider this tale to be a visiting ...

    Presentation Bazhov Stone Flower

    A presentation for a literature lesson based on Bazhov's tale "Stone Flower" was made for those who use Merkin's teaching materials. However, you can also download the manual for a reading or literature lesson in another program where this work is studied. In development, on 10 slides, material is presented about the author of the tales and his brilliant work "Stone ...

    Andersen Snow Queen - presentation

    The presentation for Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" for a literature lesson in grade 5 is made in two parts. Its pages contain illustrative and test material with which you can work at different stages of the lesson when studying the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". Add more video excerpts to your lesson and it will become the most exciting and...

    Presentation by Hans Christian Andersen

    The presentation on the topic “Hans Christian Andersen”, which we offer to download for a literature lesson in grade 5 for free, will allow students to get acquainted with the storyteller of Denmark, who gave the world so many amazing works. It cannot be said that this is the first acquaintance with the writer, therefore the material for the lesson was selected by the teacher, taking into account the knowledge accumulated by the students. The content of the electronic...

    Presentation by Ruslan and Ludmila

    A presentation on the topic "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is a quality resource with visibility for a literature lesson. You can use the development in grade 5, where the study of the work is provided for by the program. Download electronic presentation also recommended for extracurricular reading. Of course, in a literature lesson, studying the fairy tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila" you need to work with the work itself, but ...

    Presentation Genera and genres of literature of the 20th century

    The presentation tells about the variety of genres and genres of literature of the 20th century. You can download the manual for a literature lesson in grades 5, 6 or when studying a topic in other classes, as determined by the program and the Federal State Educational Standard for the subject. The material on genres and genres of literature is presented in the system, with examples on 22 slides....

    Presentation Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

    The presentation introduces students to the life of the writer Ivan Turgenev and his work "Mumu", so you can download the work for a literature lesson in grade 5. Completed manual on 44 slides. It presents an extensive material, which is distinguished by its content and completeness of information. The work reflects: Turgenev's biography; information about the writer's parents; ...

    Presentation Turgenev Mumu

    The presentation can be used by a teacher in a literature lesson in grade 5 when introducing students to Turgenev's story "Mumu". On the basis of this work, it will be possible not only to have a conversation about the work, but also to get acquainted with its content, reproduce it from the pictures given on the slides, and characterize the characters who met in the story. Except...

    Presentation of Krylov's Fable

    The presentation introduces schoolchildren to the work of Krylov and his wonderful fables, which have lived for more than one century, but have not lost their relevance and attractiveness. You can download a colorful manual along with a ready-made summary for both a reading lesson in grade 4 and for conducting literature in grade 5. Completed resource about the great...

    Presentation by S. Marshak 12 months

    The presentation can be downloaded for use in a literature lesson when introducing schoolchildren to Marshak's fairy tale-play "12 Months". It is recommended to use the electronic resource both in literature lessons in grade 5 and in reading lessons in elementary school. Completed manual on 37 slides. The pages contain excerpts from the fairy tale and illustrations for ...

    Twelve months. Marshak - presentation

    The presentation can be used when getting acquainted with the fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve Months". It is recommended to download the material for a literature lesson in grade 5 or for extracurricular reading. The manual contains a small additional material that will be of interest to children when studying the tale of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak "12 months": photo of the author; Short story creating a work...

    Presentation Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich

    The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to the biography of Marshak, a writer who gave children a number of wonderful works. Downloading a ready-made resource will be useful for literature lessons in grade 5. You can use the manual and in the lessons of extracurricular reading, at library hours. The manual details the biography of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, talks about his work. On 37 slides...

    The presentation introduces the pages of the life of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov and his work. It is recommended to use the material for a literature lesson in grade 5 or when studying the author's works in the classroom literary reading in 4th grade. A resource for children about a great writer who knows how to surprise and delight with his tales about the Siberian land, made on 19...


    The presentation on the topic “Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich” provides schoolchildren with information about the life and work of a wonderful writer who gave the world so many wonderful poems. It is recommended to download the finished manual for teachers who will introduce their students to the work of the poet at the literature lesson in grades 5-6. The resource can also be used for extracurricular reading, ...

    Presentation by Nekrasov Peasant children

    The presentation is recommended for use when studying Nekrasov's poem "Peasant Children" in a literature lesson in grade 5. The completed manual consists of two parts. In the first part, schoolchildren have the opportunity to briefly get acquainted with the biography of Nikolai Nekrasov, and the second part is completely devoted to the study of the poem "Peasant Children", written by him in the summer of 1861. Except...

    Presentation Fable

    The presentation was made for a literature lesson, which will introduce the fable as a small epic genre. You can download the manual for a lesson in grades 5-6. The work is filled with illustrative material, it contains meaningful small texts. Completed multimedia resource on 17 slides. Their content: distinctive features of fables; from the history; occurrence...

    Presentation of Nekrasov on the Volga

    The presentation will introduce students of the 5th grade in the lesson with Nekrasov's poem "On the Volga" and briefly touch on the author's biography. The work touches upon the childhood years of the writer. It is recommended to download the development for the lesson of literature. Completed manual on 16 slides. Their content: Fet about Nikolai Nekrasov; illustrations for the author's works; ...

    The presentation was made on the topic "Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov". Downloading the manual offered by the author for free is recommended for literature lessons. There are no age restrictions for children, so in any class high school(from 5 to 9) an electronic resource can be used. Completed manual on 26 slides. The material presented on them: the childhood of the future poet;...

    Presentation Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

    The presentation on the topic “Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy” introduces students to the biography of the great writer, who became famous in his time not only in our country, but also became known far beyond its borders. The glory of Tolstoy, as well as the power of his words prose works, does not become weaker, despite the fact that all of his ...

    Presentation Fet Wonderful painting

    The presentation was made to be shown at a literature lesson when studying Fet's poem "Wonderful Picture" in grade 5. In addition, students will be able to briefly get acquainted with the biography of the author, see his photo. Rich illustrative material for the poem will create an atmosphere of solemnity, poetry in the lesson, where every word of the work can not only be felt, but also imagined ...

    Tolstoy Prisoner of the Caucasus - presentation

    The presentation will allow schoolchildren to get acquainted with the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" at the literature lesson in the 5th grade. Looking at the slides of the work, students will be able to discover the world of the heroes of this work, to identify the features storyline works. Completed manual on 8 slides. Each of them presents small excerpts from the story and ...

    Alexander Blok - presentation

    The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to the biography and work of the Russian writer Alexander Blok, who is already known to schoolchildren from children's short poems studied in elementary school. At literature lessons, students will read his new works, among which there will definitely be poems about nature and spring (“The Crow” and other works). You can download this guide for...

    Korolenko In bad society - presentation

    The presentation was made by the teacher to use it as a visual material in a literature lesson when getting acquainted with Korolenko's story "In bad society". The work itself is not easy for students to perceive, so additional material will help create an appropriate atmosphere in the classroom, direct it to the formation of feelings of sympathy for one's neighbor, mercy, and mutual assistance. Download the work recommended for the lesson...

    Presentation Yesenin Good morning

    The presentation was made to introduce students to one of the most lyrical poems by Sergei Yesenin “With Good morning! it wonderful work loved by children and adults. The power of the word and its lightness is impressive and makes you think about how unusually the beauty of the early morning is described by a young Russian poet in his poem. Hearing the words, the reader feels ...

    Presentation by Sergei Yesenin

    The presentation was made to introduce schoolchildren to the biography of Sergei Yesenin. Despite the fact that the authors of the work are children (students of grade 7), the manual is supposed to be used when conducting a literature lesson in grades 5-6. This is exactly what the boys and girls did when they decided to hold a lesson for their younger friends of the fifth graders on the eve of the poet's anniversary. Together with...

    Literature Quiz Presentation

    The presentation presents a quiz on literature for grade 5 students, which is held in the form of a literary game show "Own Game". Schoolchildren not only know the rules of this game well, as they watch it on TV, but also love it, because everyone new question piques the interest of the viewer. It's always nice to learn something new...

    Presentation Vasyutkino Lake V. Astafiev

    The presentation introduces the work and biography of Viktor Astafiev and his story "Vasyutkino Lake". Work has been done to conduct a literature lesson in grade 5 to study this topic. You can download the electronic resource along with the lesson summary, which is located in the archive. A multimedia product of 28 slides consists of two equivalent volumetric parts...

    Presentation Biography of Oscar Wilde

    The presentation will reveal to schoolchildren the secrets of the life of the English writer Oscar Wilde, who wrote a number of interesting works (The Star Boy, The Nightingale and the Rose, and others). You can download the development for a literature lesson in grade 5 or to get acquainted with the author's work in an extracurricular reading lesson. Completed electronic manual on 10 slides. On them in front of schoolchildren ...

    Presentation Poems about the war

    The presentation was made for a literature lesson or extracurricular reading on the topic "Poems about the war" in grades 5 - 8. The topic is relevant, so it is important for the teacher to present the material in such a way that in the soul of every student who attended the lesson, there is a trace of this event. You can also download the development for conducting extracurricular activities on the eve of the Great...

    Rylenkov's presentation Everything in a fading haze

    The presentation was made to conduct a literature lesson to get acquainted with the work and biography of Rylenkov, his short poem "Everything is in a Melting Haze". Together with a ready-made electronic resource, the teacher can also download a detailed summary of the lesson, in which Additional Information about the poet, all stages of the lesson are clearly thought out. Completed development on seven slides....

    Presentation Paustovsky Hare paws

    The presentation was made by the teacher for a literature lesson in the 5th grade, which will introduce the story of Konstantin Paustovsky "Hare Paws". You can download the resource for free for other classes, where the program provides for its study in the classroom or extracurricular reading. The work was done by the author on 22 slides. Using them, students will be able to talk about ...

    Presentation Paustovsky Warm bread

    The presentation will help schoolchildren understand the lessons of morality in Konstantin Paustovsky's fairy tale "Warm Bread". Completed work for the lesson of literature in the 5th grade. Together with the electronic manual, it is recommended to download the lesson summary presented by the teacher. The work for the literature lesson was completed on 13 slides. Their main purpose is not to retell the content of the tale that students will read, ...

    Presentation by L. Andreev Petka in the country

    The presentation will allow you to understand in detail the work of L. Andreev "Petka in the country", which is studied at a literature lesson. You can download the work for the 5th grade. Completed resource on 9 slides. It is recommended to use the manual throughout the lesson. First, students can tell the story of writing a story and the biography of the author. After reading the work, the resource will help in ...

    Presentation Garshin Vsevolod Mikhailovich

    The presentation was made for a literature lesson in grade 5 on the topic biography of Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin. The writer is already known to schoolchildren for his short tales, which were previously studied in literary reading classes, but it is always pleasant to recall the most important pages of the author's biography and work on the eve of studying a new work. Made a manual for the lesson by students. Fifth graders...

    The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to the pages of the life and work of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. It is recommended to download the material presented by the author for free for the literature lesson. Students in grades 5-6 will be interested to learn about the writer who wrote so many wonderful works for children and adults, while maintaining his own special style of writing, which cannot be confused with the manner of writing ...

    Presentation Kuprin White Poodle

    The presentation for Kuprin's story "White Poodle" was made for an extracurricular reading lesson in the 5th grade. The same development can be used in reading or literature lessons, studying the work according to the school curriculum. Presented resource for the lesson on 13 slides. The main place in the work is given to the story about the life of Kuprin and his work....

    The presentation presents an extra-curricular reading lesson, which will consider two works: “The Blue Star” by Kuprin and “ ugly duck» Andersen. These two wonderful tales are proposed to be combined in the lesson with a common theme: ballads about beauty. It is not always possible to see spiritual charm behind external unattractive qualities, which is why the discussion in the lesson of thoughts about ...

    Alexandre Dumas Three Musketeers - presentation

    The presentation was made for a literature lesson in the 5th grade to get acquainted with the work of Alexandre Dumas and his immortal novel The Three Musketeers. You can download the development for conducting a lesson on the Buneevs' textbook. Completed manual on 23 slides. Each page is a bright event in the life of the author or a short story about his unusual characters....

    Jules Verne presentation: biography and creativity

    The presentation introduces the biography, life and work of an outstanding writer who is the author of a huge number of adventure novels. This is Jules Verne - an extraordinary and interesting person, both himself and his life. It is recommended to download the development for the lesson of literature on Buneev's teaching materials for grade 5. You can use the manual for extracurricular reading lessons or ...

    Presentation-quiz Rybakov Kortik

    The presentation can be used after getting acquainted with the content of Rybakov's story "Dirk", as the work presents a quiz. To answer the proposed questions, students need to know the content of the work well. You can download the work for a generalizing lesson on literature on the topic in grade 5 or for a reading lesson in grades 3-4. On the slides...

    Presentation of Treasure Island (Robert Stevenson)

    The presentation was made for a literature lesson based on the book Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson. This is an invaluable tool for use in the classroom when studying the work. It has almost everything: from the biography of the author to the questions of an exciting quiz on the novel. Downloading the resource is recommended for a literature lesson in grade 5 (the Buneevs' teaching materials). Work completed on 25...

    Biography of Robert Louis Stevenson - presentation

    The presentation will tell a detailed biography of Robert Louis Stevenson to schoolchildren and adults who dream of learning about the work and short life of the Scottish writer. You can download the development both for literature lessons and for extracurricular reading. Completed this amazing tutorial on 80 slides. This is a real storehouse of information about Stevenson and his works. Here you can...

    Presentation of Edgar Allan Poe the Golden Beetle

    The presentation introduces schoolchildren to one of the very first detectives, who was written by the famous Edgar Allan Poe. This is his work "Golden Beetle". The story is unusual, as it was written in a manner that did not correspond to the time in which he lived great writer. That is why many classics consider Edgar Allan Poe the founder of the detective genre and his...

    Presentation by Jules Verne Children of Captain Grant

    The presentation is recommended for use in a literature lesson or extracurricular reading when getting acquainted with the wonderful work of Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant". This manual can be used to explain material in the 5th grade, although there seems to be no restrictions on its use, because this novel can be read at any age, as well as to get acquainted ...

    Presentation Biography Edgar Allan Poe

    The presentation will tell the children who Edgar Allan Poe is. Not every fifth grader has read the works of this wonderful author, so many will be interested in discovering an amazing writer in a literature lesson in grade 5. Want to introduce students to Edgar Allan Poe in other classes? We suggest downloading this resource for extracurricular reading lessons. Assistance completed...

    Presentation Lermontov Sail

    The presentation was made for a literature lesson, where M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "Sail" is studied. Depending on the school curriculum the work can be studied in grades 5, 6, 9, so it is recommended to download the material for this age group. The acquaintance with the poem “The Lonely Sail Turns White” begins with a story about how the poet wrote this ...

    Presentation by V. Kaverin Two captains

    The presentation introduces Veniamin Kaverin and his wonderful novel "Two Captains", which was written during the war years (1944). You can download this work for free for a literature lesson or extracurricular reading in grade 5. Which student doesn't dream of traveling? And everyone wants to feel like a brave discoverer of the new, to feel ...

    Lermontov Borodino - presentation

    The presentation was made to get acquainted with the work of the great Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov and his rather famous poem "Borodino". You can download the development for free for a literature lesson in grades 4, 5, 6, where this work is studied. It is hardly possible to find a person who would not know the poem "Borodino". It is so loved by our readers...

    Presentation by Arthur Conan Doyle The Lost World

    The presentation will tell students about the well-known English writer Arthur Conan Doyle and his no less famous work " lost World". You can download a ready-made electronic manual for a literature lesson or extracurricular reading when studying the works of this author in grades 5-6. The development was carried out on 15 well-composed slides, combined both thematically, ...

    Presentation Alexander Belyaev: biography

    Presentation Presents amazing story about the outstanding science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev, who to this day continues to be called the Russian Jules Verne. Schoolchildren who study the writer's work in middle-level classes (grades 5-9) can get acquainted with the biography of this remarkable author. Completed electronic work on 19 slides. Originality and unusualness immediately catches the eye ...

    Presentation by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

    A 20-slide presentation will tell middle school students about the life and work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Of course, it is impossible to tell the entire biography of the great writer on 20 small pages, but let's try to do it. You can download free electronic work, made for the 200th anniversary of the writer's birth, for literature lessons in any middle-level classes...

    Platonov Nikita - presentation

    The presentation will allow you to deal with the difficult world of Platonic heroes in the story "Nikita", the author of which is the notorious Andrey Platonov. You can download the manual for a literature lesson in grade 5, where this short story is studied over several lessons. According to this development, it is better to conduct the second lesson of work on the work, when the students are already familiar with ...

    Presentation Victor Petrovich Astafiev

    The presentation will be an excellent help to the teacher who is to conduct a literature lesson on acquaintance with the biography of Viktor Petrovich Astafyev. The material can be downloaded for work in high school. For students in grades 5-9, information about the writer will be interesting and useful. In addition to the electronic resource, the archive contains a script (summary) of the event “I don’t have an answer”, which ...

    Presentation by I. Bunin Kostsy

    The presentation will enable the teacher at a literature lesson in the 5th grade to acquaint schoolchildren with what I. Bunin was, as well as open his new story “Mowers” ​​for children. There will be enough material for the lesson, since along with the presentation, made on 56 slides, there is also a summary that was prepared ...

    Life and work of Bunin - presentation

    A presentation about the life and work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin deserves special attention in literature classes. it interesting story about a man who really knew how to create. Each of his works has its own style. It is easy to distinguish by the way it is written. A small "Fairy Tale" or "Numbers", "Mowers" or any other work attracts the reader with its depth. That's why...

    Presentation Poets about the Great Patriotic War

    The presentation introduces 5th grade students to the work of poets who dedicated their works to the theme of the Great Patriotic War. The material can be used for a literature lesson or extracurricular reading in grade 5. On the pages of slides, one after another, poets who wrote about the Second World War appear in front of schoolchildren on 14 slides. So many years have passed since...

    Presentation Sasha Cherny Prisoner of the Caucasus

    The presentation introduces students to short story Sasha Cherny "Prisoner of the Caucasus". This story should not be confused with famous works Pushkin or Tolstoy. However, he has something in common with Lev Nikolaevich's story. And students learn about it at the lesson of literature in the 5th grade. Completed electronic resource on 15 slides. Their content is...

    Jack London Love of life - presentation

    The presentation was made to get acquainted with the biography of Jack London and to work on his extraordinary story "Love of Life". This manual can be downloaded for yourself and used in grade 5 when conducting a lesson in literature or literary reading. Completed this multimedia resource on 52 slides. A lot of material collected in one place. However...

    Presentation by Mark Twain, 4th - 5th grade

    The presentation will present the schoolchildren with a biography of Mark Twain, who presented the children with their favorite books about travel and travelers. This manual about the work and life of a wonderful author can be downloaded for free for a literature lesson in grades 4-5. From the first pages of development, there is an acquaintance with the outstanding Mark Twain, whose name in life was completely ...

    Presentation Kataev: biography

    The presentation will help to tell children in an interesting way the biography of Valentin Kataev, who is known to the world not only for his wonderful fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik", but also for others no less interesting works. Downloading the manual is recommended for a reading lesson in elementary school or for extracurricular reading (literature) in grade 5. Completed resource on 18 slides. First pages...

    Presentation Kataev A lone sail turns white

    The presentation was made to work on Kataev's story "The Lonely Sail Turns White". This work is studied in elementary school or grade 5 lessons, so a lesson using visualization will become more emotional for boys and girls who get to know Kataev's heroes, their peers, who study the world and see it in completely different ways. ...

    Kipling presentation

    The presentation tells the biography of Joseph Rudyard Kipling, an amazing writer who wrote so many wonderful works for children that could excite children's minds for more than one century. You can download an electronic manual for children for literature or reading lessons, which will study the works of this talented master. How many people know that Kipling was born ...

    Kipling Mowgli Presentation

    The presentation can be used when getting acquainted with Kipling's book "Mowgli". it favorite work most boys and girls who love animal epic. Children are looking forward to a lesson where everyone will be able to study the writer's work together, discuss this wonderful work and its main character - little man Mowgli who lives among the wild...

    V. Gauf and his fairy tales - presentation

    The presentation proposed by a 5th grade student will help the teacher in a literature lesson to introduce students to the biography of Wilhelm Hauff and the fairy tales that he wrote for children. Despite the fact that the author of the work is a student, this manual will fully reveal the topic of the lesson. In addition, the work done by the students is always looked at with interest by their peers and ...

    Presentation Gubarev Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

    The presentation proposes an electronic quiz for use in an extracurricular reading lesson when getting acquainted with Vitaly Gubarev's book "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". It is recommended to use this manual when conducting an extracurricular reading lesson in grades 4-5. A lesson with the use of presentation material will become much more interesting. If students are warned in advance that there will be ...

    Presentation Gogol The Night Before Christmas

    The presentation offers supporting material for studying N.V. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas". The manual is supposed to be used in literature lessons in grades 5-6. You can also download an electronic product for display at extracurricular reading, during library hours. The resource is made on 32 slides. You can use the display throughout the lesson. On the...

    Lermontov Ashik-Kerib - presentation

    The presentation is made in the form of a filmstrip to get acquainted with the fairy tale by M. Yu. Lermontov "Ashik-Kerib". This work is studied in the lessons of extracurricular reading in the 4th grade, literature in the 5th grade. We offer you to download a colorful manual that will allow you to see the fairy tale emotionally, imagine its characters, feel the mood of the authors and customs Turkish people. Before the viewer 51...

    Anthony Pogorelsky: biography - presentation

    The presentation introduces children to the biography of Anthony Pogorelsky. For the first time, they learn about his work and life at literature lessons in the 5th grade. Let this colorful resource, which can be downloaded for free, intrigue students with the author's tales and open a path to the world of fascinating literary creativity. A. Pogorelsky was an extraordinary person. He belonged to a famous family...

    Stevenson Heather honey - presentation, grade 5

    The presentation offers a wonderful material for introducing schoolchildren to the biography of Robert Stevenson and his wonderful ballad Heather Honey. The development was made by the teacher with great love for the work of this writer and the work itself. The manual is voiced and the change of slides is adjusted in time, which makes viewing comfortable. To help with the lesson of letters in ...

    Presentation Tale Black Hen or Underground Inhabitants

    The presentation will help the teacher of literature to conduct a lesson when getting acquainted with the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen or Underground inhabitants» .The manual can be downloaded by anyone who will study a new literary work, analyze it, characterize the characters. It does not matter UMC when using the proposed visibility. 27 slides created by the teacher in order to open ...

    Gogol Enchanted place - presentation

    The presentation will help to work with the story of N.V. Gogol "The Enchanted Place", which belongs to the cycle "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". The work is studied in literature lessons. It can be downloaded by teachers of grades 5-6. The first slides briefly tell Gogol's biography and the history of the creation of "Evenings". Further, the author dwells on the review of "The Bewitched...

    Presentation Illustrations for Chekhov's stories

    The presentation contains illustrations for some of the stories of A.P. Chekhov, written by the author at different times. The material can be downloaded for display at a literature lesson in grades 5-6. Also, the teacher has the right to use this visualization when designing electronic manuals, when conducting quizzes, as illustrative material for interactive games. Students also...

    Robinson Crusoe presentation

    The presentation introduces schoolchildren to D. Defoe's novel "Robinson Crusoe". This is an amazing book. Many consider the work to be their favorite, therefore, having read it once in childhood, they return to the pages after more than once, comprehending the life of Robinson and his friend Friday in a new way. You can download the manual for literature lessons in grade 5 or for display in extracurricular reading, ...

    Maeterlinck Bluebird - presentation

    The presentation was prepared to show the material at the literature lesson when studying the fairy tale Meterilink "The Blue Bird". The theme of the work touches the soul of the reader. It is necessary to be kind, strong, to see what is hidden from others. The woodcutter's children rush in search of the Blue Bird, who will help them gain strength. And here's what will come of it, how it will end ...

    Presentation Chekhov Peresalil

    A presentation on the topic of Chekhov's story "Salted" is a practical guide for use in literature classes. Those who study the work in the 5th grade can download it. Work with the resource begins after the students have become acquainted with the content of the story. The slides offer practical material for work. Students will be able to analyze...

    Gogol Missing letter - presentation

    The presentation was made to conduct an interactive game in a literature lesson when summarizing knowledge on the content of Gogol's stories. Playing, competing among themselves, students of the 5th grade will remember the recently read works by N.V. Gogol "The Missing Letter", "The Enchanted Place", "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". You can also download the manual for the game show...

    Presentation Evenings on a farm near Dikanka

    The presentation contains a lot of interesting material for working with N.V. Gogol's story "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". The manual is recommended to be downloaded by teachers who study this work with schoolchildren in grades 5-6. The resource is similar to both Korovina's teaching materials and other teaching aids. The first slides are suggested to be viewed before reading...

    Nanny and Pushkin - presentation on a poem, grade 5

    The presentation will attract the attention of primary and secondary school students when they get acquainted with the poem by A. S. Pushkin "Nanny". The development contains material about Irina Rodionovna, who was not only a close friend of the poet, but also his friend in life. You can download the manual for display in literature lessons or extracurricular reading at 4 -...

    Old Russian literature - presentation, grade 5 - 7

    The presentation tells about the origin of ancient Russian literature in the state, which was called Ancient Russia. The material can be used in many ways. The download of the resource is offered both for literature lessons in grades 5-7, and for considering topics at the Moscow Art Theater, the history of Russia and other subjects. The first Slavic enlighteners were two brothers - ...

    Presentation Riddles

    The presentation can be used in one of the literature lessons in grade 5 when studying oral folk art, as the work presents riddles. It's a small genre of CNT that kids love, though to be honest, adults don't mind scratching their heads over some tricky questions. You can download the manual for literature lessons, ...

    Presentation Proverbs and sayings

    The presentation diversifies the work of the teacher and activates the attention of schoolchildren when studying the topic "Proverbs and sayings". It is proposed to get acquainted with wise folk sayings to students of the 5th grade at a literature lesson. If desired, any teacher can download the manual if there is a computer in his class for showing slides. The first collector of folk wisdom was the great ...

    Presentation Russian fables Dmitriev Mukha

    The presentation is designed to view the material when studying the topic "Russian Fables" in grades 5-6. In this literature lesson, students will get acquainted with those fabulists who excelled in this genre. You can download the manual both for conducting working lessons and for revealing the topic in an extracurricular reading lesson. The story starts with...

    Aesop's Fables - presentation

    The presentation introduces students to the biography of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop and the fables he wrote. The manual is filled with informative material, pictures. You can download it for reading lessons in grades 3-4, literature in grades 5-6, MHC and even history, if the study of the relevant topic is supposed. Work done on...

    Chekhov's humorous stories - presentation

    The presentation invites students to the world of Chekhov's humorous stories, where humor and fun live. This topic can be considered in a separate literature lesson or in extracurricular reading in grade 5. Schoolchildren will definitely like these works, written by Anton Pavlovich with special love. His capacious syllable, weighty words, lightness and a hint of satire are not ...

    Presentation Chekhov Surgery

    The presentation will help to acquaint students with Chekhov's wonderful story "Surgery". This Chekhov creation occupies a special position in his work, which even schoolchildren will be convinced of, as it is studied small work Literature class in 5th grade. If you download an electronic resource, then training session become more emotional additional material there are so many...

    Daniel Defoe - presentation

    This 7-slide presentation is dedicated to getting to know the life and work of Daniel Defoe, the writer who introduced us to the world of travel and romance. About this life amazing person, born in the family of a butcher, will be discussed in a literature lesson. The manual can be downloaded by teachers of grades 4-5, who will study the writer's work, including ...

    Jack London The Legend of Kish - presentation

    The presentation will be used to summarize Jack London's story "The Tale of Kish". The manual includes a crossword puzzle. Its grid must be memorized with words that are relevant to the studied work. If someone has not read it, then it will not be possible to answer the simplest questions: what is the genre of the work, what were the names of Kish's mother and father, what ...

    Presentation Krylov Donkey and Nightingale

    The presentation offers voluminous material for studying Krylov's fables. This work provides information for several works at once. The first slides of the work are devoted to acquaintance with the fable genre and the outstanding fabulists Krylov and La Fontaine. Further, the teacher offers theoretical, illustrative material for studying the fables "The Donkey and the Nightingale", "Sheets and Roots", "Cabin". Choose those slides...