Literature lesson defo Robinson Crusoe. Extracurricular reading lesson based on the novel D

Experimental GCD in the preparatory group for school

on the topic:"Magic Magnet"

Educational tasks: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba magnet and its property to attract objects; find out through which materials the magnet acts; to introduce the use of a magnet by a person.

Development tasks: to develop the desire for knowledge through experimental research activities, to activate the vocabulary of children, the ability to draw conclusions.

Educational tasks: to promote the education of independence, initiative, the development of communicative qualities.

Equipment and materials: Multimedia projector, laptop, screen.

Demo - letter, magnet, presentation "Magic Magnet"

Handout - magnets, metal, plastic, wood, glass, paper items in plates, a glass of water, stationery. a paper clip, cardboard cards with a "maze", coins. Scheme of behavior in the laboratory.


The song of Ellie and her friends sounds , the guys go into the group, sit on the chairs.

caregiver : Guys, today the postman brought a letter to our group from the Magic Emerald City, where our friends live: Ellie, Tatoshka, the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow.

Teacher: Let's read.

Letter text: Dear friends! The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow decided to build a travel car, but got the details mixed up. Ellie urgently needs to visit her parents. Now all the details are iron, wooden, plastic and other items together. Help them figure it out. Something is written further, but we will return to the continuation of the letter later. And now, what are we to do? How can we help our friends? Can we help you guys?

Educator: To solve the mystery and help our friends, we need to go to the past. Agree! We have a time machine. Matthew will be the captain.

space music sounds

(garlands are laid out around, children stand in a circle)musical "The clock is running"

Fizkultminutka. And the clock goes, goes
Tick ​​tock, tick tock
Who in the house can do that?
It's a pendulum in a clock
Beats every beat (Tilts left-right.)
And the cuckoo sits in the clock,
She has her own hut. (Children sit in a deep squat.)
The bird crows time
Hide behind the door again, (Squats.)
The arrows move in a circle.
They don't touch each other. (Torso rotation to the right.)
We will return with you
Counterclockwise. (Torso rotation to the left.)
And the clock goes, goes, (Walking in place.)
Sometimes they suddenly fall behind. (Slow down walking pace.)
And sometimes they're in a hurry
It's like they want to run away! (Running in place.)
If they are not led,
Then they stand up. (Children stop.)

We need to say the magic words together: Crible - crable booms.

Educator: We get into the past with you. Come out and sit on the chairs. I will tell you a legend. (slide show presentation).Oriental music sounds. (legend text)


In ancient times, on Mount Ida, a shepherd namedMagnis tending sheep. He noticed that his sandals, lined with iron, and a wooden stick with an iron tip were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. The shepherd turned the stick upside down and made sure that the wood was not attracted by the strange stones. He took off his sandals and saw that bare feet were not attracted either.Magnis understoodthat these strange black stones do not recognize any other material than iron. The shepherd took several of these stones home and amazed his neighbors with this. On behalf of the shepherd and the name appeared« magnet » .

There is another explanation for the word« magnet » - by the name of the ancient cityMagnesiawhere the ancient Greeks found these stones. Now this area is called Manisa, and there are still foundmagnetic stones. Pieces of found stones are calledmagnets or natural magnets. Over time, people learned to make their ownmagnets, magnetizing pieces of iron.

(Teacher shows a magnet)

"Here is an ordinary magnet in front of you,
He keeps a lot of secrets."

Q. - If the magnet is so strong and attracts objects made of iron, then maybe it should attract other objects as well? If we figure out the properties of the magic magnet, we can help our friends from the Emerald City.

Q. - To test this, let's experiment. I suggest everyone move to the science lab.

Children again enter the circle of the time machine. Music sounds. Creeble-crable-booms.

Children are met by a researcher. (Elena Vladimirovna).

Our laboratory has rules that employees must follow. Who will tell me about the rules using our unusual scheme.

1. Work in special clothes (picture"hat" ).

2. Listen carefully to each other and the adult(ear) .

3. Do not talk loudly, do not interrupt, do not shout(lips with a finger attached to them) .

4. Clean up your workspace(clean table) .

(Children wear hats, sit at the tables)

While you were in our laboratory, I managed to learn from Ellie's letter that trouble had happened to the Tin Woodman. After the battle with the Flying Monkeys, several iron parts were lost on him. How to quickly find them on the battlefield? (with magnet)

Q.- Let's see if the magnet will help us find the details of the Woodcutter?

1st experiment.

V. - On your tables, in plates, there are objects from different materials: iron, wood, plastic, paper and glass. Take a magnet and use it to divide your objects into two groups: in the first group you will have objects that are attracted by a magnet, and in the second group you will have objects that are not attracted by a magnet.

Q. - What are the objects that are attracted by a magnet made of? (From iron)

Q. - What are the objects made of that are not attracted by a magnet? (Wood, plastic, etc.)

Conclusion: The magnet attracts iron objects through the air. This property is called magnetic force.

V. - Guys, the troubles of the Tin Woodman did not end there. (The teacher reads the letter)

“Dear guys, I need your help! The evil Bastinda stole my iron ax and threw it into a deep well filled with water. I don’t know how to get my ax and I ask for your advice, help!”

2nd experiment

Q. - Let's do one more experiment and find out if there is a magnetic force in water. There are glasses of water in front of you. Take a paper clip and drop it into this glass. Now you must take the magnet and lower it into the water, bring it to the paperclip. What do we see? (Children speak out)

Conclusion: The magnet retains its properties in water.

3rd experiment

V.- Here is a more difficult task for you. How to get a paperclip out of a glass of water without getting your hands or a magnet wet. (children's answers)

Conclusion: The magnet acts through the glass. Magnets come in different strengths.

4th experiment

Q. - And now we will find out if a magnet can attract objects through an obstacle.

Q.- And now I offer you the game "Magic Labyrinth". You all have cards with different tracks. Let's try to draw an iron object (coin) along these paths with a magnet through cardboard. To do this, put a coin on top of the track, and attach the magnet from below. It is necessary to move the coin with the help of a magnet as accurately as possible, not to go off the intended path.

Q. - What happens to the coin? (moving)

Q. - Why is this happening?

Conclusion: The magnet works its magic through the cardboard.

Educator: Here we have conducted a series of experiments with you. Now we can help our friends, we will send to Emerald City a parcel with magnets and a letter describing the magical properties of this amazing stone. Agree!

And now, dear colleagues, I ask you to clean up your tables and time for us to leave the laboratory.

Q. - I invite you to the cinema, where we will find out with you in what subjects a person uses a magnet in modern times? (view presentation)

V.- Magnets are also used in refrigerators, in a compass, even in bullet trains, instead of ordinary wheels and rails, a person came up with the idea of ​​using a magnet. Due to their ability to attract under water, magnets are used in the construction and repair of underwater structures. They make it easy to hold tools.

V. - People make jewelry from a natural magnet: earrings, bracelets, beads. It is believed that it has healing properties, soothes and gives strength.

Summary of the lesson.

Q. - What did we meet today?

Q. - What properties of a magnet do you remember? (It has magnetic power, magnetic power goes through water, air, glass, cardboard)

V. - Well done, you did a wonderful job.

The exit of children under the "song of Ellie."

For thematic lesson-fairy tales about a magnet you need to prepare:

  • magnet
  • metal shavings
  • paper clips, coins and other small metal objects
  • needle
  • piece of cloth or thick paper
  • bowl of water
  • glass cup filled with semolina
  • a bag filled with metal shavings and a piece of paper
  • blue cardboard
  • paper boat
  • island with stones (lego blocks)


Our lesson is woven into a fairy tale, during which we conducted a series of experiments with a magnet. The main characters of my fairy tale are two brother-captains, so that there is no unnecessary rivalry. During the fairy tale, the captains, of course, had names, but in the fairy tale I leave this moment to your discretion ...

And to make the captains feel the story from the very beginning, we made them captain's caps from the newspaper. Then we got acquainted with the magnet, found out why it is remarkable, and what objects it is friends with. And then went with him on an extraordinary journey.

Fairy tale "Adventures with a Magnet"

One day, two brothers of the captain discovered an unusual stone. He lay among a thousand other things, and at first he seemed to be only heavier than the others. But when they brought him close to certain objects, they miraculously stuck to him. And then, suddenly, for no reason at all, the stone ... spoke. ( you can with mom-narrator, in your ear )

He said that he was once a man called Magnet. And he had an unusual ability to attract good people and repel people with evil thoughts.

It so happened that a beautiful young but evil sorceress Veera fell in love with him. In order to approach him, she even tried to do good deeds, but you can’t deceive the Magnet, and she still repelled him and could not approach him even a step - the distance from which she could change his poles so that he began to attract bad , but repel good.

After unsuccessful attempts, Veera got angry and turned him into a heavy stone. But his attractive and repulsive abilities remained with him, however, only in relation to iron objects. Yes, and now he could not speak with everyone.

Magnet also told the brothers that on one island he has a treasure that he would very much like to return. To find it, you need to sail due north.

“But how do we find where the North is?” the junior captain asked. — Our compass is out of order and is being repaired.

“I will show you the north,” the magic stone said calmly.

- Prepare a cup of water, a piece of cloth or thick paper and a needle. Now rub the point of the needle on one side of me, and the eye on the other. Stick it in a cloth and put it in water. The needle will show the direction South-North.

The captains did just that. The needle showed them the right path, and they swam to the mysterious island.

On the shore of the island, among the stones and debris, the brother-captains found a bag with something heavy.

It contained a letter. Only it was kind of weird. All the outlines were mixed up and rather resembled a bunch of some small particles.

"Bring me under the sheet," said the magnet hoarsely.

The boys brought it under the leaf and, oh, a miracle! the crumbs began to move and soon turned into an arrow. The brothers went in the direction she pointed.

Soon the captains saw a huge abyss with quicksand. It was very large and very deep. Everything that got into it disappeared without a trace.

How can we get the treasure? the brothers thought. “Listen, Magnet, is your treasure also made of metal?”

"Then you can help us!"

The captains took the Magnet and lifted it over the abyss, they led it on all sides, and soon gathered a large pile of its treasures:

Soon they came across a huge vat of water, at the bottom of which coins were visible. And again the Magnet helped to get them from the bottom.

Satisfied friends have downloaded treasures to their . But the sea was calm. There was not a hint of a breath of wind. And here again the magnet helped them. He dived under the water and swam conduct a magnet under the "sea". a paper boat with paper clips obediently "sails" behind him along the cardboard sea). And, loaded with his metal treasures, obediently swam after him.

So the treasures of the Magnet, with the help of its amazing properties and the courage of the two captains, returned to its iron domain. Since then, the Magnet, in gratitude, has become faithfully serving people.


Of course, these are not all the properties of a magnet. But we now know that a magnet attracts iron objects, that it acts through water, through cardboard and through glass, and even at a distance.

Something tells me that this is not the end of our acquaintance with the magnet. So wait for the sequel By the way, what are your favorite experiment with magnet ?

I wish you health and more pleasant emotions!


  1. Contribute to the expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about the magnet and some of its properties.
  2. To learn to examine the subject and experiment with the subject, highlighting the expressed qualities and properties.
  3. To develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, activate the vocabulary of children.
  4. To interest children in practical activities, to promote education independence and development of communication skills.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading fairy tales by P.P. Bazhov "Silver hoof", "Fire-jump", "Malachite box".
  • Conversations on what was read from the children's encyclopedia "Why":

What is underground wealth?

What is iron made from?

What's inside the mine?

Use by children in free activities of didactic games:

"Fisherman", "Magnetic geometric mosaic", "magnetic cash desk of numbers and letters", "Pick up an object", "The fourth extra".



Prepared and conducted by the teacher

II qualification category

Romanova Julia Mikhailovna

(preparatory group for school),

MDOU " Kindergarten No. 24 "SPRING"

Volsk, Saratov region

Cognitive Development Lesson

"The Magical Properties of a Magnet"


  1. Contribute to the expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about the magnet and some of its properties.
  2. To learn to examine the subject and experiment with the subject, highlighting the expressed qualities and properties.
  3. To develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, activate the vocabulary of children.
  4. To interest children in practical activities, to promote education 4 independence and development of communication skills.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading fairy tales by P.P. Bazhov "Silver hoof", "Fire-jump", "Malachite box".
  2. Conversations on what was read from the children's encyclopedia "Why":

What is underground wealth?

What is iron made from?

What's inside the mine?

Use by children in free activities of didactic games:

"Fisherman", "Magnetic geometric mosaic", "magnetic cash desk of numbers and letters", "Pick up an object", "The fourth extra".

Methodical methods:

  1. demonstration of experiments by the educator;
  2. teacher's explanation
  3. frontal experience of children;
  4. individual work with children;
  5. summarizing the lesson;
  6. motivation "Laboratory of Doctor Knowing";
  7. surprise moment "Doctor Knowing's Gift".

Equipment and materials;

  1. strip magnets (for each child),
  2. various metal objects (paper clips, pieces of wire, nuts, washers, screws, iron plates, etc.),
  3. scraps of fabric, fur,
  4. rubber, plastic items,
  5. tripod with a nail hanging on a thread,
  6. paper,
  7. glass,
  8. thick book,
  9. cardboard (for each child),
  10. iron filings,
  11. horseshoe magnet.

Lesson progress

  1. Guys, join the group. Look around you, tell me, have you guessed where we are now?
  2. Today we are again invited to Grandfather Knowing's laboratory.
  1. Remind me, please, where did we meet him?
  2. Sit comfortably. Guys, how do scientists behave in the laboratory (quietly, attentively, carefully)? Grandfather Know invites us to continue our acquaintance with this subject.
  3. Remember what it's called?

This item has very interesting properties, tell me what? (pulls iron objects towards him).

Now look at my table. There is a tripod with a nail suspended on a thread.

Tell me what happens if you bring a magnet near it? Let's check. (The thread with the nail will deviate).

Why did this happen? (The magnet attracts the nail to itself).

Conclusion: The thread with the nail deviated from its original position because the nail is attracted to the magnet.

Does a magnet always attract, that is, magnetize a metal rod?

And if you place another object between them. Will the rod be attracted to a magnet?

Guys, help me repeat the experiments.

Children one by one conduct experiments with a sheet of paper, glass, thick book.

Tell me, does a magnet always retain its magic power attraction?

Conclusion: the magnet attracts the nail to itself when it is at close range, and when there are no other thick objects between them.

Now we will recall the experiments we did last time. Do you have on the table
magnet. Take it in your hands and carefully consider.

What does he feel like? (Cold, hard, heavy).

In front of you is a tray with various objects made of different materials.

Take it in turn to bring it to these objects. Objects that are attracted to a magnet
put in an orange tray, and those that do not attract - in a green tray, and I'll go look
on you during the experience. There is order on the desktop of scientists, and silence in the laboratory.

Well done guys, you got the job done. Now list the objects that are attracted to a magnet. (Metal)

And what objects are not affected by the forces of a magnet? What material are they made from?

Guys, sit right, move the trays to the edge of the table.

(Story against the background of the demonstration).

And now we will continue experiments with a magnet. I take a magnet, hold a paperclip to it. She pulled herself up. I bring the second to the paperclip, she was also attracted, now - the third. A chain of staples formed. Now I will carefully take the first paperclip with my fingers and remove the magnet. Look closely the chain is not broken. Do this experience yourself. Work quietly, do not interfere with each other to do the experiment. You are now scientists, and they work, carefully and help each other. Well done, you are my real scientists - they skillfully coped with the experience. Why didn't the paperclips fall apart? What happened to them?

Conclusion. Paper clips, being next to a magnet, become magnetized and become magnets.

Look at each other - everyone removed the magnets from the paper clips and put them on the table.

And now we will get up together, we will all come out to me in a circle. We will do our cheerful exercises in order.


Hamster-hamster-hamster, striped barrel,

Homka gets up early, washes his cheeks, rubs his ears,

Homka sweeps the hut

And goes to charge.

1-2-3-4-5 - Homka wants to become strong.

And the guys want to become strong, smart, educated too.

And now let's sit down.

Let's continue our experiments with the magnet. Our friend, experience, will help us in this.

The chain of paper clips does not last long, it breaks up.

Think about why this is so? (The paper clips have magnetic properties little time).

Now take cardboard on the table, put paper clips on it, and bring a magnet from below to the sheet and move it in different directions.

What happens to staples? (The paper clips seem to "dance")
Why do staples move?

Conclusion. The magnet works its magic through the cardboard.

Check out another experiment with a magnet. I bring the bar magnet to the iron filings on
tray, and then round.

Guys, I have iron filings on my tray (comparison of the pattern between two magnets) - than
different drawings of sawdust on the tray? (Shape, size, amount of sawdust)

Conclusion: right, the strength of a round magnet is greater than that of a strip magnet, since it larger size(the strength of a child - an adult).

Guys, pay attention to the color of your magnet. What colors is it dyed? (Blue and
red). Attach the magnets to each other with red ends, blue ends.

What happens to them?

Now attach the red and blue ends. What happened to the magnets?

Conclusion Differently colored ends of the magnet attract, and the same colored ends repel.

  1. Guys, tell me, and we meet with a magnet in a group where we see its magical properties (d.i. "Magnetic Mosaic", "Magnetic ABC", "Fisherman", clip on lockers, attaching pictures to the board).
  2. I want to ask you to look at the houses where the magnet is used and tell me about it.

On this, the laboratory of grandfather Knowing finishes his work. And we need to remember what new and interesting things we learned today about the magnet.

Outcome. Under the influence of a magnet, metal objects are magnetized and become magnets for a short time.

The magical power of the magnet is stronger if the magnet is larger.

Magnets not only attract objects themselves to each other, but the same colored ends repel each other.

Well done, guys-scientists have worked hard today. Our guests, teachers from the school, saw how you worked well and will continue to conduct more serious experiments with you at school with pleasure, and Grandpa Know presents you with a game where our good magnet friend is present. ( Didactic game"3 in one: checkers, chess, backgammon on a magnetic board"). The properties of a magnet are widely used in human life, and we will see this more than once.

Educational tasks: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba magnet and its property to attract objects; find out through which materials the magnet acts; to introduce the use of a magnet by a person.

Development tasks: to develop the desire for knowledge through experimental research activities, to activate the vocabulary of children, the ability to draw conclusions.

Educational tasks: to promote the education of independence, initiative, the development of communicative qualities.

Equipment and materials:

Demonstration - a letter, a tray, a "magic" magnetic stick, a magnet, a ball.

Handout - magnets, metal, plastic, wood, glass, paper items in plates, a glass of water, cardboard cards with a "maze".

Course progress.

Children enter the group under the “Ellie song” (pass along the carpet, become a semicircle)

V. - Hello guys!

D. - Hello, dear guests!

V. - Guys, I know that you like fairy tales. I also love fairy tales, they have magic and mystery. I invite you to play and learn something new. Do you agree? to us from magical land received a letter from Ellie and her friends. Do you want to know what is written in it? (Yes!) Then a magic wand will help us. (The teacher takes the letter magic wand from a tray)

Q. - How did it happen to me? Have you figured out the magic?

V. - I will not immediately reveal my secret, but first I will tell you such a legend. Sit on a mat so you can listen more comfortably.

In the old days they told that there is a huge mountain at the end of the world, near the sea. At the foot of this mountain, a long time ago, people found stones with unprecedented power - to attract certain objects to themselves. Not far from the mountain was the city of Magnesia, where the brave knight Magnitolik lived. Like all knights, he wore armor made of iron, and therefore was not afraid of anything, neither enemy arrows, nor wild animals. Magnitolik boldly walked around wherever he wanted. Only in one place I have never been - near that very mountain. From childhood, his mother told him that not a single knight could pass by her. The mountain attracts them to itself and does not let them go anymore ... But Magnitolik was very brave, and he was curious what kind of witchcraft was hidden in this place, so he argued that he would pass the mountain and return to the city alive and unharmed. But no matter how strong and courageous Magnitolik was, the mountain still pulled him to itself. The radio was not only brave, but also smart. He found a way to get rid of her and freed all the knights.

Q. - Guys, did you guess what this mountain was called?

Q. - What method did Magnitolik find to free himself from this mountain (he took off his armor made of iron).

(Teacher shows a magnet)

"Here is an ordinary magnet in front of you,
He keeps a lot of secrets."

Q. - If the magnet is so strong and attracts objects made of iron, then maybe it should attract other objects as well?

Q. - To test this, let's experiment. I suggest everyone to go to our laboratory.

While you were in our laboratory, I managed to learn from Ellie's letter that trouble had happened to the Tin Woodman. After the battle with the Flying Monkeys, several iron parts were lost on him. How to quickly find them on the battlefield? (with magnet)

Q.- Let's see if the magnet will help us find the details of the Woodcutter?

V. - On your tables, in plates, there are objects made of different materials: iron, wood, plastic, paper and glass. Take a magnet and use it to divide your objects into two groups: in the first group you will have objects that are attracted by a magnet, and in the second group you will have objects that are not attracted by a magnet.

Q. - What are the objects that are attracted by a magnet made of? (From iron)

Q. - What are the objects made of that are not attracted by a magnet? (Wood, plastic, etc.)

Conclusion: the magnet attracts iron objects through the air. This property is called magnetic force.

V. - Guys, the troubles of the Tin Woodman did not end there. (The teacher reads the letter)

“Dear guys, I need your help! The evil Bastinda stole my iron ax and threw it into a deep well filled with water. I don’t know how to get my ax and I ask for your advice, help!”

Q. - Let's do one more experiment and find out if there is a magnetic force in water. There are glasses of water in front of you. Take a paper clip and drop it into this glass. Now you must take the magnet and lower it into the water, bring it to the paperclip. What do we see? (Children speak out)

Conclusion: the magnet retains its properties in water.

V.- Here is a more difficult task for you. How to get a paperclip out of a glass of water without getting your hands or a magnet wet. (children's answers)

Q. - And now we will find out if a magnet can attract objects through an obstacle. To do this, take a magnet, bring it closer to the paper clip through the glass and try to move it to the edge of the glass.

Conclusion: the magnet acts through the glass.

Q.- And now I offer you the game "Magic Labyrinth". You all have cards with different tracks. Let's try to draw an iron object (coin) along these paths with a magnet through cardboard. To do this, put a coin on top of the track, and attach the magnet from below. It is necessary to move the coin with the help of a magnet as accurately as possible, not to go off the intended path.

Q. - What happens to the coin? (moving)

Q. - Why is this happening?

Conclusion: the magnet exerts its magical effect through the cardboard.

V.- Now I invite you to play the game "Attract - will not attract." We carefully leave the laboratory and meet on the carpet.
Playing with the ball “It will attract - it will not attract” (the ball is a magnet, the children are an object that the teacher calls. Children must determine whether they are attracted by the magnet or not, in accordance - they catch or do not catch the ball)

V. - Well done, they played well. And now I would like to ask, do you know in what objects a person uses a magnet? Do you have a magnet at home? Are we in a group?

V.- Magnets are also used in refrigerators, in a compass, even in bullet trains, instead of ordinary wheels and rails, a person came up with the idea of ​​using a magnet. Due to their ability to attract under water, magnets are used in the construction and repair of underwater structures. They make it easy to hold tools.

V. - People make jewelry from a natural magnet: earrings, bracelets, beads. It is believed that it has healing properties, soothes and gives strength.

Summary of the lesson.

Q. - What did we meet today?

Q. - What properties of a magnet do you remember? (It has magnetic power, magnetic power goes through water, air, glass, cardboard)

Q. - And finally, I want to ask, have you figured out the secret of my magic with a wand? (The wand is magnetic, and in the letter there is an iron plate)

V. - Well done, you did a wonderful job.

The exit of children under the "song of Ellie."

Abstract of the lesson on experimentation inmiddle group
using modern educational technology:
research activity.
Educational area "Cognition"

Introduction to the magnet and its properties

Bozvanova Oksana Anatolyevna,
educator of the 1st category GBOU secondary school No. 38,
department preschool education children
Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Amount of children: subgroup.

Target: the development of cognitive activity of children in the process of getting to know the properties of magnets.


Introduction to the concept of a magnet.

Formation of ideas about the properties of a magnet.

Updating knowledge about the use of the properties of a magnet by a person.

Formation of skills to acquire knowledge through practical experiments,

draw conclusions and generalizations.

Education skills of cooperation, mutual assistance.

1 part:Introductory (informational and educational)

Educator: Hello guys!
Today we will go to the world of knowledge, discoveries, experiments and research.
We will learn with you what a Magnet is and get acquainted with its properties.
Guys, does anyone know what a magnet is? What is it made of? (children express their guesses).

Educator: A magnet is made from alloys that are capable of creating a magnetic field, mostly iron or steel.
Any magnet, any size, even the smallest one, has a north and south pole. different poles attract each other and like poles repel each other
Children are invited to consider magnets of different shapes and sizes. (children examine magnets and try to experiment).

Part 2 Practical (experimental)

Educator: And now I invite you to the laboratory.
Who knows what a laboratory is? (children's answers).

Educator: in our laboratory, you can all experiment with the magnet and the various objects that are in front of you.

Educator: And for starters, I'll tell you why the magnet was called that.

By old legend In ancient times, on Mount Ida, a shepherd named Magnis kept sheep. He noticed that his sandals, lined with iron, and a wooden stick with an iron tip were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. The shepherd turned the stick upside down and made sure that the wood was not attracted by the strange stones. He took off his sandals and saw that bare feet were not attracted either. Magnis realized that these strange black stones did not recognize any other material than iron. The shepherd took several of these stones home and amazed his neighbors with this. On behalf of the shepherd, the name "magnet" appeared.

caregiver: Guys, do you like experiments? Yes.

Experience 1
What does a magnet not attract?

Children are offered: wood blocks, pieces of fabric, polyethylene, rubber, paper.

Conclusion: the magnet is not attracted to the body, paper, wood, fabric, polyethylene, plastic, rubber.

Experience 2
What is attracted to a magnet?

Everyone has paper clips, screws, nails, screws, coins on the table.

Conclusion: Paper clips, screws, nails, screws, coins are attracted to the magnet.

Experience 3
Can a magnet act through an obstacle?

Children are offered a glass of water, a paper clip and a magnet. Throw a paperclip into a glass of water. We lean the magnet against the glass at the level of the paper clip. After the paperclip approaches the wall of the glass, slowly move the magnet up the wall. The paperclip follows the movement of the magnet and rises up until it approaches the surface of the water.
(children conduct experiments and draw a conclusion).

Conclusion: The magnet can act through the obstacle.
Experience 4
Can a magnet act through other materials?

For experience are offered: paper, fabric, plastic, polyethylene.

Conclusion: the magnet can act through other materials.

Educator: Guys, let's play a little.
The game is called Magnet and Paperclips.

Purpose of the game:

I will be a magnet (show the children a magnet and how it interacts with paper clips), and you kids will be paper clips.
The command sounds: Magnet, turned on. Children run up from the paper clip to the magnet. The command sounds: Magnet, turned off. Children run away from the magnet, run into different sides and run.
The command sounds: Magnet, turned on, the children again resort to the magnet. (Repeat several times.)

Educator: well, now, we will continue to replenish our knowledge of the magnet.

Experience 5
Can a magnet magnetize other objects?
(children conduct experiments and draw a conclusion).

In order to magnetize an iron object, for example, a paper clip, you need to rub the paper clip about 30 times on a magnet in the same direction.

Conclusion: A magnet can magnetize other objects. Around the magnet there is something with which it can act on objects at a distance. This is something called a "magnetic field".

Experience 6
Is it possible to create a magnetic field artificially?

Hang a paper clip from below with a strong magnet. If you bring another one to it, it turns out that the upper paper clip attracts the lower one.
For the experiment, a magnet and small and large paper clips are proposed. (children conduct an experiment and draw a conclusion).

Conclusion: magnetic field can be created artificially.

Educator: today we went to the world of knowledge and experiments, which means we are researchers. And explorers and travelers have a compass. The compass is a very important thing. And we don’t have a compass, but thanks to our new knowledge, we will be able to make it, and we will do it thanks to a magnet. We'll take a magnet and magnetize a nail, stick it to a round, flat piece of cork, and dip it into a cup of water. When the nail comes to rest, it will point north (there should be no other magnets nearby).

Our earth has magnetic poles that stretch from one pole to the other. As if in the very center of the planet we have a huge magnet moving. The compass needle detects the Earth's magnetic field and therefore always points north with its magnetized tip.

I really hope that you enjoyed learning new things, and now we know what a magnet is and its magical properties. You will be able to use your knowledge in the future.