10 questions about the fairy tale snow maiden brothers grimm. Literary quiz on the topic: "Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Chief editor of the magazine "Liza". Psychologist, author of books. QUIZ: are we subject to manipulation?

We are all trying to protect ourselves from the hidden psychological influences of others, which have received a scientific name - manipulation. From our little test, can you find out how good you are at this?

1. Do you succumb to the persuasion of colleagues and relatives to do what you originally did not intend to do at all?
A. No, if I myself do not want to persuade me, it is impossible.
B. Only if they ask me very, very much and the case will be really worthwhile.
Q. It can be very difficult for me to refuse people.

2. Are you ready to sacrifice your own interests in order to save a good relationship with people?
A. No, you won't be good for everyone.
B. Sometimes, it happens, I make some compromise, but I never completely sacrifice my interests.
Q. The main thing for me is to maintain good relations with people, for this I can make concessions.

3. Have you ever succumbed to the persuasion of the seller to buy an unnecessary product or thing?
A. No, you can't buy me with persuasion.
B. Once was enough for me not to make such mistakes again.
Q. Yes, it happened.

4. What will you do if your boss asks you to do work that is not part of your official duties or just rework, saying that he will not forget this and will definitely raise your salary in the near future and generally benefit you in every possible way?
A. Firstly, I will not believe him, and, secondly, I will send him to job description, the provisions of the Labor Code, or even further away.
B. I will agree only as an exception and will stipulate in advance the compensation due to me.
V. I think, having survived, I will agree, because it is more expensive to argue with the authorities. And suddenly the salary will raise.

5. When participating in a workshop, which do you prefer: to agree with the management's point of view or to defend your own opinion on the issue under discussion?
A. I will defend my point of view until others, including the authorities, prove to me why I should accept their position.
B. After a preliminary discussion, I can accept the leadership's position if it does not fundamentally contradict my own position.
Q. What is the use of persisting, because anyway, the majority of employees will support the point of view of management.

6. Do colleagues often ask you to “help” them and do their own work, referring to being overworked?
A. No.
B. Sometimes (not often).
B. Quite often.

7. What will you do if you are about to leave, and your girlfriend calls you and enthusiastically starts telling her exciting news?
A. Having apologized, I will politely but firmly say that I cannot speak now.
B. I will talk a little for the sake of decency, then I will try to curtail the conversation.
C. I will patiently listen to the outpourings of a friend, secretly hoping that she will soon dry up.

8. What will you do if your “beloved” boss, looking at you with a gentle, almost loving look (due to thick gold-rimmed glasses), says that you are his best employee, and in general the support of the entire enterprise, and asks for something just another week to stay at work (while he will rest in Switzerland) in order to perform an urgent, from his point of view, work that he can entrust only to such a valuable employee?
A. Also gently looking at him, I will refuse, saying that "the support of the entire team" itself needs a good rest.
B. I agree, but I will definitely stipulate the conditions and compensation.
V. I think I agree, flattered by the trust.

Test results: each A - 4 points, B - 2 points, C - 0 points.

From 22 to 32 points - You are an independent and self-reliant person, it is very difficult or even almost impossible to manipulate you, since you quite easily recognize the attempts of a hidden psychological impact and put the aggressor in his place, congratulations.

From 12 to 20 points - You are well adapted to life in modern society, and is quite resistant to various attempts of hidden psychological influence on the part of others, especially unfamiliar people. But if the manipulator is experienced and knows which levers of your soul to press (boss, relatives), then you may not withstand the pressure of such a “charm” and succumb to the “persuasion” of the manipulator, so remember that you are no less valuable than any other person and you have the right to psychological independence.

Up to 10 points - Let's venture to assume that you are a kind and very decent person, so you strive to help people and even experience some difficulties in situations where it would be better to refuse. You should remember that there are people who shamelessly take advantage of our kindness and reliability, which they understand as weakness, in order to satisfy their own completely earthly needs using your work and your kind and responsive heart. Be careful, use your sensitivity to recognize a potential manipulator and learn to refuse him!


I. Which fairy tales are not written by the Brothers Grimm (tick or underline)

  1. Brave Tailor
  2. White and Rose
  3. Nightingale
  4. Mrs. Metelitsa
  5. Knut - musician
  6. Pot of porridge
  7. golden goose
  8. The Bremen Town Musicians
  9. Semi-flower

II. Who said it and to whom?

  1. “Do you see this golden well? It is pure and transparent like crystal; you will have to sit near him and make sure that nothing gets into him, otherwise he will become unclean.
    (Iron Hans - to a boy)
  2. “I am the king's son. An evil dwarf stole my treasures, turned me into a bear, and I had to roam the forest until his death set me free."
    (Bear - White and Rose)
  3. “I will overcome these giants, and even without a hundred horsemen I will manage: whoever kills seven in one fell swoop has nothing to fear from two.”
    (The brave tailor - to the messengers of the king)
  4. “I… keep looking at my white cat. She sits on the roof and looks at me so pitifully, as if saying goodbye.
    (Hansel - father)

III. Whose portrait is this? Who is it?

  1. «… wild man, his body is all red, like rusty iron, and his hair hangs down to his knees.
    (Iron Hans)
  2. "…small beautiful girl- white as snow, and ruddy as blood, and her hair is blacker than ebony.
    (Snow Maiden)
  3. She "had wonderful long hair, thin, as if from golden yarn.
  4. "He was healthy and well built, but he was only the size of a finger."

IV. Who sings like that and in what fairy tale?

  1. “Ku-ka-re-ku! Well, that's it!
    The girl in gold has come!
    (Rooster in the fairy tale "Mrs. Snowstorm").
  2. “The shoe, apparently, is suitable,
    The leg is not very long!
    In the shoe there is a lot of space for the legs, -
    Your bride is coming with you!”
    (Two doves in the fairy tale "Cinderella").
  3. “Crunch and crunch all under the window,
    Who gnaws and gnaws at the house?
    (Witch in the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel").

V. Similar Tales

  1. What is the name of the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm about the princess who, at the age of 15, pricked herself with a spindle and slept for 100 years? What fairy tale by Ch. Perrault does it resemble?
    ("Wild Rose", reminiscent of Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty")
  2. Which Russian folk tale similar to the fairy tale "Mrs. Metelitsa"?
    (to the fairy tale "Morozko").
  3. Which fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm resembles the Russian folk tale "Tiny-Khavroshechka"?
    (The fairy tale "One-eyed, Two-eyed and Three-eyed").

VI. Guess the story with 3 words:

  1. Flatbread, tree, goose
    ("Golden Goose")
  2. Spindle, well, feather bed
    ("Mistress Blizzard")
  3. Donkey, dog, rooster
    ("The Bremen Town Musicians")
  4. Lumberjack, pebbles, witch
    ("Hansel and Gretel")
  5. Frog, golden ball, well
    ("The Frog King, or Iron Henry")

VII. What should be done?

  1. so that the pot cooks delicious sweet porridge?
    - you need to say: "One, two, three, pot, cook!"
  2. to find out where 12 princesses trample on their shoes at night?
    - you need not to drink wine in the evening, which will be brought, pretend that you are fast asleep, and then put on a cloak - invisibility and go after the princesses.
  3. to climb the high tower where Rapunzel languished? - you need to shout: "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up, lower your scarves down" and climb the tower along the braids like a rope.

VI. Questions for reflection