Lecture hall of the Hermitage schedule of lectures October. Lecture hall of the Hermitage: address, reviews

The Hermitage hosts the most interesting lectures on the culture and art of the Ancient World, foreign art of the Middle Ages and the work of Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso and other great creators. It will be possible to learn about Western art, the art of the East, and even about creativity from China. Petersburgers can learn all this for a nominal fee. Peter Online publishes lecture schedule for November 2017:

Lecture hall of the General Staff

November 2 18.30 - Petersburg century of ministries. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Finance

November 5 12:00 - "Angry banners are burning": the first Soviet holidays 1918–1930 - Lecture from the cycle “At the forefront of history. Palace Square"

November 9 18:30 - Life and life of a St. Petersburg official in the building of civil ministries. The era of Nicholas I

November 11 12:00 - From the imperial chambers to museum halls: the fate of the apartments of Nicholas II after 1917

November 12 12:00 - Sergei Ivanovich Schukin. From Impressionism to Matisse and Picasso - Lecture from the series "Famous Collectors"

November 15 19:00 - Collection of Vera Karakhan - Meeting from the series “Around the costume. Famous costume collections in the Hermitage collection»

November 23 18:30 - The building of civil ministries and two revolutions - Lecture from the series "General Staff: Three Centuries of History"

November 25 12:00 - Italian painting of the XIX-XX centuries. Natalya Borisovna Dyomina - Lecture from the cycle "The Hermitage Curators Tell"

November 25 15:30 - The city where he was born. Paris - Lecture from the cycle "Impressionism and the Impressionists"

November 30 19:00 - Art schools of Italy of the 15th century: Ferrara, Bologna, Venice - Lecture from the cycle “II COURSE. Art of Byzantium. Western European art of the XI-XVII centuries"

Lecture hall of the RCC "Old Village"

November 5 17:30 - Women's images of Pushkin's time - evening-concert from the cycle "Sunday evenings-concerts in the Lecture and Concert Hall

November 11 16:00 - Palazzo Medici - the "heart" of Florence - Lecture from the cycle "Secrets of palaces. Part I"

November 16 18:45 - Poussin, Lorrain - Lecture from the series “Masters of the Golden Age of Painting. XVII century"

November 23 18:45 - Ribera, Zurbaran, Murillo - Lecture from the series “Masters of the Golden Age of Painting. XVII century"

29 November 18:30 - Furniture restoration - Meeting from the cycle "Reviving the past... Restoration in the Hermitage"

Hermitage Youth Center

November 9 19:00 - Neo-expressionism and Art Brut - Lecture from the cycle "Lexicon contemporary art. Problems. Directions. Names»

November 14 19:00 - S. Eisenstein's trilogy ("Strike", "Battleship Potemkin", "October") - Lecture from the cycle "Author's course of lectures "Cinema - a new weapon""

November 21, 19:00 - Public Art and Graffiti - Lecture from the cycle "Lexicon of Contemporary Art. Problems. Directions. Names»

November 21 19:00 - New Soviet Film School - Lecture from the cycle "Author's course of lectures" Cinema - a new weapon ""

Menshikov Palace, Great Hall

November 11 15:00 - History ceramic tiles. 5000 years - from Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Assyria to Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch ceramic paintings of the 20th century

November 18 18:00 - Paolo Veronese. "Feast in the House of Levi" - Evening-concert from the cycle "Evenings in the Assembly Hall of the Menshikov Palace. Great works of world art and music

November 25 18:00 - Map and territory. Buildings and institutions of the First Cadet Corps on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg

Hermitage Theater

Cost and contacts:

Subscriptions can be purchased at the box office of the General Staff from September 20 from 16:00. For a full course of lectures, you will need to pay 4950 rubles or 2900 rubles (for privileged categories of citizens). A one-time visit to a class will cost 100-170 rubles.


Headquarters: Palace Square, 6/8 (entrance for visitors from Palace Square)

Lecture hall of the RCC "Staraya Derevnya": Zausadebnaya st., 37

Hermitage Youth Center: Palace Square 6/8

Menshikov Palace: Universitetskaya embankment, 15

The collection of the Marquis Campana was famous among European travelers in Rome as unique in scale and encyclopedic completeness of the collections of vases, bronzes, sculptures and much more presented in it. After the financial collapse of the owner, it was sold to France, Russia, Great Britain. So the Hermitage ended up with masterpieces of ancient ceramics, magnificent Etruscan bronzes, a monumental statue of Jupiter, Venus squatting - about eight hundred antique works in total. Paintings by Italian masters, as well as antiquities, including the famous Sarcophagus of the spouses, came to France. For the first time, almost one hundred and sixty years later, two large parts of the collection of Giovanni Pietro Campana met at the Hermitage exhibition, recalling the famous collector and the very history of collecting in the 19th century. September 29 at 12:00 we invite you to a lecture for the exhibition "Dreams of Italy. Collection of the Marquis Campana". The lecture is read by Irina Valentinovna Buzunova. One-time tickets for the lecture can be purchased at the box office of the General Staff. - 4 days ago

From June 26 to October 13, the exhibition “The Forgotten Russian Patron. Collection of Count Pavel Sergeevich Stroganov. The collection of the count, whose addition dates back to the middle and third quarter of the 19th century, included priceless examples of Russian and European painting, sculpture and applied arts, Chinese ceramics and a unique collection of books. September 17 at 19:00 we invite you to the lecture "Collection of Count P.S. Stroganov: farewell to the "old" art", where you will learn how the idea of ​​the collection appeared, how it was formed together with the house - the masterpiece of Ippolit Monighetti, what things exhibition are the most important, and whether the owner of the treasures himself was an artist. The lecture is delivered by Sergei Olegovich Kuznetsov, researcher of the Stroganov family, Candidate of Art History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, employee of the State Russian Museum, Stroganov Palace. One-time tickets for the lecture can be purchased at the box office of the General Staff. - 13 days ago

The long-awaited calendar plan of the Lecture Hall on new season already online! You can download it from the link in the profile header and choose the lecture series that interest you right now. We remind you that the season ticket sales start on September 12 (Thursday) from 17:30 to 21:00 at all ticket offices of the General Staff. See you soon! - 17 days ago

We would like to remind you that there are large cycles in the Lecture Hall that repeat from season to season. This three-year program we call the University of the History of Foreign Art at the State Hermitage. Three years - three courses of the University. All lectures are given by experts State Hermitage. Lectures of the first course introduce students to the culture and art of the ancient world and the art of the medieval East. The second course is entirely devoted to Western European Art V-XVII century. At the lectures of the Third Course, students will learn about foreign art from the 17th to the 21st century. In addition to the "University" at the General Staff, we also offer an abbreviated version of the same program for one academic year- the cycle "From ancient times to the present day" in the RCC "Staraya Derevnya". - 18 days ago

Was there life before impressionism? Definitely yes! And in December you will be able to verify this. Marina Anatolyevna Frolova, employee of the Scientific and Educational Department, candidate of art history, will talk about the emergence of a new landscape painting in France, the artists of Barbizon and the way to impressionism. Subscription 19-34. BEFORE IMPRESSIONISM. FRENCH LANDSCAPE IN THE FIRST HALF AND MIDDLE OF THE XIX CENTURY. Cost: 900 rubles. - full, 600 rubles. - preferential. - 22 days ago

How does a ziggurat differ from a pyramid, how did the ancient Indian canons of beauty develop, and how did the epic hero Gilgamesh glorify his country - the author's cycle by Natalia Nikolaevna Vorobyova will allow you to answer these questions and help you better understand the art of ancient civilizations. Subscription 19-47. ART OF THE ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS Price: 1450 rub. - full, 950 rubles. - preferential. - 1 month ago

How without new cycles this season? We want to tell you about some of them so that you can think in advance which subscriptions to purchase in the first days of the sale. So, what do you know about… Dutch still life? Did you guess that behind the masterfully depicted beetles and flowers, reflections on morality and the fragility of being are hidden? On the Variety of Interpretations Dutch still life an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department, candidate of art criticism Lyudmila Valerievna Frolova will tell. Subscription 19-30. DUTCH STILL LIFE: VARIETY OF INTERPRETATIONS. Cost: 900 rubles. - full, 600 rubles. - preferential. - 1 month ago

We hasten to please with information about the start of the sale of season tickets for the new season 2019-2020. September 12 (Thursday) from 17:30 to 21:00 at all ticket offices of the General Staff building you can purchase season tickets for all the cycles you are interested in by cash or bank transfer. On September 13, from 10:30 am, subscriptions will go on sale at the box office of the Staraya Derevnya RCC. Also from the 13th it will be possible to purchase one-time tickets for the September lectures. And we remind you that this season we will continue the pre-sale of single tickets from the 25th day of each month to the next lecture. For example, from September 25 we sell tickets for October, from October 25 - for November, etc. For now, that's all the news for today. We will start talking about cycles soon! - 2 months ago

Let's tell you a secret: we have already begun to prepare the program for the new season. Toward the end of July we will tell you about it. In order not to miss our news, subscribe to the newsletter. Write your email in PM or e-mail [email protected] We promise not to spam! - 3 months ago

Notre Dame de Paris is a symbol of Paris and an important monument of medieval culture. On its facades above the southern and northern entrances, there are the largest Gothic roses of France; one of the most important Christian relics, the Crown of Thorns, was kept in it. The fire that occurred on April 15 was a tragedy for the whole world. The flame destroyed the roof, clock and spire, wooden structural elements, but the walls, towers, north rose window, altar and relics survived. The cathedral will be restored. On May 23 at 19:00 in the Lecture Hall of the General Staff will be held a lecture dedicated to Notre Dame Cathedral "The Burnt Heart of Paris" Lecturer: member of the Scientific and Educational Department Lyudmila Evgenievna Torshina. The cost of a single ticket is 300 r, preferential - 200 r. - 4 months ago

You have already been to the exhibition “Gods, People, Heroes. From the collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples and the Archaeological Park of Pompeii? The project is dedicated to the outstanding archaeological discovery of the world-famous ancient Roman cities - Pompeii and Herculaneum, which died in the 1st century as a result of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. We invite you to visit the lecture program for the exhibition: ◾️April 26 at 19:00 “Pompeii. Living history. Lecturer: I.V. Buzunova ◾️May 24 at 19:00 repeat of the lecture “Pompeii. History Revived” ◾️May 31 at 19:00 “City of Invisibles: Buildings and Residents of Ancient Pompeii”. Lecturer: A. M. Butyagin The cost of a ticket for a lecture is 300 rubles, a discount ticket is 200 rubles. - 4 months ago

Jacob Jordaens is one of the outstanding Flemish masters of the 17th century. He is called the "most Flemish" artist, probably because of his great love for the theme of national life and holidays. Until May 26, the Nicholas Hall of the Winter Palace hosts the exhibition Jacob Jordaens. Paintings and drawings from Russian collections. And we invite you to a lecture on the work of the artist. 17 April at 18:30, General Staff Lecture Hall The lecture will be delivered by the exhibition curator, senior researcher at the Department of Western European Art of the State Hermitage Alexey Olegovich Larionov. Tickets are already at the box office. Cost - 300 rubles, preferential -200 rubles. - 5 months ago

In the works of Arnold Böcklin, we see a mysterious world full of fantastic plots and mythical creatures, but at the same time everything is done in a very naturalistic way. This artist is considered one of the outstanding representatives of symbolism. Svetlana Viktorovna Murashkina, an employee of the Department of Western European Fine Arts, will tell about the life and work of the Swiss master. March 15 at 19:00. Lecture hall of the General Staff. - 6 months ago

Keepers tell - our constant rubric. Employees of the State Hermitage introduce the masterpieces that are in the museum's exposition and in its storage. On March 9 at 15:00 there will be a lecture on the Trojan collection of Heinrich Schliemann. Students will learn about the discovery of Troy, what archaeological finds can be seen in the Hermitage and how the collection ended up in our country. The lecture will be read by the curator of the State Hermitage Yuri Yuryevich Piotrovsky. - 6 months ago

Lectures at the Hermitage homaaxel wrote in September 2nd, 2016

The Hermitage Lecture Hall offers its listeners a series of lecture programs dedicated to different areas history and theory of art.

The sale of subscriptions to the lecture programs of the new season will begin in September 2016:

September 15, 2016, 17.30-20.30 - sale of subscriptions for all lecture programs of the 2016-2017 season. in the building of the General Staff;

From September 16, 2016, the sale of subscriptions will be carried out in the building of the General Staff Building and in the building of the Staraya Derevnya RCC during the opening hours of the ticket office of the Lecture Hall.

Lecture programs include:

The author's programs are characterized not only by the variety of topics related to the history and theory of culture and art, but also by the variety of approaches to their interpretation, from strictly academic to brightly individual.

Visiting cycles thematic excursions possible during the season from October to May.

Subscription visit. The sale of individual subscriptions for an adult audience begins on October 1, 2016.

The cycle "Beauty and Usefulness" will tell about the types of applied art - about furniture and tapestries, about porcelain and ceramics, about silver.

Special attention deserves acquaintance with special museum programs - https://www.hermitagemuseum.org/. Among them will be lectures on the art of creating furniture, collections of libraries and historical restoration of museum items.

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1 THE STATE HERMITAGE LECTURE ROOM CALENDAR PLAN for 2016/17 St. Petersburg State Hermitage Publishing House 2016

2 2 Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the State Hermitage LECTURES OF THE STATE HERMITAGE The lecture hall is located in the General Staff Building Address: Palace Square, 6/8 (entrance from Palace Square). Lecture hall in the Restoration and Storage Center "Old Village" Address: Zausadebnaya st., 37A. Information about all changes in the work of the Lecture Hall can be obtained by phone, by e-mail or on the website of the State Hermitage Museum (in the Leisure and Education section of the Lecture Hall section or on the Calendar page). The Museum reserves the right to change the order of lectures in subscriptions, as well as replacement of lecturers and venues for classes We draw the attention of students to the fact that subscriptions and tickets for lectures do not give the right to visit the museum's expositions and exhibitions On the cover: KP Beggrov. View of the General Staff Building from Palace Square. Colorized lithograph Fragment State Hermitage Museum, 2016

3 3 CONTENTS UNIVERSITY OF THE HISTORY OF FOREIGN ART IN THE STATE HERMITAGE 1st year...5 2nd year 3rd year ORIENTAL CLASSES Ancient Egypt India China Buried Kingdoms of China WESTERN EUROPEAN ART "In Venice all the perfection of beauty"...17 Harmony of letters and lines: German early printing book. 18 Metamorphoses. Curiosities of nature and masterpieces of art..19 In the footsteps literary heroes. Fiction and reality 20 Masters of the golden age of painting. XVII century..21 French weavers for Russian emperors..22 Masters of jewelry art..23 History of one order. Service with a green frog 24 "Truly British art". English watercolor of the 18th first half of the 19th century...25 Masters of the first half of XIX centuries..26 The Great Art Revolution. Paris. Beginning of the 20th century...27 From image to expression. From the history of German expressionism.28 Sculpture of the XX-XXI centuries: unchanged in the changed...29 XXI century. Three artists.. 30 CULTURE AND ART OF THE ANCIENT WORLD Greece. An era of great change. V-IV century BC 32 "For the rest of the Caesars": the imperial villas of Italy. 33 Mysteries of the Scythians. 34 CULTURE AND ART OF THE ORIENTAL COUNTRIES “Earthly art heavenly beauty”. Art of the Islamic world..36 Desert castles of Khorezm.37 Secrets of a forgotten empire.38

4 4 HISTORY AND CULTURE OF RUSSIA “Wise people, Rokhmistrs, Arichtykhtans, Aristotle” European builders in Muscovite Russia of the XV-XVI centuries.40 Russians in Europe. Beginning of the 18th century..41 The Imperial Porcelain Factory: history, people, masterpieces...42 "...Every stone breathes with memories..." Memorial undertakings of the era of Catherine II...43 Russia and Napoleonic France. Reflections after the Jubilee.44 Civil Ministries. Events and People...45 The New Hermitage. Architecture and sculpture..46 Chambers of Nicholas II in the Winter Palace..47 Russian avant-garde and fashion...48 HERMITAGE CUSTOMERS TELL FAMOUS HERMITAGE COLLECTORS. FAVORITES.. 52 IN MEMORIAM. Lectures on anniversaries 53 LECTURE ROOM at the RCC "OLD DEREVNYA" From ancient times to the present day 55 Famous sanctuaries Ancient Greece...57 Walks in Rome...58 "The Church is wondrous and glorious." Architecture and monumental painting of the Russian Middle Ages..59 European trellis weaving.60 Museums of London Francisco Goya is an artist of two eras.62 “There is a long row in the high gallery of portraits”...63 Masters of the second half of the 19th century..64 Exhibitions of contemporary art. XX-XXI century

5 5 UNIVERSITY OF THE HISTORY OF FOREIGN ART IN THE STATE HERMITAGE The topics of the lectures introduce the development of foreign art from ancient times to the present day. Classes are designed for three academic years and include 87 lectures. September October November December I COURSE CULTURE AND ART OF THE ANCIENT WORLD ART OF THE MEDIEVAL ORIENTAL Lectures delivered by the staff of the State Hermitage Museum 21 Origin of Art 28 Neolithic and Bronze Age New Kingdom) 19 Culture and art of Ancient Egypt during the Amarna period 26 Culture and art of Ancient Sumer and Akkad 2 Culture and art of Babylon and Assyria 9 Art of the Aegean world III II millennium BC. e. 16 Art of Ancient Greece VIII - early V centuries. BC e. 23 Art of Ancient Greece V IV centuries. BC e. 14 The art of the Hellenistic era 21 The art of ancient Italy VII I centuries. BC e. 28 The Art of Ancient Rome VI century. BC e. 1st century n. e.

6 January 11 Art of Ancient Rome II IV centuries. 18 Culture and art of the Scythians and nomadic tribes 25 Culture and art of the ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region February 1 Celts and Roman Gaul 8 Culture and art of Achaemenid Iran 15 Art of Iran III VII centuries. 22 Art of Central Asia VI VIII centuries. March 1 Culture and art of the ancient Turkic world 15 Culture and art of East Turkestan II X centuries. 22 The art of the Arab world in the 7th 18th centuries. 29 Art of Iran VII XVIII centuries. April 5 Culture and art ancient india 12 Art of India VII XVII centuries. 19 Culture and art of Ancient China 26 Art of China in the 7th 19th centuries. May 3 Art of the countries East Asia. Korea 10 Art of the countries of East Asia. Japan Subscription University of the History of Foreign Art in the State Hermitage. I course Subscription price rub. Subscription fee Rs.

7 7 II COURSE BYZANTIAN ART WESTERN EUROPEAN ART OF THE XI-XVII CENTURIES Lectures are given by the staff of the State Hermitage THURSDAY Beginning at 19:00 2016 September 22 Byzantine art of the 5th–13th centuries. 29 Art of Byzantium IX XV centuries. October 6 Art early medieval 13 Art medieval Europe XI XII centuries. Roman style 20 Art of Medieval Europe XIII XV centuries. Gothic 27 Art of Italy XIII XIV centuries. Proto-Renaissance and International Gothic November 3 Art of Florence in the first half of the 15th century. 10 Art of Florence in the second half of the 15th century. 17 15th century Italian art schools: Umbria, Padua, Mantova 24 15th century Italian art schools: Ferrara, Bologna, Venice December 15 Formation High Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci 22 High Renaissance. Raphael

8 January 12 High Renaissance. Michelangelo 19 High Renaissance in Venice. Giorgione, Titian 26 Art of Venice II half of the XVI in. February 2 Italian art of the 16th century Mannerism 9 The art of the Netherlands in the 15th century. 16 Art of the Netherlands in the 16th century. 23 Art of Spain XV XVI centuries. March 2 German art of the 15th century 9 German art of the 16th century. 16 Art of France XV XVI centuries. 23 Art of Italy late XVI 17th century Caravaggio and Caravaggism 30 Art of Italy in the 17th century. Academicism and Baroque April 6 Art of Italy at the end of the 17th-18th centuries. 13 Art of 18th century Venice. 20 Art of Spain of the 17th century. Velázquez 27 Spanish art of the 17th century. Ribera, Zurbaran, Murillo May 4 Flanders art of the 17th century. Rubens 11 Art of Flanders of the 17th century. Van Dyck, Jordaens, Snyders Subscription to the University of the History of Foreign Art in the State Hermitage. II course Subscription price rub. Subscription fee Rs.

9 9 III COURSE FOREIGN ART OF THE 17th-20th CENTURIES Lectures are given by employees of the State Hermitage TUESDAY Beginning at 19:00 2016 September 27 Dutch art of the 17th century. Portrait. Landscape October 4 Dutch art of the 17th century. household genre. Still life 11 Dutch art of the 17th century. Rembrandt 18 Art of France of the 17th century. 25 Art of France of the 18th century. November 1 Art of England of the 17th century. 8 Art of England XVIII-XIX centuries. 15 The art of Spain in the 18th-early 19th centuries. Goya 22 Art of France in the first half of the 19th century. Classicism December 13 Art of France in the first half of the 19th century. Romanticism 20 Art of Japan XVII-XX centuries. 27 Art of Germany in the 19th century.

10 January February March April 10 Art of France in the mid-nineteenth century. Realism 17 Art of France in the second half of the 19th century. Impressionism 24 Art of France late XIX in. Post-impressionism 31 Art of Western Europe in the second half of the 19th century. Symbolism and Art Nouveau 7 Architecture of the XX century. The search for style. Art Nouveau 14 Art of France in the first half of the 20th century. Matisse and Fauvism 21 Art of France in the first half of the 20th century. Picasso and Cubism 28 German Art in the First Half of the 20th Century. Expressionism 7 Art of Italy in the first half of the 20th century. Futurism and metaphysical painting 14 Art of Western Europe and the USA in the first half of the 20th century. Surrealism 21 Art of Western Europe and the USA of the 20th century. Abstractionism 28 Art of Western Europe and the USA in the second half of the 20th century. "New reality", pop art, hyperrealism 4 Sculpture of the 20th century. 11 Architecture of the XX century. Directions and masters. From constructivism to postmodernism 18 Art at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. Current trends Subscription University of the History of Foreign Art in the State Hermitage. III course Subscription price rub. Subscription fee Rs.

11 11 ORIENTAL CLASSES The season is the third year of the existence of the “Eastern Classes” in the Lecture Hall of the State Hermitage. These are large series of lectures, actually academic semester courses, each of which is dedicated to the art of not just a country, but a bright, special civilization of one of the "Easts" of Ancient Egypt, China and India. All monographic courses of lectures are author's, prepared by specialists from different departments of the Hermitage. That is why the dates of individual lectures can be changed, and in 2017 the cycles can be extended at the request of the audience - as in the past year, by reading additional lectures, and also accompanied by classes at expositions.

12 12 ANCIENT EGYPT Lectures are given by Andrei Olegovich Bolshakov, a member of the Oriental Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences THURSDAY Beginning at 18:30 2016 September 29 Ancient Egypt. Lecture 1 October 6 Ancient Egypt. Lecture 2 13 Ancient Egypt. Lecture 3 20 Ancient Egypt. Lecture 4 27 Ancient Egypt. Lecture 5 November 3 Ancient Egypt. Lecture 6 17 Ancient Egypt. Lecture 7 24 Ancient Egypt. Lecture 8 Subscription Ancient Egypt Subscription price rub. The cost of a preferential subscription is 700 rubles.

13 13 INDIA Lectures are delivered by an employee of the Scientific and Methodological Department "School Center" Natalia Nikolaevna Vorobieva THURSDAY Beginning at 18:30 2017 January 19 India. Lecture 1 26 India. Lecture 2 February 2 India. Lecture 3 9 India. Lecture 4 16 India. Lecture 5 March 2 India. Lecture 6 9 India. Lecture 7 16 India. Lecture 8 Subscription India Subscription price rub. The cost of a preferential subscription is 700 rubles.

14 14 CHINA Lectures are given by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Marina Vadimovna Kozlovskaya TUESDAY Beginning at 18:30 2016 November 8 China. Lecture 1 15 China. Lecture 2 22 China. Lecture 3 December 13 China. Lecture 4 20 China. Lecture 5 27 China. Lecture January 10 China. Lecture 7 17 China. Lecture 8 24 China. Lecture 9 31 China. Lecture 10 February 7 China. Lecture China. Lecture 12 Subscription China Subscription price rub. Subscription fee Rs.

15 15 Special course THE BURYED KINGDOM OF CHINA Lectures are given by a member of the Oriental Department Natalya Alexandrovna Sutyagina TUESDAY Beginning at 18:30 2016 October 4 The Buried Kingdoms of China. Lecture 1 11 Buried Kingdoms of China. Lecture 2 18 Buried Kingdoms of China. Lecture 3 25 Buried Kingdoms of China. Lecture 4 November 1 Buried Kingdoms of China. Lecture 5 Subscription Buried Kingdoms of China Subscription price 700 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 400 rubles.


17 17 “IN VENICE IS ALL THE PERFECTION OF BEAUTY” Lectures are delivered by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Nadezhda Sergeevna Zabolotskaya A cycle of lectures is devoted to the perfection of the beauty of the city and the brilliance of its painting. SUNDAY Start at 12 noon 2017 March 5 Venice “Pearl of the Adriatic” 12 Venice. Formation of the school 19 Venice. Apogee 26 Venice. bright sunset

18 18 HARMONY OF LETTERS AND LINES: A GERMAN EARLY PRINTED BOOK Lectures are given by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Lyudmila Valerievna Frolova The book is a complex artistic ensemble, in the structure of which every detail is fundamental, from the choice of font and illustration style to the binding material. The German masters of the Renaissance, having presented the world with book printing, brought the art of the book to a high artistic level. SUNDAY Beginning at 15:30 2016 October 16 Johannes Gutenberg, his predecessors and successors: in search of beauty 23 German incunabula: experiments on the way to perfection 30 Albrecht Dürer: the book as high art November 6 Masterpieces of the German book of the 16th century Subscription Harmony of Letters and Lines : German early printed book Subscription price 600 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

19 19 METAMORPHOSIS. CURIOSITIES OF NATURE AND MASTERPIECES OF ART Lectures are delivered by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Anna Borisovna Kropina Masterfully playing with the bizarre form, unusual color and texture of natural materials such as tortoise shell and baroque pearls, coconut and ostrich egg, sea shells and mother-of-pearl, narwhal tooth and coral, masters transform natural material, giving it a new unique imagery. SUNDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2017 February 5 "Outlandish patterned armor". Tortoise shell and its application 12 "Gifts of the Sea Element". Sea shells, baroque pearls and mother-of-pearl 19 Curiosities of flora and fauna. Coconut and ostrich egg, narwhal tooth and coral Metamorphosis Subscription. Curiosities of nature and masterpieces of art Subscription price 500 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

20 20 FOLLOWING THE TRAILS OF LITERARY HEROES. FICTION AND REALITY Lectures are read by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Irina Vladlenovna Bykova V English literature Since ancient times, real and legendary historical characters have become heroes of famous works. And, in turn, already a literary creation influenced modern life and was interpreted in art in its own way. How reality and fiction intertwine and interact in the literature and fine arts of England will be discussed in the lectures. SATURDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2017 March 11 In search of Camelot. Britain of the Arthurian epic 18 Road to Canterbury. The Pilgrim's Way of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer 25 At the court of Gloriana. Queen Elizabeth and Elizabethan Poetry Subscription In the Footsteps of Literary Heroes. Fiction and reality Subscription price 500 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

21 21 MASTERS OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF PAINTING. XVII CENTURY Lectures are given by employees of the Scientific and Educational Department FRIDAY Beginning at 19:00 2016 September 30 Caravaggio Lecturer Zoya Vladimirovna Kuptsova October 14 Bernini Lecturer Svetlana Borisovna Esman 21 Latour, Lenen Lecturer Tatiana R. Pasynkova 28 Poussin, Lorrain Lecturer Tatiana R. Pasynkova November 4 Svetlanasquez Lecturer Gennadievna Pavlova 11 Ribera, Zurbaran, Murillo Lecturer Svetlana Gennadievna Pavlova 18 Rubens Lecturer Svetlana Ivanovna Olmezova 25 Van Dyck, Jordans Lecturer Svetlana Ivanovna Olmezova December 16 Hals, Vermeer Delft Lecturer Svetlana Viktorovna Murashkina 23 Rembrandt Lecturer Victoria Yakovlevna Snegovskaya Subscription Masters of the Golden Painting. XVII century Subscription price rub. The cost of a discounted subscription is 900 rubles.

22 22 FRENCH WEAVERS FOR RUSSIAN EMPERORS Lectures are read by an employee of the Department of the History of Western European Applied Art, Candidate of Art History Tatiana Nikolaevna Lekhovich SATURDAY Beginning at 15:30 2016 October 29 “These tapestries of battles in memory of glorious deeds.” Peter I privileged customer of the Gobelin Manufactory November 5 Forgotten history. Velvet decoration of the Petrovsky Hall of the Winter Palace Subscription French weavers for Russian emperors Subscription price 300 rubles. The cost of a discounted subscription is 200 rubles.

23 23 MASTER OF JEWELRY ART Lectures are read by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Victoria Sergeevna Petrova The creations of jewelers of past eras keep the memory of their creators and owners. They are elegant and unique and, like paintings and sculptures, contain secret meaning set by the master. Even a small detail can tell a lot, turning a beautiful trinket into a message. SUNDAY Beginning at 15:30 2017 February March 19 Masters of the 18th century (I. Pozier, G. Eckart, J. Budde, J. Fazi, J. Duval) 26 Russian masters of the second half of the 19th century (I. Khlebnikov, P. Ovchinnikov , P.Sazikov, K.Faberge) 5 Art Nouveau Masters (R.Lalique, J.Fouquet, L.Gaillard, A.Mukha) Subscription Master of Jewelry Art Subscription price 500 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

24 24 HISTORY OF ONE ORDER. SERVICE WITH A GREEN FROG Lectures are given by Irina Vladlenovna Bykova, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department. The pearl of the Hermitage collection is the "Green Frog Service", which was commissioned by Catherine II from the Josiah Wedgwood manufactory for the Chesme Palace in St. Petersburg. Views of old English castles, abbeys, country mansions, urban and rural landscapes, captured on the items of this huge service, allow you to make a real journey through the "good old England" of the 18th century. SATURDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2017 January 14 Josiah Wedgwood and the Etruria Manufactory 21 Catherine the Great and the Green Frog Service Subscription History of one order. Service with a green frog Subscription price 300 rubles. The cost of a discounted subscription is 200 rubles.

25 25 "TRUE BRITISH ART" ENGLISH WATERCOLORS OF THE 18TH FIRST VOLUME OF THE 19TH CENTURY Lectures are given by Alena Alekseevna Artamonova, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Watercolor is a special technique that gives the artist the widest range means of expression in a variety of genres. English masters in the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries turn watercolor painting into a truly national art form, creating beautiful views of their country, topical political satire, and sublime images inspired by poetry. SATURDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2017 April 8 Portrait of the estate. Landscape watercolor of the 18th century 15 Romantic vision. Landscape watercolor of the first half of the 19th century 22 Graceful society. Everyday genre and satirical watercolor 29 " Lost heaven". Watercolors by William Blake and Henry Fuseli Truly British Art Subscription. English watercolor Subscription price 600 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

26 26 MASTERS OF THE FIRST HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY Lectures are given by employees of the Scientific and Educational Department FRIDAY Beginning at 19:00, 2017 January February 13 Blake Lecturer Zhanna Surenovna Bagramova 20 Goya Lecturer Yulia Grigoryevna Lukyanova 27 David, Ingres Lecturer Candidate of Cultural Studies, Natalya Evgenievna Krollau 3 Gericault, Delacroix Lecturer Candidate of Cultural Studies, Natalia Evgenievna Krollau 10 Constable, Turner Lecturer Zhanna Surenovna Bagramova 17 Friedrich, Runge Lecturer Svetlana Viktorovna Murashkina 24 Menzel Lecturer Svetlana Viktorovna Murashkina March 3 Daumier Lecturer Valeria Viktorovna Belyanchikova 10 Rousseau, Millet, Corot Lecturer Valeria Viktorovna Belyanchikova 17 Courbet Lecturer Valeriya Viktorovna Belyanchikov Subscription of the Master of the first half of the 19th century Subscription price rub. The cost of a discounted subscription is 900 rubles.

27 27 THE GREAT ART REVOLUTION. PARIS. BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY Lectures are delivered by Natalya Valentinovna Brodskaya, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department, Candidate of Art History The discoveries of the Impressionists and their followers led to a grandiose explosion in painting at the beginning of the 20th century. Paris, the birthplace of the accomplished revolution, became that center, that volcano, the red-hot lava of which flooded the whole world. SUNDAY Start at 12 noon 2016 October 30 Start of everything. Henri Matisse November 6 An explosion of color. Fauvists 13 The paths diverge. School of Paris 20 Revolt against tradition. Dada 27 Appearance. Pablo Picasso Subscription The Great Art Revolution. Paris Subscription price 700 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 400 rubles.

28 28 FROM IMAGE TO EXPRESSION. FROM THE HISTORY OF GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM Lectures are read by Svetlana Viktorovna Murashkina, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department. Expressionism is the brightest and most characteristic phenomenon of the 20th century German art. This term is used to denote the work of masters, often very different in their artistic pursuits, but united by a certain common experience of the world. The cycle is dedicated to the main associations of artists representing different aspects of expressionism. SATURDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2016 October 22 Most Group 29 Art Association"The Blue Rider" November 5 Artists of the "New Objectivity" Subscription From Image to Expression. German Expressionism Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

29 29 SCULPTURE OF THE XX-XXI CENTURIES: THE UNCHANGED IN THE CHANGED modern world? In the 21st century, classical forms of art are forced to compete with its new forms and phenomena, such as installation, assemblage, and environment. Does sculpture continue to speak its own unique language? SATURDAY Beginning at 15:30 2016 November December 19 Between tradition and protest. Figurative and non-figurative sculpture of the first half of the 20th century 26 Plastic experiments with matter and space. Sculpture of the second half of the 20th century 10 Rivals of sculpture - new forms of contemporary art Subscription Sculpture of the 20th-21st centuries Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

30 30 XXI CENTURY. THREE ARTISTS Lectures are given by the staff of the Scientific and Educational Department SUNDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2017 January 15 Cesar Manrique. Architecture Lecturer Julia G. Lukyanova 22 Roslin Granet. Sculpture Lecturer, Candidate of Art History, Natalia Valentinovna Brodskaya 29 Zao Wookie. Painting Lecturer Marina Vadimovna Kozlovskaya Subscription XXI century. Three Artists Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.


32 32 GREECE. THE AGE OF GREAT CHANGES. V-IV CENTURY BC Lectures are given by Irina Valentinovna Buzunova, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Ancient Greek scientists, politicians, generals, artists were the creators of free Hellas, the creators of her soul. They elevated the concept of beauty to the rank of law. And no matter what cataclysms shook Greece, the fire that burned inside did not die out, being reflected in the creations of the Hellenes. March SUNDAY Beginning at 3.30 pm Athenian democracy flourishes. Harmony of spirit and body 19 Peloponnesian war. The collapse of hopes and the search for new ideals 26 The collapse of the Athenian hegemony. Revival of art April 2 Macedonian conquest. Greece defeated, but not broken 9 Empire of Alexander the Great. The luxury of the East with the soul of Hellas Subscription Greece. The era of great changes Subscription price 700 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 400 rubles.

33 33 “FOR REST FOR THE CAESARS”: THE IMPERIAL VILLAS OF ITALY Lectures are given by Alexander Mikhailovich Butyagin, an employee of the Department of the Ancient World Villas were a traditional center of living and managing in Roman Italy, starting from the period of the Republic. The emperors turned them into real country palaces, decorated with sculptures, frescoes and mosaics, surrounded by grandiose parks and ponds. Some of them were larger than small cities, and in wealth they rivaled the best buildings in Rome. The lectures will look at examples of the development of architecture and interior decoration of villas, from the reign of Octavian Augustus until the fall of the Roman Empire. January February March 28 Villas of Octavian Augustus 4 Villas of Emperor Tiberius SATURDAY Beginning at 12 o'clock Villas of emperors in the vicinity of Rome (Nero, Trajan and others) 25 Villa of Hadrian 4 Villas of late emperors Subscription "For the rest of the Caesars": imperial villas in Italy Subscription price 700 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 400 rubles.

34 34 MYSTERIES OF THE SCYTHIANS Lectures are given by an employee of the Department of Archeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia, Candidate of Art Criticism Elena Fedorovna Korolkova The ancient nomads of Eurasia have preserved their memory in world history as formidable rulers of the steppes, skillful archers, excellent horsemen and creators of the most interesting artistic phenomenon of the animal style. Having no written language, the Scythians left only material traces of their diverse and vibrant culture, based on a worldview with a developed mythological system and complex religious beliefs. The materials of archaeological excavations became the basis of the best collection of Scythian antiquities in the world, stored in the Hermitage. SATURDAY Beginning at 15:30 2016 October 1 Scythians. Legends and reality 8 Lords of the steppes. Horses and riders 15 Ancient nomads of Eurasia. People, idols and gods 22 Scythian gold and animal style Subscription Mysteries of the Scythians Subscription price 600 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.


36 36 "EARTH ART HEAVENLY BEAUTY" ART OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD Lectures are delivered by Natalia Nikolaevna Vorobieva, an employee of the Scientific and Methodological Department "School Center" In a series of lectures, an attempt is made to display a picture of the artistic culture of the Islamic world, to show monuments of the main types of art and characteristic types architectural structures, to identify the features of the language of Muslim art in different regions from India to Spain. November 12 Mosques, madrasahs, mausoleums 19 Word, book, miniature 26 In palaces, tents and gardens of Eden SATURDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2016 Subscription "Earthly Art Heavenly Beauty" Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

37 37 “Great discoveries in the heart of Asia” DESERT CASTLES OF KHOREZM Lectures are given by Pavel Borisovich Lurie, an employee of the Oriental Department Khorezm is a fertile oasis surrounded by deserts in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya. For millennia, it developed its own culture, only partially similar to the civilizations of its neighbors: the Parthians, Bactrians, Sogdians, nomads of the Great Steppe. Large-scale excavations of the Khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition discovered the settlements of the Khorezmians lost in the sands, their irrigation facilities, and necropolises. February SUNDAY Beginning at 15:30 Khorezm and neighbors in the 6th c. BC. - II century. AD 12 Khorezm in the III - VIII centuries. AD Subscription Desert Castles of Khorezm Subscription price 300 rub. The cost of a discounted subscription is 200 rubles.

38 38 “Great discoveries in the heart of Asia” MYSTERIES OF THE FORGOTTEN EMPIRE Lectures are given by the employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Marina Vadimovna Kozlovskaya The series of lectures is dedicated to the unique collection of Buddhist paintings found at the beginning of the 20th century by the famous traveler and explorer of Central Asia Pyotr Kuzmich Kozlov. The paintings of the 11th-13th centuries, which are kept in the Hermitage, and the written monuments, which are being studied by the specialists of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, made in the Chinese and Tibetan tradition, provide an opportunity not only to look into the secrets of the past, but also to look at some events in the history of medieval Central Asia from a new point of view. SATURDAY Beginning at 15:30 2017 April 15 "Dead City" Khara-Khoto. History of discovery, researchers and research 22 Tangut state Xi Xia. Secrets of rise and fall 29 Collection of paintings. Plots, iconography, stylistics, problems of study Subscription for Secrets of the Forgotten Empire Subscription price 500 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.


40 40 “WISE PEOPLE, ROKHMISTRAS, ARICHTYKHTANS, ARISTOTELS” EUROPEAN BUILDERS IN MOSCOW RUSSIA OF THE XV-XVI CENTURIES Lectures are given by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Yulia Yuryevna Denisova In search of craftsmen who could build grandiose temples and palaces corresponding to the significance of the new center of Russian lands , Moscow princes turned to Europe. The first among foreign architects was Aristotle Fioravanti, the creator of the main cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. SATURDAY Beginning at 15:30 2017 April 1 "Aristotle by name". Aristotle Fioravanti 8 Italians and not only them. Masters of the 16th century Subscription European builders in Muscovite Russia Subscription price 300 rubles. The cost of a discounted subscription is 200 rubles.

41 41 RUSSIANS IN EUROPE. THE BEGINNING OF THE 18TH CENTURY Lectures are given by Irina Vitalievna Saverkina, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Irina Vitalievna Saverkina, a staff member of the Menshikov Palace Department. Russia became a great power and played an ever-increasing role in international relations. Peter I himself made two trips abroad. Russian people visited foreign countries on diplomatic missions, with educational and cognitive purposes. Peter's transformations and victories in the Northern War aroused an ever-increasing interest in Russia in Western Europe, and acquaintance with foreign countries enriched Russian culture. SUNDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2017 April 2 Two trips abroad by Peter I 9 The first Russian "tourists" in Western Europe 23 Agents of Peter I and their acquisitions 30 Russian diplomats - "Petrov's Nest Chicks" Subscription Russians in Europe. Early 18th century Subscription price 600 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

42 42 THE IMPERIAL PORCELAIN FACTORY: HISTORY, PEOPLE, MASTERPIECES Lectures delivered by Ekaterina Alekseevna Maslovskaya, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department The history of the Imperial Porcelain Factory, like in a mirror, reflected the history of Imperial Russia, and then the Soviet country. Porcelain was not just a whim and an expensive toy of the Russian tsars, but a "calling card" of the empire in the international arena, a spokesman for political programs and a monument dedicated to the brightest events of the tsarist and Soviet times. SATURDAY Beginning at 15:30 2017 March 18 "The Case of Porcelain". From the middle of the 18th century to 1917 25 Hammer and sickle on porcelain. From 1917 to the present day Subscription Imperial Porcelain Factory Subscription price 300 rubles. The cost of a discounted subscription is 200 rubles.

43 43 “...EVERY STONE BREATHES WITH MEMORY...” MEMORIAL EVENT OF THE AGE OF CATHERINE II Lectures are read by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Darya Alexandrovna Kulikova “At every brilliant feat I put up some kind of monument,” Catherine admitted to Voltaire in 1771. In an effort to perpetuate important events reign and celebrate the merits of her subjects, the empress turned to the ancient forms of triumphal gates, columns and obelisks. In the age of Catherine, “pillars and gates” became not only an adornment of magnificent fireworks and festivities, as under Peter I, but occupied an important place in the decoration of cities and imperial residences. The "mania for the construction" of such structures also embraced Catherine's closest associates. SUNDAY Beginning at 12 noon 2016 December 11 The art of "fiery fun" 18 "Pillars, valances, pyramids" of Northern Babylon 25 "Touching monuments are the best decoration of gardens" Subscription "Each stone breathes memory" Subscription price 500 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

44 44 RUSSIA AND NAPOLEONIC FRANCE. REFLECTIONS AFTER THE JUBILEE Lectures are given by an employee of the Arsenal Department Pavel Viktorovich Suslov The year 2016 has come, and in January exactly 200 years have passed since the moment when Emperor Alexander I announced the end of the war with France with his rescript SATURDAY Beginning at 15 hours 30 minutes 2017 January February March 28 "Former". The fate of the Napoleonic guards under I-th Restoration and Elba Island Detachment (gg.) 4 "He's back!". One hundred days of Napoleon to the question of the causes and analysis of the reaction to the event 11 The Battle of Waterloo the last parade of the Imperial Guard of Napoleon 25 Russia and France in 4 "To spite the winners". French Royal Guard in and in the years. 11 Napoleonic Wars in the work of the French painter Horace Vernet Subscription Russia and Napoleonic France Subscription price 850 rub. The cost of a discounted subscription is 500 rubles.

45 45 CIVIL MINISTRIES. EVENTS AND PEOPLE Lectures delivered by staff of the State Hermitage Lectures are dedicated to the ministerial (eastern) building of the General Staff building, the history and everyday life of the largest departments of the Russian Empire - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, as well as outstanding Russian statesmen of the 19th century. FRIDAY Beginning at 19:00 2017 March 31 From ministries to the museum. East Wing of the General Staff Building Lecturer Alexander Nikolayevich Dydykin April 7 The Great Game and the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lecturer Ilya V. Astrov 14 A.S. Pushkin and two ministries Lecturer Olga Anatolyevna Ignatova Subscription Civil ministries Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

46 46 THE NEW HERMITAGE. ARCHITECTURE AND SCULPTURE Lectures are delivered by Yekaterina Sergeevna Izmailkina, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department The building of the New Hermitage was built in the middle of the 19th century as a court museum. Many masters worked on its construction. For everyone, this was an important milestone, and for someone, the most significant event. creative way. The work on the creation of the project of the Imperial "Museum" and its sculptural design forever linked the names of the Bavarian architect Leo von Klenze and the St. Petersburg sculptor Alexander Ivanovich Terebenev. October SATURDAY Beginning at 12 noon Leo von Klenze court architect of Ludwig I of Bavaria 8 Leo von Klenze and the Imperial Museum in St. Petersburg 15 A.I. Terebenev and the sculptural decoration of the New Hermitage Subscription New Hermitage. Architecture and Sculpture Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

47 47 NICHOLAS II'S ROOMS IN THE WINTER PALACE Lectures are given by Nikolai Sergeevich Onegin, an employee of the Department of the History of Russian Culture “It's nice to spend a day in the cozy rooms of the Winter Palace,” - this is how Nicholas II wrote about his personal apartments in the northwestern risalit of the Winter Palace. Created in the spirit of Victorian interiors in the 1890s, they witnessed the private life of the last monarch, the revolutionary hard times, and then became part of a large museum complex. SATURDAY Beginning at 15:30 2017 January 14 "In the cozy rooms of the Winter Palace". Decoration of the personal rooms of the imperial family 21 From imperial chambers to museum halls: the fate of Nicholas II's apartments after 1917 Subscription The chambers of Nicholas II in the Winter Palace Subscription price 300 rubles. The cost of a discounted subscription is 200 rubles.

48 48 RUSSIAN VANT-GARDE AND FASHION Lectures are delivered by Marina Alekseevna Blyumin, an employee of the Department of the History of Russian Culture Russian avant-garde artists have a special place in the history of world art of the 20th century. Search for new forms artistic creativity led to the emergence and development of such outstanding phenomena as Suprematism and Constructivism. Innovative artists continued their bold experiments with form, color and texture in the field of textiles and fashion. January SUNDAY Beginning at 3.30 pm Kazimir Malevich and Suprematist Ideas in Fashion 22 Lyubov Popova and Varvara Stepanova: Constructivist Experiences in Textile and Fashion 29 Propaganda Textile and Soviet Fashion in the 1990s. Subscription Russian avant-garde and fashion Subscription price 500 rubles. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.


50 50 THE HERMITAGE CUSTOMERS TALK The Hermitage curators introduce the monuments of culture and art kept in the museum funds. These are things that can only occasionally be seen also in temporary exhibitions due to their sensitivity to light, to changes in temperature or humidity. That is why they are stored in special conditions in the museum funds. Museum curators tell about such special monuments. Andrei Olegovich Bolshakov talks about Egyptian antiquities Ludmila Ivanovna Davydova talks about antique sculpture Maria Lvovna Menshikova talks about collections of Chinese art Tatyana Nikolaevna Lekhovich talks about European espaliers Vera Valentinovna Guruleva talks about Byzantine coins Yan Ervinovich Vilensky talks about French porcelain Lydia Igorevna Dobrovolskaya talks about orders of the Russian Empire The dates of the lectures will be announced later

51 51 FAMOUS COLLECTORS The lectures are delivered by employees of the State Hermitage Catherine II. "Gems are small, but they conquer centuries" Gianpietro Campana. The destructive passion of the marquis Sergei Ivanovich Shchukin. From Impressionism to Matisse and Picasso Ivan Abramovich Morozov. "Russian that is not traded" The dates of the lectures will be announced later

52 52 HERMITAGE. SELECTED FRANCE Lectures are given by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department, Candidate of Art History Natalya Valentinovna Brodskaya Claude Monet "The Pond in Montgeron" and "A Corner of the Garden in Montgeron" Edgar Degas "Place de la Concorde" Maurice Denis "Cupid and Psyche" Pablo Picasso "The Date" CHINA Lectures are read by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Marina Vadimovna Kozlovskaya Scrolls from the “Dead City” of Khara-Khoto “Meeting of the righteous man on the way to the Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha” “Appearance of Buddha Amitabha” “Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Moon-Water” “Vaishravana with his retinue” Finds from the cave monasteries of the Silk Road Monk head. Fragment of wall painting. Mogao Ku Head of Buddha. Fragment of a statue. Mogao Ku Lions guarding the throne of the Buddha. Mogao Ku Bodhisattva of Manchuria. Wall painting. Bezeklik Lecture dates to be announced later

53 53 IN MEMORIAM A series of lectures offered by the State Hermitage Lecture Hall celebrates significant dates in the history of European art On the 500th anniversary of the death of Hieronymus Bosch On the 300th anniversary of the birth of Luis Meléndez On the 170th anniversary of the birth of Carl Faberge On the 150th anniversary On the 125th anniversary of the birth of Otto Dix 2017 On the 500th anniversary of the death of Fra Bartolomeo On the 400th anniversary of the birth of Murillo On the 300th anniversary of the death of Johann Joachim Winckelmann On the 215th anniversary of the birth of Andrey Ivanovich Stackenschneider On the 200th anniversary of the death of Giacomo Quarenghi On the 100th anniversary of the death of Edgar Degas 1917. Hermitage between two revolutions The dates of the lectures will be announced later


55 55 FROM ANCIENT TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAYS Lectures delivered by employees of the State Hermitage The topics of the lectures introduce the development of foreign art from ancient times to the present day. Classes are designed for one academic year and include 24 lectures. FRIDAY Start at 18 hours 45 minutes 2016 October 7 Origin of Art 14 Culture and Art of Ancient Egypt 21 Art of Ancient Greece 28 Art of Ancient Rome November 4 Art of Ancient Nomads 11 Art of China 18 Art of Japan 25 Art of the Arab World December 2 Art of Byzantium 9 Art of the European Middle Ages 16 Early Renaissance Art in Italy

56 January 13 High Renaissance art 20 Renaissance art in the Netherlands 27 Renaissance art in Germany February 3 Italian art of the 17th century. 10 The art of Flanders in the 17th century. 17 The art of Holland in the 17th century. 24 Art of Spain XVI XVII centuries. March 3 Art of France XVII-XVIII centuries. 10 Art of England XVIII-XIX centuries. 17 Art of France in the first half of the 19th century. 24 Art of France in the second half of the 19th century. April 7 Art of the first half of the 20th century. 14 Art of the second half of the 20th century. Subscription From ancient times to the present day Subscription price rub. Subscription fee Rs.

57 57 FAMOUS SANCTUARIES OF ANCIENT GREECE Lectures are given by Irina Valentinovna Buzunova, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department hope for continued life. Representing an amazing synthesis of architecture, sculpture, painting, the sanctuaries of the Greeks expressed the main ideas of the ancient era. January February THURSDAY Start at 18:45 Oplot state power (Athens Acropolis, temple of Apollo on Delos) 26 Center for divination of divine will and cleansing from filth (temple of Zeus in Dodona, temple of Apollo in Delphi, temple of Apollo in Didyma) 2 The focus of the pan-Hellenic culture of competitions (Olympia, Nemea, Isthm, Delphi, Athens) 9 Giver of life (Eleusinian sanctuary of Demeter, Heraion on Samos, sanctuary of Artemis Orphia in Sparta) 16 Place of healing of illness (Temple of Asclepius in Epidaurus, Sanctuary of Asclepius on Kos, Temple of Apollo in Bassae) Subscription Famous sanctuaries of Ancient Greece Subscription price 700 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 400 rubles.

58 58 WALKS IN ROME Lectures are delivered by Irina Valerievna Dyubanova, an employee of the Scientific and Methodological Department of the School Center This ancient city invariably attracts attention with its history and many legends associated with its monuments. The lectures of the cycle will let you know how the streets and squares of the Eternal City, its temples and palaces, famous and little-known museums look like. Buildings and monuments harmoniously coexist in Rome different eras and styles, and this is its amazing originality and unique charm. December SATURDAY Beginning at 13:00 From Piazza Navona to Piazza di Spagna 10 Around the Capitoline Hill 17 Along the Tiber Subscription Walks in Rome Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

59 59 "THE CHURCH IS WONDERFUL AND GLORIOUS". ARCHITECTURE AND MONUMENTAL PAINTING OF THE RUSSIAN MIDDLE AGES Lectures are given by Yuliya Yuryevna Denisova, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department. Cathedrals and churches are the most significant monuments of Russian medieval architecture, which developed on the basis of Byzantine architecture. An integral image of a medieval temple was created by a "cathedral" different types art: paintings were placed on the walls in accordance with the symbolic understanding of the parts of the building. Russia kept the Byzantine canons of church dispensation, but nevertheless from century to century they were supplemented with new traditions, the appearance of the Russian church changed from century to century. January WEDNESDAY Beginning at 18 hours 45 minutes 2017 February 18 "Bring the masters from the Greek." The origins of Russian church architecture. Late 10th-11th century 25 "Churches are blooming" by city. The addition of local traditions. XII - the beginning of the XIII century 1 "Filled with all the virtue of the church." The era of prosperity. XIV-XV century 8 “Filled with all the virtues of the Church”. The era of prosperity. XIV-XV century. (Continued) 15 "New and cunning in structure." Churches and cathedrals of the Moscow kingdom. XVI century 22 In search of "rule and rank". The last century of the Middle Ages. XVII century Subscription "The Church is wondrous and glorious" Subscription price 850 rubles. The cost of a discounted subscription is 500 rubles.

60 60 EUROPEAN TAPE WEAVING Lectures are given by an employee of the Department of the History of Western European Applied Art, Candidate of Art History Tatyana Nikolaevna Lekhovich WEDNESDAY Beginning at 18 hours 45 minutes 2017 March 1 Tapestry: technique and history 15 Heyday: the Middle Ages and the Renaissance 22 From heyday to crisis: XVII-XIX century Subscription European tapestry weaving Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

61 61 MUSEUMS OF LONDON Lectures are delivered by Tatyana Robertovna Pasynkova, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Few capitals of Western Europe can compete with London in terms of the artistic significance of its museums. The collection of Egyptian art, the reliefs of Assyrian palaces, the unique complexes of Greek sculpture, the collection of books and manuscripts stored in the British Museum are known to the whole world. The National Gallery and the Tate Gallery have collected famous paintings by major artists Western European schools. The collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, which are distinguished by their extraordinary diversity, in many ways complement both British museum and art galleries. Small museums in London are not inferior to larger collections in saturation with masterpieces of the highest artistic level. March 11 British Museum 18 National Gallery 25 Tate Gallery SATURDAY Beginning at 13:00 2017 April 1 Victoria and Albert Museum 8 Other London Museums Subscription London Museums Subscription price 700 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 400 rubles.

62 62 FRANCISCO GOIA AN ARTIST OF TWO AGES Lectures are given by Yulia Grigoryevna Lukyanova, an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, a mysterious master whose work belongs to two eras at once: the late 18th century and the 19th century with its complication of the artistic worldview. Constant searches in the area pictorial form, metamorphoses of plastic language, a change in the very concept of art, Goya is firmly connected not only with romanticism, his work nourished the 19th century throughout its entire length, growing further into the 20th century. April THURSDAY Beginning at 18:45 Spirit of Rococo and ideas of the Enlightenment. Goya and the 18th century 13 The world of transformations. Graphics Goya 20 At the forefront of a new era. Goya and the 19th century Subscription Francisco Goya artist of two eras Subscription price 500 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 300 rubles.

63 63 “A LONG ROW OF PORTRAITS IN THE HIGH GALLERY” Lectures are given by Natalya Anatolyevna Sidorova, an employee of the State Hermitage, Ph.D. The estate is not only a place to live, but also a special world where, far from the bustle of the city, a person could feel more free, indulge in his favorite leisure, be himself. Through the portraits of the owners of the estates, history is revealed noble families and the emergence of beautiful palaces and parks. March April WEDNESDAY Beginning at 18 hours 45 minutes "Revived portrait" by O.A. Kiprensky. Landowner K.I. Albrecht and the estate Kotly 5 "She has no rivals, no friends." Mistress of the Count Slavyanka, Countess Yu.P. Samoilova Subscription "In the high gallery of portraits a long row" Subscription price 300 rubles. The cost of a discounted subscription is 200 rubles.

64 64 MASTERS OF THE SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY Lectures are given by employees of the Scientific and Educational Department THURSDAY Start at 18 hours 45 minutes 2016 October 27 Edouard Manet Lecturer Yulia Grigoryevna Lukyanova November 3 Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir Lecturer Valeria Viktorovna Belyanchikova 10 Edgar Degas, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Lecturer Valeria Viktorovna Belyanchikova 17 Auguste Rodin Lecturer Svetlana Borisovna Esman 24 Paul Cezanne Lecturer Yulia Grigoryevna Lukyanova December 1 Vincent Van Gogh Lecturer Veronika Borisovna Gubina 8 Paul Gauguin Lecturer Valeria Viktorovna Belyanchikova 15 Gustav Klimt Lecturer Svetlana Borisovna Esman Subscription of the Master of the second half of the 19th century Subscription price rub . The cost of a preferential subscription is 700 rubles.

65 65 EXHIBITIONS OF CONTEMPORARY ART. XX-XXI CENTURY Lectures are read by an employee of the Scientific and Educational Department Elena Alexandrovna Kriventsova THURSDAY Beginning at 18 hours 45 minutes 2017 March 2 Venice Biennale as an "Oscar" of contemporary art 9 "Biennale boom" 16 Contemporary art in museums and beyond 23 Dealership galleries and art fairs 30 The best private collections of contemporary art Subscription Exhibitions of contemporary art Subscription price 700 rub. The cost of a reduced subscription is 400 rubles.

66 66 INFORMATION The cost of a single ticket for a lecture is 170 rubles The cost of a single ticket for the categories of citizens who are granted benefits * rubles * Categories of citizens who are granted benefits for the purchase of subscriptions and tickets for lectures: - pensioners (citizens of Russia); - children of preschool and school age; - students; - large families (citizens of Russia); - invalids of the I group (citizens of Russia). The lecture program is subject to change. Please be sure to follow the information.


School subscriptions for the 2017 2018 academic year Ab. 1. "Fairytale Hermitage" For preschoolers aged 6-7 years Group of 12 children + 3 adults = 5,750 rubles. 1. To the palace for Cinderella 2. On a visit to the Golden Peacock 3. Songs,

School subscriptions for the 2018 2019 academic year Ab. 1. "Fairytale Hermitage" For preschoolers 6-7 years old Group of 12 children + 3 adults 1. To the palace for Cinderella 2. Visit the Golden Peacock 3. Songs frozen

Excursion tickets for the 2018 2019 academic year for groups of preschoolers and schoolchildren with parents (upon request from an educational institution)

ARCHITECT PALLADIO Nadezhda Sergeevna Zabolotskaya Lectures are given on Sundays. Start at 12.00. Subscription price 15-29 (3 lectures) 400 rubles; preferential 250 rubles. January 17 Vicenza City of Palladio

THE STATE HERMITAGE LECTURE ROOM AT THE STARAYA DEREVNYA RESTORATION AND STORAGE CENTER CALENDAR PLAN for 2014/15 St. Petersburg State Hermitage Publishing House 2014 2 Published by decision

THEMATIC PROGRAMS Program 183 FIRST MEETINGS WITH THE MUSEUM 1. The Winter Palace, the residence of Russian tsars 2. Picture gallery of the Hermitage 3. Classical antiquities in the Hermitage 4. Archeology in the Hermitage Gathering of the group

THEMATIC PROGRAMS Program 108, 123, 168 FIRST ENCOUNTERS WITH THE MUSEUM 1. The Winter Palace, the residence of the Russian Tsars 2. The Hermitage Art Gallery 3. Classical antiquities in the Hermitage 4. Archeology in the Hermitage

THE STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM LECTURES AT THE RESTORATION AND STORAGE CENTER "OLD VILLAGE" Calendar plan for 2016/17 Saint Petersburg State Hermitage Publishing House 2016 Published by decision

THEMATIC PROGRAMS Program 162 FIRST ENCOUNTERS WITH THE MUSEUM 1. The Winter Palace - the residence of the Russian Tsars 2. The Hermitage Art Gallery 3. Classical Antiquities in the Hermitage 4. Archeology in the Hermitage Collection

Explanatory note The work program was developed on the basis of the author's program for the global artistic culture GD Danilova: “Programs for educational institutions. MHK 0 class., 205. Subject


MUNICIPAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "CHISTOOZERNAYA SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 3" Agreed by Deputy Director for Water Resource Management (T.V. Kleshnya) Approved by the school director (Sapsay A.A.) Work program

DEMO VERSION OF THE TASK OF THE 1st ROUND OF THE OLYMPIAD IN DESIGN 2012 Grade 11 Time to complete the task 60 minutes Choose one correct answer to the questions presented. 1) The author of the painting "Love

THEMATIC PROGRAMS Program 133, 182, 183 STATE HERMITAGE TREASURY OF WORLD CULTURE AND ART 1. History of the Hermitage, its buildings and collections, architecture and decoration of the halls 2. Art

Municipal Budgetary Society educational institution Bekasovskaya secondary school of the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region WORKING PROGRAM ON WORLD ART CULTURE 10 CLASS

P / n HISTORY OF FINE ARTS Grade 6 Theme of classes Number Type of lesson hours Home. Task Notes 1 2 3 5 1 Art of the Middle Ages Art of Byzantium. VI-VII centuries. - peak period

CONTENTS FOR THE READER...3 Introductory part 1. What is culture?... 5 2. What types of culture is divided into according to its carrier?... 6 3. What types is culture divided into, reflecting social contradictions?...

Calendar-thematic planning on the subject "World Artistic Culture" in grade 10 Date Content (topic) Note I. Culture of the ancient world 1 Ancient civilizations. First artists

MBOU DO "Children's Art School 2 of Applied and Decorative Arts named after V.D. Polenov "Additional pre-professional general education program in the field of fine arts

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program is based on the approximate program of the secondary (full) general education on world artistic culture, the author's program L. G. Emokhonova "World Art

Basic general education World art culture Grade 8 Work program Moscow PLANNED OUTCOMES OF MASTERING THE SUBJECT Students' knowledge of the main types and genres of music, spatial

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Education Center 18 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Yevgeny Fedorovich Volkov"


Landscape [Electronic resource]. M. : DirectMedia Publishing, 2004. ( E-library. T.6). - CD. The presented collection is dedicated to one of the most popular genres in the art of painting - landscape and includes

The work program of individual-group lessons "Preparation for the Art Olympiad" (class) Section I. Explanatory note The purpose of the implementation of the program of individual-group lessons "Preparation for

1 Thematic planning in history in the 10th grade for the 2016/2017 academic year. Lesson topic History of Russia Recent history Note History of Russia from ancient times 40 to the end of the 19th century. Introduction 1 1

The work program of Starodubtseva Olga Ivanovna for the training course "World Artistic Culture" grades 10-11 basic level 2016-2017 academic year 2. Explanatory note The work program for the educational

I. Requirements for the level of training of students. be able to independently and motivatedly organize their own cognitive activity; establish simple real connections and dependencies; evaluate, compare

EXPLANATORY NOTE Status of the document The work program on world artistic culture is based on the federal component of the state standard of general education, Model Program

APPENDIX 1.22 Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Mtsensk "Secondary school 7" WORKING PROGRAM on the subject "Art (MHK)" Grade: 10-11 Level of education:

Municipal educational institution "Ushakovskaya secondary school" APPROVED: Director of the school M.Yu. Askerov Order of 2016 M.P. WORKING PROGRAM IN THE ARTS (MHK) BASIC LEVEL

federal agency by education State educational institution of higher professional education Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology THEORY AND HISTORY OF ARTS


School lecture hall Season 2017 2018 Lectures for children of primary school age (visit with parents) 2 Art around us (Subscription 17-01) Works of art surround us everywhere. This and majestic


MBOU DO "Children's Art School 2 of Applied and Decorative Arts named after V.D. Polenov "Additional pre-professional general education program in the field of arts and crafts

Exhibition-journey "Across the famous museums of the world" Peter Powell Rubens (1577-1640) the greatest Flemish painter of the 17th century, a brilliant representative of the Baroque style in Europe. This edition is a study

School lecture hall Season 2016 2017 Lectures for children of primary school age (visit with parents) 2 Art around us (Subscription 16-01) Works of art surround us everywhere. This and majestic

Sheet 1 of 13 APPROVED Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Technology Vasiliev A.A. November 16, 2015 EVALUATION TOOLS FOR THE DISCIPLINE B3.V.DV.1.2 "History of styles in monumental and decorative painting"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation State budgetary educational institution Dudinskaya evening (shift) general education school of the Andreapolsky district of the Tver region "Agreed"

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program was developed on the basis of State standards, as well as taking into account the programs recommended by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for world art culture G. Danilova and V. Marantsman, L. Predtechenskaya

Annotation of the work program of the discipline B3.B.9 History of arts Direction of preparation 033000.62 "Culturology", "Management in the socio-cultural sphere" 1. The purpose of studying the discipline. Acquaintance of students with foreign

STATE FINAL CERTIFICATION IN WORLD HISTORY for 9th grade students. Ticket 1 1 Life and occupation of primitive people. 2 Reasons and prerequisites for the great geographical discoveries. Christopher Columbus. 3

Municipal budgetary educational institution Vasilchinovskaya secondary school Approved by Director I.A. Korneeva Order of 2017 WORKING PROGRAM on world artistic culture

The municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kerch of the Republic of Crimea "REVIEWED" at a meeting of the Ministry of Education of Humanitarian Education Teachers MBOU Protocol of 2017 Ruk. MO I.B. Marinenko "AGREED"

HISTORY OF FINE ARTS EXPLANATORY NOTE Teaching the history of fine arts in an art school is aimed at the comprehensive harmonious development of the personality of students,

In the textbook of the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor A.N. Dzhurinsky presents the history of the school and pedagogy primitive era and the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, Modern and Modern Times. Benefit

Questions to prepare for the retake in the discipline "History of Art" (the era of the twentieth century)) for the specialty "communicative design" Ticket 1 1. The significance and role of the era for the European artistic and cultural

What are you more interested in - Byzantine frescoes, Italian mannerism or German expressionism? The lecture cycle includes three courses - “Culture and Art of the Ancient World. The Art of the Medieval East”, “The Art of Byzantium. Western European Art of the 11th–17th Centuries” and “Foreign Art of the 17th–20th Centuries”. Classes are conducted by employees of the Hermitage.

Those who are not indifferent to the history, culture and traditions of the East are offered lectures by specialists from various departments of the Hermitage. There are four cycles to choose from, each of which can be considered a full-fledged academic course: "Ancient Egypt", "India", "China" and "The Buried Kingdoms of China".

At the lectures of this cycle, you can learn about the French artistic revolution and British watercolors, the traditions of the German early printed book and the golden age of European painting, jewelry and sculpture of the 20th-21st centuries.

If you are fascinated by a civilization that gave the world the first scientific knowledge, the basics of mathematics, democracy, theater, classical architecture and much more, pay attention to the cycle dedicated to the history and culture of the Ancient World. Among the courses - “Greece. An era of great change. 5th–4th century BC”, ““For the rest of the Caesars”: the imperial villas of Italy” and “Mysteries of the Scythians”.

Enthusiastic orientalists talk about the art of the Islamic world, the features of the Muslim artistic language from India to Spain, the ancient settlements of the Khorezmians lost in the deserts and the mysterious empire of Khara-Khoto.

Within the framework of this cycle, you can learn about the European builders of Moscow Russia, the history of the Imperial Porcelain Factory, the impact of the Napoleonic Wars on Russia, the construction of the New Hermitage, the fate of the personal quarters of Nicholas II and the Russian avant-garde.

The museum also offers other courses - “The Hermitage Curators Tell” about works that are in storerooms and rarely shown to the public, “Famous Collectors” about Russian and foreign art collectors, “The Hermitage. Selected” about individual exhibits, In Memoriam about dates important for the history of art. The Hermitage also hosts lectures on temporary exhibitions.