Abstracts of art using non-traditional drawing techniques. Summaries of classes on iso non-traditional techniques in the younger group

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech of older children up to school age(speech therapy senior group). Theme: "Dishes".


  1. Expansion and activation of the dictionary by lexical topic"Tableware".
  2. The development of connected speech.
  3. The use of prepositions - with, - in.
  4. Formation of singular and plural nouns.
  5. Development of phonemic hearing.
  6. Learn to highlight the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end of the word).

Material for the lesson:

  • subject pictures on the topic "Dishes"; picture "Fedora", pictograms-symbols, unfinished drawings, "sound houses".

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

greeting ritual.

Friendship starts with a smile. Now we will all hold hands together and look into each other's eyes and give, silently, the kindest smile.

2. Activation of the dictionary on the topic "Dishes".

Grandma Fedor came to visit us. What is the story that tells about Fedor and what happened to her? ("Fedorino grief." Chukovsky). Tell about Fedor and name the words:

Fedora had the dishes,
the dishes with her were grief:
Fedora did not love her -
soiled, not (soap),
Lost, not (kept),
left wet, not (dried),
I didn’t put, but (threw) -
the dishes are gone.
You help Fedora to return her,
solve Fedora's tasks.

3. Lexico-grammatical exercises.

Pictograms are placed on the board - symbols, focusing on them, children come up with words.

a) The game "Zhadin". On the tables of children are subject pictures on the topic "Dishes". Name the pictures by adding the words: mine, mine, mine, mine. (My glass, my plate).

b) The game "Call it affectionately."

Formation of the diminutive form of nouns: knife-knife, spoon - spoon, fork - fork, etc. Children change words according to the same pictures that are on their tables.

c) The game "One - many."

Naming objects in the singular and plural, (glass - glasses, spoon - spoons, etc.)

d) The game "Claps".

Dividing words into syllables with claps. Children divide words into syllables according to the same laid out pictures. Each child has four subject pictures on the topic "Dishes". When all the words are divided into syllables, the speech therapist removes the pictures from the tables.

3. Conversation on the topic.

- Oh, it was hard for Fyodor - she forgot everything about the dishes.

A picture is hung on the board - a diagram with the help of which children classify dishes according to their purpose.

What dish are they roasting in? What pot are they cooking in? What utensils do they eat from? What dishes do they drink from? What kind of pot is used to boil water? With the help of what utensils are soup poured, food is mixed during cooking? What do they eat with spoons? What do they eat with forks? What is cut with a knife? Name tea utensils, tableware, kitchenware.

One burner is on. What is her number? Parts of what do you see in the oven? Did Fedor put the dishes in the oven correctly? What is put in the oven? To heat tea, cook soup, where do you put the dishes? On the stove.

4. Psycho-gymnastics.

Imagine that you are an empty kettle, they pour into you a slow stream of cold water. The kettle was put on fire, the water inside you begins to slowly boil, boil (you might even be surprised). And there is no patience! Boiling water, steam coming out of the spout! A whistle is heard. Children accompany the text with actions.

5. The use of the preposition "with".

Making proposals. The tea boiled. You want to drink tea. What will we drink tea with?

Children say in full sentences: I will drink tea with sweets. I will drink tea with sugar. I will drink tea with cookies.

6. The game "Where do the products live?"

Where does sugar live? (in a sugar bowl), salt lives in a (salt shaker), crackers live in a (sugar bowl), oil lives in a (butter dish), pepper lives in a (pepper pot), tea lives in a (kettle). Coffee lives in (coffee pot), herring lives in (herring pot). Sweets live in (candy bowl). Salad lives in (salad bowl).

7. Physical education.

Every day in the morning we do exercises (walking on the spot).
We really like to do it in order: it's fun to walk (walking).
Raise your hands (hands up and down), squat - get up (4 squats).
Jump and jump (jumping in place).

8. The game "What is missing?"

Fyodor did not take care of the dishes, she dropped and broke the dishes, Forgot Fyodor, does not know what parts are missing. Game "What is missing?" (spout at the jug, handles at the mug, handles at the pan).

9. Development of phonemic hearing.

Sound analysis.

What utensils were broken? (Pitcher, mug, saucepan). Name the sound with which these words begin.. "K". Characteristics of sound, (consonant, deaf, solid).

Sound houses game.

The speech therapist calls the words, and the children determine the place of the sound "k" in the word, put a blue circle in the corresponding window of the house. Words: saucepan, kettle, butter dish, candy bowl, glasses, spout, coffee maker, pot, jug, plate.

10. Development of coherent speech.

Children, tell me, what is the mood of Fedora? Happy or sad? Fedora is upset, she is sad. After all, all the dishes ran away from her. Let's give Fedora a teapot. But before giving Fedora a teapot, let's tell you what it is.

The speech therapist posts a mnemonic table on the board. Children, focusing on the table, tell a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a teapot. He had a family - dishes. The teapot was pot-bellied. It had a handle, a lid, and a small spout with one nostril. The kettle was iron and very useful. People loved it and drank tea from it.”

From the cut parts, the children lay out a beautiful colored teapot on the board and give it to Fedora.

11. The result of the lesson.

Farewell ritual, all children join hands.

Smile to each other with the kindest smile and say the magic words: "Good conquers evil." After all, Chukovsky's fairy tale ends with Fyodor becoming kind and caring.

Shabalina Svetlana Vitalievna,
teacher speech therapist,
MBDOU No. 139,

Dear colleagues and parents of preschoolers!

Material on the lexical topic "Dishes" can be useful to educators, speech therapists, speech pathologists and parents for classes with children at home and in kindergarten. Here are selected lexical material, didactic games, finger gymnastics, riddles and tasks for the development of coherent speech to prepare children for school.

All the best! Good luck and mutual understanding with the children!

Makoveeva Galina Nikolaevna



Theme "WARE".

We learn to correctly name the dishes and their parts, tell what it is, what you can do with it.Go on a tour of the Ware Store. Pay attention to the parts of the dishes and the materials from which they are made. Consider tea, tableware and kitchen utensils, know which items of utensils belong to each of these types. Know and be able to name the parts of the dishes (lid, spout, bottom, handle, neck, walls), etc.

1. Subject dictionary (noun, what is it?):

Fork, spoon, knife, plate, saucer, cup, mug, glass, kettle, pan, frying pan, jug, bread box, butter dish, salt shaker, ladle, lid, spout, bottom, handle ...

2. Dictionary of signs (named adj. What? What? What?)
New, old, clean, dirty, holey, white, red, blue, comfortable, beautiful, wooden, iron, glass, plastic, crystal, silver, porcelain, faience, enamel, etc.

3. Verb dictionary (What do they do? What can be done with them?):

Set, clean, wash, wipe, dry, cook, fry, drink, eat, buy, give, cook, etc.

4. Play the games “Divide the words into syllables!”, “One-many”, “Nothing?”, “A lot of things?”, “Name it affectionately!”, “Count to 5!”, “Fourth extra!”, "Say the opposite!" (antonymous words),

“What, what, what?”, “What does he do? What can be done?".

Offer to remember the names of dishes, consisting of one syllable (ladle, knife), two syllables (spoon-ka, fork-ka, cup-ka), three syllables (ta-rel-ka, cast-ryu-la), from four syllables (po-va-resh-ka). Let him try to make a sound analysis of the words: ladle, cup.

Play a ball game "What? Which? Which? What kind?"

You throw the ball to the child and name the dishes,

The child catches the ball, says what it is, and returns the ball to you.

Spoons (what?) - silver.

Plates (what?) - porcelain.

Pan (what?) - enamelled.

Vase (what?) - crystal.

Knife (what?) - metal.

Tray (what?) - plastic.

Jug (what?) - glass.

Dish (what?) - faience.

5. We teach to solve riddles, to think, to feel rhyme.

Cups, spoons, teapot and dish -

Their common name is ... (dishes)

I will always help

To wash our mother ... (dishes)

Granny cooks soup for us in it,

On the table is ... (pan)

Cutlets with a crust always

Roast us... (pan)

Soup and porridge for us a little

It will deliver directly to your mouth ... (spoon)

To be good at work

Sharpened sharply ... (knife)

Very often they fight

Our little ... (saucers)

Open the cold faucet

Collect water ... (into a glass)

Am I alone

I drank all the juice ... (jug)

6. Fix the finger gymnastics "Helpers".

7.Compose descriptive story about dishes with and without support on the scheme.

8. Read the poem by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief" and learn a short passage from it with your child. Watch for correct pronunciation, clarity of diction and expressiveness of speech.

Abstract open class on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing).

Theme: "Golden Scallop Cockerel".

OBJECTIVE: To continue to introduce technology non-traditional drawing(drawing with fingers, palm). Teach children to create the image of a cockerel.


1. Learn to create an image of a cockerel using print techniques different parties palms. 2. Learn to apply patterns using the contrast of size and color; 3. To consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of paints; 4. Develop color perception, imagination; 5. To cultivate independence in creating an elementary image.


1. Learning the Russian nursery rhyme "Cockerel - golden comb."

2. Learning poems about a cockerel.

3. Reading Russian folk tales: "Cockerel and bean seed", "Cat, rooster and fox", "Zayushkina's hut".

4. Reading the stories of K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family", A.N. Tolstoy "Cocks", K. Chukovsky "Chicken".

5. Drawing with fingers and palms: "Amanita", " ladybugs”, “Two geese lived with a grandmother”, “Octopussy”, “Autumn bouquet”, “Rowan branch”, “ autumn tree», « gold fish”, “Cherry compote”, etc.

6. Examination of paintings and illustrations depicting a cockerel.

EQUIPMENT: Cockerel toy; illustrated pictures depicting a cockerel; gouache paints, plates, sheets of paper with a drawn silhouette of a cockerel, wet wipes, a treat for children from a cockerel.

Lesson progress:

Vosp: Guys, you know, it wasn't the alarm clock that woke me up this morning! And someone else!? I will give you a riddle and if you guess it, you will immediately understand who it is. I'm not an alarm clock, but I wake up

I have a beard and spurs

I walk with great importance

And quick-tempered like gunpowder. (cockerel)

Vosp: That's right, well done! Now I will tell you who we will draw today.

There is a knock and the Cockerel (toy) enters.

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku! Hello guys!

I am a ringing cockerel

Scarlet scallop.

Flew to the guys in the garden,

I'll be glad to see

What are the kids doing here?

Create and draw.

Vosp .: Hello Petya-Cockerel. Didn't you wake me up?

Rooster: Me!! Early in the morning in the yard

I wake up at dawn.

Ku-ka-re-ku I scream-

I want to wake everyone up!

Vos.: Oh, guys, look!? This is the same cockerel that we know about from fairy tales, nursery rhymes and poems. Let's sing a song about a cockerel to him together (the children say the nursery rhyme "Golden Scallop Cockerel" in chorus).

And now let's remember in what fairy tales does the cockerel live?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher reads excerpts from fairy tales:

    There lived a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry, and the hen, you know, says to yourself: - Don't hurry, Petya, don't hurry! ("The Cockerel and the Beanstalk").

    The fox carries me through the dark forests. Brother cat save me! ("The cat, the fox, and the rooster").

    The fox shouts from the stove: - As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets. ("Zayushkina's hut").

Vosp .: And also, Petenka, the guys know poems about you, do you want them to read you?

1 child: Sharp beak and scallop

Bright tail with patterns,

Boots with spurs.

Petya likes to get up early

Ku-ka-re-ku shout!

2 children: The cockerel sings loudly

Doesn't let the kids sleep.

He walks importantly around the yard,

He finds grains in the grass.

How good is the cockerel

Better Petit you won't find it!

3 children: Our cockerel is loud

In the morning he screams hello!

On his feet are his boots,

Earrings hang on the ears

Scallop on the head

Here he is a rooster!

Vosp .: Really, guys, look at our cockerel? (children examine the cockerel, paying attention to those parts that will be shown in the picture.)

Cockerel: Are you going to paint a portrait of me? (children's answers)

Stop! I do not understand. I flew here, looked, in my opinion you have something missing here.

Edit: What is missing? We have everything. Take a look yourself. Is there paint?

Cockerel: Yes.

Question: Do you have paper?

Rooster: Yes, there is. And there are no brushes. What will you draw with your hands? Ha ha ha!

Vosp .: You, Petenka, don’t laugh, but we will really draw with our hands, because our pens are not simple, but magical. Really guys? (answers)

But before we draw your portrait, we, Petenka, want to play a game with you, which is called “Petushki”.


Like our roosters

Lots of red scallops

colorful feathers,

Silk beards.

love our roosters

peck peas,

They peck, they peck

And they will go home.

important, walk,

They bring beauty.

Turn right, turn left

And then they turn over.

They love to crow loudly

And it comes out loud.

Coo-ka-re-coo, coo-ka-re-coo

So now I'm going for a walk.

Vosp .: And now let's go to the easel, I'll show you how we will draw.

But first, let's stretch our fingers.


Edit: And now let's start drawing:

    We dip the thumb in red paint and draw a cockerel beard (invite one of the children to try to draw a beard on another sheet) Take a damp cloth and wipe the finger.

    Then we squeeze four fingers of the hand, dip them into red paint and draw a cockerel scallop (with another child, work out this technique on another sheet) Wipe the pen.

    Now we squeeze the fist, lower it into a plate with multi-colored paint and draw a wing (an imprint of the edge of a palm clenched into a fist), (make an imprint with the third child on another sheet). We wipe the handle.

    It remains to draw a tail (work out the handprint with the fourth child). Here is the rooster.

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables, turns on the music, and the children get to work. While drawing, the teacher helps those children who are having difficulty. While the children are drawing, the teacher repeats the drawing technique step by step several times. At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to show the drawings of the cockerel and the guests.

Question: Did you, Petenka, like the drawings of the guys?

Rooster: I really, really liked everything. I'm so glad I flew to you Kindergarten. My chicken handed over a treat for the guys. Where is my basket? Here. (gives the teacher a basket of treats) Thank you very much, guys. Goodbye.

Edit: Our lesson is over. Thanks to all! All.

Synopsis of an open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (non-traditional drawing techniques).

TOPIC: "Cockerel-golden scallop".

Developed by: teacher Limarchenko G.P.

Abstract of the lesson on visual activity using an unconventional drawing method in senior group"Birch in winter dress".

Budilova Galina Evgenievna, educator, GBOU school No. 2097, preschool department, Moscow.

The lesson is intended for older children. preschool age; primary school age; kindergarten teachers; teachers of additional education.

Target: introduce children to a new non-traditional drawing technique - salt painting.

Tasks: continue to acquaint children with non-traditional drawing techniques, develop imaginative thinking, educate an aesthetic attitude towards nature and its depiction in a drawing, develop fine motor skills fingers, perseverance, attention.

Materials: blue and orange paper, a simple pencil, white and black gouache, a paint brush, a jar of water, PVA glue, coarse salt.

Course progress.

Educator: children listen and guess the riddle

Russian beauty
Standing in the meadow
In a green blouse
White sundress.

Children: Birch.

(Show picture of birch)

Birch is a favorite tree of all Russian people. Slender, curly, white-trunked, she was always compared in Russia with tender and beautiful girl, dedicated their the best works our poets and artists. How many songs and poems have been written about white-barreled Russian beauties!

She gets up early in the morning to meet the sun,
Smiling, he looks into the mirror.
And, probably, there is no birch relative in the world,
After all, birch is a particle of my Russia.

Birch got its name from the color of the bark. Previously, the word BER existed in the language, which means "light, white", from which BERZA was first formed, and later - BIRCH.

Russian birch is beautiful at any time of the year. Remember what kind of birch happens in spring?

Children: birch dresses up in yellow-green earrings, green, sticky, tender leaves bloom.

(Showing the picture "Birch in the spring")

Educator: summer has come, and why does birch make us happy?

Children: birches dress up in a beautiful green outfit. On the branches of a birch, birds make their nests and sing their songs.

(Showing the picture "Birch in summer")

Educator: what happens to the birch in autumn?

Children: in autumn, the birch changes green leaves to yellow, becomes “like golden”. Boletus mushrooms grow under the birch.

(Showing the picture "Birch in autumn")

caregiver: what kind of birch in winter?

Children: there are no leaves on the birch, it is covered with snow.

(Showing the picture "Birch in winter")

Educator: listen to how the poet S. Yesenin spoke about the winter birch.
White birch under my window.
Covered with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snowy border
Tassels of white fringe blossomed.
And there is a birch in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily going around,
Sprinkle the branches with new silver.

What is this silver that covered the birch?

Children: the birch was covered with snow or hoarfrost.

Educator: it is winter now, there are no leaves on the trees. Why does the poet call branches fluffy with white fringe?

Children: branches covered with white fluffy snow. The snow covered the branches in an uneven layer, so it seems as if the fringe is descending.
Physical education "Birch"
We planted a birch Imitation of planting a tree.
We poured water on it Imitation of watering a tree from a watering can.
And the birch has grown Pull your hands up.
Lifted the branches to the sun
And then tilted them Hands down, back straight.
And thank you guys. Head bows.

Educator: today we will draw a birch tree in winter dress.
Take a sheet of blue or orange paper, lay it vertically and take a simple pencil.

We draw a line from the bottom up, slightly curved from the bottom.

We draw another line from the bottom up, slightly curved to the other side. The lines should converge at one point at the top.
This is the trunk of our birch.

Now we draw branches. We start drawing from the lower branches, they are the longest. At the end, the branches bend down. The higher the branches, the shorter they become.

We thicken the branches near the trunk.

Below we draw the roots of the tree.

Now we draw small branches. They go down wavy line. We draw on each central branch two smaller branches.

On each small branch we draw two, three branches of a smaller size.

The trunk and large branches are painted with white gouache.

On a white background of the trunk and large branches, we draw spots with black gouache. We draw the roots of the tree in large lines with black gouache.

After the gouache dries, cover the branches of the tree with PVA glue.

When all the branches are covered with PVA glue, sprinkle the whole tree with salt.

We remove excess salt from the picture. The branches are obtained as if covered with "snow".

Now, near the roots of the tree, we apply PVA glue with several strokes.

Sprinkle salt on the glue.

Remove excess salt. We got "drifts".

Here we have such a birch in winter dress.

DUZ "Sun"

town Guards

lesson summary

for fine arts

(games that heal)

not attending kindergarten

"Mysterious trickles"

Prepared by:

Social teacher

Makarova E. V.

summary of the lesson on visual activity

using non-traditional artistic techniques drawing

(games that heal)

in a group of older preschool children,

not attending kindergarten

"Mysterious trickles"

This lesson is designed to be conducted in a small group (4-8 people) of older preschool children who are unfamiliar or unfamiliar with each other and do not attend kindergarten (social and pedagogical patronage).

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques:

Helps relieve children's fears;

Develops self-confidence;

Develops spatial thinking;

Teaches children to freely express their intention;

Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;

Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;

Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;

Develops fine motor skills of hands;

Develops Creative skills, imagination and flight of fancy.

While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

Purpose: to acquaint children with the non-traditional artistic technique of drawing with air - inkblotography.

create a favorable emotional background, a friendly atmosphere for communication and a mood for active joint activities;

to consolidate the skills of communication with peers, the free and open manifestation of emotions and feelings;

develop and improve skills and abilities fine arts, fantasy, color perception, sensory abilities of children;

continue to intensify speech and enrich vocabulary children.

Materials: gouache red and yellow flowers(previously diluted with water to a liquid state), cocktail tubes, disposable spoons, paint sockets (2 pcs per child), a transparent bowl for mixing paint (to the teacher), album sheets, napkins, a ball (balloon); presentation with the "orange fairy tale" + media equipment or cards with riddles (on reverse side clue images); images of a pencil, paints, multi-colored pictures and orange butterflies, ready-made drawings from blots.

Musical arrangement: Children's song "Merry Wind" (minus), "Wind of Change", calm music on independent activity children.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems, teaching children the basics of behavior, learning colors and color schemes, coloring water watercolor paints and mixing colors, performing finger, breathing, physical gymnastics.